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01x04 - Grief

Posted: 02/04/14 10:53
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "Bitten"...

You're going to want to see this.

What is it?

He's just a child.

What the hell did you people do?

We had nothing to do with this.


(Dog barking)

Elena: The first k*ll was on the outskirts of town, the second one was dropped in our backyard. What's his plan?

Elena has pulled up files on Mutts with the most recent vendettas against the Pack, starting with Zachary Cain.

No one hates the Pack more than Daniel Santos.

Pete: We know a new Mutt is causing this.

There is someone out there who knows the Mutt rumour mill better than us.

Nick: Karl Marsten.

What we want to know is who bit him.

The million dollar question.

You k*lled three innocent people.

They break so easily now.

You ever see the look in their eyes when they're about to die?

(Police siren wailing, mixed screams)

Scratch a k*ller Mutt off the list of life.

I got a lady waiting on me.

Come on, man, hug it out, baby.

Hug it out!

I'm going home in the morning.

See, this is what I needed.

Some alone time with you.


What is it?

We have to go back right away.

( ♪ )

Jeremy: In the tradition of Pack members before us, and Pack members that will follow, we come together today to bid farewell to one of our own.

Pete, uh... was one of a kind.

He squeezed the most out of life every day and night.

We were blessed to be your family.

(Ominous ♪)

I have so many... wonderful memories of Pete.

This life, it... hasn't always been easy for me, but... somehow Pete always knew the right thing to say to get me through.

Pete made everyone around him happier.

I'm going to miss the hell out of you.

Your death won't be in vain.

( ♪ )

All Pete ever really wanted was to spread his love.

He was k*lled by a monster that hates us and everything that we stand for.

(Wolf howling)

I'm betting it's the Mutt who k*lled Pete.

Son of a bitch is taunting us.

Antonio, you, Nick, and Logan come around from the east, we'll come in from the west.

( ♪ )


(Deep inhalation)

Where is he?

He was just here.

That's Pete's jacket.

He's baiting us.

We lost the scent.

He's gone.

We can still find him.

By the time we Change, he'll be long gone.

Antonio's right.

Tonight we mourn for Pete.

Tomorrow we hunt.

( ♪ )

Bitten 1x04 - Grief Original air date February 1, 2014

I heard you coming.



Did you sleep?


You want to talk about it?

What's there to talk about?

A Mutt k*lled him.

I'm sorry, it's just...


I know.

I know this world plays by a different set of rules, but I don't understand.

Why Pete?

It could be that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or it could be that he was targeted.

Either way, it sends a hell of a message.

That what, we're vulnerable?

The Pack's rule is being challenged.

I don't know if I can go home until this is settled.

Have you... spoken to Philip since you left Toronto?

What would I say to him?

My Pack brother was k*lled by a Mutt?

It's just one more thing that I can't share with the man that I love.

Just get it out of your system now before you go back home.

I will.

Have you seen Jeremy?

Yeah, he's outside.


You know I'm here for you, right?

I know.

Thank you.

(Insects chirping)

Pete loved it out here.


Such a force of life... reduced to just... a few handfuls of ashes.

I've never grieved for a family member before.

The only other funeral I've been to was my parents', and I...

I had no clue what was really going on.

You were five.

I convinced myself that... one morning I would just wake up and... they'd be there.


To see Pete like this, it stirs up emotions in me that I never really understood as a five-year-old.

All the things that I missed out on by not having a family.

Come here, come here.

Elena, we can never replace your birth family, but you will always have people here who love you and who want to take care of you.

I don't belong here.

You're a very important part of what we have here.

What we have here is v*olence and death.

And love, and family.

And life is finding that balance.

And it is not easy to find your place between two extremes.

I don't want to be caught between two extremes!

I just want a normal life.

I understand that you're angry.

Of course I'm angry! How can you... you be so complacent?

What if it was me in that urn?

Would you feel the same way?

Are you asking if I would grieve?

If I would mourn your loss?

Like you were my child.

What about avenging my death like you should be doing for Pete right now?

Being consumed with bloodlust is not in your nature, Elena.

And I hate it.

I hate everything that has happened since you asked me to come back here.

( ♪ )

(Snarling, grunting)

( ♪ )

♪ Our mother's milk double faro ♪

( ♪ )

♪ A few escape your magic arrow ♪

( ♪ )

♪ I saw you reel them in for miles ♪

( ♪ )

♪ Each captivated crooked smile ♪

(Angry shout)

That won't bring him back.

Don't you think I know that?

I've never seen you like this before.

Because I've never had somebody that I loved brutally m*rder*d.


I come in peace.

Wasn't so long ago we could talk about things like this.

We've never been good at talking.

Maybe talking's the wrong word.

I seem to recall working through a lot of emotional turmoil by staying in bed all weekend.

That was before.

Everything's different now.

Doesn't have to be.

I couldn't think of a worse time or place to have this conversation.

I didn't come out here to talk.

There's only one way to get the anger and frustration out of your system.


Let's go for a run.

It's daylight.

Okay, what about the... the sheriff? The hunters?

We stay to the northwest corner of the property.

They'll never see us.

Elena, the past 24 hours has tied us both in knots.

We need this.


( ♪ )

(Grunting, growling)


( ♪ )

Morning, Sheriff.


Just finishing up here?

Just about.

Well, now that that wolf is dead, I hope all this is behind us.

Hmm, I hope so too.

Still a couple unanswered questions.

Such as?

Well, we've determined this isn't the k*ll site.

Which means the boy was k*lled somewhere else.

Why would a wolf k*ll a child and then drag his body all the way out here?

I don't know. That's a very good question.

Glad you think so. I have another one: can you think of anybody who has a beef against you?

Not that I know of. Why?

Well, because, even though the boy was k*lled by a wolf, I suspect he was dumped here.

Why would somebody do that, except to send a message?

I make my living as a painter.

The most ruthless people I associate with are art dealers.

Not exactly the type to do something like this.

We keep to ourselves up here.

You know that.

Yeah... I also know in this past week, we've had four deaths, one missing person, and a situation that just doesn't add up.

I'm not making accusations, Mr. Danvers, I'm just trying to make sense of things.

Please let me know when you do.

( ♪ )


Uh, Jeremy wants us in the great room.

Mind if I change first?

Kind of.


Did... did you two have a nice run?

What's that supposed to mean?

You know, like, a run.

Frolicking in the woods, maybe some... some nuzzling.

We ran. Period.

Hey, listen, I don't mind when Elena romps around the house naked, but please, put some clothes on.

Okay, you're making Logan here feel inadequate.

Don't displace your own insecurities onto me.

(Cellphone chiming)


How's everything in the big city?

Not bad, other than your side of the bed being too cold.

I miss you too.

How's everything over there?


We're just getting everything together for the funeral.

I can move some things in my schedule and be there in a couple of hours.

That's sweet, uh, but you know there's so much going on and...

How's the vodka campaign coming?

It's not bad.

Once I get a few of the creative pieces in place, it should be pretty fantastic.

Hey, I saw a report on the news about wolves in your area.


They say, like, a wolf k*lled a couple guys at a rave.

Oh, yeah, right, um... Well, you know the press, they blow things out of proportion.

The wolf was k*lled anyway, so there's nothing to worry about.

Um, so, uh, how are things going with the wedding?

Oh, I am doing my best to stay out of it.

There is way too much estrogen for me.

Please tell me you're not sending me stag to my sister's wedding.

I wouldn't miss it.

I'll be there.

I'll hold you to it.

I just want you to hold me.

Now, that I can do.

See you soon.

Bye. 'Kay, bye.

( ♪ )

Planting a body on our property, k*lling Pete, and not one new Mutt but two.


And why now?

That's what we have to find out.

What's the plan?

Do you remember the last time the Pack had troubles like this?

That was many years ago.


We were Nick and Clay's age.

Your father was the Pack Alpha.

The old days of the Mutt hunts, when we would start at the bottom of the Mutt food chain and we would work our way to the top.

Until all the Mutts finally capitulated to Pack rules.

So that's the plan, a full-out Mutt hunt.

Antonio, there's a part of me that would like to slaughter every last one.

Pete's death was avoidable.

It only happened because I became complacent.

You can't blame yourself. I'm the Alpha!

It is my job to keep my Pack safe.

We lost a brother because we, we, all underestimated the threat out there.

We all thought it was a rogue.

And now it looks like we're dealing with something bigger.

But let's not let our grief and our desire for revenge cloud the issue, which is that the Pack is us: you, me, the boys, and Elena.

Yes, you are the Alpha, our leader.

But we are in this together.

Come here.


About this morning...

It was great to get out for a run, wasn't it?

The run was fine.

Everything else was a mistake.

Was it?


And I wanted to make sure you were clear on that.

We're clear, darlin'.

( ♪ )

So how do you want to play this?

Do we start spilling Mutt blood?

Not yet. There's still too many unknowns, and we cannot risk another loss.

And I may be placing the sins of the few on the many.

Might not be smart to risk the backlash of the majority of Mutts if they have nothing to do with this.

What do you need me to do?

First thing is I need you to tie up Pete's loose ends.

It's already in the works.


And then I need you to reach out to the other Pack families.

If this Mutt activity is solely directed at Stonehaven, it is meant to unseat me.

Well, if it is, we'll be ready to deal with it.

Morning, Emerson.

Ah, Karen.

You finally ready to try your hand at catching some walleye?


Not yet.

Yeah, well, you'll come around.

And when you do, I've got the perfect bait for you right here.

Salted minnows.

I do them myself. Special blend.

Yeah, they're so effective, they ought to be against the law.

It's good you're no longer sheriff, then.

Ahh. Okay.

You didn't come here to talk about fishing.


What can you tell me about the Danvers family?

The Danvers.

There's an interesting bunch.

I'm sure you've heard all the rumours.

Pfff! I've heard... mafia, devil worship, sex cult...

Am I missing anything?


Sounds like you're right up to speed.

You ever had any dealings with them?

Well, I only had occasion to go out to Stonehaven once.

Couple of years before I retired.

A telephone worker, he was out stringing wire along the Danvers' western property line.

The fella just vanished.

I mean, we found his truck eventually, bottom of a ravine, but... no one ever heard from him again.

Did you think the Danvers had something to do with his disappearance?

We never found a body.

I'm not sure that a criminal act was even committed, but some people speculated that, uh, he might have seen something out of Stonehaven he wasn't supposed to.

Why, you having some problems with the Danvers?

No, but it appears somebody is.

You talking about the body of that Richardson boy you found?

Yeah, it was dumped on Stonehaven property.

So I'm guessing either Mr. Danvers has some serious enemies or someone from town has a hell of a chip on their shoulder.


There's something... there's something about that family that just doesn't sit right with me.

I felt the same way for 30 years.

All right.

Take a longer look at the Danvers family.

But be careful.

I don't want to see you wind up like that telephone lineman.

I can take care of myself.

I know that. Be careful just the same.


I sent Antonio to deal with the fallout from Pete's disappearance, and bring the other families up to speed.

In the meantime, we have two Mutts to deal with.

For starters, we need to identify the dead one from the rave and find out who made him.

Nick, you and Logan go to the flophouse where he lived.

Turn it upside down.

Wipe it clean when you're finished.

Got it.

I'm supposed to be speaking at a psychology conference tonight and tomorrow.

I can handle the flophouse by myself.

Okay. I want you to be very careful.

All of you.

We thought the threat was over when the first Mutt died.

And Pete paid for our mistake.

We know better now.

Clay, I want you and Elena to go into town.

Assess the mood of the locals.

More importantly, I want to see if you can pick up the scent of the new k*ller.

If he's in town, we'll find him.

When you do, I want him alive.

Are we clear?


We're clear.

( ♪ )

(Deep inhalation)

Definitely the same scent as the Mutt from the woods last night.

Let's go get this bastard.

♪ Sun coming up ♪
♪ Over Arizona sand ♪
♪ Fifth gear racing across this land ♪
♪ See your face on the back of your hand ♪
♪ Looks like the sky's going to fall ♪
I still can't believe those guys were k*lled at the rave by a wolf.

(High-pitched ring)

That is so random.

And they were, like, our age.

One of them went to high school with my cousin down in Buffalo.

Girl's voice: This whole thing is so depressing.

I can't wait to make enough money and get out of Bear Valley for good.

The guy at the counter is hot.

I think he's married to the blonde though.

He's wearing a wedding ring.

Girl 2's voice: She's not. Besides, check out their body language.

Those two are definitely on the outs.

(Girls giggling)

You almost finished? I'm not getting anything here.



You didn't pick up on the fact that I have an admirer over by the front door?

She's just your type.

Have fun.

Maybe some other time.


(High-pitched ring)

Still no word from Braxton.

He's probably sleeping off a drunk.

Travis' voice: No, he said he's going back up to Stonehaven.

Wanted to find his dog and deal with Danvers.

Well, he's right over there.

Why don't you go ask him?

Travis: Huh.

I think I will.

We're leaving.

Remember our buddy, Michael Braxton?

The guy who can't control his dog or his g*n.

What about him?

Well, he's missing.

Thought maybe you knew something about it.

Why would we?

I don't know.

Last night he said he was going to... go over to your place, make things square.

So what, you're saying he came out to Stonehaven, and then what?

We don't know. That's why we're asking.

Haven't seen him.

But when he surfaces, tell him I'd be happy to make things square.

Clay, let's go.

No, no, no, we're not done here.

We are.

Patrons: (Mixed surprised gasps)


We're sorry your friend is missing, but don't make things worse.


Be careful with those!

Excuse me. Can I help you?

I'm looking for Peter Myers.

He's taking some time off.

Do you have any idea where he is?

No. What do you want with him?

Rich DeMartini, FBI.

Dave Winslow. I'm the tour manager.

Well, Mr. Winslow, Peter Myers' name has come up in connection with an investigation we're conducting.

What kind of investigation?

Well, I can't divulge the details, but we're working in concert with the DEA.

If you see or hear from Mr. Myers, please give me a call at this number.

The Bureau would really appreciate your cooperation.

No problem.

You can count on it. Thank you.

( ♪ )

(Message alert beep)

Winslow: (On voice-mail) Pete. It's Win.

Some guy named DeMartini from the FBI just stopped by and wanted to talk to you.

I don't know what you're into, and I really don't want to know, but it might be, uh, a good time to do some travelling.

( ♪ )

Lunch is served.



Smoked turkey on rye. Extra pickles.

You are an angel.

Uh, you're not eating?

It's Wednesday.

Hot water with lemon followed by a cup of shredded carrots and some ginger.


But for dinner I get to splurge.

I get to eat half a chicken breast and some steamed broccoli.

You don't have to diet.

Says the man who doesn't have to deal with the cruel reality of the dating world because he is in the perfect relationship.

Speaking of which, where the hell is Elena?

I need her to start on the presentation for the Oskar Bloom runway show.

She is at a family funeral.

What family?

She didn't mention them to you either?

No. Well, you've been friends for almost a year.

Yeah, but, okay, you've been sleeping with her for six months.

If she's going to tell anyone, it would be you.


I mean, hey, don't get me wrong, having a few secrets is fine, but... to hide an entire family?

It kind of took me by surprise.

I'm just surprised it didn't come up in conversation.

There's an invisible line with Elena and if you accidentally cross it, she gets... evasive.

That is not healthy, Philip.

John was evasive with me, and one day he packed his bags and left.

Yeah, that is not what's happening here.

No, I know you two are crazy about each other.

But lack of communication is the first step in disengagement.

Do not let that happen.

I never thought I'd be getting relationship advice from my little sister.

What do you mean?

Remember, I told you to dump Julie Hamilton.

I was 10.


And even then I knew she wasn't right for you.


Just like now, I can tell Elena is.

Look, Philip, she's... she's not fragile.

Just sit her down and talk to her.

When did you get so smart?

I'm a woman.

We just know things.


We've got a town full of angry and suspicious people.

Now that Braxton's missing, it's really going to turn up the heat.

That Mutt really stirred things up.

All the more reason to find him quickly and put him down.

By the way, thanks for watching my back in there.

It's nice to know you still care.

Last thing we needed was for you to get into a brawl with the locals.

So... I can handle confrontation without hitting someone in the face.

Nice to know you've grown since I've been away.

(Eerie audio distortion)

You got something?


It's hard to tell. It's faint.

Let's go.

(Mixed grunts)

He was definitely here. Let's hope he still is.

Only one way to find out.

You want upstairs or downstairs?

Well, if he's smart, he'd take a room on the first floor.

Direct access, easy to come and go at all hours.

So, downstairs.

I said if he was smart.

And I'm betting he's not.

I'll take the second floor, you take the first.

Hey, we do this as a team.

You think I can't hold my own?

What are you talking about?

I need you to cover my back.

(Suspenseful ♪)

( ♪ )

(Lock breaking)

Let's see what we can find.

Mm. You're right, he's not too smart.

Body spray kills the olfactory senses.

Stupid new Mutt mistake.

(Ominous ♪)

Here's another stupid Mutt mistake.

Keeps a scrapbook.

A woman in Dayton.

The m*rder*r was never found.

A nurse in Milwaukee, a college student in Cleveland.

All women, all tortured, all k*lled.

Look at this.

Trophy hunter.

First the Mutt at the rave, and now this.

Someone's turning psychotic murderers into werewolves.

Turning them loose on us.

(Tires screeching outside)

Cain: Whoa, whoa, whoa, little doggie.

You're a little far from home, aren't you?

Zachary Cain.


What do you do with a dog...

Something's not right.

Cain's not smart enough to come up with a plan, even one as twisted as this.

We have a really big problem with...

Elena: That guy must be the new Mutt.

He's the one that k*lled Pete.

I say we take him off the board now.

I wish we could, but you heard the orders: bring them back alive.

That's when we thought we were dealing with a single Mutt.

Bringing back two is going to be a lot more difficult.

Things just got more complicated.

Karl Marsten.

I suppose you think you're a hard man to find.

Clay: And then there were three.

Since when do Mutts work together?


We have to get back and tell Jeremy.

(Wood cracking)

Smell that?

We've got company.

We wait until he gives the word.

Cain: Damn it.

Is this your cologne?


Yeah. Moron.

Clayton Danvers, and...


...Elena Michaels.

Marsten: Intoxicating, that scent.

And here I thought she'd left the Pack.

( ♪ )


( ♪ )


I can't smell anything except that damn body spray.

(High-pitched ring)

Marsten's voice: You're an idiot to take a room here.

You were told specifically to join us at the warehouse.

I need my own space.



Marsten: Let me make this perfectly clear, Thomas Leblanc: We made you. We own you.

You do what we tell you.

(Gasping, coughing)

Nick: Found these at the dead Mutt's flophouse.

Prison issue.

How do you know?

On the inside they're stamped "Hixson Correctional Facility".

Turns out to be one of Tennessee's finer establishments.

Which means our man escaped from prison.

That's what I figured, yeah.

But why keep the shoes?

He's a collector.

The shoes are a trophy of his escape, his triumph over the penal system.

These three men escaped from Hixson three months ago.

That's him.

The one from the rave.

Jeremy: Scott Brandon.

He was serving a life sentence for a string of brutal r*pes and murders in 2009.

Marsten and Cain are purposely converting these psychos into werewolves.

That doesn't track.

Cain's not smart enough to make his own Pack, and...

Marsten's the ultimate loner.

Maybe he was, but he's not working alone anymore.

Marsten was talking about using a warehouse, which means they've probably got an operation going.

Jeremy: First they convert new Mutts.

Second, they put the spotlight on us so that it restricts our movement.

Third, they attack us directly, murdering Pete.

We're not dealing with the typical run-of-the-mill Mutts here, these are cold-blooded K*llers.

If they were to take us out, it'd be chaos.

And without the Pack enforcing the law, these Mutts can run wild.

And in time, our society would be revealed to the outside world.

And man would do what man does best: w*r.

And it would not stop until one side or the other was completely wiped out.

We can't let that happen.

There's only one way to take out these Mutts: we bury them.

Are you ready for that?

If that's what it takes.

It's time to take the fight to them.

(Birds chirping)

(Knocking on door)

I'll get it.



Daniel Santos.

You got a minute?


We'll go in quietly.

Clay, you and Elena go through the front door, Nick and I will go in through the adjoining room.

And if the Mutts are here?

We take them alive. We'll try.

We'll try hard.

( ♪ )

Nice place.



Is your girlfriend taking a bath?

You know, I was actually just on my way out.

I know.

Keynote speaker at a psychology conference.


Especially for someone your age.

What are you doing here?

Came here to talk to you about the situation at Stonehaven.

Why me?

Because... you're a rational guy.

And because the Danvers family hates my guts.

Word of the att*cks in Bear Valley has spread.

It sounds like those two K*llers are working in tandem.

When have you ever known Mutts to be in league with one another?

Bound to happen sometime.


Eventually they're going to get tired of the Pack imposing rules and push back.

I shouldn't have to explain that to you, doctor.

Well, you would understand the mind of a Mutt much better than I would, wouldn't you?

You may think of me as a Mutt, but before you came around, I was pure Pack.

My family dates back generations.

Do I need to remind you that my great-great-grandfather was Alpha?

What do you want from me?

Convince Jeremy and Clay to let me come to Stonehaven.

Let's talk about joining forces to deal with this situation.

(Lock breaking)

What about your relationship with Clay?

He k*lled my brother.

But I'm willing to look past it.

It's collateral damage.

If there was ever a time for us to put our past behind us and to join forces, it's now.



Elena: (Panting)

Jeremy: You okay?


The whole town must have heard that.

We need to go.

(Ominous ♪)

Elena: It's Pete's.


( ♪ )

Let him try.