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01x03 - Trespass

Posted: 01/28/14 13:07
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "Bitten"...

Be careful out there.


Whoever this is, they broke a cardinal rule by k*lling a human for sport.

We'll deal with this as a Pack.

The Pack needs you.

You're going to have to do better than that if we're tracking a Mutt.

Miss you, too.

Elena: I have people who like to know where I am.

People or person?

It's not as if you care.



Elena: Another k*lling. It almost smells newly turned.

You're gonna want to see this.

What is it?

He's just a child.

Elena: This k*ll, it's the same scent as the Mutt from the flophouse.

It's the same one that k*lled the girl before.

And now a young boy. This has got to stop.

What are you doing?

He dumped him here to put a target on our backs. We have to move him.

(High-pitched ring)

(Distant men's voices)

There's hunters on our property.


He's got the scent.

Trespassing won't matter if they find this.

Nick, help me move him.

No, leave the body there.

If they find a body, we'll be overrun with police.

It's gonna be a lot worse if they catch us trying to cover this up.

(Continued shouts)

My god... It's a kid.

What the hell did you people do?

We had nothing to do with this.

It's the Richardson boy.

We just found the body. I was about to call the police.

Looks like another wolf attack.

Yeah? We'll let the Sheriff decide that.

In the meantime, we'll stick around, make sure no one messes with the evidence.

Believe me, we have no intention of tampering with evidence.

The best thing is for everybody to just back away from the boy's body.

We will wait for the police.

Look, I don't know what you people are doing out here, but this is the second wolf k*ll in a couple of days and you've got g*dd*mn tracks all over your property.

It's private property.

Maybe you'd like to explain what the Richardson boy is doing out here.


Clay: You're implying what's happened here is our fault?

Dead body, your property: you do the math.

We have nothing to do with this. Anybody who thinks that is a fool.

You're calling me a fool?


Everybody just calm down now.


Man: Calm down, calm down!

Blue! Stop!

It's time for you to go.


(Grunt) Hey, what the hell?



What the hell? Blue!

Next time you pop the safety off your g*n, I'm gonna give you reason to use it.

That's enough.


The most important thing is to do right by this boy and his family now.

Antonio and Nick, escort these gentlemen to the front gate and you wait for the sheriff.


Hey, come...

Braxton! The damn dog will find his own way home.


Braxton: We'll see what the sheriff has to say about this.

Man: Come on, let's get out of here.

Who would do this to a child?

That's what we have to find out.

(Dialling beeps)

Sheriff Morgan? This is Jeremy Danvers.

There's been another k*lling.

( ♪ )

Season 1, Episode 3

Goading the dog was very clever, Elena.

That dog could have att*cked you.

You act like I've never been bitten before.

How ironic.

If you're angry at me, come at me.

Right at me. Don't talk around it.

That's enough.

Pete: The hunters are off the property.

For now, anyway.

At the rate that this Mutt's going, that's not going to last for very long.

The first k*ll was on the outskirts of town, the second one was dropped in our backyard, what's his plan?

He's drawing attention to us and he's upped the stakes by k*lling a kid.

He's escalating. He's turning up the heat, bit by bit.

But why?

The psychological damage to the recently bitten Mutt is unpredictable.

Yeah, except for the fact that he's targeting us.

Or he just likes to k*ll women and children and wants to flaunt it in our territory.

Sheriff just arrived. She's heading out to see the body.


A Mutt k*lled a kid.

I'll stay until we find him.


Antonio, you and I will deal with Sheriff Morgan.

Elena... You and Clay go into town.

See if you can pick up the scent of the Mutt.

Start with the bars.

I'll be ready in five minutes.

I want him alive.

I need to know who turned him before we mete out punishment.

There is someone out there who knows the Mutt rumour mill better than us.

Karl Marsten.

If he's even in the country.

Find out, Nick.

If he is, I want you and Logan to track him down and see what he knows.

Got it.

Well, hey, I'll just stick around here and do some sweeping up.

I can clean out the fireplace, too if...

Pete, you, go with Nick and Logan.

A little show of force is always useful with Karl Marsten.

A show of force. Hear that?


Oh, it's so nice not being the youngest around here...

Give me a minute.

Come outside with me for a second.



This came for you today.

Someone cares enough to know that these are your favourite flowers.

So is it serious?

Serious enough.

To keep it from me.

I know how you feel about long-term relationships with humans.

You also know how much I trust you.

You don't have to manage me, Elena.

I don't want you to keep secrets about Philip or anything else.

You know his name.

He signed the card.



Very nice of him to send flowers.

(Sigh) Yeah... He's one of the good ones, you know.

I hate lying to him.

Our whole existence hinges on the lies we tell humans.

And sometimes...

We have to keep some truths from our own too.

We can't hide these out here forever.

Do you think that I should get rid of them?

( ♪ )

Elena: (On phone) I got the flowers.

They reached you. Good.

I didn't know where to send them, but the florist knew the Danvers name.

Well, they're beautiful. But you didn't have to.

Well, making my girlfriend feel better is actually something I have to do.

It's the law.

Oh, really?

Well, I guess that makes you an upstanding citizen, doesn't it?

Philip: (On phone) Well, sometimes I feel like a rebel.

Like right now, I'm not wearing any pants.

Are you showing off for the old lady with the binoculars, or what?

Yep. She's getting a hell of a show.

Any time now she's gonna get the no-pants dance.

Wow. Okay, what else do you have in store?

(High-pitched ring)


(Muffled laughter, chatter)

(Engine ignition)

(♪ on radio)

( ♪ )

(On radio)

♪ I remember that day ♪
♪ In Memphis town ♪
♪ I was down on my luck ♪
♪ I was hanging around ♪
♪ The record company called "Not sending any money" ♪
♪ But I was so drunk that I didn't even care ♪

( ♪ )

Word's spreading through town. They've upped the bounty on the wolf.

I thought that hunting wolves was illegal.

It is, but now I've got two kids in town saying they've seen one roaming the streets.

Before this gets any worse, I'd rather have a slap on the wrist from Wildlife Control than see another dead body turn up.

Tense nerves and firearms just doesn't seem to be the safest combination, Sheriff.

I hear you. But people want justice.

k*lling that wolf might just give them the closure they need.

Antonio: Everyone's back up at the house.

They're pretty shaken up.

How is it you all found this boy together?

Well, we were out for a walk and that's when we s...

That's when we saw him.

You have a lot of problems with kids trespassing on your property?

Antonio: Not usually. The occasional party in the woods.


I have a vague memory being one.

Any idea why an 11-year-old boy would even be out here?

Absolutely none.

Sheriff, the coroner would like a word.


I'm not looking forward to notifying the family, I'll tell you that.

What's your take on things?

Better we find this Mutt before she does.

Mr. Williams.

James, please.

Thank you for meeting me here.

It's a little strange.

I... usually give presentations in board rooms.

I couldn't bring this to the office.

There's a power struggle going on with my board of directors.

Some want to scale back our assets, I want to expand.

Into vodka.

I've found one of Estonia's best-kept secrets.

A little-known family operation called Viljandi.

And they make the finest small batch vodka in the Balkans.

(Laugh) Sounds like a good get.

And the Cassie Awards make you a good get as well.

I vetted your portfolio.

And I think you're the right person to help me position the vodka to my board.

Your job is to convince them that it will sell in North America.

Give me your thoughts.

(Church bells tolling)

( ♪ )

I never realized Bear Valley had so many bars.

And so far, our Mutt's been to all of them.

Yeah, well it's easy hunting grounds.

But his scent's still too faint. Couple days old at least.

There's nothing new in the air but...

Rotten tomatoes, milk that's about to turn...

(Sniff) Diesel, sweat...


How long you been holding that one in, Clay?

Long as I could.


I had to come up with an excuse for leaving Toronto so abruptly.

So I said that my cousin got in a car accident.

Hence the flowers.

I'd imagine that's difficult.

Having to come up with excuses.

Kind of like what I'm doing with you right now?

That's the thing... You shouldn't have to, with me.

Hunter: Surprised to see you two in town.

Nothing like a little Bear Valley hospitality.

Just come from Bill Richardson's.

He runs the gas station on the way out to your place.

I'm sure you've filled up there a bunch of times.

We have.

Well, that kid we found on your property was his grandson.

So you're probably going to want to find a new place to fill up for a while.

Look, we had nothing to do with his death.

Don't you think that we feel horrible too?

We saw the paw prints.

Braxton's convinced that there's a wolf roaming around on your property and you ain't doing much to stop it.

That's not the case.

Well, his dog's still missing.

And if that wolf gets Blue, blame's going directly on you.

We'll keep an eye out for Blue, okay?

And the wolf.

We're all on the lookout for that.

That boy deserves justice, I know.

I don't get it.

Some Mutt comes blazing through Bear Valley, leaving... behind three dead bodies, one specifically left on our property, and then vanishes.


Maybe he made his point and left town?

Or like Logan said, he's gone mad with the Change.

Yeah, but... he could k*ll in any dark corner of the country...

But he's here. There's a reason.

Those kills are a message.

Then we find him and ask. Up close and personal.

(Dance ♪)

( ♪ )

Officer: Have you been in touch with the family yet?

(Indistinct reply on two-way radio)

( ♪ )

I see you've called in the reinforcements.

The victim's a child. Makes everyone move faster.

Even the government.

Those two are wildlife experts.

What do they think they're going to find?

Hopefully, an indication of what kind of animal were dealing with.

Oh... I thought this was a wolf.

Could be. The boys aren't so sure.

Something about the size of the prints and the length of the stride.

I'm not even gonna start guessing. It'll only add fuel to the rumours.

Could be a long night.

Well, if you, or any of your colleagues need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

I appreciate that, Mr. Danvers.

All we need are some answers, and we're not gonna stop until we find some.


Don't say no.

All these leftovers from the wedding shower...

I can't possibly eat this by myself. The cholesterol would k*ll me.

Oh, so you're slowly going to k*ll me instead?

(Laugh) What the hell. I'll eat it. Pre-celebration.

I just landed a client that's gonna make me my year if not my entire decade.

So, are you and Elena gonna... paint the town red tonight?

No, she's off in Upstate New York with family.

I thought she didn't have a family.

Yeah, I just found out myself.

Six months you've been together, and you're just hearing now about a family?

I'll take the cheese, Mom. You can keep your advice.

I don't want this one to break your heart.

I can tell that you're all-in. Obviously she's not.

She's guarded. She has a complicated history.

What is so complicated about being honest?

( ♪ )

Nick: I wanted to show you guys my new club anyway, so I thought I'd have Marsten just come meet us here.

It's a work in progress. I haven't told my dad I bought the place yet.

And because your investment acumen is stellar.

I think that was delivered with irony, but I'm gonna take it as a compliment.

How are those Facebook shares working for you?

Is there a dislike button for what happened to those stocks?

You know, I like to think of my financial past as isolated teaching moments which have brought me to where I am today.

How's that working for you?


What do you think?

(Clears throat)


Hot mess time machine?

Dude, do not tell your father about this.

(Thud) Ugh.

Nick: Come on, you guys, once it's reno'd it could be a vision.

You'll like what's coming our way.

Oh... my God.


Amanda, you look stunning.

I wasn't expecting you.

The carpenters won't be here for another week.

Just a little bit of business. Some personal... (Clears throat)

Amanda, meet my old friends. This is Logan and Peter.



Yeah. Hi.

You're the manager.

Yeah. Amazing.

Amanda here is gonna overhaul the place for me.

Oh. Well, at least you have the good sense to hire someone with taste.

Nick: Hey, I have taste, okay?

(Clears throat)

How'd Marsten get here so fast?

Time to rock and roll, boys.

Let's play it cool.

Clay: GPS says this is the place.

(Muffled dance ♪)

( ♪ )

What are you doing?

I'm going in alone.

That's not gonna happen.

Right, 'cause you'll blend in so well.

That's not what this is about, is it?

I can handle this, okay?

You're so uptight they'll think you're a narc.

Okay, look, you have to stop believing I can't control myself.

It's unfair.


We're better when we have each other's backs.

Okay, but if he's in there, the two of us going in at the same time...

Yeah, it's liable to spook him. You're right.

Drive him towards that door. I'll grab him on the way out.

That's actually not a terrible plan.

It's not my first Mutt hunt.

I hoped my hunting days were over.


Once more into the fray, right? How do I look?

Now you're perfect.

(Muffled ♪ continues)

( ♪ )

(Engine stops)

A hand-rolled Casanegra. A man of refined tastes.

Unfortunately, I'm allergic to cigar smoke, so would you mind...?

Soft approach, appealing to my obvious class, and a winning smile.

Why ever is a butterfly like you caught up in a white trash net like this?

You know, honouring a lady's polite request is much more flattering than praise.

Then your wish is my command.

You called?

If it were for my design advice, I would suggest starting with a blowtorch.

Can I get you a drink?

One part vodka, two parts poison?

We don't have any bad blood, do we?

Between us? Of course not.

Let's get to it, shall we?

(Dance ♪)

( ♪ )

(Eerie high-pitched ring)

You know who I am?

I know what you are.

I can smell it.

Seems you and I share something very special in common.

We couldn't be more different. You k*lled three innocent people.

They break so easily now.

I love this.

What you broke are the rules.

k*lling people isn't allowed.

You ever see the look in their eyes when they're about to die?

When they realize that...

You are death.

I'm not gonna let your rules get in the way of my fun.

Wrong answer.

( ♪ )


I don't think you can stop me getting what I want.

Back off.

What if I don't feel like it?

(Grunts of combat)



Feel that?

(Fast heartbeat)

(Retching, grunting)

No, look, just calm down.


You'll Change right here!

Calm the hell down!

I don't know how!

Come on!

(Grunts of effort)

( ♪ )

Out of the way! He's going to be sick!




( ♪ )

(Distant shouts)

( ♪ )

(Thumping on door)

Nick: You certainly are an international Mutt of mystery.

Last I heard you were in London, but yet here you are at a moment's notice.

I'm curious to know what you're doing in the area.

You think I don't know how to set up a Google alert?

Wolf att*cks in Upstate New York.

That means something is happening. I like to be close to the action.

What have you heard?

Nothing yet.

But the fact you're asking suggests that you haven't heard anything either.

(Pool balls clacking) We know a new Mutt is causing this.

Hm. Very interesting.

What we want to know is who bit him.

Ah, yes, the million dollar question.

I could find out.

For a price, I'm sure.

Just some goodwill from the Pack.

You have something specific in mind?

I've stuck by your rules. I'm always on the move.

I've never stayed in one place for long.

We still don't know what it is you want.

Just an open mind from Jeremy on my desire for territory.

Sometimes is nice to have a place to put your feet up.

I'll find out who bit your little problem.

Maybe I'll even walk him up to your front door.

(Thuds against door)


(Thuds, clattering stop)

( ♪ )



(Mixed screaming)




(Mixed screaming)



Look at me! Look at me! You're gonna be okay.

(Continued screaming)

Why in the hell would a wolf go into a warehouse packed with people and loud music?

It doesn't make any sense! Damn it.

Sheriff: Call the hospital, tell them to expect...

I don't what to expect!

Something big is going down.

(Sirens wailing)

Sheriff: Do you have any idea how much carnage we might be looking at?

Our Mutt just made his next move.

(Panicked screams)

(Grunts of pain)


( ♪ )


Secure the area, right now!

(Panicked shouts)

Okay, okay.

Everybody down!





(Continued screaming)

(Sirens wailing)

(Police radio chatter)

( ♪ )

Elena, the cops definitely don't need to find us here.

One guy was still alive when I left. He was bitten.

This way.

(Shallow breathing, gasping)

Do you know where you are?

Hot... I'm hot...

Do you remember what happened?


We need to hurry.

(Wincing) I... I don't feel so good.

You use needles?



Clay, no.

Can you stand?


Clay, we can take him to Stonehaven, we can put him in the cage.

Clay... listen to me!


Okay. Come here, come here.


Shh, it's okay.


Please... stop.



It's okay, it's okay.

♪ What you got in store for me? ♪
♪ Keep those eyes closed Next to me ♪
♪ And I don't want another... ♪

You didn't have to k*ll him.

He was weak. Habitual drug user.

No way he would've survived the Change.

I saved him days of agony, and you know it.

Let's get out of here.

( ♪ )

♪ Warm shadow ♪
♪ Mmm ♪
♪ Warm shadow ♪
♪ Won't you cast yourself on me ♪

Pete: So, what do you think?

He's pretty confident.

Mm-hmm. Already negotiating a deal.

He clearly knows more than he's letting on.

Well, holding out on us isn't a good idea.

Jeremy would bust him a new hole. I don't think he's that stupid.

He's a sociopath. He's a con man.

A con man is a sociopath, (cellphone ringtone) he's just good at hiding it.

Hold up, hold up. Jeremy, what's happening?

The Mutt's dead.

Pete: (On phone) Clay and Elena?

No, they're both safe. They didn't get a chance to question him.

Okay, well, Marsten didn't cop to much.

We'll figure that out eventually.

Listen, you and Logan don't have to come back to Stonehaven.

We'll take it from here.


Well, you know to find me, amigo.


Scratch a k*ller Mutt off the list of life.

Let me guess. Clay got him.

All I know is Jeremy says you and I can go.

I'm going to see if I can catch the rest of the tour.

I got a lady waiting on me.

Come on, man. Hug it out, baby.

Hug it out!

Hug it like you own it!

Okay, okay, okay.

Come on now.

Okay. (Laugh)


No wedgies...




I love you guys.


Nick: Love you too.

Pete: My boys.

Elena: Clay...

Look, just stop. Please stop.

I really screwed up tonight.

I let the situation get out of hand.

Listen to me.

The fact he couldn't control his Change, that's not your fault.

He was a ticking time b*mb...

You're not listening to me!

I'm the ticking time b*mb! We both are.

Look, we don't think clearly when we're around one another.

People are dead.

Elena, we stopped him from k*lling anyone else.

He didn't k*ll the guy in the office, Clay.

Yes, he did. You know what I did was a mercy.

I have a life in Toronto.

A good life. It's my life.

Keep telling yourself that.

You'll find whoever made the Mutt.

Okay? You'll punish him. But you don't need me!

Keep telling yourself that, too.

He's not the only one that needs you.

We all do, Elena.

This isn't what I need.

I'm going home in the morning, and I'm not coming back.

Just take care of him, Jeremy, okay?

( ♪ )

( ♪ )

♪ There's a place ♪
♪ That I've found ♪
♪ Full of sins

♪ That you've drowned ♪
♪ I'll be your river ♪

If my girlfriend catches you here, I'm going to be in big trouble.

( ♪ )

Is she the jealous type?

She's completely unreasonable.

How selfish of her.

She's insatiable.

(Clattering of belt)

And acrobatic.


Most days it's like the Russian circus around here.

You poor thing.


Feels good to be home.

( ♪ )

Philip: I think it should be called that...

Why not?

I think your neighbours can hear everything that we're doing.

Yeah, that would explain the high-fives I get in the lobby every morning.


Enough bragging and start cooking.

Ahh, wow, dinner now too, huh?


I'm a sl*ve to your appetites.

Come on. (Clapping)

Chop chop.

All right.

See? This is what I needed.

Some alone time with you.


Ooh, smells good.

(Knocking on door)

Oh, I completely forgot to tell you we're having company over tonight.



You look surprised.

I am.

We ran into each other at a coffee shop the other day, and I thought we should have them over for dinner.

Come on in.

Let there be wine.

(Whispering) Really?

I got blindsided too.


Cousin. Car accident.

Coma. Kids.

She's out of the woods.

Okay. What name did you give her?

I didn't.

Philip: Hey, let him in the door!


It's been too long. (Hands slapping)

Antonio: Jeremy, really, it's no hardship to stay on another night or two.

The townspeople got their wolf. Those hunters won't come back.

Maybe it's time we canvassed all the Mutts.

Remind them why it's best to follow the rules.

That's a very good idea, my friend.

But that is a project for tomorrow.

I'm going for a run.

He thought she was gonna stay.

So did I.

I can't believe we haven't done this before.

Well, it's routines, you know? We get stuck in them like train tracks.

I like my routine.

It's too bad that it takes something awful for people to get together.

Who's taking care of the kids?

Your cousin's kids.

Well, now that Danielle is awake, her husband's home.

Yeah. Boys? Girls? You never said.

One of each. They're very young. Um, four and six.

Yeah, they haven't seen Danielle in the hospital yet. Maybe soon.

(Laugh) Funny, I mean... I've never heard you talk about women in the family.

Other than Elena.

Country cousins.

I'm not even actually sure how we're related to them.

Who found who?

I'm sorry?

She didn't know about you guys when she was growing up, and you didn't know about her, so...

Who found who?

Rachel: The funny thing is that... they didn't know about Logan, either.

I mean, not until you were, what, 16?

What? You were in the foster system too?

No, I was raised by my mother.

We're connected through my father.


But we're all together now. One big happy family.

That must have been so weird, finding out that you have actual family out there.

Yeah, it was weird.

I'm still adjusting, you know?

We're leaving tonight?

I should head back to the city.


Clay is in full brood in the nude. Maybe I should stay here.

I think this is something that Jeremy wants to handle in his own way.

Besides, we've got another issue to deal with.



I don't like the fact that he was so close by.

It was like he was waiting for our call.

He sure knows how to sniff out an opportunity.

And money.

You and I are gonna follow his financial tracks.

See what he's up to. All right. Get your stuff.

So... Professional opinion on the lasagna?

Uh... no. I'm just happy whenever anybody else does the cooking.

I don't critique.


I thought it was a little salty, too.


If Logan can get the Chinese food out of the carton and onto a plate, I'm amazed.

How are you two doing?

Logan doesn't really say much.

I've... (Laugh) got these crazy hours.

You know, prepping the kitchen at 9:00 a.m., not getting home until 1:00 in the morning at the earliest.

Never made for easy relationships. But...

Logan... I don't know, he... gets it.

He gives me room.

And you give him room.

Yeah. But... now I'm curious about the rest of his family.

I don't know. They're not what you'd expect.

For a while there, I felt... I don't know, like I was at home.

But I couldn't shake the feeling that I was just a visitor.

I get that.

But it's good to know there's somebody there, right?


Tell me something, and if I'm prying, I'll back off.

But is everything okay with Elena?


What makes you think it isn't?

She has a hard time opening up, and I never push her, but she's shared enough of her past that I know she's holding in a lot of hurt.

Well, and it really isn't my place to say, but...

I see you two together, the way you make her laugh.

You bring out the best side of her. Just keep doing that.

Look at me.

I invite a psychologist to dinner and I put him to work.

Ah, don't worry about it. I'm used to it.

You know most doctors get canvassed for giving off-hours advice.

Except proctologists, right? They're probably safe.

You would hope so.


(Ominous ♪)

Philip: What do you think? Coffee or scotch?

Well, they go together, don't they?


Let's introduce them.

All right, then.

(Cellphone ringtone)

That's our cousin.




I, uh...

I understand.

Yeah, yeah, I know. We-we can, of course.

No, I just...

What is it?

Another Danvers called you.

Yeah, I'll tell her.

A... Clayton?

She's here with me now. We're on our way.


It's not good.

We have to go back.

We have to go back right away.

He's not wearing his jacket.

He always took it off before a fight.

( ♪ )

♪ In these arms... ♪
♪ In these arms ♪
♪ Are where you want to stay ♪

He didn't go down without hurting someone.

Who did this?

( ♪ )

(Deep inhalation)

I don't know.

♪ You will not answer to anyone ♪
♪ It's all ♪
♪ Yeah, it's all ♪
♪ A game to you ♪

( ♪ )

(Camera shutter click)

No Equal.

(Triumphant ♪)