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08x19 - King Kong

Posted: 01/12/24 13:13
by bunniefuu

[ Laughs ]

Pipe almost knocked parker
in the drink.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]
[ laughing ]

Can't say it wouldn't
have made me laugh.

on this "gold rush"...


You know, I'm about done
not reaching our goal.

We're all tired of losing.

I don't know if I see
a future here.

What do you wanna do?

We need to go find
another property.

We've never mined a yard of dirt
that didn't have gold in it.


That's a [bleep]load
of weight.


If there's gold in here,
we should get it, man.

Hey, man, did you shut
the water off?


Tony's stripping
into our pond.

I'll go talk to our
klondike [bleep] here

And see what he has
to say for himself.

Well, you can't just
deny us water.

[ Bleep ]

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ Flames crackling ]

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]


it's been a tough year.

We're not anywhere near
where we'd thought we'd be.

Yeah, we got snow
in the mountains,

That means that we only got
a few weeks left,

So we're gonna try to get
as much gold as we can.


todd hoffman has finally hit

His break-even point
of 1,500 ounces,

But the end of the mining
season is fast approaching.

We're not gonna hit our 5,000
ounces, but we're profitable,

And every one of our guys
is gonna take some gold home.


his crew is running both
their wash plants hard,

Hoping to generate a profit.

Freddy's doing a a good job
down here at rusty red.

He's running 250 yards an hour.


Hunter's up there,
running holy roller.


We're gonna try to work
our way to 400 yards an hour.


How fast can I feed
this thing?

hunter is loading all the pay
dirt he can through holy roller.


Hunter, is there
a [bleep]-ton of water

Coming out of the feeder?

There's water coming
down the hill.


Okay. The trommel

The trommel stopped.

That's why there's
water flowing.

This cannot be real.

Did our pump shut off?

Did we lose some
of our water, or what?

Because the trommel
just stopped spinning.


[Radio crackles]
I have no idea.


We got a ton
of material on this end.

Dude, how the [bleep]
does this happen?

Why was it overflowing?

Okay. Look.

The trommel wasn't open.
The trommel was closed.

Really? There was no
water going in that?

There was no water
spraying in it.

I don't know how this
stopped, though.

'Cause it's [bleep]
full of dirt, dude.

We did something that you don't
wanna do to your trommel:

We filled it full of dirt.

Now it won't spin.
It won't puke the dirt out.

Dude, it's just been
one thing after another.

We can't get going.


1,5000 gallons of water
a minute

Push pay dirt from the feeder
into the trommel.

Another 1,000 gallons of water
from the spray nozzles

Wash gold off the rocks

And push tailings
through the trommel.

But, kevin forgot the turn on
the water for the spray bars

And the rocks piled up

Until their weight
stopped the trommel.

[ Sinister music plays ]

I gotta go get some shovels.

We gotta dig out
the roller.


I think god is saying,

"Don't call your trommel
a holy roller."

No, it's more like
holy [bleep]

This thing never runs.

We can never run 2 hours

Without something
[bleep] up.

[Bleep] lot of rock.

All right, guys.
That should be good.

Let's give it a shot.

[ Outro plays ]

[ Engine whining ]
come on, baby!

-All right!
-There it goes.


holy roller is back, rolling,

But they've lost another
2 hours of precious run time.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

you know, I'm about done
with fixing this wash plant.

We can't even run for an hour
without something going wrong.

I'm tired of losing.

We're all tired of not
reaching our goal.

a string of shutdowns
and low-quality pay dirt

Means the holy roller
has only averaged

21 Ounces of gold per week.

whatever we're doing
right now isn't working.

You know, if we don't
find better ground

And more ground
with better gold, then,

I don't know
if I see a future here.

We're just running dirt
for the fun of it right now.

We're never gonna get
5,000 at fairplay.

Hey, dad, do you have a copy?

Yeah, I got a copy.
What's up?

Can you meet me up here
at the feeder?


Dude, if we're gonna
have a future mining,

We need ground that has
better gold than this.

What's going on?

You know, we can finish out
the season here,

But, we can't come
back her next year,

Bust our ass for 7 months,

And then go home
and feel like failures.

I'm not gonna come back here
next year to get

2,000 Or 3,000 ounces
and mine this property.

I wanna go for 5,000 ounces.

We've been going for it
for 2 years, okay?

I don't wanna give up now.

Yeah, I know.

I'm not happy,
either, hunter.

I'm not happy
with what we're doing.

I mean, I'm with you
on that.

So, what do you
wanna do?

We need to go find
another property.


So I don't know.
I wanna go see

If we could lease
a piece of land.

I wanna go look
at the alma placer.

It's 6 miles down the road.

It's the biggest mine
in colorado, so,

I wanna go see
what they have.

Well, they might tell us
to get the hell

Outta here, too,

But let's go grab my truck
and drive over there.

Sound good?

Can't hurt to ask.

You know, my dad was the first
person to bring up 5,000 ounces

And we all thought
he was crazy for that,

But, I started
to believe the idea.

We need to actually
win next season,

And I don't think we can
afford to just play it safe.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]



[ Sinister music plays ]

at thistle creek,
tony beets is racing

To dismantle his second
million-dollar dredge.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

With winter closing in,
he's got a few short weeks

To remove the heaviest pieces
and ship them

Down the yukon river
before it freezes over.

Winch it up.
Winch it up.


[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

the bucket ladder
is the pivoted steel arm

The dredge buckets
rotate around.


Mike beets will make the lift,
using the 50-ton crane.



[ Buzz ]

[ Triumphant music plays ]

[ Laughs ]

[Laughing] 23 tons.

[ Laughs delightedly ]

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

Our little problem is
we don't have

Enough lifting power.

23 Tons, and that's
not even half the weight.

The two cranes
are gonna

Have trouble
lifting this, tony.


There is a joint
in the middle.

We'll just have
to figure out some way

To support the back.

splitting the bucket
ladder in two

Will leave its heavy,
top section

Hanging dangerously,
30 feet in the air.


We'll pick it up.



[ Whirring ]

tony's plan?

Lift the bucket ladder,
using the 50-ton crane.

Then use the 20-ton crane
to raise the dredge pontoon

And slide it underneath.

[ Thudding ]

Next, tony will remove the bolts
holding the two pieces together

And use the two cranes

To remove the lower section
of the bucket ladder.

[ Heavy clang ]




[ Sinister music plays ]



[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]


tony beets and crew

Are struggling to lift a section
of pontoon on his second dredge,

Which is still stranded
at thistle creek.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

[ Metal squeaks ]

[ Creaking ]

Christie: there we go!
It popped out.



[ Metal groaning ]



[ Sinister music plays ]



[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

[ Metal groaning ]




[ Heavy clang ]
whoa whoa whoa.

[ Metal groaning ]


[ Profound clang ]

[ Clang ]


[ Clanging ]

at face for sure.

The only thing, we have
to lower the bucket ladder now

And then let's see what happens.

[ Engine revving ]

if tony's miscalculated,

The weight of the
bucket ladder could crush

The rusty,
70-year-old pontoon.


[ Metal groaning ]

[ Clang ]


[ Creaking ]


[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]


Come on. Up here.
Come on.

parker schnabel has smashed
his 5,000-ounce season goal.

Now, he's putting
his gold to work.

He's bought his own piece
of klondike ground

To help him break free
from tony beets

And his 25% royalties.

It's a half-million-
dollar gamble

That's hanging in the balance.

You know, this is the first
chunk of ground

That we've bought
here in the yukon

And, you know,
after 5 years of looking,

I'm pretty happy that we
made it happen.

But it's also pretty damn scary.

We put a lot of money
into this,

On the promise that there
was gold in a pit,

And it's really not
looking like there is.

last week, parker tested
his first pan.

I bought this on the basis
that we had a strip cot

Ready to sluice,
not a mined-out cot.

That [bleep]

[ Sinister chord strikes ]

There's rick.

[ Melancholy tune plays ]

Ooh, that's some deep mud.

There might still be
some gold in here.

You know, it might not all
have been taken out of here.

rick promised parker
he'd mine 2,500 ounces

With big red this season.

But he's still
100 ounces short.


It's probably wishful
thinking, you know.

We do need 100 ounces.

As of right now, big red's
sitting idle, you know,

And needing some [chuckle]
pay dirt to run, so,

Unlikely that it's in here,
but, hey, it's a [bleep] shot.

as well as hitting
rick's target,

Finding 100 ounces would cover

Almost a quarter
of parker's investment.


so it looks like most
of the water drained out.

There's a lot of gravel showing,

But there's also a lot
of bedrock showing,

So I just don't know
what to expect here.

All right.
We'll have to get down there

And see what it looks like.

[ Grunts ]


You want me
to cut into the bank

And see if we
can catch a line?

[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

parker waits

While rick digs down to the
deepest layer of the cut.

It's his last chance to find
pay dirt worth sluicing.

[Bleep] mud.

There's not gonna be
anything in this pan.

It was just a bunch
of [bleep] mud.

[ Sinister music plays ]

Well, well, I was wrong.

[ Tranquil tune plays ]

Not too bad for
a [bleep] mud spot.

[ Bleep ]

Quite a bit of gold
in that.

There's two right there.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14.

It's promising.
It's a hell of a lot better

Than the first pan.

But, [bleep]

100 Ounces
is tough to find.

That's a lot of gold
to find.

If there's gold in here,
we should get it, man.

I think maybe move
big red down here.

All right.
I'm game with that.


It's our first gold that we
don't owe royalties on, rick.

[Bleep] yeah, I mean,
it looks like a pile of slop

Right now, but there's
definitely gold in it.

We panned it and proved it, so.

It ain't pretty, but if
there's 100 ounces in here,

We're gonna get it. We're gonna
put it through big red

And we're gonna get
to 2,500 ounces.

[ Outro plays ]

Let's go find
some gold!



[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]


at thistle creek,
winter is closing in.

Tony beets is removing
the lower section

Of the bucket ladder
on his second dredge.

[Bleep] [bleep]

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter ]

Right now,
I'm waiting for them to

Knock out
the final bit of bolts

So me and sheamus can take off
the front of this bucket ladder.


Yeah, yeah.

mike and sheamus
will use the two cranes

To wrench
the lower section free.

[ Whirring ]

[ Heavy clang ]


[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

[ Suspenseful
chord strikes ]

all the bolts are out.




The only thing holding
the two pieces

Of the bucket ladder together
is half a century of rust.





[ Metal creaking, groaning ]

[ Thudding clang ]






[ Clanging ]

That went really smooth.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]


-So your pad's gonna be here?

And we'll just
sluice out that way?

Yeah, we'll sluice out
that way.

parker schnabel
is about to sluice,


The first klondike ground
he's ever owned:

The mudhole cut.

He'll use his old
wash plant, big red.

But, first, he needs water.

And the closest water is
a pond that tony has made

Right down here
and mined out.

800 Feet from parker's
claim is an old pond,

But, it's on tony's ground.

Does tony know we're
pulling water from here?



We'll just pump water
from tony's pond

Into a pond that's up
on the ground we bought

And then just use another
pump out of the pond

And feed the plant.

Looks pretty good, man.

-Yeah, it's clean water.

parker will pump water
from tony's pond,

800 Feet to an old dry pond
on his claim.

While it fills,
he'll bring in big red.

[ Clanging ]

He'll then have
all the water he needs

To run his own pay dirt
through the wash plant.


I'm sure tony will manage
to find some problem

With what we're doing, but,
if he tries to screw us up,

Then, that's not really legal.

We're just gonna plop
our pump right in next to his

And, you know, at this
point in the season,

I'm sure he's not using it
and, even if he is,

There's room for the both of us.

It'd be a lot easier if we had
ponds on our own ground,

But, beggars can't be choosers.


Now, for a pipeline.


I'm just trying
to get myself a clear path

To get this water line
hooked up, so,

Get rid of some
of these trees.

Hopefully, tony doesn't mind.





[ Laughing ]

I almost went for a swim.

That would've been nice,
this time of year.

[ Laughing ]

A whole lot of tension
on that pipe

Almost knocked parker
in the drink.

Can't say it wouldn't
have made me laugh.

Ohh, trying to hook up

A pipe this long
is a lot of fun.



[Bleep] [bleep]

[ Laughing ]

It wants to go.

All right.


[ Exhales forcefully ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Clinking ]


Can you go down?

Got her? Come on.
You got her?


Got it!

[Bleep] yeah.


holy cow.

You got her!

That was fun.

Looks like it took it
out of ya.

At least I didn't go
in the pond.

that was close.

Well, I'll go to the other
end, make sure it's

In place,
and I'll give you a call.

All right. Yeah.
Just let me know when

You're ready for it.

Yeah, fire it up, parker.
Turn the pump on.

here goes nothin'.

[ Engine sputters, starts ]

[ Creaking ]

Oh, I'm hearing
some progress.

Oh, yeah. Yeah!


You got water
up there?!

Yeah, man,
it's looking good.

working good.

We got water going up
to our ground.

Once the ponds are full,
we'll start moving

The wash plant
and start sluicing.

[ Suspenseful outro plays ]



[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]


I don't like being out here
for 7 months and getting scraps.

in alma, colorado,
hunter and todd hoffman

Are searching for new ground.

We went for 5,000
ounces last year.

We went for it again
this year, okay?

And we fell short both years.

I still wanna get
5,000 ounces,

But we're not gonna
do it at fairplay.

six miles north of fairplay,

The alma is the largest
placer mine in the state.

Hunter, you gotta lead
this conversation.


Can I help you guys?


I'm hunter.
Nice to meet you.

Hunter, I'm jim murray.

Hey, jim. I'm todd.

Pleased to meet ya.

You've probably seen us
down the road there

At fairplay.
-Oh, yeah.

Yep, for sure.

It looks like a nightmare
down there

When you're driving
down the highway.

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]

So, you're wanting to talk
to us about ground?

I wanted to see if you had
a piece to lease.

We might.

You know, we're always
willing to talk, but,

You've had a lot of problems
this year, you know?

We don't need
any problems.

We're a serious
mining operation,

So we're all
about making money

And, if you don't run
every hour you can run,

You're not gonna
make any money

And we're not
gonna make any money.

We run as much as possible.
That's our goal.

We run, you know,
over 20,000 yards a week,

So, we try to get
10 hours a day, 6 days a week.

Okay. Well, I might be
willing to talk.

We catch a lot
of fine gold,

But we've got a lot of
coarse gold up here, too,

And if you're set up
to catch it,

I think you'll be

But that's what we get
for course gold.


Please don't drop it
on the ground.

We'll be out here
a while, picking it up.

You're holding about
$3,000 there.

We've never mined
a yard of dirt

That didn't have
gold in it.

It's just a matter
of how much is in it.

You know, that gold
does look really nice.

I'd like to take a look
around the property

And maybe bring in a test plant
and test it for myself.

Well, we could probably
arrange that.

the ground jim's
offering for lease

Is a mile down the highway.

[Suspenseful music intensifies]


We're gonna go up and, uh,
get hunter's sample.


We just wanna get
a good snapshot,

See what's really here.


to test the ground,

Hunter and todd gather
two samples of pay dirt...

Just get me a bucket
right out of the side

Of that bank.

...from areas of the claim
500 yards apart.

Fire up the
generator, hunter.


They then run each
sample separately.


It's an awesome
little test trommel.

See what we got, huh?

Came to colorado
for fairplay.

Last year, it saved us.

This year, about k*lled us.

Every time we move
a plant is risky, but,

"Nothing ventured,
nothing gained."

Okay. That's it.

These kind of decisions, you're
either a hero or you're a goat.


Let's take it
to the cleanup room.

So, we went
over to the alma.

I pulled a sample
from the upper bench.

He picked a spot down
on the lower bench there

And so we both ran a yard
through a test plant

And this is what we got.

Let's see what we got
on hunter's.

I'm hoping
to see 20 colors

And a full pan
would be nice.


Ooh, [bleep]

Whoa, no way.

Yeah. Dude,
that's just crazy.

That's two little scoots.

That looks pretty
[bleep] good.

Thurb, you wanna
try this one,

See what we look like?

[ Poignant tune plays ]

Hopefully, the lower
bench is better.

Dude, look at that.


-Whoa! There's your better land

-Right there.

That can't be.

That's unbelievable.

That's a good-looking pan.

I see the alma
as a place for us

Where it's actually
possible to get 5,000.

I wanna do a deal
on that property.


I'm there. [Laughs]

I'm ready.

I think
it's a good deal.

All right, hunter,
see if we can pull it off.

[ Suspenseful outro plays ]

[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]


They've got sluicifer
just really dialed in.

It's been running like a champ

And we have just been chewing
through the pay dirt.

in the last cut,
the schnabel crew was running

280 Yards of pay dirt an hour
through sluicifer.

Four miles west, parker
is setting up to mine

The first klondike
pay dirt he's ever owned.


Rick's doing a real good job
with this cut

In this ground that we bought.

He's building a pad right now
for big red to come down here

And really, hopefully, this cut
has that 102 ounces in it.

Far as for, you know,
how much screwing around

We have to do
just to sluice here,

It's actually
going pretty well.

I'm getting pretty close
to being done with this pad,

And we got a pond filling up

And it's looking like it
should all work out, man.

[ Thud ]


[Bleep] is going on here?

We don't have any water
flow coming in now,

So, I don't know what
the hell's going on.

Parker, hey, man.



What the [bleep]?

All right.
I'm on my way over.

I mean, I really hope it's
not tony screwing with us.

Yeah. [Bleep]

rick and parker head
to tony's pond to investigate.

-It's still running.
-Ness: yeah.

Well, our clean water

Ain't so clean
anymore, is it?

This whole [bleep] pond
is compromised now.


ohh, what the [bleep]?


What a [bleep]
joke, man.

[ Melancholy tune plays ]

Where the [bleep]
did that come from?

Well, it looks like it's coming
from way down there.

[ Bleep ]

Tony's stripping
into our pond.

Holy [bleep]

With the stripping like that,
all this brush

And anything that floats
is gonna naturally come

To where the water's
getting pulled out, right?

Yep. [Bleep]

Well, what the
[bleep] do we do now?

I mean, the problem is
the river's still

Another 1,500 feet away and we
don't have that much pipe or...


...a pump that can pump
that far or anything.


Of course, this pond
has been nothing but clean

All summer long and,
the day we put a pump in

Is the day they start
stripping here.

[ Bleep ]

I'll go talk to our
klondike [bleep] here

And see what he has
to say for himself.


Narrator: up ahead...

What's your problem
with me?


[ Suspenseful music plays ]
narrator: in colorado,

Kevin hiatt is the
designated first responder.

Yeah, go ahead.

I'm coming down.


Which one you in?!

This has a lock on it because
this is the women's bathroom.


[ Knocking ]


Gotta make sure.

Oh, my gosh.

You have gotta be kidding me.

This is what you girls look at
when you go potty?

[ Laughing ]

You gotta see this.
We got brad pitt.

We got that guy from, uh,
that dinosaur movie.

Anyways. Wow.

All right, buddy.

Here you go.
Let me know if that's enough.



[ Suspenseful chord strikes ]


in the klondike,

Parker schnabel is headed
for a showdown

With his new neighbor:

Tony beets.

Well, it looks like tony just
started stripping in that pond

That we're trying
to pull water out of

To fill our ponds up
on the ground we bought,

So that we can sluice out
that mudhole.

Anyways, we'll pull in here
and see what old mr. Beets

Has to say for himself.

I'm sure that he's just gonna
say, "well, sucks to be you."


[ Door squeaks ]


Uh, not real great.

[ Chair scrapes floor ]

[ Sigh ]

Like what's
your problem with me?

Like [laughs]
everything we do,

You just try to make life
as difficult as possible.

We've got a --
I'm sure you know.

We've got a pump
put in

Right next
to your own pump...


...trying to fill
our ponds up there.

-Mm-hmm. And?
-And, you know,

The day
we put the pump in,

You start stripping
into that pond

And there's [bleep]

It's not water anymore.

They've been clean water
all year, until today!

So it's just


Well, you can't really
just deny us water, like.

We can't go to the river.
We don't have enough pipe.

-that's another 1,500 feet.

I'm not saying
it's your problem,

But, you've done
a pretty good job

Of [bleep] us over,
is what I'm saying.


Well, even when
the sun's shining,

Wherever you go,
there's a big old

Black cloud, tony.

Yeah. [Bleep]

[ Laughing ]


I think we're
pretty well [bleep]

I don't think we're
sluicing down there.


[ Suspenseful music climbs ]

[ Suspenseful
chord strikes ]

For the time being, there's
not a whole lot we can do.

Let's just say
he's won the battle,

But he won't win the w*r.

Tony has always been
a thorn in the side,

But now it's a thorn
in the pocketbook, so,

-Retribution is in order.

But this one,
I won't [bleep] forget.

the only good news

Is that sluicifer has run
trouble-free all week.

Sluicifer, plugging right along,
and we did a cleanup on it

And we're ready
to weigh up some gold.

Should we pour some gold?


having sailed past
5,000 ounces,

Parker reset his goal
to 6,000 ounces,

Worth $7.2 million.

Bring it out, ashley.

All right.

So we need 389 ounces, parker,
and that'll put us at 6,000.

389? Mm.

10, 20, 40, 60,

80, 100,

120, 140,


-Not quite.
-Not quite.

worth $217,000.

So that gives a grand
total of 5,791.

We're 208 ounces
short of 6,000.

We're not there yet,
but, encouraging.

We ain't giving up yet.
We're in this far.

We've gotta see what's in the
bottom of that old mudhole, so,

Let's get big red
fired up this week.

[Bleep] one way or another,
we're gonna do 6,000 ounces.

And you're gonna get 2,500.

-[Bleep] yeah.
-Do that.

-Let's go get it!


For the first time in 5 years,
we've got our own ground

And we're gonna sluice it

And I'm not gonna stop
for tony beets, so,

He wants to come after me
for whatever we do,

Come on.

Let's dance.


Richie, shut that
[bleep] thing off.

Shut it down!

on the season finale
of "gold rush"...

I take all the risk
and you get all the money!

So where's that leave us
for the whole season?

[ Laughter ]

Old man winter's
here, todd.

Let's push hard,
right here to the end.

Wow. That's a good
[bleep] pour, isn't it?

Now rip the [bleep] boat
out of the water.

[ Thudding,
chains clanking ]

Holy [bleep]

-Hey, todd.

We got some
business, huh?

Narrator: and...

It's payday

As todd and parker
settle their 100-ounce bet.

That's like $100,000.

Deal's a deal,
I guess.