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06x20 - King of the Klondike

Posted: 01/11/24 14:02
by bunniefuu
I guess we won't learn.
It's snowing.

And here we're takin'
on another big project.

Narrator: On this "gold rush"...

We actually got a pretty
big shot at beatin' todd.

All we gotta do
is divert the creek.

A big, frozen hole.
Can you clear it?

Tony, what's up?

If you don't have the buckets,
then don't run.

Winter's settin' in,
and I got twice the amount

Of pay and half the time
to run it.

Man: Fort knox. It's the biggest
piece of equipment

We've ever moved.

Be careful.

Two plants,
600 yards an hour...

We got double-barrel shotgun
comin' to parker.

This is when a season
is won or lost.

Narrator: At scribner creek,
parker schnabel

Is mining a new section
of the boundary cut,

His richest ground to date.

With just 2 weeks
left in the season,

He has over 2,500 ounces
of gold.

He could still hit
his 3,000-ounce,

$3.3-million gold

If his ground
continues to deliver.

Man: The boundary cut's
been really good.

Gotta get the gold
out of the ground.

We gotta finish strong.

Narrator: Parker and crew are
once again

Ahead of their rival,
todd hoffman.

The competition goin' on

Between us and todd hoffman
is pretty close.

So we're expectin'
this to pay off really big.

And if it does, it's probably
gonna be just what we need.

Ah, come on, man.

Gravel that's [bleep] frozen.

Basically a big, frozen hole.

[bleep] thaw [bleep].

When teeth are breakin'
off the bucket, we got problems.

Too [bleep] hard.
It's rippin' the bucket apart.

I'm gonna have
to talk to parker.

Narrator: Just a week ago,

This new section
of the boundary cut

Produced a monster
388 ounces of gold

Worth well over $400,000.

So what do you wanna look at?

This hole here.
This is frozen.

[ bleep ]

Forty feet that way, it's frost.

How much thawed dirt you
think we have?

If we run another week,
we'll be lucky, huh?


Earlier, in the summer,

Frozen pay gravels
quickly thawed out.

But now, in late September,
with less sunlight

And temperatures
dropping below freezing,

Frozen ground
has no chance to thaw.

If parker can't
find thawed ground,

His season is over.

I wanna show you something.

Rick comes up with a plan,

But it's a long shot.

You know, treasure island
was right there.

Boundary cut's right here.
Both amazing ground.

And right through the middle
of it, we've got a big, ol',

Thawed creek bed.

And there's, uh,
zero chance of it bein' frozen.

All we gotta do
is divert the creek.

It's not that simple.


In our water license,
they lay out how to do it.

And it's pretty strict,
you know,

As far as building
a stream bed.

It would have to be constructed

Like it's been a creek bed
for the last 30 years...

With fish habitat features.

We need to take it seriously,
you know?

We -- we have to do it right.

Like, if we screw up, I mean,

They could take
our water license.

But it's got
no overburden on it.

And it's thawed.

Could be somethin' special.

I mean, it's doable.

And we've actually got a pretty
big shot at beatin' todd too.

Yeah, man.
Then let's do it.


Narrator: The plan -- construct
a 120-foot-wide channel

To divert dominion creek west
into neighboring sulphur creek,

Exposing 1,800 feet of thawed,

Gold-rich gravel in the riverbed

Between their two best cuts,

Treasure island
and the boundary cut.

And we still got gold to find.

So if this is what it's gonna
take to do that,

Then we gotta do it.

It's all or nothin' right now.

We're runnin' monster red
pretty much

24/7 to get rid
of this pile of pay.

We gotta get this pay run.

Todd hoffman and crew

Have mined 2,376 ounces
of gold,

Worth over $2.6 million,

324 ounces short

Of their 2,700-ounce
season goal.

Man: If we get all this gold
sluiced off this hill,

There's even a chance
we can beat parker.

Todd is just 215 ounces

Behind his young rival.

Man: We're callin' this
the $1 million pay pile.

We probably have no
more than 2 weeks left.

And there's a lot of dirt
and a little bit of time.

Narrator: With temperatures
hovering at

The freezing point...

A snow squall
hits the mckinnon creek claim.

Man: Freakin' cold.

I didn't expect this snow.

The way I see it,

We got 2 to 3 weeks
of pay here...

And we don't have
that kind of weather.

Look at this.
Oh, yeah.

Because it gets colder at night,
this will continue to get worse.

When it freezes here,
it freezes.

All that gold's gonna be froze

In this pile right here,
this winter.

I'm runnin' day and night.
We're just balls to the wall.

There's no way to go any faster.

Narrator: The hoffman crew
has barely sluiced half

Of their $1 million pay pile.

They're losing their battle
with the frozen north.

We're not gonna make it.
Wait a minute.

Whoa. Whoa. What do you mean,
"we ain't gonna make it?"

What I'm tellin' ya is,

I don't think we got
time to run this pay.

Normally, I would say,
"you know what,

We gotta jump on next year."

But if we leave this here,
we're never gonna get it.

I don't wanna leave gold here
if we're headin' to oregon.

Do all that work for somebody
else to sluice your gold.

We gotta get this pay.
We cannot leave this pay here.

Don't stop.

Narrator: It'll take the hoffman
crew at least 2 weeks

To sluice
their 70,000-yard pay pile.

But the yukon winter
has come early.

If temperatures
continue to drop,

They'll be forced to leave
behind half a million in dollars

In gold.

Todd has to come up with a way

To get the gold

His crew has worked
for all season.

There's definitely don't
wanna drive outta here

And leave that pay.
There's just no way.

We're gonna get that pay ran,
come hell or high water.

This is the christies'.
This is definitely one

Of the biggest mines
on the indian river.

It's a family operation.

May have the answer
to our problems.


How's it goin', man?
Not bad, todd.


Narrator: Ever since he arrived
in the klondike,

Todd's admired
his neighbor's wash plant.

There it is, todd: Fort knox.

Built out of
150,000 pounds of steel.

It's easy to use.
It's easy to set up.

How many yards an hour?

It'll do up
to 350 yards when we...

Three-hundred and fifty.
Crank it up.

I personally think this is the
best wash plant in the klondike.

It's got things on it

That no other wash plant
in the klondike has.

Narrator: Fort knox features
a pre-wash box

That pumps 4,000 gallons
of water a minute

To blast every grain of gold

Off the rocks.

The concentrate
is then slowed down

By a unique bed of nails

Before it enters a pair
of opposing sluice runs,

Fitted with two boil boxes.

Inside each boil box, water jets

Spin the slurry,
forcing lighter material out,

While allowing large nuggets

And the finest gold to settle.

Usually a neighbor comes over

And borrows sugar
or somethin' like that.

But I'm askin'
to borrow probably

A $1 million wash plant.

Just kinda stay back
and let me talk to her.

Narrator: To rent fort knox,

Todd has to close a deal
with the mine boss,

Tara christie.

Hey, tara.

Hey. How are you?

It's kind of a...

I'm kind of in a pinch.

Is there any chance

That you might be able
to rent me your wash plant?

I don't think
I can help ya, todd.

We were just
packin' up to leave,

So it's, um...

Not great timing for us.


What if I give you guys
a, you know,

A decent cut of the gold?

If I leave that pay
on the hill,

It's not gonna go to you
or me 'cause peter'll take it.

'cause I may not even
be back next year.

I might be in oregon.

So I feel like if I don't
work somethin' out with you,

I'm gonna lose
a half-million dollars.

I can relate to that.

And if you're
not comin' back,

Then I'd probably wanna
get it done too.

I'm willing to --

To stay and --
and help ya out.

It's gonna be a lot of work,
so... Um, yeah.

I guess we better get on it.

Thanks, tara.

We're gonna go for it
like we usually do.

Do we always win at this game?
No, we don't.

But right now,
we're hopin' for a win.


Man: I've never really done
a big creek diversion like this.

You know, for the past 4 years,
all I've done is dig holes,

You know. This is a chance to --
to create somethin'

And make something beautiful.

Narrator: Rick ness starts work
on the diversion channel

To open up 1,800 feet
of thawed gravels

Beneath dominion creek.

The boundary cut
is frozen solid.

Mechanic mitch blaschke
monitors goldzilla

As it chews through the last
of their thawed pay dirt.

It's got a serious problem.

Our shaker keeps,
uh, changin' speed.

It should run at a constant rpm.

Keeps slowin' down
to almost a stop,

And then it ramps back up.


Shut it down!

Might be goldzilla's last shake.

Hey, rick!

We got a serious problem
up here.

We're not runnin'.
For [bleep] sake.

Well, if -- if the thing's not
shakin' right,

There's no point in cropping
this creek diversion.

That's it.
It's the end of the season.

It's just like [bleep]
just run.

Just run for a little bit,
a little longer.

Narrator: Parker arrives
to assess the situation.

We got big problems.

I heard.

I fix heavy equipment.
I'm no electrician.

But it's either
in that switch panel

Or right up there at the motor.

What I'd like to do
is go ahead

And eliminate this
if we can

And just make sure
that it's the motor.

And let's just make sure
that that's it.

Narrator: To limit downtime,
parker wants to hot-wire

The shaker
directly to their generator.

Instead of goin'
from our generator

To our switchgear
to the shaker deck,

We're just goin' direct
to shaker deck to generator.

Right now, we've eliminated
a lot of connections

And a lot of components
in our switchgear.

If we put this all together

And the shaker
runs at low rpm, well,

Then we know that it's our, uh,
motor on the shaker.

If that's the case,
this plant might be done.

We're all wired up.

Now it's time
to see if it works.


Give me a little bit!

Narrator: Mitch slowly cranks
the shaker up to full speed

To test it under load.

Keep goin'!
That's it.

That's what we wanted to see:

Runnin' at a nice, even rpm.

You can see how nice the rock's
comin' off

The end of the shaker deck.

That's exactly what we're
lookin' for right now.

Gotta have it shaking just right
to screen the material

To get that gold
down to our sluice runs.

Narrator: Parker has lost 4
hours of precious running time

To fix the shaker deck.

But his hunch was right.

And goldzilla
is back washing rocks.

Man: Hey, rick.
She's fixed.

We're good to go for
the rest of the season now.

That's more like it.

Narrator: At eureka creek,

With the end
of the season approaching,

Tony beets'
$1 million dredge

Has mined
just 547 ounces of gold,

Worth only $600,000,

Still 355 ounces short
of paying for itself.

Last week, tony changed course,

Turning the dredge
to mine an area

With the best drill holes
on his claim.

But his desperate move
didn't pay off,

Delivering less
than $50,000 worth of gold.

To get back on the gold,

Tony has made
another radical decision.

No, yeah, no sense hammerin'
away with what we were doin'.


Not here just to wash rocks.

Narrator: But the narrow pond

Is barely wider than the dredge,

Making a 180-degree turn
next to impossible.

I'm thinkin', "well,
we can take a step ahead.

Every time we step ahead,
we make a -- another, you know,

20, 30 degrees maneuver
'til we make a 180."

Well, I --
I'm not really sure, tony.

I just --
maybe two days, you know.

Just don't make a quick u-turn.

You gotta step your way
around a corner.

We'll get on it.

Just make a u-turn.
[bleep] buffoon.

Hate this [bleep] stupidity.

Narrator: The plan is to turn
the dredge back

Towards the reliable ground

That's delivered
the best gold this season.

But to turn the dredge
around 180 degrees, gene

Suggested carving out
the right bank

To expand the dredge pond.

To save time, tony

Wants to simply pivot the dredge

On its spud and attempt

To lift the bucket line
over the bank.


There's a hump right under us
right here, so...

I knew this corner
was gonna cause us problems.

Need more room.

So we gotta dig that out.

He's gotta lift the spud up
and then push himself backwards

Enough to dig
out this inside corner here.

Hey, matt!
Let's move back!

Go back that way a little!

Narrator: Gene was right --

There isn't enough room
to swing the dredge around.

The front pontoons
are stuck on the bank.

Now, to complete
the 180 degree turn,

Gene needs to back up,
then lower the buckets

To dig out enough space
to complete the turn.

See? Now he's
pushin' himself back.

Matt, put the spud down there!

Well, we've never done
180-degree turn.

I can't read a book
and figure it out.

I gotta do it.
So I --

I don't think there's too
many dredging manuals out there

To tell you
how to turn a dredge.

Somebody out there will probably
send me one now or somethin'.

The dredge is in position,

Ready to run the bucket
and dig out the bank.

Easy. Easy.

Narrator: Tony beets' dredge
is shut down.

If he doesn't come up
with a fix, and fast,

The unforgiving yukon winter
will close out his season.

What's up?

I only want good news.

You gotta be kiddin' me.


Then we're done.

Well, if you don't have the
buckets, I mean, you don't run.

So you really
do not have a choice.

It's a waste of time.

You too.

Over the last 100 years,

More than 24 dredges

Have mined the valleys
of the yukon.

Thirty miles south
of paradise hill,

There's an abandoned dredge
about the same size as tony's.

To fit tony's dredge,

The buckets have to be
exactly 19 inches across.

Twenty-three inches wide.
That other one's only 19.

They're substantially bigger
than the other dredge's.

Narrator: Tony and gene's
treasure hunt is a bust.

Might as well head back.

Narrator: Back at the dredge,
tony and crew

Have no choice
but to start packing up

For the long yukon winter.

But minnie refused to give up

And went antique hunting
in dawson city.

In the yukon, there's a lot
of people that have buckets.

And they have them
as lawn ornaments.

They put flowers in 'em.
So we kinda lucked out,

You might say.

[ honking ]

Guess what I found you.

Oh, I'm not saying.

And he had flowers
growing in 'em,

So I gave him the flowers back.


Narrator: The first bucket
is a perfect fit.

Narrator: Just one more bucket,
and they're back in business.


Narrator: This bucket has sat
neglected in a garden

For 40 years.

Its pinhole is blocked
by an old, rusted bushing.

Tony's only option: Cut through
the bushing with oxy-acetaline.


Narrator: After a two-day delay,
the dredge buckets

Are once again chewing
through klondike pay dirt.

Minnie: Oh, there we go.

Might as well make
some more money while we can.

Narrator: The dredge
continues its turn back

Towards tony's proven ground.

You're welcome.

We're bankin' on fort knox

Helping us run
this big pile of pay dirt.

It it doesn't work out,
we don't get a second chance.

Narrator: With temperatures
around the freezing point,

Kevin hiatt
continues to feed monster red

From the $1 million pay pile.

Meanwhile, 8 miles west,

At the christies' yard,

The rest of the hoffman crew

Prepares to haul in a second
massive wash plant, fort knox.

You know what, this thing
is 20 feet wide,

30 feet tall, 150,000 pounds.

I guarantee it's
the biggest piece of equipment

We've ever moved ever.

So this is the first time
we're move the plant like this.

We've never moved it
8 miles up the valley by truck.

Biggest thing is we just
gotta keep everything flat goin'

Down the road 'cause
it's very top-heavy.

Fort knox weighs 75 tons.

It's high center of gravity

Means that if it tilts any more
than a few degrees

On the way to mckinnon creek,
it will topple over.

Todd joins sheamus in the cab
of his vintage logging truck.

Dave guides from behind
in the loader.

Hey, uh, dave, you ready?
Ready, todd.

All right.
Let's go.

And hopefully
we don't eff this up.

Narrator: Sheamus has to keep
his $1 million wash plant

Perfectly stable.

Whoa. Really rockin'.

Dave, how we lookin'?

It did slide just a little bit.

Yeah, 10-4.
We'll watch it.

Call it out as you see it.

Narrator: Their only access
to mckinnon creek

Is a twisting 8-mile stretch
of narrow dirt road.

Hey, dave.
We're coming in the s-curves.

Keep your eye out
on these trees for us.

Uh, you're rubbing
this corner pretty tight.


Oh, yeah.
You got that one.

Just doin' a little brush
clearing as we go here.

This last corner here
is kinda tight.

There. You got it.
You got it.

Keep on goin'.
Don't stop.

All right.

You were close there
a couple spots,

But you made it.

There's one final hurdle

As fort knox approaches
the hoffman's claim.

Last real obstacle is this...

Worried about this left side.

Be careful.
Hear that?

It's a hitch.

Narrator: Up ahead, a dangerous,
uneven section of road.

Whoa. What was that?

Look out!

It's gonna flip over.

Narrator: On its way to
mckinnon creek,

The hoffmans' new wash plant,

Fort knox, flirts with disaster.

Look out!

Dave, come up behind us,
we need a push.

All right.
I'm right behind ya.

Say a prayer.
Come on, baby.

Dave steadies the back end

Of the trailer
with his loader bucket,

Keeping fort knox
from toppling over

As it slowly
clears uneven ground.

Keep goin', dave.
I'm keepin' goin'.

Push, push, push, push.
Dave, push.

All right.

Yeah, buddy.
We got it.

[ blowing horn ]

I think we're home free
to the mine.

Monster red, meet fort knox.

There ya go, buddy.

Two plants.

After a nerve-racking journey,

Fort knox is positioned
right next to monster red

To help sluice
a massive mountain of pay dirt.

We gotta get this gold
into our pockets, man.

Tomorrow, 600 yards an hour.

We can be runnin', guys.
All right.

Let's hit it.


This is a pretty big project

To take on this late
in the year,

But you gotta go
where the gold is.

And this is the only place
left that has thawed.

Narrator: For 5 days, they have
dug and fortified

The new 120-foot-wide channel.

Inspectors have given parker
the go-ahead

To divert dominion creek.

I guess we won't learn.
It's snowing.

And here we're takin'
on another big project.

I really appreciate the effort
that you've put into this.

It looks beautiful.
So let's get to it.

What needs to get done?

Maybe you can scoop up
some of these big boulders

At the arm of the bank
like you wanted to do.

And when we take out
this last berm here,

It should all flow nice
and gently through here

And join up
with sulphur down there.

Bingo, bango.

All right, let's do it.
Let's do it.

We're just tryin' to make sure
that we do things right here,

You know.

I want to have
a future up here,

And that means
doing things the right way.

You gotta dig up
a lot of ground to get gold.

But that doesn't mean we gotta
leave it, you know, a mess.

So we put a lot
of effort into it.

We did it right.
And hopefully net us

A bunch of gold.

Just about ready to pop
the cork on this baby.

All right.
You can let her fly.

All right, guys.
This is it.

It's gonna start flowin'
in nice and easy,

Just like we wanted.

Seems to be runnin' really slow.

It ain't runnin' right.

What the [bleep]...

The water, and it's not quite
flowing like it should, but...

What do you think's going on?

I don't know, man, something's
goin' on with the water level.

I gotta dig it down deeper.

You do that and we'll have
to re-grade the whole channel.

Well, that's gonna
take another week.

What other choice do we got?
The water's not flowin'.

Well, maybe there's something
weird goin' on upstream.

I'm gonna roll up there
and check it out.

Hopefully this is a quick fix
and we get it all, uh,

Goin' the right way here.

Well, there's our problem.

Hey, parker.
We got an ice dam.

Can you clear it?
Oh, hell yeah.

Woo. [bleep] you, winter.

All clear, buddy.
How's she lookin'?

All right,
it's flowin' again.

Right on, man.

Narrator: By breaking the ice
dam, rick opens up the channel.

Dominion creek
finally flows into sulphur.

Good job, man.
Thanks, buddy.

Looks good.
Hell yeah, it looks good.

Nice and wide
like we were looking for.

It looks amazing.

Give it a day to settle down,

And it'll look
like it never happened.

And now we've got a nice,
dry creekbed right behind us.

Yeah, baby.

Parker's creek diversion

Has opened up 1,800 feet
of thawed creek gravels.

His dream of a 3,000-ounce
season is still alive.

Now there just needs to be
some gold in here.


Narrator: At paradise hill,
the dredge crew

Gathers for
their weekly gold weigh.

Hey, guys.
Hey, mother.

Narrator: Last week, chasing
good drill holes,

They mined
just 43 ounces of gold.

This week, they lost 3 days

To a complicated turn
and broken buckets.

Minnie: The run was a little
shorter this time so...

Monica: Five.

Narrator: This gold represents
3 days worth of running.




It's better than last time.

62.32 -- that's pretty good.

Yeah, it is.

Narrator: Sixty-two ounces,
worth almost $70,000

From only 3 days of running.

Narrator: The dredge is back on
the gold.

We're about back on track to
what we should be doin', so...

Narrator: To pay for
his $1 million dredge,

Tony still has to find
300 ounces of gold.

But the yukon winter
is already knocking on the door.

Parker: I feel proud of
what we've done here.

Narrator: At scribner creek,
parker takes a moment

To appreciate his team's
careful land management

And wilderness reclamation.

It's an area
that we've mined and reclaimed.

We spent a lot of time
building a whole new creekbed

And putting
in fish structures and --

And building the banks right
and all the slopes right.

And it's a complicated thing.

And it looks good.

Not only does it look good,
but it's a good habitat too.

You know, we've done a good job
of -- of puttin' things

The way they should be.

You're welcome, otters!

They love it here.

Hey, guys.
Come on over.

Narrator: After a week sluicing

The last of the thawed pay dirt
from the boundary cut,

Parker has the results
of the cleanup.

That's a big jar.

This season, I started off --

I didn't really
have a goal, you know?

My goal was to get up here
and go gold mining.

But we set
that 3,000-ounce goal,

And that was a big ask.

And you guys have taken that on.

And we're all in this together,

Whether we hit our goal or not.

I mean, goin'
into this cleanup

We are at 2,591.

And with this, how full is it?

Narrator: To hit their
3,000-ounce gold,

Parker still needs
another 409 ounces.


416 ounces --
we're at 3,007.

There it goes!

Narrator: Despite a rocky start,

Parker's crew
of young g*ns

Has beaten their season goal.

Parker has hit
his biggest gold total ever:

3,007 ounces,

Worth a phenomenal $3.3 million.

We busted our asses
and it paid off.

That's one hell
of an achievement right there.

The job's done.

But, you know, for me,
the job's never done.

Todd and company, you know,
he's got a bit ol' plant.

And, uh, I don't know
if that's gonna do it.

I don't know if 3,000 ounces --

I don't know
if that's gonna do it.

You know, there is time
to sluice a little bit longer.

I've gotta stay, and I've gotta
see what's under that creekbed.

If you wanna leave, you're more
than welcome to leave.

And every one of you guys has
put in more than a full season.

But if the weather will let
us have a few more days,

Then we're gonna go for it.

Who's with me?

I don't know about goldzilla.

We pushed that plant
pretty hard.

I don't know how many
more days it's got left in it.

It's a good point.

You might as well just,
like, call it good

And take it for a good season
and start puttin' stuff away.

We've reached our goal,
and I'd rather go now.

Know when to quit.
It's time to go, guys.

Let's wrap up, call 'er a year.

Hey, uh, jack to crew.

Yeah, dad?

I've got something
to show you guys,

And I'd like you to come
to the gold room.


After a week of running,

Jack gathers the hoffman crew
for the gold weigh.

This season, they've
mined 2,376 ounces of gold.

That's a pile, dad.

How much is here?

I don't know.
I haven't weighed it yet.

Narrator: To reach their
2,700 ounce goal,

They still need
another 324 ounces.

Moment of truth, guys.



Two twenty-five.

A hundred and eighty.

Two hundred.

Two seventy-five.

Three hundred.

Three twenty.

334.45 ounces.



Narrator: 334 ounces,
over $360,000,

Is the biggest cleanup
of their lives.

So that takes us
to 2,710 ounces.


We did it!

We doubled last year.

Come on, buddy!
We hit our goal.

The hoffman crew has hit a goal

That once seemed impossible.

With 2,710 ounces of gold,

Worth nearly $3 million,

They've doubled their gold total
from last season.

And as long
as the big freeze holds off,

Todd and crew can run the rest
of their $1 million pay pile

Through not one,

But two monster wash plants.

Todd: This is our season.

Two plants, 600 yards an hour.

We got double-barrel shotgun
coming at parker.

Narrator: On the season finale
of "gold rush"...

Fire it up!
First bucket, dave.


We got double the trouble now.

We got a block up on
the main feed right there.

Shut this [bleep] thing off!
Hurry up!

You've gotta be kidding me!

We're gonna beat the kid
this year, plain and simple.


Freezin' up.

Time to get outta here.


Are we caught
on the bank or somethin'?

[bleep] dredge.

This is our best cleanup
in a single week by far.

Slowin' down already.


Nothin' can be [bleep] easy.

Wonder if all this snow
on the ground's

to tell us somethin'.

Grandpa rides in style now.


Do you know what hoffman
ended up at?

I do.