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05x08 - Land of Inhuman Demons (Part 1)

Posted: 01/14/24 09:51
by bunniefuu
Understood? Yes. Please be careful, Rambo.

We're going to rendezvous with Rompo.

But you have to give me a ride

over there on the tiger's back, huh?

You are now the hunting dog servant.

So from this day forward, you will

be our favorite mode of transportation.

Dogs. Riding cats. Ha ha ha ha!

My life. I'm a tiger, not a cat.

I just realized something. I really don't

like interacting with these kinds of bad people.

Giddy up, tiger boy. This airport is

a giant amusement park. All right.

I'll give you a ride there. But you

better cooperate with us after this.

Cooperate? I told you, you have to convince

the others not to attack the detective

agency. Because we're innocent. Of course.

I'll instruct my henchmen by radio if the rendezvous goes well.

But t*rture aside, Jonah is still missing. I can't guarantee anything.

Okay, but remember, Rompo did deduce that Jonah would go missing.

Jonah was defeated by the vampires and

taken away. That's what Rampo deduced.

And the enemy announced that it was the detective agency's doing.

Which means it doesn't make any sense

that you would tell me about how Jono has gone missing.

And there's an inconsistency here. If we really

would have done something to make Jono disappear,

you would have att*cked me for it without any questions.

What is that what you're worried about?

The detectives got that one all wrong. I'll tell you how later.

Ah, well. Shucks. Normally I'm the one making people fess up.

You're rather difficult to deal with, aren't you?

Copper with a sugar blossom.

She caught me. She's already being controlled.

I'm real sorry about this.

Age manipulation. Go to sleep now. Tiger child.

I. So tell me more. So tell

me I'm cheating on myself. Ning. And I'll tell you until.

Can't say much else. Can you come to my room? All right.

Ciao, ciao ciao. Can you tell me style? Hair style with stone.

She'll wake you all night, don't you? About my job. Your.

If this. I just need time. Don't. And.

Will lie down. Come with shell about this.

Oh, clever. So let's get it over to Kasey Keller.

She's hanging out with Shabby Chic, and I am. Come to me.

Chemo tablet according to treat matter. Shop

me. Don't call me goodbye. Sugar.

Jono is misunderstood.

Chono is cold, but in fact

he despises tyranny and protects the powerless.

I'll ask again. Where is Chono?

My correct

course of action really ought to be going after that vampire.

But for just five minutes I turn my attention back to Jono.

Answer me. What have you done with him?

Message to the hunting dogs. I've captured one of the detective agents.

Going to t*rture him until he reveals the enemy's plans to me.

Hold off the other members of the agency so they don't interfere.

Understood. The radio was working again. Tortured him.

That's correct. I can sympathize, but your comrade is quite doomed.

I must go help. How can you?

What the. What just happened to me?

I must go help. What's going on? I must go.

I must go now.

You know what, Kunikida?

When I went to work with Kenji today, I saw something weird.

We met up with this tough guy who looked like a criminal.

But he was incredibly nice to Kenji.

I'm not surprised. There's a certain unwritten

law in Yokohama that goes like this. You must never anger Kenji.

They can't be talking about the same guy I know.

Yes they are. It's hard to imagine, isn't it?

Oddly, he's about as far away from

easygoing as you can possibly get.

There was a flood in a village in the Tohoku region.

It caused the worst mudslide in years.

It was so severe that maps needed to be revised later on.

However, the village was practically untouched. The president

went to the village to investigate and found

out the reason why the village was left unharmed,

because something had changed the direction of the incoming mudslide.

It was a boy, a farmer from the village.

Kenji had redirected the mudslide. He had gouged

out the earth as though he were

a god. Throwing a giant boulder.

A giant boulder with his bare hands.

That's right. His childhood friend was buried alive by.

He said he had no memory of what happened after that.

His special ability grants him the powerful forces of Mother Nature.

He merely holds it in with his gentle personality.

But when he feels cornered by unthinkable danger,

anger gets the best of him and it reveals itself.

The fury contained within all of creation. An eruption and a tsunami.

Though it wouldn't do for him to be angry

all the time. So he gets hungry instead.

When Kenji gets really angry. Watch out!

You understand, don't you? Who could stop

an eruption with their bare hands?

I was told to go after the vampire.

Now that I think it over with a calm mind, I failed.

You know, you would have never asked me.. To abandon the.

Just to save him. I misjudged my friend. Justice and the enemy.

And this is the result of my mistakes.

Not worthy of being a hunting dog anymore. k*ll me.

What do you say we find this person together?

Now that I think it over with a calm mind,

I don't really think I have a good

reason to be angry with you at all. Interesting conclusion.

Shall we put this behind us?

But before we do that, I used

up too much strength during our fight. I need to rest a bit.

Yeah. Me too.

I'm tetcho.

You. Kenji.

Kenji. To have learned that name. It's

my greatest accomplishment of the day.

Do you really think this is safe?

It's Chuya Nakahara that we're up against here.

He's the master of gravity and way

more powerful in combat than we are.

Stop worrying. It'll be fine. I've been thinking

of ways to k*ll Chuya every day for the past seven years.

Besides, I have an angel who's coming with me.

An angel? Is this the same angel as before?

An angel whispered so in my ear.

Was that something you were told by an

accomplice of yours on the outside?

You know something? You're pretty sharp for a three year old.

You're right. I've been in contact with

Ongo and quantified the information I want to send him,

and then I simply encode it as a heart rate to transfer it.

A sensor in my body detects it,

and when Ongo receives it, he decodes

it to find out what I said.

You're lying to me. At least that's only half the truth.

There's a flaw to that method, and you know it.

Or you wouldn't have told me. That method

would only allow you to send information.

It's a one way street. What about getting information from the surface?

Good observation. Of course I do have my ways.

It wouldn't do me any good if

Yodo knew how I received information.

I want to take a guess. How.

If you get it, you're superior to Fyodor.

So easy. He's the Atsushi type for sure.

How is Dazai getting information from the outside?

It couldn't be letters or hidden radio.

The prison is thorough with its checks.

Some kind of special ability, then? Telepathy, maybe.

No, that wouldn't work. Dazai's ability would nullify any telepathy.

What could be the answer?

This isn't the time for a quiz.

We don't have any time to waste.

So just tell me. We need to escape

from here before Fyodor does. I'm not escaping.

Huh? Have you gone completely mad? That makes absolutely no sense.

How do we win? If you aren't going to escape?

It's quite simple, my friend. Well, before the end

of the game approaches, we k*ll Fyodor.

Invalid code entered. Critical breach of detention detected. Engaging lockdown sequence. You.

The walls of Mirceau are made of an anti gifted metal.

Not even Chaia himself will be able

to break through those walls in time.

But Julia is powerful, which is why we'll defeat him from here.

This is the central surveillance room. Warning.

Warning. This funding process cannot be interrupted.

The circuitry is already. Once the door's

been closed, it never opens again.

And there's no way to stop the flooding once it starts.

Wait. What are you trying to do?

This place isn't called the world's most

secure prison for nothing. Feeling secure?

No. Do not open that door. You know what it'll lead to.

All the armed guards inside will certainly k*ll us.

But I already opened it up.

You're kidding.

The guards have been knocked out.

Were you the one who did this to them?

No, he couldn't have. We just got

the door open. How did you do this?

I told you how I stopped him in its tracks.

Well, then that's not very good. You stopped time.

That's impossible. Your nullifying ability cannot stop time. Don't mess with me.

Mercy is a trade show for dangerous.

Gifted to show their skills. Gifted from

all around the world are locked up inside here.

And she happens to be an inmate here too.

A gifted criminal. The world's most successful thief.

She was arrested when she stole eight military secrets in South America.

Her special ability is fascinating for just a few seconds.

She can actually stop time itself.

She can affect a radius of several kilometers all around her.

She and Ango came to an arrangement for a plea deal.

In exchange for a shortened sentence, she would

stop time for a few seconds every morning.

He requested it, and only the number

of times Ango instructed her to do so.

What's the point of that? She's restrained, isn't she?

So what use would it be for her to stop time?

With time being stopped, so was consciousness.

That way, no one can even detect

that time had stopped in the first place.

Hang on a sec. You cancel her special ability.

Bingo. I alone can still move while

time is stopped for everyone else.

And while time was stopped, I took

control of the security room without anyone knowing I was there.

Knocking out the guards while they couldn't

move was easier than beating up a bunch of sleeping monkeys.

This man. Well, then, that gives you

the answer to the homework assignment I

gave you, doesn't it? I see.

That's how you're able to get information to and from the outside.

That's right. The duration and frequencies of the pauses

in time is itself an impenetrable type

of code. You understand, don't you?

No one else can receive messages if they

don't also have that same code.

In other words, Fyodor never stood a chance from the beginning.

Darcy took control of the security room

and changed the passcodes, locking Fyodor in.

That's why we were wandering around in the opposite

direction of the floor. Exit was to come here.

Everything happened exactly the way you planned it.

Can you hear me? Over the water. Theodore,

how do you feel about your imminent drowning? You can't k*ll me.

I like that feisty response. But how will you escape?

You can't use your special ability to open that door.

And you use. Gravity affects what he touches.

So it's not great when you're surrounded by powders.

Or in this case, liquid. So you must be planning

to use your ability to escape, right?

They'd love to see that plan in action.

I suspect your ability isn't of the kind

that'll get you out of this situation, though.

That's why I chose this trap to k*ll you. He's going to win.

At this rate, Darci is going to take

out those two superhumans single handedly.

Julia. And looks like this is goodbye.

It's a shame that it had to happen this way.

We've known each other for seven years.

It never did get along, though. Today. But still.

All that history. There must have been

many times when we got along just fine.

Like that time.

Oh. Sorry. Nothing comes to mind. Anyway. Bye bye.

There it is. This carriage has no horse.

It's a truck. A cleaning crews.

Where are we?

It isn't just passengers who go through the airport.

It's a very busy place. There are

hundreds of shops in the terminals.

There has to be a way to get the stuff they sell in and out.

Right? We'll be safe in here. The enemy

won't have eyes on any of the trucks.

And you can escape the lockdown through here.

I'm sure they'll check the driver out,

but there's no way they'll have the time

to sift through all of the cargo.

All we have to do is hide in here and wait.

The cleaning crew will take us outside

once we're away from the airport.

We'll take some time and figure out what to do next, I see.

Very impressive for a human child. Yeah.

I'm a hero of justice. And I'll find a way to save the world.

Wake up. Answer. She. Who is that?

Wake up! There's no time. Wake up!

What's happened to me? Who is that? Atsushi.

Say. Bram. Bram. I bet that sword is hurting you pretty bad.

So, do you want me to help you find a way to take it out?

You truly are a foolish peasant. Hey!

Hold it! I don't like where this name calling is going.

Break this seal and I, demon incarnate,

will be free to rule this world

and bathe it in darkness for all of eternity.

So I'm guessing that's a hard no.

Then what's up with that sword, anyway?

How did it get stuck in there?

It's all because of that guy you told me about, right?

This holy sword used to take on

a human form. Huh? Hundreds of years.

Go, a gifted died and their flesh

was turned into metal by their special

ability that was reforged into a sword,

into this holy sword. Swords. Levni.

Their special ability still carries on even in death.

A rare situation that merges flesh with ability.

Really? Is that even possible? Indeed, they exist on two different planes,

and his ability was a means to connect

them by allowing the special ability to be controlled

as though it's a part of the body.

A super ability transcending the laws of this world.

That is what I am impaled upon.

The sword grows upwards and plants its

roots deep within the synapses of my brain.

And while the roots are doing that,

they only hand allowed to wield the sword

becomes imprinted with a holy seal.

And the seal is now in Fukushima's palm for the rest of time.

He alone can use my powers, since

only he can wield the sword.

I'm sorry, but you know a lot of stuff, don't you?

Of course. My knowledge is great. What

you don't know is this is the second

time I've been impaled by this sword.

And he needs to be punished. The enemy

of God.. Must be punished.

Now he doesn't deserve to be here.

Please. Spare the people. Spare my..

Subjects. I will silence you. Demon!

Oh, Bram. Bram, why does that story

make you so sad when you think about it?

It's nothing. Child. A mere vassal like yourself

needs not know the turmoil within a Lord's soul.

Come again. Vassal. I know you're not talking about me like that.

I am though, since you carry me.

Perhaps you are not so much a vassal

as you are a small horse.

Do you want me to drown you in a bathtub right now?

What is a bathtub? Is that how

the people of this time pay their

respects to their ruling king? Valuable knowledge to have.

Must be wonderful being so oblivious.