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03x02 - Right Now, God

Posted: 01/12/24 18:12
by bunniefuu
[SOLDIER] Put your arms up. Slowly turn around.

I don't know why they called in backup for a coupl of kids.

Is the Port Mafia that short-staffed?

Or is this Rando guy not included

on the most popular list?

[CHUUYA] Rando?

That would be the name of the survivor

we came here to interview.

He's the one who restrained you

with that special ability of his.

Oh, that guy.

Hey, ya old fart!

Whaddya say we save us both some time?

First, you sh**t.

Then I'll retaliate by blowing your ass

all the way over to the next town.

After that, I'll b*at the living sh*t

out of the rest of your men,

and then we can all call it a day.


Or you could simply trick him

into giving you some information.

Let me guess--you're with the GSS tactical team, aren't you?

The infamous Gerhardt Security Services.

You used to be a foreign-funded private security firm.

But then you had your subsidies cut off.

Now you're a full-blown illegal operation.

[SOLDIER] That's right, and don't think I'll go easy on ya

just 'cause you're kids.


Show us what you got, old fart.

[SOLDIER] You...

You're Chuuya Nakahara of the Sheep g*ng.

So it was true that you fell into the hands

of the Port Mafia.

That outta teach you, you annoying prick!

[OSAMU] You are so amazing. Well done.

[CHUUYA] Says the guy who was standing there doing nothing.

I'll have you know I was collecting information

from the communicator I swiped off our new friend.

Just so you know, he wasn't lying.

It looks like he does have some backup coming.

Oh, yeah?

[OSAMU groans]

You only end up creating more work for yourself

when you act so impulsively.


[SOLDIER A] Captain!

Care to join your superior on the ground?


That shrimp is Chuuya Nakahara, the gravity manipulator.


[CHUUYA] Did you just call me a shrimp, you assh*le?


[CHUUYA] I'm only years old.

I'm still growing, damn it!

[SOLDIER D groans]

[SOLDIER E yells]


[CHUUYA] It's over.

Now tell me the reason you guys att*cked us.

What do you know about Arahabaki?

I guess we'll have to wait for our team's investigation report.

[OSAMU] How unfortunate for you. Does it hurt?

It's a shame it's too late to save you.

And you won't be dead for at least

another five minutes or so.

That's five minutes of brutal suffering.

I wouldn't be able to stand it.

I could end your suffering right now by using this g*n.

If that's what you want,

you should say yes while you can still talk.

Yes, sh**t me.

[OSAMU] All right.

[OSAMU chuckling]

This is more than you deserve.

There's no need to keep sh**ting a dead body.

Yeah, you're right. Absolutely.

[OSAMU] What you're saying is probably correct.

That would be the normal way to think.

[RANDO shivers]

[RANDO] It's so cold.

The wind is coming through

and it makes it three times as cold.

It must've been rough, huh, Rando?

[RANDO] It was barbaric. Why did they target me?

[OSAMU] I think it's easy to guess why we were att*cked.

The rumor is spreading.

If an expl*si*n of black flames happened to k*ll

a Mori supporter like you,

people would take the anger

of the former boss more seriously.

On the way here, Chuuya flattened a GSS soldier

who was carrying these instructions

for how to fake the perfect black expl*si*n.

[RANDO] What's a "black expl*si*n"?

Apparently it's what they're calling

this type of black-ish flame.

It's the result of a reaction caused by a sodium lamp.

Whatever the case may be,

it's nothing more than a cheap trick.

So let me see if I understand.

The GSS soldiers pretending to be Arahabaki

att*cked this guy in order to get the Port Mafia

to then turn on itself.

[RANDO] The current GSS president is a cold-hearted man.

Rumor has it he has close ties to the Guild,

a North American secret organization.

Can you describe what happened with Arahabaki?

What you saw in Suribachi City?

It's the only lead we have right now

on the previous boss and his resurrection.

Ah, yes. I remember it as clear as day.

How could I ever forget?

I was the only one who survived.

Every single one of my subordinates b*rned to ash.

They were all engulfed by those black flames.

There's no doubt it was that god of fire.

This is very interesting.

Please, tell us more.

[RANDO] The terrible blast occurred close

to the center of Suribachi City.

I was with fellow agents of the Port Mafia

and we were on our way to battle the young members of the Sheep.

It was right there, completely out of the blue,

that we were blown away by a black expl*si*n.

[RANDO] A sudden massive heat wave.

The only thing I could do was try to protect myself

with my ability.

[RANDO] Black flames. Crumbling earth.

It was Hell itself.

And in the middle of the inferno, there it was.

It had no resemblance to the former boss.


It was unrecognizable. It wasn't even human.

It was a beast. A beast of black flames.

It was horrendous.

Even its eyes were like the flames of purgatory.

Everything in sight was shimmering in the extreme heat.

Except the Yokohama sea.

Just the sea, in the distance, basking gently in the moonlight.

That is my most vivid memory.


[RANDO] At that moment, I heard the voice of the beast.

It was a voice utterly devoid of emotion.

It absolutely terrified me.

[RANDO] I apologize.

You two wanted to hear the former boss

was not resurrected by Arahabaki,

and that it was all a hoax orchestrated

by a gifted enemy, didn't you?

[OSAMU] Not at all.

It was certainly an interesting story.

It's thanks to you the mystery is finally solved.


[CHUUYA] Tell me who's behind it!

[OSAMU] No way!

[OSAMU] Hup!


[CHUUYA] You don't get it, do you?!

[OSAMU] Oh, I do.

Unlike a certain grade-school kid I happen to know!

[CHUUYA] Come on, come on!

You're never gonna win

if you're always on the defensive!

Aww. Too bad for you.

[screams] Hang on a second!


Don't forget our little bet.

Remember, we said whoever loses has to obey the winner's orders,

just like a dog obeys its master.

[CHUUYA groans]

Now, what ingenious thing could I have you do?

I thought for sure I was gonna win!

The strength of your ability is actually your downfall.

In fact, it's so strong you never learned to be cunning

or think strategically, whether it's video games or riddles.

Riddles? What the hell?!

I've never even done a riddle before--

let alone solved one!

[OSAMU] All right, why don't we have a contest

to see who can identify the black flame culprit first?

If you win, then we can call it day

and we'll break off the bet we already made.

But if I win, then I get to be your master,

giving you doggie commands for life!

Fine! You got yourself a deal, buddy!

I can't believe you don't think I'm cunning or strategic!

What makes you even think that I would ever

show you what I have up my sleeve?!!

I have noticed that you keep your hands in your pockets

whenever you att*ck an opponent.

Does that have something to do

with what you have up your sleeve?

[CHUUYA] How I fight is none of your damn business.

I understand.

So you're just being lazy on purpose then?

Hey, why is it that you want to find

the god of fire, Arahabaki, in the first place?

Why are you so interested?

I dunno. Why're you so hell-bent on dying young?

[CHUUYA grunts]


What's wrong?

Just shut up for a second, okay?

[OSAMU] Eh? Oh, look who it is.

They're wearing those blue bracelets.

They must be Sheep members, right?

Is there a problem I don't know about?

[CHUUYA] Does this seem like a good time for them to see me?!

Hey, Chuuya Nakahara! C'mon!

Let's hurry and get to work! Boss' orders, ya know!

What are you, a mental case?!

Shut up, dammit!

[SHIRASE] Chuuya, there you are.

We've been lookin' for ya.

Oh. Hey, guys. I'm glad you're safe.

[SHIRASE] Listen, Akira and Shougo were abducted

by the Port Mafia.

I say we pay them back right now.

Let's att*ck their base and make those scrubs suffer.

Just like we always do.

[CHUUYA] Don't worry about them.


We're actually dealing with it right now.

You're dealing with it?

[OSAMU] Yep. We're dealing with it.

[BOTH] Huh?

We got it all handled at the moment,

but why don't you guys tell us what you know about Arahabaki?

Got anything new?

Who the hell is this guy?

Think he wants to join us?

That's one way to describe it.

I'm sorry, but would you guys mind

just answering the question that he asked?


Sure, I guess.

Well, based on the information we gathered

just in the past week, rumors are off the charts

about people seeing the former boss

or witnessing the black flame.

So what's the oldest rumor that can actually be confirmed?

[SHIRASE] Probably the one from eight years ago.

When that giant expl*si*n at the end of the conflict

created Suribachi City.

Haven't heard about Arahabaki

causing any damage prior to that.

Yeah, I thought that might be the case.

Really? This weird kid thinks he's joining the Sheep?

The important thing is when are we gonna come up with a plan

to get our guys back?

They were abducted from the factory road past the river.

[CHUUYA] Hold on! You went past the river?

You went there to steal booze again, didn't you?!

You know how close that is to the Port Mafia's base!

It's right in the middle of the conflict, you fool!

Don't you realize that's like asking to be abducted?!

Please stop yelling at us.

But don't we need to uphold our defense policy anyway?

Think of it as a teachable moment.

Lay your hands on the Sheep

and we hit back a hundred times harder, right?

Isn't that what you always say, Chuuya?

Look, if someone has the ability to make things right,

then it's their duty to step up.

I'm begging you to own that responsibility now

and use your power!

[OSAMU] Awesome.

You two fellas are really quite interesting.

It's clear that he's the strongest one

of your little group by far.

Yet he acts like a sheep in the eyes of wolves.

It turns out it's not so easy leading an organization.

It's a lot harder to pull off than one could imagine.

Careful now.

Well, I'm sorry to say you can't take him with you.

He's still got orders from the Port Mafia

he needs to carry out.


What're you talking about? That's impossible!

Aren't I right, Chuuya?

You're with the Port Mafia?

[OSAMU] Oh, my, I'm scared. You got me.

I'll do anything you ask, just don't k*ll me.

Oh, I know.

I can ask Mori to release the hostages

as long as you spare me from any harm.

Uh, hey, wait!

Who the hell gave you permission to contact him, dammit?!

Are you listening to me? Hey!

Hi, Mori?


We're making good progress on the work you ordered.

We're almost done.

Actually I wanted to ask you a favor.

Is it possible you could release the Sheep hostages?

Yup, that's right.

Immediately. Unharmed.

Sure. Bye.

[phone ringing]

The guards are contacting me.

Seriously? They've been released?

Just what're you playing at?

Are we done here?

Let's go. We've got some work to finish up.


Chuuya doesn't do work for anybody in the Port Mafia.

[SHIRASE] Yeah. And you have no more hostages.

[SHEEP MEMBER giggles]

C'mon, Chuuya, let's go.

Uh... Chuuya?

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you guys will have to go without me.

What are you talking about?

Arahabaki comes first.

I made a bet that I'd find out what's behind it,

and I'm not gonna lose that bet to him.

Are you kidding me?!

We're depending on you to teach our enemy a lesson!

[OSAMU] Lay off him already.

He is perfectly capable of deciding for himself

how he wishes to use his own power.

Even a five-year-old kid would be able to figure out that much.

This discussion's over.

So are all the rumors about you actually true then?

Have you really abandoned the Sheep

to become a member of the Port Mafia?

It has nothing to do with Port Mafia.

This is my own problem.

Don't you dare forget, Chuuya!

You had no family before the Sheep took you in!

You had nobody in the world!


[SHIRASE screaming]

[OSAMU] That should just about do it.

I can't wait.

Imagine how happy that punk's going to be

when he finds out he's getting such a grand party.

All this hoopla in honor of his new-found freedom

from the Sheep.

[RANDO] Dazai.

You said you finally discovered

who is responsible for Arahabaki.

Is that really true?

Or you were lying just so you could torment Chuuya, perhaps?

[OSAMU] I'm afraid both things are true.

I said what I did in front of him

so that he'd be interested in taking on the bet.

But I do happen to know who's behind it.

Really? Tell me who it is then.

It's you, Rando. Admit it.

[OSAMU] You impersonated the former boss

and spread rumors about Arahabaki.

Do you have anything to say?

How did you come up with that?

[OSAMU] Because you made a mistake.

A very basic mistake.

[RANDO] What mistake is that?

"The sea."

[OSAMU] It was when you were talking earlier.

When you said that you saw Arahabaki and the black flames.

[RANDO] Just the sea, in the distance,

basking gently in the moonlight.

That is my most vivid memory.

Oh. Yes, I did say that.

Because that's what I saw after it happened.

How do you figure that that's a mistake?

[OSAMU] Are you sure you want me to spoil it for you?

[RANDO] Tell me.

[OSAMU] It happened close to the center of Suribachi City,

but Suribachi City is a hemispherical valley basin

that was carved out by the expl*si*n.

Ah. Oh! I understand!

[OSAMU] Exactly.

There's no way you could've seen the sea.

If you were inside a giant bowl roughly two kilometers wide,

the sea would never be within sight,

no matter how tall you stood.

So why would you say you saw it if that wasn't possible?

I believed you when you described Arahabaki,

since it sounded like you were telling the truth.

So it's strange, isn't it?

It's because you previously had seen the sea.

That's why you made the mistake.

It's subtle, but I caught it.

You saw the sea before the city of Suribachi was ever created.

Before the giant expl*si*n eight years ago,

at the end of the conflict.

You had a bet with Chuuya

about who could settle this first, right?

Do you think you've won that bet?

Because you're the first to find out who was behind it all?

--[CHUUYA yelling]

--[OSAMU groans] --[CHUUYA yelling]

--[CHUUYA yelling]

[RANDO] Huh?

I'm the one who's won the bet with the suicidal maniac.

This is all your doing, Rando.

You can't fool me.

I saw through you from the very beginning.

You've been lying this whole time.

[OSAMU] Okay, stop!


What?! Why, you... What the hell, man?!

[OSAMU] Just so you know,

I was the one who solved it and made the announcement first.

In fact, I was just in the middle of explaining

the method behind the mystery.

[CHUUYA In the middle of explaining.

So you weren't finished.

Then I am the winner.

[OSAMU] There's no way you've won,

but I'll let you explain your version of the riddle.

How did you conclude that Rando was behind it?

[CHUUYA] What is there to conclude?

Anyone could've figured it out from what he said.

Every single eyewitness account has clearly stated in the report

that they saw the former boss.

And then this guy comes along

and says he's seen Arahabaki itself.

Basically you're saying there's no such thing as gods, then?

That's how you solved the riddle? Did I get that right?

[CHUUYA] No. It's the opposite.


I figured it out because gods do exist.

[CHUUYA] I'm sure of it.

[RANDO] So you're confident that Arahabaki exists, huh?

[CHUUYA] Yeah.

You saw it, too, didn't you? Eight years ago.

I mean, there's no way you could've given

such a precise account of it otherwise.

[RANDO] Chuuya, I have a question for you.

Do you know where Arahabaki is right now?

Tell me, boy.

[OSAMU] If you know, you should tell him.

Rando's going to be ex*cuted for endangering the Port Mafia,

so there's no harm in letting him know.

Dammit, what the hell is it with everyone?

Why does everybody wanna meet that thing?

Jeez, it's not like it has the power

to revive the dead or something.

That thing doesn't have any kind of personality

or even have a mind of its own.

It's like a typhoon or an earthquake.

It doesn't need a personality.


It's pure destruction.

Its devastation has no limits.

It scorches the earth, stains the skies,

and rumbles the air.

This thing from the other side is unfathomable, Chuuya.

That power is enough for me.

Where is this thing beyond human comprehension--

this thing that b*rned me alive?

[CHUUYA] I'll tell you if you really wanna know.

Arahabaki... me.

[gasps] What did you say?

[RANDO chuckles]

[RANDO] I had a feeling it might turn out to be you.