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09x01 - Declaration of Independence

Posted: 01/13/24 13:37
by bunniefuu


Man: I wouldn't so much say
that I'm nervous.

I'm literally terrified.

Hit the bypass!

I've been working for parker
for 6 years,

But I'm done working
for somebody else.

I want to work for myself.

Fire it up!

And this is my chance.

I've got everything on the line,

My house, every penny I have.

I've got my friends with me,
their livelihoods.

I'll take care of your dad.
No worries, buddy.

No worries, pal.

It doesn't get any bigger
than this.

This is my shot...


...and I'm grabbing
with both hands,

And I'm going to make it mine.

Unfortunately, my mom
passed this winter.

I had to watch her
take her last breath.

It hasn't been easy,

But I've got an incredible
opportunity ahead of me,

And my mom will be
with me in spirit.

By the end of this year,
I'll either be broke

Or I'll have my own successful
gold-mining operation

And a pile of gold.


Man: this season, I've got
everything I own on the line.

I've spent millions of dollars
buying my own ground

And two new d10 dozers,

And I could lose it
all this year.

We've lost rick ness as foreman,

And he does leave
a big hole to fill.

I need somebody to replace rick.

But I'm holding off
on my new ground

Because tony's ground,
the last cut,

Is the best ground
that we've ever mined,

And with this ground,
last season

We did over 6,000 ounces,
which is over $7 million.

This season, I know we could do

A hell of a lot more than that.







I'm on my way to see my dad.

He's run his own company
for as long as I've been alive.

I haven't told him yet
about my plans for this year,

That I'm going out on my own.

I already spent a ton of money
just to get started, you know,

Deposits and all that stuff,

So I got a lot
on the line this year.

I don't really know how he's
going to react to that.

Narrator: six weeks before
the start of the mining season,

Rick ness heads to his
dad's construction company

To reveal that he's risking
everything he owns

To set up a klondike
mining operation.

What's up, dad?

There he is.

How are you doing?good, how are you doing?

A whole-different ball game
this year, man.

What's making this different
than any other year?

I'm going out on my own
this year,

So I've got my own crew,
my own ground.

The responsibility
is all on me now, and...


It's a whole-new level.


I don't even know what to say.

That's a humongous gamble.

I do have, you know,
some gold to start with.

I'm not completely going
in here with nothing.

I have capital to put in,
you know, so...

It's going to take a ton.yeah.

You're going to be needing
to get gold out

Of the ground instantly.

I that possible?

So what happens if it fails?


It could be the end for you,
I mean, financially.


I can see a big reward, too.

I could literally make
a million dollars.

I didn't know that
this opportunity

Would come up so soon,
but it's there, right?

The opportunity is now,

And I've always kind of been
all about the risks.

I just got to take it.

I agree with you on that regard.

Maybe the reward is worth it.

I think so.

I hope it works.

In the past,
you've proven yourself,

And I'm crossing my fingers
you prove yourself again.

Well, I appreciate it, dad,
and maybe if you find some time,

You can come up
and give me a hand.

I would love to.all right.

I'd love the free labor.


Narrator: to fund his mine,

Rick is cashing out
his life savings,


Barely enough
to cover the start-up costs.

[ Engine revving ]

Unable to pay wages, he needs
to convince his hometown buddies

To trade in their steady jobs
for the promise of gold.

Man: sounds like freedom!

You guys know I've been talking
for years now about

Going mining on my own,
and as you know, it's [bleep]

so it's decision time.

Are you in or you out?

Let's make it real.

This is stuff, right?

Those liquor bottles
hold exactly 50 ounces.

That's a 30-ounce bar.

Believe it or not, I do know
what I'm doing up there.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be
asking you to do this.

There's a million dollars
in the ground up there.

This is a six-month, you know,
commitment right off the bat,

Middle of nowhere.

Where are we going to stay?

Like, am I going to have to
share a bed with ryan?

I mean, I'm not
saying I won't.

[ Laughter ]

All right.
All right.

I know it's a huge decision,
but if we put in the work,

We can get the gold
out of the ground.

I want to give you guys
the success

That I've found up there, right?

I think i... Count me in.

I think this is something
I can do.

I don't know if I could do it
right now.

Yeah.i have a family right now and...

You know, I'm always
throwing the dice.

It's go time for me.

I'd love to be able to say yes,
but I just bought a house.

Man: I know if I didn't try it,
I'd regret it,

So I think I got to try it.

I just hope it works out.

You've been there for me,
so, yeah,

I'll run away with you
for six months.

[ Laughter, chatter ]

I got some nos.
I got some yeses.

At the end of the day,
I [bleep] love you guys.

I respect your decisions.

We're [bleep] doing it.

-Good luck, guys.

rick's new gold-mining crew:

An electric lineman...

Having the gold in your hands
and hold it

And run it through your fingers

And feel the mass
and the weight was...

It was pretty exciting.

It got me a little bit,
you know, pumped.

Narrator: a pipe fitter...

Rick has done a lot for me
over the years.

I consider him a brother.

a welder-fabricator...

I'm excited for it,
but I'm pretty nervous, too.

I guess I just see it
as kind of an adventure.

Narrator: and a gravel miner.

We're doing this.
Oh, I'm doing it,

Take care of my dad.

Oh, they're going to miss
their dad like crazy.

You know, I'm going to miss you.

I know.

I'm going to miss you.

You're a pig.yeah, I know.

I'm a pig.we're going to be rich.

Oh, I know.
I know.

I can't wait.then we can get a mansion.

Yeah, we'll get a mansion.

What's a mansion?a big house.

It's a big house.

Give him a hug.

I'll take care of your dad.
No worries, buddy.

No worries, pal.
He's in good hands.


six weeks and 3,000 miles later,

Rick and his greenhorn crew

Arrive at his new
klondike claim.

This year is different.
I'm the boss.

It's 100 percent my operation.

I've never had this much
responsibility before.

I've never put, you know, my own
money on the line like this,

And now, you know, my crew
is going to be depending on me.

There's just a lot riding
on my shoulders.

The ground that we're mining
is straight ahead.

Finally made it.

Narrator: rick's biker buddies
from milwaukee

Are working
for a share of the gold,

But they're short
on mining experience.

[Bleep] made it, dude.


After that journey, man,
I hope we can get right to it

And everything holds up.

We all left our families
and jobs at home,

So I hope it pays off.

I think this is our ground
right here.

Excited to be here.


Dude, this is it.

Right here, guys,
is our freedom.


I'm stoked.
This is awesome.

-Yeah, man.

Like no jobsite I've been on.

I cannot wait for us to run
our first ground

And for you guys to see that
first gold in that sluice box,

And I'm going to be
just as excited as you

Because I've been seeing it
for a while,

But this is our [bleep]
gold, man.

This is our year, so...

A lot of sacrifices
to get here, man.

Yes, yes.

Man: leaving my family
for six months,

Selling my car, this is
the point where I found out

If it was worth it or not.

Rick: always remember that

It's for that gold stuff
in the ground.

This is why I brought
you guys up here.

We're going to pull our first
million from it right here.

A million dollars is
sitting in that dirt.

Right from there, man.

I couldn't be happier
with the guys

I brought up here with me,

Well, I say that now.

We got to get working, I guess.we'll see in six months.

I got to see what you can's a little early.

You know, my dad said
I'm going to come back broke

And with no friends,

And I want to make sure
I prove him wrong.



I mean, based on how the last
cut did last year,

We could easily have the best
season we've ever had this year.

Like, we could probably
do 8,000 ounces.

Narrator: parker schnabel is
starting his season

On a sure thing,
back on tony's ground,

But on his current deal,

The more gold he mines,
the less he keeps.

The last cut is really good,

But the royalty rates
have to change.

Like, after 6,000, we're paying
25-percent royalties.

Like, on 8,000 ounces,
we'd give tony beets

Almost $2 million, and frankly
I'd go broke doing that.

Narrator: last season,
parker stopped mining

When he hit 6,000 ounces

To avoid paying 25 percent.

at the end of the day,

We can both
make more money here.

I definitely don't want to stop
at 6,000 ounces again this year,

But I'm going to have to if tony
doesn't change this crazy deal.

I'm going to go sit down
with tony and see

If he'll budge on it.



It's going all right.
How are you doing?

I'd love one.


Oh, you know,
we're just getting going.

I actually want to talk to you
about our plans this season.

These increasing royalty rates
just are k*lling us.

I just can't do it.

I just...
I can't make it work.

Standard rates out here
are, what, 10 percent?

I don't know.

When I'm taking
all of the risk...


And you're making more money
off royalties, there's an issue.

You're not leaving me
with very many choices here.

Well, I'm trying to be [bleep]
reasonable here

And find some middle ground.

Like, there is no reason that
we can't both win out of this,

And I don't see where
you benefit in keeping us

From doing 7,000, 8,000,
9,000 ounces in a season when,

You know, it's just
a matter of royalties

Keeping us from doing it.

Like, you'll make more money.

Well, consider the contract
canceled, then.


Screw it.
I'm done.

[Bleep] done.

He signed on the dotted line,
didn't he?

This season, I'm not
paying tony beets

Another ounces of royalties.

I've bought ground.

We've got tons of ground
to mine.

We're done.
[Bleep] done.

Narrator: instead of mining
the gold-rich ground

He leased from tony
last year,

Parker will move his entire
operation 3 1/2 miles west,

To the ground he now owns --
right beside where tony mines.

It's definitely not
going to be easy,

But we're going to
go mine our own ground.



Oh, my...dodged it.

You got my hand, but that's all.

Narrator: at eureka creek,
tony beets' daughter, monica,

Is cleaning up concentrate
left from last season.

Monica: last fall, we did a full
cleanup on the dredge

But did not run it
through anything.

You never know
what'll be in there.

I got a little something.

Oh, that's a nice
little something.

Pretty good.

Yeah, so this is from the dredge
from last year, then?

Yep, cleaned it all up.

It's still a little dirty,

I wasn't going to say.

You go to hell.

Everybody ready?

Narrator: before he's even
started mining,

Tony has got over
$120,000 in gold.

You're welcome.

You sure you want to aim
that high, tony?

That's quite a bit.

Pretty sure you got,
like, 3,600 last.

That, to me,
is the biggest thing,

But the dredge needs
to be coming here,

No if and buts about it.


And what are you going to do?



Man, everything is falling
into place,

Got some of
the equipment here.

We're ready to break ground,
man, so I just got to go meet up

With sheamus, talk to him,
let him know I'm here,

And we're on to it.

Narrator: at quartz creek,

Rick ness
is meeting his new landlord,

Who, six months ago,

Agreed to lease him
this prime klondike claim:

Tony beets' ex-foreman,
sheamus christie.

Howdy, sheamus.hey, rick.

You made it.yeah, I made it.

A long haul from home.

Oh, man.

You brought your
bear dog.

Oh, yeah.

Anyways, a few things
I need from you,

But I have not got
anything back from your company.

I haven't seen any money in the
bank about reclamation on...

I'm waiting on that right now.

My funds are, like, in limbo.

I've got no account
to work out of.

The money is there.
I just can't touch it yet.

But I'm going to need
some money.

I need that bond to cover my ass
in case you decide to walk out

So I can clean up
whatever might be left behind.

I need something in place.

I don't know what I can do
to speed that up.

Business is one thing.
Friendships are another.

Yeah.i like to have things settled

Before we even start. need that bond.

No bond, no mining.

Narrator: until rick pays his
$100,000 mining bond,

He can't even break ground.

Missing any of the short
klondike mining season

Can turn a profit
into a fatal loss.

If this takes a month
to get this sorted out,

I might as well pack up
and go home right now.

There's no point.

We're going to lose all of
our time for stripping,

And we'll never
get any gold.


All right.hey, man.

I thought I had everything
together with my business

And getting licensed to work
out here and everything,

But I can't open
my bank account up here,

And basically my funds
are in limbo.

I can't touch them.

I thought I was going to get
a little bit of leeway

With sheamus,

But he's not going to
let us go, basically.

What?yeah, well...

So in a nutshell, you're saying
this isn't going to happen?

I don't... I'm not saying that.

I just... I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

I mean, the money could show up

Or it could take a month,

But as it sits right now,
we can't do anything.

We can't get started?we can't, no.

He's not going to let us.

You said you had everything
squared away.

I thought I did.

I'm really sorry.

I just got to get my head
wrapped around this.

[Bleep] get on it, man.

I'll [bleep] handle it.
All right?

I'll handle it.
I'll figure it out.



Narrator: at the yukon river,

Tony beets is preparing to
launch his barge, the jasmine b,

To begin transporting and
rebuilding his second dredge.

Narrator: tony already has one
dredge that mined him

$2 Million worth of gold
last year.

Man: yes, indeed.

Narrator: his plan: barge in
a second dredge,

50 Percent bigger,

To eventually have his own fleet
at eureka creek.

But at the end of last season,

The jasmine b ran


Narrator: and a ripped hull...

And broken propellers...

Left tony dead in the water.

[ Engine revving ]





Whoa, whoa!




these 200-pound propellers

Were custom built for
the jasmine b

At a cost of $10,000 each.


Yeah, man.
Oh, just like a charm.

-More slack.
-More slack, loose.


Yeah, it's good.


Bring it toward me.

Okay, slide her.

There we go.



Narrator: the plan --

Use a loader
on either side of the bow

To push the boat off
the ramp.





Narrator: the jasmine bbegins
its 100-mile journey upriver

To thistle creek, to start
shipping tony's second dredge.





Narrator: rick has 126 acres
of klondike claims,

But he can't dig an inch

Until he pays his landlord
a mining bond.

The only part about mining
that I've ever known

Has been out
in the dirt digging.

Now I'm being forced to live
in this office.

I'd much rather be out in
the pit making things happen.

Narrator: he's put everything he
owns on the line

For the chance of running
his own gold mine.

Everything seems to take

I'm just not used to it,
you know?

[ Coughs ]

Narrator: most klondike miners
spend the entire winter

Prepping their season,

But rick is desperately

The only thing that I had time
for this winter

Was my mom, you know?

She took a turn for the worse
almost right after I got home,

And she needed 24-hour care,

And I didn't have anything
set up for any of that,

And so I did it.

She had been battling
brain cancer for four years.

Since she died, I kind of
just realized it right now.

I didn't really take any time
to think about this season,

But it didn't really matter
at the time, you know?

It's my mom, and she needed me,

And I knew that she didn't
have much time left,

So I knew I had to spend
all of it

I could with her so...
Family is first, right?

I had to do that.

All right.


My mom is not around anymore,
but I brought her dog,

Ruby, here.

She's going to make sure
I get 1,000 ounces of gold.

Right, ruby?



I've got one [bleep]
shot in the dark to get started.

Wish me luck, rubes.


You under there, sheamus?

Yeah, I'm here.

What's going on?

Drivetrain woes.

Changing a couple u joints.

Oh, [bleep].

Do you have anybody
to help you with that.

No, no, just myself.
How's it going?

Yeah, you, too.

I'm just trying to figure out
a way to push this along.

I thought maybe I could tempt
you into letting me get going

With, you know, some gold
as soon as show of good faith.


That's indian river gold, eh?

Yep, 50 ounces.

It's not quite enough, man.

I need about $100,000.

And I don't have that,
but I figured

You'd bust my balls,
so I got this.

That's nice.
That's a 30-ounce bar?

Yeah, about that, so I'm not
quite at 100 there, but...


I'll take a chance on you.

[Bleep] yeah, man.

[Bleep] yes.
All right.

That's [bleep] great.

My guys are going to be happy,

And I really appreciate
it, and...

Well, you're burning
precious days, man.

You're already behind,

And you're going to need a dozer
to get ripping and dozing.

I know.
I had two lined up

For a pretty good deal
for a lease on them,

And it just went dark on me.

Yeah, I got some dozers,
some big dozers.

You know that 475?

I got a pair of them, like, just
like that one right over there.

That's what I use out here
to mine.

You need to move a lot of dirt
in a hurry.

I love big, high-horsepowered

[Bleep] machines,
but I don't even think

I want to know
what it's going to cost.

Well, I'll be right up front.

It's about 10 down a day,
$10,000 a day to...

Ten grand a day?

That's the fuel, the operator,
the machine.

Holy [bleep].

But, man, if you don't have
a dozer, you...

Hey, dude.i mean, I didn't...

If you want to change your mind,
I'll give you this back.

No, no.

No, no, no.

We just got here, so, I mean,
I guess I got to get used to,

I mean,
pushing big money around.

I guess if I can get 10 days
of really good ripping

And pushing out of it...

He won't let you down.

Well, [bleep].
Let's do it, man.

Get in.

Narrator: his bond paid,

Rick can finally
set his rookie crew to work.

The first thing
we're going to do:

Terry, you've got experience.

I'm going to put you in the
excavator, loading the trucks,

And I'm going to put
you guys all in trucks.

We'll get you in those machines,
get you comfortable.

We might start off a little
slow, but that's fine.

Take it slow.

Get used to things and, uh,
no pressure,

But in about an hour,
let's be [bleep]

Cranking full-tilt.
Let's do it.

Let's go start moving
some [bleep] mud.



Let's find that million bucks.

You know, you got to hit your
stride right away and pound.


[ Engine chugging ]

[ Laughter ]

Hey, rick.

What you thinking, guys?

Where's drive on this?

Huh?where's drive?

Put it in d.d?

It stands for [bleep]

That's what you are.

I love the d.

[ Engine starts ]


At 41 years old, this is
a pretty big gamble

For me to take on.

It's a gamble, but I hope
the odds are with us.

Ah, we got a learning curve
to get ahead of here.

There's no doubt about that,
you know?

These guys, as far as experience

And these big machines,
they don't have it.

Let them get a little
experience out there,

And then after a while,
we'll lay the hammer down,

And we'll start
getting efficient.

School of hard knocks, baby.


Narrator: the 475 dozer
weighs over 100 tons,

More than a 757,

And its monster blade can move
90 cubic yards of dirt

In a single push.


Narrator: rick is banking on it

Stripping the overburden from
an area

The size of four football fields
in just 10 days

To get down to
the gold-rich pay dirt.

So, yeah. These are the first
steps, you know?

Get here while
it's still frozen,

Start ripping it up
with a big dozer

And start stripping ground, man.




Narrator: 60 miles south
of dawson city,

Tony starts transporting
his second dredge.

The 19 hollow steel pontoons
are the vital first part

Tony needs for the rebuild.

To get them, he needs to remove
the nine-ton winch pack.

Need a hand up there, tony?


She's a heavy [bleep].

Narrator: mike's crane has
a lifting capacity of 50 tons.

But in this tight space,
there's no room for error.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Whoa. Whoa.


Narrator: now mike can remove
the pontoons.



Narrator: the pontoons finally
start the long journey

To dawson city and eureka creek.


Up ahead on "gold rush"...

[bleep] thing is on fire.

Can't one thing go right?

[ Bleep ]
[ bleep ]

So we're not getting any gold.

We're not getting any gold,
can't pay the bills.

[ Bleep ]

You know,
I expected growing pains,

But this is [bleep] outrageous.



I'm glad you guys all made it.

Narrator: at the last cut,

Parker schnabel
gathers his crew

To announce his u-turn.

I just sat down with the meeting
with tony,

And we were talking
about royalties,

And I've decided that we aren't
mining the last cut this season.


Tony will not negotiate
on royalties at all.

I've told him to cancel
the [bleep] contract.

So we're going to actually
walk away

From the best ground
we've ever had?

What's the reason behind that?

We give tony a lot of money.

We've paid over 1,000 ounces
in royalties

Mining the last cut last year.

I've always wanted to buy
a piece of ground,

And I've always wanted
our operation

To be independent
of a landlord,

And, you know, we finally
have that opportunity.

We've got a chance
to try this out.

We've got the most ground
opened up we've ever had.

I mean, we could do
a 8,000-ounce season this year,

Sitting down there.

You know, that's why
we've been

Trying to get ahead
every year, like...

We're finally ahead of the game.

If we're starting
from nothing...

What did we get
the first year up here?

You got 1,000 ounces.

Like, nobody wants to go
back to doing that.

No, and I have no intention
on going and doing 1,000 ounces.

We're just going to get
into that ground

That we bought last year...
But trust me,

It's not an easy decision,

And it's not going to make
for an easy mining season.

It's going to be [bleep] brutal.

I know that.i mean, what are we going

To run, one wash plant,
two wash plants?

What's the plan here?i don't know.

To start with, we're just
going to start stripping.

I know we'll be able
to make it work.

I just want to go for it, and I
hope that you guys do, too.

[Bleep] it.
Let's do it.

Took me 3 days to get here,
ain't turning turning around now

You're right.
You know, it's time to move on.

Either you've got
a big set of balls,

Or you're [bleep]

It's certainly not
in the first one.

Let's make her happen.

Hey, mitch.
Can I grab you for a sec?

Narrator: last year, parker paid
$500,000 for 11 claims,

The first klondike ground
he's ever owned,

And if he needs to expand,

He's also leased 3,500 acres

From veteran miner
ken tatlow

For a modest
10 percent royalty.

I want to look at this ground
with you that we bought

Because I think
this is going to be

Our mining season, right here.

Dude, what you got out there
is a bunch of brush, nothing.

It's very easy to talk our way
out of this, you know,

And it's not going to be an easy
undertaking, but you got to try.

All the years people
have been up here mining,

There's a reason they left this

Because there's definitely
no easy way to get to it.

And we have no ponds.

You know, we can't settle
into this

Because there's pay under it.

And you just happened
to buy ground next to, like,

The nicest guy you know?

Tony beets.

Was that just a coincidence?

As soon as he sees us
doing something over here,

That's going to be his first
priority, is screwing us over.

Well, we'll deal with him.

Just try to stay one step
ahead of that guy.

I know that it's going to be
an absolute [bleep].

No, it's going to
the cluster cut.

That sounds good to me.

I guess we're starting
at the bottom.

All right.
We need to get that out

Of our heads.

but even on his own ground,

Parker can't escape from tony.

He will need tony's permission
to access water.

The vital indian river lies on
the far side of tony's ground.

Every gallon of water parker
needs to sluice

And every gallon
he discharges from his plant

Will have to run
right over tony's claims.


Here goes nothing.

Let's move some brush
and move some dirt.

All right.
Here's the first push.


It does feel good to not be
mining tony's ground this year.

We don't have a landlord
for the first time ever.


Having our own ground and having
other options

For the first time,
that's pretty cool.

We can keep ripping,

Keep pushing,
and get the ground open.

Let's make it happen!

Narrator: ahead of the ground
parker is dozing,

Brennan needs to drain a pond
held in by tony's boundary berm.

Man: we've got to figure out
water management, dewatering.

Well, I'm going to have
to get rid of it somehow,

So we can even start
stripping this ground.

Man, oh, man.

It's a [bleep] nightmare
in here.

There's probably a million
gallons of water in here.


Hey, man. There's just way
too much water down here.

I'm sticking my bucket in,

And there's probably,
like, 8 to 10 feet.

It's unbelievable.

Where you want me to send
the [bleep] here?

Let me talk to tony and see if
we can send him all this water.


Narrator: less than 300 feet
from parker's new ground,

Tony beets is desperate
to get mining

To hit his 6,000-ounce gold.

Narrator: but dredge number one
is locked fast

In its frozen pond.

Will do.

Narrator: while tony and mike
smash ice at the front,

Kevin and lisa
work at the back.



Hey, just quick question.

It's not that firm there.

Holding all that water
over on that ground?

What am I supposed to do
with that?

Is that all right?

All right.
You deal with it.

Narrator: with tony's permission
to drain groundwater

Into his dredge pond,

Parker can now continue
stripping his cut.

He puts a big power up
over there,

And we've got
a big old [bleep] lake.

We're going to need water
from tony, but right now,

We need to give him all
our water to dewater the cut.

One sec, just let me
get everything in position.

Narrator: last year, tony left
the dredge in the water

Instead of properly
dry-docking it.

Over winter, a layer of surface
ice built up around it,

And the frozen gravels
beneath it locked it in place.

Kevin has already
removed the surface ice.

Now he must attempt to winch
it free from the frozen dirt.

I'm ready when you are, mike.




Come on. Pull. Pull. Pull.

Tony, tony, tony, tony.

Tony, do you copy?

She's stuck in the dirt.

That's holding my ass end down.

[ Squealing, creaking ]


We're back in business.



You got it.

Narrator: the dredge is finally
free from the ice

And can start running
the first dirt of the season.




I just want to tie off
some lines for these guys

To work off of
and then get that thing to work.

Narrator: at quartz creek,
new mine boss rick ness

Is marking the boundary
on his first-ever cut.

Rick: I need to start
making up time, now.

We're getting too late
of a start.

Narrator: he's hired the massive
475 dozer

To break through the permafrost
and get down to pay dirt.

Rick: I've got this 475
for 10 days max.

That's all I could afford,
really, to have it running,

So I've got to try to figure out
a way to maximize

What I can get done.

millions of years ago,

Gold was eroded out of veins
in the hills by water.

Rivers and creeks and then

The gold along the valley
where it was buried by sediment.

Located on
the indian river valley,

Just 11 miles west of
tony and parker's operations,

Rick's new quartz creek claim

Is a quarter
the size of ellis island.

Within it, rick's marking out
a 250,000-square-foot cut.

He needs to get to gold-bearing
pay dirt

Within the next 10 days

Before he loses
the 475 dozer.


Rick: it's going to be tough to
get that much ground open

In only 10 days,
but if I've got the trucks

And all my guys
working alongside with them,

We should be able
to get it done.

All right.
Well, if they can't follow

The line of that bright
pink ribbon,

I hired the wrong people.


landlord sheamus arrives

To check out rick's crew.

Sheamus: he's got a bunch
of rookie operators.

They're having a hard time
keeping up now.

See that rock truck,
right there?

That's their third attempt
to back up that ramp.

He gets about halfway up,
spins out, gets sideways.

He's got to straighten out
and go up again.

It's just not efficient.

These guys are going to have
to pick up the pace,

Or they're going
to be way behind.

They're not going to make it.

rick's greenhorn buddies

Are struggling to keep pace
with the dozer.

I've worked with
a lot of idiots,

And I took great care
to make sure

I didn't bring any idiots
up with me.

I mean, they're idiots,
don't get me wrong.

Narrator: the only one with
any mining experience:


I try to step up a little bit
to give them a,

You know,
some pointers and stuff.

I'm not real shy about that.

I'm not afraid of hurting
anybody's feelings.

I'm definitely the greenest one

On working heavy equipment
like this.

Feels like you're a mile
high up here, right now,

So when you get to the edge,
it's a little bit unnerving.


So I've been instructed we want
to get the load

As far over as we can.

They're dumping on an incline.

For somebody who hasn't done it,

It's a little spooky when you're
backing up to the berm.

Man: I'm still struggling
a little bit,

A lot of coordination here
that I don't have down yet.

You kind of just have to
almost pick a groove.

Yeah. Keep coming back.
Keep coming back.

See, if I go over the edge,
the whole truck will flip over.

Everything is awful slippery.

What you're supposed to do
is just kind of have them

Rear wheels
drop off a little bit.

Tell my wife I love her.

You're good.
Go ahead and dump.



Looking good so far.

Oh, boy.

Holy [ bleep ] --

[ Creaking ]

[ Bleep ]

Ryan, you all right?

As soon as I pulled away,
it caved in, and...

Let's see if I can get
on the side of you

And pull you back up.

I should've [bleep] moved
when I wanted to [bleep] move.

I didn't want to be that guy.

I wanted zee to tip it over,
not me.

Ah, [bleep], the boss is here.




As he pulled away,
a chunk of that kind of slid in,

And he just slid right off.all right.

Well, let's just get your
machine over here and [bleep]

Get her up.sorry, man.

I literally pulled ahead,
like, 10 feet,

And it flopped over.[Bleep] happens.

He's just gonna [bleep]
whip this thing over.

That's the reality of having
rookies here, right?

like this is going to happen.

You know, if something were
to happen to this truck here,

If he pulls it up,
and it blew out a cylinder

Or something,
we're [bleep], so...

You're clear.

Keep her... Keep going.

It's just, these are
new situations for guys.

You know, I could've seen this

A mile away.

All right.
Pull it out of there, ryan.

Don't hit that [bleep] tailgate,
and then we'll get back to it.

So few people,
so few machines here,

We can't afford to lose one,
so just move on,

See what else we can break.

Hey, can you guys all come over
here real quick?

Let's have a quick talk.

Narrator: rick has just seven
days left of dozing

To get down to pay dirt.


What's up?

I love you guys.

You've always had my [bleep]

I don't want to bitch at you,
but, man,

We got to tighten up, man.

Ryan, I know you flipped
the rock truck.

If we keep doing,
making those mistakes,

I mean, it's going to k*ll us.

-You flipped the rock truck?
-Yeah. It was all my fault.

You're kind of a [bleep] loser
for flipping that rock truck.

[ Bleep ]
I'm leaving.

I'm not balling you out.
I'm not, and I don't want you

To feel like you're doing
a [bleep] job,

But we've got
that dozer for 10 days.

If we do not get this stripped,
then we're [bleep].

Like, we're all broke, you know?

Right?you got it.

All right.

All right.
Let's get back to it, buddy.

All right.



It's a huge amount of work
to do here

And a pretty short amount
of time to do it,

So we're doing
everything we can.

Narrator: after a week with his
three d10 dozers,

Parker has cleared 16 acres
in the cluster cut.

it takes time to open big cuts,

And it takes time to get the job
done the way you need to do it.

We've just got to get
these plants

Loosened as quick as we can.

to speed up the stripping,

Parker needs to bring
in his custom-built

150-Foot super conveyor,

And the only access...

Is right over tony's ground.

Man: what the hell?

This is not good.

Parker is basically
in our backyard,

So he's got to run
all his equipment

And all his [bleep]
people back and forth,

Back and forth,
every [bleep] day.

Do you like sharing?

Ooh, watch those piles, bud.


the super conveyor in place,

Parker can dump 900 yards

Of overburden
out of his cut every hour.

now that we've got all this,

You know,
pretty good equipment,

Really, I think, at this point,
we just got to focus

On our efficiency,
getting the job done

And then hopefully finding
some gold in here.

but to expand the cluster cut,

Parker needs to drain
brennan's pond

Into tony's
neighboring claims.

A little bit more water
than I anticipated here.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I've talked to tony
about the water in here,

And he said that we can let it
go into the dredge.


So I would just crack it
in there slowly.

I mean, it's a [bleep] boat.

I would hope it can deal
with some water.


[ Bleep ]
there is a lot of water.


All right.
I'm going to break it.

Just broke the final scoop.


Looks like our water problem

Just turned into
tony's water problem, here.




Looks like our water problem

Just turned into
tony's water problem, here.

Narrator: parker has had brennan
break the berm

Separating his ground
from tony's,

Dumping hundreds of thousands
of gallons of pond water

Onto tony's claim.



Hey, can someone give me
a radio to tony?



Ah, [bleep].


How's it going?

Is that looking all right?

Oh, yeah?

All right.

I thought he said he had
permission from your dad.


All right.



I guess I'll just have to let
parker know what's going on.

Parker, this isn't working.



tony and kevin head out to check

What else parker
has done on his claim.


Here's my favorite part.

My favorite part is that he knew
because dug up to the line.

Then he threw all the [bleep]
on our side.



I like this plan.




Well, because I did come
and talk to you

About that, so i...

I -- I don't want, you know,

I'm not trying to do anything
without your permission.

So I'm not going to get
your permission

To pull water
from your property?

If you and I have an agreement,

Then that will satisfy
the government.


This really sounds like you're
going to keep us from mining.

Yeah, you do.
You do care what you do.

You certainly want to help
anybody mine though.

And that's where we'd go back
to that thing where you say,

"I don't want to prevent
anybody from mining,"

And yet you're telling me
that you're not going

To allow us to do anything
on your property.

Is that correct?

So the proper channels
are between you and i.

But we don't need to get them
over here

Because you and I
are a proper channel.

You have the authorization
for all the things

We're doing
on this property.

You do.

How can you say that?

You do.

You're... You know, what
gives you the right to...

I'm not, but...

But, tony, if I go through
that process,

We won't be mining
this season.

You and I both know that.

What you're telling me right now
is to end my mining season.


And this mining season is
going to end before it started.




If I really want to get serious
about moving more dirt out here

I need more machines.

Narrator: at quartz creek,

Rick has just 5 days left
with the $10,000-a-day dozer.

If his greenhorn crew
can't strip the cut

Before the rental expires,

They'll have no way
to get to the gold.

Rick is doubling down
and leasing a second excavator

To speed up stripping.

So I got a little tip that
parker is giving up the lease

On one of his big
700 excavators,

And I got a hold
of the leasing company,

And they're happy that...

You know, they gave me a good
deal if I wanted to lease it

Because they don't have to
haul it out of here.

So if I can go
and get that thing...

It's a bigger machine.
It's got a bigger bucket.

That means I can load
trucks faster.

Baby, why are you
sneezing so much?

Don't hit your head
when you sneeze, jeez.

You see that?

Looks like it's been
sitting a while.

Oh, well.
You've got to start somewhere.


She's pretty torched.

Oh, there he is.


Oh, yeah.
How's it going?

How you doing?

Don't even go there.

Like, tony is trying to put us
out of business, basically.

[ Bleep ]

It's just tony being the
neighbor is the biggest problem.

Yep.but how's it going down there?

It's going.that's good.

It's just really expensive.

That 475 is doing the bulk
of the work.

Right.but I've had trucks in there

With the one excavator since
we got here, working with him.

I've got to shut him down soon
because I can't afford that.

Nobody makes money
their first season,

And we did over 1,000 ounces
our first year up here,

And I didn't make a penny.yeah.

It's terrifying.

All right.

Are you going to take
this old pig?

Good luck.

Thanks, man.

You too.


You know, rick has got
to be damn careful.

Like, you really got to know
what you're walking into,

And if you're not careful,

It's very easy to lose
your shirt out here.

I know of a lot of guys
that were much better prepared

And much better organized
than rick is

That have gone
completely broke.

The norm up here
is losing money.

Oh, yeah.

It still starts up
like a wet fart.




Oh, boy.
That is creepy.


Now we got to spend the money
and get it trucked.

A pain in the ass
moving these things

When you've got to truck them.

Right, rubes?

Narrator: rick may have got
a deal on the excavator lease,

But it'll cost him $5,000
to have landlord sheamus

Truck it the 40 miles
to his claim.

Well, I mean, I really need
that 700 to get on site.

I am stressed to the max,

And I am getting
just about tapped out.

All I've done
is cost myself money.



This whole situation with tony
has me pretty damn nervous.

Narrator: over the last 10 days,
parker has spent $500,000

And stripped 23 acres of his
own ground in the cluster cut.

You know, if he really
wants to screw us,

He can screw us
completely right now.

Narrator: yesterday, tony
refused parker access to water.

With no way to drain
excess water or sluice,

Parker is running
out of options.

to make matters worse,

Tony calls in government
mining inspectors

To check
on parker's operation.

Parker: I'm guessing you guys
got a call yesterday afternoon?

Yesterday morning, about 10:30,
tony just blew up at me...

About, "you're not allowed
to do any of this.

Who's giving you permission?"

I'm not going to b.s. You --

I screwed up by not having
paperwork in place

With tony right off the bat,
and that's where I'm at.

I sat down and wrote up
an agreement

That included getting water in,
access and discharge.

You know, it gives us
the permissions,

And he very well
could not sign it,

And if he doesn't,
then we'll stop,

And I'll let you guys know
what comes out of it.


Those guys are
mining inspectors.

They confirm that tony
has to give us permission

For activities that
we're doing on tony's ground.

So the next step is to write
an agreement

Giving us permission to do
what we need to do to mine here

And seeing if tony
will sign it or not.

If tony doesn't sign it,
then, yeah, we're in trouble.




Parker: every single day,
everything changes.

Tony plays the weirdest game
of good cop/bad cop

By himself
that I've ever seen.

You never know what the [bleep]
to expect with him.

Narrator: to mine his own ground
this season,

Parker needs to avoid
the permitting process with emr.

The only way to do that?

Have tony agree to share
his existing water license.

We need an agreement with tony,

So I wrote up an agreement
that will work for me,

And we'll just see
if he signs it or not.



I just wanted five minutes,
if you've got it.

What's that?

All right.

Still a refusal to have
a conversation.

You're talking very big,
very real money.

I don't know what to do.

Tony thrives off of
controlling people's emotions

And controlling situations,

And I'm not going to give him
the satisfaction of that.

He controls the situation,

But he doesn't have to control
my attitude about it.

parker has failed to get

A simple agreement with tony.

His only option:
start a lengthy application

For a water license
with the department of emr.

Tony called emr.
I went down to see tony.

He still refuses to meet.

Yeah, won't talk.

He'll talk to the emr, and he's
making the emr do their job.

So then what do we have to do
to get in compliance,

Do a bunch of paperwork?

Go through the water
license process.

How long does that take?

I don't know, 6 months.

Well, that's the worst news
we've ever had up here.


I mean, we were sluicing
3 days ago last year,

And now we're homeless.

So I'm...

The biggest problem is
he won't even talk to you.

Like, where do you go
from there?

Right.that's step number one.

If we figure out a...

I think he wants [bleep]

Well, I'm sure what he
didn't want is us to set up

Right next to him
and do three times more gold

Than he does this year.exactly.

I think it's about his pride
more than anything.

He's treated me
like absolute [bleep]

The last week, you know?

Like, he shouldn't do that
to people.


All because of one guy.

It's all shot to [bleep].


At the end of the day,
we pay a lot of royalties.

He just wants money.yeah. Right?

And that's the only way
I can see it.


Well, I mean,
I know what I have to do,

And I just don't want to
[bleep] do it.



Y'all ready for this?

We are.

Narrator: at eureka creek,

Monica arrives
with the fist week's cleanup

Of the gold
kevin has mined.


Just pour it for now.

Who's counting?


No, I can't see.
I have no glasses.

Oh, yeah.

Go for it.

Zero, zero, zero.

15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40,

45, 50, 55, 60,

65, 70, 75,

80, 85, 90,

100, 110,
120, 122.7.

worth almost $150,000.

122.7, that's not bad.

So with everything from the last
cleanup on the dredge,

That's 229.

Love you too.

Bye, guys.



Narrator: at quartz creek,
rick ness and his rookie crew

Take a special delivery.

Come on.

Getting in the way already.

She thinks she owns
the [bleep] joint.

All of my other clothes
are in those [bleep] bins.

Rick, I wanted to thank you
for bringing us all up here,

So I had these vests made up,

So we're all going to have
these vests.

Oh, my god.
Give me a hug, you big goon.

Thanks, man.
I appreciate that.

Oh, rubes.
You look great.

Look at that,
sweetie pie.

You're all set for the season,
good deal.

Yeah, boots and a vest
and no pants.

I got the best crew.

Pants off dance off?

-You guys ready?

One, two, three, four.

You guys are fired.
You're all fired.

[ Laughter ]



Sometimes, big problems
require big machines.

Narrator: rick's crew is racing
to clear the overburden

Before the 100-ton
475 dozer leaves.

Rick: today is the 10th day
that that 475 has been running.

It's gotten a lot done,
but holy [bleep]

Has it been expensive.

Narrator: the new 700 excavator
is helping load the trucks.

It's no joke,
moving this amount of dirt.

This is a major undertaking.

Ryan, you got a copy?

I got you.

Is there a surgery where you can
poke your eardrums out?

Because I do not want to hear
my wife bitch

If we go home
and we're broke.

I'm sure you could get, like,
a back-alley procedure for that.

Ten days, $100,000, I mean,
it's getting frightening.

I'm not flat broke yet,

But I sure as hell can't afford
to run it anymore.

Oh, boy.

Here comes sheamus.

Let's get finished up
and get out of there.

Time's up.

Hey, rick.what's going on, man?

You know today is day
number 10, right?

I was kind of hoping you forgot.

I'm still hoping
I'm going to get paid.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm grateful that you didn't
lease it out to me

Because it...
I mean, I can comfortably say

We're at least, you know,

500 By 500
down to gravel, right?

It's a good-sized piece.

Hopefully that means
good gold.

That's always the hope.

Narrator: rick has succeeded in
stripping the overburden

From his cut
in just 10 days.

Now, for his investment
to pay off,

He needs to find gold.

You know, I need to know
what's in the ground now.

I need to know if it's worth it.

I would love to be able to show
my guys some gold

In the pan today,
a lot riding on it.

I spent a lot of money
just to get to this point.

Hopefully that price is going
to be repaid

With what's in the ground here,
a bunch of gold,

But you just never can tell.

Could be sunk before
I even get started.

That's pay dirt right there,
right there for sure.

Oh, yeah.
There we go.



Guys, you're not
going to believe this,

But I actually got a thawed hole
down here down at the bedrock,

Into the pay gravel,
so I'm going to do a pan.

You guys should come
check it out.

We're really going to see
if we've got gold here or not.


All right, man.
This is it.

If we don't find gold right now,
we're going home.

I sold my car before I left.

I don't even have a car at home.yeah.

So, no pressure?yeah.

I've never even seen
anybody pan gold in my life.



There is gold in here.

-All right.

There's three nice pieces
right there.

This what you guys
are all here for.


I'd say there's probably
a dozen colors in here.

If you think now, the size
of this pan,

How many pans
there are in here, huh?

That's all we need to see.

That's all we need to see.

No bull [bleep].
-No bull [bleep].

There it is.

That's what we all quit
our careers for.

This is what you guys
are all here for.

We were beginning to think
we were up here

Just to clear
a big pile of dirt.

I never lost faith...yeah, yeah.

More than twice a day.

It's real.
It's the real deal.

It's real now, right?yeah.

I'm going to go all out
on my own and say

That we're going to call
this thing the freedom cut.

That's our freedom
right in there.

But the only way we're going
to get it is

If we get back to work.
-Let's go get it.

A million dollars, boys!

-Let's go, then!
-Let's go.


First pan.

First pan, rick dipped it
in there

And did what he had to do,
and we're seeing gold.

Leaving my job and my family
behind and everything,

Now it's really coming clear

You know,
we're really into it now,

And we're going to pull
that gold out of the ground,

And it makes it
all worthwhile, man.

It's a game changer today.

For my guys,
I think it's really exciting.

This is showing them
why they're here.



There's gold here.



Taking a good look
at what you can't have, right?


And you can see right there.

There's a whole bunch
of pieces in there.

There's a pile of gold
down here.

It's obviously pretty damn
good ground,

But without tony playing ball,
we ain't getting flake of it.


And owning our own ground,
you know,

It's a really cool thing.

Not being able to mine it,
definitely not so cool.

I just wish I would have bought
a piece of ground

That was nowhere near
tony beets.

The cluster cut was a good name

Because we are absolutely

I think we've got to pull out.


this season on "gold rush"...

Man: here we are, 2 years
in the making.

Keep the buckets full.

Don't break [bleep].


k*ll the water!


This is it.
Let's [bleep] turn it on.

Fire it up!



Where is all that water
coming from?

Hit the bypass!holy [bleep]!

That's my entire livelihood
up there.

that's your first gold, man.

I'm proud of you.thanks, dad.

I'm pretty [bleep] right now.i'll tell you what I think.

You may not like some of it.

We're pretty much
packing our gear up,

And we're going home.
-My dad was right.

I'm going to go home at the end
of the season

Broke with no friends.

Like, I have some
chronic disease.

I can't shake this [bleep] guy.

No sluicing, no gold,

Equals for a pretty
[bleep] season.

Parker: and that plant needs
to start sluicing.

Shut it off!

Hurry up! You've had 5 [bleep]
days to get this done!

Well, I'm trying!


Once we start sluicing,
we run 24/7,

And that starts right now.

Parker, it's smoking!
The pump is smoking!

Oh, [bleep].

Oh, nothing can go [bleep]

There's no way I'm letting
tony beets

Find more gold
than us this year.