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10x12 - Million-Dollar Pay Day

Posted: 01/13/24 14:03
by bunniefuu

Ah [bleep]

Narrator: on this "gold rush"...

We got so many problems
down here.

Narrator: halfway through
the klondike mining season,

Parker schnabel changes course.

There could be a thousand ounces
in here. It'd be easy money.

But his decision
could destroy everything.

Hey, shut the feeder down!

You want to run two operations
half-ass, or one really good?


Narrator: in keno, rick ness's
search for monster nuggets...

[ Rumbling ]

Can't catch
a [bleep] break here.

It's ridiculous.

Narrator: ...has his team
on the brink of giving up.

I don't need to put up
with this [bleep]

I'm too old.

So he calls in a mining legend,
hoping he will turn it around.

Let's get to work.

Hey, hey, hey. Slow down.

Start her up!

Narrator: and tony beets
kicks his season into high gear.

With three kids
finally running gold.

He taps into the mega cut's
40 foot deep gold seam.

Everything down at big red
is going really well.

I'm actually really happy
with the production,

And it's actually doing better
than I thought it would.

Narrator: 25-year-old mining
prodigy, parker schnabel,

Has set himself
the monumental task

Of mining out his entire ground
in one season.

But more than halfway through,
he's mined less than 40%.

If he doesn't get
through the ground,

He risks leaving behind millions
of dollars worth of gold.

Right now, every day counts

Because we've got to get through
all that ground

This year, right?

We cannot leave
anything behind.

There's a huge pile of ground
in the cluster cut

And the whole lot of ground
in death valley,

But here up at the last cut,

I think there's quite a bit
of gold still left behind.

Last season, parker mined ground
leased from tony beets,

Known as the last cut.

Using his $600,000
super wash plant,

Sluicifer, he made over
$5 million in gold.

Holy [bleep]!
The plant's on fire!

Narrator: but sluicifer's season
came to an abrupt end.

-can I turn on the water?

No, no.

Narrator: believing he left
behind a lot of gold,

Parker's now thinking
of making a big move.

What up, youngster?

I'm just having a hard time
figuring out

If we should try to do something
about the pay we left in here.

And this was actually the best
ground we've ever mined.

I'm really tempted
to just go in there

And hammer out a couple
weeks of sluicing.

So are you thinking about
f*ring sluicifer off?

Our water license
down there is expiring.

So what are you going to do
with that ground?

There could be
a thousand ounces in here.

But I really think
this season's

Our opportunity
to get away from tony.

You know, you've got
three years of water here,

We've got one down there.

It's not an easy decision
to make.

I'd say we'd take sluicifer, run
it down there next to big red,

And bang through
that ground down there.

My thinking is that
the timing should work.

We could sluice this out,

Pound a thousand ounces
into the safe,

Move it down to our own ground
next to big red,

And finish that ground off
before the end of the season.

It'd be easy money.

Well, the last few weeks,
the last season,

Sluicifer was knocking out
over 500 ounces.

So we're on --
we're on good ground.

What you're saying
makes sense.

It's your call, parker.

I think we get it going
right here, right now.

Let's do it.
Let's make some bucks.

parker decides to split his
team between the two claims,

Gambling that he can make
1.4 million in just three weeks.

But first, parker needs
to repair sluicifer.

Yeah, she's pretty burnt.

He pulls two of his best
mechanics off the cluster cut --

Father and son,
shane and ty smith.

Rubber is all crystallized,
and, yeah.

There's nothing left of it.
It's just pretty much powder.

We're going to have to rebuild
this whole conveyor.

Damage is too far gone.

[ Tool whirring ]

How's she looking?

It's seen better days.

-Oh [bleep]
-not too good.

-[ Sighs ]
-everything's taken a b*ating

And needs a pretty big
rebuild this year

To get everything back
to running shape.

Look, I know
it's a lot of work

And we've got
a short timeline,

But we have to get it done

Like, this plant
needs to be running

And get through
all this ground.

We'll do our best,
but that's all we can do.

You guys have your work
cut out for you, man.

Let's get to her.

All right.

Parker's got us
under a lot of pressure.

[ Horn honks ]

Hurry the [bleep] up!

It's always panicked.

We need this machine,
it's our main producer,

And we've got to get sluicing
as soon as we can,

So we just got
to get it finished.

You got to hope there's a lot
of gold in the bottom.

Narrator: in addition
to pouring money in

To fix sluicifer, parker's lease
with tony for the last cut

Means he must pay a minimum
royalty of a hundred ounces.

He'll be $140,000 down
before he even starts sluicing.

Parker: we sluiced
a lot of ground last year

And I know there's
a lot of frozen pockets

That now will be thawed.

Hopefully that's all enough
to pay that minimum royalty

And then some.

Nobody goes into this business
thinking they're not gambling.

So let's go gambling.

[ Sighs ]

[ Knocks on door ]

Long time, no see.

Narrator: parker and tony

Got off to a rough start
this season.

Give me one good reason
not to tell you

To go [bleep] yourself.

Now parker's hoping tony doesn't
throw up any roadblocks

For his plan.

That cut that we did
last year

On your ground,

There's still a whole pile
of gold in it.

Well, it was a mess
in there last fall

And there's tons of froze
pockets that were frozen,

And with the gold price
the way it is,

If this can get us some quick
cash, then we'll do it.

We're going back
to the last cut,

But if I fire that
plant up on your ground,

I owe you a minimum royalty,
so that's that.

[ Sighs ]

All right, tony.

Don't spend it all
in one place.

Parker: this might not be
the right decision

Just because of how thin
we're going to be stretched

Because of it, but right now,

I just gave him
a hundred ounces of gold

And we need to make sure that
that bet pays off.

So, we're on the hook.

Feels really good to have
this wash plant dialed in,

But now it's time to run
the wheels off this thing.

We haven't been able to get
more than 12 hours at a time

Without having
some kind of problems.

rick ness gambled big,

Moving his mining operation
125 miles east of the klondike

To duncan creek.

His new ground promised
monster nuggets and fine gold,

But the first half of his season
has been a disaster.

got a block already.

Hey, shut it down, we got
a [bleep] block.

Rick, cut the power!

I got half a million dollars
in this [bleep] wash plant,

And I'm chucking
dry dirt and rock at it.

Right now we need a long,
straight stretch

Of no [bleep] ups,
just solid sluicing,

Otherwise there's no way
we're going to hit

Our 2,000-ounce goal.

Narrator: with just 10%
of his gold target banked,

Rick's old friends from home,

Who risked everything
to become gold miners,

May end the season
without a bonus.

I was stretching
my back, bro.

Narrator: but that's not
keeping them down.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, I like foghorn leghorn.

If a rick was
a cartoon character,

What would you say he would be?


Uh, rick, this grizzly
isn't working.

I've got to shut it down.

this is not good.


Narrator: at rick's mine,
the grizzly bars on the feeder

Have stopped working.

The $500,000 wash plant

Has been shut down, again.

What happened?

I run the grizzly up,

Got to the top, loud bang,
and stopped.

[Bleep] [bleep]

It's always
[bleep] something.

All right, we got
a [bleep] blown cylinder.

This grizzly's an absolute
[bleep] piece of [bleep]

That's why it blew up.

We have no business
running it.

Well, what the [bleep] are
we going to do about that?

A cylinder like that's going to
be, like, probably a week away.

There's not exactly
a cylinder shop out here.

I say we get that thing
off there

And I'll come up with


It's pretty bad
when your whole plant's down

Because of one [bleep] piece,

But one [bleep] piece
in the puzzle, man,

And you're [bleep], right?
So here we are.

Narrator: the grizzly bars
sieve out the biggest rocks

From the pay dirt to stop
any damage to the conveyor.

Without them in place,

The entire wash plant
is at a standstill.

I've got kind of a plan.

It's going to be real
[bleep] hillbilly.

We've got to set
the 480 up there,

So I can lift
the grizzlies up with that,

That's going to be
boring as [bleep]

But it's going to
get us running.

Chain the [bleep] bucket
to the grizzly.

We just got to get going.

I agree.

Rick's plan --
use a 25-foot chain

And the bucket
of the 460 excavator

To lift the bars manually.

Hopefully this will work
for now, right?

Normally these grizzly bars
are operated

With a push of a button,

So having to do it
physically with an excavator

Is just a pain in the ass,

But at least
we'll be getting gold.

-Hey, it works!
-[ Laughs ]

I'll go grab the loader.

Yep. Load this sucker.
Let's do it.

I knew that it would be
pretty unorthodox, very redneck,

But it actually works
a lot better than I thought.

Now all I need is a good book
to read in between buckets.

The grizzly's all right.
It'll work for now.

Put a whole bunch
of band aids.

Hopefully we can do
some sluicing here

And get a little bit
of gold coming in.

[ Chain snaps, rattles ]

Rick: oh, for [bleep] sake.

Shut off the feeder belts.

[Bleep] keeps breaking
and things were supposed to be

Better this year,
and they're not.

Same old [bleep] game.

[Bleep] over it.

Okay, will do.

All right.

Copy that.

over halfway through the season,

King of the klondike,
tony beets,

Has finally realized
his ambition... have his three kids
running their own operations,

Getting the family business
back on track.

At the bottom of hunker creek,

Monica is running 100 yards
an hour through her kiwi plant.

Monica: it's nice to see
the old girl up and running.

So [bleep] yeah.
Back to getting the gold.

Narrator: on paradise hill,

At one end
of the 18-acre mega cut,

Kevin's loading 200 yards
an hour into his shaker.

Well, she's running.
She's moving.

Slowly, but surely.

And a quarter of a mile away

On the other side
of the mega cut,

Mike's massive trommel
is churning through

300 Yards an hour.

Today, we're going to have
three plants running

For the first time this season.

And for three plants
washing rocks,

That means
three times more gold.

Narrator: so far this season,

Mike's produced 85%
of the beets' gold total.

Oh [bleep]
there's no water.

Mikey, copy, mike.

We got to shut down right away.
We have no water.


Just lost my water
all of a sudden.

I have a [bleep] load of dirt
pilling up out of the trommel.

I'm going to see
what the hell is going on.

Just fired up my plant,
and then all of a sudden

I lost all my [bleep] water.

And the only [bleep] thing
different today

Is that my brother's
starting up, too.

So I'm going to go over there
and find out

Where the [bleep] it went
with all my water,

Because otherwise I ain't going
to be able to sluice today.

He can go figure out
how to get his own.

I ain't got no water.


That's why I figured since
you're the only new thing

Along the entire
[bleep] line.

Narrator: kevin's plant
runs off the same pump,

But is closer
to the water source.

To figure out a solution,
they head half a mile down

Paradise hill to investigate.

Have to put another one in.

We've got backup. Why don't
we hook that sucker up?

Yeah. Saves anymore
[bleep] ground.

We got the pipeline in.
We got the tee in.

It's every time we try to get
this [bleep] plant going,

Something else,
something else, something else.

Hopefully this is the last
[bleep] thing.

The beets super mechanic,
juan ibarra,

Arrives to get
the second water pump running.

What's going on, kevin?

We tried running
both plants,

Didn't have enough water.

So would you be able
to plumb this pump in?

Yeah, no, no.
I'll get it all plumbed in.

We'll get it in solid
and I'll weld it all in.

-Yeah, we'll get it done.

So what I got to do here
is I got to hook up

This 12-inch 9
to that suction.

So I'm going to build a piece
for this, connect it,

And then on this side,
on the discharge,

I'm going to cut this line
right here and put a 45,

And bring it
right into the pump,

So that way we have two pumps
pumping up the hill.

Narrator: the existing pump

Sends 1,500 gallons of water
a minute

2,500 Feet up paradise hill
to mike's trommel.

Adding kevin's shaker deck

Has diverted 1000 gallons
a minute,

Causing mike's trommel
to run dry.

This solution, connect
another pump to the pipeline.

The new system will deliver

More than 2,500 gallons of water
a minute,

Enough to keep both plants

Juan: every minute right now
is valuable.

So we've got to get this done
as quick as possible

So we can get running.

Hey, tony, I got the second pump
ready to go.

All right, 10-4.
I'll get it fired up.

[ Engine starts ]

Kevin: yeah, let's see
if she does her.

[ Engine starts ]

I'm not sure what's happening
down there,

But it's not working.

I'm going to bring
the rpms up.

[ Engine revving ]

I see water, tony.

We're back in business!

Mike, you got to copy.
Mike, you got to copy.

How's the water look up there?
Got enough?

[Bleep] awesome.

Yeah. [Bleep] yeah.

Narrator: coming up...

Tony, do you copy?

...tony's plans hit the skids.

What was that?!

This plant is [bleep] basically.

Whoa! [Bleep]

Parker: overall,
it's going pretty good.

I know that this season
we've got a lot to do,

But it might help
our gold totals though.

Definitely finding a lot more
pay than I expected.

Parker schnabel has made
a huge gamble to mine ground

From tony beets' last cut.

His plan -- mine for three weeks
with sluicifer

In the hopes of hitting
a thousand ounces.

Then, move the wash plant
back to his own ground

At the cluster cut.

To do this,
he must split his team

And bring co-foreman
brennan ruault

To run the last cut.

parker constantly changes
his mind all the time here.

We all swore we never wanted
to be back on tony's ground,

And here we are
at last cut again.

The cluster cut's
royalty free,

Any gold that we pull out
is ours.

Here we go, coming up
opening tony's ground again.

Who's going to get a pocketful
of royalties but tony?

Narrator: parker
needs his gamble to pay off big

And at least cover the $140,000
deposit he gave tony.

The crew stockpile pay dirt

While mechanics ty and shane

Continue to repair
the fire damage to sluicifer.

Every day they're out there
moving more dirt,

Parker's getting antsier,
seeing the pay pile grow,

But little short on people
and short on time, really,

So we're just trying to get
as much done as we can

And hopefully nothing breaks
while we're working on this.

Down just a hair.

To replace the melted
conveyor belt quickly,

Parker brings in specialists
marc adam and connor coat.

[ Grunts ]

Ty: it's super important we get
this belt lined up properly.

Marc: keep going, keep going,
keep going.

Okay, right there.

Because if not, then the belt
will walk side to side

And they'll run up
into our guards

And that's what happened
to our last one.

It was a starting
to rip on the one side,

And then we
caught it on fire.

[ Chuckles ]

Narrator: the team's brought out
a high-tech vulcanizing machine

Which will weld the belt
into one continuous loop.

To me.

Okay. To you.

Whoa, whoa.

That vulcanizer, it's like
high pressure cooking rubber.

You don't want to
get it too hot

Because you'll crystallize
the rubber,

And it loses its strength.

Yeah. Yeah.

-You're good?

And after we get to 300 degree,
we have half an hour cook.

Just like cooking dinner
at night.

You don't want to
overcook it

Or everybody's
going to be upset.

[ Laughter ]


Shane: parker's been at us.

Now we're on a full panic run
here to get this going.

-Hello, parker.
-How's it going?

-Good. You?

You better have cooked it good,

That's pretty nice.

You guys are doing
just perfect.

Marc: okay, we're good to go.

Shane: awesome.

You guys did a really good job
on this thing.

Really, it looks great.

It was a battle,
but it came together.

I really appreciate it
and hopefully

We get some gold
out of this cut.

I know this plant
had a hard life last fall.

Let's try not
to do that again.

We're going to run it
hard again.

There's no doubt about it.
Somebody will turn up the dial.

[ Laughter ]

Well I already gave
tony the minimum royalty

Of 100 ounces,
so we're on the hook now.

So we've got to find it.

Yeah. Let's see
if this thing will start up.

Oh, yeah! Yeah!
She's alive!


You'll be washing rocks
in no time.

Now we're getting somewhere.

sluicifer's back up and running,

Pounding through
250 yards of dirt an hour.

Having paid
tony $140,000 in gold,

Parker needs the last cut
to pay out and quick.

Now we mine gold.

Ryan: yeah. [Bleep]

At duncan creek, rick's crew
has been improvising

To keep
their wash plant running.

That's three for today.

This is bogus.

With the hydraulic arm
on the grizzly bars broken,

They're now using
heavy duty straps

To lift
the reinforced steel frame.

So far, they've gone through
two chains and six straps.

Zee: that one broke?

You'll have to dump again.
We'll have to pick it.

This is a [bleep] joke.

I know.

It's [bleep] stupid.

I don't know why
I keep doing this.

Rick: [bleep] bad right now.

And there's no doubt about that.

I mean, everybody recognizes
things ain't going great

And morale's suffering for it
for sure.

We got this piece of [bleep]
hopper feeder

That doesn't [bleep] work.

It's tearing up all the
[bleep] lifting straps.

I'm getting sick of it.

I don't need
to put up with this [bleep]

I'm too old.

This is a $500, $600 strap here
destroyed, right?

We just keep wrecking
all my rigging, right?

Once we're out of straps, we
don't got nothing to left with.

We're, up [bleep] creek
without a paddle.

I mean, everybody's down.
Not saying I'm any different,

And I'm putting out fires
here on the site,

But I'm also putting out fires
with these guys,

Trying to keep them motivated.

Narrator: running out
of temporary options,

Carl looks for
a more permanent solution.

There's got to be something
I could do parts wise

Or something around here to get
that grizzly up and running.

This is the right spot
to be looking, right?

We've got lots of parts here,
but, uh, no cylinders.

[ Chuckling ]
oh, look at this.


Oh, this thing's been
fixed up at one point,

Look at this thing.
It's pretty gross.

It's a little smaller,
the pins are different,

But I can make that work.

This is a good
possibility here, right?

Oh, yeah!

[ Whistling ]

There's a lot of wear on here,

But this thing's nice
and straight.

42 Inches.

This particular slim
is a little shorter

Than the other one,
because the other one's like 55,

So that's as far as this thing's
going to push up.

So I need that to be
where the grizzly opens

Right up like that, right?

So I'm going to have
to change the angles,

And I'm going to have
to make pins for it,

Which I can do that.

This thing's old and it's
sealed up pretty hard,

So just going to heat
this up a bit here,

This thing should
come right apart.

Narrator: carl opens up the new
cylinder to check the seals.

The broken piston arm
is a foot longer

Than the replacement
carl's found.

The eyes of the new arm
are 20% smaller.

Carl's solution,
fabricate a pair of smaller pins

For the cylinder
to hinge on

And move the bracket
on the base of the hopper feeder

So it can lift the grizzly bars
to a vertical position.

I took a look inside it,
this thing's good to go.

It's not ideal.
This is a sh*t in the dark.

But I'm hoping this thing's
going to work and get us going.

I made custom pins there
to work.

We can stuff them right
in the original holders.

You can get this thing
fixed to work

The way it's supposed to, carl,

Gonna be pretty grateful, buddy.

We've been doing it wrong
for a long time.

I know we have been.

-[ Grunts ]
-holy [bleep]

That was safe.

-Should we try this?

Think you have to
push the button.

All right, well,

I hope all your hard work's
going to pay off here.

Yeah, I hope so.

Look at that.



Fire up.

Narrator: carl's bush fix
has monster red up and running.

Rick can get back
to salvaging his season.

Are those grizzly bars going up
and down without a strap?


How the hell
is that possible?

Oh, I did a little scabbing,
you know.

Captain scab?

Captain scab's here
but he's tough.

Hey, good job.

[Bleep] awesome.

Man: there's something
coming apart here.

Cut the power!

Oh [bleep]

Are you [bleep]
kidding me?

How the [bleep]
did that happen?

I don't know, dude.


Oh [bleep]

[Bleep] standing here.

[Bleep] conveyor's running,

And it just tears itself apart.

Tears the whole
[bleep] strip out.

I don't get it.

Can't catch a [bleep]
break here.

It's ridiculous.

it's going to be a bush fix.

I'm going to cut the rest of
that section off that's ripped

And taper it out.

Use some heat on it, melt it,

And hope for the best, right?

[Bleep] me, man.

monster red's been shut down

More than it's been
running this week,

So rick decides it's time
for a big change.

Hey, man, it's rick.

Yeah, pretty good.
I mean the ground up here's

Really just kicking my ass.

I mean we're having nothing
but problems with machinery.

It's just -- it's kind of
a [bleep] nightmare

If I'm being honest,

And I could really
use some help.

I mean, I don't know
what you've got going on,

But it would be
[bleep] awesome

If you could come up here
and help out.

Mike: if my plant wasn't running
this year,

We wouldn't be making no gold
for a majority of it.

Which would made it a very,

Very, very skimpy year
this year.

Narrator: mike's trommel
has brought in $1.7 million

This season, making it
the beets' best plant.

Hey, tony, do you copy?

We are running out of pay
in this cut.

Narrator: mike and his crew
have pounded through

Nearly all the pay dirt
on his side of the new mega cut.

I'm just getting this
last little bit of pay out.

That is then
the end of the pay

And we're going to have to
find somewhere else to go

Because we are
running out.

That's all the pay.

That's going
to be it for the day.

to keep mike's trommel going,

Tony decides it's time
to tap into the gold seam --

A 40 foot layer
of pay dirt 600 feet away,

On the other side
of the mega cut.

Moving the plant
could take weeks

And tens of thousands
of dollars.

So, tony comes up
with another solution.

Three weeks ago, tony opened up
a massive mega cut

Between mike and kevin's ground.

To get the gold rich
pay dirt to the trommel,

The beets face a massive
engineering challenge --

Building a road 400 feet long,

20 Feet wide,
and 50 feet high.

We're building a road today

From over here
up into the cut.

Narrator: to get mike
on the big gold right away,

Tony shuts down
all of their operations

And pulls everyone in to help.

Kevin: mike's a lot of pay,
so we've got to get a road

Over to where we have more.

My cuts got a [bleep] ton,

But we've got to be able
to get to it.

No point going all
the [bleep] way around.

It's got to be quick.

We're going to get the trucks
loaded with course tailings,

And have them
dump over the edge.

They're going to be the ones
that are going to build

The bridge across.

The more money you spend trying
to get the pay to the plant,

The less money you have
at the end of the day.

So, you like nice, short hauls.

Less money, less time wasted.
Just simpler.

We've got basically
a quarter of this road done.

Each one of these trucks,
you label by how many tons

Of dirt they carry,
and these are all 40s.

That means every [bleep]
rock truck is 40 tons,

40 Tons, 40 tons.

Probably going to need
about another 700 to 800 loads.

Times that by 40.

That's a [bleep] load.
Let me get out my calculator.

[ Chuckles ]

Narrator: 12 hours in,

The beets have another
32,000 tons to shift

For direct access
to the hole of the mega cut,

And until it's done,
no gold is being mined

Anywhere on the beets claim.

After 480 working hours
and 43,000 tons of dirt shifted.

The road has finally reached
kevin's side of the mega cut.

Whenever we [bleep] focus
our attention on something,

We [bleep] move
a lot of ground.

Narrator: now
it's time for mike

To tap into
the 40-foot deep pay layer.

Tony has got me
testing out this new road

That we have from the mega cut
to our trommel here,

And it's [bleep] awesome.

It's going to make things
way more efficient.

There we go. First rock truck
bucket from the mega cut.

Let's keep on rocking.

There's definitely
a lot more ground here

Than I thought there would be.

It looks like
we'll be here a little while.

I would say that
there's probably, maybe,

Upwards of 500 hours.

Narrator: parker schnabel
has split his crew

In a gamble to make a quick
1,000 ounces in the last cut.

There's always decisions
like that,

That are hard to make and I've
got to make what I think

Is the best decision
for the company.

And, you know, the last cut was
very productive for us before,

And I don't see a reason
why it wouldn't be again now.

Narrator: parker has pulled six
crew to work on the last cut,

Leaving foreman mitch blaschke

At the cluster cut
three miles away.

Mitch: I know parker is looking
at the last cut up there.

Sluicifer's sitting there
and you know,

He thinks there's 1,000 ounces
worth of ground in that,

Left in that cut
and there probably is.

But the thing is, that ground
will be there next year

And that water license
will still be good next year,

And this one won't.

I think this is a decision
that parker's going to regret.

It's going to come back
and bite us all in the ass.

rock truck driver dennis bogart

Has been tasked with
hauling pay,

But he's struggling to keep up.

Dennis: kind of frustrating
that, you know, parker

Just expects us
to pick up the slack

For not having enough people.

I don't know if he doesn't have

Any résumés in his office
or what,

But he should start looking
at some 'cause, holy smokes.

Just trying to do
about three guys' jobs

All at once myself here.

So, I've got to run
from one machine to the next.

Self loading's definitely
not a fun game here.

In and out of this machine
down the stairs,

Up the stairs, run back
and forth to the other truck.

Every load you're out of this
machine back into that one.

Your legs take a toll.
It beats the crap out of you.

One problem to the next.

So, this is crazy.

Oh [bleep]

What now?! [Bleep]

Oh [bleep]

[ Groans ] [bleep] [bleep]

What the hell?

Oh, no.

Oh, this is bad.

The track pin just blew apart.

Great. Now, it's going to
set us back even farther.

Parker schnabel has split
his team between two claims.

At the cluster cut,
a track pin on the 460 excavator

Has snapped, causing the track
to break in two.

Hey, mitch, you got a copy?

Go ahead. What's up?

Oh, man, we got
some big problems here.

I just broke the track
on the last hoe we got.

And it just blew apart.

Dude, I got so much going on
up here at the other end.

Just stuff up at
the wash plant right now

Trying to deal with tailings.

Just go see if you can
run alec and shane down

And see if they could come over
and help us out with it, man.

Then we got to just
keep pushing forward.

Shane: we're just buying
some time for now.

Once we got this all welded up,

We're going to get another week
out of it for sure.

Narrator: shane and alec
work on a temporary fix

To get the 460
back up and running.

these rails are pretty worn out.

You can see all the material,

The metal pins
have been worn down,

And as guys are climbing piles
with machines,

The tracks are flexing

And when they get too thin,
they just break.

Shane: a lot of times when you
get down to the bedrock there,

The machine won't move.

The guys lean a little harder
on the levers

And it comes apart on them.

And they go, "oh, I don't know
what happened," but...

Alec: that's the last step,
putting our pad back on.

[ Tool whirring ]

All right.
That's about it, eh, shane?

Pretty much done, yeah?

We'll pop the track up.
Hopefully we don't have to

Come back and weld
this together.

At least, it'll last
maybe a week for us.

Let's hope it, eh?

Let's hope it holds.

We'll give this a try.

We definitely need
this hoe right now.

We can't be down another one.

We'll see if she works.

The moment of truth.

Oh, yeah.

Back to normal.

We can move some dirt again.
Right on.

How are you doing?

I'm all screwed up.

Man, we don't stand a chance
of getting through this ground.

Right now, I'm trying to
keep an eye on a wash plant

And try and figure
out moving dirt

And try and figure out
our next step,

And I'm certainly
stretched to the limit.

I'm looking at the amount
of dirt we have to try

And get through with, you know,
not much time left here,

And I just need
everybody down here

If we stand
a fighting chance at it.

No, everything you're --

Everything you're saying
makes sense.

But I think that's what
we have to do as an operation.

The way I look at it,
you know,

You want to run
two operations half-ass,

Or one really good?


Probably, we might be able
to make it work

Up at the last cut
just tyson and bree.

All right, well, we'll just
do what we can down here,

But we're not making
good progress.

I have faith that you'll be able
to keep this wash plant running

And that will get them
both down here

With the two plants down here,
we can do 500 yards an hour,

And we'll make up the time.

I hope you're right.

[ Vehicle approaches ]

Rick: you know, as far
as I'm concerned,

I don't really know
anybody better

That I could get in here
right now to just basically

Just kick everything right
in the ass and get it moving.

to salvage his season,

Rick ness is bringing
in a secret w*apon.

When he gets here and he knows
what the task is

And the job at hand,
he's going to get it done.

a man with 40 years experience.

Rick: he's really just
a no nonsense guy.

Like he just doesn't have time
for bull[bleep]

That's all there is to it.

Narrator: mining legend
gene cheeseman.

A veteran of the yukon,

In 2015,
gene helped parker schnabel

Bank nearly $4 million in gold.

Thank you, gene.

[ All cheering ]

And went on to steer tony beets'
dredge to success.

Now, rick's hoping gene can
work his magic at duncan creek.

Good to see you, buddy,
thanks for coming.

How's it been going?

Oh, she's been
up and down.

As you can imagine.
What do you say?

You want to walk down
and check things out?

let's go look at it.

All right.

Monster red is running again

After carl's conveyor bush fix.

So, this is the cut where
we've been pulling

Our pay from here, gene.


It looks like
there's a fair bit here.


And some big-ass boulders
in there.

Yeah. These boulders are
just destroying everything.

How's the ground been,
what you've ran so far?

It hasn't been great,
but we also haven't gotten,

You know, real consistent
run time

To get a really good idea.

We've had a rough time
this year,

And I can see it in everybody,
you know what I mean?

Like, the momentum
has just slowed down.

Well, if these guys are willing
to want to learn and try,

I'll teach them
whatever I know.

Yeah, I know you will.

And I know how
you operate, right?

I know how you [bleep]
get things done.

Well, we can sit here
and talk about it all day,

But why don't we
just go get after it

And see if we get
something done?

Hell yeah.
I like it.

Gene's experienced.
He knows how to run people.

He knows how to move dirt.
He knows how to fix things.

Like, he's a guy that you want
on the team, right?

Like, the guy can do everything.

So, he'll ship these guys
up into shape real quick.

He's exactly
what we're needing.

I'd like to hope that we can
get to 2,000 ounces.

I mean, that's what
rick's set his goal at.

I'm sure that's what he needs
to make the season profitable.

Ryan: it's good to see
everything working,

And maybe today's
when things start looking up,

And hopefully we can have our
luck turn around a little bit.

Holy [bleep]

[ Machine powers down ]

This is a joke.

Narrator: the conveyor that runs
dirt from the feeder

To the plant is shredded.

[Bleep] [bleep]

[ Sighs ]

Man, are you [bleep]
kidding me?


What are we going to do now?

I don't have a [bleep]
belt for this thing.

Yeah, you're not putting
that back together.

-It's just pieces left now, man.
-She's toast.

[ Sighs ]

[Bleep] sick.

It never ends.
It never ends.

man, I can't believe that.

Narrator: a tear
to rick's main conveyor belt

Has shut down monster red.

Well, we can't [bleep]
shut down a wait for a belt.

what are you thinking then?

[Bleep] I don't know.
What do you think, gene?

Well, I think we just take
the feeder from there,

We build a pad, and move it up
into here where this was at.

Move the whole feeder
up to the plant?

Yeah. Just raise the pad up
and make it work.

All right. [Bleep] it.
Let's get it done.

Narrator: gene's plan
is brilliantly simple.

Get rid of the entire
broken conveyor,

Replace it with a solid pad
of coarse tailings

And move the 12.5-ton
hopper feeder

58 Feet onto the pad,

So they can feed pay dirt
straight into monster red.

That's good. Back up.

Hey, ryan,
we need to find another block

We can set that end on.

You're going to have to come up,
but hang out first.


Rick, you're going to have
to swing that way.

Are we good on
that railing, ryan?

Will you watch it?

Doing what we have to do
to get it running.

It's the only option we got,
so if we can eliminate one belt,

That's one less headache.

Hey, hey, hey, hey,
slow down.

Just put it right up there
and out of the way.

Narrator: with the conveyor
removed, gene gets to work

Building the new pad
for the hopper feeder.

it's pretty late in the year to
be trying to modify the plant,

But don't have
any other options.

I mean, you need to be sluicing
to be making money.

Zee: gene's just one of those
guys that has the right answer

And has it immediately.
There's really no dilly dally.

Just kind of looks
at the situation,

Figures it out, and away you go.

Roll it back.

Will you grab him
and have him dump here?

we've got gene pushing us.

We needed a little bit
of a kick in the ass.

It's something just watch --
hand signals

And just like, jumping in
and out of the loader,

And in and out of the excavator,
and directing rock trucks.

Like it's a -- this is
exactly what we needed.

Yep. We better get to work,
before he starts yelling at us.

I know, I ain't getting
yelled at.

Finally, gene must direct
the 12.5-ton hopper feeder

Carefully up the ramp
and onto the pad.

It's pretty [bleep] close.

We're just getting bound up
on the bucket right there.

That's -- we only need to get
over about a half a tire width.

It's going to be [bleep] close.

Which way? Do we got to go
that way at all?

Yeah, about
two more feet, gene.

Alignment looks good.
Try that.


Good work guys.
Let's get sluicing.

Let's get to work.

Start it up.

Narrator: less than three hours
after shutting down,

Gene has rick's operation
back up and running.

Rick: it's just great having
gene here.

He's got so much experience.

He just brings
so much to the table.

I mean, we're already
benefiting from it.

I mean we're back up and running
right now because of him.

The crew's happy.

Everything just seems
more positive with him here.

For the first time
in a long time,

I feel like we can honestly get
to our 2,000 ounces of gold.


Narrator: after a difficult
start to the season,

The beets family finally
has all three wash plants

Sluicing for gold.

Kevin's shaker deck
is plowing through

200 Yards of dirt an hour.

And we are sluicing!

-What was that?
-Holy [bleep]

Oh [bleep]

That's the problem right here.

All that clay [bleep]

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
In here, too.

Narrator: clay is a gold miner's
worst nightmare.

Any gold that hits as it rolls
around on the deck

Is going to stick to it,
and that's the gold

That's not going to end up
in my sluice runs,

And we don't [bleep] get it.

It steals all the gold
it touches.

Narrator: the shaker deck uses
water to wash gold off the rocks

And down into the sluices.

Kevin's pay dirt has a high
percentage of sticky clay,

Which is clogging
the punch plates

And sending gold-rich material
out with the coarse tailings.

Hey, kevin,
what's going on, man?

Well, you know that clay bedrock
we got in the cut?

It's not getting washed.

Let's go look at it
and see what we can do.


What I'm thinking is we could
put up a spray bar right here,

sh**t it back,
and that way it gives it

A little more time to clean.

Hopefully that'll break up
some of that clay.

Yeah, we can do it
quick and dirty,

And if it does work nice,
we can make it nice later.


Every minute
that we're not running,

We're losing money,
and right now,

Kevin's so far behind,
he's going to need that plant

Running as much as he can
to be able to try to catch up.

Narrator: in tony's bone yard,
juan finds an old spray bar...

Here we go.

It's already got all
the nozzles on it, ready to go.

Narrator: ...which he'll adapt
to fit kevin's shaker deck.

Where the material feeds
into the top of the hopper,

There's a sprayer that pushes
all the material down.

It's not giving it a whole lot
of time to sit there and clean.

So, what we're doing is we're
going to put another sprayer

In front that pushes
the material back,

Gives it a little more time
in the hopper

Where it can
actually get cleaned.

Hoping that this will help
break up some of those clumps

Of clay that we got
coming through.

If this spray bar doesn't work
and the pre-wash doesn't work,

This plant is [bleep] basically.

That's the story.

Unless we find more materials

From somewhere else to haul
from easy,

The plant is down. Done.

That's what it is.

You got one?

Oh, fancy, bud.

That's some [bleep]
artwork right there.


We'll set this on top
of those half-moons

And we'll get
ratchet straps to here.


And just ratchet
the [bleep] down.

I like it.


[ Chuckles ]

to test juan's bush fix,

Tony brings in a truckload
of clay-rich pay.

Moment of truth.

We're going to try
that spray bar out

And hopefully we don't have
any clumps

At the end
of the screen deck.

You know, I think
this is the last sh*t.

Hopefully everything
works properly

Because this plant
has been nothing but problems.

Narrator: with kevin's plant
sluicing again,

The beets have a fighting chance
to turn their season around.

The spray bar juan put in
actually looked real good,

But once we come back
at the end of the week,

We'll see what the gold weigh
says, and if it's not enough...

[ Sighs ]
...not sure.

We might have to get
different pay.

We might have to just shut
the [bleep] thing down.

there's definitely going to be
a lot of stress on everybody --

A lot more than there was before

With two plants running
in two separate spots.

'Cause we just don't have
the people to get it all done.

It puts the cluster cut and this
ground that we own in jeopardy

Because we have a lot
of ground to get through.

Narrator: after pulling crew
to work at the last cut,

Parker sends rock truck driver
aaron bo

Back to his own ground
to help haul pay dirt.

Parker just shifted me
back to the cluster cut.

It's fine by me. It doesn't
look like too much has changed.

There's still a [bleep]-ton
of pay to run through.

This season, we're just
so short-staffed

And we're trying to run through
so much material...

[Bleep] damn it!

You have got to be kidding me!

Brennan, get me
out of here, man.

Okay, buddy,
just hold tight.

Yeah, copy that.

aaron has hit a soft spot on
the side of the berm wall.

His 40 ton rock truck is now
teetering on the edge

Of a 20 foot drop.

The weight of his load
could tip aaron and his truck

Into the water below.

Aaron: hopefully, brennan
will get me out of here

Without me rolling.

Nearly gone over the edge.

Okay, aaron, just make sure
you keep your foot on the brake,

And I'm just going to pull
this dirt out of here quickly.

Just be very careful.

I don't really have a choice
at this point, do i?

Narrator: brennan removes
pay dirt to lighten the truck.

Aaron: yeah,
I'm sitting on this angle,

And I'm right on the soft edge.

My front ends [bleep]
sliding over.

I don't like this one bit.

-Buddy, this isn't working.
-Just give me a sec.

despite removing the pay dirt,

The truck is still stuck.

Brennan tries to level
the ground under the wheels.

This is [bleep] terrifying.

Brennan: look out.

[ Engine revving ]

I do not want this thing
going over.

Brennan: oh, for [bleep] sake.

I'll try to get
ahold of mitch here

And see if he can come down
and help you out.

Take it easy, aaron. We got it.

Aaron: yeah, just watch yourself
on that sharp edge.

This is a brutal situation here.

Guess I got a little rusty.

Mitch: let's be real
careful here, aaron.

Don't turn the wheel
too much

And just keep your foot
on the brake.

Down a bit.

Sure you got the front there,

Aaron, put it in neutral
and take the brake off.


Brennan, I'll just start
walking forward with the truck

And you just hang
onto the back of the box

And just pull down
the hill but just --

just be real careful.

Oh, here we go.

Holy [bleep]

Careful, boys!

Left a bit.

Hey! Right there.

-That's more like it.
-Yeah, I got it.

Easy, easy. Stop!

[ Brakes hiss ]

Hold your breaks.

Nailed it.

Holy [bleep]
thanks, guys.

That was a [bleep]
close call.

Um, might have to head back
to camp and change my pants.

Let's try and keep it on the
center of the berm next time.

Yeah, I'll take her
a little slower, too.

Nice job there, big cat.

[ Laughs ]

That was pretty close.

That could have ended
a lot worse than it did.

Good thing I didn't go over.

I'm safe.
We can get back to work now.

[ Sighs ]

Who says you can't have fun
at work?

Narrator: after the massive task
of building the road,

Now the beets
face another big challenge.

At paradise hill, mike beets
gathers parts from the bone yard

To take to monica's hunker cut.

[ Chuckles ]

Now that was [bleep] cool!

[ Laughs ]

We're going to bring
this down to monica's cut

Because we're not allowed
to cross the river.

So doing this, we're going
to have a bridge

So we can actually
cross the river.

monica has been working
hunker cut for four weeks,

And while the gold
has been promising...


...she's been limited
with what she can do.

Emr regulates mining in
the yukon to protect wildlife.

Monica can't drive anything
through the creek,

But with production
on hunker cut increasing,

They need more fuel deliveries,
and costs are spiraling.

This cut here has been nothing
but a [bleep] and a headache.

We really need to get
a bridge in place because

All the equipment needs to be
fueled more or less every day,

And taking hunker road
makes the trip long

For the fuel truck driver.

Narrator: from the beets base
on paradise hill,

The fuel truck has to travel two
and a half miles on public roads

To get to monica's hunker cut.

Driving across the creek would
cut the journey time by 40%

But the environmental

Mean they'll have
to build a bridge.

the bridge will be 60 feet long.

To form the basis, tony decides
to use old dump truck beds.

Monica: am I walking towards
the creek or the...?

Mike: that's as high
as she can lift it, dad.

That's as high
as she can lift it.

And I'm tipping.

Pull up?

For [bleep] sakes.

Ready when you are, guys.

tony selects anthony haines

To test the reclaimed steel
and timber bridge

With a 40-ton fuel truck.

Anthony: ohh [bleep]

There we go.

Whoa! [Bleep] damn.

Ohh [bleep]

Whoa! [Bleep] damn.

Holy [bleep]


What happened?

Narrator: monica's new bridge
deck has collapsed.

Tony needs to get the 40-ton
fuel truck off the bridge

Before it ends up
spilling fuel into the creek.

New planks in place, anthony
goes for a second attempt.

Here we go.

Hopefully one's done it.

-You guys are too nervous.
-You fall through the deck

One time and you get
a little nervous, huh?

-Good job, anthony.

Get to work.
Go fill up my plant, go.


Do I look like
I got my hands dirty?

It's too busy being
in my pockets.

Crank it up.

Now it's a lot easier for
anthony to come and fuel

And doesn't have
to go along the main road.

You can just hit the bridge,
15 minutes every day.

So yeah, back to
getting the gold.

Parker: things have been going
well here at the last cut.

We're finding a lot of pockets
and lots of little spots

That are -- obviously
have gold in them.

parker schnabel has split his
crew to run two wash plants --

In the last cut,
ground he leases from tony.

He's hoping to mine
a quick thousand ounces

In just three weeks.

Parker: we've done a whole big
stretch of ground here.

Now, it was supposed to be
in the last ground

We were going to mine here,

And it's just -- it's always was
just so productive for us that,

How can you not mine it?

Narrator: three miles away in
the cluster cut,

Ground parker owns,

Chief mechanic
and co-foreman mitch blaschke

Is short-staffed

And has to double up
as an excavator operator.

Mitch: parker decided to fire up
sluicifer back at the last cut.

And had really --

That probably couldn't
have come at a worse time.

Right now we're trying to get
through a whole bunch of ground

With just four of us down here.

Hey, mitch,
you got a copy, man?

Mitch: I don't.

There's a huge problem
with big red.

I need you to get up here
real fast.

That doesn't look good.

Hey, shut the feeder down!

Narrator: mitch attempts to fix
the problem

Without shutting down the plant.

See what we got going on here.

Well, that'll do it.

You can see here
we got a big rock.

It's wiped out our spray bar.

We're going to get wet here.

Narrator: a large rock has
slipped through the grizzly bars

And jammed the prewash.

Mitch: that's way bigger stuff
than what you want

To be seeing go through
your wash plant here.

That's a big one.

You see this nozzle's missing.

We're going to have
to get that fixed.

It's completely sh*t.

Shut it off.

What's going on?
How come the plant's down?

Lost a nozzle
in the prewash.

A big rock went in there
and smoked it.

And it's just one thing
after the next down here.

This is what happens
when you're just shorthanded.

We're trying to keep plants fed.
We're trying to d--

I know we're spread thin, has to happen.

We're not leaving that gold
in the last cut up there.

Try to battle through it.

Are you guys at least
getting close up there?

There's a lot of pay.

Mitch is doing his best
to keep big red running,

But we're still
struggling with people,

And he's pretty frustrated
with them.

He's right about
what the focus should be,

But at the same time,

We're here to get ounces of gold
out of the ground.

Well, we've got spare nozzles,

But we don't have
any of the 45-degree fittings.

So that's the important part.

We need the angle so the water

Isn't just sh**ting
into the side

Because otherwise it's going to
keep spraying water everywhere.

We do have these longer nozzles,
and I'm kind of thinking

If I can cut an angle in here,

I can spin it
and weld it back together.

It won't be perfect,
but it might be close enough

To work for now.

This is how the nozzle is going
to be mounted in the prewash,

So you can see we've got
a nice angle now.

The water is going to be
spraying down, hitting the rocks

Instead of hitting
the other side of the prewash

And blasting out
all over the place.

Well, we'll see
how this works out.

See, we got our nozzle
in place here

And the water is going to be
fanning down

Just like it should.

It's going to be
washing those rocks

That are dropping right here.

Should work out great.

Hey, let's fire it up.

Good to go.

We got it.

mitch's bush fix works.

The new spray bar is directing
water straight onto the paydirt.

Parker: it's time to get this
thing back washing rocks.

but only the gold way will tell

If parker's gamble
to split the crew has paid off.

I actually started making a list
of the places

I do want to eat when I'm home.

Narrator: almost four months
into the season,

Z's dreaming of home comforts.

Z: there is a burger place,
and they do loaded tater tots

With the pump nacho cheese
on them,

Sour cream, bacon and chives.

It's disgusting.

Like, there's a prime-rib joint
by the house, too,

But they do a [bleep]
bake potato, get the [bleep]

Deep fry it, cheese on it,
oh, and pork belly.

So then they have
crispy pork belly

That they put on top of that.

They wonder why everyone in
wisconsin is just [bleep] fat.

I mean, honestly.

[ Laughs ]

-Hi, guys.
-Oh, wow.

At paradise hill,
the beets gather

For the first triple gold way
of the season.

Monica: because you're going to
have to count your own gold.

So, monica, how did your week
go this week?

Well, we put the bridge in.

Actually that went pretty
[bleep] smooth

Until anthony decided
to go through it.

So how many days
did you sluice?


-So, kevin...
-First week's losing?

We didn't have enough water to
run both mike's plant and mine.

So we had to stick
the secondary pump in.

About three days.

Wow, that's a week
between the two of them.

-How, michael?
-How many days did you sluice?

Four and a half,
give or take.

Monica: okay, kevin.

for the first time, kevin is
bringing gold to the table.

2, 3, 4, 5, 7,

10, 12, 15, 20,

22, 23,

29 -- 29.12.

Narrator: worth $40,000.

Yes, it's a start. At least
I'm [bleep] bringing in gold.

Next up is monica.

Last week she got 40 ounces.

You got 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10,

13, 17, 20, 25,




Narrator: over $60,000.

That's not bad, mike.
This is yours.

Mike's trommel runs twice
as much dirt as monica's.

Last week
he got 90.6 ounces.

Mike: 10, 20, 30, 40,

50, 60, 70,



Narrator: that's more than
double monica's production

And worth over $130,000.

Okay, can we clear this up
so everybody leaves?

With all three kids
producing gold,

The total haul this week is
167 ounces,

Worth over $234,000.

This takes them
to a season total

So far of $2.3 million.

They all had their problems
this week now, didn't they?

I'm happy kevin's
up and running.

Gene has shown up
on a hectic week.

Yeah, it's good to be back
up here in the yukon

And hopefully
find some gold.

Narrator: at duncan creek,

Rick ness and his crew assemble
for the first weigh-in

With mining guru
gene cheeseman.

[ Speaking indistinctly ]
started right away,

Right when you got here,

Belt tear and then conveyors

And a mess, but I think
I speak for all of us

When we say we appreciate
you being here,

And it's been too long
since we worked together, gene.

Gene: I offer whatever
I can help with,

So hopefully we can have
a good end of the season here.

Yeah. Well, I guess, let's see
what we got out of it.

Narrator: last week, monster red
got just 32 ounces.

20, 25, 30,


40, 41.97.

Narrator: gene's improvements
have helped monster red

Bring in $59,000 from only
40 hours of running time.

That's probably
our best average.

-Per hour, right?

-For sure.

-That's awesome.
-For 40 hours, that's great.

If we ran on 80 hours, karl,
how much gold would we have?



[ Laughter ]

-Oh, can you do math?
-Metric math.

but with a total so far

Of 265 ounces worth
just $370,000,

Rick is way short
of the season target.

as happy as I am about this,

I really think we are going to
have to find some better ground

To hit that 2,000 ounces.

Find some big old nuggets.

Then our goal's back
within reach.

So with gene here, our team
is stronger than ever,

And all we got to do
is stick together

And keep moving forward, right?

On to more gold.

-Let's do it.
-I'll drink to that.

One, two, three, ready!

-Hi, guys.
-Hi, parker.

Narrator: at scribner creek,
parker schnabel and his crew

Are ready
for their weekly weigh-in.

It definitely wasn't cool for us
down at the cluster cut.

Really put us
in a tough spot this week.

When parker decided to go back
to the last cut

To try and get an extra
thousand ounces

From the ground
he mined last year,

He put a massive strain
on the crew.

but it moved a lot of dirt

And hopefully there's
a lot of gold in there.

Well, get used to it,

[ Laughter ]

Parker's about to find out
if his gamble has paid off.

All right. Let's see
how the week was.

First up, gold from the ground
he owns, the cluster cut.

Last week it delivered
around 200 ounces.

50, 80, 90, 140,

150, 180, 200...

30, 270, 280.

No way, keep going.
-Keep going.

Keep going.

290, 300, 309.1.

[Bleep] you.

[ Laughter ]

Well done.

Worth over $430,000,

Mitch's skeleton crew has

Might've been short on manpower,
but man [bleep]

The old 750 down there,
we had the horsepower to do it.

[ Exclamations ]
-oh, there's a pan!

You sure you can lift that,
old man?

now it's time for the last cut.

Nice to see some gold
finally come out of her.

how high does our scale go?

20, 30, 40, 50.


170, 200, 220, 280,

300, 320,

360, 376.9.



[ Laughter ]

Narrator: parker is on track to
hit his thousand-ounce goal

In just three weeks.

I think it's safe to say that
cut was definitely not done.


-In a week.
-In a week.

That's a pretty
[bleep] good week.

Narrator: parker's gamble has
paid off big.

With a spike in the gold price,

His best gold haul of the season

Is worth
around a million dollars.

So, for the season, we just
broke 3,000 -- 3,083 ounces.


-Holy [bleep]
-hope we keep it going.

I hate to say anything
too soon, but...

We're definitely on track
for a hell of a season.

Cheers, guys.

They'll keep rocking.

[ Laughter ]

on the next "gold rush"...

I call this
the last chance hole.

Rick goes on a desperate
hunt for monster nuggets.

The whole [bleep] season's
riding on this.

Whoa, what the [bleep]


Narrator: tony faces a disaster
that could end his season.

This spells nothing
but [bleep] troubles.

If we don't get some help,

The wheels are gonna come off
this thing.

Narrator: and parker gambles
on a greenhorn.

Trying to line this up.

Oh [bleep]