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05x04 - Hero w*r, g*ng w*r.

Posted: 01/14/24 09:48
by bunniefuu
So you're choosing actions over words in your last moment.


To Goa. You fool! Get out of here now!

So his plan all along was to give

his ally a chance to escape.

The VIP submarine. He must have cut

that hole in the floor in order

to give the waterboy a way out.

I could still catch it if I start swimming now.

Fukuchi. Fukuchi. Samurai! Fukuchi. It really is you.

Boswell, E.A. Yokohama coastal security. Come in.

Coastal security. Samurai Fukuchi is fighting the enemy

on the ship's deck. Requesting backup.

He's in contact with the land. Excellent job.

Men. Please put out the fire in the engine room.

The fire has been extinguished, sir. We also

immediately reported our situation to headquarters.

I was nearly strangled to death by one

of those t*rrorists while trying to stop

them down on the lower decks.

I won't be satisfied until I personally teach him a lesson.

I see. I'll have to apologize then. I've already struck him down.

Oh, as long as he was erased.

I have wasted time talking to the guard.

The submarine is already beyond the reach of my sword space traversal.

Should I cut into the past and k*ll the guard?

He said he's already reported the situation to headquarters.

They may realize my methods if I do that.

I have no choice. One of the t*rrorists

made a narrow escape on a submarine.

Contact Coastal Security immediately. Tell them to

follow the beacon. Yes, sir. Sir.

Damn Tiger boy! You're lucky those guards

happen to come by when they did.

Not a problem. In six more days,

I'll have no reason to hide anything ever again.

Sorry. I ought to have done more

for you after you spared my life.

I sh**t it. Okay. So tell me I'm cheating on myself,

and I'll tell you. You can't say much else, okay?

Come on, try to sakini tell me.

Style. Hair style with stone. She wake you all night, don't you?

My job all night. Miss, miss.

I just means I don't know. Chow. Chow. Chow.

My down. Come on.

So let's get over to that. She can't.

She's hanging. You go out with Sammy

Sheik and I don't come from.

Kilo. Tabbai.

Tell Shito ryu. Drop me.

Oh three. Can I buy sugar?

I made it..

After I escaped from the submarine and swam to shore.

Pongo was there to take me in.

He explained everything that had happened aboard the ship.

Guy who helped me flee. What would have happened

if he'd gone against his vow not

to k*ll and really k*lled the guard?

I would have also died, never having

a chance to tell the outside who Fukuchi truly is.

Sorry to interrupt you while you're dead,

but I still have more work for you.

Allow me to introduce you to my friend.

The final member of the Decay of Angels.

A calamity upon the world. The undead king Bram.

Greetings, my old enemy. How many years

has it been since my last awakening?

I'm afraid it's only been two weeks. What?

Two weeks. But two weeks is barely

enough time for the stars to travel

the short distance from Capricorn to Aquarius.

Close my coffin. Let me sleep.

Don't you remember what I told you?

I said that the next time you awakened, you would be busy.

Who cares? My slumber is of the most

importance. Curses be upon the insolent.

Are you cursing me? Sorry, but that's not happening.

Immortal count Bram Stoker. Lord of all northern Europe.

A former human whose cells were altered by a gifted.

That special ability rendered you into a vampire.

That was certainly one of the ten

tragedies that ruined the peoples of long ago.

I don't remember being called lord of all northern Europe.

Don't be so pissy. We happen to be on the same side now.

I've prepared a meal for you. A meal? Him.

I refuse. Why? Because on that day,

eight years ago, when I was first

called a pillar of the ten tragedies,

I decided I would no longer transform any of my human kin.

I will not take in his blood.

If you want to obliterate the world, do it yourself.

If you refuse me Bram Stoker, I'll

fry your brain forever using this Holy Cross sword.

Even though I'm not capable of placing

a curse on you. You are yourself a curse.


Have to go. Where have you been?

I'm so confused about what happened. We just.

We just had a funeral for you.

I finally understand now how I feel about you.

I can't let things end before I

tell you everything in my heart.

Please listen to me. I feel like.

Wait, I gotta go. I'm not ready yet. I need more time.

Tachihara. Please fill us in on what has happened.

Okay, but I'm not sure I even

know how to begin to explain it all.

After I had returned to the Port Mafia.

I was called to action, but when

I arrived, I saw Higuchi attacking.

None of it made any sense to me.

Hirotsu was the first to make a move, but.

There was no human he was fighting.

I didn't want to use my ability and blow my cover,

but as I was thinking about that. I heard, old man.

Old man. Are you all right? Dirty. Rotten. Do you have to get

out of here while I'm still sane?

What I saw, there was an indiscriminate act of terrorism.

Using a contagious ability transferred through biting. What do you think, Okura?

Well, I doubt he's lying. Or hallucinating.

There's evidence backing up his story. Port

Mafia's been reporting one mysterious disappearance after another the past few hours.

We're going to need to contain it as quickly as possible.

No, it's already too late. The contagion is spreading way too fast.

The only solution is to eradicate the special ability itself.

In other words, we'll have to k*ll

the gifted from whom it originated from.

But how do we find out who

that is before it spreads everywhere?

The armed detective agency. In. Judging from the timing,

it's a safe assumption that this is the agency's

next act of global terrorism. What's wrong?

hear you say anything sensible about once a month or so.

I was thinking about marking it down on my calendar.

The Armed Detective Agency, huh? This is

going to be a bit complicated.

Ever since that live broadcast. The situation's been a mess.

Apparently, a third of the police in Yokohama

are siding with the detective agency. They're infuriatingly dense.

That also includes some hunting dogs who've sided with them, too.

What are you saying? All I'm doing

is requesting a reassessment of the investigation.

The true culprit is out there. Some evil mastermind.

The contagious special ability has to be a part

of it. Requesting permission to investigate. Hmm.

So he says anyway. What shall we do, captain?

I will not permit a new search for another criminal.

But, captain. If we're going to stop

this contagious ability tachihara, your ability will be critical.

We can't have you leaving now.

I'm greatly honored. You think so highly of my special ability, captain.

Understood. I'll pursue it no further.

However, I have the perfect counter proposal.

I got this at the Sky casino.

Let's give it to the detective agency sympathizer. Vice superintendent Yasui.

Oh, isn't that the. The memory drive

of the agency's statements regarding the truth behind the incident.

I destroyed it in the casino, but I managed

to restore it with my mental manipulation.

Well, captain, do I have your permission?

What do I do now? Luckily, the video never reveals my identity,

but an inspection may clue them in to the true

purpose of the contagion and its origin.

All right. I'll allow it. Yasui and I go way back.

I'll hand it to him personally.

Are you sure about this, captain? The agency

may have planted that memory drive in order

to cause further confusion. It'll be fine.

Jono. The captain told the United Nations

secretary that he was skeptical of the theory

that the detective agency is the culprit.

Oh, so now we have two skeptics.

Ha ha ha ha! How come the captain

paid all that attention to you?

Huh? How dare you talk to him?

I am so damn jealous right now.

I hate you and all the stupid things you say.

Captain, let me help you. I'll call

the vice superintendent and let him know you'll be coming.

Please do.

Damn. Touch your.

All right, Bram, time to work.

You need to quickly have your kin bite Vice Superintendent Yasui.

I request compensation, I'm bored stiff here in my coffin.

And so, upon my success, you will

bring me the fruit of future human ingenuity.

The mechanical orchestra they call the ring.

This will collapse the agency's sympathizers, and the plan will continue unhindered.

So that's what's been going on. I guess I just don't get it.

Here, I'll share our way beyond my understanding.

Tachihara. How'd you find me? The memory

drive I gave you was a location transmitter.

I seem pretty undiscovery, don't I?

Were you suspicious of me from the beginning?

No. I'm embarrassed to say I didn't

have the slightest clue until recently.

The port Mafia boss suspected you after

I started working on the mission to infiltrate them again.

The Port Mafia called me up. Hello?

Hello, Tachihara. You dropped something.

I was ready to die. But I'm

fortunate to have a member of the military police under my command.

The next time I get a traffic ticket,

I'll have to ask you to take it off my record for me.

I heard everything from the detective agency.

I know you told Yosano that you're a hunting dog.

The tiger boy fought the true mastermind

of the decay of angels, and he wound up losing.

Hold on. True mastermind. So there really is someone behind this tachihara.

Acting as a member of the Port Mafia.

I have a mission for you. Become

a double agent and defeat the enemy of the world.

I see this transmitter was one of the Port Mafia's ideas too.

It also serves as an audio recorder.

Military police intelligence have been listening to this conversation.

In other words, it's over for you.

You think so? Why? Why would you do this?

I've taken on so many dangerous missions by your orders.

I pretended to join the Port Mafia

and faked emotions to try and fool them.

Because I thought that your orders would

ultimately let me act like myself again.

And you were an outstanding soldier in my service.

No, I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm

watching for news of your demise in this

country's papers and around the world.

The news of my demise. And how

is this demise going to happen?

The military police intelligence team are secretive and few in number.

I'll order Bram to have everyone in the intelligence

team bitten and made his kin. And my plan will continue to go

on without another hitch. Do you think..

I'll allow that now that I know the truth about you?

You don't stand a chance against me.

Are you sure? I have a new

secret countermeasure against your special ability.

The boss and I came up with it.

Now, Tachihara, I have one more order for you.

Become a double agent. Defeat the enemy of the world.

My orders make me.. Who I am.


And there it is, the Space-Time sword. And then it goes in.

I'll run this blade right through you.

The past you. That will be your demise.

My blade won't move.

You've forgotten something fundamental, captain. That fancy

sword of yours is only a piece of metal,

and that means it belongs to me.

You think you can win this tug of w*r?

I have more strength than him.

I've let him take a minute in.

Your ability to cut your way into the past is all powerful.

You don't have any weaknesses. The only

way to stop you is to steal

your Space-Time sword and a Ghosn before

you can cut into the past in the first place.

Touchy Hara's ability is strong, and it

happens to be my arch nemesis.

But my boss also told me. Whether

you're stripped naked or on death's door.

Under no circumstances. Let your guard down.

He stopped a sword flying..

At the speed of a b*llet with his bare hand. Fight!

That's exactly what I planned.

He went back in time and fractured the blade in advance.

The shard that hit me is.. Traveling up my vein.

This was the boss's plan all along.

I don't care if you're a hero who k*lled a god.

If a piece of metal goes through your

brain or heart, you're going to die.

I have to extract the shard.

I've still got a ton of little shards left.

He's trying to escape my abilities. Range. Give it up.

Yeah. There's no point trying to hold it.

The metal shards are traveling deep into all of your veins.

What's this? Mark? The letter T. Impressive. Tachihara.

Even for a hunting dog, cornering me

on your own is impressive. My congratulations.

I'm not a hunting dog. I'm Michizo Tachihara,

a member of the Port Mafia.

However, I would have been fine as a hunting dog to.

Why would someone like you do this to the world?

Why did you betray us? Uh. What? I'm in. A cousin is still

right next to me. What just happened?

Very impressive. Tachihara. I'd expect no less from my team.

How do you mean that? You want

to know how I defeated you? Very well.

This is part of your training as my subordinate.

When I first sent a Gozen back into the past,

my primary purpose was not to attack your past self.

I sent the tip of the blade

into the past and left a secret message.

Signalling danger to my past self.

Having seen that my past self guessed

at my future situation and as a result, I took action.

I stabbed a magazine into the future.

In other words, I was never running away.

I was guiding you to the message

that I left for myself the entire time..

You sent information to yourself in the past.

You've got to be kidding me. If

you can send information into the past,

you can effectively predict the future.

No one can defeat him. He's literally invincible.

Ha ha ha! Without sight, you'll have trouble manipulating metal. k*ll me!

The Port Mafia don't beg pathetically for their lives,

so I'm begging you to k*ll me instead.

I'm so sick of hearing that. Everyone

seems to think that I k*ll for

the simple pleasure of k*lling alone.

I am a member of the decay of angels.

I'm the bringer of the five signs

of the five angels deaths. Tachihara.

Believe me, you are no angel. Do you

even know who Angel refers to? I have no idea. I had a

bad habit of skipping literature class.

And Angel is one who, without tarnishing their own hands,

without getting dirty in the mud themselves,

they send those under them off into the b*ttlefield

to risk someone else's lives instead of theirs,

enjoying wealth and pleasure without accountability. One

who holds the reins of the people

who's beyond the reach of anything common.

Angel means someone who is a false ruler. Their disregard bears w*r.

They must atone by death and it must be painful.

That is why we wield our heavy blades.

Is that supposed to be a criminal motive or something?

It's a criminal motive for now. And by this time next year,

it'll be the preface to a hero's autobiography.

By the power of the page. Now,

then, I have matters to attend to.

I must control half of every nation's

population before the final phase of the plan

in which I'm going to use the other side of the page.

Half the population. Do you doubt I can do it?

Bram Stoker. How many days will it take?

Until half of each nation's military personnel

are turned into vampires? Four days would suffice.

Four days? That's impossible. It's physically impossible.

There is not a special ability that exists. Which is that contagious?

You're correct. Huh? If there were, the

world would have ended long ago.

Although that's assuming the ability of one gifted, not those of many.

Oh, no. The captain's ability allows him

to increase the ability of his w*apon by times.

I care for my men, Tachihara. I hope

you continue making yourself useful under my command.

You'll be useful as a vampire. f*ck!

Attention, passengers. International flight aboard Al Haram

Air Flight is.. Now boarding all passengers.

Have a nice flight and please watch your step.

Don't sh**t! We're on your side. How

could things have deteriorated to..

The point of an unprecedented armed attack on.. Our headquarters?

The Ministry of Defense is ordering us to disarm immediately.

We absolutely can't. The fall of the command

room beyond this door is tantamount to

the loss of this republic's sovereignty.

Your Highness. No, sir. Please stand back.

Your Highness, I promise I will bring you back to the palace.

I only ask for a little more patience. Oh.

That have become chairperson. We've just

received a dispatch from the..

Republic Ministry of Defence that includes a notice

of withdrawal to the Security Council.

We haven't been able to contact the ambassador

to the United Nations either. This is clearly a crisis.

Just leave it all on my desk. I'll read it later.

But, sir, I need you to deal

with this immediately before it's too late.

One at a time. A new age of terror without borders.

And whose method of attack is indecipherable. The hero's prediction was correct.

What will you be doing on the eve of world destruction?

Will you spend your last moments enjoying

a nice big feast with your closest friends and family?

No. We won't let evil have its way.

Call on the Knight Commander of the order of the clocktower.

Tell him I want to unleash the One Order.

The special ability w*apon upon my authority. She looks down.