01x02 - I Only Have Eyespots for You/Double Bubbles

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Splash and Bubbles". Aired: November 23, 2016 – August 6, 2018.*
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Splash and Bubbles follows a yellowback fusilier Splash, who settles in Reeftown after looking all over the ocean.
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01x02 - I Only Have Eyespots for You/Double Bubbles

Post by bunniefuu »

- ♪ I swamall around the world ♪

♪ I'm seeing this oceanon my own ♪

♪ And then I foundmy way to Reeftown ♪

♪ And I knewthat I'd found my home ♪

♪ And met my friend,Bubbles here ♪

- ♪ Our friendshipis the best ♪

all: ♪ Oh, dive in ♪

♪ With Splash and Bubbles ♪- ♪ Dive in ♪

all: ♪ We're making friendsin the ocean ♪

♪ Come along with usand see it all ♪

- ♪ With palslike Dunk and Ripple ♪

♪ We'll explorethis world together ♪

all: ♪ When you shareadventures with your friends ♪

♪ It makes themso much better ♪

all: ♪ Oh, dive in ♪

♪ With Splash and Bubbles ♪- ♪ Dive in ♪

all: ♪ We're making friendsin the ocean ♪

- ♪ In this worldbeyond belief ♪

all: ♪ Come seethe greatest reef ♪

♪ Oh, dive in ♪

♪ With Splash and Bubbles ♪- ♪ Dive in ♪

all: ♪ Start making friendsin the ocean ♪

♪ Come long with us ♪

♪ Dive right in ♪- ♪ Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh ♪

[upbeat music]


- Today, we're exploring

where no groupof Reeftown fish

have gone before.

A deep, dark,mysterious coral cave.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I heard "mysterious"and "cave,"

so I of course I figuredthere was something going on.

- Oh, hiya, Morrie,we're playing Reeftown Rangers.

- Yeah, we're pretendingthat's a new cave to explore.

- Oh, right, gotcha,

you can't tell mewhat you're really doing

because it's a secret.

- It's not a secret, Morrie.

- Oh, good,because I already told

some cave worms about it.Ha ha.

See you later.Bye.


- All right,Reeftown Rangers,

let's explore this cave.

- Yeah.- Yeah!

- Whoa!- You guys go first.

Oh, boy.Huh.

Well--Is someone staring at me?

[gasps]Oh, hi, welcome to Reeftown.

My name's Splash.And it's really--

Huh?Wha--What just happened?

And why did she swim away?

And how did she swim backwards?

- Splash,there you are.

- Huh?- Hey, you okay?

- Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

I just--I just sawa very interesting fish.

I've never seen anyone like her.- Really?

What did she look like?- Well,

she had thesereally unusual eyes.

- Oh, really?How were they unusual?

Were there a hundred of them?More than a hundred?

- No, I don't think so.- Oh, oh, oh, were they slimy?

Please say they were slimy.

- Or were they giant like this?- Hmm?

- No, no, no,they were just different,

but here's the strangest part.

It seemed like she waslooking right at me,

but when I went up to herto say hello she swam off.

She didn't even answer me.- Hmm.

That is strange.- Yeah.

- I don't know,that sort of thing

happens to me all the time.- What? Really?

- Well, yeah,it's like I'm not even there.

I'll just be right in the middleof a sentence--

- [gasps] There she is again!- Come on, let's go.

- And it happened to me again.

- Oh, I think we missed her.

- Okay, what are welooking for here?

- Oh, well, we're looking fora fish that can swim backwards.

- Wait, what?- Yeah.

- How can she do that?- Well, I wish I knew,

but the real question is:

why didn't she wantto talk to me?

I mean, does she not wantto play with us?

- There you guys are.Are you still looking

for that fish with the eyes?- Yeah.

We have to find her too.And find out

why she doesn't wantto play with us.

- Hey, this is a perfectadventure for us...

Reeftown Rangers.

[all exclaim]

Let's find her together.- Oh, yeah.

We can be the first ones everto learn about this fish.

- Yeah.- Come on!

all: Ocean friends forever!

[laughter]- All right, let's see,

I think she went this way.Come on.

Let's go.- Oh!

- I knowshe's around here somewhere.

Hmm.Keep your eyes out.

Um...Oh!Oh, hey, Wave, hi!

Have you seena different-looking fish?

- Oh, boy, have I ever.

I see fish all day long,you know?

Some of themyou wouldn't believe.

- Well, I mean,a really different-looking fish.

You probably haven'tseen one like this before.

- Oh, yeah, different how?

- Uh...Well, let's see...

Oh, well she's got these eyes.

- Ooh, like a hundred eyes?

- Why is that alwaysthe first thing everyone asks?

- Okay, "a different-lookingfish who has eyes"

doesn't reallynarrow it down much.

I mean, that could be anyone.Even me.

- [laughs]- Seriously,

it's a pretty big oceanout there.

Trying to findthe same fish twice?

That just never happens.- Oh, yeah, but--

[gasps]It's her!

Come on, everybody, let's go.- Correction.

Almost never happens.

[all panting]

- She is so fast.- I know.

I mean,we're swimming forwards,

and we can barely keep up.- How does she do it?

- I don't know.- Look! look!

She's stopping over there.

- Oh, no![all talking at once]

I say we go right up to herand talk to her.

- Talk to her?- Yeah, you know,

ask her name, find outwhat kind of fish she is,

and boom,we've got a new friend.

- Great plan, Splash.- Yeah, hey, Bubbles, okay,

you're the most colorful of us.You swim up to her and wave,

and then when she waves back,you can invite her over

to play with me.- Okay, great idea.

But what ifshe doesn't wave back?

- Everyone waves back.It's what you do.

- Yeah.- All right, here I go.

- Okay, okay.- Okay...


Uh, hi!

- That's super!- That was really good.

That was good.- Yeah.

- Yeah, hi.[laughs]

My name is Bubbles...- It's not working.

- What?What do I do?

- Smile more.- Yeah, energy, big energy.

- Energy, energy.

Hey! What's happening?Whoo!

[all laughing]- This'll work. This'll work.

- Bubbles.And I--

- Yeah.- I don't--

- Oh...- Aww.

- Oh, I waved at her,but she didn't wave back.

Who does that?- I know, she didn't even

move an eyeball.- That is one cold fish.

- Yeah, she didn't answerSplash when he said hello,

and she didn't even wave backat Bubbles.

- I guess she really doesn'twant to be friends.

- [gasps]Wait a minute.

We can't give up yet.Hey, hey, Dunk, your turn.

So, go try to get her attention.- Not to worry, friends,

if there's one thingI'm good at,

it's getting attention.[all laugh]

- Have fun, bestest buddy.- Why, hello there.

Dunk's the name.

- Ooh.- Nice. Nice.

- Uh...

[groans]- Go full puff.

- Keep going! Keep going!- Full puff! Go!

- Okay, okay.[clears throat]

[grunts]- Nice!

- [groaning]Oh, boy.


- Hm,two can play at this game.

Staring contest it is.

[grunting][oohs and ahhs]

- Nice move.- Focus.

- Do it, Dunk.- Focus!

- [grunting]


- Nice try, buddy.

- It's not as easyas it looks, guys.

I looked herright in the eye. A lot.

And she didn't so muchas crack a smile.

- [groans]I guess there is one fish

in the ocean who doesn't wantto play with us.

[all groan]

- It's okay,I'm sure she'll come around.

And besides, don't forget,we've got each other.

- Yeah, Bubbles is right.- Yeah!

The four of usalways have fun together.

No matter what we're doing.

- Yeah, ocean friends forever.

[all cheer]

- ♪ Do do doo do do ♪

♪ Do do do ♪

all: ♪ Hanging with friends ♪

♪ On the continental shelf ♪

♪ Shake a fin,swim on in ♪

♪ And tell us about yourself ♪

- I'm Splash, a fusilier.

You know I'm mobile.

♪ I really love to explore ♪I'm going global

- Bubbles, that's me!I'm a mandarin dragonet.

Do I like stuffthat's gross and gooey?

You bet!

all: ♪ Hanging with friendsfrom near and far ♪

♪ Time to shine,friend of mine ♪

♪ Tell us who you are ♪

- I'm the artistknown as Dunk.

That's one talent I've got.

I'm a puffer fishand I know a lot about a lot.

- Ripple,I'm a seahorse.

♪ I work well with others ♪

♪ That's because I have brothers ♪

all: ♪ Hanging with friends,we love to explore

♪ Hanging with friends,we're always looking for more ♪

♪ When we get together ♪

♪ The fun never ends ♪

♪ 'Cause nothing is better ♪

♪ Than hanging with friends ♪

- ♪ Do do doo do do ♪

♪ Do do do ♪

[all laughing]- All right.

I couldn't be more readyto talk to this fish

and make a new friend.I was born ready.

Okay, here I go.- You got this, buddy.

- It's gonna be great.I'm gonna make a new friend.

- Yeah.- No problem.

You got this, Splash.[clears throat]

Uh, hello, nice to meet you.I'm Splash.

What's your name?

Uh, I said,what's your name?

Oh, man,what else can I do?

Talking to this fishis like talking to a rock.

- Are you talking to me?[all gasp]

- Uh, well, I mean no,I mean actually yes.

I was--Well, not the rock part.The nice part.

The part about--

How many eyesdo you actually have?

- Oh, my eyes are over here.[laughs]

- What?Oh.

- Oh, what you thoughtwere my eyes are not my eyes.

[giggles][all exclaim]

- Those aren't your eyes?

You mean this whole time,Splash was talking to your--

- I've been talkingto your tail?

[laughter][Splash groans]

- Don't worry about it.

It's actuallya pretty common mistake.

By the way, my name is Iris.Nice to meet you.

- Well, niceto finally meet you, Iris.

I'm Splash.- So, Splash,

what you thought were my eyeswere really just my eyespots.

- Wha--Eyespots?

- Yeah, wellI'm a Bennett's butterflyfish,

and we have spots on our bodiesthat look like eyes.

- Why?I mean, what do they do?

- Oh, my eyespots are great.They keep trouble away.

Predators think they're lookinginto my real eyes,

then get confused and swim away.

- So the eyespotstrick other fish?

Kind of likehow we were tricked.

[all chuckle]

- Exactly,I have that effect on some fish.

- Oh, really?

I wouldn't knowanything about that.

- So when we saw youswimming backwards,

how did you do that?[laughter]

- Oh, well,I was swimming the right way,

it just lookedbackwards to you.

- All that time,you probably didn't even know

we were talking to you.- Oh, I had no idea.

Sorry about that.

The eyespots are designedto confuse other fish,

but I guess it's not alwaysa good thing.

- Well, Iris,we've never seen you

around before.Are you from Reeftown?

- No, I'm just passing through.

I've been swimming in circlesall day around the reef.

- We've noticed.- Yeah, I first saw you

a while ago when we wereexploring other caves nearby.

- Exploring some caves?I love caves.

- Well, we neverreally got to explore

this really neat caveon the other side of the reef,

so maybe if you're,you know, not busy--

- Oh, I'd love to!- That's great.

All right, everyone,and new friend Iris.

- Let's go!- Okay, to the cave.

- I can't wait to see this cave.With these eyes, of course.


- Come on, Iris, let's go.

- And now it's time to...

children: Get your feet wet!

[funk music]

- Is a moray eel a fish?

- Yes, it is.

The ocean is full of amazing, and unique fish

of different shapes and sizes.

♪ Like my old friend Moray ♪

♪ Talk about a big, toothy grin ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And the lionfish is flashy ♪

♪ Showin' off those venomous fins ♪

♪ ♪

♪ The frogfish is hiding ♪

♪ With a fishing pole attached to his nose ♪

♪ ♪

♪ While the tiny dragonet fish ♪

♪ Walks around on dainty toes ♪

♪ ♪

♪ The prickly, little pipefish ♪

♪ Looks just like a floating plant ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And the garden eel's look funny ♪

♪ Peeking out from holes in the sand ♪

♪ ♪

all: ♪ So many shapes and sizes ♪

♪ I can't believe my eyes ♪

♪ It's a cavalcade of colors ♪

♪ It really is a wonder ♪

♪ The many kinds of fish ♪

♪ Here under the sea ♪

♪ ♪

- Whoa,there's a lot of fish.

[funk music]

- This has been...

Get your feet wet.


- [laughing]

[upbeat music]

That's a good spot.


I see you, Bubbles.

You can't hidefrom the "Hide and Seek" champ.


- Oh!- Got you, Bubbles!

[both laugh]

Wait.Why are you all green?

- Well, what's wrong with green?- Very funny.

I don't knowhow you got all green,

or what happened to your voice,

but let's go findthe others, okay, Bubbles?

- Yeah.Those are bubbles.

- Huh?No.

You're Bubbles.

- No, they're not my bubbles.

Are they your bubbles?- No.

You're Bubbles. You are Bubbles.

- Who's Bubbles?- [gasps]

- Dunk!Splash!

- Well, it was nice to meet you.Dunk! Splash!

- Splash! Dunk!Come out, quick!

- We can't.- We're hiding.

- Yeah, you have to find us.Fair and square.

- And whatever you do,don't look behind

this fin-shaped rock.- Yeah.

- Dunk!- Oh, did I give it away?

- Yes.- Oh, never mind about

"Hide and Seek."We have a situation.

- What's wrong, Ripple?

- I just found Bubbles,and she's different.

She's acting all weird...and green.

- How do you act green?

- Boo![all scream]


- Are you sure Bubblesis the one acting weird?

- Oh.Wait.

You're not green anymore.- Green? Of course not.

I've never been green.- But what about just now

with the--- Okay, okay.

Let's play another roundof "Hide and Seek."

I'll be it this time.all: Okay.

- Here we go.- Let's go.

- One, two, three...

- four, fi--Ripple.- Four, five, si--

Huh?- You're supposed to be hiding.

- Oh, no way.

I've got to watch everyoneand make sure

no one turns colors.

- [gasps] There she is.

- Oh, no, I can't look.

- I can.I want to see a green fish.

- Okay, you got me.- Oh, well.

- Bubbles, you're you.- Well, of course.

Who else would I be?- This doesn't make any sense.

If that's Bubblesand she's not green

then who's the other green fish?

- Do you mean me?- It's her!

You're the green Bubbles!

- [laughs]- I'm not a green anyone.

I'm Finny.- Oh.

See, guys?[laughs]

I was right.There are two Bubbles.

- Uh, excuse me.There's only one of me.

- And only one of me.- Oh, I just knew I was right.

I can't wait to tellmy hermanitos and papa.

Bye, guys!- Bye, Ripple.

- Bye, buddy.

- It's amazing how muchyou two look alike.

- Eh, well, I don't know.I just don't see it.

- Yeah, me, either.

- But you guyshave a lot in common.

Just look at each other.- I mean...

I guess we're both dragonets.

- I can walk on my fins.- Me too.

Oh, and I can make slime.- Me too.

- Oh, but, um,aside from that...

both: Naw.- [laughs]

- You even both swimmingthe exact same way.

- Yeah.

[upbeat music]

both: Ahh.



[both laugh]

- Wow, we are a lot alike.- Maybe we are.

- Hey, Finny,want to play with us?

- I'd love to.Are you sure?

- Oh, of course.It'll be great

having a dragonet aroundthe reef. Right, guys?

- Oh, yeah.- Come on, Finny,

I'll show you around.I'm an expert on Reeftown.

- Okay.- Oh, me too!

That is, well,I'm learning to be one.

Wait for me.

- Great job, Finny.- Yeah!

- I got it.- All me. All me!

- Watch this.

- Finny, it's your turn.- Like this?

♪ ♪

- Great shot, Finny.

Hey, Finny,you're a natural.

- But I just did that move.

- Oh, well, sure, Bubbles,but this is Finny's first time.

She did so great, right guys?

[somber music]

- No one else likes to playhere with me.

I like everythinggloppy and goopy.

- I do too.This mud puddle looks fantastic.

- Well, hey,isn't that great, Bubbles?

Finny loves goop and glopas much as you do.

- [chuckles]Well, I don't think

anyone likes itjust as much as me.

That's kind of my thing.

- ♪ Hey hey ♪

♪ I like yucky ♪

♪ And all the ucky ♪

♪ So if it's yuckyand it's ucky ♪

♪ Well,then I should be so lucky ♪

♪ If it's slimy ♪

♪ And if it's grimy ♪

♪ Well, let the party begin ♪

♪ Oh, I like yucky stuff♪

♪ Really, I can't get enough ♪

♪ So now you know how I feel ♪

♪ You find me where it's muddy ♪ - ♪ Uh-huh ♪

- ♪ And really cruddy ♪ - ♪ Uh-huh ♪

- ♪ 'Cause whereit's cruddy and it's muddy ♪

♪ I might finda brand-new buddy ♪

♪ If it's greasy ♪

♪ I don't get queasy ♪Uh-uh.

♪ Give me goopyand you know I'm all in ♪

♪ When something's oozing ♪

♪ You'll see me cruising ♪

♪ You know I'm choosingto take a good look ♪

♪ And if it's gooey ♪ - ♪ Gooey ♪

- ♪ Give me extra ooey ♪ - ♪ Ooey ♪

- ♪ I like the yucky,ucky, slimy, grimy ♪

♪ Muddy, cruddy,gloppy, sloppy ♪

♪ All that yucky stuffis treating me right ♪

♪ And that's the stuffthat I like ♪

♪ ♪

all: ♪ Hmm ♪

- [laughs]

♪ ♪

- Oh, hi, Bubbles.[laughs]

- That was so much fun.- Oh, Bubbles,

it must be so great having afriend just like you.

- Uh...yeah.

- Hey, I know,how about we go back

to the playgroundand play "Capture the Shell."

- Yeah.

- Um, you guys go ahead.

I'm just gonnastay here a while.

- Bubbles, are--are you sure?- Um, yeah.

- Oh, okay, well,if you change your mind,

come find us, okay?

- Yeah.- Okay, bye.

Hey Dunk, Finny, wait for me!

- [laughs]Oh, hey, Bubbles.

Oh, is something wrong?

- It's kind of, um...Finny.

- You don't like Finny?- Oh, sure.

She loves telling jokesjust like me.

She's good at "Finn Ball"just like me.

And she even loves playingin the muck and the goop.

- Just like you.- Exactly.

- So what's the problem?

- Well, that's just it.She's just like me.

I mean, now that there'sa brand-new Bubbles around,

why does anybodyneed me around anymore?

- There can't be a new Bubbles!

- But Finny is just like me.

Hey, I thoughtyou'd understand

with brothersexactly alike.

- [laughs]Oh, they're nothing alike.

Number over there tellsgreat stories,

and number makes the silliest faces.

Oh, and number always sleeps next to me.

- Hey, even though Finnyand I look like on the outside,

it doesn't meanwe're the same on the inside.

- Of course not.You're<span> our Bubbles.

You know Splash, Dunk,and me better than anyone.

- I do, don't I?- Mm-hmm.

After all, I am the originaldragonet around here.

- That's true.

I bet she could use yourfriendship.

- Yeah.Hey, thanks, Ripple.

You know, I'm so glad we hadthis chance to talk together.

- Oh, me too.

It's so nice to just--Hey!

, give me backmy purple shell.

- I'm telling papa.Papa!

- [laughs]

all: Shell catcher,shell catcher, Dunk is the one.

Shell catcher, shell catcher,now the game is done.

- Come on, buddy, come on.- Almost.

- Nice try, buddy.- Oh, Bubbles, there you are.

Will you be on my team?- Sure, I'd love to.

- Well, you better look out,because Dunk and I

are gonna get all the shells.- Yeah.

- Well, not ifwe can help it.

- Oh, really? Come on, Dunk.- Come on, Bubbles.

- We're gonna win this one.- We've got this.

- Come on, Finny.- Four, five, six, seven.

- Eight.- Dunk, we got eight,

that has to be enough to win.- Nine, ten!

Bubbles, I think we won.- What?

- Yeah.

- What a perfect endingto a great day.

- Hey, I just want to say

it's nice having youon the reef.

- Aw, thanks.

And I just wanted to saygood-bye.

My family and Iare moving on tomorrow.

- What?

Don't you wantto stay in Reeftown?

- Oh, it's great here,but I'm just a visitor.

My home's on another reef.- I guess that's how

we're different.My home is right here

on the reef with all my friends

and yours is on another reefwith fish I don't even know.

- Well, not yet,

but I hopeyou'll come visit one day.

- Sure, but for now, come on,

how about one last dipin the mud pit? Huh?

- Thought you'd never ask.Let's go.

Whoo!- Whee!

- Hey Bubbles, hey Finny,how about a rematch

of "Capture the Shell?"Whoa.

[both laugh]

- Uh, hey, guys,don't take this the wrong way

but now I really can'ttell you apart.

[both laugh]- That's okay, 'cause we can.

- And that's what counts.

- I guess you twogot to be good friends.

both: Yep.- That's because there's always

room for one more friendhere at the reef.

Especially a muddy one.

- Thanks, Bubbles.Watch out.

[splats]- Ohh!


- [laughs]

[all laughing]

- Better make thattwo muddy friends.


- And now it's time to...

children: Get your feet wet!

- Do animals in the oceantake baths?

- ♪ Clean your fins and clean your tail ♪

♪ Don't forget your teeth and scales ♪

♪ Swim on over ♪ all: ♪ Swim on down ♪

- ♪ To the cleaning station ♪ all: ♪ Cleaning station ♪

- ♪ Oh, the fish do their job well ♪

♪ Removing algae from a shell ♪

♪ Swim on over ♪ all: ♪ Swim on down ♪

- ♪ To the cleaning station ♪ all: ♪ The cleaning station ♪

- ♪ Striped fish will get you nice and spiffy ♪

♪ And they'll do it in a jiffy ♪

♪ Get you on your way ♪

♪ To have a lovely, ocean day ♪

♪ There's a place to bathe and prep ♪

♪ Thanks to a very friendly shrimp ♪

♪ Swim on over ♪ all: ♪ Swim on down ♪

- ♪ To the cleaning station ♪ all: ♪ The cleaning station ♪

- ♪ We'll get you cleaned up nice and spiffy ♪

♪ And we'll do it in a jiffy ♪

♪ And get you on your way ♪

♪ To have a lovely, ocean day ♪

♪ Don't you know we can help anybody out ♪

♪ That's what the station's all about ♪

♪ Slip on over ♪ all: ♪ Swim on down ♪

all: ♪ To the cleaning station ♪

- I want to goto a cleaning station.

- This has been...

get your feet wet.


[upbeat music]

- ♪ Da da da da ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Oooh ♪

♪ Da da da da ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Da da da da da ♪
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