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07x14 - Parker vs. Rick

Posted: 01/12/24 10:54
by bunniefuu
We're in the last chance saloon
on this one.

Narrator: on this "gold rush"...

There's snow on the mountains.
We don't have time to waste.

beggars can't be choosers.

Whoa! Whoa!

Let's get some gold, freddy!

We will not quit.

Here goes nothing.

Oh, yeah!
It's holding!

Fingers crossed.

Blaschke: that thing is huge!

It looks like
the san francisco bridge.

I'm not gonna say
it's the dumbest thing
we've ever done, but...


This is big red.
This is rick's gold.

That's it?

Man: there's your problem.


I know.

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

[ Truck horn honks ]

Todd: we lost a hell
of a lot of money this summer.

Well, pretty much everything
that could go wrong went wrong.

Narrator: 10,000 feet up,
in the rocky mountains,

The last remnants
of the hoffman crew,

Together with
their heavy equipment,

Are making their way
to freddy dodge's new mine.

We've made the journey
all the way from oregon

Through the mountains
into colorado.

And you know what?

We're in the last chance saloon
on this one.

We don't have
any other choice.

We've got to make it work.

three and a half months ago,
todd led his crew to oregon,

Boldly declaring
a 5,000-ounce, $6 million goal.

Hey, guys, this is gonna be
our promised land.

Narrator: after failing
on two separate mines...

That doesn't cut it.

We're hitting a lot
more bad spots than good.

...they came out with
206 ounces of gold,

Worth less than $250,000.

And that was our whole
cleanup for 12 guys.

With no gold and no wages,
his crew deserted him.

I'm done.

You got to know
when to quit.

But freddy dodge returned
and offered todd a lifeline.

I've got a plant and some ground
that's got gold on it.

And you got
heavy equipment.

We come together,
we might be able

To turn the season around.

Todd is completing
the 1,000-mile journey south

From the buckland in oregon
to fairplay, colorado,

One of the highest mines
in the united states,

To join forces with freddy
in a last-ditch attempt

To save what's left
of his season.

Todd: freddy!
Good to see you, man.

Good to see you, buddy.
You made 'er.

Yeah, man.
I got machines.

You got a plant?

Plant's in there.
It's a hodgepodge plant.

But it's there.

I got a loader, rock truck,
and an excavator.

It's good to see
this iron here.

Now we can really
start digging.

There's the mine, guys.

Todd: holy cow!

What do you think?

Jack: yeah, rocks.

Wow. That's a lot
of boulders.

Jack, there's rocks in here
bigger than your pickup.

Holy smokes.
They're everywhere.

It's the rockiest deposit
I've ever seen.

Is there any pay dirt
in between the rocks?

You've seen
the testing we did.

It was good.

How many weeks left we got?

We probably got five weeks
to mine before we're froze out.

You're at
10,500 feet here, todd.

Winter's coming fast.
And it'll come hard.

Well...let's get to work.

Narrator: freddy dodge has made
a deal to mine at fairplay

Using his old wash plant.

This is the plant.

Got some new pieces

And old pieces
all mixed together.

Well, I can see one thing
that ain't new -- the shaker.

Yeah, the wash plant
itself's a bit rough.

It's a little rusty.

A little?

Rusty plant,
red sluice box.

This has got more
than just rust.

It's got holes in it.

It's over 20 years old.

It's had a lot
of rock across it.

You said it was
an old plant.

But I got to be
honest with you.

I'm not so sure
this is gonna last.

I think it'll work, todd.

We'll make some gold.

You know what, freddy?

Beggars can't be choosers.

The rusty red it is.

We ain't gonna get
any gold standing here.

Let's start going, huh?

Narrator: todd and hunter
start stockpiling pay.

you know, whenever you're
starting up a new mine,

There's little tweaks
and challenges.

And here, all the pay
is consistently

Full of these huge boulders.

meanwhile, freddy supplies water

From the holding pond
above the mine.

Winter's coming quick.

There's snow
on the mountains.

We don't have time
to waste.

We got to start filling
those ponds now.

Water's headed toward you.
Keep digging.

It's filling up.

by tomorrow morning,

The pond will be filled up

So we can get water
to the wash plant.

We're gonna run
the wheels off rusty red.

Looks good, todd.

Let's get some gold,

Let's do it.

To make as much money
as we can this year,

We've gone with
a real lean, mean crew.

And that means not having
a lot of people around.

Narrator: 3,000 miles north,

Parker schnabel is two-thirds
of the way through the season

But is less than
a third of the way

To his 4,000-ounce,
$4.8 million goal.

Parker: yeah, now that we've got
two operations up

And going, you know,
we're spread pretty thin.

I mean, I need a lot of people
up here at sluicifer.

Rick needs a lot of people
down there at big red.

And it's tough getting both

Of those plants fed
and sluicing.

in a bid to hit his goal,

Rick has opened up
a second operation

Five miles west,
at indian river,

Where he hopes
to get 1,000 ounces.

This is all virgin
ground down here

At indian river
that we've got to mine.

So I think it's gonna
be pretty good.

Yeah, big red's
running great right now.

But we've still got a ton of
ground to strip to keep going.

Narrator: parker is trying
to run two operations

With a crew of just eight

And a secret w*apon

That he's been working
on all season.

Parker: it's been in the works
for over two months now.

And that's definitely gonna
be a huge money saver,

Reduce our labor bill
and streamline everything.

I'm a little nervous.
It's a lot of --

Lot of money
and steel in this thing.

Looks like sheamus is
already here with the truck.

Rick and the boys
are here, too.

You made it!

Christie: you said you had
a conveyor to haul, parker.

Well, what the heck, man?
That thing is huge!


Sure it's gonna
fit down the road?

I don't know.
That's your department.

Look, I've never hauled
anything this long
down these roads before.

This'll definitely be one
of the bigger loads.

Narrator: the monster conveyor
cost parker $300,000.

It does the work of three
rock trucks and three men.

A single operator
in an excavator

Can send overburden
directly out of the cut.

But to do that,
the self-propelled conveyor

Has to be 150 feet,

Almost half the length
of a football field.

Building a ramp here to load
the excavator conveyor

On the side of the trailer.

We're gonna come up and around,
drive it on sideways.

Parker said it weighs
about 120,000 pounds.

This is a 100-ton low bed.
So we should be good.

Blaschke: it looks like
the san francisco bridge

Walking down the middle
of the airstrip.

I'm not gonna say it's the
dumbest thing we've ever done.

But, uh...

It's gonna be
right up there.

I love it.

You're looking nervous.

Like, that's
a long-ass truck.

And this thing's twice
as long as it.

I wonder what sheamus
is thinking right now.

"What the [bleep]
did I just commit to?"

[ Laughter ]

The scale of that
is quite intimidating.

It is a monster.

Watch out. We're gonna give it
a twist here.

It's so long that any time
we make a little movement,

You know, it's amplified.

We're moving an inch down here.

And we're moving feet
at the top end.

That's what we got to
be real careful with.

Parker: hoo-hoo!

Holy [bleep].

most loads are 14 feet tall.

And you're
pushing 40 feet there.

we're 40 by 20 by 150.

It's low to the ground.

Well, we'll just pull it
away from bank.

See if it's sitting
on the trailer.

She's plowing a bit.

She is on the ground.

Oh, geez.

No way.

Holy [bleep].

That ain't good.

The trailer dropped down
about four inches

Since we loaded it on the truck.

We've only pulled it
about 20 foot.

And that looked ugly.

We only got another
25 miles to go.

This is probably
too much of a load.

That's a heavy load there.

Yeah, I'm wondering
if I can even make it.

parker is attempting to
transport his new super conveyor

To scribner.

But it's beached
before it even clears

The first 20 yards.

[ Creaking ]

Christie: easy!

That's it.

Christie: parker said it was
only 120,000 pounds.

There's no way.
It's got to be double that.

We moved it back
'cause the trailer

Was too close to the ground.

And it's a lot more stable
at the back of the trailer.

We're gonna pull it
out here on the flat

And see if it's sitting level.

I think sheamus looks
a lot more nervous

Than he did
when he showed up.

[Bleep] damn.


Blaschke: the truck's definitely
up for the challenge.

But it's a little
much for the trailer.

Just the slightest movement's
making this thing

Look like a boat
in a storm.

Narrator: the super conveyor
needs to be balanced

Exactly on the trailer.

Parker: now we got
five and a half over here...

...and five and a half
over here.

I'd say we're like 10% there,
just 90% more to go.

Eeh, yeah.
I don't know about this.

I think it's going
from bad idea to worse.

So what's your
comfort level now?

I'm just not
gonna think about it.

We're just gonna go.
Okay. Good.

sheamus' challenge --

Safely negotiate
the 100-ton load

Over 25 miles of unpaved road
to scribner creek.

Blaschke: yeah, as the truck's
going around the corner,

You can really see how much
it's making the conveyor twist.

The big thing we're having
to watch is just the trees

On the side of the road,
as we're making these corners.

Christie: ooh!
Easy on those trees, buddy.

You could swing
through those.

we've taken out a few trees.

We're really lucky
they're pretty small.

But if we hit
anything larger,

You know, we could
really bend the conveyor.

We got a big hill
coming up here.

You know, we're over
200,000 pounds.

And this is getting --
gonna get pretty steep.

Oh, yeah.
She's blowing some smoke.

Man, that's a heavy load.

Oh, he's running out of steam.
That's not good.

Awesome. Made it
to the top of the hill.

They're gonna unload it here.

Christie: whoo!
[ Laughs ]

Oh, man.

That is awesome.

Whoo, whoo, whoo, man!
Thanks, yeah.

Dude, that was some
nice driving, man.

You made that look easy.

Narrator: parker takes over
and drives the super conveyor

The remaining three miles
into the cut.

Parker: it's gonna be
a bit slow going, boys.

I'll see you
in a couple hours.

This conveyor's gonna be great.

Narrator: tony beets is en route
to his 75-year-old dredge.

With two months still to go,

Tony is just over
300 ounces short

Of his 2,000-ounce,
$2.4 million target.

But 60 miles south,

Dredge master kevin
is dead in the water.

The bucket line
has come off.

Losing the bucket line
is a lot like,

With conventional mining,
if you lose any sort of means

Of getting your pay
to your plant.

If you can't get
the pay into it,

It's not worth [bleep].

want to give her a pull?

You betcha.

Narrator: it's down to mechanic
mike beaudry and his team

To get the bucket line
back in place.

Tatlow: so much mud and sticks

And logs underneath
the bucket line.

And it carried it up
onto the wheel,

Lifted the bucket line off.

And now we're here.

the boys have had this happen
a couple times before.

And they've got her
downed but it --

Getting it back onto its sights.

It's going.

there you go - back in action.

Kevin: it's getting better.

Ooh. What the [bleep]
is that all about?

What was that?!

She's not moving very well.

[ Clatter ]

What the hell's
making that noise?

This ain't good.
Not moving.

Turn it off.

Back to the bucket line.

Mike, can you get around?

Grab that plate on
the other side of the idler.

I am not quite sure
what happened here.

We need to get
this thing going.

How's that looking?

There's your problem.


This ain't good.

[ Sighs ]

The idler wheel.

So [bleep].

Definitely could be
the final nail in the coffin

For the dredge
this year.

It sucks.

Narrator: at eureka creek,
tony beets' dredge is shut down.





Narrator: the idler wheel holds
the bucket line in place.

It's composed of a thick
housing and lubricated bushings

That protect a rotating shaft.

Because the bushings
haven't been maintained,

A combination of tension
and friction

Have caused the shaft to wear
through the bushings,

Creating fatal damage.

The rest of tony's season

Depends on whether
a steel fabricator

Can rebuild the 75-year-old
idler-wheel mechanism in time.

we're gonna chain it down,
then break the bucket line.

Take that idler off.


That do anything?

Hit the...

Maybe I can get it tuned
in from this side.

Oh, I got it.

Narrator: it's a 2,000-mile,
seven-day truck ride

Just to get the part
down to seattle.

If this doesn't
get fixed in time,

We're not gonna run.

Jack: this ground has
so much rock in it.

I've never had to fight
this many rocks, you know?

It's amazing.

Narrator: the hoffman crew is
digging colorado pay dirt.

Freddy's plant
is ready to run.

All they need now is water.

Oh, crap.

Our water's gone.

In deep crap, todd.


It should have been
full this morning.

over the last 15 hours,

Freddy has released
200,000 gallons of water

Into his new pond.

It's all soaked away.

Must be a hole
right down in the bottom.

We're in deep [bleep] if
we don't have any water.

What are we gonna do, man?
I mean, what's our plan b?

I've got a big water t*nk.

We put it right here,
next to the sluice box.

We pump out of it
up the hill.

And then we pump out
of the ponds up the hill back,

Fresh water to the wash plant.

That's gonna be strange,
but I'll tell you what,

It might work.

Narrator: freddy's new plan --
use his 4,000-gallon t*nk

To catch the water
from the sluices.

Then pump it up to an existing
pond 100 yards away,

Where the silt will settle.

He can then recycle the clean
water back to rusty red.

Freddy heads off
on the 85-mile journey

To denver to get the t*nk.

Todd: I've never pumped back
into a t*nk

And then out of a t*nk up
to a freshwater pond.

all todd has to do is

Install a pump and pipeline
to the pond.

Todd: it's gonna be
pretty interesting,

To say the least.

I'm just hoping that it
even works at all.

Go grab all that.
Lay it flat.

I need to go up the hill.

Dad, you're gonna
track over the hose.

Oh, my [bleep] [bleep].

What are you doing?!

Come this side.

Turn around!


You're in the way.
So I can't.

He dragged it up
the wrong side.

So it's kind of short.

Let's hook it up.

You got enough
slack on the pump?

No! That's what I was
trying to tell you.

You know,
he doesn't [bleep] listen.

You were right.

[ Panting ]

I'll push it.

[ Groans ]


Let's work our way this way.

We'll hook on here,
another section,

Down to the plant.

We got water
to the plant.

You okay there, big guy?

It's just hard to breathe.

[ Groans ]
this altitude's...

Go down there, hunter.

Let's go get another
section of it.

[ Laughs ]

That's not --
that's not how it works, man.

This is really steep,

Take it easy.

[ Groans ]
I'm fat. And I'm old.

My back hurts.

It's 10,500 feet, man.

The elevation's
k*lling us.

'Course, 3 million cheeseburgers
didn't help.

You know what I'm saying?

That's not gonna
reach, dude.

It is.

Whoa! Whoa!

Oh, my gosh.

Told you.

That's always been
my problem.

My hose is too short.

I give up.

Hunter, I got that 20-foot.

[ Sighing ] oh.

All right. Let's clamp
this thing on.

[ Grunting ]

We got it.

[ Laughs ]

Wasn't the most graceful thing
we've ever done together.

But hey, we got it
hooked up, huh?

Yeah, you're welcome.

Sorry for
yelling at you.

[ Thunder crashes ]

overnight, while freddy's off
collecting his t*nk in denver,

3 Inches of rocky mountain rain
hits the claim.

Are you freaking
kidding me?!

Just moved the pump up
to the top!


Can't believe it.

All of a sudden,
we got some rain.

And here we go.
We got ourselves a lake.

It's more than full.
It's overflowing.

I guess, you know, sometimes,
we try to fix things.

And mother nature
does it for us.

What the hell?

Plumb dry last night,
plumb full this morning, todd.

Colorado's weird, man.

[ Chuckling ]
colorado's weird.

I love it.

You drove all the way
to denver and got the t*nk.

And, uh, we may
not need it.

[ Laughs ]

Let's fire it up.

Parker's finally showing up
with his toy.

We've been waiting
for this thing all summer.

That thing's huge.

at scribner creek,

Sluicifer is operating
with just a two-man crew.

To keep the hungry
wash plant fed,

Parker has brought in a new
$300,000 piece of equipment,

An old 700 excavator
with a 150-foot-long conveyor

And hopper feeder
mounted on top.

Parker: right now, I'm just up
beside the creek diversion.

I'm just gonna
try using the conveyor

For stripping for the first time

And see how it likes the mud.

Narrator: all season,

Parker's biggest challenge
to get to gold-rich pay dirt

Has been to remove
20 feet of worthless overburden.

His new super conveyor
allows him

To remove the overburden twice
as fast as a rock truck.

That's pretty nasty stuff.

If it can move mud like this,

The conveyor will prove to be
pretty versatile.

There it goes.

The advantage here
is that, you know,

It's just me out there.
I mean, normally,

If you were trying to move
this kind of soup,

You'd have to have somebody
full time on the waste site,

Two or three trucks and a hoe.

So this is absolutely badass.

I love it.

Come on.


Sticks too much.

Shouldn't have thrown
that [bleep] in there, I guess.

It does not like
this kind of material.

This mud doesn't
want to go through.

I'm [bleep] annoyed.

a couple of hours later,
mechanic mitch takes a look

With the man
who designed the machine,

Australian gold miner
adrian hollis.

parker's brought the conveyor
out to the cut.

And it's having
a few issues.

Oh, yeah, he's got her
packed up good.

Narrator: parker fed
too much mud too quickly

Into the hopper feeder.

The wet, sticky mud built up,

Seeping down into
the rollers underneath,

Causing them to slow down

And eventually
stop the conveyor.

Parker: how's it going?

Yeah, I didn't get too far
before it piled up.

Well, I was --
yeah, I did. I did.

[ Chuckling ] imagine that.

I'm still getting
used to things.

"Imagine that."
Shut up, mitch.


So are you gonna show me
how to use this thing?

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter ]


Parker: got it.

Adrian's biggest piece of advice
to me

Seems to be to not act
like a 22-year-old.

He said, "you just
got to take it easy.

Treat the thing for what it is."

It's 150 feet long.

And that puts a lot of pressure

And a lot of leverage out there
on both sides, you know.

And you just got to be --
you got to be gentle with it.

So that's what I intend to do.


Narrator: with the dredge
out of action,

The beets family gathers

For one of their most important
gold weighs of the season.

So this is, like,
dredge down, dredge down?

tony has set himself a goal
for the dredge of 2,000 ounces,

Worth $2.4 million.

We need 324 ounces
in order to get to 2,000.

40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.

I would really have liked it

If you would have
gotten to your goal.

Oh, I know.

I know.

Me too.

Well, now we've got
the people to spare.

I help both these boys, dad.
Are they gonna help me?

Hell, I'm good to go.

Keep calm and mine on.

Keep calm and mine on.

Monica helped me at
the start of the year

With a bunch of stripping.

So I guess it's time
to return the favor.

She needs that plant moved

'Cause she's still got to be
out here for a bit.

So that's where I come in.

[ Thunder rumbling ]

Todd: see that lightning?

Freddy: let's get away
from this steel.

Narrator: in colorado,
the hoffmans grapple

With unpredictable
rocky mountain weather.

High-country storms
are vicious.

There's a lot of people
k*lled by lightning.

Let's go.

We're gonna shut down
for lightning.

Freddy: we got lightning
coming in hard.

That's scary, man.

Aah! [Bleep].

Get the hell
out of here -- now.

It's a big day, man.
We're about to shut down big red

And do our first
clean-out here at indian river.

Narrator: this is week one
of rick's new operation.

He pledged to contribute

1,000 Ounces from indian river
this season.

Now it's time
for their first cleanup.

Ness: I'm excited to see
what exactly

We're getting out
of indian river.

Oh, this is looking
really good.

Look at all that gold.

Well, I like staring
at it in the sluice box.

But I really want to see it
go across the gold table.

So let's get this cleaned up
and get it down to chris.

Yeah, it's a pretty big day.
We just had our full --

Our first full week
of running from both plants.

Big red's up and going.
Sluicifer's up and going.

How's it going, youngster?
Good. How's this look?

Unh-unh! Don't touch.


This is --
this is big red.

This is rick's gold.
That's out of big red.

That's not rick's.
It's still mine.

We got two operations,

Two cleanups and still
only half a crew, you know?

All right.
Well, sluicifer,

It needs to be
over 100 ounces.

So weigh her up.

first on the scale,

Parker's scribner creek

There's, uh, 30...



That's it?

How many hours is that?

Probably, we had, what, 80?

Yeah. Geez.

So less than an ounce an hour
at 200 yards an hour.

It's, like, less than 5 bucks
a yard right now.

Oh, man.

It's a long road to 4,000
with this, huh?

You might have us beat,

For the first time, I kind of
hope that you have us beat.

rick's wash plant, big red,

Runs half as much pay dirt
as sluicifer.

There you go, youngster.

That's from indian river?

See what we got.

Call it out.
Call it out, rick.

All right.
We got 10...





Keep going.

Keep going.
There's 80.

Oh, yeah!
You're past it!

Yeah, buddy.
No way.



Ah, yeah!
Yes! Yeah!

Dude, not a bad first run.

Narrator: the combined total
of 172 ounces,

Worth around $200,000,

Takes parker to 1,457 ounces,

Worth $1.7 million.

Yeah, I mean, I'm really happy
with what rick found, you know.

That's a really good start.
I mean, the first cleanup

Is a big telltale
of what's gonna happen.

And if indian river's gonna do,

You know, well over
an ounce an hour,

That run was 2 ounces an hour,
then that's great.

Dude, I'm so pumped.

That first cleanup
out of big red,

94 Ounces, man,
in only four shifts.

I can't friggin' believe it.
It's incredible.

If we keep on that pace,
holy [bleep].

Indian river's gonna be
on a roll.

We lost a hell of a lot
of money this summer.

And the comeback starts
right here, right now.

after a week's hard work
on their new fairplay mine,

The remnants of the hoffman crew
have the pay dirt

And water they need

To run freddy's
rusty, old wash plant.

We got quite a few
yards of material.

Let's run it and see
what it's in it for gold now.

I've never seen this many rocks
in my whole life.

There's a lot
of rocks here, boulders.

You think that -- you think
that feeder'll handle that?

It's gonna raise hell on it.
Jack, be gentle, please.

It's my only feeder.

It's gonna take it
or it's gonna die, freddy.

It's only one way
to find out.

Let's run old rusty.

Rusty red right here.

All right, let's go!

[ Buzzer ]

Freddy: here we go!

Start this old girl.

Oh, yeah!
It's holding!

[ Laughter ]

I thought that was
gonna bounce out of there.

Run, baby, run.

Rock conveyor!

Sand screw!

Hey, dad, give me about a half
a bucket, nice and careful.

Okay, got it.

Got pay dirt going
in the plant.

Looks like
it's pretty rich.

Hunter's feeding jack.
Jack's feeding the plant.

We're making gold right now.

So far, so good!

Fingers crossed.

It feels good to be running.

If there's gold here,
we're gonna get it.

If there isn't gold here,
we're gonna know today.

Narrator: after two hours,
running 400 yards,

It's time to find out
if they've got any gold.

We ran with no breakdowns.

Now I want to see
what's in that sluice box.

Shut it off.

What the heck?

Look at that, guys.

[ Laughs ]

I got gold here...

Seeing gold, boys!

Four, five,
six ounces in here.

Oh, my gosh.
What a boost.

We ran 400 yards.

And we see this much gold,
we are definitely in business.

I'll tell you what,
I never thought

I'd be so happy
to see four or five ounces.

This is amazing.

todd needs over 500 ounces
to clear his debt this season.

At over two ounces an hour,
worth around $2,500,

He stands a fighting chance
of breaking even

Before the rocky mountain snow
freezes the mountain.

That gives us hope, freddy.
Thank you.

You're a hell
of a friend, man.


Let's make all that money
back we lost this summer

And kick some ass.

Give 'er heck, todd.

We're back in business.

on the next "gold rush"...

I think you better get
the [bleep] going here

'Cause it's not looking good.

There's nothing
to even say about this

Because of how big
a [bleep]-up it is.

The dredge is dead
in the water.

Yeah, I promised you
your own wash plant.

So here you go.
We're relying on you.


Kevin: it's leaking.
Go turn the pump off.

I don't know
what we're gonna

What do you think of plan b?

I don't know
what plan b is, todd.

But we need more people.