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02x24 - Armed g*ng (Skill-Out)

Posted: 01/12/24 20:39
by bunniefuu
I wish you would go a little easier on us, esper.

Komaba Ritoku.

It looks like I've run into the target first.

To think that you would try to make off with funds

that we had distributed, all at once.

I find that to be somewhat childish.

I'm just making sure to hit all of my targets for destruction.

The fact that it's your w*r chest is none of my concern.

Move Point, huh? That's a pesky power.

Do you think "pesky" is enough to cover it?

Yeah. Maybe you're right. It's more despicable than just "pesky."

I'll end this by driving this right between your eyes!

You're too slow!

I can knuckle down, myself.

I am fighting a monster like you.

Letting me have this much of a handicap is fair, right?

You can't hit me!

You've got some moves.

You must have some springy hard taping under your clothes.

It's actually special m*llitary sonic elastic taping.

It took quite some doing to acquire it.

You don't think you're going to pay for using that defective stuff

on your own body like that?

It's how far I'm prepared to go.

Let's hurry and finish this.

I have a mountain of things ahead of me to do, after all.

Too weak!

It will take more than a thin film like that to stop me!

That was a letdown.

"A Certain Magical Index II"

I'm always running after you

"A Certain Magical Index II" I'm always running after you

"A Certain Magical Index II" You are my ideal

You are me

Kore ijou tooku made tobenai tori ga ita

Kizu mo nai rippa na hane de aozora wo najitta

Kono basho mo warukunai

Ano sora wa takakunai

Kono basho mo yoku wa nai

Karada de kanjiru sokudo wo osorete'ru

Dare ni demo chansu wa moteru

sono saki e yukenai

Hontou wa tobitatenai

Hontou wa tobitachitai

Ima kanaetai negai no mukou de kagayaku

kimi ga iru

Hitomi ni utsusu

"Mirai ni tatte itsumo tsuyokute"

sonna kimi ga boku sa

Kimi wa mada mabushii kedo

onaji kimochi de kono te nobashite

itsuka tsukamu genjitsu no boku ga

kimi ni naru yo

Now then... sounds like she's met her quota, too. I'll tell you,

working overtime by yourself is--

In that case, why don't you take it off?


Accelerator, huh?

You're Komaba Ritoku, right? Let me ask you why you're doing this.

The reason Skill Out pounds on espers is... not an interesting tale.

Ha! So not only are you throwing the city into chaos,

you're doing it indiscriminately, too?

Not indiscriminately. We pick our targets, at least.

You seem pretty sure of yourself. Are you aware of your situation?

I k*lled her.

You're different from the stories I've heard.

Outcasts like you typically don't hesitate at this point.

Is that right?

You know what? Scumbags that stand in front of me

typically get turned into mincemeat.

That electrode of yours is a transmitter

for some kind of electrical information, right?

What's this?

Chaff Seed. A sort of EM disruption device.

You bastard!

I'll blow a crimson hole through you!


I'll give you a final choice.

Where do you want me to sh**t you to k*ll you?

Is this how you plan on making innocent people miserable in turn?

Screw that, you dirty bastard!

How... come...

How come your Reflection...

...has returned...?

What are you, an idiot?

The way chaff works is by having metal foil scattered through the air

creating EM interference. Which makes it simple.

You just have to get the floating foil out of the way.

Like, say, by venting it.

Now then...

...why don't you show me the guts it takes for a Level to challenge

a Level to a fight once again?

You're too slow!

"Checkmate," all right.

The fact that you're a Level doesn't make you evil.

The whole reason they're all treated like nuisances

is because of you guys in Skill Out gallivanting around.

Securing rights? Guaranteeing safety? Ridiculous.

Haven't you realized

that these actions are putting a noose around your necks?

You want to talk hypothetically?

The personality issues of a person aren't taken into consideration

when it comes to the merits of being an esper.

That includes some really ugly examples of humanity

who wield tremendous power.

If a game where such guys competed to att*ck Level s

who weren't in an organized Skill Out group became popular,

what would you do?

Hmph, I knew the consequences would be coming for me in time...

You bastard...


you and I are currently in the same set of circumstances.

Here's a gift. Burn this pathetic sight into your mind.

Good work.

We will see to carrying away the body, and destroying the evidence.

I will send the garbage truck, so please hop into it.


I'll come back on my own.

It makes no difference to me, but please avoid seeing anyone you know.

It's important that we remain--

I know you're alive, Musujime Awaki.

I started watching halfway through.

When did you notice me?

Ha, it was all too obvious. A sorry stunt like that?

Heh, are you sure you want to talk like that

to the person who saved your life?

The person who saved my life, huh? Just go on telling yourself that.

Oh, are you headed somewhere?

Nowhere important. Just some overtime.

"A Certain Magical Index II"

"A Certain Magical Index II" Unpaid overtime.

"A Certain Magical Index II"

Aww... that overtime has kept me pretty late, huh?

I think I'll stop at a convenience store for some coffee.

I-I feel awful...

Hmm? That face...

Seems like I've seen it before somewhere.

What's her story?

Hi there! I'm Ms. Misaka Misuzu... ugh...

H-Hey, you...

My hobbies are studying number theory,

my special talent is swimming, and my bust measurement is cm!

Oh, whoops. I'm married.

Come on, don't paw at me, 'cause Papa won't like it.

Huh? Where is Dangai University's Database Center again?

Hey, white-hair, do you know?

Ah, don't ignore me, white-hair!

You see... that's where Ms. Misuzu has to go study now.

How should I know, idiot?! Try flagging down a taxi or something!

I kiss those younger than me, whether they're boys or girls!

Would you stop saying all this meaningless nonsense!

If I had to say, I think even croquettes count as a stew pot dish.

I mean, you take breaded patties

and stick them in the oil in front of you.

You may be right about them tasting best freshly cooked.

--Ah! In that case, when you cook in front of me, Toma,

--We can't go until I close the door. --Ah! In that case, when you cook in front of me, Toma,

--What did you say? --Ah! In that case, when you cook in front of me, Toma,

--What did you say? --and I eat all of it, it tastes better than anything, doesn't it?

Hey, I know you!

M-Ms. Misaka?

Ms. Misuzu doesn't need anything else.

Uh-oh, I haven't stretched out, or put on my lotion.

Damn it, if I stop making an effort, my skin shows it in no time.

Ugh, I'm gonna puke...

U-Um... Huh?

All right! Scored me a younger boy!

If you're wandering around at this hour, what's become of Mikoto?

H-Help me, Index!

Come to think of it, who's that girl again?

Ha! I'm not going to give my name to someone like you.

Why, you little...

Wah! It's Index! I'm Index!

Tell me, where is Dangai University's Database Center?


Word is that the material I need to write my college report

is only located in Academy City,

so I had no choice but to come all the way here.

Ah, I see.

Oh, I've got an idea! Let's swap phone numbers and email addresses!

Too soon!

I'll record your number under my "friends" category!

Misaka? Just a coincidence? No,

could she have something to do with the kid?

"Contact "

Accelerator? Did you need something?

Tch, they've tapped in, huh?

You're a tacky bastard. Is this GROUP's superior?

Tell me what your question is.

It's nothing. I'll do what I have to do myself.

What you have to do? I don't know what to say.

I do have a matter I wanted to discuss with you, though.


This works out perfectly. It just barely started.


That woman, Ms. Misaka Misuzu,

submitted a request to use the Dangai University Database Center,

so that's where the att*ck was made.



And who is this Misaka woman?

Ms. Misaka Misuzu is the mother of Misaka Mikoto.

Are you familiar with the term "retrieval campaign"?

It's where parents are taking back their kids,

and moving them to another area before the w*r starts.

If too many students leave Academy City,

it will create all sorts of problems.

Misaka Misuzu is now in something

of a representative position among the parents.

So, it was decided to remove her.

Will you take part in this, Accelerator?

What did you say?

Skill Out has been requested to carry this out,

but they lack finesse.

If I could ask for your assistance...

I'm afraid not.

My life belongs to me.

I've got nothing to do with your ulterior motives.

I see. In that case, please hurry home.

We will keep your ability secure until you do.

Wha--? Did you tamper with my electrode?

Well then, I must be going. Good night, Accelerator.

Misaka Misuzu, was it? I'm sure my superior will grind his teeth

if I end up saving her, huh?

That bastard!

Tch, now's not the time.

Well now, time to go save her in the goriest,

most far-from-saving way that I can.

Damn it, who was it that forgot the security key?!

Whatever, we're out of time! Let's just find the woman.

What's going on here?

I know I dialed Antiskill.


They're probably Skill Out.

Skill Out?

They're like a g*ng, made up of armed Level s.

Why would they be after me?

That I don't know.

Ms. Misaka, have you called your daughter?


She's one of only seven Level s in Academy City. If she's still--

Hold on!

Keep Mikoto out of this! If I drag her into my problems,

I'll never be able to face her again.

All right.

In that case, I'm coming.

Eh? I couldn't ask you to do that--

Hasn't anyone found the woman yet?

I asked if you've found the woman yet, damn it!

Damn, Komaba, you bastard, dying and getting off easy.

What are those of us left behind supposed to do?

This is Hamazura. Target located. We'll take care of her. You guys--

Why, you...!


Hi, you scumbags!

I've got some day-tripper presents to heaven for you guys.

It's such a great place, you may not feel like coming back, though.

Five of them. And they all have g*ns.

This is bulletproof, right?


What is she, stupid?!

Damn... If I can just dash over to the bag with the g*n in it

before those guys have a chance to regroup...


You're kidding, right?!

Crazy dumbass!

Why, you...!

You bastard!

Ms. Misaka, we're getting out of here!

Ms. Misaka!


Damn it!

Interesting. You've got some nerve,

still carrying out your job, don't you?

This way!

Back door, huh? Whatever, let's go someplace with a lot of people!

What is this?

Why would you pick now to come here?

Was the job itself a sham, and we got set up?

Did you say job?

That bastard Komaba got k*lled,

and the only way to avoid their back-alley suppression operation

was to ingratiate ourselves to them.

Damn it, they were planning to abandon us from the start!

I'm just here because she called me.

You mean, it's like that?

The life of Hamazura Shiage is hereby over,

but I can't pass it off as being caught up in some grand conspiracy,

or fallen victim to some miracle strategist?!

I can't take it! I won't rest unless I get beaten to death!

Keep back!

Aw, but that means, if you don't have anything to do with them,

then the job is still valid. If I bring the target's body in...

Go ahead and say that again, you...!

Screw you. What the hell do you take a person's life to be?!

What choice do I have?!

If we Level s don't do this, we can't survive!

Don't group me in with you.


Don't lump all of us Level s in with bastards like you!

That's right. You never once used any ability.

Academy City is full of people who are Level .

They go to school normally, make friends normally,

and live their lives normally.

You're the one who's making Level s look most like fools, you know!

You're the same as me.

No I'm not. Sure, I might be a Level ,

but I have no intention of turning so negative

as to take joy in dragging other people down.

Negative? You're calling us negative?

Compared to those who have power, but won't give anything to us,

those of us in Skill Out are a hundred times better!

Well, have you extended a hand to anyone asking for help?

If you had used as much energy extending a hand to those in need

as you have fighting against espers,

you would have been accepted by the people of Academy City!

Shut up! Our Level leader, Komaba Ritoku,

lived that way, and he got k*lled!

He stuck out like a sore thumb trying to protect the weak!

But he must have had something that you don't!

That's why he stayed and fought until the end, didn't he?

To protect his friends, and not call them the weak!

Get real! You're just a Level . You don't have any power!

Don't you look down on us!

The reason you've been looked down on has nothing to do with power.

Figure out what to do about that good-for-nothing illusion yourself,

you filthy bastard!

The truth of the matter is,

I came to take Mikoto back with me.

But I can rest easy now. As long as there are boys like you guys

who are watching out for Mikoto, then there's no problem at all.

"You... guys"?

Did our superior order you to come here and punish me?

Don't be silly.

As far as Misaka Misuzu goes, she appears to have lost her desire

to remove her daughter from Academy City.

As such, her k*lling has been canceled.

Does our superior accept such wishy-washy conclusions?

He probably will. Mainly because dumb Unabara here worked so hard.

Oh, it just seems that the young man has kept his promise to me

to protect the one I care for, and the world around her.

I thought that I should try a little harder, too.

I just got a little too uptight about it.

He keeps maintaining that tone, and avoids any specific answers.

He probably made use of some particularly ugly tricks.

In any case, good work on your first assignment, overtime and all.

Damn it all.

If you only follow the rules, you'll never outwit them.

That means you can't use normal methods.

Apparently, you're considered a fairly precious commodity upstairs.

Let's partner up, Accelerator.

Sounds interesting. But if you guys slow me down,

I'll write you off without a second thought.

Ha, you're a feisty kid. Come on.

It's about time we struck back at the guys upstairs.

How fun. Having an objective really is fun.

What is this?

After I take the trouble to send a text...

...why don't I get an answer?

Work though we might, the mountain of paperwork never goes away.

Hitori de ii to tsubuyaita Work though we might, the mountain of paperwork never goes away.

Hitori de ii to tsubuyaita What else can we do? Everyone else was knocked out.

to aru sekai no chuushin de What else can we do? Everyone else was knocked out.

to aru sekai no chuushin de Please brace yourself for another three days of this, easy.

Tokei no hari wo orimagete Please brace yourself for another three days of this, easy.

Tokei no hari wo orimagete

hitomi tojite'ta

Sugisatta toki wa modosenai kedo

Sugisatta toki wa modosenai kedo Oh, yeah?

ano hi oshiete kureta yo ne Oh, yeah?

ano hi oshiete kureta yo ne A booth bunny at a counteroffensive weapons show?

sore de ii n' da to A booth bunny at a counteroffensive weapons show?

sore de ii n' da to Yeah, but they're just doing powered suits demonstrations.

Yeah, but they're just doing powered suits demonstrations.

Megurimeguru kisetsu ni kimi ga ita kiseki So what you're saying is, you're dressing up as a mascot.

Megurimeguru kisetsu ni kimi ga ita kiseki Th-That might be overstating things.

kowarete'ta tokei sae ugokidasu kara

kowarete'ta tokei sae ugokidasu kara This pudding tastes amazing,

kowarete'ta tokei sae ugokidasu kara considering it's from a convenience store.

Ima wa sou muryoku na garakuta da kedo considering it's from a convenience store.

Ima wa sou muryoku na garakuta da kedo If you eat sweets at night, you'll get fat.

Ima wa sou muryoku na garakuta da kedo

fushigi da ne kaerareru sonna ki ga suru

fushigi da ne kaerareru sonna ki ga suru "Where did he go?" Misaka Misaka asks.

Kimi no koe ga ima mo mada "Where did he go?" Misaka Misaka asks.

Kimi no koe ga ima mo mada He will be back, very soon.

koko ni aru kara

koko ni aru kara "Mm-hmm. Misaka can't wait to see him,"

"Mm-hmm. Misaka can't wait to see him,"

says Misaka Misaka, nodding.

Good night.

Ah! Toma!

Geez! How can you go out again by yourself, and get badly hurt?

Toma, your behavior makes as little sense as ever!

Uh, yeah, well...

I was actually kind of lucky this time.

Then again...

...sure enough, this is just my luck!