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10x05 - We're Gonna Need a Bigger Bucket

Posted: 01/13/24 13:56
by bunniefuu
on this "gold rush"...

...tony beets fights
to save the family empire.

But his plans go up in smoke.

Holy [bleep]

Mike, are you okay?

Something just ain't
looking right.

There's a bunch of water
pouring over the back side.

Narrator: rick ness is hanging
by a thread...

Hey, zee, shut it down.

Narrator: his hunt
for monster nuggets.

I don't know what the hell
I'm gonna do.

I gambled everything I had.

Narrator: parker schnabel races
to sluice three years of dirt

In a single season.

Stop the plant!

But his wash plant...

Can't cope.

Boy, this water
is really dirty.

We can't keep getting
silted up like this.

You two are gonna have
to handle it on your own.


It's been a pretty terrible
start to the season, honestly.

We're way behind.

We've spent a mountain of money,

And everything seems
to be going wrong.

I'm almost regretting
buying this piece of ground.

Like, we have so much
money into it now.

Narrator: parker schnabel is
attempting to mine

All his ground in a single year
before his permit expires.

It's a job that would
normally take three years.

Don't know if we're gonna
get out of the hole

We've dug ourselves into.

Narrator: two weeks ago,
parker lost his foreman,

So to achieve
his monumental goal,

He's elevated two of his most
trusted crew to co-foreman --

Chief mechanic and equipment
specialist mitch blaschke

And dirt-moving mastermind
brennan ruault.

I'm hopeful that mitch
and brennan

Are gonna be able
to get us back on track

And figure things out.

Mitch: the only difference
was before,

You had parker telling a foreman
what he wanted done,

And then they'd
have to come tell us.

Brennan: did anything
really change?

We're just doing
what we always do.

Just cut out a middleman.

To be honest with you,

Parker has been really
complimentary as well.

Like, he's been happy
with what he's seen,

So it's nice that we're
starting off on the right foot.

She's really doing good,

And I'm happy with
how everything is going, man.

It's all on us now.

Narrator: mitch and brennan
are working a cluster cut --

A 26-acre tract that parker
needs them to mine out

In just two weeks.

To get this massive job done,

They need to sluice
6,300 tons of dirt a day.

Boy, this water is really dirty.

Stop the plant!

You really don't want to sluice
with real dirty water like this

Because it just clogs up
all the riffles with silt.

Our ponds just aren't
cleaning it very well anymore.

You can't sluice
with really dirty water.

You can tell right here just
that these sluice runs

Are completely packed up,

And with this silty water,
gold is not gonna get caught.

It's just gonna go right
out the end of the sluice box.

Running like this, we're just
losing gold every minute.

Narrator: parker's claim has
limited access to water.

So his wash plant,
big red, draws its water

From a specially dug
feeder pond.

It sends dirty wastewater
containing fine tailings

Into a settling pond.

The tailings sink, and cleaner
water flows to the feeder pond

To be pumped back
through the plant.

But the system
isn't big enough,

And the water in the feeder
pond is full of silt.

Parker: [bleep]

Narrator: the dirty water
is clogging the sluices

And forcing gold off the end.

Parker: it's crazy to see.
Here's our problem.

This is supposed to be a pond,
and it's pure mud, you know?


Some nice [bleep]

But this pond is completely
full of [bleep] now.

It's running around to our pump
is the real problem.

The big thing right now
is just making sure

The plant has clean water.

We're shut down right now,
and that can't last too long.

Mitch: what's going on?

I saw bree has got
the plant turned off.

Parker: this pond is just
completely full of [bleep]

Look at dozer.

Aw, buddy.

As foremen, you guys should've
picked up on this earlier.

I mean, the only thing
I can think is,

We can put some coarse rock
on our pond walls

And kind of act
like a filter,

Hopefully clean
the water up a bit.

Just raise
this pond level.

Raise the pond level.

I mean, that'll buy you
a couple days, tops,

But ultimately,

We're gonna have to build
a new pond, right?

We can't keep getting silted up
like this.

Mitch: I mean, the best place
to put the pond,

It'd be right underneath
where pay mountain is, though.

That's the only place.

That's a lot of pay dirt
to move to make a pond.

Narrator: parker's plan --

Move the mound
of stockpiled gold-rich pay dirt

And create a third pond
to allow the dirt

To settle out of the water,

So only clean water
is recycled to big red.

that's a lot of earth

To move over there.

I mean, I know
we're shorthanded,

But we really don't have
anybody else.

You two are gonna have to
handle it on your own.

Well, I mean, we definitely
need some few extra people.

I mean, we're just
running thin down here.

And I'm sure people in hell
want some ice water, brennan.

We're just gonna have to
make do with what we've got.

It's gonna be just
a slow process.

We've got to get this done
in three days, max.

You know, really, we just
can't afford this downtime.

It's just that I don't see
another way around it.

You guys will sort it out.

I just don't know how we're
gonna get all that done.

This is [bleep]

Narrator: tony beets is facing
financial disaster.

Forced out of his
indian river operation,

He's now set up at a new site
30 miles north at paradise hill.

He's depending on kids --
monica, kevin and mike --

To bring in the gold
and save the family business.

Monica is prepping ground down
by hunker creek,

An 8-acre cut where she believes
dredges from the 1960s

May have missed
millions in gold.

After finding old mine works,

Kevin has identified
a claim on paradise hill

That he's preparing to mine,

And mike is running a trommel
on the other side of the hill.

Although drill tests showed
the gold here to be patchy...

the plant is up and running.

Got most of the kinks out of it.

Narrator: ...mike has already
delivered nearly 250 ounces.

Now I'm starting
to fall behind a bit.

My biggest issue is,
I have to make sure

I have enough pay
to keep it going

Because that thing
goes through dirt like an s.o.b.

as the only one making money,

It's critical he keeps
his operation running.

He has just two days of pay
left to process.

Mike decides to use
a massive water cannon,

Or monitor, to get down
to the gold-bearing pay gravels.

Mike: and then if we can get
a monitor going,

We can try and get
a decent amount of gold here.

but before mike can start work,

He gets a visitor.

Monica: hey, mike.
Can I talk to you for a second?

Hey, where...
Oh, there you are.

How may I help you?


Uh, how's it going?

What do you want?

I need somebody to go rip
in my cut.

You're the only man
on this property

That can do that right.

I would love to,
but I'm a little bit busy here.

I only got a couple more days
of sluicing

Until I got to get
the next spot ready.

What do you got to do?

I got to go build a pad
for a monitor,

So I can get
the next chunk of pay ready.

What if I run
tailings for you?

That ain't gonna be
enough, monica.

I'll make you a deal.

You build me a pad,

Get the monitor there
and set up,

And I'll do
some ripping for you.

Oh, I suppose
I could do that.


Monica: I'm gonna build a pad,

And he's gonna do a bunch
of ripping in my cut.

He's a bit of a sucker, though,

Because I got the better end
of that deal.

Narrator: to give the family
another money-making operation,

Mike rips
monica's 8-acre hunker cut,

Breaking up
the frozen overburden,

So it can be removed
to expose the pay dirt.

Not gonna lie, I would much
rather be working on paradise

Right now
because that's my cut,

But I need it here so that
this can get sluicing soon, too.

Narrator: at paradise hill,
monica and friend ruby

Build the pad
for mike's monitor system.

You know, mike and I
are helping each other out

Because at the end of the day,
we're family.

It's one team, one dream,
and it's all fine

And fun to be in competition,
but it doesn't get you anywhere.

If you're not gonna help your
family out, what good are you?

Ruby: we are building a pad
for mike's monitor,

So monica is feeding my
rock truck with the excavator.

We're bringing over
some tailings,

And we're gonna make
a nice little pad for him

So that he can get
that monitor on there,

Get that dirt out of the way
and start sluicing.

Monica: there's a lot
of pressure this year

On my siblings
and I to produce gold,

Especially where we had that big
cluster [bleep] first thing,

So it's really important
to keep michael sluicing

Because, you know,
gold mining is expensive,

And no point in doing it

Unless you're actually
getting gold.

after two days' work...

Alright, ruby.
Last load.

...the pad is finished,

And they can now
bring in the monitor.

Pretty pumped to see how much
mike has gotten done.

They've been at it for a couple
of days now,

So hopefully
he's done quite a bit.

The longer it takes
to get this ready,

The longer until I get sluicing,
so hopefully,

He's pretty well down to gravel.

[Bleep] [bleep]
mike, what's going on?

Mike? Mike? Mike?

mike, what just happened?

Do you copy, michael?

Mike, are you okay?

Mike? Mike? Mike?
Do you copy?

What the [bleep] is going on?

Narrator: at the hunker cut,

Mike beets is ripping overburden
for his sister, monica.

Mike? Mike? Mike?
Holy [bleep]

mike, what just happened?

Michael? Do you copy?

Mike? Mike?
You okay?

Holy [bleep]
thank god you're okay.

What in the [bleep]
is going on over there?

Are you [bleep] serious?

[Bleep] the d10 is blown.

Nothing but [bleep]
smoke in the cut.

What do you think it is?

Looks like driveshaft
[bleep] came off,

And looking in there,

It's completely [bleep]

The d10 exploded.

By the looks of it,
not the engine,

But definitely something
not [bleep] nice either.

You know how it goes --
one step forward,

Two steps back.

And since the cat is down,

That means I ain't gonna be
much use to you here,

So I'm gonna head off.

I got other [bleep]
I got to get doing.

Well, then you're lucky
I got your pad set up.

Most indubitably.

Well, I guess it's a good thing
I did most of the [bleep]

On my end of the bargain

Because we're gonna be
dead here

For at least a week
with that cat down.

oh, I know.

I know.

I did a bunch of work.

My end of the bargain is done.

Now I've got a cat dead
in the water,

Dead in the middle
of my [bleep] cut,

So who the [bleep] knows what
we're gonna do to fix this

[Bleep] problem now.

If it's not one thing,
it's the next, right?

Rick: I didn't sleep worth
a [bleep] last night.

We only got 35 ounces last week.

Right back
to where I was last year.

We could lose everything --

Money, my friends,
all of it.

I don't know what the hell
I'm gonna do.

I gambled everything I had
to get to duncan creek here,

And I don't know how I'm
gonna turn this around.

Narrator: rick ness has put
everything on the line

And moved his operation
to the mountains above keno

In search of giant nuggets.

He set a goal of 2,000 ounces,
double what he mined last year,

But a third of the way
through the season,

He has just 80 ounces.

-Morning, guys.

-Good morning, guy.
-Good morning.

Oh, glad you're all here.

We can talk about some stuff.

Last week, we got 35
[bleep] ounces.

That's [bleep]
and you guys all know

That's not gonna get us
where we need to be.

That's not even gonna get us
close to 2,000 ounces.

So we've got to come
at this a little harder.

I mean, I think we're running
at, like,

100 Yards an hour right now.

We need to push a lot more dirt
at that thing, like, a lot.

It can handle it?

Won't know till we try.

Sounds like we're gonna
push it to its limits,

Though, right?

We don't know
what its limits are.

If we don't start
stuffing dirt at it,

"A," we'll never know
what its limits are,

And, "b," we're never gonna
get to 2,000 ounces,

So I don't see
much of a choice.

How are we gonna stuff
more dirt in there?

Well, maybe we put the 480
up there instead of the 345.

I mean, that's twice the bucket.

Keep up the same pace, but we'd
be putting twice the dirt in it.

Twice the gold hopefully.

I'll stuff dirt in there
till it pops.

This just in -- ryan wants
to stuff it until it pops.

Yeah! Totally.

[ Laughter ]

Alright. So we're at least
gonna try this.


-Let's try it.
-What choice do we have?

[Bleep] right, boys.
In it to win it.

Let's go get after it.

Narrator: rick's wash plant can
run 100 yards of pay dirt

An hour through its sluices,

But if he can push that up
to 150 yards an hour,

He should increase
his gold recovery by 50%.

At the plant, it's out with
the 345 and its 3-yard bucket

And in with the 480
and its 4-yard bucket.

Chris: rick asked me to hop
into the excavator

And feed this wash plant today.

Narrator: in the rock truck,

Kruse now has to deliver
two more loads of pay an hour

To keep up
with increased demand...

Let's find some nuggets!

...while zee has to move fast

To clear the tailings
away from the plant.

This is what we do
to pay our bills.

It's good.
It's working with your buddies.

Like, I've always been
a firm believer in that

You can still get work done
and have, you know,

Have a good time
doing it, joking around.

Ryan: I have dumped plenty
of buckets in wash plants

In my mining career.

Up until I started mining,
I've always been a mechanic,

And, you know,
this is my second season,

So I've got
a little bit of experience,

But I still got
a lot to learn.

Narrator: ryan's bigger
excavator is loading 50%

More pay dirt
through the plant.

yeah, something ain't right.

I don't know.

There's a bunch of water
pouring over the back side,

And it just ain't right.

Zee, you down by the pump?

Go shut this down.

Hey, zee, shut it down.

Shut it off!

[Bleep] [bleep]
material built up

In the bottom
of the main render.

Was wondering why that [bleep]
water was spraying out

The back end of it.

Man, I don't know.

I don't see anything
different up here.

Probably just [bleep]
overfed it.

Oh [bleep]

I really don't know.

It probably just got
a little overzealous.

Narrator: rick's wash plant
uses water jets to send

The gold-rich pay dirt through
the screens and into the sluice.

Loading more pay dirt has
blocked an internal sluice run,

So water is backing up
over the sides,

And rick is losing gold.

so what's going on?

Rick: ryan [bleep] up
the wash plant.

Oh, there goes ryan
ruining everything again.

Look how stupid he is.

[ Laughter ]

Well, I guess we found what
the limit of that plant was,

And it wasn't...

That didn't work very well.

Apparently, the limit was right
over about where we had it.

Yeah. I think
we were running at max.

That bucket
is just too big.

I mean, that prewash looks
a lot smaller

With that 40 bucket
underneath it, so...


At least we didn't [bleep]
break anything,

But I think we've learned that

As far as our goal
of 2,000 ounces goes,

I don't think we've got
a [bleep] shot in the world.

Time to stop playing around.

I don't want to take
any chances.

I want to run more yardage.

We probably need
a bigger wash plant,

Find something better,
find something bigger.

I mean, we've got all this
[bleep] dirt to run.

Let's get serious
about running it.

We've got a lot of pond-building
and berm-building

To do here
for the short period of time.

You know, people keep leaving,

And nobody has come in
to take their place.

Narrator: in the cluster cut,
co-foremen mitch and brennan

Are leading
a monster operation

To get them back on the gold.

They need to build
a massive berm 235 yards long

For a new pond to supply
clean water to their wash plant,

Big red.

The plant has been shut down
for 48 hours,

And they're way
behind parker's deadline

For completing the pond.

Brennan: copy, mitch?

What's happening?

So much to do.

It'd be nice if we had
more manpower.

The lack of crew means brennan

Has to load his own
rock truck...

...while mitch and bree
work together.

Brennan: definitely wiped out

By the time
the 12th hour strikes.

That's for sure.

[Bleep] is that?
Holy [bleep]

This is a 750, like,
one of the newest hoes out.

I ordered it this spring
when I knew

We'd have a lot to do this year,

And it's got a big bucket
and a lot of power behind it,

So it's really gonna
help us move a lot of dirt.

[Bleep] look at the size
of that [bleep] thing.

The bucket is massive.

Brennan: holy [bleep]

It's big.

Holy [bleep]

That's insane.

It's got a 6-3/4-yard
bucket on it,

And it handles it very well.

I wasn't expecting
something like this.

thank you, boss.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: parker has brought in
a 750 excavator.

Its massive bucket holds up
to 8.5 tons of dirt,

Heavier than
a tyrannosaurus rex.

Get those ponies

If I see dented panels
or scratched paint...

Going home?

You don't get to go home.

We're just going straight
to the lashings.

Yeah, I mean,
I had it on order.

I didn't think it'd show up
this soon,

But it's
a pretty pleasant surprise.


Thanks, guys.

-Yeah, thank you.
-Thank you, man.

[Bleep] sweet.

Check her out, mitch.

Well, he did his part.
We better do ours.

Man, we got a lot of dirt
to move here, so...

No [bleep]
let's go see how it digs.

Sounds good.

We're gonna put brennan
on that end with the 750.

I'm gonna keep chewing away
down here with the 480,

But I got a feeling
he's gonna be

Catching on me pretty fast.

Narrator: brennan's new
excavator has 508 horsepower,

And the bucket can carry
50% more dirt than the 480.

What a [bleep]

When we said we needed
help down here,

I didn't think that he was going
to go spend this kind of money.

Holy [bleep]

This thing is a [bleep] pimp!

Mitch: it's almost
depressing over here

Watching just how far
you've gotten

And how far I've gotten.

It's unreal.

You sleeping over there?

There's definitely a different
pace of things now

With the 750 down here.

It's definitely
a game-changer.

It's all starting
to come together.

So I think we would make this
all happen in time.

Aw, man.

Mitch and I needed some help,
but, I mean, [bleep]

This thing is, like,
twice the size of that 480.

Narrator: mitch, brennan and
bree work on through the night.

Brennan: [bleep] yeah.
Berm pond is done.


Well, we finally got
our new pond walls done.

So now, it's just a matter
of getting some water in there.

We're gonna start
filling it up.

Come on, baby.

Narrator: as well as the two
ponds it had before,

Big red now has a new pond
with twice the capacity

And a constant supply
of clean water,

Minimizing the risk
of further shutdowns.

Soon as we get enough
water in here,

We're gonna fire
big red back up

And get back
to making some money.

[Bleep] yeah, boys.

-You liking that?
-Oh, yeah.

She's way bigger
than the last one.

Parker: yeah, man.
Look at that [bleep]


Man, you guys didn't
waste any time.

You got the pump in
and everything.


Wouldn't have happened
without the 750, man.

You could've hired
five more people,

And it wouldn't make up
for what that 750 can do.

It's unbelievable.
It's an unreal hoe, huh?

Oh, man.

Mitch: well, we've been charging
this pond for a bit here,

But I think we probably
got enough in it.

We can start sluicing.


Let's do it.

Good job.

Thank you.

[Bleep] yeah.

That's more like it.

Now we're gold mining!

I need to gather
all the money I have

Because if I find
the right wash plant,

I need to be able to buy it,

And I don't have the money
for it right now.

Narrator: rick ness is
scrambling to get the money

He needs for a bigger
wash plant

While precious days of his
mining season are slipping away.

I'm heading back
to quartz creek

Just to check
on my reclamation.

I need to get my bond back.

I put up 100 grand
for that last year,

And without it, I flat out can't
afford a bigger wash plant.

Narrator: during rick's first
year as mine boss,

He gambled on a claim
on the indian river...


Narrator: ...and pulled
in over 1,000 ounces.

[ People cheering ]

We're over 1,100.


but to secure the ground,

Rick put down a bond
of 80 ounces

As a guarantee
that he would reclaim the land

And restore it
to its natural state.

Now he needs to find out
from landowner sheamus christie

If he will get back his gold.

Hey, sheamus.
Sheamus: hey, rick.

How you been?
I've been alright.

I came by
to get the bond back.

I figure
we'd go check it out.

I haven't been down there
for a while, so let's go see.


First time I've been down here
in a while.

It's only been, like,
what, 6, 7 months?

I'm excited to see
what it looks like.

This year,
I was a little concerned,

First year out mining.

The reason we have bonds
is to make sure

The reclamation work
is done.

You need to help putting land
back into a better form

Than it was
before you mined it.


I need to make sure it's done,
and I like have things settled

Before I can give you
the bond back.


Business is one thing,
friendships are another.

I get it.

Narrator: sheamus' family has
been mining here for 35 years.

It's down to him to decide
if rick has done enough.

So, I mean, yeah.

Do you think
it looks good?

Is it good enough
to get the bond back?

So, I mean, do you think
it looks good?

Narrator: rick ness
desperately needs money

To buy a new wash plant.

He's come
to his old mine site

Hoping to get back
his 80-ounce reclamation bond.

Is it good enough
to get the bond back?

Banks are sloped.

is covered in topsoil.

I think it looks
really good, man.


It was important to me
to get this done right.

The ponds are good.
All the algae grows in there.

The moose are usually in there
dunking their heads in.

There's a moose.

It's just
the perfect habitat.

They love all those willows,
little willows that grow back

And just sit there
and eat them all day.


Look over here, rick.

We were mining 2, 3,
4 years ago over here.

Oh, yeah.

All the willows
have just taken off.

I mean, you can't even
tell it was mined.

That's only a few years, huh?
That's a few years.

That's pretty good.

Been a dry year,
but, yeah.

I think it looks great.

Yeah, well, why don't
we go back to my office?

We'll give you your gold
back and...


So, yeah.

You gave me
that gold last spring.


Here's a bar.


Well, good luck to you,
rick, down in keno.

Appreciate it.

I know it's tough mining
down there, and...

Well, I'm gonna go see how
fast I can burn through this.

It won't take you long.
I know.

Thanks, sheamus.

Ruby, we got some gold.

Rick: this 80 ounces of gold
that I just picked up

From my bond from last year

And the other gold
that I've got,

That gives me enough to check
out some bigger wash plants,

Which means more yardage, more
dirt through it and more gold.

Narrator: rick's 80-ounce bond
is now worth $112,000.

He can afford a new wash plant
and finally

Has a fighting chance
of hitting his season goal.

Rick: yeehaw!

Monica: so we had a big
[bleep] up in the cut.

Driveshaft, something
broke in the 10,

Dead in the middle of my cut.

Narrator: at paradise hill,
the beets family is in trouble.

Halfway through prepping
monica's cut for mining,

The vital d10 dozer
has broken down.

Monica has persuaded big brother
and mechanic kevin

To attempt a fix.

Now, the driveshaft between
the engine

And the hydraulic pumps
went kablooey.

It's a million-dollar machine.

It'd be nice if it
actually [bleep] ran

Instead of being
a lawn ornament.

he went back to his cut.

It all depends.
Could be a week.

Well, that's [bleep]

Do what I can.

[ Engine starts ]

Narrator: three quarters
of a mile away,

Up on mike's paradise cut,

The monitor system
is up and running.

Since the 1850s, gold miners
have used hydraulic monitors,

Jets of water so powerful,
they can cut into soil frozen

Since the last ice age
and wash it away.

The high-pressure jet
is clearing overburden

And exposing the pay-dirt layer
that should contain gold,

But the ground here
is unreliable.

Mike: the plant is hungry,

And I ain't
got enough dirt to feed it.

We're close to running
out of pay

And being forced
to shut down here.

We're gonna go into the cut
and see how it's looking.

the pressure is on mike

To keep
the family business running.

This is the moment of truth.

That don't look like
no black [bleep]

An actual layer of [bleep]
pay underneath here.

Let's see how deep she goes.

Oh, my [bleep]
there's pay here!

This might make it a bit [bleep]
easier to keep sluicing.

Let's see how deep it goes

Before I get
[bleep] too excited.


That is a [bleep] [bleep] load

Of easily accessible
[bleep] pay.

Holy [bleep]

There's a lot of pay here!

Found a [bleep] load more pay
here than I was expecting,

And it's sitting
right on your lap,

All ready to go saying,
"dig me, daddy. Dig me."

Tony beets, do you copy?
Tony beets, do you copy?

Hey, dad.
I got some good news for you.

Can you come over
to the plant please?

I got to show you something.

Narrator: the yukon's
placer gold can be found

In the white-quartz gravels
that lie just above bedrock.

We got way more pay
than we thought it did.

Mike: you hear that sound?

That nice little rock
sound that just...

It sounds like money to me.

Ryan: we have a tour
of the town here, huh?

There's the hotel.

Narrator: with rick away,
the milwaukee boys

Take a tour of the town of keno.

Seems like the place.

Ryan: oh!

Roller skates?

You know what
this calls for?

Figure-skating ball-hockey

basketball tournament.




There you go.
That was a good one.

[ Air horn blowing ]

-Yeah! Yeah!

That's enough hockey
for one day.

Let's go have a beer.

Minnie: you've been eating
skittles all day.

What are you
talking about?

Bull [bleep]

at the end of the week,

The beets family gathers
for the gold weigh

From mike's paradise hill

-Hey, guys.

Mike: not enough.
It's never enough.

Especially when you have someone
spending it so much.

That dozer break in the cut
kind of sucked.

I was a little bit pissed
about that, too.


so far this season,

They've mined just 345 ounces.

100, 170,

180, 190, 200.


Worth just over $376,000.

In a single week,

Mike has increased their season
total by 78%.

That's actually
really good.

I mean, I'm happy
if you keep doing that.

Well, you could smile
a little bit with your eyes.

Let's go to work.
I have stuff to do.

I need to go help.

Oh, and I need
to take pictures.


If we keep going
over 2 ounces an hour,

I'd be quite happy,

I know,
but moving takes time,

And it's expensive.


Talk to you later, dude.

that was quite a week.

It was a week.

Narrator: at parker's camp,
mitch and brennan arrive

To see how much gold
they managed to sluice

Despite the shutdown.

You guys have had a hell
of a busy week down there,

And the pond looks good.


It was getting pretty
damn dirty there for a bit,

But luckily,
we got her in time.

I mean, now we got a big pond,
plenty of water,

So I think it should be
pretty good here for a while.

What do you think, doumitt?
Was it a good one?

Chris: pretty sweet.
You guys are rocking.

Think we're on good ground,

And you got
the machine dialed in.

It's looking good.
It really is.

Better than last week?
It's close.

Want to throw it
on the scale and see?

Straight to the brim.

Let's put it this way.
If you guys keep it up,

I'm gonna need
a bigger thermos.

That's not a bad problem.

Parker: holy, chris.

You need somebody younger
to start doing this.

you're already to 100.

Narrator: last week,
they got 359 ounces.

Holy cow.

340, 350...

370, Still climbing.


Narrator: they've mined over
half a million dollars

Worth of gold.

That's insane.

That's nuts.

Well, I think it was a good
investment, that ground.

Obviously, it's starting
to show, right?

Well, a couple more of those,
and she'll be paid off.


We definitely appreciate
you spending

Some of that gold
from last year there

And getting that machine
because, man, it's unreal.

Is it a nice excavator?


-It's unbelievable.
-That's good.

We've got a good group,
and I think

That having nice equipment
will help maintain that

Because nobody wants
to run old junk,

And if they do,
they can go work at tony's.

[ Laughter ]

Well, good job, guys.

Yeah, thank you.

Dude, that was sick!
200, 300 Plus...

...cleanups in a row.
Oh, that's insane.

k*ller cleanup, great week.

We're over 1,000 ounces.

It's unreal.
It's going really good,

And we got a piece
of ground to pay off.

We got a big new excavator
to pay off,

And the gold is
coming in to do that.

on the next "gold rush,"

Rick's hunt for a wash plant

Leads him
to a klondike legend...

Rick: freddie!

...and the biggest
gamble of his life.

It's a half a million.

Tony beets'
paradise hill bet...

-Whoa, whoa, whoa.
-What the [bleep]

...threatens to sink him.

[bleep] cut is full of water.

Man: fred!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Narrator: and parker schnabel
faces disaster...

Holy [bleep]
[bleep] is going on?

...with big red.

Shut it down now!