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04x11 - Jailbreak

Posted: 01/14/24 09:45
by bunniefuu
Dear Master Yokomizo. How is it in the afterlife?

Knowing you, I suspect that you're looking

for ways to manipulate divine powers into allowing you an escape.

I bet if you saw me right now,

you'd be very jealous of my current lavish lifestyle.

I'm not exaggerating. The meals are extravagant and exquisite. Mealtime.

Thank you for this meal. Even the Celtic

God rural FSA would envy my bounty of reading material.

You, God, I wish to read books

on occultism. Take me to the library.

You know you're not allowed to leave.

If the rinse cycle does not occur during the washing process.

Please see page eight for more.

I get to read books that I rarely do otherwise.

As a matter of fact, I never

even think about you and that you

no longer exist in this world.

Oh, Yokomizo. Unlike the fool that you are,

I am able to maintain my composure and grace during this crisis.

Oh, trinket, get to my.

We're here to help you.

Oh, we're from the Armed Detective Agency.

Here's what happened. The decay of angels

framed the detective agency while you were trying

to warn us about their trap. The enemy captured you.

We used the eyes of God to find

you so that we can get you out of here.

Kyoka, have you dealt with the guards?

Demon snow knocked them out cold.

Well, Michitaro, it's time we all escaped.

I refuse, huh? You just want me because

of my knowledge of the decay of angels.

Isn't that right? But I have no need

for you or your agency at all.

But still, don't you want to get out of this prison?

I'm quite familiar with being locked up by now.

Besides, there's nothing for me anymore. Not in the outside world, anyway.

Even if I leave, he's still not the manuscript.

Ranpo told me that you wouldn't be able to resist that word,

and it looks like he was right.

It would be enough just to publicize

the true story behind this manuscript.

Is that a threat? You've become a

true criminal organization now, haven't you?

That may be how it looks, but I'll

become anything and do anything as well

in order to save the agency. I see. Then you must be aware

that what you're doing right now will be conceived

as being tantamount to bank robbery.

After all, we're inside a government bank.

Breaking in alone is a serious crime.

Oh, whatever. I will do as you want me to.

You really mean it. Thank you.

The escape route is this way. The manuscript.

That was the last remnant of Yokomizo's

life with which he entrusted me.

How dare they use it against me? Wretched bastards.

I ought to let the guards take them out.

Which means I need to make us as noticeable as possible.

Yo, my stomach is k*lling me. Are you all right?

Not at all. I'm afraid I might be a goner.

Okay, fine. I know of an acupuncture

point that works on stomach pain, and all it takes is a good

jab three centimeters above the hip bone.

I'm all better. It works so well.

You feel better before you get jabbed.

Glad to hear.. It. Oh, you little brat.

I'm not done yet. This way is..

Bad. This whole way is aligned with the Kabbalistic astrology sign.

Taurus. Do not tread this evil path, you foolish normies.

I know an acupuncture point that works

in Kabbalah. The alignment's all better now.

Such a powerful acupuncture point. Glad to hear.. It. Uh.

Yes. This is Group C. Yes, yes. Understood. On our way.

What's going on? The guards are leaving.

What? Please. No! Detective manager. Sir. There

is a wanted man hiding somewhere within this building.

Please cease operations immediately and grant us blanketed access security authority.

Sir, the bank has been surrounded. Good work.

We've assessed the target's special abilities.

Now hunt them.. Down. What's the problem?

The Special Operations Division surrounded us. It's him.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit. What is he doing here?

Who is that guy? Hongo Sakaguchi.

If that man manages to catch us, we're all doomed for sure.

Are you aware of an organization called the Seventh Agency?

They specialize in cleaning up crime and engaging in cover ups.

I've heard of it. When Fyodor was

able to rescue you from your confinement,

and he demanded cooperation during the cannibalism in return.

Ango Sakaguchi is the leader of that crime organization.

That's impossible. Ango Sakaguchi works for the government.

Do you still not understand? The government

is the one who created the crime organization.

The seventh agency is the government's shadow.

There were documents on political crime cover ups using illegal tactics,

removing any damaging rumours, and it was

my job to delete the evidence on all of these things.

There's no doubt if captured, I will be held

in captivity until the day that I die.

And you too will be erased forever.

If that's true, then this trap will be brutal.

The Special Operations Division team focuses on dealing with gifted,

and even the Port Mafia fears them.

If found, they'll bombard us with poison

gas and expl*sives. And that'll be it.

So then we just need to avoid being found.

Huh? You don't really know who I am, do you?

Walk with pride in your step.

Something wrong? No. Nothing impressed. If we walk

with stolen goods and use my special

ability to erase evidence of crime,

we magically vanish from any kind of surveillance video that's recording us.

That's cool. No wonder Rob struggled against this ability.

To hide.

The targets we're looking for are in this area.

There are gifted who can dismantle walls

and ceilings. Secure the perimeter with caution.

That's Ango Sakaguchi. But how? My ability is perfect at hiding us.

Huh? This is not good. The hallway

ahead is a dead end filled with vaults. There's nowhere to run.

Wait. What if we hide in one of the vaults?

Too dangerous. We'd be trapped like rats.

If they find us, we're doomed.

It's like you're trapped in a room,

one without an exit, just like a locked room.

It would make for an entertaining mystery

if the criminal somehow vanished from here.

What do you think, Michitaro? Don't you agree?

You to.

Come with me.

Targets acquired. They're escaping into a vault.

Neutralize the enemy. Gifted combat squad. Advance.

expl*sives plant breach. Charges set. Detonate.


Command. There's no one here. The targets

have vanished. What do you mean?

There's no sign they've dug through the walls or ground.

How can this be? There isn't even a sign.

They've used special abilities. They vanished without a trace.

Hahahahaha! See that? Special operations. Are you okay? That was..

Nothing. Just a classic vanishing act that I perfected years ago.

What they saw was the moment Demon Snow closed the vault door.

We were, in fact, hiding in an open vault closer to the exit.

And in the moment of the attack,

Kyoka released Demon Snow, and we escaped..

Its psychological trickery, taking advantage of the expectation

that only a bunch of fools would

actually hide in an open vault.

The smarter you are, the more likely you are to fall for it.

That was amazing. How'd you come up with

that under so much pressure? Oh, well.

I didn't come up with it. Years ago,

someone explained it to me. Who was that?

Hide in the room next door. Ridiculous.

Would it even count as a trick?

You couldn't figure it out, could you? Michitaro.

We debated thousands upon thousands of times.

It seeped into the very fiber of my being.

Yokomizo were you actually always there? Can

I always meet you in a closed room somewhere?

Life seems exciting and fun around you these days.

I'm sure that this is much better

for your wellbeing. Better than writing dull letters.

Shut up. You lousy sellout! You okay, Michitaro.

Now we just need to steal a car and go on the run.

Of course, before we run, we have

to erase the evidence of having stolen a car using my ability.

That way, the footage from the security

cameras placed throughout the city will make

any video of us stealing a car vanish into thin air.

You sure are something else. The sewer

line will take us to a parking

lot far away from where the guards are stationed.

I'll handle it.

I'm going to go in first and check it out to make sure.


Unacceptable. I can't have you thinking

you can deceive me that easily.

Impossible. How did you find us? Uncle, please listen.

The armed Detective Agency is innocent. The real

enemy is the decay of angels.

I need you to understand. Believe me.

There, there. I understand.

I have special abilities too.

My special ability allows me to extract memories residing in objects.

I used this bundle of stacked bills to determine your escape route.

My ability helps me learn about the crime scene.

Therefore, I can be certain the detective

agency is guilty and a member stabbed Chief Tanida.

Rambo said the government has gifted us the ability

to read the memories of an object.

He also said, if we're captured, we're bound to be ex*cuted.

You'd really beg a secret government organization to believe you.

The agency's jokes have never struck me as funny.

Underestimated the Special Operations Division.

Uh oh.

Commander, where are the targets? They got away.

They escaped through the manhole. They're using

the tigers special ability to navigate west.

Secure the whole area. Yes, sir.

This will convince fjord that we are, in fact, actual enemies.

So you believe me that the detective agency is innocent?

Because you really seem to hide it well?

Let me put it this way. You

saw Dazai's message back when you were in Francis office.

I was actually the one who sent that message.

So then Osamu Dazai and I have

been cooperating since the very beginning.

I'm Dazai's messenger while he's in a European detention center.

But if he's locked up, how is Dasa

communicating with the outside? All of the..

Prisoners at the Mercer Detention Center are implanted

with a vital signs monitor in order to prevent escape.

We have a system. Darci has the ability

to encode his messages within his heart rate,

which I then use my government access to retrieve and decode.

You're saying he can control how fast his heart beats?

It's the type of party trick Darci is so good at.

No one would suspect a thing.

I don't believe you. You're an enemy.

What was the point of your little

charade back at the bank, anyway?

There's no telling where Fyodor has his eyes watching.

With my ability to read the memories of objects,

I can pursue any escapee that leaves something behind.

If I lost you, the enemy would be suspicious.

The enemy, the cunning seventh agency, is afraid of an unseen enemy.

That's the thing, Michitaro. I'm guessing you've

been told I'm part of the seventh agency.

Or perhaps even that I'm their leader.

And what if I have? It's simple.

I have absolutely nothing to do with

the seventh agency at all. You don't?

Fyodor lied in order to keep you away from me.

That's how afraid he is of you

and I talking. Let's continue this conversation elsewhere.

I know a place we can go. We'll be safe there.

What's wrong with you? Are you out of your mind or something?

What do you mean you're wanted? What

type of trouble did you bring to my door?

Are you sure this place is really safe?

Only those that she decides to invite inside can enter.

It's the safest place on Earth.

Wait. Lucy, why are you suddenly working with Ongo now?

I really don't think that's any of your business.

I'm protecting her. Hey, one day she barged into investigation headquarters.

Atsushi's not evil. There's no way he's a m*rder*r, she said maniacally.

Don't tell him what I said.

Oh, wow. That's very kind of you. Thank you. Lucy.

Can we put aside all that for a moment?

As you might know, Ingo, I was

once captured by an organization that forced

me to help cover up their crimes.

That evil organization was called the Seventh Agency.

With that in mind, can you honestly

say that you're not currently with them? I'm not.

All right. Have you ever made use

of their services for any reason?

Yes I have.

Then I have no reason to cooperate with you any further.

Don't go. It was only once.

Four years ago, in order to solidify a way for

Darci to live outside the Port Mafia,

I needed to erase his past crimes.

Why? Just once, your hands were already dirty.

Hang on. I'll carry. Oh, there.

Oh, look. I tried to make amends for a dear

friend who is now long gone.

You gaze at me.. For a dear friend long gone, huh?

Yeah. Masutaro, you are absolutely correct. The seventh Veil agency is evil.

Their scope, their members, their hierarchy. Everything is unknown.

Even I had to go through four

levels of middlemen to work with that government crime organization.

I believe you. So I'm guessing that's..

The reason why you prefer working independently. That's right.

What is all of this about? The man

in front of you suspects that there's

a spy working inside the government.

I can't trust anyone anymore. I'm the only

one capable of avenging Chief Tanida.

So to that end, I need to

hear about everything that you know.

The knowledge that Fyodor tried so hard to hide from me.

I ask on his behalf as well.

I know you have no reason to tell us,

but I'm asking anyway. Please help us.

Where do I start? But just so you know,

in about five minutes you'll be regretting it.

Anything you ask me, all of my

answers will absolutely ruin your day.

In that case, I'll ask the most important question first.

The decay of angels. Just what is it?

The t*rror1st organization Decay of Angels is comprised

of five members the demonic Fyodor and jester Nikolai,

as well as two more extremely talented,

gifted and then one founding member who manages them all.

You mean there's someone above Fyodor? I don't

know what their ultimate goal is,

but I do know what their current plan is.

I'm one step ahead of it. The erasure of the state itself.

The erasure? Don't you mean overturning?

That's impossible. They could never pull it off.

Don't forget that they have the page.

Yeah, but there's only one page. And they used

it when they framed the agency in the m*rder

of Ronan and the other officials.

That was the first time they get one more go.

He's right. The other side of the page.

Exactly. The page that makes anything written

on it become a reality is activated. The moment it's written upon

the page is blank on both sides.

And they've already written on one. They can

use the other side whenever they're ready.

So they have the power to recreate that tragedy at will.

What are they waiting for? Why don't

they use it right away then? In order for the page to be

activated, a rule must be followed.

It needs to have a narrative like causal consistency,

like one might read in a novel. Right?

Correct. And because of that rule, a grand

conspiracy undoubtedly requires many lines of text to complete.

So though only write the important details onto the page,

they'll deal with the trivial details themselves separately.

They won't waste space on that. This

is the current phase of execution for their plan.

For the next step, they'll engage in global

terrorism before using the blank side of the page.

And then the state will be erased. Is that it?

The other side of the page will be written

on the night of the next full moon.

Ten days from now.

Oh, shit. You're right.

I feel like garbage after hearing that.

For now. Let me escort you out of here.

And then I will relay this information to Darci.

Hey, will you be all right?

You bet I will. We actually did it. Kiyoka. Yeah. Huh?

What? What has gotten into you? Ten

days until the other side of the page is written.

In other words, they can't write anything until then.

That's right. It'll take them at least

ten days to prepare their final step,

which gives us ten days to try and stop their plan.

The detective agency's been made criminals because

of the page's reality altering effect.

We can't undo that. Or so I thought.

But now that's not true. We'll take

the page back and write that the agency

is innocent of all these crimes, and that'll finally fix everything.

We'll track down the decay of angels

within ten days and defeat them. One. Take the page back.

Simple as that. That's all we need to do.

Kyoka. Let's do it. We still have some hope.