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01x10 - Descent

Posted: 03/18/14 13:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Bitten"...

Dennis Stillwell is dead.

What about Joey?

There was only one body.

I'll be honest with you, Victor, I hate the thought of letting you out.

He had a coop in his backyard where he raised rabbits.

He used the rabbits as a lure, and the coop as something else.

What I do care about is payback.

Which one?

Elena Michaels.

Philip: Where did you find this?

One of the board members found it on the internet.

It's a gift.

That's so sweet! Who's it from?

You didn't tell anyone?

That's our family at Bear Valley.

Who's that?

That's our cousin Clay.



Clay: I thought I'd lost you today.

But you're safe, here with me.

I have a photography show.

My big debut, I have to be there.

Jeremy: I want to send Clay back with you.

I don't want Clay in Toronto and you know why.

( ♪ )

Sending me to Toronto with you was all Jeremy.

I had nothing to do with it.

You could offer to stay.

You know I can't do that, darlin'.

Jeremy's right. It isn't safe for you to go alone.


But I want to be clear about how we're going to do this.

We go, we collect Logan, we come back.

I mean this.

Look, I have an art opening, it's my first solo exhibit and... it's my first chance to make a mark.

Even more reason for me to go with you.

Then I want to come clean with you.

About last night?

About everything.

Last night, I was feeling vulnerable and I needed to feel safe again, and... in that moment, I did.

You're always safe with me.

I'm not, and you know that.

For some reason, Jeremy thinks otherwise.

And I can't let you go into Toronto without knowing the truth.

Right. The guy who sends you lilacs.

What's his name?


How long have you been with him?

Six months.

You know, it's one thing for Jeremy to say that you should stay with me, but you can't.

I live with Philip.

Last night wasn't a mistake for me.

But I promise, I'm done hurting you.

We go to Toronto, I won't do anything to undermine your life there.

And that?

Thank you.

(Panicked panting)

(Phone ringing)

(Clears throat)


It's Joey.

Thank god, I thought you were dead.

The Mutts, they had me.

Cain, Santos, Marsten.

I escaped, I need you to help me, please.

Nicky, they k*lled my dad.

I know, Joey, I'm sorry. Tell me where you are.

Some factory, Highway 46.

Mile marker 7.

Okay, okay. Stay put.

I'm coming to get you, buddy.

( ♪ )

Logan: I know I owe you guys an explanation.

We've been sent to bring you back.

Jeremy's worried about you.

So are we. What's going on?

Yeah. H... how's Nick holding up?

He's holding.

You should've been there.

I know.

It's just that, uh...

Rachel's pregnant.

It's a boy.

A werewolf.

One of us.

Okay. Um...

So that's why you've been avoiding Jeremy.

I'm avoiding Pack Law. You know, the one that says I'm supposed to steal my newborn son from his mother and raise him as one of us?

Yesterday, I got this.

Thing is, no one knows we're pregnant, let alone that it's a boy.

It's got to be Santos.

He's been tracking our every move.

Jeremy needs to know about this. All of it.

Trust me, I know.

I've been trying to figure out how to explain this to him.

I was going to tell him about the gift, but I was afraid he was going to order me home.

And I'm not going to leave Rachel alone.

It's not like I can take her to Stonehaven.

I know I'm the last person you'd expect to hear this from, but you should talk to him.

The Pack has been through a lot, and he needs you.

And whether you realize it or not, you need him too.

Especially if the Mutts are behind this.

You need the support and protection of the Pack.

( ♪ )

Well, look at you... all grown up.

( ♪ )




( ♪ )

Bitten 1x10 - Descent Original air date March 15, 2014

I think this goes beyond the rattle.

There's a video of us running as wolves at Cherry Beach.

What are you talking about?

Look, Clay knows everything about my life here, Logan.

Philip came by, asking a lot of questions.

Philip has the video?

One of his clients sent him footage for this ad campaign he's working on.

Did he say who his client is?

No, and thankfully, he didn't seem too interested in the wolves.

Mostly because he was focused on the fact that your necklace and clothes were underneath the lifeguard tower.

Elena, he thought we were having an affair.

What did you tell him?

I told him we went for a swim after our run.

Great. Skinny-dipping with my cousin, 'cause that's not weird at all.

Well, he stopped suspecting me of anything... after he saw this.

Clay: What exactly do you think he saw?

Look, the important thing is that his client gave him footage that links to Elena.

That can't be a coincidence.

Look, I'll deal with it, okay?

Rachel is catering my opening tomorrow.

We'll both be there.

That'll give you enough time to talk to Jeremy.

All right?

Joey: There were voices, there were a few voices, one was talking about rabbits, one was mocking me about my dad.

They never took the bag off me...

Nicky, they never took the bag off of me.

Nick, his pulse is all over the place.

He must be dehydrated.

Get him water, I'll get the medical kit.


They crashed into our house and they...

They ripped his eyes out right in front of me, man!

...screaming and begging them to stop!

Drink up, buddy. Can you drink this?

Come on, get it in you.

Ah... Yeah...

Joe, I'm the one that found him.

Okay? I'm the one that found him, your dad, and I'm the one who buried him.

I did it the way that you would've wanted if you were there.


I'm glad it was you, man.


They got my dad too, Joey.

They got him too.




You gotta get these guys.

Nicky, you gotta get these guys.

I will, Joey, okay? Don't you worry.

We're going to get them.

Let's just focus on getting you better first.

Okay. Two seconds. I just need to grab my dress and heels, and we'll go. Don't touch anything.

( ♪ )

How are you going to explain that you're staying in a hotel?

Easier to explain me at a hotel than you on the couch.

And easier to explain than last night.

Don't do this, Clay.

(Keys jingling)

There's my girl.

Missed you.

Missed you too.

This is?

Uh, this is Clay, my cousin.

Clay, this is Philip.

Heard a lot about you.

I wish I could say the same about you.

You didn't mention you were bringing guests.

Actually, he was just leaving.

He's staying at a hotel. Right?

Well, we can't have a cousin of Elena's staying at a hotel.

You should stay with us. wouldn't be comfortable.

I mean, come on, you won't even fit on the couch.

Couch is fine.

Then it's settled. You'll stay with us.

After all, you're family.

You were supposed to call in.

Why do I have to look for you?

A man's gotta eat.

You're not working alone anymore.

When I say "call in", call in.


No need to get your panties in a twist.

Tell me what happened.

She's back here in Toronto, just like you predicted.


And she looks exactly the same.

Older, sure.

But I see there's still that lost, abandoned girl in her eyes.

So we're clear, right?

Deal is, you get revenge.

You don't get to touch her.


We made you, Victor.

You didn't make me, Cain did.

And Cain answered to me.

Don't bite the hand that feeds.


Must've been hard to build an ad agency from the ground up.

It took a long time, but it's finally starting to pay dividends.

Do you find your clients, or do they find you?

A bit of both, actually.

Working on anything interesting?

You know what I'm interested in, is what brings you to Toronto, Clay.

Uh, anthropology.

I'm looking at teaching again next semester at U of T.

And of course, I didn't want to miss Elena's big show.

Of course. Her first big solo opening.

But it's no surprise she's come so far, so fast.

Clay: Yes, Toronto's been good for her that way.

Philip: No one captures the purity of human form quite like Elena.

Clay: Actually, I get something different.

More the conflicted nature of humanity, mankind's baser instincts fighting to get out even while we deny them.

Well, that's a great thing about art, right?

It's subjective.


It's been a long day, I think I'm going to turn in.

Yeah, seems to be about that time.

Make yourself at home.


I really missed you.


Of course, I always miss you when I'm away.

Then don't go away anymore.

Be here with me.

( ♪ )

Oh, yeah. Your cousin.

Sorry. I guess I'm just not comfortable with him being in the other room.

No, it's fine, I get it.


You should get some sleep.


Big day tomorrow.


Good night.

Good night.

( ♪ )

( ♪ )

(Growling on tablet)

( ♪ )



What the hell are you doing?

Easy. Just making breakfast.

Wow! Hot meal, what a treat!

Elena's, uh, not much of a breakfast person though.

Maybe it's the turkey bacon.

Back home, she can't get enough of the real thing.

I like turkey bacon just fine, thanks.

(Cellphone chime)

Diane's waiting for me at the gallery.

I should go.

You're coming?

Are you able to join us?

I can't. Sorry. Work.

Exhale and enjoy your big day.

I will see you there, though.


Thank you for doing this.

I guess this'll have to wait.

Joey, help me understand why the Mutts k*lled your father but spared you.

They had this newly-turned Mutt that they were training.

Lucky me, I got to be his practice victim.

I was supposed to be his first k*ll as a wolf.

What happened?

Well, when they released me for the hunt, they gave me a headstart.

And, uh, I ran as fast as I could, and then I hid and...

I covered my scent.

Covered your scent.

Yeah, you remember, right?


It's a trick Nicky had from when we were kids playing hide and seek.

Mmm, yeah. Cover your body in mud, hide your scent.

Yeah, from head to toe.

Took me hours to find him... if I found him at all.

Anyway, I, um... I hid and I stayed there through the night.

And the next morning, when I was sure everyone were gone, I...

I ran until I found a payphone and I called you guys.

Can you take us to that place?

(Sigh) Th... they drove me a few miles out for the hunt and they... they had me pretty drugged up, to keep me from... from Changing.

Anything else you can remember about the place they kept you?

I was blindfolded, I...

I didn't see much of anything.

But from the way sound travelled, their place was big, and open like a warehouse.

And the... the other thing I remember is that it... smelled like vanilla. Huh.

There was one phone call I overheard, though, it was...

It was Santos, he was talking to somebody.

And it wasn't Marsten, 'cause Marsten had just left.

And he was talking about Clay.

Talking about turning him against the Pack.

At least that's what it sounded like, to me.

Can I have some more of those pancakes?


She lives!

I was worried you weren't going to make it!

Aw, I'm so glad you're back!

We have a million things to do.

I know.

Carbs... I remember you.


Screw it.

We have to decide where everything goes and finalize pricing.

(Clearing throat)

Show's not till tonight, but, please come back.

Actually, Diane, this is my cousin Clay.

Clay, this is Philip's sister Diane.

It's about time we got to meet Elena's family.

And here we are, two in one day.

Logan and Rachel are unloading the catering, and... now you.

This space is amazing.


My very own show.

The first of many, I'm sure.

You're a great friend.

I really don't deserve this right now.

Hey, I'm also your biggest fan, remember?

Second biggest.

How long are you in town for, Clay?

Just for the show.

We should really hang these photographs now.


I should go see Logan off.


Okay, what is his story? Single?

What? I hooked you up with my brother!

Quid pro quo, my friend.

This is a bonus. Not only do I finally get to meet Clay, I get a little muscle on the scene.

Well... a lot of muscle.

Ah-ah, I got this.

Hey, uh... You know, just call me if anything happens, okay?


Anything at all, okay?

Babe, everything is going to be fine.

You're going to worry yourself into an aneurism.

Look, I need to go over the final menu with Diane and Elena.

Travel safe. I love you.

I mean it, anything. Anything.

Rachel: Okay.

I should stay.

We won't let anything happen to her.

You have my word. I...

Go. We got this.

I'm glad you're here.

You know, telling Jeremy isn't going to be easy.

I have a lot to account for, but you know, what do you think? Maybe... maybe he's ready to rethink old ways.

Let me raise my son with Rachel. What do you think?

Jeremy cares about the Pack above all else.

You might not get the answer you want.

But if you've got to make a choice, you make sure it's one you can live with.


This is the factory where we found Joey.

And assuming that they dropped him off for the hunt no more than 10 miles from where they were keeping him... and estimating the distance he could've travelled on foot, this is our search radius.

Assuming, yes.

Now, the thing is, it's mostly suburbs or farmland around here.

There's no abandoned food factories or bakeries or anything that would explain the vanilla smell.

Well, perhaps there's a reason for that.

What do you mean?

The information Joey fed us was decidedly vague.

And the circumstances surrounding his escape are suspicious at best.

What are you saying?

That Joey's working for the Mutts?

Fear can be a very powerful motivator.

He says the Mutts made him watch while they cut out his father's eyes.

Now, he asked me point blank what our next move is.

Why didn't the Mutts k*ll him?

Maybe Joey traded his life for the one thing he knew was our weakness: our trust in him.

So you're saying that all of that was an act?

I grew up with this kid, okay? I know him.

How much time did you spend with him over the last 10 years?

We do not have the luxury of trust.

When he wakes up, we need to press him hard.

Jeremy, look...

I hope that I'm wrong, Nicholas.

I really hope I'm wrong.

For our sake. And for his.

I can't wait to see the look on Elena's face.

This isn't about rekindling your old fetish.

It's about exacting revenge.

I hope your time inside taught you restraint.

Don't you talk to me about restraint.

Somehow, I doubt impulse control is one of your strong suits.

You have no idea what it's like.

To have this connection with someone but the whole world wants to get in your way.

Clingy parents. Suspicious teachers.

Eyes on you, everywhere you go.

Think that's easy? I know restraint.

And I know patience.

Elena isn't a child anymore.

She never was.

She didn't love like a child.

Not the way the others loved me.

They had pure, open hearts.

Unconditional love.

Of course she didn't love you.

She testified against you.

She betrayed me.

You want me to focus on revenge?

I'm already there.

Man: This looks very promising.

And your eye for the human form...

I see shades of Francis Bacon's work.

That guy is a huge art buyer.

If he throws his weight behind her, her career is as good as gold.

I hope that means you'll be coming to Toronto for her shows.

Or do you come here often?

Oh god, did I just say that?

I used to teach anthropology at U of T.

You did? Well, you should come back.

It's... complicated.


Borders and visas and...

I tell you, trying to bring back a $2 bottle of wine from Trader Joe's you need diplomatic immunity.

You must be so proud of her.

Proud doesn't begin to describe it.
(High-pitched ring)

Diane: By the way, I was really sorry to hear about your cousin Danielle.

Clay: My cousin Danielle?

Diane: Yeah, so tragic.

You know, the car accident and everything.

We're all still a little shaken up by it, but thank you.

( ♪ )

Your father had the best tracking ability in the Pack before Elena. He could literally walk out the front door, and right away tell us exactly how many deer were in the forest.

We never wanted to leave the Pack.

When you and Malcolm battled it out for Alpha, my father was terrified.

He said that if he sided with you, Malcolm would spend the rest of his life making us pay.

Malcolm's been dead for months.

I know. It's unbelievable.

I mean...

We never thought anybody would take Malcolm Danvers out.


You know I don't begrudge your father for being afraid of Malcolm.

He was a brutal, vindictive man.

When I was little and he was angry, he would back-hand me with his left hand.

And sometimes when he was feeling mean, he'd use his right.

He wore a ring on that hand.

That was my father.

Your father could smell a deer from over two miles away.


So how is it, Joey, that the Mutts got close enough to k*ll him and capture you, without him smelling a thing?

Sorry about your father.

So am I.

Look... I know I should've been here.

I'm sorry.

You're here now.

Just to come clean.

Then I got to head back.

It's Rachel.

I can't leave her alone.

But once I explain to Jeremy...


He's with Joey Stillwell.

Why don't you and I grab a drink while we wait.

Yeah, okay.

Whatever you have to tell Jeremy, it can't be that bad.

What is it? Come on.

Just let me be the one to tell him, okay?


I'm going to be a father.

You wouldn't be this stressed if you were having a girl.


This calls for something special. Gimme that.

My dad brought this back from Aberdeen.

He left a gin drinker and came back a Scotch aficionado.

He used to spend hours telling me about casking, and evaporation...

He made us save it for a special occasion, but... if he were here, he'd be the first one to say...

This is it.

This is good news, brother.

And we need good news right now.

Hey. To your father.

To your son.


Yeah, I was... I was on my way back here to tell Jeremy... that we got this gift.

A rattle.

We didn't tell anybody about the pregnancy.

It was Santos, up to his... usual tricks.


I wasn't sure if he was in Toronto.

I didn't want to leave her there alone.

Santos, shit.

We thought you were avoiding us.

Yeah, it's not just about protecting Rachel from the Mutts.

I know it's Pack Law, but the idea of... taking my child away from her...

Never seeing her again...

So you were avoiding us.

(Mixed chatter)

( ♪ )

Are we having fun?

You've done an amazing job.

Oh... Elena deserves it.

Can I ask you something?


James Williams, do you know him?

We've never met personally, no.

He tracked me down on Twitter.

Story of my dating life too.

You know, the internet.


What do you know about him?

He's a big fan of Elena's work, and just so happens to be the gallery's patron saint.

Is he here tonight?

I hope so.

After all the specific requests he made: the venue, the date...

I've never seen anyone champion a new artist's work so adamantly.

Why is it a person's wealth is always directly proportional to how high maintenance they are?

Excuse me... I should really congratulate my cousin.

Of course.


Is everything okay?

Better than okay.

It's incredible.

Don't undersell your talent, darlin'.

You deserve this.

How we doing?

Karen: Time to break into the emergency stash of Prosecco.

Typical art gallery booze hounds.

Any chance you could help?

Of course.

Diane: Great.

Ah, finally. A moment alone.

We should toast to this.

What, with air champagne?

Yeah, I'll go get the real stuff.

(High-pitched ring)

Olson: Well, if it isn't my little rabbit.

Can you twitch your nose like a rabbit, Elena?


You can!

You want to come inside?

I've got more rabbits in there.


I don't understand.

Who bit you?

You afraid of the big bad wolf?


( ♪ )

(Breathless) Victor Olson.

You've changed a little since the last time I saw you, but then again, so have I.

Turns out we're not so different after all.

Please, just leave.

You're still just a scared little girl.

There's one thing I always loved about you: you never put up a fight.

You know, you're not in a suit or anything, so you don't mind getting a little dirty...

This is just a little too fancy.

(Lock signal beeping)

I mean, half the time, I think they... they make dresses so that you have to take somebody home or else how are you going to reach the zipper, right?

I try to stick to pants.

I like that.

But this dress, I mean, I'm probably going to have to... sleep in it.

Unless... unless you want to... give me a hand...



(♪ On radio)

( ♪ )


Wrong place, wrong time, Santos.

What? I'm in the market for some new art.


You're supposed to be in prison.

I served my time.

Though I'm told your testimony got me an extra five years.

They just flew by, didn't they?

What do you want?

You know I've always been a fan of yours, Elena.

Ever since you used to come and visit me next door.

To play with my rabbits.

But of course, you were always my favourite pet of all.


(Panicked screams)

Why are you hitting me? I'm not the one to blame.

Whatever happened to Elena, it's her own damn fault.

Oh, and you should know... she never once told me no.

(Grunting with rage)

Philip, please, stop!


Pete, Antonio...

Almost k*lling Jeremy.

I've lost track of the reasons why I should k*ll you.

(Gagging, grunting)

There's nothing stopping me from ending this w*r right now.



What's going on?

(Tires screeching)

I saw the guy hot-wiring a car.

We should get back inside.

I mean, I'm living proof that a werewolf can be raised by a human mother.

Are you?

Was growing up not knowing what you were really that much better?

To suddenly just find out at 16, no preparation, no sense of history.

You had to leave that family behind then.

Was that easy?


But I came around.

Don't downplay it, man.

The longer that child stays with Rachel, the harder it'll be on all of you.


But at least I had the benefit of being raised by my mother.

All I know is my son deserves the same.

And that's exactly what I'm going to tell Jeremy.

My father refused to talk about my mother.

But he never stopped loving her.

He made that sacrifice because he knew he could not raise me without the support of the Pack.

And if she knew the truth about us, he'd have to k*ll her.

Jeremy may feel different.

But to me, what you're going through right now is exactly why these rules exist.

Are you telling me you never think about her?




Why did the Mutts go to your house, Joey?

Santos told us he was going after the Pack.

He wanted to know who we were going to side with.

What'd your father say?

My father said we weren't anybody's side.

But he was just trying to save his own life.

He's always been with the Pack, you know that, just like me.

I don't know that.

You've got to believe me, Jeremy.

I want to believe you, Joey.

I want to believe you, but the fact is, the Mutts spared you.

How do I know you didn't make a deal?

How do I know you're not working with them?

I would never work with those bastards. They k*lled my father.

This isn't some move, Jeremy.

All right? I swear to God!

He's telling the truth about the Mutts' hideout.

You said it smelled like vanilla, right?

It's a bottle of whisky my dad brought back from Aberdeen.

I remember him telling me that as whisky ages, part of it evaporates.

And over the years, that vapour would seep into the wood and would give these factories a very sweet, vanilla-like smell.

During Prohibition, there were a number of illegal distilleries in this area.

If we can find the right one, then we will find the Mutts.

(Mixed confused chatter)


I took care of it.

Took care of what?

There was this, uh, this creep from my childhood.

He... I guess he just got out of jail.

He must've tracked down my name and saw the press for the show.


Victor Olson.

Did he hurt you? - No, no.

We should get you home.

Philip: I'll get our things.

I should've been here.

Santos was waiting outside, the bastards got away.

We can't leave her alone tonight.

(Indistinct chatter)

If they turned Olson, this has to do with you, not Rachel.

What is this?

Unleashing Olson, sending the video to Philip?

Philip's client, James Williams?

He's the top patron of this gallery.

He sponsored your show, Elena.

Just to get us here.

To drop Olson in your lap.

Who would do that?

Someone who knows exactly who and what we are.

I'm not leaving your side.

I'm not leaving Toronto.

Not until we figure out who James Williams is.

( ♪ )

Elena, talk to me.

There are people that want to hurt my family.

Bad people.

I'm pretty sure Olson showing up today had something to do with that.

That's why I've been going home so much to help them.

What about your cousin Danielle and the car accident?

There is no cousin Danielle.

No car accident.

And Logan? And Clay?

(Bitter laugh)

Are they... are they even your cousins?


My family in New York aren't... my family by blood.

But Jeremy's the closest thing I've ever had to a father, and my cousins are the closest thing I've ever had to a real family.

It feels targeted against her, Jeremy.

Okay. We'll stay put until you get here.

(High-pitched ring)

Elena: But that was all before I met you, okay?

Now, I've been trying to distance myself from them ever since, and everything that they represent.

Philip: If that's true, then why bring Clay back here?

Elena: It's the last thing that I wanted, but I didn't have a choice.

I just don't want you getting involved with any of this...

(Traffic din, police sirens)

Smells like they've been gone for at least a day.

Doesn't look like they deserted the place though.


This is where they kept me.

That's where they had me tied up.

That's where that Mutt beat me.

Let's search this place.

Look for anything that can be useful.

We need to figure out their next move.

My life here with you, that's... that's the life that I want.

You have to believe me, Philip.


What about Clay?

Jeremy sent him to protect me.

Didn't I prove to you tonight that I can protect you?

Of course you did, and if it were up to me, he wouldn't be here.

Yet here he is, sleeping on our couch.

I see the way he looks at you.

I see the way you are together.

I saw the g*dd*mn photo at Logan's, Elena.

But that was from years ago.

And what about right now?

Here, in this moment, tell me honestly, are you done with him?

( ♪ )

This was my father's.

Jeremy: It was Pete's lighter.

Santos is a trophy collector.

( ♪ )

I found something over here.

Jeremy: I found something too.

What is it?

It was my father's ring.

He used to wear it all the time.

How'd they get Malcolm's ring?

Someone would have to pry that out of his cold, dead finger.

Yeah, I think that's exactly what happened.

'Kay, you need to see this.

( ♪ )

They've been watching us.

In Toronto. I have to get back to Rachel.

She's pregnant.

We're going to have a son.

I came to the house to tell you.


Go. Find her.

Philip, let's talk.

Everything you've told me has been a lie.

Please, don't do this.

I can't be with somebody I don't trust.

Trust... I don't even know you.

It's not just you the Mutts are after.

Clay was right.

Jeremy: It's Elena.

( ♪ )

( ♪ )

(Camera shutter click)

No Equal.

(Triumphant ♪)