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04x12 - Farewell Daddy Blues

Posted: 11/26/13 22:44
by bunniefuu
You are Mr White's child and you're to be married, are you not?

Not as at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Why must it be the daughters who suffer?

What you told me.

Never trust no buckras, no matter what.

No browns neither.

You was right on both counts.

There's a skunk in your cellar.

A certain individual I am uniquely qualified to provide.

Tell me a name, Means.

Joe Masseria, Meyer Lansky, Luciano, Charlie-- and the one in Florida.

I need them all in a room, Eli, making plans to operate in collusion across state lines.

That insurance salesman sure had your number. Real blue-eyed baby face.

All he wants to do is sell you the most expensive--

June, just shut your g*dd*mn trap for once.


It wasn't my son who d*ed here.

It was an innocent boy.

His name was Roger.

You get that?

I did.

I'm with the Pinkerton Detective Agency.

These men are my associates and a witness your confession to first-degree m*rder.

I know you like to relax.

I've been meaning to talk to you about expanding my role when you retire.

You wouldn't squeeze me out of my own operation?

Get down!

Lucky for Johnny, he left when he did, huh?

What's on your mind?

I want out.

( seagull calling )

( thunder rumbling )

( bell buoy ringing )

( thunder rumbling )

( knocking )

Sally over phone: I think you're lying to me.

Nucky: That's a hell of a thing to say.

Sally: Prove you're not.

I'm waiting.

Nucky: Me llamo Enoch.

( Sally laughs )

De los Estados Unidos soy hombre de negocios cansado.

( Sally chuckles ) You're a tired businessman?

Nucky: Is that what I said? I meant retired.

Sally: Otra almohada debajo de los tobillos, cariño.

Y apurate.

Nucky: I give up.

Sally: Another pillow under my ankles, honey.

And make it quick.

I think I'll let you do the talking down there.

What do you plan to do all day?

After today I'm not making plans.

What's your plan today?

The last business I need to do.

You know, sitting around quietly isn't all it's cracked up to be.



Sally: I said, sitting by yourself--

I'm on the phone, God damn it.

So am I, Sparky.

I'm sorry, it's just that...

Sally: Hola, Señor Negocios.

Look, I like a man of few words, but--

Let me call you back.

Facedown on the floor.

Chalky, I-- I looked all over for you.

You find me.

Whatever you think--

Here it come now.

I had nothing--

Who sitting in my club?

You have to understand--

Answer the question.


And who you cutting deals with?

Say it.


Mm, mm, mm.

So he your n*gg*r now, that right?

Not right.

So you his n*gg*r.

I think I like that better.

It's not what you think. I tried to stop it. I didn't know--

What I don't want to hear from you-- words.

Outside my house last night, family inside and I can't even go in.

Wearing another man's clothes.

Standing here with my friend.

You have to trust me. I promise--

I don't have to do nothing you ask, nohow, nowhere.

Then what is it you want?


You've got to believe me, Chalky.

We want the same thing.

Oh, I know you want it now.

Your regular team plus eight additional agents?

These men are dangerous.

How many are there?

Four, counting Thompson.

Each with an armed guard, most likely more than one.

You've actually pulled this off?

You seem surprised, Edgar.

Organized crime?

I'm merely exhibiting a healthy skepticism.

Is that what it is?

What are you implying?

That ever since the first week of law school, you've been rooting for me to fail.


The US Attorney has arrived.

Marcus Garvey.

They're ruling on his appeal within the month.

Congratulations, Edgar.

Well, we're not popping the corks just yet.

Eight additional agents.

Say, Jim.

I think it's time, considering the respect the position deserves, you begin referring to me as Director Hoover.

Prosecutor: And when you heard these cries for help, what did you do?

Richard: I went down--

I'm sorry, sir, I do need you to speak up.

I went down the hall into the bathroom.

And at what time did you form the opinion that the body was not that of James Darmody?

Not an opinion.

Prosecutor: I beg your pardon?

Richard: It was not an opinion.

I fought beside him.

You don't forget that.


Thank you, Mr. Harrow. No further questions.

I, uh... begging the pardon of the court, I only received the particulars of this case last--

I notice you're wearing glasses, Mr. Harold-- Harrow.

Are they for cosmetic purposes?


Are they for reasons of vanity or do you need them to see?

They keep...

Your Honor, what's the point of a hearing if the witness--

Sir, I remind you to speak as loudly as you're able.

They keep my face on.

( crowd murmurs )

Yes, all right.

So are we to believe that the vision of your remaining eye...

Badgering, Your Honor. more reliable than that of Mr. Darmody's own mother?

I know what happened.

I know what I saw.

I know.

Your Honor, a duly certified death record has already--

A jerry-rigged death record, Your Honor.

Drake: And surely my client's veracity as to the identity of her own child...

There's no body.

The exact point that we're debating.

...should carry more weight...

There's no body.

...than the grief of this aggrieved-- bereaved--

We have a confession.

There's no body.

I have to insist for your own defense, please--

There's no body.

Judge: Mr. Drake, keep your client in check or I'll have her removed.

It was my son. It doesn't matter what I said.

There's no one there.

I was in love. I was tricked.

How can that be right?

( reporters clamoring )

Reporter: Hello. Excuse me!

Gillian: I'm not allowed to speak. I'm not allowed to live.

Reporter 2: Get on the wire.

Why does a man get to do anything he wants?

Man: That a girl!

( applause )

Man 2: She's off! Where's the body?

( gavel bangs )

( clamor continues )

( gavel bangs )

Knox: The idea is to get them talking-- alcohol importation, heroin, what have you.

Selby: Maybe they're planning something, a heist perhaps.

Knox: Conspiring with one another.

We're over here, Eli.

Agent Selby and our other operatives will be stationed in the next room listening in.

When you hear the radio go on, that's your signal.

My signal for what?

To excuse yourself, go to the washroom.

Things could get a little messy.

Knox: All you have to do is remain calm.

Neither Nucky nor the others will ever know you were involved.

You have a brother, Knox?

Or whatever the f*ck your name is.

A family?

That's none of your business.

f*ck you.

And you, too, you smug son of a bitch.

I have a brother named Claude.

He's an admiralty lawyer in Washington.

You ever f*ck Claude over?

He's not a criminal, Eli.

And you're doing this for your son.

I need a guarantee.

There are no guaran--

I'm not talking to you.

We pull this off, my son stays out of it.

All that other sh*t, this malarkey with him and the roommate, that all goes away.

We both have a lot riding on--

I don't even think it's true, by the way.

Get them in this room, your brother, Masseria and the others, and Will has nothing to worry about.


Do me a favor.

Stop talking like you know him.

Al: I mean, the balls, right?

Took them all the way to Cicero, building right across the street.

They had to know you were here, Al.

In advance.

The phone call.

Now, how did he get the number anyway?

That Jew prick Hymie Weiss.

Actually, he's Catholic.



His name. He changed it to Weiss.

Sit down.

Have a drink.

I don't drink, sir.

Then start.

So was it Weiss that done the sh**ting or not?

As you said, whoever it was felt comfortable enough to venture into your territory.

( sniffles )

Torrio: What's this?

A board meeting?

Talking about the sh**ting.

Thank God for them shutters.

So what do you think, John?

Weiss with Bugs Moran and the other one...

Schemer Drucci.

You think so?

Torrio: Sure.

After the O'Banion thing, who else could it be?

( sniffles ) Yeah, I'm sure you're right.

All right, Jimmy, get this thing the f*ck out of here.

You're k*lling me. Come on.

Before you ask, it's light.

I already know that.

This whole situation, your friend there, the doctor.


It ain't making things easier, that's for sure.

Five trucks full of scotch turned away from the Northside.

I mean, he must be getting his liquor trucked down from New York.

All of which answers the question why the envelope is short.

I said I already know, Mickey.

All right. I just thought you deserved an explanation.

So what's the plan?

With what?

This Bible-thumping co*n.

I mean, how much more of his bullshit are we gonna take?

It's being handled, Eli.


I don't know.

And nothing from Chalky?

The meeting. Are we set?

Tomorrow night, the Blenheim.

Masseria, Lansky, and Petrucelli.

Make sure they--

Mr. Thompson.

I looked for you in the Onyx Club.

Not the safest place for me these days.

I need to ask you a favor.

I already gave you a job, Mr. Harrow.

Give us a minute.

Jimmy Darmody.

What about him?

I need to know where he is.

He was cremated after overdosing in his mother's tub.

You and I both know that isn't true.

I only know what I read in the papers.

Then you've read Gillian Darmody has been arrested for m*rder.

But that's ludicrous.

It was James who d*ed in that tub.

If they believe that, she'll go free.

And she'll come back for the boy to spite me.

After all of this, my wife and I... could not bear that.

If somehow an anonymous source were to disclose to the authorities the whereabouts of Jimmy's body... what would you do for that anonymous source?

I would do whatever you asked.

( thunder rumbles )

( chatter )

Nice and orderly, guys.

All right, all right.

Let the doctor through.

Stand back, boys. A little dignity.

Get a picture.

Come on, get back.

Hey, don't push.

Is it Darmody?

Six screws in the right femur.

It's him. It's Darmody.

Fellas, please, stand back.

If that's Darmody, then who's the other one?

( reporters clamoring )

Hey, get it back!

Take it easy!

Call it in for the afternoon edition.

( clamoring continues )

( engines starting )

Well, guess I'll kick things off and--


Yeah, Nuck?

Get the f*ck out of here.

It's my office.

I'll change that if it's the last thing I do.

I just did what I had to.

You of all people--

It would be best to leave us be.

You've seen him.

I didn't say that.

You've heard from him.

Either you have or you have not.

If you have not, then my time--

He wants this to end.

Endings have been attempted, have they not?

On all sides.

This is a question of family.

His daughter's getting married. He wants to be there.

He's looking for safe passage in and out.

In exchange for what?

I'm just the middleman here.

I thought you were friends.

I don't have friends. I have partners.

You tried to save his life.

I bet on a horse to win. He didn't even place.

Today is a different day.

On whom will you wager tomorrow?

Let's get something straight, all right?

Your beliefs, your tragic history, I don't give a rat's ass about any of it.

The only thing your people and mine have in common-- we both know what a dollar's worth.

And if we can't make it one way, we'll make it another.

I have a lot at stake in this town.

Try to take it from me, we have a problem.

The club, the Northside, I don't care which of you coloreds runs them, as long as they're run.

The percentage, your new pal the mayor, we'll discuss those later.

This just needs to be over.

Over how?

That's for you to arrange.

I urge you to be explicit.

I don't ever want to worry about that spook coming at me in the dark again.

Do we understand each other?

We do.

At long last.

Then I'll let Chalky know you're willing to talk.

Something he wanted me to tell you.

Said you'd be interested.


That singer.

He says he knows where she is.

And be sure to pick up the artichokes.

They're 22 cents a pound.

So? Aspetta.

I'm not paying that.

What, are we paupers? I want artichokes, for God's sake.

Maladetta funga.

I just sprayed all this.

( opera playing )

( car horn honking )

( screaming )

( g*n clicking )

( screaming )

( crying )

Go ahead. Speak in a normal tone.

Test, test. Alpha, beta, gamma.

Test, test.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Test, test. One, two.

( static buzzing )

One, two, three, four, five.

Panama. Test, test.

On the shores of Gitche Gumee, on the shining...

I want four agents in the lobby, two at either end of the hall.

That seems excessive.

I didn't ask how it seems.

Check those magazines, gentlemen.

We can't afford any misfires.



Can you hear him or not?

For the most part.

What does that mean?

I can make out most--

Yes or no?

Relax, Jim. It'll be all right.

This is only my career, Harold.

I'll relax when it's over.

Sid: Right.


Mr. White will be there.

Narcisse's man, he'll be at the club by 9:00.

( sighs )

( musical saw vibrating )

( phone ringing )

Brian: Vroom vroom! Beep beep!

( chatter )

( car noises continue )

Patrick: Pop.

Pop, it's Uncle Nucky.

Cut the racket, huh?


Nucky: The meeting, I want you to pick me up.

We'll drive over together.

Easier just to meet there, no?

We should walk in together, present a united front.

I'm on your way anyway.

Sure thing.

I'll see you in a little while.

That Uncle Nucky?

What? Yeah.

What'd he want?

What'd he want?

How's that your concern?

It's not. I just--

I'm curious, that's all.

Tell your mother I'll be late.

Announcer: All aboard the Camden Line for Philadelphia.

Connecting with the North Shore Line...

Two sleepers with extra vouchers for the dining car.

Tommy and I can double up.

Your brother-in-law, this Hubert, he got the message?

He'll be there 90 minutes early.

Hey, make sure you count how many cows you see.

I want a full report.



I love you.

Come on, sport. Let's get some Chuckles for the road.

What was that? Good-bye?


Promise me you're coming.

Because I've never even spoken to your sister and it will be pretty g*dd*mn awkward if you don't show--

I will see you in three days.

Or I will hunt you down and drag you to Wisconsin.

I promise.
( bell buoy ringing )



Put that away before someone gets hurt.

The f*ck's going on? Where is everyone?

Closing the place up.

What for?

Would you put that away, please?

I'm leaving town.

Heading to Cuba with Sally.


As soon as I finish what I need to do.

When were you gonna tell me?

I intended to tell you now.

We have a meeting.

Masseria is--

There is no meeting.

I saw to that.

There are names on a hotel register with three empty rooms.

And you and me.

( footsteps approaching )

Nucky, I--

Nucky, I what?

Nucky, I made a mistake?

Nucky, I'm sorry?

What's it matter what I say?

You have a lot to lose.

Me? I don't have anything.

Sooner or later you wind up taking it all.

Can't help it.

I'm ready.

Are you?

It's what you deserve.


Back off!

That's my son!

What are you doing?


He's gonna k*ll you.

No, he's not.

He's-- he's not.


You tell him.

Tell him what's going on.


You had it right. He's no Prohee.

The kid at school, that m*rder charge you had the DA squash, he knows.

He knows.

He wants you and New York and Florida all together all at once.

That's the price to keep him out of jail.

Pop, I--

So you go to him?

Over your father?

I'm the one who can fix it.

He was supposed to amount to something.

He's still going to.

What? A man in an empty hotel pointing a g*n at his brother?

I did it for the family.

You don't have a family.

I do.

Now you want that, too.

Nothing will fill that hole you got inside.

Don't you know that yet?

This is your mess, Eli.

Drown in it.

( door closes )

They're not coming.

You don't know that.

You've been duped, Jim. Let's face it.

You'd love that, wouldn't you?


That would make your entire day.

Give us a minute, will you?

You're upset. I understand.



Just calm down.

You think I don't know? You, Hoover and the others, what a joke this has all been?

Jim, I--

You were never on board, never for a second.

I have put everything on the line!

I think you should give me your sidearm.


You are not keeping on an even keel.

You want my g*n, Harold?

Why don't you take it?

( siren wailing )

( man moaning )

He's asking for you.

You awake?

How you feeling?

I'm okay.

I've never heard you say that before.


Well, relax and enjoy it.

( coughing )

We got round-the-clock guards, nurses, too.

You'll be out of here in no time.

And then we'll get them sons of b*tches.

This is a young man's game.

I'm not gonna fight.

You're gonna let them get away with it?

It's yours, Al.

Take it.

What? Take what?

The whole operation.

Jesus, Johnny. Are you sure?

You win, kid.

I'm out of your way.

It's Europe for me.

What is going on?

Where's Will?


Is he here or not?

You need to be honest with me.

Eli. Did you forget we had an appointment?

( girl crying )


Give me a second.

I need to speak with this man.

He does, ma'am.

Please, I need--

Where is Willie?

That's an excellent question, actually.

Mom, Anne is crying.

Just one second.

Go back upstairs.


Will someone please tell me what is going on?

Now, God damn it. Go upstairs.

Look, my brother knows--

What did I tell you would happen, Eli?

Will you just hear me out?

I'm through talking.

I'm trying to explain to you.

Your son is going to jail.

There was this boy a while back.

Ellis something.

About your own son's age.

A real Boy Scout type.

I arrested him on a stolen vehicles charge.

He got four years in the federal lockup.

Last I heard, he was very popular with the other inmates.

I will f*cking k*ll you, you son of a--

Are you threatening a federal agent?

Give me your wrist.

My partner, Agent Selby, he thinks I'm crazy.

Do you think I'm crazy, Eli?

It's okay, you can say it.

I don't know what you are.

I'll tell you what I am.

I'm the man who's gonna--

f*cking k*ll you!

( both grunting )

( groans )

( both straining )

( screams )

Anne: Mama!

( girls crying )

Eli! Eli!

Oh, my God!

( girls screaming )

( screaming continues )

June: Stay up there! I'm coming up.

Edith: Dad! Dad!

Girls: Dad! Daddy!

( door slams )

( grunting )

My son!

My f*cking son!

( choking )

( grunting )

( panting )

Girl: Daddy!

( girls crying )

Girls: Daddy! Daddy!

( music playing )

What you want us to do?

Stay right here and don't raise no fuss.

Don't like it.

Ain't meant to be liked.

Tell me your terms.

You get everything.

I already have that.

Then why we talking?

I want and you want.

Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, Egypt had its pharaohs and the emperors ruled from Rome...

Where is she?

Where she is and you ain't.

Your daughter's wedding. Safe passage.

That right.

Then what?

Matter to you so long as I'm gone?

A daughter for a daughter.

That woman ain't your blood.

How could you possibly understand?

I understand I rock her fine.

That was some sweet jelly.


Now her face ain't right and I don't need to be looking at that no more.

Behold the noble savage.

That me.

Bankroll in the one pocket, p*stol in the other.

And all the rest...

I never did give a f*ck.

We see each other now?

You know what your friend Mr. Thompson asked me to do?

Kick a b*llet in my head.

But that ain't gonna happen here.

We civilized.

( chuckles )

None of you will make it past the alley.

Then you ain't never gonna see her again.

Baby you save from that half and half choke her mama.

They ever catch that man?

Tell me where she is.

My girl wedding.

There is no wedding.

What you know about it?

I know what Maybelle told me.

But hear it from her yourself.

A nod from me and she's gone.

I'd say that makes us even.

( music playing )

♪ Oh, I wish that I could shimmy like my sister Kate ♪
♪ Shimmy like the jelly on a plate ♪
♪ My mama wanted to know last night ♪
♪ Says, "Why the boys think Kate's so nice?" ♪

Tell me!

♪ All the boys in my neighborhood ♪
♪ Knows she can shimmy and it's understood ♪
♪ I know it's late, but I'll be up to date ♪
♪ When I shimmy like my sister Kate ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, shimmy like my sister Kate... ♪

( scatting )

Tell me.

( silenced g*nsh*t )

Maybelle, baby?

Baby girl.

( screams )

He's up there!

( g*nshots )

( women screaming )

Man: Let's go, Timmy!


We got to go.

I ain't leaving her.

We got to leave here now. Come on, let's go!

We got to go!

Maybelle! Maybelle! God, my baby!

Nobody move. Bureau of Investigation.

We're looking for Eli Thompson.

( g*nshots )

( people screaming )

Go, go, go.


There on the right.

Go. Go on, go.

Woman: Stop! Now what?

Woman 2: I don't know! I don't know where to go.

( clamoring and crying )

What are we supposed to do?

Everybody's gone and run out the front door.

Out of the way, folks.

Let's go, people.

Move it, fellas.

Scoot back.

Okay, over here.

Excuse me.

Back, back, back.


Hey, get off.

( clamoring )

( siren wailing )

Agent: Let us through!

Woman: Yeah, take them away!

( whistle blowing )

( bell dings )

( music playing )

( whistle blowing )

( siren continues )

( chatter and laughter )

( barker shouting )

Selby: Enoch Thompson?


I need you to come with me, sir.

Am I under arrest?

You will be if you don't comply.

What is it you want, Officer?

The whereabouts of your brother.

Are you going to charge him with cancelling a meeting?

No, with the m*rder of a federal agent.

You entered this country through the Port of New Orleans in 1898, is that correct?

I beg your pardon?

Is that correct?

Who are you?

The one asking questions.

1898, yes.

26 years in the United States... but you're not a citizen.

And that is grounds for detaining me how?

Why would you go on living in a country you don't wish to belong to?

The exile does not choose his Babylon.

Your, um, compatriot Garvey.

He thinks you should all return to Africa.

( chuckles )

That would be an oversimplification of his philosophy.

What am I missing?

I doubt that I could make you to understand.

You seem to be a clever fellow.

Who do you think gets to decide what the truth is?

Truth is what those in power wish it to be.

During the course of investigating the seditious activities of Marcus Garvey, James M. Tolliver, a special agent with the Bureau of Investigation, was m*rder*d in Atlantic City, New Jersey, by an unidentified colored male.

Dr. Valentin Narcisse assisted the Bureau in apprehending the suspect.

He further agreed in a private conversation with Director Hoover to provide ongoing secret intelligence regarding Mr. Garvey with particular concern to his radical agenda and his ties to foreign powers.

Why would he do that?

To demonstrate his commitment to the values of his adopted land.

Brother Garvey is a hero devoted to the liberation of a great people.

But you are not.

You are just a peddler and a pimp sitting in a jail cell.

I am a businessman and a follower of Christ.

You agree to cooperate, you can go on pretending to be anything you want.

You don't, and I will make sure you never see daylight in America again.

( mutters )

I cannot hear you.

I said yes.

Yes, what?

Yes... sir.

( engine idling )

That's everything Ma asked for.

Tom can run it up to Brigantine later.

Unless you want to do it.

I'm gonna stay in town for a little.

Not trying to tell you--

Uncle Nucky, can we just--

But they're counting on you-- your mother, brothers and sisters.

You're in charge now.

You understand?

I'll drive up tonight.

That's the right decision.

What am I supposed to tell them?

That your father is safe with friends out west.

It's best they don't know where.

It's hard on everyone, but that's how it has to be.

Is he?

Is he what?


Speak your mind, Will.

If I hadn't shown up, what would you have done?

He's your father, my brother.

And I'm not the person you think I am.

Come by the Albatross later.

We'll both head up.

That way, all of us can be together, all right?

It gets easier. You'll see.

( music playing )

Daughter: ♪ I'm wild about my daddy

♪ I want him all the time ♪
♪ Wild about my daddy

♪ I want him all the time ♪
♪ But I don't want you, daddy ♪
♪ If I can't call you mine ♪
♪ Got the farewell bluesy

♪ And my trunk is packed

♪ Got the farewell bluesy

♪ And my trunk is packed

♪ But I don't want no daddy ♪
♪ Because I ain't coming back... ♪

Welcome to our apartments. ( laughing )

Thank you.

♪ Oh, fare you well, daddy ♪
♪ Oh, hon, it's your turn now ♪
♪ Fare you well, daddy

♪ Hon, it's your turn now ♪
♪ After all I've done

♪ You mistreated me anyhow ♪
♪ Since my man left me

♪ The others can't be found ♪
♪ Since my man left me

♪ Others can't be found

♪ But before he left me

♪ The other men was hanging around ♪

♪ So fare you well, daddy ♪
♪ Someday you'll hear bad news ♪
♪ Fare you well, daddy

♪ Someday you'll hear bad news ♪

♪ When you look for your mama ♪

♪ She's gone with the farewell blues. ♪

( cheering and applause )

( train rattling )

( train whistle blows )

( distant train horn blowing )

( birds chirping )

( waves crashing )