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05x02 - The Answer to Everything

Posted: 01/14/24 09:47
by bunniefuu
Look at me with your own eyes,

and the answer should be obvious to you.

If you can see things as they are.

Then you can become an excellent detective.

Excellent, detective. Huh? Let's go now. Hey, Manura.

Took you long enough to find me, huh?

I hate to admit you predicted all this because that seems crazy.

But regardless, I'm here to help you out. And why is that?

I did what you had suggested. I started

to think about it using my soul.

Surrender. You're surrounded. We've got you now,

you wretched little t*rror1st! Face the facts.

It's all over for you. So, Mr. Excellent Detective.

Huh? Turns out you're right again. The police

of this nation are complete idiots. Except me.

And maybe a few more. What are

you doing? Get out of the way!

Our guts are telling us that he's

innocent. Let's protect the detective.


Do you have any idea what you did with that press conference?

You've split the police force into two factions.

Yeah, that's right. I split them into

the correct police and the misguided police.

So you knew that some officers would trust your righteousness and intellect,

and that they would even stand against

their own in order to protect you.

Actually, I really had no way of

knowing if they would believe me.

What? Shit. Didn't see that coming. Turns

out you're quite the idiot too.

I'm chilling. I'm nice. How Neanderthal. You

can't say much else, can you? Come to my.

Ciao ciao ciao.. Ciao. Missed out his style with stone.

Wake you all night. Talk about my job all

night. Miss me. Shine down softly inside.

Don't know. Chow. Chow Chow. Will my dog come on. Here. We're.

Around this.

So let's get this over. She can't. She's. You go out with

Sammy Sheik and I don't count double.

Chemo tab on made a. Panchito. I mean,

leave us your car. We can fly by.

He's all yours. Kunikida.

Oh. Oh, dear. Look how happy Atsushi is. I guess

I can't really blame him much.

He struggled since Nikita's been away.

You can go in for a hug too, if you want, you know.

I think I can hold back.

Nikita. Your hands. It's okay. Relax. I'm

going to take care of everything.

That's the point of having the whole agency back together again.

See, Yosano is here for us when we're injured.

Rampo is here for us when we're captured.

This organization we call the detective Agency

lets us each access more strength than we have on our own.

That's right. And the enemy understood that about us as well.

Which is why they split us up before acting on their plan.

But now we can finally stop them

from moving ahead. Isn't that right?

It is, but unfortunately, it's not over yet.

You two go look for Kenji and Tanizaki.

What are you going to do? What do you think I'm going to do?

I saved the most fun part of the job for myself.

Fukuchi. On behalf of the United Nations, I'm begging you.

Please help us build our counter-terrorism organization.

There's no possible way that we can do it without you, sir.

Why is he just sitting there refusing to speak to us?

Does he think we're offending him? Or maybe

we're being disrespectful with our request?

Ooh. What?

A hangover indeed. Last night,

he had the brilliant idea of opening up two barrels of sake.

After that, he proceeded to go bar hopping.

If not for the tamagozake I prepared for him,

he would have been unable to properly

put together a handful of words, let alone attend this meeting.

To be honest, I think half of my nausea

is because of that tamagozake you gave me.

What kind of eggs did you make

it with? I always use frog eggs.

Holy smokes, that was rough. I was seeing

a galaxy's worth of stars. Oh, please have a seat.

Mr. Fukuchi. What do you think about our proposal?

Have you had a chance to consider it? Establishing a counterterrorism organization.

May I ask you, when do you

suppose a life reaches its conclusive completion?

It's when it becomes unable to adapt to change.

The dinosaurs were wiped out after a meteorite

struck the planet and caused a dramatic climate shift.

The world today is also on the brink

of dramatic change caused by terrorism.

If you're hunting dogs hadn't intervened during the Sky casino incident,

the world may well have ended then and there.

And your point is, we..

Plan to unite all the forces of justice.

They will be unaffiliated with any nation free of political baggage.

A military police force with the entire

planet as its jurisdiction. That's what we propose.

Dreams are always beautiful things, aren't they?

No. This is no dream, sir. We even

have a special w*apon to ensure our success.

A special w*apon. You. You must command this new army of ours.

Let us begin by destroying the Armed Detective Agency t*rror1st group.

I'm not interested. But why? We can

modify the proposal however you see fit.

The detective agency. t*rrorists. Are you still spouting that nonsense?

I wouldn't mind taking the reins on

the project, but on one condition.

I'll have the priorities of the investigation changed.

That concludes my.. Presentation of the supernatural armed Security Force.

We are at w*r. Our w*r against

all of the world's t*rrorists has already begun.

I ask for your votes and your support.

It's a borderless counter-t*rror1st army. Ridiculous. They could

never make it work. It's all just..

Meaningless. Nothing but an excuse to pad the pockets of military industrialists.

We're better off protecting our own nations.

Come in. Please join me, everyone, in welcoming

the commander of the Super National Armed Security Force,

the new organization protecting the world.


Oh, it can't be. It's really..

Him. The real Fukuchi. Such presence.

Magnificent. I'm so moved. You think I'd

be breathing the same air one day

as this great legend of a man?

It's thanks to you that all of us

are alive in the first place.

Thanks to the amazing work of this courageous and legendary samurai.

Those films are heavily dramatized and exaggerated.

The ambassadors in this assembly are all

very well versed in defense secrets. We are all..

Aware that your service is more than

just a series of fairy tales.

The elimination of hundreds of thousands of where?

Creature experiments in the Republic of Kenya.

The prevention of the migrant m*ssacre at the hands

of the Amil regime in Africa,

and the prevention of the spread of

the vampire contagion in Eastern Europe.

If not for you, any one of these catastrophes

could have disrupted world order as we know it.

The entire world would not be able

to repay the debt that is properly owed to you.

Well, if that's the case, may I ask

for three more minutes of your valuable time?

Of course. But first, if you would, please autograph this.

And one for me too. Would you mind..

If I took a selfie with you?

At first, I declined to be involved in establishing a defence force.

I couldn't grasp the idea of an army

designed to protect the entire world from terror.

I was so hung over at that meeting

I couldn't make sense of anything.

He wasn't listening to what I said.

So then why am I standing in front of you here today?

Partly because the medication I got at the pharmacy was unbelievably effective.

And partly because humanity will be doomed without the creation of this.

We are already losing the fight. You

don't appear to have even considered the possibility

that some of your thick wallets are,

in fact, already filled with bombs.

Our existing frameworks can no longer protect

the safety of the world by themselves.

Technological progress in the application of special abilities in crime.

The combination of these forces have brought

about an evil never before seen in history.

Where will you be on the eve of destruction?

At the hands of the decay of angels?

Will you be spending your last moments

enjoying a nice big feast with your closest friends and family? No.

You will resist. People have chosen you

to represent them because of your specific abilities.

Or am.. I wrong? He's right.

He's % right. The terrorism in this

new age calls for a brand new organization.

The chairperson tells me it's named the Supranational Armed Security Force.

But I think that is rather. Lame, huh?

I've already given it another, more appropriate name.

The Army of mankind. A spear against

the evils of this world.. That try to thr*aten us.

I look forward to your vote of yes on the coming resolution.

Hello. I'm that big bad t*rror1st everybody's talking about.

The phone's right there. If you're going to report me.

Security! Don't let anyone in for the next five minutes.

Five minutes? That's right. Are you going

to require more time to convince me?

Of course not. It'll be quick and easy.


It's been a while, hasn't it?

You haven't changed at all, little boy.

You're almost the same as the first time I met you.

If memory serves me well, that was

the ceremony for the detective agency's founding, right?

What a mess that day turned into, huh?

You came in drunk, made a huge mess of the venue,

and then peed all over the brand

new agency banner. Such a performance.

Okay. That's enough. I apologize for that.

After you left, the president told me about you and him.

And I go way back. I trust that man more than anyone else.

He must be feeling a little lonelier

now since I've found my own path.

That's what he said. What could I do?

After the president told me that.

I came here because the president asked me to meet with you.

The decay of angels is intent on

destroying the state in six days.

Before that happens, we need to defeat

their leader Kamui and retrieve the page.

As you're the man who has the entire

world on his side, I need your help.

That's why I'm joining forces with you.

That's the only way we can defeat them.

I see. I thought it was odd that you hadn't shown up yet.

But you were waiting for the speech today, weren't you?

You can think what you'd like. Well, what's your answer?

Is it a yes or a no?

Listen, boy. Oh, that whole excellent detective

thing has gone to your head.

I thought you'd possess the charm and

oratory skills to sway my decision.

At least a little bit in your favor.

Yet here you are, armed with nothing but a simple plea.

You must be very certain I'll believe you.

I'm not certain. Huh? I could completely

deduce your response to what I'm asking, but I won't.

Or perhaps I could psychologically manipulate you into cooperating with me.

But I won't. My entire plan is to trust you.

That's all I've got. Because the president said.

I trust Fukuchi. And nothing else. So

you may be guided by your commitment to justice.

But I'm guided by the president and I trust him completely.

And that is the reason why I trust you to.


Fukuzawa's found some great men for himself.

Well, what's the plan? First we leave the island.

Oh. You were able to convince him, Rompo?

No. Of course. Prepared for the smuggling.

Just as you ask. There's no surveillance in the area.

We're ready to board. Good.

That's Ouchi Fukuchi.

The leader of the hunting dogs synonymous with world justice.

The detective agency's future hinges on whether

he's on our side or not.

We have to be careful not to offend him.

Hey, where are you? Just sitting there, looking sad.

We might get caught if we stand up.

So hurry up and hide with us. No way! They call you a hero.

But from what I can see, you're

nothing but a lame middle aged man.

The guards on the ship are state

police from all over the world.

And if they see a known, wanted criminal like you,

they're going to sh**t you on sight.

And don't ever call me a middle aged man.

You are middle aged. No I'm not. I'm young.

Take it easy on him, Rompo. He

could be a precious ally for us.

Couldn't you be more careful with your words?

It's fine. The boy detective is just

jealous of me. He's got bad manners.

It's been years since the boy met Fukuzawa.

That's not even half the time Fukuzawa

and I have known each other. He's jealous of that fact.

He's upset that he can't surpass me in the president's

eyes. I don't remember saying that.

With a memory like yours. Boy, there's no way you'd forget that.

Don't ever call me a boy again. But you are a boy. I've never

seen this side of Ranpo before.

Who is Kamawi anyway? Some supposed grand mastermind.

Slow it down. This isn't like a m*rder

case where it's over as soon as we know who did it.

We have to remain observant and cautious.

Yeah, but you have that special rompo item on you, right?

Are you trying to get me to show you these? I don't know.

I really could use a nice soda.

Here. This is what you want, right?

Do you always walk around with that?

Yep. I bring it whenever I work with Rompo. Just in case.

Ah. Oh. All right, but just don't tell the president, okay?

Prompto's ultra deduction glasses will finally know who Kamui is.

Special ability ultra deduction. Who is. Commonly

uses Fyodor and Nikolai as his pawns.

It takes a capable and charismatic person to do that.

Given they chose to frame the detective agency,

they must have some sort of connection to us,

or they may be directly involved.

Commonly made extraordinary profits from the series of t*rror1st att*cks.

I have no proof. It makes sense. But what's his motivation?

He must be feeling a little lonelier

now since I've found my own path.

I see. So this is the path you chose to take.

What can I do? He's realized that I've

realized I only have a few seconds.


A smoke flare.

You may be guided by justice,

but I'm guided by the president.

And that is the reason why I trust you to Atsushi.

I messed up, I'm very sorry.

You don't stand a chance.

Grandpa always keeps it with him as an escape route.

And there's one more thing, Kamui. Special

ability increases the power.. Of any w*apon.

So the boy was able to see right through me.

When I was a military infiltrator, they called

me the faced man. Maybe I am getting old.

Rambo saw that you are kamawi. Something like..

That. It's not healthy taking on different personalities.

No one knows that better than me. Although

I only need to keep it up for another six days.

Why? You're synonymous with justice. Weren't you the president's close friend?

Close friend? Yeah, he's my close friend.

But Fukuzawa never had to go to a w*r zone.

That's why our paths diverged. Forever. But never mind all that now.

Where, boy, you do understand. The Coast

Guard will side with me once we dock.

You have two options to fight or to run.

Neither will be easy now that you know who I am.

There's no way I can let you leave this ship with your life.

I can at least do this for you.

I can simplify your circumstances. That's the.

The reality amendment device. The root of all that's happening.

Take it from me and everything will

return to normal. The agency will be saved.

The passengers have caught on. You don't

have much time before security gets here.

What do I do if I win? Everything will be solved.

What if I lose? Rambo and I are going to die.

Run away! You don't stand a chance.

But even if I run, he'll catch me. So.

There's only one thing I can do now. I have to fight.

So I see you put your warriors face on.

This man's done everything he can to ruin

the detective agency. He must pay.

Oh, by the way, how will you fight with that leg of yours?

When did he do that? Why? Are you surprised?

The boy told you what my ability is.

And one more thing Kamui. Special ability

increases the power of any w*apon. He uses a fold.

Get up compared to the ordeals in my

autobiography. That isn't even a scrape.

Oh, the Tigers regenerative ability. I'm impressed.

Me. I wonder if your head would

grow back.. If I cut it off.

I'm scared. I'm not afraid of the enemy.

I'm not afraid of pain.

Afraid of being alone.

I was always alone in the orphanage. But now.

I'm so afraid of loneliness.

The detective

agency members were separated because of the decay of angels.

I thought that I was alone. D'agostini.

I wasn't. Kyoko is with me. And then

.. Francis, Hongo and Lucy.

They all helped.. Me when I needed it.

But now I really am alone. Somebody, anybody, please help me fight.

Guy. You good? What's that noise on the..

Other side of the deck? Why is there smoke?

Let's go. We should call security.

Out, out out, out. They got. Now, my love.

A smoke flare, huh?

I'll let you decide.

I got you. That's. An impossible prophecy.. Has come

true at last. She looks down.