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08x16 - Of Monsters and Men

Posted: 01/12/24 13:11
by bunniefuu
on this "gold rush"...

Parker: I'm getting
pretty damn close

To pulling the plug
down there actually.

I'm just trying to keep
my operation alive.

Most places, you wouldn't
keep your job

Withholding that
kind of information.

Ness: all right. You want me
to pack my [bleep] then?


I got too many skills,

And there's not enough of me
to go around.

Two ounces.

Give me a break.

It's the last bucket.
We're shutting it down.

You have to prospect.

If you can find me
a good gold pan,

We'll fire
this baby back up.

[ Laughs ] I like it.

The sluicifer is doing
pretty darn well.

You know, it's producing
a lot of gold,

But rick and big red aren't,

And, you know,
at a certain point,

You got to ask yourself if it's
worth running two operations

Because he's just not paying
his bills down there.

Narrator: two-thirds of the way
through his mining season,

Parker schnabel has mined
over 4,200 ounces of gold,

Worth more than $5 million.

But last week, rick's
gold production at big red

Took an unexplained dive,
producing less than 100 ounces.

The cleanup is dropping off,
you know?

The gold went from really
good to really bad,

And that's, basically,

Our biggest struggle
right now, you know?

Everything is working.

Big red is running.
We're putting in the hours.

It's just the gold is not there.

Narrator: as the indian river
boss, it's down to rick

To deliver half of
their 5,000-ounce gold.


I don't know.

Narrator: it's so serious,
cleanup specialist

Chris doumitt calls
an emergency meeting

To respond to
the morning's total.

-Hey, rick.

I'd like to see
how it's going.

How much is there
to jig per table?

Doumitt: probably a couple
ounces in there.

Is that it?

Because that's no way
to [bleep] make any money.

We need
100-plus ounces a week.


What the [bleep]

Like, we ain't even paying
for sluicing, though.

At a 1/2 ounce an hour, we ain't
paying for the sluicing.

Look, man. I get it.

This is not the [bleep]
plan here, but...

Because I'm getting
pretty damn close

To pulling the plug
down there, actually.

Give me a couple days
to get down there

And figure out what's going on
with the ground,

And I'll see
what I can do.


It was a little shocking,
but I get it.

You know, if it's not
paying the bills,

It's not paying the bills, so...

Narrator: if rick doesn't get
back on the gold,

Parker will shut
his operation down.


brennan, you got a copy?

yeah, man. Go ahead.

Yeah, you want to come down
to the cut and take a look

At this bedrock with me?

I'll be right over.

What's going on, rick?

Narrator: brennan ruault

Is rick's most
experienced operator.

I keep looking at this spot.

I've been digging
here for days,

And I just
don't understand it.

The one thing I do know
is that the gold went to

and the only explanation

I can think of
is this rise in bedrock.

I mean, standing from here
looking at it,

This is just, like, a giant
[bleep] ridge through here.

Like, it just
drops right off.

I can see that.

Common sense tells me
that a giant [bleep] ridge

Like this
has got to do something.

Whenever the gold
came through here,

How could this
not disrupt it?

You know what I mean?

Narrator: rick found little gold
in the shallow ground

Above the bedrock ridge.

The ancient river that deposited
the gold kept to the deep ground

On either side of the ridge.

So as dirt built up over time,
very little gold

Ended up above the ridge.

Rick believes the richest pay
is on the other side

Where the river now runs.

Okay, well, we've been hauling
90% off the valley side,

So if it's [bleep]...
-It's high as [bleep]

Yeah, the high side
of it, so...

If 90% of what
we've been running

Has come
from this high side,

Let's jump down off
the other side,

I guess, and see what
we got down there.


It already looks a bit
different, doesn't it?

You can tell it looks like
better material, I mean.

I sure [bleep]
hope so, man.

I don't want to get
shut down down here.

Ness: yeah.

Well, I'm [bleep]

Ruault: [ laughing ]
holy [bleep]

This river.

Look at all that.

Oh, man.
That's nice gold.

I think we got our [bleep]
answer up here, right?

I mean,
we panned up there.

There's [bleep]

On this side
of the bedrock ridge,

There's a [bleep]
load of gold.

So in my mind,
[bleep] that side.

We focus on the river side,
and we're marching that way.

You think parker is going
to be a little pissy

About stripping all that
and not taking it?

You know how he gets.

Well, we're gonna show him
a bunch of gold.

High five, brother.


-Right on, man.

You go where the gold is.

Hey, truck drivers,
we're gonna stop

Hauling from where
we were hauling from

And start making our way
towards the river.

Man: sounds good, boss.

Do this.

rick follows his gut,

But that means
abandoning pay dirt

That parker has spent
thousands of dollars stripping.

He's taking a risk changing the
mining plan without permission.

I haven't run this by parker,
obviously, yet,

And I don't know
that I will.

I'm making the decision.

I'll worry about parker later.

Right now, I'm focused on is
100 ounces at the next cleanup.




Narrator: tony beets'
second dredge

Is still stuck at thistle creek,

But his two mining
operations have delivered

Over 2,500 ounces of gold,

Well on track to hit
his 3,000-ounce,

$3.6 million gold.

It's got to go down
a little bit.

That is positioned perfect.

kevin has shut down his dredge

To install a video
monitoring system.

Right there, kev?

Kevin: focus a tiny bit.

The idea with this is that
when there's an issue,

You can see it right away.

This way, the operator
should be able to stop

The problems before they happen.

It saves me coming
over here two,

Three times a day to fix things.

What's up?

Because I'm putting
the cameras in.

-I'm putting the cameras in,

Then I'm off to see
the girlfriend for a bit.

No, you got enough grandkids.

Power on.

Narrator: kevin has invested
$10,000 on 8 cameras

That will closely
monitor key parts

Of this 75-year-old dredge.

Kevin: you can see down
in the hopper there.

This is for the rock sh**t.

Thermal camera
and the stacker cam.

It's looking good.

Howdy, everybody.

Cameras are now online
on the dredge.

Kenny, if you can come
up here, take over?

I'm gonna go clear
some tailings quick.

Let's crank it up.


Narrator: dredgehand kenny dave
fires her up

While kevin levels
the tailings pile.





Huh, what?

[Bleep] hell.

So what's up?

lost a lot of oil.

From the [bleep]


Didn't you see it
on the cameras?

The monitor did help.

I seen the spray.


It's [bleep] everywhere.

Narrator: a burst hydraulic hose
spills gallons of oil

Out onto the deck.

Kevin: on the bright side,

The vegetable oil
that we use in there,

It's all biodegradable.

You can cook with this [bleep]

It's the exact same stuff.

This whole hose controls the
brakes and the portside winch,

Which means, basically,

That we can't run the motor
with this line broken.

Narrator: for every hour
kevin's dredge is down,

Tony loses around $2,000.



Kevin: if we're down,
we're not dredging,

And we're not
producing gold.

It's kind of
a [bleep] pisser.

Narrator: at eureka creek,
a burst hydraulic hose

Brings kevin's dredge
to a standstill.

Kevin: that could've been
a big problem.

You know, if we didn't
have the cameras,

It could've drained
the whole hydraulic t*nk,

So at least they caught it
as quick as they did.


Oh, yeah.

Now I got to take
the whole thing out

To do a whole new length,

And we ain't got that.

Narrator: getting a new
150-foot hydraulic hose

Could set the crew
back two days.

Luckily, I'm a cheap,
smart [bleep],

So I'm just gonna
splice a new piece in.

Oh, you stubborn [bleep]

If I cut it where
it's already cut,

It should make less
of a mess that way.

All right.

We're gonna remove the hoses,

Put in a joiner
in between the two.

Now we're hooking it up.

Off we go.

Fire up.

[ Engine starts ]

It looks good.


Not too bad.

Now that the cameras are in,
I'm gonna take a few days off,

See the girlfriend,

So it's gonna be
your problem for a while.

Sounds like a plan.




Right now, it's a bit
of a difficult situation

Between rick and i.

Narrator: at indian river,

Parker has just heard
that rick's ignored him

And abandoned ground parker
spent money stripping.

He's on the hook
to find a lot of gold,

But for me, we've got
to pay the bills, you know?

We spent a lot of money
stripping this down,

And we're spending a lot
of money sluicing it,

And if rick is deciding that
the ground's not worth mining,

Then him and I
have to discuss that.

Like, the buck stops with me.

I'm the one losing money here.



So I've heard
you're not mining

All the ground we stripped.

What the [bleep]

Ness: that part of the cut
was worthless.

I don't know what you
want me to do.

There's no gold there.

Well, coming to me would
probably be a first step.



So when were you planning
on telling me,

Or were you not
going to?

I was kind of figuring out
how to handle it.

This is the second time
you've changed

The mining plan
without talking to me.

That ain't okay, rick.

-Like, that ain't okay.


Like, most places,
you wouldn't keep your job

Over withholding that
kind of information.

Would you?

As a foreman,
I don't think you would.

All right. You want me
to pack my [bleep] then?

That's not what
I'm saying, rick.

I'm just saying that you don't
seem to take it seriously.

Look, I'm just trying
to keep my operation alive.

The gold was dropping off,

And you put a lot
of pressure on us this week.

You know what I mean?

It's not like I was just
gonna let it continue.

And yeah, okay, never
[bleep] again.

Going forward, I'll run
everything by you first.

I'm just trying to
make us more money.

It comes back to that
whole conversation

That we had about
communication, right?


Yeah, well, and just to
give you a heads up,

If this next gold weigh
isn't above 100 ounces,

We're gonna have
to shut big red down.





You know, everything
that could've gone wrong

Has gone wrong this season.

Narrator: to save his season,
todd hoffman is depending

On three wash plants
at fairplay,

Holy roller and rusty red,
and half a mile east,

Monster red, running dirt
from sluice box hill.

I finally got three plants
running, and now sluice box hill

That we were really counting on
is just taking a dump.

It's not good.

Narrator: last week, monster red
delivered less than 40 ounces,

A sign that the pastry
could be running out.

Well, I'll guarantee you
the guys at the wash plant

Aren't super big fans
of this pay.

There's no point
in running just to run.

You have to have
gold in the dirt

That you're running for it
to be worth your while.


How's it looking?

Jack: you're not
gonna like it.

It's just
not very good at all.

Narrator: todd's dad, jack,

Is doing monster red's
daily cleanup.

Where's the gold?

It's not here.

There's no gold.

What's your guess?

What do you think
we're gonna do?

We're gonna be lucky
if there's 2 ounces, maybe 3.

No more than that.

Give me a break.

That doesn't even pay
for fuel.

-All right.

-All right.
-All right, dad.

todd has yet to break even

And can't afford to run
monster run at a loss.


Kevin: yeah, what's up?

Last bucket.

We're gonna shut down.
We're done.

We're shutting it down.


Shut it down, brian.
Shut it down.

Guys, everybody, meet over
at monster red.


My plan was to have 3 plants
at 10 bucks a yard minimum.

We're at 3 bucks a yard here.

I can't sit here and lose money.

I say we circle the wagons
around fairplay and do that.

This makes absolutely
no sense to me.

We've been waiting
the whole season

To get
three plants running,

And now that we have
three running,

We're shutting
them down?

Narrator: trey poulson first
discovered the gold streak

Up on sluice box hill.

You have to prospect.

You can't just wish it
in the sluice box.

Find the gold.
-I know there's gold over there,

But to find it,
it's too many guys.

It's more machines.

Well, we're shrinking.
We're not growing.

I disagree.

You can't give up
on monster red yet.

I know there's more gold up
on sluice box hill.

We just have to search
around for more pay.

All right.
Here's the deal.

If you can find me a good
gold pan up on sluice box hill,

We'll fire this baby back up.

All right, guys.
Let's get to work.




Poulson: I'm going to try

And get this little section
up here cleared out

And see if there's any gold
in the ground up here.

If I can just produce
one good pan of gold,

Monster red is back in business.

to break even this season,

Trey believes they need
three plants running.

He's determined to find
more good pay

At the top of sluice box hill.

Poulson: hi, uncle jim.

While trey digs,

Jim thurber
will test the samples.

What do you
got going on, trey?

So I think this is gonna be
the same pay

As what's in
sluice box hill.

I'm hoping
its the same seam.

Thurber: well,
you dig the holes.

I'll give you a report
on what's in them.

Trey digs down in search
of a pay layer.


[ Laughs ] I like it.

It's the right stuff.

Let's see if we can
find some gold.


So this bucket is 4 feet down.

Well, let's go pan it.

It's not a good deal.

Todd to trey.

Punch it deeper.

Let's go down to about 18
or 20 feet deep.

I'll go deeper.

Son of a g*n.
That's not good.

There's a pay layer
in there somewhere,

But I'm hoping
it's not too deep.

There you go.
This is a good one.

Looks good.
We're down to 20.

Go ahead, todd.

No, that's not good.

nothing on that level.

You're gonna have
to go deeper.



Man: hey, todd,
do you have a copy?

Yeah, what's up?

Yeah, holy roller
is broken down again.

I don't know what's going on,
but we're probably

Gonna be shut
down for a while.



This is actually
getting pretty scary.

It needs to be
in this next layer.

I'm hoping and praying
it's in this next layer.


Yeah, that's it.
Isn't it, andy?

It looks different.


What depth is this?

The deepest.

25, 30 Feet.


Come on, thurber.

Are you sure
you're panning this right?

Well, it doesn't look
that right, but...


Hey, trey.

Do you want to head down here
where we're panning?

It's not good.


Out of all those pans...

-...nothing catchable.

Poulson: so that's it
for monster red?

So that's what you're saying?

I think we're...
We have no other choice.

Let's do it.

I thought we'd be fine up there
on sluice box hill,

Up top, but I was wrong.

Narrator: this season,

Monster red
has mined 727 ounces of gold,

Worth almost $875,000.

Todd calls time
on his trusty plant.

Todd: it'd probably be better
if I just took some money

And just threw it
down the drain.

I can get that amount of gold
out of my backyard at my house.

Not good.



Narrator: tony's son, kevin,
is taking time off

Visiting his girlfriend...

[Bleep] works better than
she ever did, bud.

...leaving the dredge
in the hands

Of relief crew jason smith
and wytse anema.

You could call me
a dredgemaster as well.

I've never actually ran it,
but I stand here

And watch for enough time

That I think I probably
could, you know?



We got absolutely no power.

I never had everything
shut down all at once

Like that for no reason.

There is a safety line
on the stackers.

We can see if somebody
tripped that.

If they did, then it
shuts everything down.

Narrator: jason and wytse
check the tailing stacker.

Smith: [bleep] me.

Anema: yeah, I don't know
where the [bleep]

We're going
to put it all.

Smith: that's what blocked
everything up.

A rock got through.

It got stuck in here,
and then backed up everything.

It doesn't take long for
something like this to happen.

we'll be digging for days, man.

We got new cameras
everywhere on here

But can't see anything
back here on the camera.

There's a bunch of [bleep]
pieces of the belt

That shredded off.

Not a good situation.

I don't know.

It looks like that bearing
is [bleep]

Oh, it is, too.

I think we've got
bigger problems, man.

-I might be wrong,

But I think the [bleep]
bearing is sh*t up top.

And on the other side,

If you take a gander
on the other side.

Narrator: wytse's discovered
a more serious problem

With the stacker

That calls for
a second opinion.

Tony, you got a copy?

I want somebody to look
at a bearing to tell me

If it's sh*t or if it's good.


for the second time in two days,

Kevin's dredge is shut down.



When I left, I figured one of
two things was gonna happen.

Either they'd have the most
peaceful week ever,

Or everything would
go to [bleep]

So, of course,
everything went to [bleep]

Narrator: at eureka creek,

Kevin beets has abandoned
a visit to his girlfriend

In order to fix his dredge.

Kevin: this time
it's gonna be [bleep]

And then this one is about here.


Narrator: he has to replace
a pair of bearings

On the conveyor's drive roller.


Anema: that's why I don't
hold on very tight.

What we are trying to do here
is get this bearing down

To here where
the old marks are.

The second set has got
to go here-ish.

Then we just got to put it back
in place where it was,

Be good to go.

It's moving.

A few thousand more hits
and it will be at the bottom.


with a brass hammer.

We got it this far.

I got another brass one.

Smith: yeah, yeah.

Give me
the [bleep] thing.

Oh [bleep]

Kevin: what's that?

Well, I'll take it.
We'll just turn it around.

Man: no, it's not.

the bearings are on.

Now kevin has to
bolt it in place.

Anema: there.
You're in the holes.

You're in.

Well, lift your end up.

-There you go.
-She's in.

-She's in.

Kevin: [bleep]

So she's all in,
and everything is tight.

Now what we got to do is turn
it on,

And off we [bleep] go.

Everybody is clear?
Hands out of the way?

Yeah, we're all clear.

Yeah, fire it up.

[ Engine starts ]


I'm sure tony realizes now
that when I'm not around,

Things don't quite work
as well as they do.

I got too many skills,

And there's not enough
of me to go around.



What's up, man?

-What's up?

Narrator: this week, in a bid
to keep big red in the game,

Rick risked his job by
abandoning parker's mining plan.

You know,
I'm not real enthused

About how it
all went down there,

But, you know, you do
what you have to

To find gold, right?
-Yeah. Exactly.

-So hopefully it worked, rick.

That's all
I've got to say.

Well, let's see
what big red's got.

Narrator: if big red doesn't
deliver at least 100 ounces,

Parker will shut rick down.

All right, rick.
There we go.

-Oh, hello.
-The big pan.

Well, I guess you got
your hundred.

I think you got
your hundred, man.

I think it's there.

There's 150.

There's 200.

320, 356.6.

-Big red.

$425,000 worth of gold...

-Well done.

[Bleep] done.

...secures big red's future...

Good job, man.

[Bleep] yeah.

Narrator: ...and proves rick
made the right call.

-Yeah, give her.

Narrator: at sluicifer, parker's
regularly been getting

Over 100-ounce cleanups.

-A pile a gold.


60, 80,

Over 100,



Oh, ho.

worth well over $300,000.

This was the first time

Big red has ever b*at


For this season,
we're at 4,894 ounces.

Holy [bleep]

Narrator: parker is just over
100 ounces shy

Of his 5,000-ounce,
$6 million-season gold.

It feels good.
It was a long time coming.

Where's our drinks?


-Thanks, guys.

-[Bleep] yeah.
-k*lling it.

Next week, 5,000.


Parker: it really couldn't come
at a better time.

Like, we were starting
to get pretty tight there

As far as getting to 5,000,

And now, it's, you know,
we just broke its back.

It's feeling good to come out

On the winning side
of things with that.

You know, had to make
some decisions this week,

And those don't
always go well,

But today, obviously,
we [bleep]

Hit a grand slam
with that, so...

[Bleep] you, bedrock hump.

Narrator: up ahead...

I was gonna say
not come back.


29-year-old kevin beets

Started dating university
student faith seven months ago.

I started seeing her this year,

But we've known each other
for quite a few years now,

Started to hang out more,
started to date, stopped dating,

Then started dating, stopped
dating, then started dating,

And now we're dating.

I know I'm home with she.

She'll be really happy
if she sees any of the marks

She left on me.

I don't think you could
film around those.

There were a lot.

20 Hickeys.

There was over 20.

That's a lot.

Well, they're not on me now.

Man: oh.

That was when she came up
for a visit.

There's a human heart
in here somewhere.

It's hiding down deep,
but it's in there somewhere.


Hey, guys.
I've been waiting for you.

Narrator: at eureka creek,
after tony ordered

Kevin back from his romantic
vacation to fix his dredge,

The beets family prepares
for their weekly weigh-in.

Monica: I'm gonna tell you
this right now.

When kevin leaves...
-Yeah. visit his girlfriend...

-I need some time, too.'s just nothing
but a pain in the ass.

I come back,
everything is broke.

I was gonna say
not come back.

-How did you do?

-Not terribly great.

You know, that's a lot
of sluicing hours we lost.


tony needs another 427 ounces

To hit his 3,000-ounce
season goal.

We're at 60, 70, 80.

Worth just over $108,000.

-We ran pretty steady.

My plant kept going
the whole time, so...

Come on.

20, 50, 60, 80,



Narrator: worth $134,000.

Well, you know, kevin,
I b*at you this week,

But if you would
have been running,

You easily
would have b*at me.

What's the total
for little rick's?

74.663 ounces.

Hey, kevin.

Narrator: this week's haul means
the beets family

Is just 225 ounces from hitting

Tony's 3,000-ounce,
$3.6 million goal.

So I think we should all
go back to work,

To tell you the truth.

I mean, you guys have to
go back to the barge.

You both
have to go sluicing.

-What happened?
-I'm the calculator operator.

And I do very well.

And I sleep with the boss,
so I can boss everybody around.

That's my prerogative.
-Oh, yeah?

-Just saying.
-Oh, really?



Hey, guys.
I'm gonna be honest with you.

It wasn't a good week,
but I know we got some gold.

Narrator: todd has abandoned
his season goal of 5,000 ounces.

To simply break even,
he needs to mine

At least 35 ounces a week.

What's going on over there
at holy roller?

We didn't even pull match,
no cleanups at all,

So zero gold out
for the holy roller.

It's having a lot of issues
because it's a brand-new plant.

You know, we've been
just fixing those

And trying to get
the plant dialed in.

And monster red
got 3.5 ounces.

Narrator: worth just $4,000
for its final day of running.

You know,
I was reluctant before.

I wanted to run three plants,
but we've dug that property,

And we're finding
gold everywhere,

Just not enough to go after.

I was wrong.

You were right to shut
monster red down.

Narrator: both plants
have failed to deliver.

The pressure is on rusty red
to take them over the line.

is that fairplay, jack?

Yes, sir.

Rusty red,
there's 45.75.

Narrator: at this rate,

At least todd is on track
to turn a profit.

Came here for fairplay.

Keep rusty red as the primary,
and then try to get

Holy roller running,
try to add to the gold.

I know that we've had a lot
of issues, but you know what?

It's how we deal with them.

Super thankful to be a part
of this team with you guys.

All right, guys.

Let's get some rest and hit it
in the morning, huh?



Poulson: I agree now.

I think we put all
our resources together,

Move over to fairplay
and see what we can do.

You know, holy roller, I believe
that that's the future,

And I believe we're gonna run
more dirt through that plant

Than, possibly, any other plant
that we've ever had.

You sure say,
"a deal is a deal," a lot,

And then
change the deals.

on the next "gold rush"...

Parker: tony's runway
is right up here.

Holy [bleep]
look out!

We're gonna have
to shut this plant down.

Why are you shutting
off the plant?

I'm getting gold
right now.

Just fix it
and get it running.

We're [bleep] already.

Man: whoa, whoa, whoa.

I have another couple days
like this,

There will be nothing left.

-Watch out.

Lift the damn thing up.