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01x11 - First, an Unsuitable Profession for Her. Second, an Ecstatic Detective Agency.

Posted: 01/12/24 17:49
by bunniefuu
[ATSUSHI] We made it back alive.

[ATSUSHI] Still...

I wonder if the Agency can look past

the people Kyouka's m*rder*d.

[ATSUSHI] What'll I do if she and the Agency

are hostile towards each other?

Good morning, everyone...

Now could you turn around for me?

[oohs and ahhs]

[NAOMI] So cuuuute!

What is going on here?

It's pretty amazing, right?

She looks so incredible in just about anything!

That's... not what I meant...

Mr. Kunikida...

Don't blame this on me. You wanted to save her.

Is this really all right?

Yeah, I'm not sure myself...

[ATSUSHI] Even if everyone else is fine with it,

Rampo's a real stickler for the rules.

Oh... don't worry about him.

I'm back!

Look what I brought!

[JUNICHIROU] Rampo's actually into it the most.

[RAMPO] This is the snack that changes color when you mix it.

Go ahead, try it!

[KYOUKA gasps]

[RAMPO] First, open the bag, okay,

then put the two pouches of powder in the container...

They're like children. Young ones.

[RAMPO] ...mix really well.

You wanna put all your heart into it.

Then, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix...

And finally... look what you get!

[KYOUKA sighs]

Lemme try a little bite.

[several gasps]

Children is right...

Guess that's par for the course for Rampo.

So, do you happen to know who asked her

to come visit the Agency?

[YUKICHI] It was me.

[ATSUSHI] President!

[YUKICHI] What's our current status?

The Port Mafia erased her identity,

so the police haven't found her yet, sir.

I'm sure they'll label her a fugitive soon enough.

Please let me stay here.

I'll do anything.

[DOPPO] I don't recommend it.

Not because of your background, or not having a job for you.

It's for your own sake. It's a difficult life.

[ATSUSHI] Besides, if you stay here, the Mafia will find you.

Shouldn't you run as far away as you can?


He told me that the only thing I was good for was k*lling people.

But he's wrong. I have to prove that to myself.

[ATSUSHI] President.

I'd like to vouch for her.

Please consider.

Please... consider.

Please... con... sider.

[YUKICHI] Very well.

[ALL] What?!

[YUKICHI] I'll take her in.

[patient monitor beeps]

[OUGAI] Sprain fracture of the lower jaw.

Avulsion of the frontal bone and thoracic vertebrae,

damage to the jugular ligament,

rupture of the brachial and femoral muscles,

and first-degree burns over the entire body.

To top it off, he's in a coma.

That's the price he paid for failing his mission.

[ICHIYOU] I apologize.

[OUGAI] He may never regain consciousness again.

No way...

[OUGAI] Don't feel too bad.

Yes, you did fail in attacking the Agency and capturing

the weretiger, and you allowed the transport ship to sink.

But you all did your best in the end, did you not?

Effort is what's important. Results come second.

Don't you agree?

Oh, yes... the remnants of the group

Akutagawa annihilated, Karma Transit...

Apparently they're regrouping.

I assume they want revenge.

[ICHIYOU gasps]

[OUGAI] Listen to me... The Mafia is a business

which employs v*olence as its currency.

It's allowed to desire and k*ll as it chooses.

Retaliation must be weighed

in terms of expenditure and liability.

But sir, how can you say that?

Akutagawa has accomplished so much for the Port Mafia.

[OUGAI] Indeed, he is competent.

His level of v*olence is high, even by our standards.

But what about yourself?

[ICHIYOU gasps]

[OUGAI] Tell me, Higuchi...

Have you ever felt that you were truly suited for this job?

I look terrible.

[ICHIYOU gasps]

[RYUUROU] That's a sufficient demonstration, Gin.

[ICHIYOU coughs]

[ICHIYOU] The Black Lizard...

You gotta excuse Gin. The boss has him doing

a whole lot of infiltrating and assassinating.

He'll slice anybody's throat now, even one of our own.

If he'd been serious, you'd be dead.

Does the boss intend to take me out?

[RYUUROU] Not today.

Tomorrow may be another story.

[ICHIYOU] Are you here just to gloat?

[RYUUROU] If I were you, I'd re-evaluate my current situation

before an assassin arrives at my doorstep.

You, along with Akutagawa, are a strike force

under the boss's direct supervision.

As such, you are our superior.

But do not mistake our position for obedience.

It is Akutagawa's power that commands our respect.

[RYUUROU] Tell me... During the time

Akutagawa will be indisposed, do you possess

something that could compel us to obey you?

[AKUTAGAWA] I don't need help from you!

Akutagawa, please wait!

This is su1c1de, even for you! You're walking right into

a building full of security guards!

We don't even have instructions on how to back you--

[AKUTAGAWA] Silence! Just what would you know?

There it is...

A beacon visible from anywhere in the city.

A powerful beacon for the one who left without a word.

The one who left without acknowledging my abilities.

Sir! Please allow me to do my part in helping you!

I don't need help from you!

[ICHIYOU gasps]

[AKUTAGAWA] I need no one's help!

[ICHIYOU] I'm home...

[OUGAI] Have you ever felt that you were

truly suited for this job?

[ICHIYOU] No... of course I haven't...

[[patient monitor beeps, alarm sounds]

[patient monitor beeps loudly]

[phone rings]

[phone beeps]

[ICHIYOU] This is Higuchi.

What did you say?!

[RYUUROU] Think this over.

The boss won't be happy.

[MICHIZOU] Are you crazy?

You're gonna get yourself k*lled!

Akutagawa was taken by a bunch of foreign mercenaries

hired by what was left of Karma Transit!

There's a crapload of them, and each and every one

of those guys is armed to the teeth!

The boss'll issue orders for a retrieval operation.

Just wait until then!

There will be no order!

This attack on Akutagawa was personal.

If we retaliate as an organization,

we risk triggering more conflicts on a larger scale.

The brass doesn't care about private disputes.

They'll turn a blind eye to all of this.

Akutagawa's already been cut off.

Even so, what can you hope to accomplish by yourself?

Maybe I can't do anything.

Still... I have to try! I can't just wait!

[ICHIYOU] I knew where I stood.

I knew I wasn't suited for this job.

I knew I didn't have the respect of my subordinates.

[RYUUROU] If I were you, I'd re-evaluate my current situation

before an assassin arrives at my doorstep.

[ICHIYOU] It's not easy to leave the Port Mafia,

but not impossible. I've thought about it often.

But each time, I could never go through with it.



[ARMED GUARD A grunts]

[ARMED GUARD B groans]


[ICHIYOU pants]

[ICHIYOU] Damn it...

I can't rescue Akutagawa in this state.

[ICHIYOU yells]

[ICHIYOU grunts]

[g*n cocks]

I could never walk away... because the truth is...


[ICHIYOU gasps]

Let's take 'em all out, guys!

You all came... but why?

[RYUUROU] You're our superior officer.

It's our job to see you protected from danger

at all costs.

Okay, looks like we're done here.

[ICHIYOU grunts]

[ICHIYOU pants]


[ICHIYOU] Please... wake up!

[AKUTAGAWA breathes weakly]

[AKUTAGAWA] Is that you, Higuchi?

Take this, you're bleeding.

[AKUTAGAWA] I'm sorry...

[ICHIYOU] It's not easy to leave the Port Mafia...

but not impossible.

But I never went through with it, because...

It's my job.

[DOPPO] I'm leaving you to look after the girl.

What? Is that okay?

You were the one responsible for saving her, after all.

[ATSUSHI] Right...


We're from the city police.

[KENJI] Oh, welcome!

Back again? Didn't one of your officers get arrested

last time, Minoura?

Hm, I'd rather not dwell on that matter.

We have another case.

[KENJI] Aw. They didn't even stay for tea

when they were done with business.

I guess the city policemen are too busy for that.

[DOPPO] What are police like where you're from, Kenji?

We all know each other in my village.

It's common to see our policemen doing things

like fixing the pump to the local well, rescuing cats,

or standing in line to taste the first crop of watermelons.

[DOPPO] Are you serious?

And what happens to your lawbreakers?

They get hogtied and tossed off a cliff.

Uhh, Mr. Miyazawa...

Just call me Kenji.


I was living in a small village called Ihatov,

where there's no electricity, until about two months ago.

After the President recruited me, I came here.

I'm having fun learning all sorts of new things!

Learning new things... Like what?

Well, I don't really understand the concept of money.

Is that really possible?

Mr. Kunikida, what should we do about

that request from the police?


"A car in motion exploded for unknown reasons"... Huh...

They're completely stumped by it.

[DOPPO] You wanna give it a go?


Shadow another agent. Try to get the hang of things.

I know you can do this.


[CROWD MEMBER A] What's going on?

[CROWD MEMBER B] Do you see that?

[KENJI] A car was driving along and somehow ended up there...

[ATSUSHI] This is way over my head...

The unidentified driver died on impact.

Unidentified? Can't we use fingerprints or teeth

to figure out who they were?

Sure. If we had any.

[ATSUSHI] What?!

You're saying that the body... is completely sludge now?

Now then, I know Rampo could solve this case right away...

but we're just gonna have to gather information

the old-fashioned way...

[GRAN] Kenji, dear!

[KENJI] Hello, lil' miss Maeda!

Thank you for the boar meat the other day.

It was scrumptious!

[KENJI] It was nothing, really!

My folks sent me a lot from home.

"Little" miss?

She'd be one of the younger ladies in my village.

[GUY] Hey, kid!

[BOTH] Mm?

[GUY] You know the vegetable garden I told you about?

It isn't draining very well.

It must be the soil in the rows. I'll check it out later.

[GUY] Great. Thanks a lot!

You're really popular.

[MAN] Hey, Kenny...


You on a job?

We are, as a matter of fact!

We're investigating the expl*si*n that just happened.

Can you tell us anything about it?

Oh... with the car, right?

You could say... there's rumors...

[MAN gasps]

[MAN shudders]

[ATSUSHI yelps]

I'm really not supposed to talk about it,

but from what I overheard, right before it happened,

those backstreet folks from the factory district

bought a load of fertilizer.

[KENJI] Fertilizer...

So do you think they realized the beauty of farming?

[MAN] No, they were talking about manufacturing something...

Then it was probably nitrogen fertilizer.

[ATSUSHI] What's that?

An ingredient for expl*sives.

[ATSUSHI] What?!

[KENJI] Thank you as always.

You've been very helpful.

[MAN] Anything for you, Kenny...

[ATSUSHI] We already have a lead...

Kenji's amazing.

[KENJI] I'll be counting on you.

Speaking of the factory district,

there's a hangout spot for the Gojo Youth Association there.

[ATSUSHI] Who's that?

To put it in city terms... they're a g*ng.

[ATSUSHI] A... A g*ng?!

I wonder if they maybe they could be the ones

who built the b*mb.

How about we go there and ask them about it face to face?

--[ATSUSHI] Wait a minute! --[KENJI] Mm?

Even if they were responsible, why would they admit it?

Especially to us?!

If we go and ask them nicely, I'm sure they'll tell us.

That's how life is!

What? That's how life is?

Are you serious?

You are serious.

I guess you're right, Kenji!

[DOPPO] Hey, Junichirou...

Weren't you with Atsushi today?

Oh, actually, Kenji was the one who went with him.

[DOPPO] What?! He's with Kenji?!

Yeah, they went to the crime scene.

Kenji has solved a lot of difficult cases in the past,

so I can't imagine that there'll be any problems with--

[DOPPO] It's a huge problem!

Kenji's methods are way too bizarre for him to be copying!

Given how naIïve Atsushi is, he very well may

take Kenji's approach as being the gold standard!

[DOPPO] This isn't good...


Did any of you build the b*mb that made that big car

fly into that building?

You're a funny guy! You cops or somethin'?

Actually, we're with the Armed Detective Agency.

Oh, that's a real nice chain you got there!

Do you always keep one of them handy

in case you ever have to haul cows around?

Why you!

Explain yourself, kid!

Oh, I just wanted to ask if any of you

were responsible for what happened.

[g*ng MEMBERS] Huh?

[g*ng MEMBERS laugh]

Can't say we know anything about it.


[g*ng MEMBERS laugh]

If that's the case, I'm sorry to have bothered you.

[ATSUSHI yelps]

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me about it.

[g*ng MEMBERS] Huh?

[ATSUSHI] K-Kenji, wait up!

They were lying about everything!

They probably used the b*mb to k*ll someone

in a rival g*ng or something!

There's no way they weren't involved!

But they said they didn't know anything about it.

[ATSUSHI] Well, yeah, but...

Whether it's cow or man... in a village or city...

if you are honest, others will reply in kind.

It works. That principle has never failed me yet.

Is... Is that true?


[ATSUSHI] Hmm...

I guess I can see that.

Why don't we head back for now?

Good idea.

[stomach rumbling]

Can we stop by at a beef bowl place? I'm really starving.

Hang on... you eat beef even though you keep cows?

Of course! I love absolutely everything about them,

including how they taste!

[g*ng MEMBER B] I gotta say, I'm surprised

you private eyes figured out we used a b*mb

to k*ll a rival g*ng member.

We barely had a chance to chat back there.

You wanna tell us what kind of evidence you got against us?

[g*ng MEMBER C] Don't think that we'll just let you

run to the cops.

This is wonderful! I just knew that you would all come clean

and tell us the entire story eventually.

[g*ng MEMBERS] Huh?

I knew that my honesty would be repaid in kind.

In all of the cases that I've worked on,

everyone ends up confessing to me like this!

Oh, I get it now--


[ATSUSHI gasps]

[g*ng MEMBER C] One down, one to go...


We're surrounded... What am I supposed to do?!

[g*ng MEMBERS yell]

[ATSUSHI shudders]

That kinda stung a bit...

[g*ng MEMBERS] Huh?

[KENJI] Ahh, up we go...

[KENJI groans]

Oh, don't worry about me. This happens sometimes.

Out in the countryside, cows can get in a temper

and refuse to listen to you.

In times like that...

[KENJI] "Be not defeated by the rain.

Be not hindered by the wind.

Be not halted by iron pipe, knife, or metal bat.

Be strong of body. Be without desire.

Be unfettered by anger.

Always carry a quiet smile."

That is the sort of person I strive to be.

This will not work...

I can't go around doing things like this, Kuniki--

Calm down, you fool!

I commend you for realizing that yourself.

Kenji possesses superhuman strength,

but he isn't totally invincible.

He can only use that strength when he's hungry.

[ATSUSHI] What?! Then what happens when he's full?

Ahh... I can't eat another bite...

[KENJI chuckles]

[DOPPO] He sleeps.

[OSAMU gulps]

[OSAMU] Ahhh.

[OSAMU] I'll tell them I got away

from the Port Mafia tomorrow.

[ATSUSHI] The Guild, a North American organization

of the gifted, has declared w*r on the Armed Detective Agency.

What are they really after?

Kenji, Naomi... They've captured our friends one after the other.

And now, I've become trapped in a different dimension

created by one of the Guild.

Next time on Bungo Stray Dogs ,

episode : "Borne Back Ceaselessly into the Past."

I was wondering... You said you were a doctor.

[OUGAI] Oh, yes. Indeed.