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02x12 - If I May Shed Away My Burden Now

Posted: 01/12/24 17:59
by bunniefuu
Ability Beast beneath the moonlight.

Demonic armor.



Through all that all you've got. I hope

I didn't spend all of that money for nothing.

Only three minutes left.

Kyoka. If you would prefer,

I can arrange for you to be an assassin..

For the rest of your life.

But your anguish isn't yours alone. What should

one do when what they want to be isn't what they're best at?

Everyone searches for some kind of meaning

for the correct way to live.

Why do they fight for?

No. How should they live?

No one can answer these questions for us.

All we have is the right to waiver.

It's stray dogs who have hit rock bottom.

Yeah. I hope. No. Never saw.

There, tiger.


Is it possible? Of course it is.

The words from your past are fundamentally meaningless.

They do not dictate who.. You are now. If I may, shed

away my burden now. I will.

Go. Go. Die where, Tiger?

Sangeet Kathakali.


Account of.

See. I.


I'm spent. If he stands back up. I don't know what I'll do.

I did it. Zelda.

I'll be there soon.

And bring you. The happiness you've always deserved.

Huh? He still has the control terminal.

And, you idiot. Weren't you paying attention?

I took it from him during the last attack. What?

Why haven't you stopped it?

I would love to rip you to shreds right now,

but I've used up all of my strength, so this will have to do.

You're gonna pay for this. I swear.

Descending. But why? Haven't done anything. Hand it to me.

It's not responding. Something's going.. On.

It's no good. It's not responding from here either.

The ship is going to fall.

Is that him? We're running out of time.

We need to do something or everyone's gonna die.

It's no use. Someone has infiltrated the ship's navigations.

They're in control now. That can't be.

They're still away. I know.. That voice. That Yoshioka.

I overheard the situation. Even if the Moby

d*ck can't be stopped from falling,

we can destroy it prematurely, making it

crash before it reaches the city.

I can do that using this drone. Kyoka.

That's an amazing idea. We can save everyone.

Could you help us get the parachutes ready?

You'll need to plan your escape as well. I can't.

I'm a prisoner here. My ankle is chained to the floor.

I wouldn't be able to make it to the evacuation system.

But then how are you going to. . Forget about me and go..

Ahead with the plan? Don't be stupid.

We'll find another way. You've got to change course.

I didn't think there was.. Any ray of hope left for me.

But. I finally understood something. I still have

If I sacrifice myself in order to save everyone,

I'd also pass the entrance exam in the process.

I'd become a real member of the

agency. That's something I'd never regret.

Please don't do this.

Let go of me. Have to go.


Why? Why did it have to happen to her?

Kyoka. What a little fool. If she hadn't

embraced the hope of living in the world of light,

she would still be alive now.

This was the outcome we had hoped for. Atsushi.

Dorsey President. Kyoka conquered her demons and saved the city from harm.

She demonstrated the virtues expected of the agency.

But I still don't understand. Why did she have to die?

I'll admit the process seems merciless. However,

there's a reason all of this had to play out this way.

My ability is called All men are created equal.

Its field of range applies only to members of the agency.

His ability allows an individual gifted greater control of their own ability.

The reason you're able to control your

weretiger abilities now is because you joined the agency.

Kiyoka was able to pass the test and become an official member.

Right before the impact. Do you see what I'm getting at?

Using Demon Snow's blade. I was able

to cut the chain and escape.

So I'm back.

You're hurting me. Uh. Uh, my bad.

Sorry we had to keep it a secret from you both.

But if we hadn't, it wouldn't have made

for a proper entrance exam, now, would it?

Will we end up in the mountains? The sea.

Roger that. Did you guys plan this from the beginning?

The enemy's been defeated and Kiyoka is back safe and sound.

Isn't that all that matters right now?

Wait, does I? What about me? After

that final battle, do you think I'm strong?

Let's see now. You did help take out Francis,

but you look like you're about to fall over from exhaustion.

Does that.. Really matter? I still won.

You have become strong.


That's a nice view, isn't it?

This is your city, Atsushi.

You saved it.

Is this my city? Really?

The w*r amongst the gifted may be over,

but it caused enormous damage in Yokohama.

Now the government's work is just getting started

cleaning up after such a huge mess.

I don't think I'll be sleeping at home for days.

Setting all that aside for now, however,

have you considered our request for your assistance, Mr. Melville?

It would be very much appreciated.

I just want to watch the sea for now.

Your information would help us out a great deal.

We wouldn't even have to arrest any guild

members who weren't involved with that plot.

Do you really think a mere grunt

such as myself would have that kind of information?

Yes, I do. Because a long time ago,

you were the leader of the Guild.

I wish that you, youngins wouldn't insist on bringing up the past.

You would save me a lot of sleepless nights by cooperating.

And I'd rather not have to use these.


I never imagined that ship would

end up underwater. It's a shame.

I was comfortable there.. On the Moby d*ck..

In the Guild. Now that the boss is missing in action,

I hear all sorts of insurgencies have sprouted up within the group.

It was all fun while it lasted.

But it's time to bid a kind goodbye. Yeah.

Life goes on like it always does.

That's true. Well, I'm going to go back

home and finish working on my biography. What about you two?

I'm going to look for Lord Francis. I'm sure he's alive.

Mm. Guess you're going to go back to your family, right, John?

Not just yet. Oh. I have to stop

the revolt's happening in the Guild.

Come again? That's a surprise. And here

I was thinking that you hated the boss's guts. I do.

I hate anyone who uses money to control people.

But he depended on his wealth to save his family.

And unfortunately for him, this was the result.

I can't leave things on this note.

Oh, the contract. It is finally fulfilled.

Still kicking, huh? Lovecraft. What are you going

to do now? Go to sleep.

Just who was that guy? Does it really matter?

All I know is he's one of my few friends.

Hey, Kiyoka.

After you.

One, two. Congratulations. Welcome to the agency.

k*ll. Cheers.


Oh. Mama Boku No. Naka no. Tatsumi Atsushi.

How are your injuries? Oh, I'm all better now.

Because of your heroic actions, the city

was saved from destruction as your senior.

There's something very important I wanted to tell you. Do.

First of all, despite the fact

that you engaged in a solo operation,

I will remind you that we typically conduct our missions in teams.

Also, I expect you to be an upstanding

gentleman towards Kyoko now that she'll be working closely with us.

Don't let me catch you doing anything

shameful towards her. Do you hear me?

Give it a rest, Sergeant. Buzzkill.

The poor kids alone, will ya? Why

don't you come have a drink with me?

I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Wasn't there something else you wanted to tell them?

You did well, the both of you. All right.

Let's drink the. Hang on a moment.

Gonna leave me high and dry. Cooney.

Upstanding gentleman would probably apologize.

Hano. Naomi.

Huh? Please forgive me. I know that I was under Q's curse,

but I did some awful things to you both.

If I'd had more control over my

emotions, that never would have happened.

Oh, now, remember. I'm sorry. Will you ever forgive me? Atsushi.

You don't have to worry about that anymore.

Oh, that stuff's already in the past

now. Are you sure? We're sure.

Thank goodness. I really do feel terrible about it.

I can't believe he was able to get me to do all those things.

Atsushi This is the first time I'm hearing about all this.

What exactly did you do to Naomi?

Wait a minute. Oh, Rob. Oh, I brought

over the new piece you asked about over the phone. Huh?

Hey, Ed, you came. Glad you could make it.

Is it really all right for me

to be.. Here like this? Rompo.

I am from a rival group. And Give me a moment.

I'll be right back. Huh? Wait. Don't leave me alone.

That was impressive work out there. Thank you, sir.

The agency would be nothing without you.

Well, Carl.. Seems like everyone's

having fun, aren't they? Allo, Allo.

It's a Romanee Conti. So generous. Isn't this your treasure?

If there's a better occasion to..

Open this baby.. Up, then I don't.. Know what it is.

Let's make a toast to victory.

Delicious. Boss. How should we punish Akutagawa?

Punish him? He was a crucial element in our success.

Akutagawa has always been a bit of a loose cannon.

As many times as he's gone rogue,

causing mayhem in the process, he's always gotten results.

As long as he continues to succeed, there will be no repercussions.

I wanted to ask you, Koyo, when

you were captured by the agency,

why didn't you try and escape?

It ought to have been quite easy for you to pull off.

Now, why didn't I? Perhaps the tea was just to die for.

Hey, sister, let's make a deal. Just as two grown ups.

I have a plan for saving Kyoka. I'm listening.

If we succeed, we'll be able to save

not only Kyoka's life, but her happiness as well.

Dazai had already seen how all of this

would play out to the very end. What a terrifying man.

Listen, Koyo. Your powers are undeniable. If you wanted

to leave the Port Mafia and go after Kyoka,

it would be quite difficult for me to stop you from doing so.

I know that. Sadly, I have to help

a clumsy leader with reestablishing their organization.

I'm quite grateful for that. But I prefer

the women in my life to be under .

Don't start. Or I'll sew your mouth shut.

Damn you, Dazai. I'll k*ll you next time for sure.

Oh, he's so adorable. Careful. Is it all right

if I get a shot? Well. He is pretty cute. Not on. Hold

on, hold on. I got it.

I got it. Fluffy. Here we go. Oh, that's right. Where's Dazai?

What a weird piece. I bet I

could even paint something like this.

I wanted to thank you for your help. He wrote Sue.

I did practically nothing. I merely leaked

the infiltration route of the Moby d*ck to Higuchi.

Yes, but once she knew it was

a sure bet, she'd tell Akutagawa.

And once he knew, it was obvious

he'd go there on his own to get Atsushi.

Why did you go through all that trouble

to bring Akutagawa and the Tiger Boy together?

You could call it insurance. We need to be ready.

A real disaster is coming our way.

And he's already on the move.

What we saw. The destruction of the Moby d*ck was a failure.

Still, just about everything else is going according to plan.

We succeeded in creating a rift within the Guild

and recruited. Talented, gifted, such as yourself.

I'm only helping for the time being

to fulfill my end of the deal

and to see that Margaret is resuscitated.

That's fine by me, Pastor.

We work together..

And paint this land with the blood of the guilty,

all for the sake of a better world.

From past experiences, I know that we won't

be able to avoid going to w*r with the demon.

Nakagawa is formidable enough by himself, but his

abilities are most effective when used in a supporting role.

He would be a powerful ally when

complementing an attacker such as Atsushi,

who excels at speed and pure strength.

We'll need something more ingenious than ever to fight against the demon.

Something even stronger than the former double

black team of me and Shua. They might pull it off.

Tell me something. Why do you treasure Yokohama?

You work so hard to defend the people who live in this city.

An old friend of mine once told me something.

Fight for the sight of good and protect the vulnerable.

At least then it'll make your world

a little more beautiful. Tenimyu home.

This is the city we protected.

Oh, what worthless.. Nonsense.

This city and all the people in it have become my home.