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08x02 - Blizzards and b*ll*ts

Posted: 01/12/24 12:58
by bunniefuu
This will be the biggest season
that we've ever had, ever.

Narrator: on this "gold rush"...

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

Slow down.

Dude, somebody just shot
at us out on the road.

Everybody go.
Everybody off the mine!

He draws up, he pulls down
on us and started sh**ting.

[ Siren whoops ]


You know, we haven't
lost to todd,

And we're not about
to start right now.

Looking pretty desolate
in here.

[ Thud ]
-what the [bleep] was that?

You think this is funny?

We need every little flake
we can get now.

[ Clank ]
-whoa, whoa, whoa!

That's what we're trying to
avoid, [bleep] like that.

[ Laughs ]

This is a really
big season for us.

We've got a lot to do,
short time to do it.

We've got a lot of ground
to open up.

Narrator: in the gold fields
of the klondike,

Parker schnabel is 2 weeks
into his mining season.

Parker: the biggest thing is,
we need all our iron

Up and running
and moving dirt every day.

That's all we've got to do
is just move dirt every day.

Well, todd's bet us
100 ounces this season

That he's going to beat us.

I mean, this week
he got the jump on us.

He did 212 ounces,
and we only did 202.

You know, we haven't lost
to todd in a long time,

And we're not about
to start right now,

Especially not with
money on the line.

Narrator: parker has set
a massive 5,000-ounce,

$6-Million season goal,

And he's relying on foreman
rick ness to deliver half of it.

There's a common thread
every year,

And that's more
and more pressure.

We've done it before.

We've gotten 2,500 ounces
out of big red.

But that's the most
we've ever gotten.

But you know how gold mining is,
never a sure thing.

Narrator: rick's wash plant,
big red,

Chews through 130 yards
of pay dirt an hour,

And he's tasked operator
brennan ruault

With loading out the remaining
pay from last year's cut.

Brennan: well, I'm just on
the last stretch of pay.

I can't get any more.

I'm trying to scrape up what
I can to keep my trucks busy

And keep the plant
fed right now.

Looking pretty desolate
in here.

Yeah, no kidding. There
ain't much left, is there?


Not much left in here, huh?
Nope. [ Chuckles ]

Hard to keep four trucks busy.

No kidding.

What do you figure
we've got total left?

Two, three days tops.

[ Bleep ]

Can't believe it went
this fast.

I'm just waiting for a little
patch to thaw in the middle,

And then it's done,
the whole cut.

Parker: well, we got to
speed this up.

We've got to get this
new cut down to pay dirt

A lot quicker
than we thought.

We should probably go put
a dozer in there and rip that

[Bleep] out.

Rip that overburden gravel
and get us down to pay.

You want to go hop in a dozer?

If you need me to,
I'll get it done.

All right. Let's do it.

-All right. Get to it.

Brennan, let's go, man.
I'll get in a dozer, too.

Thanks, guys.

Let's keep that [bleep]
plant sluicing.


Narrator: pay dirt in
the old cut is shrinking fast.

It will run out in 48 hours.

Two weeks ago,

Parker and rick started
opening up a new cut

The size of 12 football fields.

They've removed the first
6 feet of overburden,

But they're now in a race
to get down to gold-rich pay

In the next two days

Or they'll have to
shut down big red.


Parker: big red's running
better than it ever has.

It's running really slick,
but the price of that is that

You've got to get
a lot of pay up.

Narrator: in the new cut,
parker's crew

Is trucking worthless overburden
to the waste site.

Bringing in the dozers
is their only hope

Of getting down
to pay dirt in time.


[ Revving ]

[ Wheels scraping ]
oh, my [bleep], man.

These poor dozers
are taking a beating.

[Bleep], man.
I don't know about you,

But this is some
of the worst permafrost

I think we've ever dealt with.

[ Revving ]

[ Crack ]

[ Thud ]
-what the [bleep] was that?

[ Wheels whirring ]

Oh, [bleep] sakes.

[ Laughs ] unreal.

[Bleep] ripper shank
just broke in half.

[Bleep] damn it.

We're trying to
get down to the pay.

We never had this hard
of ground to rip,

And it's just k*lling us.



Narrator: parker brings in
a spare shank.

Just get out of the way.
Just get out of the way!

If they can't keep
their dozers running,

The have no chance of
getting down to pay dirt

In the new cut before
last year's runs out.

Mike: downtime is the gold
miner's worst enemy.

Doesn't change the fact
that we've got to fix it

And put it back to work.

That's all there is to it.

I really don't want to
shut down the plant.

You know, we've got
big red running.

We need to keep it fed.

That should do it.


Hold on. Hold on. Hold on.


[Bleep] yeah.
Now we're getting somewhere.


Todd: this might be
our best season ever.

Plant's running.
Hoffmans are back on top.

high in the colorado rockies,

The hoffman crew is on the gold.

With todd's son hunter
at the helm of monster red,

The first cleanup of the season
produced 212 ounces,

Worth a quarter
of a million dollars.

That's the best start
we've ever had,

But the pressure
is still on me.

I have to keep -- you know,
I have to keep getting gold.

[ Loud clunking ]

[ Bleep ]

[ Clattering ]

Shut it off! Shut it off!

[ Power cuts off ]

[ Bleep ]

We just got a couple rocks
caught in the bottom

Of the belt
on the return roller.

It started smoking.

With those rocks being caught,
it'll actually start dragging,

And it'll cut the belt.

Are they, like,
bouncing right here

And then getting
carried up there?

Or what are they doing?

The rocks that were up top,
they must have gotten loose.

They worked their way down.

Okay, it's good.
Turn it back on.

Hopefully that does it.

We can fire back up now.

You're up and ready to go, man.

[ Revving, clattering ]

Narrator: to meet their
5,000-ounce, $6-million goal,

And to beat parker,

The hoffman crew
needs to run 600 yards an hour,

Day in, day out.

Todd: last year was a disaster.
I wanted 5,000 ounces.

I only got 1,000.
I want a happy crew.

I want each one of these guys
to take some

Frickin' gold home
to their families.


[ Wind whistling ]

This is just kind of insane.

Where does this come from?
Right out of nowhere.

You know, last night
we were in t-shirts.

It was sunny, and then we wake
up to a foot and a half of snow.

You know, hunter, I don't
know if we can mine in this.

I really --
dude, I don't know.

I mean, we've got
to give it a shot.

We need every single day
we can.

I don't want to slide
a rock truck down the hill

And somebody get hurt.

That's a foot deep there.


Monster red is just buried.


It's not good.

Where is everybody?
Are we the only ones?

-We're the first ones here.
-What do you think?

I don't think we're
mining today, todd.

I tried firing up the wash
plant, the water.

I can't get any water
through the spray bars.

Is there anything else
we can do to get ready?

I don't think
we can run, dude.

-I know we want to get gold.
-Well, I don't know.

We're going to lose a whole day.

I say we plow the road
and try it.

Plow what?

The pay dirt's under
a foot of snow.

I mean, it's a mess.
[ Vehicle approaching ]

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

-What the hell? Slow down!
[ Horn honks ]

-What is he doing?
-What the hell is he doing?

Dude, somebody just shot
at us out on the road.

Somebody pulled out a g*n
and just started sh**ting at us.

-You're kidding.
-It was up on county road 14.

-Guy started sh**ting at us.

He just -- we stopped.
We thought he needed help.

He came over and started
chewing our asses,

Pulls out a g*n
and started sh**ting.

We need to get the [bleep]
out of here.

We don't know --
who knows what's going on?

I think we better get the town
sheriff's department.

Let's get to the sheriff.
Guys, everybody out.

-You guys, everybody go.
-Let's go!

Just go. We're going to
the sheriff's station.

You guys need to go.
Everybody off the mine!

[ Engine roars ]


Dude, somebody just shot
at us out on the road.

You're kidding.
Everybody out.

-You guys -- everybody go.
-Let's go!

You guys need to go.
Everybody off the mine!

Basically, one of the guys on
our crew got his subaru stuck.

So a bunch of us went up
there to kind of go

Pull him out and help.

As we were driving back, we went
past a gentleman's house,

And he ran out
into the road behind us

And was waving down,
and I noticed him in the mirror.

So logan backs up to see
what's going on.

We roll down the window.

And the second logan
rolled the window down,

The guy comes
running up to the door

And he just starts
yelling at logan,

Telling him how
we're not welcome

And that if we keep on
coming up this road,

We're going to get shot,
that we're going to get k*lled.

And it turned really
ugly really fast.

Juan, in so many words,

Told the gentleman
to get away from the truck.

And as I put it in drive,
we're creeping forward,

Homeboy puts his hand on a g*n.

And the second I saw him getting
the g*n out, I hammered it

And we got out of there.

He draws up, he pulls down
on us and started sh**ting.

And...never in a million years

Would I imagine
that that would happen.


Just talked to the police.

They're going to go up there
and try to grab the guy.

-Hopefully they find him.
-Who is the guy?

It was the same guy that came
and confronted fred.

Todd: okay,
well, that makes sense.

Threatened to sh**t me
a few weeks back.

You could see the look
in the guy's eyes

When he confronted me
that day on the road.

A lot of anger and a lot
of craziness there.

I had it in my [bleep] car.

Did he say he's
going to sh**t you?

He said we could get shot.

I thought he was just
coming up being friendly.

He come walking in.
I grabbed his hand

And I said,
"I'm freddy dodge."

And he screamed,
"[bleep] you"

As loud as he could
right into my face.

He said, "it's people
like you that are

Going to get shot here."

Andy: the scary part for all
the rest of us though is,

We're mining in colorado

And we have all of
our families with us.

It's not just us.


[ Siren whoops ]
-i see a cop.

You guys stay here.
I'll go talk to them.

What do you think?
You hear anything?

Yeah, I just wanted to come by
and let you know

We did end up finding the guy.
You did.

He is in custody now.

-No kidding.
-So -- yes, sir.

Awesome, that's good news.

-All righty?
-Hey, thank you very much.

Not a problem, sir.

If you need anything,
you know who to call.

-Okay, I'll call down there.
-All right.

-Thank you, sir.

Good news.

They got him.

He's in jail, at least for now.


Let's take the rest
of the day off

And then we'll hit it
again in the morning.

We're all wound up.

I don't want anybody to get hurt
on the mine, you know?

-Yeah, smart idea.

nobody got shot.

We're not going to
let this stop us.

We've got a huge goal, and we're
going to go after it.



Narrator: this season,
tony beets is on a mission

To move his $1-million second
dredge from thistle creek.

And he's relying on his
power barge, the jasmine b,

To transport
the 70-year-old dredge

100 Miles down the yukon river.

[ Beeping ]

Starboard engine's overheating.

Last week, the engines on
the 60-ton barge got so hot,

They almost seized up...
[ Bleep ]

...bringing tony's entire
operation to a grinding halt.

Time is of the essence
right now.

We are burning up days fast.

Narrator: it's down to foreman
and mechanic

Sheamus christie to find a fix,

Or tony risks another
failed mission.

We're just going
to get it fixed.

Quitting isn't an option.

Narrator: sheamus needs to
inspect the heat exchanger.

There's a bunch of little
tubes through there,

So I'm going to
take my borescope

And I'm going to look
through this little hole

And see what I might see, see if
the tubes are actually plugged.

This is just a little
camera with a screen.

All the coolant flows
through these tubes.

All these little tubes
are just totally clogged.

It's getting a little

The biggest problem
we have right now is time.

We're running out of time,
and here I am fixing a boat.

I found all this crap
in the bloody coolers.

Look at all these rocks.

Yeah, I'm not sure what it is,

But whatever it is, it's not
supposed to be in there.

We need somebody
with some marine knowhow.

Somebody that knows this [bleep]

And can give us
answers right now.


Narrator: unable to barge
on the yukon river,

Tony has no option but to fly
the 70 miles to thistle creek,

Limiting him to a small crew

And a 30-year-old crane
to take the dredge apart.

Sheamus: definitely looking
forward to get started on this.

Narrator: tony's second dredge
was built in 1946,

And after 6 years
in operation,

Switched off its engines
and has sat dormant

In thistle creek ever since.

Definitely like to have a plan.

I'd like to take it apart

Get everything marked,
everything numbered.

You know, don't kick the tin
out of the wheelhouse

So we can leave it all together.

We got all the crashing
and banging over with.

Tony should be happy now.


Let's get the crane.

[ Clicking ]

I hear the starter clicking.

Try it again.

[ Clicking ]

Well, this is friggin' loose.

What is going on here?

This wire.

That thing is wired
for 12 volts,

And it's a 24-volt alternator,

It's totally [bleep] wrong.

Well, let's just hook this up
right, and it'll start.

I got it.

Yeah, let her go.

[ Engine grinding ]

Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on.

Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go.

[ Engine revs ]

There we go, man.
We got her.

[ Revving ]

Things are finally
turning around, tony.

We should be good to go now.


I'm concerned about,
you know, where we're at

In indian river right now.

This is our old cut
from last year.

Trying to keep the plant fed.

There's not a whole lot
of pay dirt to be had out here.

Narrator: parker and rick
are scraping up

The remaining pay left over
from last season.

In less than 24 hours,
it will run out.

Rick: big red needs to be
running solid.

If we fall behind, we just ain't
gonna be able to play catch-up.

Narrator: over in the new cut,
mike and brennan are in a race

To get to pay dirt

So they don't have
shut down big red.

We got all the dozers
we can get out here.

We've got the hoes going.

The trucks are all helping out.

We can [bleep] do it.


[ Thud ]

Oh, for [bleep] sakes.

[ Laughs ] unbelievable.

[ Bleep ]

Oh, I just grabbed
the turn lever

And the truck
just broke in half.

This isn't the first time
we've seen this,

So definitely not good.

Narrator: mechanics
mitch and big mike

Have to get the dozer fixed,
and fast.

This looks like
the bolts fell out.

You're working in this
[bleep] muck all the time.

Your undercarriages
are right full of mud.

They'll be tight in the morning
and work themselves loose.

the broken end of the track
is stuck beneath the dozer.

Brennan has to pull it forward

So mitch and mike
can bolt it together.

Just nice, easy pressure,

[ Creaking ]
nice and easy, brennan.

It's -- it's going.

Oh, yeah.
A little bit more!


And that's how you do that.

[ Cranking ]
-a little bit more.

We're just trying to get
the track house back in place

And then bolt
everything back up.

I'm going to save
this broken bolt

And throw it at brennan's
head tonight at dinner.

[ Laughs ]

Or make him eat it,
one or the other.

A lot of things can be fixed,

Especially on these dozers,
before they break

Just by walking around
the piece of equipment, right?

Everything is hold on
by a bunch of bolts.

You know, I don't know
how many times

I have to tell guys to [bleep]
do a walk-around.

What do I have to do?

He says
he's been doing them.

But he's not.

Narrator: brennan and his dozer
are back in action.

I'm just ripping the ground
they're telling me to rip.

Narrator: in the old cut,
rick loads the last of the pay.

It's going to come
down to the wire.

We're burning through it
pretty quick.

All these 2, 3-hour setbacks
are k*lling us, right?

brennan has just feet to go

Before he should hit
gold-rich pay dirt.

One step closer to pay dirt,
you betcha. [ Laughs ]

[ Wheels grind ]

What the [bleep]?

[ Clacking ]

[ Clacking stops ]

What'd you break?

The bearing piled up
in the back idler.

[ Bleep ] [ bleep ]

Narrator: this is brennan's
third breakdown in 2 days.

What's the [bleep] deal,

I don't know, man.

I've been trying my hardest
to keep an eye on this stuff.

I'm keeping my eye --

But why are they always
happening to you?

You think this is funny?

[ Laughing ]


You're going to sit here
and laugh

About a bunch of [bleep]
breakdowns that are your fault?

No, I'm not.

Well, you have a [bleep]
[bleep] grin on your face.

Well, it's just

Every [bleep] day these
things are breaking down,

And I got to come and tell you,
and then I get this response.

I don't know if it's just you
or it's [bleep] luck

Or if it's our dozers,
but, dude, you're [bleep]

Done on the dozers.

You're gonna go run a hoe.

-All right?
-All right.

Like, I'm just [bleep]
over this.

Well, so am i.
It's frustrating.

There's only so many [bleep]
breakdowns one guy can have.

Just hop in a hoe
and start loading trucks.

All right.

And don't touch
my [bleep] dozers.


I'll take [bleep]
when I deserve it,

But that really is
just [bleep] house luck.

Oh, it's just
his pouty attitude.

I can't stand kids.

I'm a man,
not a [bleep] boy.


Narrator: parker's chances of
getting his new cut down to pay

Before the old cut runs out

Are getting slimmer and slimmer.

We're pretty [bleep]
right now, actually.

We need everything to work
just about perfectly to try

To get 2,500 ounces,

And it sure as hell
ain't starting perfect.


We've got to run,
and we got to get gold.

So let's see if we can
get this sucker going.

Narrator: in colorado, the man
who shot at logan and juan

Is in police custody,

And todd's crew can
get back to mining.

[ Engine cranking ]
-come on, come on, start.

[ Cranking ]
-come on, baby, go.

[ Engine starts ]
-there we go.

It's going to take a while
for it to warm up.

I thought it was supposed
to get warm today.

todd's lost a day's mining.

Snow or no snow, he needs
his wash plants producing gold,

Or he'll fall behind.

The valves are all closed.

We got everything opened up
so nothing was frozen.

We just got to get some water
going through the plant

And let everything thaw out.

Looks like we've got full
water down our sluice box.

That's a good thing
because we can't run

Unless this is thawed out,

And it's showing signs
that it's thawed out.


[ Power clicks on, whirs ]

Todd: got it.

Let's go.

Hey, you know that feeder's
full of dirt?

It's frozen.

Feeder is full of material.

It was left full through the
storm so now it's froze solid.

We've got the world's
biggest dirt-sicle.

Narrator: hunter should have run
all the dirt out of the feeder

Before shutting down
the plant 2 days ago.

You left dirt on the belt
and the feeder.

Next time, take leadership
and run it out.

This is a mistake, okay?
We gotta get this off of here.

-I'm an [bleep].
-Todd: fire it up.

Narrator: hunter turns on
the feeder in the hope

It will break up
the frozen dirt-sicle.

Good on the feeder.
You ready?

[ Bleep ]

-It's not going, I don't think.

Is anything coming out at all?

The whole load's frozen
suspended above the belt.

How about he drops
some more dirt in?

Hunter: and then try
to break it up.

Is it not going at all?

The whole valve's spinning
underneath the whole load.

Why don't you open
the grizzly bars

A couple times to get it
to bang it around a little bit?

Try them.


[ Whirring, thud ]

I'm going to hit it again.

[ Whirring, thud ]

There it goes.


Here it comes. Whoo!

[ Laughing ]
good call, brother.

Just kind of maybe bang it
around a little bit,

I don't know.

Let it eat.
Keep it going.

Do not stop.
Everything's working.

Start putting dirt in.

Hunter, feed it.
Put some dirt in, buddy.

Put some dirt in.
We're sluicing.

Monster red is gonna
kick ass this year.

This will be the biggest
season that we've ever had,

Ever in the history
of us mining.

Whoo, yeah!


Sparks are going
to come your way.

after endless delays,

Tony beets is finally
tearing down his 500-ton,

Million-dollar second dredge.

His barge is out of action,
so he and sheamus

Have to use the 20-ton crane

That has sat here
since last year.

[ Loud clatter ]

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa.

That's what we're trying to
avoid, [bleep] like that.

I like to think it out
a little bit

And just plan
just a little bit.

Narrator: the crew's now ready
for the first major lift,

One of the 3-ton sluice runs.

Sheamus: we don't want to damage
these sluice runs

Trying to get them out --
they need to be straight.

We don't want to bend them up.

It's a lot of work
to build them.

Pretty important piece
of the dredge.

[ Clattering ]

[ Thud ]

[ Rattling ]

[ Revving ]

[ Creaking ]

[ Creaking ]

There she comes.

Oh, yeah.


Great job. Thank you.

So that's it.
We've got as far as we can.

Next project is to get
the jasmine b going.

We have to get
the engine problem solved.

Get her going,
get the 50-ton crane here,

Then we can really
make things happen.


well, I'm back in the hoe.

Probably little bit
of a demotion.

Sitting in the excavator looking
straight forward all day,

That's definitely
not fun at all.

It sucks getting
punished, you know?

Narrator: in parker's new cut,

The crew is racing
to get down to pay

Before big red
runs out of dirt.

Brennan has been demoted
to sending the worthless

Overburden to the dump site.

[ Engine idles ]

Parker: what is he doing?

He moved the [bleep]
dirt, that's for sure.

-What are you doing?
-I just hit some pay.

-Bull [bleep].
-Yeah, I'm serious, man.

Look at the rock size.

It is pretty nice
looking stuff.

Holy [bleep].

Didn't want to be sending
the wrong material

To the waste site.
Well, [bleep] yeah.

[ Laughs ] it's been a battle
to get here, so...

Well, [bleep],
maybe we should pan it.

-Yeah, you got a pan in there?
-You bet.

Be pretty nice to be
on gold already.

Yeah, no kidding.

I wasn't expecting you to hit
anything like this yet.

No, me either.

This might be your
redemption moment, brennan.

I sure hope so.

What do we got?

Come on, baby.

-We got garnets, richard.
-Oh, yeah.


-Those are big flakes.
-Yeah, they are.

That's some nice gold.

-Looks like pay to me.

-[Bleep] yeah.
-Good job, big cat.

Thanks, buddy.

[Bleep] yeah, we got
some dirt to run now.

Start sending that [bleep]
to the plant, bud.

-For sure.
-Nice catch, brennan.

I'm glad we weren't
throwing this stuff away.

Yeah, perfect. No problem, guys.
Good job.


Narrator: brennan has found
the first gold-rich pay dirt

In the new cut
at indian river.

Where's this going, buddy?

Finally back in the pay.

I need you to take that to
the plant as quick as possible.

-Whoo, woo-hoo. Yeah!

Thanks, dude.

Narrator: brennan is not
the only member of the crew

Who's given parker
a hard time this week.

Bruce! Bruceski!
Hey, come here!

Come on! Bruce, come on!

Bruce, come on!
[ Laughs ]

Really, that's where
you decide to lay down?

Come on.

Bruce, come on.
Come here.


Come on.

I forgot how frustrating
puppies are.

[ Grumbles ]


Um, for me, right now
everything looks good.

We're down to pay,
and we're keeping big red going.

Narrator: at indian river,
rick's team has succeeded

In keeping
big red running all week.

Now it's time for a clean-up.

Shutting down.

-Looks pretty decent.
-Ooh, there's gold in there.


Nice to see you down
in the gold room.

At least we know you're not
tearing anything else up

Out in the cut.

Pretty rough week, man.

-Don't even remind me.
[ Laughter ]

You know, we're
experiencing a first here.

You know, we've never been
behind the hoffmans,

And I really don't want
to see us finish that way.

Narrator: to hit his 5,000-ounce
season goal,

Parker needs rick to produce
at least 100 ounces of gold.

Parker: some nice nuggety stuff,

-That's a lot of gold.
-Yeah, it is.

No kidding. Let's see what
it's gonna be, though.

There's 20, 40...


90. Got the 100.


Keep it going.
Shake it all out.

Is there a buck 50 in there?



-That's not bad, rick.

Narrator: 145.5
ounces of gold,

Worth $174,000.

We need every little flake
we can get now.

I would imagine that we're
falling a little bit further

Behind old todd there.

Last week, we were 10 behind,

And we're a little lower now,
but that's all right.

We've only got one plant
going, too.

We need to get sluicifer
going and keep our --

Booting our numbers up here.

We basically have to do
400 ounces a week.

So, doumitt, where
does that leave us?

Just under 350, about 347.

Narrator: so far this season,

Parker has produced
$416,000 worth of gold,

7 Percent of his $6-million
season goal.

Good job this week.
Brennan, you're forgiven.

-Thank you.
[ Laughter ]

[ Laughs ]


That was kind of
a week from hell.

Narrator: after a crazy week
of sh**t

And a freak snowstorm,

Todd and his crew will
struggle to stay on track.

Todd: we still got
some run time in.

Hopefully we get some gold
to come out of this week,

But I don't know.

I'm going to lose 100 ounces
to parker and I don't want that.

Hey, guys, here's jack.

-Jar of gold, jack?
-That's it.

You want to see it?

Yeah, I'd like to see
what it looks like.

Look at that, guys.


Some nice nuggets, jack.

Yeah, there's some
big chunks in there.

Yeah, there is.

How much total?


-Yeah, guys.
-Wow, awesome.

That is awesome.

Narrator: $220,000
worth of gold.

[ Laughter ]

Double trouble
didn't win any prizes.

They got 83.

-Hey, it's all right.
-Monster red got 100.1.

-Hang on to that thing, freddy.

-Way to go, hunter.
-Hunter, you beat us.

-It's heavy.
-Good job.

So what's the season total?

Well, for the season total
is 395.

[ Laughter ]

-Nailed it!
[ Laughing continues ]


Narrator: three weeks
into the season,

The hoffmans have mined
an impressive $475,000

Worth of gold,
beating parker schnabel

For the second week in a row.

I want to mention one thing,
and I won't mention it again.

I worked a lot of years
with dave turin.

He's not here.

I want to wish him
the best of luck,

And I hope whatever
he does in the future

That he's successful

And he gets to spend a lot
more time with his grandkids.

This is my first time ever
being in charge of a wash plant.

But even though dave isn't here,

I did learn a lot
from him last year.

But I don't think I should get
all the credit for, you know,

That gold -- I think we all
worked really good as a team.

You guys are the best team
in the business.

That's a lot of gold for what
the hell happened to us.

Let's hit it again in the
morning and head towards 5,000.

[ Laughter ]


Todd: hunter, hunter, hunter.
Are you down?

on the next "gold rush"...

[ Bleep ]

Not my fault.

I might have promoted hunter
a little too early.

We haven't sluiced
an ounce of gold yet.

I'm a little [bleep]
pissed today [bleep].

Do we have to make
a [bleep] spaceship

Out of this [bleep] thing?
[ Grinds ]

Todd couldn't find gold
in a jewelry store.

Whoa! Look out!

Think that will put us
ahead of the hoffmans?