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07x20 - Viking Voyage

Posted: 01/12/24 11:01
by bunniefuu
on this "gold rush"...

I got boulders the size
of small cars in my way.

There could be 100 or 200 ounces
just in this little section.



With this cleanup,
we beat last year's total.

That's a big pan of gold.

in dawson city,

Tony beets is on the ropes.

His dream of getting
his second dredge

Running this season is over.

At the start of this season,

Tony vowed he'd barge
his 70-year-old dredge

Down the yukon river to dawson.

But problems with his fleet
of barges...

...and the struggle
to find a skipper...

I can't turn my back
on this for a day.

...have left
the $1-million dredge

Stranded 100 miles away
at thistle creek.

Now, with the yukon river
starting to freeze,

Tony has no choice

But to get his fleet
onto dry land.

First up, tony's 20-ton barge.

Hey, tony!
Pull the slack up!

Hey, hey, hey!

Tony's son mike

Will haul it out of the water
using the oshkosh,

A military-grade
eight-wheel drive semi,

Capable of towing 60 tons.

Daughter monica helps out
in the loader.

Monica: people seem to call
my dad crazy.

But, I mean, I think
he's actually done

Pretty well for himself.

Can't back up straight?

Don't worry.
We'll push it.

looking good there!


All right.

My tires, they're
basically sunk in.

[Bleep] hooked on.

He needs the help
of his little sister!

Narrator: for two months,

Tony has been trying
to convince

Sternwheeler captain
brad whitelaw

To skipper his power barge.

Yeah, man.
I couldn't be more glad.

Yeah, no.

This, uh,
this came on real quick.

Running out of water
and filling full of ice.

Season's done.
What are you up to?

Uh, that's a pretty
dangerous trip.

And now, the river's
down so low.

-Lot of ice in there.

Uh, tell you what,
as long as I'm the captain,

If it's too dangerous...

-...we're turning back.

I'll always help
the beets family, tony.

See ya, tony.

So, yeah.

it's all hands on deck,

The final push
to the end the season.

Going for 1,000 ounces.

I really want to make sure

That my guys are taken care
of for the winter.

Hopefully, we can
pull this off.

to hit his 1,000-ounce,

$1.2-million season goal,

Todd hoffman is running
two operations,

Fairplay and sacramento.

Both fairplay and us,
we're on the gold.

We're doing good.

But every time I look
at those mountains,

I'm a little bit scared
and a little bit more worried

Because, uh, at any day,

It could dump 2
or 3 feet of snow overnight.

And we will be shut down.

Narrator: 10,000 feet up
in the rockies,

Winter is about to hit.

Aw, crap.

At fairplay...

This sucks!

You can't catch
gold with mud.

...rusty red is
running out of water.

I'll show you
some mud, todd.

Look at that water.

-It's thick.

I don't have
any fresh water coming.


Look at the snow
on the mountains.

All the headwaters
are frozen.

We got no water
coming in now.

The temperature has plummeted
to 20 degrees.

And the creek that feeds
their holding pond has frozen.

Hopefully freddy figures
out the solution

Because pretty scary
right now.

Without water,
we're not getting any gold.

Trust me.

that river, we got water.

It's just getting there's
gonna be a nightmare, trey.

It's gonna be
a nightmare.

Narrator: their only option --
the nearby platte river.

But it's 200 feet down
a 70-degree slope.

I think I'm just
gonna go for it.

I'm gonna try and cut
on this slope.

takes some big cajones.

So you just take it easy,
be safe,

And keep it upright.

I hope this works.

Narrator: freddy's old friend,
trey poulson,

Has over 20 years
of operating experience.

My dad had a saying growing up.
He'd always say it.

If you're not living
on the edge,

You're just taking up space.

Right now,
we're living on the edge.

Basically cutting out
little avalanches.

I'm letting the bank come down

And using the material
that comes down to push out.

You really have to be careful.

Too much of that
on that side, pop you up.

It can be a bad day.

Holy moly.


That's what'll get
you right there.

That come down on your tracks

When you're down on the side
and have nowhere to go.

There! We got her!
We're down on land.

with the road completed,

It's andy's job to transport
the pump down to the river.

I, uh, I don't know
if I can go down this.

Poulson: what do you think
if I brought the dozer around

And just, uh,
acted as an anchor for you?


Better safe than sorry.

Freddy: got to hook this chain
to that dozer

To keep this hoe
from tipping over.

Come on in, trey.

On your call, andy.

All right.
Let's roll.

Easy, andy.

Easy, guys.

Spinks: I'll tell you what.

When you got steel tracks
and you're on solid rock,

If I start sliding
and he can't hold me,

We both go all the way
to the bottom.

Freddy! I'm slipping!
I'm slipping!

Watch out!

in colorado, andy spinks

Is teetering on the edge.

I'm slipping!
I'm slipping!

I'm slipping!

Narrator: to provide water
for the wash plant,

He's hauling a pump down

To the river
in his 70-ton excavator.

Just set the pump
right there, andy!

Spinks: okay.

That son of a g*n
is steep.

It's like roller skating
on ball bearings.

If that sucker
would've taken off,

If you hadn't have been
hooked to me,

I'd have been all the way
in the river.

-No doubt.
-Let's get the lines

Hooked up,
pump some water.

-Okay. Sounds good.
-Starting the pump.

I got 1,200 rpm, trey!


Narrator: freddy's new
water supply is flowing.

The hoffman crew can get back

To running rusty red
at 150 yards an hour.

Sure a nice sight,
water coming into that pond.

Hopefully now, we have no more
obstacles to our 1,000!

the winter's setting in.

We still have
a lot of gold to find

And real cold this time of year.

Narrator: parker is still
1,100 ounces short

Of his 4,000-ounce,
$4.8-million season goal.

And the klondike winter
will freeze him out

In the next couple of weeks.

not quite at our goal yet.

But, you know,
we've never gone home before

Without hitting our goal.

And I don't think anything's
gonna change this year.

In fact, I know nothing's
gonna change this year.

We'll be here fighting it
till the bitter end.

And we're gonna get it.

Narrator: at indian river,

Rick is pushing hard
to get 1,000 ounces

While up at the creek cut,

Parker is running
some of the best

Pay dirt he has ever mined.

Parker: this creek cut's
paying off good.

But, you know, we're still
a long way off of 4,000 ounces.

If they had any problems,
then we're gonna be in trouble.

What the [bleep]

Narrator: overnight,
the creek cut has flooded.

Is it just
bleeding through?

Man: yeah, through here,
this berm.

Just keeps finding places
to crack through.

Parker: it looks like we didn't
pack the thing down enough.

-And this could really cost us.

water from the settling pond

Has leaked through the berm,
flooding the creek cut.

Parker normally builds a berm

Using rock trucks and a dozer.

But for the creek cut berm,

He used a super conveyor

Which didn't compact the dirt.

Water is now seeping
from the settling pond

Through the berm into the cut.

We're kind of [bleep] up,
aren't we?


We can't dig pay dirt
that's underwater.


I -- I -- I need you
to deal with it.


All right.

I'll get this water
out of the cut.

I don't care if it takes
all [bleep] day.

Ness: [bleep] sake.

Uh, I got a lot
of ditching ahead of me

Trying to get rid
of all this water.

Gonna make for a long day.

Narrator: to stop water
flowing in to the creek cut,

Rick will excavate
a 60-foot-deep mega trench

Through an old berm

Allowing the water
in the settling pond

To escape into the existing
drainage ditch.

Been working at this
for about six hours.

Come on, you [bleep] heap!

Um, well, once I bust
through this

Last little bit here,
our s--

Our settling pond should start
draining through this ditch.

After that, we shouldn't
have any issues.

That's it.

Yeah, it's moving out
pretty quick.

So that's a good sign.

Good deal.

Narrator: four hours later,

The creek cut
is already drying out.

Parker: you know, we've still
got 1,100 ounces to do.

But both plants are on
the pay and running good.

So, you know, we don't have
a whole lot of time left.

But 4,000 is still
within shot.

Narrator: all season,

Tony beets has been
wanting to head upriver

To retrieve his second dredge.

Now that day has finally come.

We're going on a [bleep] boat
that tony built.

We got to bring everything
we need for survival.

[Bleep] cold.

It's gonna be colder
on the water.

Hey, tony.

All right.
How are you?

You sure this is --
this is what you want to do?


Narrator: tony's last-ditch
plan -- journey 100 miles

Up the mighty yukon river
to thistle creek,

Dismantle the dredge
and get as much of it back

Before the yukon freezes
for the winter.

Holy [bleep]

uh, no, it's iced in.

We got to chip away
from the steering here.

That's for sure.

Oh, yeah.
I can stand on.

There's a lot of work before
there's any consideration

Of going out
on a river full of ice.

This is more than
just a challenge.

Th-- this is crazy.

oh, bull [bleep]

tony uses a forced-air heater

To thaw out the engine room
and heat up the hull.

Man: everything seems
to be working.

Tony is barging in a loader
and a pair of welders

To dismantle
the 70-year-old dredge.

Whitelaw: we're done?

We're, uh,
we're heading out of here?

[ Horn honking ]

after five months of delays,

Tony's power barge

Is finally heading upriver
to bring back his dredge.

Go to 1,750.

Freddy's been busting
his ass on this plant.

We have water.

We -- we got to pump
out of the platte river.

Dave's over there running double
trouble at sacramento creek.

They're competing
with each other.

And they're both getting gold.

three weeks ago,

Dave turin
bet freddy dodge $100

His sacramento crew
would catch more gold

In the race to 1,000 ounces.

But at fairplay,

Freddy and andy's pay dirt
contains twice as much gold.

We're on the best pay that,
uh, we've had all season.

I think we're probably
gonna kick their butt.

It's gonna be, uh, nice

Watching dave handing over
that $100 bill to freddy.

Boulders are fricking huge.

I've never even begun
to see boulders this size.

I tell you what, I get
any more rocks like this,

I ain't gonna be able
to mine this ground,

That's for dang sure.

Come on, you son of a g*n.

That's the biggest
boulder I've seen so far.

That's 20,000 pounds,
I'll bet you.

I got one down here
that's even bigger than that.


Excavator won't even touch it.

Freddy, you might want to
come take a look at this.

Got kind of a problem down here.
It's slowing me down.

what's going on, andy?

I got boulders
the size of small cars

In my way
to get this pay dirt out.

Holy cow.

It's a catch-22, andy,

'Cause the gold's probably
pretty damn good in here.

Freddy: big rocks can mean
bigger and more gold.

It's a good sign.

But at the same time,

Those big-ass rocks
slow us way down

Because we have to double
or triple move 'em

Or maybe not even be able
to move 'em.

Then we can't get pay
to the plant.

thousands of years ago,

A receding glacier
deposited monster boulders

And gold-rich dirt.

When the river
from the melt water

Washed down most of the dirt
and gold,

It concentrated valuable pockets
of gold beneath the boulders.

Spinks: come on.
Come on.

Narrator: andy's 460 excavator

Is rated to lift
over 50,000 pounds,

The weight of eight
heavy-duty pick-ups.

Spinks: whoa!
Look out!

but it still can't move

The biggest of the boulders.

Freddy: hey, todd.

You got to get your butt
down here and look at this.

Well, at this point,

Todd, I am frustrated with this.

I cannot get these boulders out.
Some of those big rocks,

It pulls the whole
excavator over.

Some of our best
pay came from un--

Right on that far side
of that boulder.

There could be 100
or 200 ounces

Just in
this little section.

I'll tell you what.

I keep screwing around
with these boulders,

Kevin's gonna run
out of pay.

You want -- what do you
want to do, freddy?

I mean...


Make big rocks
into small rocks.

Let's fricking blow 'em up.

-Let's blow 'em to rat [bleep]

You blow 'em up
and we can move the material.

We'll call a blaster.

And hopefully, we don't
have to shut down.

We'll do it.

-Let's go, freddy.
-Let's go.

Todd: if we can't get through
those damn rocks right there,

We're gonna run out of pay.

At this time of the year,
it'll be game over for us.

Beaudry: yeah.
Nice and level.

Narrator: tony is five hours

Into his 100-mile
journey upriver

To dismantle
his second dredge.

Whitelaw: you know, we --
we're able to get out today.

But I don't know how many
more days we're gonna get.

Skippering the power barge,

Yukon river veteran
brad whitelaw.

Any day right now
is a blessing.

Yeah, but not with
the ice in the river.

You can see
how flat it is.

You can't read
the river anymore.

You can't see where the shallows
are with the ripples.

-This ice is blocking

The view of it all.

Even with a steel hull,

This much weight
and the momentum,

A big rock,
a rock edge...

Cut that damn thing open.

...can just rip her
right open like a can.


Man, you run aground again,
there's nobody out here.

And there's no help.

The 6-ton power barge

Is approaching one of the most
treacherous parts of the river,

Notorious for
its shifting sandbars.

you can see the difference.

I come through here
about three months ago

And there was...

-Yeah. least 3,

4 Feet more of water
than there is now.

And I'm gonna
just pull back here.

And -- and we'll just
take it real easy.


I don't see
the depth finder working.

Beaudry: hey, kevin, we need
to lift this depth sounder

By the water.

Kevin: oh [bleep]

That's in there
[bleep] tight.


Now it's froze up.

Of course.

Oh [bleep]

Get out of the way.

Whitelaw: yeah, okay.

This is getting a little
too skinny for me here.

it's getting too shallow.

I'll just back it off and...

Really getting shallow, tony.
I'm nervous.

I don't want to get...

I don't want to get
your ship stuck.

Watch your bulkhead!

Narrator: 70 miles
up the yukon river...

Whitelaw: I'm nervous.

I don't want to get this...

I don't want to get
your ship stuck.

...tony's 60-ton power barge

Is navigating through
treacherous sandbars.

watch your bulkhead!

Got to watch out
for that thing.

Two and a half feet, tony.
That's it.

I'm pulling out of here.

We can't -- we can't go
any further than this.

Yeah, because you can see

Those [bleep] rocks
here, right?

Narrator: after a brush
with a sandbar

And with the light fading,
brad plays the safety card

And moors the barge
up for the night.


Kevin: you're gonna
trust that knife?

You don't know where
the [bleep] that's been.

Mike: [bleep]
when you fricking, uh,

Came up
on that one spot there,

Sand or rock,
it almost sounded like a rock

'Cause it had a bang to it.
-Yeah, I know.

Whitelaw: there was something
alongside of the ship.

That's never
a good feeling.

And I couldn't get
out of there quick enough.

You got to respect
the challenges of this river.

We all know people
that have gone out

And then they're not --
they didn't make it back home.

Yeah, man.
We'll get --

Do it in the daylight.

See what
tomorrow brings.

-What a dork!

Ugh, fine.

Narrator: 8:00 a.m.,
The crew is up early

For the final push
to thistle creek.

I want to drive.

Mike: no kidding.

Having completed 100 miles
in 18 hours,

Tony spots familiar ground.

Whitelaw: yeah, we're here now,
tony. Close it in.

Then, uh, wherever
we may land,

Looks like you can't
go wrong here.

Oh, it's a beach.

Uh, under these conditions,
I think we fared pretty good.

After five months
of failures,

Tony has managed
to get his power barge

To thistle creek.

Tony can finally start
dismantling his second dredge.

Spinks: geez!

Narrator: at fairplay,
giant boulders

Are blocking the hoffman crew

From mining gold-rich pay dirt.

Freddy and todd's solution,

Blow them up.

Freddy: he's a local blaster.

-You mark?

-This is freddy.
-Pleasure to meet you.

-Morning, freddy.
-Mark mayer.

Todd: if you follow this road
right down,

Andy's down there
in the excavator.

And you can talk to him
and tell him what you want.

See what we got.

Freddy: thank you.

to clear the boulders,

Freddy's called in colorado
blaster mark mayer.

I love my job.

Where else in the world
do you get to go blow things up

On somebody else's property,

Make a mess and let them
clean it up?

-How you doing?

-Nice to meet you.
-What do we got going on here?

Spinks: there's good gold
in the ground.

I just need to get to it,
and those rocks are in my way.

Well, looks like
we have two options.

We can wait for god
to send down

A lightning bolt
and break those rocks.

Or I've got some dynamite.

Let's go
with the dynamite.

I'll get out of your way.
-No worries.

Narrator: mark brings in
the commando drill truck.

Its diamond-core drill
will bore

A 2-inch diameter hole

Into the heart of the boulder.

I started when I was 13.

Blew these two fingers off.

Big mistake.

I've gotten better.

I still have my head.

Look at that.
He's cutting like

A hot knife
through butter right there.

Pretty quick.

underneath those boulders,

I guarantee
there's a lot of gold.

Looking good, mark!

Good job!

The drill's job is done.

Extra gelatin dynamite.
That ought to do it.

to blast a 20,000-pound boulder,

It will take a stick
and a half of dynamite.

the energy equivalent of this

Is on the order of about
100 million horsepower.

Freddy: what's cutting it
do, mark?

Cutting will allow the cartridge

To shrink and expand
in the bore hole

So we get most of the energy
down on the ground

And in the rock.

We'll have to tamp it
a little bit, very lightly.

Finish her up with sand.

That'll do.

Let's get out of here.

The detonator box
is wired and ready to fire.

[ Air horn blowing ]

They're gonna blast!
We got to take cover!

Mayer: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

-Fire in the hole.

Oh [bleep]

-Damn, that was awesome!
-Bye-bye, boulders.

You got to love blasting.

You know,
I mean, for real.

Mark, kick-ass, man.

[ Air horn blows ]

All clear!


no more big boulders.

-Look at that!
-That'll work.

-That, I can move.
-Good job, mark.

-My pleasure.
-Bring it in!

Andy, get the excavator!
Let's go!

Narrator: andy's 460

Can now make light work
of the shattered boulders.

That's all I needed,
just a little bit of help.

Being able to run this
material right here

Is what's gonna get us
our 1,000 ounces

'Cause it is
loaded with gold.

Narrator: at scribner creek,
the crew's thoughts

Are turning to the end
of the season.

Blaschke: hey, brennan.

Start thinking about
what the first thing

You're gonna do
when you get home is?

-I can't wait to watch tv.
-Yeah, I heard this --

There's a show on, uh,
friday nights.

Yeah, it's about
some guys that mine.

They kind of do
some stuff like we do.

They must be the coolest.

There's even this
one guy on there,

Looks like he's got a tattoo
of a [bleep] on his neck.

[ Laughing ]

[Bleep] you, man.

Blaschke: we were wondering
if you were listening in.

at scribner, time is running out

To hit parker's 4,000-ounce,
$4.8-million season goal.


The big freeze is coming fast.

And they're still
1,100 ounces short.

-Hey, ash.

-How's it going?
-Good. How are you?

-Not too bad.
-What are you guys up to?

Weighing up some gold.

Parker: yeah.
Come join us.

Rick, you're up.
-Oh, boy.

Narrator: this season,
rick pledged

To get 1,000 ounces
at indian river.

Ness: 25.

He's still 300 ounces short.

Come on, 90.
We're at 100.

Parker: that's good.


Worth over $130,000.

So, doumitt, where's this
put us at on big red?

That'll put you
at about 811 ounces.

I'm not gonna
walk away with 800.

You know, that ain't --
that ain't good enough for me.

So we're getting 1,000.

Doumitt: that's
the attitude you need.

All right.
What'd we do last week,

Like 320-something?


That was a record
for sluicifer.

That's a big pan
of gold, buddy.

Parker: this is some
clean stuff, doumitt.

Ashley, count it!

70, 80, 90, 100, 140,

160, 70, 180, 90, 200.

Man: there's another 100
left in there, man.

220, 250, 280, 300.

Keep going.

340, 360, 380...


Doumitt: oh, man!

Narrator: $475,000 in gold,

Bringing parker's weekly
total to a massive

505 Ounces, worth $600,000.

I'd tell you what, you guys.

I got some smoking news
for you.

With this cleanup,
we beat last year's total.

We have 3,375...
-No way!

...ounces right now.
-That calls for a cheers!


Narrator: 3,375 ounces,

A staggering $4 million.

Parker: yeah, I mean, we beat
last year's total,

Which is impressive
with these two cleanups,

But the work's not done.

Narrator: parker still has
to find 625 ounces of gold

Before he's frozen out.

So let's just keep
pounding the dirt through.

And let's see some
4,000 ounces in the box.

-Do it!

-Let's do it!
-Let's do it.



Narrator: in colorado,
the hoffmans' two operations

Have been competing
against each other

In a bid to hit todd's
1,000-ounce season goal.

Double trouble just
keeps running.

Well, the thing about it is,
we need both.

Good. We've got to have 'em both
to get to 1,000 ounces.

You guys all done eating?

You want to go check?

Narrator: to send his crew home
with gold for the winter,

Todd still needs 220 ounces.

Jack: get her done.

Todd: how'd we do, dad?

Where are we at?

Sacramento, 45.7.

-Not bad!

worth $54,000.

But fairplay
kicked your butts.



Narrator: over $120,000.

Fairplay's way ahead
of, uh, sacramento.

Hey, uh, there's a little
matter of the bet.

Turin: what are you at?

-Over 500 ounces.
-And we're at 190.

And there's snow
on the mountains.

-I concede.

Mr. Dodge, this hurts.

It hurts a lot.

Here's your $100.


I'd frame that.

Here's the deal --
the bet's over.

But the competition's
still going.

-That's right.
-We're gonna bust ass.

-We got to get over 1,000.

Todd: so together,
we did 150 ounces.

How close are we
right now to 1,000?

Where we are?

-Getting there.
-We can get this!

That's a hell of a lot of gold
in a short period of time.

This is just fantastic.

I -- I love it.
-Good job, you guys.

I lost 100 bucks.
I don't care.

We're gonna get 1,000 ounces.

$100 Of dave's money,
that's priceless.

I'm super happy.

Uh, I just can't believe it.

I can't believe the comeback
in such a short period of time.

If we can keep running, uh,

I think we're gonna sail
right over 1,000.

Narrator: on the season finale
of "gold rush"...

See how [bleep]
thick this stuff is.

Well, this just
nicely [bleep] me.

If we stop moving
at this point, we die.

So we just got to
keep everything going.

What the [bleep]
[bleep] [bleep]

Shut her down!
Shut her down!

-No way!

-Let go of me now!

I think I failed this year.
I will resign.