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07x19 - Dredge vs. Washplant

Posted: 01/12/24 11:00
by bunniefuu
I was just running
some numbers.

And you've still got
a long ways to go.

on this "gold rush"...

-Oh [bleep]
-no fixing that one.

Do I look like
a [bleep] belt fairy?

All right. Let me show you
how the big boys play.

-[Bleep] [bleep]
-oh, come on!

That's a lot of gold.

Monica: what the [bleep]

I'm never gonna b*at kevin
with [bleep] like that.

Todd: we've never seen
nuggets like that.

We need a third mine.

Those are bigger than
anything we've ever gotten.

Do you really think
we can mine up there?

You're at 13,000 feet.

How do you guys breathe up here?

-Can we get a medic?

Slow, deep breaths.

Right now, we've got
both plants running.

These guys are
kicking butt, man.

Things are going well.

We're starting to put gold
in people's pockets.

So, yeah, things
are looking up.

Narrator: 20 weeks into
his mining season,

Todd hoffman has finally
hit his stride.

At sacramento,
double trouble's twin trommels

Are running 350 yards an hour.

Uh, we're finally on the gold.
You're on the gold right there.

Narrator: one mile southeast,
at fairplay,

Rusty red is sluicing
another 150.

Yeah, I'm running
from fairplay to sacramento,

Back to fairplay.

We just want to keep it
going as fast as we can.

And, uh, away we go.

todd's reduced his goal

From 5,000 to 1,000
ounces this year.

But he still won't
let go of his dream.

If we had more mines,
if we had a third mine,

We could clear 5,000
ounces next year.

freddy dodge is taking todd

To scout pennsylvania mountain,

One of the sources
of the region's gold deposits.

Todd started with a goal,
this year,

Of getting 5,000 ounces.

Well, that didn't happen.

Tell you what,
it could happen next year.

And part of the key to that
is on top of this mountain.

Narrator: from fairplay,
it's an 8-mile drive

And a climb
from 10 to 13,000 feet.

It's a pretty special place.

It's high and it's harsh.

I grew up panning
these mountains, prospecting.

I'd like to stay here
and just keep mining.

If I can't prove to these guys

That we have enough ground
and good ground

That's tested
for 5,000 ounces,

I don't think they're
gonna come back.

How's it going, randy?
Long time no see.

-Good to see you, freddy.
-How you doing?

-How you doing, man?

-What's your name?

We heard a rumor you might
have some ground for lease

For next year up
on the mountain, here.

Possibility, possibility.

What kind of gold are
you guys getting up here?

We're getting a lot
of fine stuff down below.

Little, coarse pieces,
something like this.

-That's nice, there.

That's a big piece.
-Holy mackerel.

That's a beautiful nugget.

There's the possibility
we've got some ground

A little bit higher up

Than where
we're actually working it.

-Higher than this?
-Higher than this.

How do you guys
breathe up here?

Uh, it's brutal.
It's brutal.

You just got to
get used to it.

After a while, little
mountain goat in us, I guess.

Tough conditions, low oxygen.

If it was easy,
everybody would be doing it.

You're more than welcome
to go up and take a look at it.

You got any machines?

Maybe we could poke
a hole or two up there.

We pick the holes.

We use your equipment.

We've got one day.
-That's all we got.

You can use our equipment.

But any gold
you find is ours.

You guys better get busy.

We've got both plants
up and running.

Both plants are on the pay.

But we don't have
a whole lot of time left.

4,000 Is still a long ways out,

A lot of gold to find.

At this point in the season,
every bucket counts.

Narrator: with four weeks left
in the season,

Parker has only 60%
of the gold he needs

To hit his 4,000-ounce,
$4.8 million goal.

It's just about
getting hours on the box,

Getting hours sluicing

As much hours as we can,
24 hours a day.

parker's running 250 yards
an hour through sluicifer.

Down at indian river,

Rick runs 130 yards
through big red.

And he's already tackling
the first signs of winter.


Froze on there, huh?

Oh, she's cold
this morning.

I mean,
we're still running.

I've just run some numbers.

And you've still got
a long ways to go.

If there's anything
that you think

We can do to get
some more gold in the box...

I -- I don't think we can speed
big red up any more, but...

I mean, we're just running
out of time, you know?

We need to start
picking up the pace.

All right.
Well, then we'll find a way

To put more gold
in the damn box.

Parker: it's been going
slow and steady.

But now it needs
to go fast and steady.

There ain't no time
for 100 ounces now.

What the [bleep]
he wants me to do, you know?


We're running as fast as we can.
We've got solid uptime.

It's just, uh, you know,

It's just we're
running out of time.

That's it.

You know, I don't know what else
to [bleep] do at this point.

I'll figure it out.
I ain't gonna fail down here.

But, you know,
I don't need to be reminded

About how far behind I am
every [bleep] day either.

Narrator: parker
has challenged rick to find

1,000 Ounces this season.

But big red's only produced
578 ounces of gold,

Worth around $700,000.

* I'm tired

* Tired

Narrator: to catch up,
rick and his crew

Have been working
seven days a week.

[ Yawns ]

I hate running loader.

* Do, do, do, do, do, do, do



Blaschke: rick!

Oh [bleep]

Coming down!

No fixing that one.

big red is at a standstill.

Pretty [bleep]

Narrator: the belt
on rick's hopper feeder

Is completely sh*t.

Big ol' [bleep] tear

In our 50-year-old [bleep] belt.

You can see the rip, here,
all the way around.

We had a large rock
that got caught in here.

And you can see all
the damage it did to the belt.

So we need
a new one of those.

We need a 36-inch belt.

We've got a 36-inch belt
that's about 12 feet too short.

So that doesn't work.

-we're gonna be in trouble.

at indian river,

A tear in rick's hopper feeder

Has brought his operation
to a standstill.

Ness: I got to go find parker
right now and tell him

That we just practically

The fricking belt on big red.

He ain't gonna be happy, man.

Those things aren't --
those aren't cheap up here.

Not a good feeling
that we're not sluicing.

Uh, not the conversation
I want to be having right now.

Hey, man.
-What's up?

Uh, dude, you're not
gonna believe this.

But the belt for big red
has got a big [bleep]

Gouge in it
three quarters of the way

the whole [bleep] length.

How the [bleep]
did that happen?

When a [bleep] rock
gets caught up,

I don't know what
you can do about it.

It's compromised big-time.

Compromised like you want
a [bleep] new one?

Yeah, pretty much.

That ain't gonna
[bleep] happen.

But that's
where we're at.

Well, we're not getting
a [bleep] new one.

Do I look like
a [bleep] belt fairy?

So you just have
to make it [bleep] work.

And if it can't,
if it doesn't work, what?

Are we done?
-Figure it out.

You've still got a pile
of gold to find.

So we're just gonna
have to limp it through.

All right.

and rick has to just learn

That you don't get second
chances at stuff like that.

Narrator: mechanic
mitch blaschke has found

A spare belt out in the yard.

But it's for a different
kind of conveyor.

it's not really the right size.

Let's spin it
so we can roll it down.

There we go.

If it's long enough,

At least we might be able
to modify it to work.

Just shy of 21.
-Can make that work.

It's definitely too wide.

We'd have to cut that.

We don't have the right belt
for this hopper feeder.

So we can trim the width down.

But hate to cut down
a brand-new belt

Then have it not work.

Getting desperate here
trying to run, you know,

For the rest of the season.

Uh, yeah, I don't know.

One way or another, though,
we got to get running.

Narrator: tony beets has been
mining gold in the klondike

For three decades,

A place where only
the smartest miners survive.

And he's seen a lot
of operations come and go.

Two years ago,
tony shocked everyone

When he turned back
the clock a century

And ran the only bucket dredge

Mining for gold
in north america.

Everybody clear.

And he's put son,
kevin, in charge.

Well, tony's pretty
obsessed with dredges

Because, I mean, they work.

half a mile downstream,

Monica mines the same ground

But with a traditional
wash plant.

Now tony has the perfect setup

To test whether
the future of mining

Is old-school dredging.

what's up, bras?

I have, like,
four times the people.

We know your cost
is gonna be higher.

But it'll be
interesting to see,

Out of every ounce
of gold,

What the dredge takes home

And what monica
would take home.

Nice to see how much
I win by, basically.

-[Bleep] you sound pompous.


Tony: okay?

Narrator: it's not about
who gets the most gold.

It's about which plant
is the most profitable

After deducting running costs
like fuel and wages.

We're f*ring up.

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

We're just gonna see
who comes out ahead.

Narrator: the dredge
is a self-contained

Gold-mining factory
run by kevin

And just a single deckhand.

The bucket ladder chews
through 100 yards

Of pay dirt an hour.

The trommel
washes the rocks.

And the gold settles
in the sluices.

A single onboard
generator powers

The entire operation,

Burning around 190 gallons
of fuel a day.


monica's operation runs

Almost twice
as much pay dirt per hour

But needs a bigger crew

And burns close to 1,000 gallons

Of fuel a day.

So we've got greg on the 460.
He's loading trucks.

We've got elizabeth
running the track.

We have curtis running
the 988 in the tailings.

It'll run down to who can do
everything more efficient.

I'm hoping that I'll be
able to b*at kevin

With the amount of gold
that I pull out.

But my fuel cost is higher.

I have to fuel my equipment
every single day.

The only thing I have
going for this plant

Against kevin's dredge
is the fact

That I can throw more
yardage through this.

What the [bleep]

I'm never gonna b*at kevin
with [bleep] like that.

Elizabeth, send that
[bleep] [bleep] back.

I don't need that [bleep]
I need dirt.

Greg, give me dirt,
not water, please.


This [bleep] so [bleep] mud.

If I throw it
through the plant,

It's just gonna
jam everything up.

Narrator: water from the creek
is seeping through the bank,

Turning monica's
cut into a swamp.

-So greg called me over.

He said there was
just so much water

He couldn't get
enough dry pay.

Every time
it takes a scoop,

It's leaching out
from underneath him.

It's ridiculous,
so wet over here.

So what we're gonna do

Is get another pump
in our cut

Just to dry it out.

Head over to the other side.
It's all dry over there.

It's way easier.

Just don't [bleep] around
over here

Until we can do
something about this water.

Hey, greg.

Head over to where it's dry.

Just until we can drain
this out a little.

-No, I -- I'm just saying.

Narrator: half a mile away,

Kevin's dredge
is designed to deal

With waterlogged pay dirt.

I figure I'm doing
about 100 yards an hour.

And monica's plant
should be in the range of sev--

175 Yards per hour.

Monica may pull more
gold out of the ground

'Cause she does
more yardage.

But I am absolutely 100%
[bleep] positive I'm gonna win.

What did we break?

Oh [bleep]
look at that.

When you [bleep] up,
you don't do small, do you?

Narrator: at eureka creek,
tony beets has kevin

Attempting to prove his dredge

Is more economical
than monica's wash plant.

But his 75-year-old gold machine
is showing its age.

Oh, let's see.
Let's see.

That's supposed to be
connected over here.

The pin goes through here.

And this corner snapped
and pulled it out that way

Because that's the angle
we're pulling all the time.

You know, man,
that does suck.

Narrator: a d-ring
on the steering mechanism

Has snapped clean off.

Unos, dos.

Gonna make a new bit
to replace this piece

'Cause she's clearly [bleep]

Well, this is the piece
that connects the turnbuckle

To the front of the dredge.

That allows all our
sideways pulling force

That pull directly
on the bucket line.

So if we'd, uh, try to dredge
without that,

We'd probably cr*ck
the bucket line off,

Kind of important.

kevin can't afford any downtime.

He needs to improvise a solution

From whatever steel he can find.

this is yukon engineering.

This is what I have.
This is what you got to do.

So it needs
a little bit of work.

So I'll get the torch.

And I'll [bleep] lift
this a bit.

This side, I'm gonna cut down.

So I'm welding
against thicker steel.

Not the prettiest around,
but that's okay.

Mm, that part at least [bleep]
worked. Beautiful.

To finish building this up,
we'll connect it back together.

See if she holds.
Does she still fit?

Oh [bleep]
look at that.

[Bleep] golden, I know.

So [bleep] it.
Let's see what happens.

[Bleep] [bleep]

[Bleep] [bleep]



That's the ground
underneath me collapsing,

In case anyone was wondering.

All right.

And with that,
she should be [bleep] good.

Moment of truth, see if
she can [bleep] hold us.

Uh, it hasn't fallen off yet.

So we're doing all right.

Narrator: kevin's lost 3 1/2
hours of valuable run time,

But he's back in the game.

it looks like she's holding.

She's holding

While we're pulling
against the berm like that.

So it's a pretty
good indication

That she'll hold, I think.

Let's do this!

Look at that, todd.

-Now that's a view.

todd hoffman and freddy dodge

Are at the summit
of pennsylvania mountain

On the hunt for new ground.

How high are we here,

We're a little over
13,000 here, I think.

With his crew on
the gold in colorado,

Todd's after pay dirt
rich enough

To guarantee them all
a bonanza next year.

You think
we could mine up here?

I think we could.
It's a rough place to mine.

But if the gold's
good enough,

Nothing ventured,
nothing gained.

Question is,
is there gold up here?

Whether it's good or bad,

What's left on here,
I don't know.

But there's only one way
to find out, todd.

That's dig some dirt.

-Let's do it.
-Let's do it.

See if I can fit in here.

I've never seen
controls like this.

Man, this is old-school.

So it looks like
we got a bucket curl,

Main boom up and down
and, uh...

Send the boom out, okay.

Main boom down.

You need two more arms!

Dude, are you [bleep]
kidding me?

I'd like to see
you try this.

This must have been, uh,

The first excavator
ever made here.

You're pretty smooth
with it, though.

Yeah, right!

Todd, I'd take about that much
of the topsoil off.

-Save it to the side.

And then we'll see
what's under it.

That looks like
pay there, todd.

Why don't you fire
up the loader?

Keep digging.

I'll haul it.

So if we find
some good gold here,

Which I hope we do,

We got ourselves
a serious plan for next year.

Yeah, I'm gonna get out.



-You all right, todd?
-Uh, I'm all right.

I'm just a little light-headed.

[ Coughs ]

-Can we get a medic?

-Can we get a medic?

Narrator: 13,000 feet
up pennsylvania mountain...

What's going on?

...todd hoffman is
fighting for air.

Todd: oh, I got a headache,
and I'm kind of dizzy.

Fortunately, the film crew
has a medic on-site.

Are you okay?

How long have you been
feeling like this?

It's been a while.

But it just hit me
really bad or...

Slow, deep breaths.

You hyperventilate,
you're gonna feel even worse.

Narrator: at 13,000 feet,
each breath contains

40% Less oxygen
than at sea level.

slow, deep breaths.

Take my glasses off,

Here, I got 'em.

I feel worse.
I think I'm...

Let's just keep going.

I think I'm feeling better.

-That oxygen helped?

It's just like you're
running out of air.

You just can't breathe.

You're not getting
enough oxygen.

My oxygen levels were low.

And then my heart rate
was pretty high.

So let's get it done.
Come on, man.

-Sorry, man.
-Let's get that loader fired up.

Let's get that dirt.

First bucket headed
to the plant.

Let's hope for nuggets.

half a mile downhill,

Tom and randall have
a small wash plant ready

To run a 60-yard test.

Freddy: hey, guys.
That water's pretty muddy.

Dump some fresh water down it.

Todd: holy cow!
Right there!

No, left, left!

-There's a nice one right there.
-No way.

Let me see that.

-That's nice.

That is actually
worth picking up.

Freddy: look at that [bleep]

We've never seen
nuggets like that.

Collectors love them.

jewelry-grade nuggets can sell

For 20% more
than regular fine gold.

I've never seen
this kind of coarse gold.

This is amazing.

Wherever you picked, freddy,
that was a good spot.

Three quarters of an ounce
to an ounce of gold right there.

Narrator: the test indicates

This ground's worth
$20 a yard,

Twice what the hoffmans
were getting in the klondike.

We've proved we got the dirt.
You got the manpower.

You got the resources.

And maybe we'll be able
to work ourself a deal.

Would you guys mind
if we, uh,

Took those nuggets down
and showed the guys?

It's plenty where
that came from.

We'll bring 'em back to ya.

We're just gonna use 'em
for show and tell.

Cut that belt out of there.
Pull it out.

Narrator: at indian river,

Rick's been down for seven hours
with a shredded belt.

Mitch has found a spare,
but it's for a wider conveyor.

Ness: we're just gonna have to
make do and make it work.

Well, we need to cut
about 5 inches off

This one to make it work.

The whole length
of it's got to be cut.

Choose where I start.

Do a lot of cutting here.

These belts are
very expensive,

You know, anywheres
from 10,000 to 20,000 bucks.

Normally, I'd never even think
about cutting a brand-new belt

Like this, but, you know,
desperate times.


Narrator: the new belt
has no joining strip.

So rick has to remove
the entire roller bed.

-You're looking good, man.
-Watch yourself.

Blaschke: not too bad,
balanced out pretty good.

next, mitch has to fit

The roller bed
inside the belt...

Swing out and over.

...and try to stretch
the belt into place.

-[Bleep] this.

We got to get it just
in the right spot, here.

Not what we need.

It's like todd hoffman
trying to fit into

His yoga pants
in the morning.

It just slips on there.
It'll be so nice.

It's [bleep] so close.

Parker: tight fit?

This wasn't the right belt
for this thing.

Too wide or too short or...


Nice sweatpants.

Well, this belt's
too short, huh?

Just barely long enough,
like, millimeters off here.

We've just got to
get this in place.

I think we're gonna have
to take that roller out.

We got no choice here.

to fit the belt,

They must release
the tail roller

From its housing
to create enough

Slack to slide the belt
over the drive roller,

Then lever the tail roller
back into place

And re-tension the belt.

-Right here?


-Oh, there we go.
-There it is.

-There you go. There you go.

Oh, yeah.
You got 'er now.

Right there.

* And bingo was his name, oh

Far [bleep]

There we go.

-Just like that.
-There she blows.

Now it's just a matter

Of putting all this back

It's, like, [bleep]
banjo string.

Like it's already

Good job getting
this on there, boys.

We'll see if it goes
around in a circle.

It looks good.

I'm gonna speed it up
a little bit.

I wanted to be sluicing
before sun went down.

It looks like
we're just gonna make that.


after tony's 2-day test

To compare costs
of kevin's dredge

Against monica's wash plant,

It's time for the beets family

To weigh up the results.

Hey, guys.

Monica: hold on.
We got one more coming in.


Monica, you did get
more gold than kevin.

[Bleep] yeah.

35, 40, 45, 50.2.

Tony: 50.2.

Narrator: monica's wash plant

Has caught gold
worth $60,000.

25, 30, 35, 42.3.

Narrator: kevin's dredge
has made nearly $51,000.


-Own it, suckah!
-No, no, no, no.

Now you have to pay bills.

I think I should
take out some gold.

Start pouring.
-What exactly am I pouring out?

Fuel and wages is your biggest
cost right now, right?

Well, I'll tell you
when to stop.

7, 8...

I keep hoping you're gonna
tell me to stop soon.

-No, keep going.
-10, 15.

-Slow down.

Now you grab a spoon,
little bit more.

Actually, I think you can
probably dump it all in.

-That's it.

So, kevin, what does it read?

-That's what it cost.

So you want to do yours now?
Pour it slowly, though.


2, 3, 4.
-Whoa, whoa! Stop.

Take a little bit out.

I should've started
with the spoon!

-That's good.

For 48 hours.

Hey, kevin,
meet you outside.

Narrator: monica's running costs
were four times kevin's

On the dredge.

You started out
with the most gold,

But now you have 33 left.

He had 42.

But he come --
goes home with 38 ounces.

So it's no-brainer, really.

Narrator: even though
monica's wash plant

Caught more gold,

After removing fuel
and crew costs,

Kevin's dredge has
proved more profitable.

This brings us to 1,942.

And that means you
only need another 58 ounces.

So I think we should
go over that.

Yeah, I think
we should do that.

at indian river,

Some visitors have dropped by

For chris and ashley's cleanup.

well, we got a mama bear

And a couple of cubs down there.

Youle: they're so cute!

Little reminder that
it's getting a little cold out.

I think that's the closest
that I've seen a bear before.

Kind of getting ready
to hibernate

Just like we are, right?

You ready?
Are you ready for hibernation,

To get off this rock and...

Yes, I am, go to sleep.

Fall asleep
for a few months?

Coming to the end
of the season.

Narrator: parker schnabel
is still 1,600 ounces short

Of his 4,000-ounce,
$4.8 million season goal.

-How's it looking, chris?
-So what do you think?

What do you think there?
-Oh, yeah.

with just three weeks left,

He desperately needs
his cleanups to improve.

Doumitt: look at that, parker.
Look how much that is.

Well, you've had
a [bleep] week, huh?

It's not been good.

That thing was like
a rubber band

Running around
that belt, wasn't it?

Trying to get that new
belt stretched on there,

Holy [bleep]

Put it on the scale, rick.
Let's see what you got there.

-Come on, big boy.
-Let's do this.

-But we still got a pan of gold.

So let's see where we're at.

Narrator: to stay on track
for his 1,000 ounces,

Rick needs around 100 ounces.

There's 50 already.

70, 80, Oh, there's 100.

oh, yeah, you broke 100.

You broke 120.

-All right!

I can't believe that big red
is just so consistent.

Blaschke: I think big red's,

Like, trying
to make its stand, you know?

Yeah. It's like,
"this is my last chance."

Yeah, like, you know, we had
a lot of issues with it.

And that's why
we shut it down.

And now that it's like,
"no, I'm still here, boys."

-No kidding.
-And it's just doing its job.

rick's indian river haul

Is worth nearly $150,000.

What's that bring
big red to?

-We're over 700, right?
-Like, oh, yeah.

Just barely,
but we're over 700.

[Bleep] yeah.
300 To go?

-That's awesome.
-All right.

Let me show you
how the big boys play.

Oh, gee!

Two hands on this one,

Check that out.

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

parker needs the creek cut

To deliver around 290 ounces.

Well, there's 40, 50,
60, 80, 100, 120,

30, 150, 200, 240.


-280, 300.

[Bleep] off!

315, 320, 326.2.

-Holy mackerel!

worth over $390,000.

Som dewey, what's that
bring sluicifer to?

Right about 2,167.

[Bleep] yeah.

Narrator: parker's
two operations have mined

Over half a million dollars
worth of gold in a single week,

Pushing his total
to 2,870 ounces,

Worth $3.4 million.

-That deserves a cheers.

-Chris, raise your drink.

Yeah, really.

-I've been working.
-I mean, really,

We need this to keep up for
another three weeks straight.

But you guys know what
the weather's gonna do here

In the next 10, 15 days.

That is a big ask
to keep that up.

-It's a lot of [bleep] gold.

We're gonna need more jars.

If that's our biggest
problem, no problem.

Narrator: in colorado, the
hoffman crew has run their mines

At sacramento and fairplay

While todd and freddy
searched for new ground.

Todd: here comes jack.

Todd needs around
120 ounces a week

To hit his 1,000-ounce goal

And send his crew home
with gold for the winter.

Well, he's got two jars.
That's good.

Fairplay, 78.15.

-Nice! Whoo!

catching up at 69.11.

-All right!

-Very good job!

that's a total of 147 ounces,

Worth over $170,000.

-That's awesome.

you guys keep doing that.

And we're gonna put some gold
in everybody's pockets.


We're heading closer
to 1,000.

But from what we found
on penn mountain,

I think this might be a missing
piece of the puzzle, guys.

you guys find some gold?

Freddy, why don't you
show 'em what we found?

Have a look at this, guys.
Just look at those nuggets.

Holy cow.

We didn't pick any
of the fine gold out.

We just grabbed the nuggets.

It's right next to the source.

You actually think we can mine
up there, though?

If the gold's
good enough, we can.

But it's --
it's no easy deal.

Todd: if we're gonna go
for 5,000 ounces next year,

We need a third mine.

It sounds a little too good
to be true, you guys.

You know, I don't know
if we're gonna be able

To mine that or not.

There's been a lot
of people that have tried.

But, uh, we're over
750 ounces, guys.

We're heading towards 1,000.

And from where we came from,
that's a miracle.

We're gonna get 1,000.

And we're gonna be profitable.

And we're gonna come back.

And we're gonna have a chance
at 5,000 next year.



on the next "gold rush"...

Hey, hey, hey!

This is more than
just a challenge.

This is crazy.

Man: I got boulders
the size of small cars.

There could be 200 ounces
just in this little section.

Let's make 'em smaller.

Parker: this is [bleep] man,
driving through a [bleep] swamp.

That's so much damn gold.

With this cleanup,
we b*at last year's total.

-Yeah, guys.
