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09x12 - The Devil's Deadline

Posted: 01/13/24 13:45
by bunniefuu

I'm looking at
over a week shut down,

And I can't afford it,
you know?

Parker: yeah, I'm not really
seeing any gold in here.

This is such
a [bleep] hoffman move, too.

Like, "ooh, let's just sluice
more gravel!"

It just pisses me off.




Rick: things are going
pretty good right now, you know?

I got a bunch more ground open.
Happened to --

Managed to get a night shift on,
so we're running 24 hours a day.


Narrator: rick ness has pulled

Over two-thirds
of a million dollars of gold

Out of the ground,

But he's still a long way
from his dream

Of becoming
a million-dollar miner.

Rick: everything is working
pretty good,

So just got to keep it together
for the rest of this season.


Hey, ryan, what would
jack hoffman say?

"You're all millionaires.

You just got to get the gold
out of the ground."

"There's a stick
in your tailgate."

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: rick's crew
is in the downstream cut,

Hauling what they hope will be
the best pay of the season.

This trommel has actually
been really reliable

After we got it dialed in,

So if this thing keeps
running like it is,

We're definitely going to be
able to make our goal.

Narrator: rick takes charge
of clearing tailings

To keep durt reynolds running.

This is where we had, basically,
the best drill holes on the map,

Really hoping that
our gold average goes up,

And I'm hoping the best gold
of the season comes out of here

Because we need it.

Hey, ryan.
Do you have a copy, ryan?

Yeah, ben. Go for ryan.

What do you think
you're going to do

With your set
of the profits?

Probably the first thing
I'm gonna get is a gold tooth.

I don't know if I'd quite go
with a gold tooth,

But I think a vacation
sure is well-deserved.

Terry, what about you?

What are you going to do
with your share of the gold?

I'm going to leave it
in a jar and wait

For the market to crash,
and then I'll cash it in.

I still want to get that
pet donkey when I get home, too.

[ Laughs ]


[ Clanking ]

[ Metal creaking ]

What the [bleep] is that?

[ Grinding ]

What the [bleep]?

Oh, come on!

[Bleep] that sound!

Just when things are going good.


The [bleep] is wrong
with this [bleep] thing?


That bearing doesn't sound
[bleep] good.


[ Powering down ]




Hey, carl, can you head up
to the wash plant?

I think something's
[bleep] up here.

mechanic carl rosk arrives

To figure out the problem.

Ooh, yeah.

this bearing is [bleep].

Okay? So, yeah, that's
basically the bearing.

The cage failed.

Bearings fell out.

They're all gone.

So the ball bearing is supposed
to be in there.

So this thing is dust.
It's all dust, right?

There's not a lot
of [bleep] shrapnel.

[Bleep]. This is not good.

Narrator: the trommel rotates
on four steel wheels.

On either side of each wheel
sits a bearing mechanism,

Allowing the wheel to turn.

The cage separating
the roller bearings has failed.

Loose within the housing,

The bearings have ground
themselves to destruction.

Until rick can fit
a new bearing,

He's losing $1,000 in gold
an hour.

Probably not going to
have this in dawson, right?

It's 3 or 4 days,
probably a week

No matter
how you slice it, right?

We do not have a week for this.

I know.

Rick's $1.2 million target
depends on him

Finding a bearing, and fast.

Just a [bleep] day all around.

I'm going to have to find
a [bleep] bearing

For this wash plant.

I mean, I don't know where
I'm going to find one,

But I'm going to have to get
[bleep] creative.



Every part
of this season has been rough,

And we're so far behind on gold.

Every week,
we've really got to produce.


Parker schnabel is over
halfway through the season

But only a third of the way
to his $7.2 million goal.

The big thing now is,

We just have to keep
both plants running.

We're so late in the year,
and we've lost so much time.

Narrator: big red is running
at 200 yards an hour.

At the other end
of the last cut,

Sluicifer is smashing
another 250.

We don't have time
to have bad cleanups.

We don't have time to, you know,
have any real issues,

Either on the plant-side

Or anything on the ground side.

It just needs to be
the best stuff.

Narrator: parker's foreman,
dean tosczak,

Is opening ground...

It being my first season
for parker,

I really don't want
to let him down.

If a person doesn't do
what's expected of him,

He won't be doing it long.

Narrator: ...and is confident
he's down to gold.

It's black soil
and everything that's...

It's looking good.

It's a good sign that we're
going to have good gold here.

What the [bleep], dean?
Lot of gravel in here, huh?



Are you concerned about
this amount of gravel in here?

Well, I've run
worse-looking stuff.

Seems to have a lot
of gold in it.

Normally, we don't sluice
this much gravel,

So I'm a little bit
concerned about

Just the amount of it here,
you know?

We usually sluice about
probably 2 feet.

Right now, dean has got about
five or six in the cut.


Narrator: parker normally
only mines

The gold-rich first 2 feet
of bedrock

And the 2 feet of gravel above.

Dean has found gold
5 feet above bedrock,

But they need to find out
if it's enough to turn a profit.

Parker pans it to find out.


I mean, I don't know
what to do about this.

There's...what is there?

One, two, three, four,
five colors in there.

-Pretty small.
-Yeah, they're small.

[Bleep] me.


I don't like second-guessing
myself, and one way to tell

Is to run a 24-hour test,
and then we know.

It's going to cost you money
to move the gravels, anyway.

So why not just run it
through the plant

And maybe get
some return on it?


It's just, if it's bad,

Then there goes another
24 hours, right?

Parker, I've been
doing this a while.

I've found good pay
6 feet above bedrock.

I would say, at a minimum,

30 Ounces, 24 hours.

Narrator: parker will run
a 24-hour test.

If they get 30 ounces of gold,

Dean's dirt
will be worth running.

Yeah, I mean, if we're going to
stay on track to get

6,000 Ounces, like, this test
needs to have at least 30 in it.

Otherwise, it's going to be
a massive waste of time.

Like, dean better be right.


You know, I feel
solely responsible

To get this cut ready,

And I feel like
it's all on my shoulders.

Mistakes cost money out here,
and it can cost a season.

To run a test, chris doumitt
needs to clean out

Sluicifer's sluice box

So they can start
with fresh mats and riffles.

We have to do the test.
We have to know, you know?

We run a topsoil,
or we run just bad ground.


Okay, parky, here we go again!

chris unlocks the safety chains

To lower the sluices.

Here we go.

[ Thud ]

[ Metal groans, crash ]
-whoa, chris!

What the hell was that?

It was on free spool!

As soon as I touch this thing,
it came a-crashing down!

Somebody could've very easily
been k*lled on that drop.

It's [bleep] bent
out of shape there.

That is [bleep], man.

That ain't gonna catch gold.

Got to be [bleep] kidding me.

So when I took
the safety chains off,

As soon as I touched
the control knob,

She came a-crashing down.

That's bad.
That's, like, really bad.

Now that's gonna change

The angle of the sluice,
isn't it?

This is a major deal.

We'll probably have to pull
this whole tray out of here

In order to straighten it.

This thing is [bleep].




This guy I'm going to see,
he's a big mine boss out here.

He'll probably have extra parts.

If it's between begging this guy
for a bearing

And waiting over a week
for a different one,

I'll beg, no problem.

Ruby, you just have
to look adorable,

And then he can't say "no"
to you.

Narrator: rick's operation
is at a standstill.

The broken bearing
could cost him $155,000

A week and his $1 million
season goal.

Rick: well, that's the closest
trommel that I know about,

Right there in that dredge.

Well, looks like his old beat-up
rig he drives around.

Stay, stay, stay, stay.


Not much, tony. How you doing?

That's a good guess.

Well, yeah,
I'm looking for a bearing.

I piled up a main bearing
on the thing,

And I don't have any spares.

I'm looking at
over a week shutdown,

And I can't afford it,
you know?

Well, parker
doesn't have a trommel.

And I know
you've got a trommel.

I don't have any spares.
They don't have any in dawson.


Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Tony: ding, ding, ding,
ding, ding.



Holy [bleep].
That looks like...

That's close.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Look at that.

That is
the [bleep] right one.

You sure?

Thanks, tony!

Thanks again, tony!



Tony's traveled 100 miles
from his mine in eureka

To remote thistle creek.

After 2 years, tony is hauling
the last piece

Of dredge number
two back to eureka.

Man: yeah.

The vital stacker
removes tailings

From the dredge's wash plant.

With no road network
to his mine,

Tony needs to transport it
100 miles downriver

From thistle to dawson city
using the jasmine b,

But the stacker is twice as long
as the deck of his barge.

Man: yeah.

tony's son, mike beets,

Fires up the 50-ton crane
to pull the stacker apart.

He needs a clean lift,

Or he risks compromising
the structure,

Making it impossible
to put back together.



[ Loud clank ]

I'm not doing anything!

Narrator: mike can't control
the unbalanced load.

To avoid serious damage,
tony needs a new approach.

You want me to back up,
or do you want me to pick it up?

Narrator: len hoekstra brings
in the 20-ton crane

To help stabilize the load.

[ Metal creaking ]





Narrator: finally, tony has
the last piece

Of dredge number two
on its way to eureka creek.





-Holy [bleep].
-Look at that!

Narrator: parker's $600,000
wash plant, sluicifer, is down.

The critical sluice box is bent
so badly out of shape,

It would lose him
thousands of dollars of gold.

-This is total bull[bleep].
-That thing is taco-ed.

I mean...

Oh, man, to pull out
a couple days.

Well, I mean, that's what you're
going to have to do, isn't it?

Take the sluice, run it apart
and get it out of there?

I don't even know how you'd
get it out of there.

The only thing I can think is
just to jack it back up.

Like, we don't have time
to try to fix something

That's not going to
be fixable.

I think I can get it straight.
All right.

Give it a shot, I guess,
but it's just...

We need these [bleep]
plants going.

the internal sluice box

Needs to be absolutely straight

And set to an angle of
7.2 degrees to catch the gold.

When chris dropped it,
he put a deep kink

In the base and sides.

To catch gold again,

They need it as straight
as the day it left the factory.

You know, I don't like this idea
any more than anybody,

But I know how much work it is
to pull the chute out,

And it's basically disassembling

A whole bunch
of this wash plant.

I'm going for anything
we can here.

So now what we have to do is try
and put some jacks in there

And then raise the center.

Narrator: mitch will attempt
the precision operation

Using bottle jacks,

A tiger torch,
and a pair of sledgehammers.

As you can see here,
we got our jack in.

Everything is kind of coming up,

But we've got to
straighten out these sides.

We're probably also going to
have to heat everything as well.

Leave that pressure in there
and just start heating these

And see if they'll relax.

Start porking some heat to it.

Narrator: the hotter the steel,
the easier it is to bend,

But too hot,
and the steel may break.


Man: whoa! Stop!


This is not working.

[Bleep] this. [Bleep] futile!

Narrator: if mitch can't fix
the sluice box in place,

He'll have to take it out.

The 2-day fix will cost parker
$100,000 in lost gold.

I don't know.

You know, parker doesn't seem
to think it's going to work.

To be honest,
I'm questioning it myself.

Throw a lug
on both sides of it.

Put that come-along
in the middle

And pull the pressure in.


mitch's new plan --

Weld a d-ring
on both sides of the sluice.

Then use a come-along
that can handle 20 tons

To winch the kink
out of the steel.

That's more like it.


Ah, it's working!

We just got to go nice
and easy here,

But as we're putting
the heat to it,

I'm able to pull
a little bit more pressure.

It's starting to come in.

Bottom looks good, and it works.

We got it!


So did this work?

It's actually right
on the money.

The riffles lay nice and flat.

[Bleep] man, good job!

It's pretty damn flat.

I didn't think you'd be able
to get this thing fixed.

Yeah, I mean,
it looks pretty good, huh?

Yeah, it's sitting down nice
and tight on the carpet,

Which is what
I was concerned about.

I'm sorry for doubting you, man.

Good job!

All right.
She's good to rock, huh?

Yeah, let's do it.

Let's crank it up!


Thanks to mitch's ingenious
push fix,

Parker can start
the 24-hour test.

If we're going to stay on track
for 6,000 ounces,

This test needs to have
at least 30 ounces in it,

But mitch sure pulled through
on that one.



Narrator: the two halves
of tony's stacker

Have arrived in dawson city.


Narrator: tony is putting
together a monster final convoy.

Four semis will haul
both halves of the stacker,

The forward gantry,

And the biggest pontoon
the last 16 miles by road

Down to his claim at
eureka creek.

Narrator: a box bridge
on the only route out of town

With a restriction
of 17 feet, 5.3 meters,

Could stop them in their tracks.

-A good five three.

-5.3 meters.

Narrator: if tony's convoy
can't fit through the bridge,

He'll have to dismantle
the stacker,

Pushing back the rebuild
of dredge number two by weeks.



mike beets has the job

Of getting the 17-foot,
5.3-meter-high stacker

Under the 5.3-meter bridge.

Yes, I copy.

[ Thud ]
-aw, [bleep]!


Narrator: tony takes over
hauling the 28-ton pontoon...

[ Horn honks ]

...and leads the convoy
south to eureka.

[ Horn honks ]



it's taken tony 2 years.

Finally, all of dredge number 2
has arrived at eureka creek.




So we just got this bearing.

Ready to put it back together
now, so we're gonna.,

Durt reynolds has been down
for 2 days,

Costing rick nearly $50,000.

Tony beets gave rick
a new bearing,

But his operation is down
until it's installed.

We're going to hammer this
in here now so just line it up,

And we'll put it all back
together, no problem there.

So when do you think
you'll have this done, carl?

I'll be done tonight.
-You think so?

Yeah. Oh, yeah.

[Bleep], man.
We need it to be.

We're rolling, man,
rolling. Rolling.

Any minute that it's down
is too long.

-I know.
-All right. Thanks, buddy.

-Sure, buddy.
-Have her running tonight

Yes, sir.

Claim owner sheamus christie
comes in to lend a hand.

Thing is ready to rock
pretty much, eh?

Pretty much.
I like being ready.

Yeah, that's sweet.

Oh, [bleep].

This isn't working.

It's the same dimensions.
I measured it.

I don't like that,
how tight it is.


Narrator: it normally takes
a hydraulic press

To fit a new bearing.

Carl and sheamus
have to improvise.

I'm gonna heat the bearing.
It'll just slide right on.

Yeah. That works for me.

sheamus' last resort --

Bush-fix the bearing into place
using an oxyacetylene torch.

Just heat the bearing up.

It expands, so it becomes larger
than the actual size

Of the shaft
it's designed to fit on,

And then it slides
right on the shaft.

Never easier. Never easy.

We could be into it for a world
of hurt with this.

Easy! Easy!

Aw, yeah!

-[ Speaks indistinctly ]
-my man!

-We got it!
-[Bleep] yeah!

Hey, rick, we got this bearing,

And we're ready
to fire the plant up.

I'm on my way, carl.

-All right, carl. Hit it, man.
-Fire it up!


Look at that!

Gold, baby.

-Looks good, buddy!
-Looks right on!


Narrator: durt reynolds lives
to fight another day.

Rick is back on the gold.


Carl and sheamus just k*lled it

Getting us back up
and running quick,

So now all we got to do is hope
that the downstream cut

Has as much gold
as we think it does.


You know, I always got
that worry

About whether the gold's
gonna be there,


I just keep hoping
and keep digging,

And we'll find out.

We've got to get on top of this,

And we've got to get
on top of it now,

Or it's not gonna happen.


Narrator: dean is running
the last dirt

For the 24-hour test.

It's time for parker to find out
if dean's gamble has paid off.

All right, let's see
how much gold we've got.



Yeah, I mean,
we've ran 24 hours,

And we're running quite
a bit of yardage,

So we'd want to see
at least 30 ounces

To make this ground

Yeah, I'm not really seeing
any gold in here.

I mean, I can see more yellow,
but can't make gold appear.


Narrator: five hours later,
in the gold room,

Chris has the results.

Any less than 30 ounces
won't pay the bills.

our 24-hour test look?

Use two hands.

Don't break it 'cause the jar

Is probably worth more
than the gold that's in it.

I don't even think that's...
That might be 10, maybe.

No, not even 10.

So it should be up...
More than double that.

-Should be 50 ounces.

The thing is pounding away
at 250 yards an hour.

Narrator: normally,
parker would get $60,000 of gold

From sluicifer in 24 hours.

Hate to say it.
I mean, I can't change it.

This is such a [bleep].

This is such
a [bleep] hoffman move, too.

Like, "ooh, let's just sluice
more gravel!

There's gold in it!"

-The decision --
-it just pisses me off.

We've got a lot of work to do,
a lot of [bleep] to throw away.

Thanks for cleaning
that up, chris.

I know it's a lot of extra work.

Yeah, no problem.
At least now we know, yeah?


running the top gravels

Was dean's idea,
parker's foreman.

-Hey, parker.
-Hey, man.

9 Ounces.

Well, that's no good.


Well, that's a pretty bad
result, you know?

You know, and we're still
4 feet off bedrock,

And it's just not gonna work.

Yeah, I agree with you.

Okay, then I'll just
go get the guys,

And we'll start peeling
some more off there.

Yeah, I'm going to head out
there and start pushing up,

But it's all going to have
to get trucked,

So I can start
pushing piles up,

But, yeah, we're going to have
to reroute some crews here.

Got to do what
we've got to do.


Yeah. Yeah.

Narrator: instead
of sluicing top gravels,

Parker goes back
to running the bottom 2 feet

Where the gold
normally concentrates.

Parker: at the end of the day,
we can't afford

To be sluicing this stuff,
and, you know,

We have to have
as best of cleanups

As possible every week
for the rest of the season

To even come close to 6,000.

Like, we've still got
3,000 ounces of gold to find.

we make mistakes in life,

And that was one of mine,

And hopefully I can get through
the rest of this season

Without making any more.

He's obviously willing
to give me another chance,

And I want to
make good on that.




excavator operator zack smith

Has a surprise for parker's
foreman, dean tosczak.

And somebody found part
of a mammoth tusk.


Some buried treasure!

Little guy, eh?

Narrator: this tusk could be
over 50,000 years old

And can sell
for over $300 a pound.

Keep your eye out for more

'Cause there's chances
are there will be more.

That looks like a young one,
so, yeah,

Maybe you'll find a big one.
That'd be cool.



Narrator: parker hopes
to salvage his disastrous week

With a great gold weigh
that'll put him back on track

To hit his $7.2 million goal.

-Hi, guys.
-How's it going?

What's up?

-Big red and sluicifer.

Whoo, looks like a beat,
you know?

Narrator: brennan's had
a solid week's running

On big red.

Sluicifer lost a day as mitch
fixed the sluice chris taco-ed.

-Some gold.
-Not bad.

Parker: good job getting
sluicifer fixed, though.

-Yeah. She looks good.

I was a little worried
about that, man.

I thought, "well, we might
as well pull this thing out

And throw it away,"
but I don't know how you even

Figured out how to straighten
that thing out,

But you guys did
a smoking job.

All right.
Here is big red, right?

-Big red.

There's 50,



Buck 20.

Oh, yeah, she's a good one.

Buck 50, 164.8.


worth nearly $200,000.

-That's awesome.

Well done, brennan.

Jeez, it's just been holding
steady at that, isn't it?

Narrator: parker needs
over $430,000 of gold a week

To stay on track,

So sluicifer needs to deliver
197 ounces of gold.

Parker: all right,
here's sluicifer.

9 Ounces from the 24 hours,

So it's actually looking
all right considering we...

There's the big gold,
40, 50, 100, buck 50.

You might be wrong, brennan.

-Buck 70. [ Laughs ]

All: aw!

That's what you get,
your big mouth.

-Damn, I hate being a loser!
-That's what happens.

-Parker: 176.3.
-Right on!

Narrator: worth $211,000...

-Make it...
-Come on.

Narrator: ...$25,000 Short
of what he needs,

But this week,
parker has produced

Over $400,000 worth of gold.

Salting the cleanups, are you?

-They do call me spicy.

[ Laughter ]


-Got a shot still.
-We got a good team.

I need a container.

Let's get a nice,
secure white plastic bucket.

[ Parker laughs ]

It's underneath the table,


despite the broken bearing,

Rick's crew managed to run
for 5 solid days this week,

Thanks to carl's speedy fix.


-All: hey!

-What's up, carl?
-What's going on, man?

-Hey, carl!

-Hey, buddy.
-Hey, buddy.

-Good to see you.
-Thanks, dude. Lots of love.

Anyway, so partial week,
but we do have gold to weigh.

All right.

-There's gold in the pan.
-There's gold in the pan.


Narrator: to hit
his $1.2 million target,

Rick needs $52,000 of gold
every week.

We got 10,




Going over 40...


Considering, I mean,
that's great.

Narrator: 2 ounces short,

But it brings rick's total
to 606 ounces,

Worth $720,000.

It's not great.

We've obviously done a lot
better, but that being said,

We didn't have a full week
of run time, right?

We had, you know,
a lot of problems this week,

And maybe it's
41.3 for what we have,

And it might be pretty good.

-Yeah. Exactly.
-Might not be too bad.

So who are we going to toast
this week, tony beets or carl?

Nah, let's put them in
and see what we choose.

-I know who I'm going for.
-One, two, three...

All: carl!


-[ Gasps ]
[ container thuds ]


-I dropped the gold.
-Here, uh...

Is there any on my shoes
or pants you can see?

No, it's okay.
This is why we have rugs.

-This is, like...this is good.
-Yeah, it's all in the carpet.

-That's what I call dumb.
-That's what I call stupid.

[ Laughs ] I'm just glad
it wasn't me!

Carl, there's a pile
right there by the leg.

Brian wants to get out here.

I had my pant leg up
and my boot angled over.

I got 17 ounces
in my sock right now.

-Later. Later, suckers!

You guys are all fired
for my stupidity.

[ Laughter ]

on the next "gold rush"...


We've got a clogged chute,

Which means we've got
a hole in the screen.

More power!
-[ Laughs ]

Rick, I guarantee
you're losing gold.

Got a lot of oversights here.
I didn't measure anything.

The hits keep coming.

But I'd bet you 100 bucks
it's going to plug up.

-I'll bet you 100 bucks.

Hey, swing around! Brennan!


[ Laughter ]