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09x17 - Gold Gurus

Posted: 01/13/24 13:48
by bunniefuu
fire in the hole.

[ Air horn blows ]

-Good job, mark.
-My pleasure.

on this "gold rush"...

...the experts
with the midas touch...

We need to find a lot of gold
here in a short amount of time.

...who use technology...

There it goes.


Dave: I've never met anybody
that could build

A sluice box out of wood.

...and mechanical innovation...

I want to get one built.

Narrator: seek out

The most prized element
in human history.

[Bleep] is that hot.

This is the science
of gold mining,

And these are the gurus of gold.

the moment of truth.

Narrator: gold is scarce.

Every single ounce ever mined
would cover a football field

To a depth of only 18 inches,
which is why miners

Use specialists
to locate the pay streak...

Man #2: we've never mined
a yard of dirt

That didn't have gold in it.

...remove everything
in the way...

...separate gold
from the worthless dirt...

Good lord.

-There it is!

Narrator: ...and smelt nuggets
into solid gold bullion.

When you're starting out...

[ Tape rewinding ]

...the biggest challenge
for any gold miner

Is finding where the gold is.

In season four, parker schnabel

Starts his klondike
mining career with a visit

To local gold guru tony beets.

Hey, tony.


With over 30 years
in gold mining,

Tony runs one of the biggest
operations in the klondike,

And his success is built
on one golden rule.

No, I'm happy
to be up here.

I'm looking forward
to getting out

And looking
at the ground.

Parker has leased
a claim from tony,

But his new landlord
won't let him mine

Until test holes prove
there's gold in the ground.

Do you?

Let's do it.

[ Horn honking ]

Sounds good to me.


Good to go!

Narrator: the plan --

Make a series of test
holes drilling down

Through permafrost
in search of gold-rich gravel.

To be worth mining, the drill's
samples should contain

At least 10 flakes of gold.

Don't turn --
don't spin it.

This thing turns,
and it goes into the ground,

And if there's
gold down there,

It'll come up out of
the hole or something.

How many holes should I drill?

Is that tailing?

Parker: my first hole went
into tailings.

That's great.

Narrator: someone has already
mined this spot.

I would much rather drill
something and find out

That there's no gold
rather than just dig holes

And guess
where we're going.

Starting to look
pretty different.

Hopefully this thing is
on some pay dirt right now.

What does that sound
like to you?

Yeah, baby!

Right on.

Right there.
-Look at that.

Bunch of little flakes.


Narrator: following tony's
drilling advice,

Parker was soon making
money in the klondike.

New technology is constantly
evolving to help gold miners

Pick exactly
which spots to mine.

Freddy: if there's something
good underneath

The side of this mountain,
we want to get it out.

You know, I'm searching
for el dorado up here.

Narrator: in season five,
up a narrow yukon valley,

Freddy dodge
and older brother derek

Are convinced
their claim contains

Millions in chunky
gold nuggets.

This creek is a treasure
hunt for me.

It has the opportunity
to really bring in some gold,

Not just a little bit here
and there but big nuggets.

17.73 ounces.

I didn't come all this way
to mess around.

I came here to succeed.

to identify the good ground,

Freddy calls
in gold-exploration gurus...

-How you doing, isaac?
-...isaac fage...

-Dan, right?
-It is dan, yeah.

...and dan murray.

Their ground-penetrating radar
and aerial mapping

Help to pinpoint

The exact location
of any gold deposits.

So we're gonna fly the drone
up above here,

And we're gonna make
a detailed map

Of what this ground surface
looks like,

And then the radar is going
to make a detailed map

Of what the bedrock
looks like.

-That's what I'm after.

That's exactly
what we're here for.

That's perfect.

the drone flies up the creek

Taking detailed aerial
photographs of the valley.

Next, the ground-penetrating
radar moves from side to side

Across the creek,

Sending out radio waves
from a transmitter.

[ Waves pinging ]

The waves bounce back off
the bedrock to a receiver.

The time it takes the signal
to return gives an exact depth

And contour
of the bedrock below.

So you're gonna figure
it out, are you?

Isaac: well, we're gonna do
our best here,

So we brought
a couple good tools

To help us map the bedrock.

We can gather all this data
in a day now.

You know, I'm kind
of old-time miner,

So it's all new technology
to me,

And I'll believe it
when I see it.

The technology way,
it still doesn't tell you

Whether there's any gold there,
tells you where the bedrock is.

The old-fashioned way
tells you both, so we'll see.

to begin the survey,

Dan walks the valley
with the gpr unit.

Dan: so all I'm doing

Is dragging
this ground-penetrating radar

Back and forth across the claim.

The snake that I'm dragging
around behind me

Has a radio transmitter
and a receiver.

That goes to this little data
logger that's in my pocket,

And before you know,
you've got a real pretty picture

Of what the bedrock
looks like underneath us.

Narrator: for an aerial view of
the creek to match with the gpr,

Isaac prepares the drone.

Isaac: a lot of technology
packed onboard with this thing.

It can fly a mission
completely autonomously.

It's sensing the ground.

This senses wind speed
and direction.

Let's get this thing in the air.

Freddy: there it goes.

Now it's off to its mission.

[ Imitates g*nsh*t ]

[ Laughs ]

See the little thing
on here.

It's taking the photos
as it goes down the line.

That's how we build
this cool elevation model.

-That's pretty amazing.

I can't wait
to see the result.

20 Years ago,
you'd have never thought

About a little plane
helping you find gold.

Your photography
technology here

Keyed with the gpr
that dan is doing up there,

It may dictate the mining plan,
huh, derek?

Narrator: up ahead...

I think our best gold
is right here.

Fire in the hole.

And in exclusive
unseen footage...

Rick: that is one frankenstein
machine right there.

I want to get one built.

Narrator: in carmacks, yukon,
freddy dodge

Has the survey
of his ground-penetrating radar.

About dinnertime?

How's it going, freddy?

I got the results back
from dan and isaac.

Have a look at this.

So this is the funny
little airplane pictures.

That right?

Narrator: 728 photographs
taken by isaac's drone

Form an aerial map of the creek.

Look how this valley opens up
right there.

With the ground-penetrating
radar data

Placed over the images,

The bedrock depth, indicated
by colors, becomes clear.

Look at right here.

See where it just fans out
right there?

That should be
alluvial fan.

The gpr reveals where an ancient
creek widened and slowed,

Depositing gold nuggets

Carried down
from the mother lode.

This geological feature
is known as an alluvial fan.

I think our best gold
is right here.

The dodge brothers follow
their high-tech treasure map

Hoping for a pile
of chunky gold nuggets.

Last bucket, derek?

Couple more.

We're down to our last
few buckets of this fan cut.

We're gonna do a cleanup and
see what kind of gold we got.

We need over 100 ounces.


Here's our fine gold --

Okay. Here's our
mid-size gold...


Well, it ain't 100 yet.
I'll tell you that.

Now, look at this.

Well, nuggets always
weigh different

Than you think
they're gonna.



Narrator: 109 ounces,
worth $131,000 --

Their last week of running

Produces a full 20%
of their season's gold.

Freddy: like, look at some
of those nuggets, boy.

That's the final result.

Narrator: isaac and dan's
high-tech mapping

Drags the dodge brothers
into the 21st century

And leads them
straight to the gold.

Freddy: 42 ounces of nuggets
for just a little bit of dirt,

That's a victory to me.

in their quest for gold,

A mine boss' single biggest
expense is the fuel bill.

Rock trucks, excavators and,
worst of all,

Dozers burn thousands of dollars
of fuel a day.

So where are we going?

Well, I met this guy that mines
down here on dominion.

He's custom-built and designed
these conveyors that he uses.

Frustrated with a $1 million
fuel bill,

Parker seeks out a gold guru

With an ingenious way
to move dirt

At a fraction of the cost.

So those are
what he uses.

That is one frankenstein
machine right there.

These monster machines

Are the brainchild of australian
inventor adrian hollis.

How are you?

Good to see you.


Adrian's mobile conveyor sits
on an old excavator.

A single operator clears
worthless overburden

From above
the gold-rich pay dirt

And loads it into the hopper.

The conveyor then shifts it
120 feet up and out of the cut.

Once finished in one area,

The operator simply moves
the conveyor and starts again.

So what's this thing
cost to run?

And you're moving
4,000 yards a day?

At 400 yards per hour, one man
with adrian's conveyor

Shifts more dirt

Than a four-man,
three-rock truck stripping crew.

That's a third
of what we're at.

Pretty impressive.

Would you be willing
to help build us one?

Parker: could you build
a bigger one?

he's the mastermind behind this,

So if he's willing to help,
then I want to get one built.

Parker: yeah.

Narrator: adrian builds
parker's mega machine

By combining
an excavator body...

-Up a little bit.

...with a monster conveyor

Made from three 50-foot
steel sections.

I hate watching this
kind of [bleep]

Because this is when
a lot can go wrong.

Right there!

In the words of tony beets,
"I don't want the labor pains.

I just want the baby."

-We're in.

Parker: thank god
we didn't drop it.

Seems pretty sturdy, huh?

to increase reliability,

Adrian uses a conveyor belt
made from one continuous loop,

An enormous rubber band

He threads around
the three conveyor sections.

You know, this is the only belt
we have,

And we had to have it

So we're trying
to do it smoothly

Without ripping anything

Because that would cause
an angry parker.


Narrator: parker walks his
$300,000 colossus into the cut.

Parker: right now, I'm just up
beside the creek diversion,

See how it likes some mud.

That's pretty nasty stuff.

If it can move mud like this,

The conveyor will prove
to be pretty versatile.

Man #3: there it goes.

This is absolutely badass.

I love it.

Narrator: after using it
to move overburden

At a third of the cost
of rock trucks,

Parker's super conveyor

Builds slucifer's
final path in record time.

we're ready for a wash plant.

and with winter closing in,

Parker gains days
of valuable sluicing...

-Are you happy with that?
-Okay! switching this
versatile machine

From moving overburden...

Look at that.
Boom, no more super stacker. feeding pay dirt
into his wash plant.

All right.
Let's get down to business.

Narrator: adrian's super
conveyor saves parker

$100,000 In fuel

On his way
to a record-breaking season.

-What's our season total?
-You ready for this one?

How about 4,311 ounces?

[ All cheering ]

Parker: so that's just over
5 million bucks worth of gold.

Narrator: when a gold miner
can't get to pay dirt,

He's in trouble.

Boulders are fricking huge.

I've never even begun
to see boulders this size.

Season seven in colorado --

Andy spinks is struggling
with a giant problem.

I got boulders the size
of small cars in my way

From getting
this pay dirt out.

well, at this point, todd,

I am frustrated
with this.

I cannot get
these boulders out.

What do you want to do,
freddy? I mean...

Fireworks, make big rocks
into small rocks.

Let's freaking blow 'em up.

to save their season,

The hoffmans call in
expl*sives guru mark mayer.

I love my job.

Where else in the world do you
get to go and blow things up

On somebody else's property,

Make a mess
and let them clean it up?

-Mark, how you doing?

Nice to meet you.

What do we got
going on here?

There's good gold
in the ground.

I just need to get to it,
and those rocks are in my way.

Well, looks like we have
two options.

We can wait for god
to send down a lightning bolt,

Break those rocks,
or I've got some dynamite.

Let's go with the dynamite.
I'll get out of your way.

No worries.

Narrator: mark brings in
the commando drill truck.

Its diamond-core drill will bore
a 2-inch-wide hole

Into the heart of the boulder.

I started when I was 13,

Blew these two fingers off,
big mistake.

I've gotten better.

I still have my head.

Look at that.

He's cutting like a hot Kn*fe
through butter right there.

Goes through
pretty quick.

underneath those boulders,

I guarantee
there's a lot of gold.

Drill's job is done.

Extra-gelatin dynamite,
that ought to do it.

to blast a 20,000-pound boulder,

Mark uses a stick
and a half of dynamite.

The energy equivalent of this
is on the order

Of about
100 million horsepower.

Freddy: what's cutting it
do, mark?

Cutting will allow the cartridge

To shrink and expand
in the borehole

So we get most of the energy
down on the ground...

-Makes sense. the rock.

I'm gonna have to tamp it
a little bit, very lightly.

Finish her up with sand,
that'll do.

Let's get out of here.

The detonator box is wired
and ready to fire.

[ Air horn blowing ]

They're gonna blast.
We got to take cover.

Mark: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Fire in the hole.

Holy [bleep]

Man #4:
damn, that was awesome!

Bye-bye, boulders.

I love blasting, you know?
I mean...

Mark, kick-ass, man.

[ Air horn blows ]

All clear!


-No more big boulders.
-Look at that!

That'll work.
That I can move.

-Good job, mark.
-My pleasure.

Bring it in!

Andy, get the excavator,
and let's go!

That's all I needed,
just a little bit of help.

Being able to run this material
right here

Is what's gonna get us
our 1,000 ounces

Because it is loaded with gold.

mark mayer's expl*sive expertise

Cleared fairplay's
monster boulders,

Helping the hoffman crew
avoid another season from hell.

Todd: how'd we do, dad?


[ All cheering ]

This is just fantastic.
I love it.

Good job, you guys.

All right.
Let's crank her up.

Narrator: once a gold miner
has some pay dirt,

He needs a kick-ass wash plant
to wash away the dirt

And catch every single grain
of precious gold.

Parker: look at that.

Narrator: and no one puts
together a wash plant

Like gold guru freddy dodge.

40 Feet long,
16 feet wide.

This one
is going to kick butt.

Todd: fire it up!

His creations,
big red and monster red,

Are high-capacity,
custom-built sluice plants

Designed to run hundreds
of yards of dirt...


...and catch thousands
of ounces of gold.

But in season four,

Freddy adapted
the same techniques

To a small-scale plant
when the hoffman crew

Went prospecting in chile,
south america.

We need to rent a backhoe,
and we need to build a plant

That we can actually
get material through.

I don't know what
we'll build it out of,

But we'll find something.

Narrator: first stop --
the local hardware store.

Let's find lumber first.
I've got an idea.

We can use plywood.
It's fast.

We can cut it with saws,
put it together.

let's get on it, man.

Let's get rolling.

So I want five sheets,
six sheets of this.

What's next?

Let's get some 2-by-8s
for the sides.

Freddy: todd's relying on me to
get this thing put together.

I'll do the best I can,

But I'm having to do it with
very limited resources here.

I don't know if I can find
the material

I need to catch
this fine gold.

Hopefully I can.

Normally I'd like to build
this all out of steel.

We don't have that option here.

We're gonna make do.

Can't buy one, we'll build it.

Okay, so what's next?

Let's find some pipe.

Todd: we're running
off seawater.

We got to get it away
from the ocean,

So I'm thinking,
what, 100 feet?

-I'd say 100 feet.

Let's get some cut.

it's not gonna be fancy.

Dude, just put lipstick
on this pig,

And let's get
this test done.


We need a bath?

We got a freaking bathtub
right here.

And the g*n.

Todd: nobody has ever built
a wash plant in chile

From a do-it-yourself store
like we have.

Todd: I hope you guys like a
little adventure in your life.

Dave: this has to be
the craziest thing

That freddy dodge
and I have ever done.

in chile, south america,

Gold guru freddy dodge

Is building a wash plant
from scratch.

We'll try to make a punch plate

To classify our material
out of this plywood.

Drill a pile of holes
properly placed

And hope it does
a good job.

Narrator: freddy has designed
the wash plant

To work like a mini version
of big red.

A drilled pipe sprays seawater
onto a perforated plywood sheet

Known as a punch plate.

The backhoe then loads pay dirt
onto this plate,

And water washes the fine
material through it

To the sluice box below

Where the gold should collect
in the steel riffles and mats.

Freddy: so now we'll start
assembling the sides,

Putting stiffeners on it.

Dave: measure it twice
and cut it once.

Looking good.

Todd: yep.
Progress is awesome.

Remember our plant last year,
big red?


Let's call
this little fred.

[ Laughing ]
little fred.

The wood craftsman's guide
to building sluice boxes.

And I'm a steel fabricator.

I don't know wood.
Wood is for burning.

Not anymore.

This is really coming
together well.

I've never met anybody that
could build a sluice box

Out of wood
in the middle of the desert

In the middle of chile.

Great work, guys.

-Little freddy sluice box!

Todd: let's get the water pump
hooked up.

Freddy: we'll plumb it,
get our hoses to it,

Start feeding material
through it.

-Here it comes.
-There it goes.

Dave: we got water.

Todd: how's it look?

Freddy: what do we got, todd?
Good water.

The flow going down the sluice
box is really even.

Tell you what, for a bunch
of lumber

That we picked up
at the store,

We made it into something
pretty darn nice.

-Isn't that cool?

Good job, freddy!


Little wood, a little screws
and a lot of elbow grease.

this thing rocks, buddy.


We're freaking
running some dirt!

You know...

Narrator: freddy is not
just a wash-plant guru.

With his jig and oscillating
gold table,

He's a master
of fine-gold recovery.

-Sniff out the gold for us.
-We're ready.

Narrator: gold is four times
heavier than black sand

And 19 times heavier
than water.

Freddy's equipment uses
this difference

To separate
the heavy gold particles.

Freddy: keep a constant feed so
our material is in our feeder.

We're putting it into a slurry.

Then it's going down
to the screen deck.

Our screen deck
is cleaning our material

And getting
our fine material out.

Then our fine material is going
to carry through

And into our jig.

Narrator: in the jig,

Gold passes through a layer
of pulsating ball bearings.

It's a simple process
that works extremely well.

Here's our fine gold.

So now we've got the majority
of our heavies and our gold.

You can see the gold in it.

That's just fan-damn-tastic,
you know?

is that about it, fred?

We're done with this process.

So let's get the table
rolling, huh?

See what's in
your fine stuff, todd.

This is the big time.

Looks like we're ready.

Narrator: freddy feeds the
super-concentrated material

Onto the oscillating
gold table...

Freddy: these grooves are
catching our material,

So I'll be able to cut
the gold right out of it,

And we'll get rid
of the rest of the material.

Narrator: ...which traps
the gold in its grooves

And washes the worthless
black sand to the side.

-That it, dad?
-That's it.

That's the first chunk
that came down,

Dropped down
and went back up here,

And it's coming down.

-Way to go.
-There it goes.

It's in the bucket.

Okay, guys.
Let's see what you did.

Here we go, todd.

See how much gold
you've got.

-Four ounces.

Narrator: freddy's gold machines
have paid off big time.

To date, freddy's wash plants,
big red and monster red,

Have, between them, caught
nearly 14,000 ounces of gold,

Worth over $16 million.

[ Men cheering ]

Up ahead,
in never-before-seen footage...

Is this a birthday present
to yourself?

Oh, yeah.

Rick: it didn't come
with any instructions?

Parker: just like,
"don't k*ll yourself."

Narrator: sometimes,
the strangest clues

Can lead you to the gold.

Is that an ancient tree?

It's a freaking tusk, dude,
mammoth tusk.

-Hold on.
-Trying to walk.

Knock some
of the mud off of it.

That's beautiful.

I think you're gonna be
very pleased.

I don't know if you realize
how rare it is

To find a piece
this big intact.

It's amazing.

I'm hoping
it's a good sign.

From what I've seen,
every single time,

When you find mammoth tusks,
you're finding gold.


They're always found together,
and think about it.

The mammoth
were like people.

They like to live
where living is easy,

And the living is easy
in these wide, open plains.

These are the same plains

That the gold
is being deposited in

Because that's where
the water is slowing down,

So these gold-bearing creeks
are the same creeks

The mammoth
are drinking out of.

So I think this is
a good omen for you.

I hope you're right.

Narrator: to turn impure
gold dust into cold hard cash

Involves one final
technological process.

18-Year-old parker schnabel

Takes his big
nugget gold to specialist

Don kinsey to smelt
his first-ever bar

Of pure gold bullion.

Don puts the mixture of gold

And flux into a heat-resistant

This is soda ash,

And the other material
I'll add is borax,

Which is a soap.

So once again,
you're cleaning the gold.

...then into the furnace.

I've never watched gold
being melted or poured

Or any of that
kind of stuff before.

At 1,943 degrees,

The gold ore
starts to melt.

What's that for?

This is a carbon rod.

What I can do with that rod
is give it a feel

And see if it's going
to liquid nicely,

Then therefore telling us,
give it a little more time.

The soda ash and borax,
known as flux,

Combine with the impurities
to form a waste product, slag.

Stay calm.
Nobody panic.

Here we go.

All season we worked
to get that,

And, um,
it's pretty cool.

Is this a birthday present
to yourself?

Oh, yeah.

Narrator: six seasons later,

Parker has enough gold
to buy his own gold smelter.

What is that?

It's a furnace
for melting gold somehow.

I've always wanted
to pour bars.

I'm just assembling
my toy.

What are you guys doing?

I really don't know.

Crab boil?

-Trying to k*ll ourselves.
-Gold boil.


Oh [bleep] furnace.

-How cool is that?
-That's pretty sweet.

Do you know
how to do this?

-[Bleep] no.
-Because we don't.

I'm starting to think
about parking

A little farther away,

Think you should.

We just tried
to light it.


She's going.

There's didn't come
with any instructions?

-Not really.
-A piece of paper.

One piece of paper just like,
"don't k*ll yourself."

I'm ready.
I'm ready for the big leagues.

Narrator: to make each bar,

Parker mixes 100 ounces of gold
with the flux.

It's supposed to take,
like, 25 minutes.

How hot
does it have to get?

Don't know how hot it is,
but it's hot.

Something is happening now.
-Is it?

It's, like, up the sides.

Oh [bleep] is that hot.

But, yeah, I mean, it looks
like something's happening.

-I don't trust it.
-No, I don't either.

Parker: once it solidifies,

Then you knock it
out of the casing

And out of the thing.

Just like that.

Narrator: each gold bar
is worth over $120,000.

Rick: oh, yeah.
You're all set now.

This is the stressful part.

Chris: ten 100-ounce bars,
1,000 ounces,

Four or five
more stacks like that...

at his end-of-season gold weigh,

Using a mix of
backbreaking work,

Smart decisions,
and some high-tech ingenuity

From the gurus of gold,
parker schnabel

Produces over 6,000 ounces
of the shiny yellow metal...

[ All cheering ]

...a component used in jewelry,

World finance,

Computing, and cellphones.

It's even vital to
the exploration of space.

On the next "gold rush"...

She's good to rock, huh?

Sparky, here we go again.


Tony: last pieces out
of thistle creek.

It is just wide and ugly.

Height-wise, we'll find out.

[Bleep] wait.

[ Clanging ]

What the [bleep] is that?

Hey, rick.

Next time, it's gonna cost you.
All right?