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10x14 - Cornered

Posted: 01/13/24 14:06
by bunniefuu

Show me the money!

on this "gold rush"...

We've got one shot
at getting through

All this ground right now.

Narrator: ...parker schnabel
bets his season

On opening new ground...


Narrator: record time.

What is going on here?

and two miners face catastrophe.

Tony beets...

Monica: cool [bleep]
see you next spring.

...and rick ness.

What did I drag
all these guys into?

If there's not
a quarter ounce of gold

In each one of these
sluice fronts, shutting it down.

We're going home.
It's as simple as that.

At this point in this season,
we're almost --

I mean, we're out of options.

I mean, it's [bleep] bad.

Narrator: in only his second
year running his own operation,

Rick ness is in crisis.

Yeah, so my whole plan
of going up in the mountains

And chasing some better ground

For the end of the season
is over.

I just went up there.

It's all frozen,

And now I don't know
what the hell I'm going to do.

at the start of the season...

[ Chuckles ]
holy [bleep]

...rick left the klondike

On the promise
of monster nuggets in keno.

That'll drive a guy nuts.

But last week, he discovered
all the best ground

Is locked beneath permafrost.

Rick: [bleep]

Just as [bleep] frozen
as the last spot.

Everywhere we dug
was [bleep] frozen.

Cost is getting out of control,

And then the gold in the ground
is just not good.

It's looking more and more like
a salvage mission now.

Narrator: 2/3 of the way
through the season,

Rick has produced
just 265 ounces of gold,

Drastically short
of his 2,000-ounce goal.

[Bleep] we were kind of banking
on that being good ground

And being able to get to it.

Now to find out it's frozen,

It's just going to be
one of those things

Where we're just grinding away
on this mediocre dirt.

No, nobody's given up.
Everyone's still fighting.

I think there's
a lot of frustration,

But, you know,
what are we gonna do?

In some cases, you can just
kind of keep plowing forward

If you do the volume game
or just hard work pays off,

But at this point,
I think we've tried that.

Narrator: with the future of
his mining business on the line,

Rick retreats to his office
to run the numbers.

I'm trying to figure out

What I've been spending
a month up here

And what we've got coming in
for gold,

And it's pretty lopsided
in the wrong direction.

What did I drag
all these guys into?

You know,
this is a worse situation

Than anything I faced last year,
and that's that.

this season, rick's averaged

Less than $30,000 worth of gold
a week,

Way below his weekly costs.

If we keep going

With the averages
that we're at right now,

It's going to put me
deeper in debt.

It's gonna put a bunch more
wear and tear on my guys,

And at the end of it,
we're all gonna be broke.

So it's just...

Without some kind
of a different solution here

Or some kind of a different
program to get into,

Like I said, it's time
to [bleep] call it...over.

Rick: uh...

What do you say we just
[bleep] stop right now?

Stop the [bleep] hemorrhaging
right now

And reassess.

I think that's
the right choice, rick.

I hate to see it,
and I don't want to quit.

But sometimes,
you've just got to step back

And look at things
and regroup

For a day or so
and figure something out.

Yeah, yeah.

I don't know what else
to do right now.

I mean, it's just --
it's getting out of control.

[ Engine starts ]

It's been out of control
for a while.

I mean, we've just got to
[bleep] stop and...

Just got to stop.

holy [bleep]

This isn't good.

Well, we're just gonna shut down
here and shut the plant down.

Rick's got to decide
what he really wants to do.

All we're doing
is working on the plant,

Running material
that hasn't got any gold in it.

Shut 'er down.

you know, any other season,

I'd say we were doing
really well,

But this year, we've got
some really big challenges.

We're nearly 2/3 of the way
through the season,

And not even halfway through
the ground.

Narrator: parker schnabel is in
a race to mine all of his ground

In one season before
his water license expires.

Because of the licensing issues,

Any gold that we leave
in the ground this season,

We may never be able to get.

We're only got a week's worth
of pay left in the cluster cut,

So we've got to get
another cut open.

It's a big ask at this point
in the season,

But we've just got to try to
keep getting through the ground.

The next big challenge
is the crater cut.

so far this season,

Parker has opened up
the cluster cut in death valley.

Two weeks ago,
he started clearing

The seven-acre crater cut,
where the gold ridge pay layer

Sits at 40 feet, deeper than
any of the other cuts.

the only saving grace

Is that we've got
a lot of mud off already,

So hopefully,
we can get in there

And get down to some pay
in a hurry

And keep
this wash plant running.

Narrator: parker wants to move
his wash plant, big red,

From the cluster cut
as soon as it's mined out.

He's already sunk over
$2 million opening up new ground

And can't afford to miss
a minute of sluicing.

Well, we're up here
in the crater cut.

I bet you it's damn near

Half the size
of the cluster cut again.

12 Days of loading
3 or 4 trucks,

I'll be able to get through
the overburden, I'm hoping.

Come on!

in charge of the operation

Is co-foreman brennan rualt.

He's 20 feet down but still has
another 20 feet to reach pay.

It's a big time crunch,
and we can't afford anything

To delay us
at this point in the season.

hey, brennan.

How's it going?

Brennan: good,
how about yourself?

not too bad.

Right on.

Hey, we've only got
about a week or so running left

In the cluster cut,

been dreading that, yeah.

How much longer
do you need in here?

Still got
a ways away yet.

Just still
stripping her down to pay

And trying to get everything
ready to go for you.

Because we really need
to get down to pay in one week.

Like, we've got one shot

At getting' through
all this ground right now.

Yeah, no,
I understand that.

I mean, a week's a pretty short
time to do it here.

I've been giving her hell
trying to get it done for you,

I can do that.

Thank you.
You're very welcome.

I just got to the crater cut.

I'm trying to get all
the overburden stripped off.

Now I need to get down to pay
in a week.

Like, that's just a tall ask.

Dennis the menace...

[Bleep] take the dozer up there
and then have at it.

copy that.

to hit his schedule,

Brennan needs rock truck driver
dennis bogart

To step up and expand the cut

In one of the biggest pieces
of equipment

On the whole mine site,

The half-million-dollar
d8 dozer.

I'm kind of new to this.

It's the first time
I've ever done it,

So I'm not really sure
what to expect.

But I've just got to
give her a try.

Brennan: I've got everybody
and every machine,

And I'm able to keep
three trucks rolling,

One guy in the dozer.

And any bit of extra help
I can get, I'm going to take.

We will get it done.

I'm gonna reach that
crazy target that parker's made.

Come on, baby, let's go!

Brennan: why in the [bleep]
did he climb up there?


Brennan: hell, these guys have
got to start paying attention.

Damn it!
[ Creaking ]


in parker schnabel's crater cut,

Rock truck driver dennis bogart

Has got a dozer
stuck in deep mud.

Damn it!


Dennis: hey, brennan.

Trying to get up the back side
of this mud pile here,

Got stuck pretty good.

I don't know what
we're gonna do to get out.

I can't hold up production
down here,

So I'm going to leave you
on your own for this one.

So don't get it
any [bleep] deeper.

You're going to have
learn here.

I'm gonna to try to keep
this operation

Running smooth here.

I've got three trucks rolling.

If parker burns over that hill
and sees these guys sitting,

It's gonna be
[bleep] all hell broke loose,

So I want to try
and avoid all that.

Hopefully, I can fix
my own problem here.

Narrator: dennis tries
to dig out the dozer

With the 480 excavator.

It's buried in there good.

I'm going to try to gently
scrape the mud away from it

Without hitting anything.

Hoping for a miracle.

[ Equipment grinding ]

We'll see how it goes.

[ Engine starts ]


Damn it! [Bleep]

Ah, that's not going good.

It's definitely getting worse.

What is going on here?

Aw, dennis, no.

What the [bleep]
what happened?!

Well [bleep] tried to get up
on the other side.

You've been trying
to get yourself out?

I tried a little bit, but then
I called brennan on the radio

And he said
he was way too busy.

Just get brennan to come do it.
He'll come get you out.


You're just gonna
sink this [bleep] thing

If he doesn't
pull you out of here.


you got a copy?


Parker says come up here
and give me a pull.

You're joking,

No [bleep] man,
I wish I was.

Just hold tight.

Don't get in any deeper.
I'll be right up.


Okay, I won't
dig her down any more.

[ Sighs ] brennan.

You're supposed to be
the [bleep] foreman.

I'm gonna hook onto your blade
on the low side here.

Start walking with me.

If you'd kind of just thought
about what we were doing,

It would not have happened,

And we'd still
be in production.

But now we're in
dig-ourselves-out mode.

Here she comes,

Let's get going here.

Come on!

Oh [bleep]


Looks like
we got him out.

Narrator: brennan can now return
to clearing overburden

So he can get to pay
before the cluster cut is done.

I got to get the [bleep]
back to work right now.

There's too much to do and
not enough time to get it done.

Narrator: after a week
with all mining operations

Shut down
for an emergency dike repair,

Klondike legend tony beets

Has his three kids
back up and running.

Youngest son mike is having
the most success so far.

His massive trommel
at the mega cut has pulled in

Over 1,300 ounces of the beets'
1,631-ounce season total.

It's real nice
to listen to them rocks

splash through that trommel.

Narrator: on the other side
of the mega cut,

Big brother kevin
is playing catch up,

Hoping to build on
his 29-ounce season haul.

Time to get sluicing.

and down at hunker cut,

Daughter monica
and her all-girl crew

Are chasing gold left behind
by the old timers' dredges.

It's nice to be back up
and running.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy
from here.

Monica: how are you doing
over there, ruby?

I feel like
I should get, like,

Some sort of benefits
out of this.

I mean, you get paid.
[ Chuckles ]

Oh, right,
right, right, yes.

This is why
I sell my soul

Every [bleep] summer,
that money thing.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: after weeks of
setbacks and equipment failures,

Childhood friends monica,
ruby, and lisa

Are making up for lost time.

So I'm just digging out
this pay in monica's cut

So we can get a little bit
of a stockpile and get ahead.

I feel like as long
as we're running

Six or seven days a week,
I'm happy.

This pay is really wet.

It's covered
in freezing-cold water,

So we're hoping to let it
dry out a little bit.

[ Clunk ]


Well [bleep]

Hey, monica.

Hey, lisa,
what's up?

I seem
to have hit some frost.

This cut is frozen.

Are you
[bleep] kidding me, man?

Oh [bleep]

I'll get tony over there.

lisa has hit permafrost,

Ground that's been frozen
for tens of thousands of years.


Get mike in there
to rip it,

Let it sit,
see if that will thaw some out.

I appreciate it.

Monica calls in brother mike

To rip the frozen pay
with a dozer...

Mike: my sister wanted
to have me down here

Ripping this last little layer
of pay that was still frozen.

...while lisa digs it out

To expose it to the sun to thaw.

Mike: if I were just to rip it
and leave it,

It has a chance
of refreezing together,

But once you get pay moved,

It has a lot better chance
of thawing out.

Truthfully, the mornings
are getting colder

And colder and colder,
so it won't be long

Until we [bleep] won't be
thawing anymore at all.

So get the ripping done,
clean it up,

Done before that becomes
a real [bleep] problem.

Hey, monica,
you got a copy?

Monica: right.

I think
we've run out of pay.

You've got
to be kidding me.

before their shift has ended,

Monica's stockpile of thawed pay
has run out.

I don't know
what we're gonna do next.

Until we can come up
with a plan, we're [bleep]

It kind of [bleep] sucks.

We've just been sluicing
for a little bit.

The last thing we need
is [bleep] frost.

Narrator: monica beets'
hunker cut is at a standstill.

She's run out of paydirt,

And the only material she has
is frozen solid.

With the days getting colder,
it could take weeks to thaw.

Monica: well,
mike ripped it already,

And we've pulled
some of it out.

But that still looks
pretty [bleep] frozen to me.

This is
so [bleep] frustrating!


[ Trommel rumbling ]

Monica: we're going to try
putting it through.

You've got a bit of optimism.

You don't know till you try.

Narrator: the water in the
kiwi plant is just 50 degrees.

Tony's hoping
the action of the trommel

And the warmth of the water jets

Will break down
the lumps of frozen pay

So the gold will collect
in the sluices.

But if frozen chunks of pay
come out the end of the trommel,

They'll be losing valuable gold
in the tailings pile.

This cut has managed to be
nothing but a [bleep] headache.

Everything that can go wrong

One thing after the other.

Narrator: 30 minutes later,
monica checks the tailings pile.

Monica: I mean,
from where I can see here,

I don't see a point
of running this.

Well, obviously,
that didn't [bleep] work.

It's definitely not worth
throwing that through.

It didn't do a [bleep] thing.

Hey, tony,
do you copy?

So I tried running
a bit through,

And that
isn't happening.

So what do you want me
to do now?

Okay, what are you
gonna do about it?

Let nature
take its course.

Monica: hey.

[bleep] see you next spring.

Narrator: tony beets is now
relying on mother nature

To help save the family empire.

For now, he's back down to
just two mining operations.

We have to shut down,
and that's no [bleep] good.

Imagine if today
was our last day of work.

This could be it.

I think
we're down to our last machine.

I hope
that's not the case.

Narrator: at duncan creek,
the crew is reeling

After rick ness
shut down his operation.

I've been seeing the numbers
in the gold room,

And it's just not
adding up.

And it's been like that
for weeks and weeks.

The gold rick was getting
out of the ground

Didn't cover his running costs.

He pulled the plug to save
himself from going into debt.

Rick: I mean, I just cannot
afford to throw more money

At something that just hasn't
been paying back all season.

I mean, what's the alternative?

Stay here and lose more money?

I mean, that's even dumber.

Freddy: hey, rick,
you got a moment?

You in your office?

Hey, freddy.

Gene and myself,
we have a plan.

What do you mean?

let me show you.

Narrator: gold recovery expert
freddie dodge thinks

He's found something that could
get rick back on track.

There's better material
and there's [bleep] material,

And we're
mixing it together.

You see
that material up there?

You can see that it's just like
a jumble of rocks.

It's barren of gold.
Completely barren.

What we're looking for
is stuff like this.

You can see
all of the flat rocks

Are laying horizontal.

Even the bigger flat rocks
are laying horizontal in here.

Yeah, I can kind of see
what you've been talking about.

Well, this has been
mildly reworked by water.

So what that does is
reconcentrates the material.

It enriches it.

It's a little bit like
nature's sluice box.

Freddie thinks that
tens of thousands of years ago,

A river running down
the mountain tumbled the rocks

And left them horizontal.

The gold that flowed
down the river

Was then trapped
between these rocks,

Like the riffles
in a sluice box.

So this is the type of material
we need to test.


So if I could just run that
for an hour,

Do a clean-up on it...

...and see what kind of numbers
come out of it.

You can decide what direction
you want to go after that.

Well, let's get this [bleep]
up to the plant.

To test freddy's theory,

They'll run the concentrated pay
for an hour

And see if it holds enough gold
for rick to turn a profit.

There's a chance
this is the material,

The type material where rick's
been getting his gold out of.

But if it is, we want to know
so we aren't mixing

A bunch of other crap in with it
and watering it down.

[ Whirring ]

freddy and gene came up with

Some pretty good theories here.

You know, there's no guarantee
that there's gold there,

But it's something.

First bucket of the test
is in.

Narrator: the next 60 minutes
will decide rick's season

And his future as a gold miner.

after this one-hour test,

If there's not
a quarter ounce of gold

In each one
of these sluice runs,

Shutting it down and going home.

It's as simple as that.

tough business to be in,

And we know a lot more
than one guy

That's gone broke trying
to do it,

More than once, too,
chasing a dream.

you know, I don't want failure

To be an option for these guys.

We'll do the best we can
to find what gold's here.

Gene: it will be the end
of things here

If this test
doesn't come out very good.

the hour is up,

And gene loads the final bucket
into the feeder.

It's got
some gold in it.

Not quite as much as
I was expecting to see.

Yeah, we're not gonna
look at it and judge it.

I think I'll pull
this mat right here.


I'll wash it in a tub,
and I'll pan it down,

And we'll weigh it
and see what we got.

Till we know what's in it,
it's all bull[bleep]

We ran an hour,

And I don't see
very much in here,

But we just don't know.

You know,
I'm not getting my hopes up.

Narrator: freddy pans
one of the four runs.

Rick needs it to produce
at least 1/4 of an ounce.

Anything less
and his season is over.

So this is one run,

But we're gonna weigh this
and see what it did.

[ Sighs ]

We're going to weigh this
and see what it did.

Narrator: at duncan creek,
rick's future rests

On whether freddy dodge

Has identified a layer
of concentrated paydirt.

That's one run
from how long?

One hour --
exactly one hour.

300 Yards.

Narrator: if the test delivers
less than 1/4 of an ounce,

Rick's season is over.

Freddy: [ chuckles ]
exactly half an ounce.

so at four runs,

That would be
theoretically two ounces.

Narrator: freddy's new pay layer
contains seven times more gold

Than the low-grade mix
that rick has been running.

Freddy: that's better
than you've been doing.

A [bleep]
of a lot better.

At this point,

If we could be pulling
[bleep] two ounces an hour...

It would change
a lot of things.

My blood pressure come down
just a little bit.

[ Chuckles ]

That's the first smile
I've seen on your face today.

[ Laughs ]

Well, it's another step
and some more information

To make your plan, hopefully.
Well, I mean, yeah.

There's definitely
still decisions to be made,

But knowing that there's ground
worth running out there...

Well, if this stuff
stays consistent

And you can find enough
to run 10 hours a day with it,

That's pushing
20 ounces a day.

[ Laughs ]
thanks so much, guys.

You're welcome,

Rick: I totally [bleep] feel
a lot better.

If that ground is going to pay
two ounces an hour,

I mean, we were [bleep]
averaging like 0.28 an hour.

And that's ugly!

And that, two ounces an hour,
I'll take that

All day every day
of the [bleep] week right now.

Narrator: if rick can make
two ounces an hour

For the rest of the season,
he could get over 1,000 ounces,

Enough to turn a profit
and pay his crew a gold bonus.

What's up, guys?
What's going on?

Well, I know it's been
a rough week,

And I know you guys have
kind of been in the dark

About what things
are going on.

But I just didn't know
what to do,

And I just
kind of got scared,

You know,
just hemorrhaging money.

Freddy and gene
came up,

And they had an idea
about the ground.

And they wanted
to run a test.

And they got
a half an ounce out of it.

So at that rate,
it's profitable again.

Yeah, yeah, we're making money
at that point.

But it's not
gonna be easy.

Now it's not a simple game of
just loading it all out of there

And running it all
through the plant.

If you guys
are into it,

I think
we can get it back going

And I'll make
some money here.

I want to make sure
that you guys all go home

With some gold
in your pockets.

Yeah, if we can make money,
it's a no-brainer.

We're here,
let's do it.

I'm on board
with all of it.

Man, that's the way
to go, right?

I'm glad to hear that.
Should we get after it?

[ All cheering ]

Sorry, ruby.
Scared her.

Hey, boss, I'm just down
to paying the crater cut here

If you wouldn't mind coming
and taking a look.

at parker's new crater cut,

Foreman brennan
has made it through

A monster 40 feet of overburden.

Parker: it's looking pretty good
in here, really.

it's a pretty big area here.

It is a nice-sized area
that you got opened up.

All right, well, big red is just
about done in the cluster cut,

So we've got to have

Hopefully a lot of pay
down there for the plants.

All right, sounds good.

With only hours before big red
is done at the cluster cut,

Brennan focuses on
stockpiling paydirt.

Brennan: it's definitely
a learning curve up here.

It smells like it's [bleep]

Been dead and rotting in here
for a million years.

I've been told not
to smell the money

And hope that means
it's some rich ground

And we find some good gold
to cover the cost

Of just stripping this
40 feet of overburden up here.

But we will never know until we
run this through the wash plant

And see what the results are.

Hear that?

That's the sound of me
hitting [bleep] frozen ground.


Hey, mitch,
you got a copy there, buddy?

Mitch: yeah, go ahead,
what's up?

Just in the crater cut
here pokin' around,

And we've been hitting
frost here.

Just wondering if you want to
come down and take a check.

[Bleep] I'll be there
in just a second.

Oh, here's mitchie boy.

What are you finding?
She's frozen.

My biggest concern here
is if we don't get this ground

Opened up
by the end of the week,

It's not gonna thaw and
we're not gonna be sluicing it.

Are you going to get a dozer
down here, do you think?

You can help me out,
and we can start tackling this.

Yeah, I mean I know parker
doesn't like running cats

Any more
than we have to,

But I think this is one of those
scenarios where we have to.

It might
cost him some money.

We might burn some fuel
on a cat,

But, dude,
I'm gonna go get it.

It's the only thing
we've got.

This is gonna really
slow us down.

We're gonna just have to
put a rip in

And just let the last bit
of this warm weather

That we get during the day
thaw it out for us.

Narrator: the paydirt
in the crater cut is frozen.

Brennan's plan --
bring in the dozer

To rip a two-foot layer
across the entire cut,

Accelerating the thawing process

In the hope it will be ready
to sluice next week.

First thing I'm gonna do
is throw a rip in it.

We're gonna get some air
down in it,

Get some sunlight on this,
and hopefully, it will thaw out

Before we run out of material
down there at big red.

It's the only thing we can do.

Come on, baby, k*ll 'em.
Come on.

[ Equipment grinding ]

That didn't sound good.

What was that?

That did not sound good.

Seems like
we can't catch a break.

Well, I think I found
what all that noise was.

It's busted to [bleep]

Broke the hard bar,
which is basically what attaches

Both track reams
to the center of the cat.

Definitely can't keep
ripping with it here.

I don't like you crawling around
these things, mitch.

it's not good.

What happened?

It made a sound
it shouldn't,

And then all of a sudden,
I felt it drop.

So we were just trying
what we could

To get through
that frost.

It's on
the other side?


We're not going to know
until I get it apart

Just all
what it's gonna take,

But, I mean,
this isn't a quick fix.

We just need
to get this ground exposed,

And, like, right now.

[ Parker sighs ]

I can hop in the 8 and try
to help out a little bit.

Mitch: appreciate it.
Thank you.

Thanks, mitch.

Don't usually thank people
when they're [bleep] stuck.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: parker steps in to rip
the last of the frozen layer

In the lighter d8 dozer.

There's a lot less dozer here,
and when it comes to ripping,

It's just about how much weight
and traction you've got.

Come on, you piece of [bleep]

I'm just hoping to get
all this pay out of here.

It's a big cut, and there's
still a lot of frost in it.

Well, this is pretty sweet
that parker got down here

To help us rip it
in the crater cut.

That might end up
saving our season here,

Getting this pay ripped up.

Narrator: if the weather holds,
the ripped pay should be ready

To sluice
at the start of next week,

But with more than
$750,000 spent

On getting down to paydirt,

Parker needs a solid gold haul
from his other cuts

And for the new ground
to pay out big.

Parker: be like, well,
it's too late in the year

For what's frozen
and leaving it behind,

But this year,
that ain't the plan.

This year, we're gonna get
every ounce of gold

That we can out of these cuts.

A mountain of money!

Show me the money!
Show me the money!

[ Laughs ]

He just barrel-rolled
down the hill.

[ Laughs ]

I didn't know if you were
going to stop there.

Me, neither.

That's the fun
and joy of it.


Good night!

[ Laughs ]
hi, guys.

you rang?

at the end of a tough week,

The beets gather
to weigh their gold haul.

What happened
to you this week?

We found some frozen pay
in the cuts,

Which has
kind of stalled us.

Mike came down.
He ripped it all for me.

We're having it sit out there,
just sort of

Let it thaw in piles
as opposed to on the ground.

You were helping out
your sister.

That means
you don't have

A full week
on the plant, either.

[ Sighs ] these days,
I don't seem

To ever get a full week
out of the plant.

Narrator: last season,
tony got nearly 4,400 ounces.

To match that, he now needs
to hit 350 ounces a week.

we got 1, 2, 3...

8, 9, 10, 11, 12...


Well, I would have liked
to see a bit more,

But it is what it is,

Expected it to be
a bit better here, no lie.

On a lighter note,
let's weigh mike's up.

10, 20, 30, 40...

60, 70, 80...


Narrator: taking their
weekly total to 102 ounces,

Worth just $143,000.

Fuel's going up.

At least it's nice
to have gold on the table

Because last week,
we didn't.

I don't know
about you people,

But I actually need
to do something out here, so...

I'm going to get out.

See you later,

[ Humming ]


Well, that's all you can do,
I mean, right?

hey, gentlemen.

What's up, doumitt?
We find any gold?

A little bit.
Found a little bit.

Narrator: after a busy week
opening up the crater cut,

Parker gathers his crew
for this week's gold weigh.

You just be my arm rest.

[ Laughter ]

You know, I'll say
that is some deep ground.

Talk about a lot of mud,

I bet we've spent
750,000 bucks.

For that size of an area,

We've certainly never come close
to spending that much money.

Mitch: we're gonna need it,
though, man.

We're just getting down
to the last little bit

As far as
the cluster cut's concerned.


Well, how'd we do
this week, doumitt?

we got sluicifer here.

Narrator: all week,
sluicifer has been running pay

In the last cut,

Trying to hit parker's
thousand-ounce goal.

70, 80, 90, 100...




Oi, 280...



Worth almost $400,000.

Parker: has sluicifer done
1,000 ounces yet?

We just broke 930 ounces.

So next cleanup,

We should break 1,000 ounces
out of sluicifer.

In how long?
Like a couple weeks?

[Bleep] sweet.

All right, mitch,
this is big red.

after a solid week,

Mitch has nearly finished
in the cluster cut.

He's been averaging
240 ounces a week.




Yeah! Whoo!

Not a bad week
for big red.

worth over $275,000...

Wow, sweet.

A lot of gold
on the table there.

Pretty cool.

...taking their season total
to more than $5.5 million.

Chris: keep it up,
we'll have a record year.

Thank you, guys.

You guys are just
k*lling it out there, really.

Let's bag this [bleep],

Thanks, guys.
Thank you, man.

on the next gold rush...

Okay, let's go!

Narrator: ...parker pushes
his luck with a bold move...

Whoa! Watch out!
Shut it down! Shut it down!

Narrator: rick looks to make up
for lost time...

I would say it's time to turn
the thing way the [bleep] up.

...and tony's hunt for gold...

Pull that [bleep] thing
out of there.

...ends in disaster.

That ain't going anywhere
in a hurry right now.