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1235 - March 18, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 22:20
by bunniefuu
[eerie music]

NARRATOR:, and the Collins family

lives in perpetual fear.

Fear of a curse inflicted upon them

by one of their own ancestors, Brutus Collins,

years ago.

Since then, each generation

has known the terror of the locked room in

the abandoned west wing.

For all who have entered the room

have either d*ed or gone mad.

Some time ago, Gabriel Collins spent only

part of the night in the room

and came out violently insane.

For their own protection,

the family has kept Gabriel

a prisoner in the north tower.

But on this night, they will learn how

impossible it is to keep a madman under lock and key.


Are you still in there?


Gabriel, is Julia in there?

Gabriel, are you in there? [loud knocking]

- [ominous music] - [loud knocking]

- Gabriel! - [loud knocking]


[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

[suspenseful music]


Julia, don't try and sit up.

Oh! My head.

He must have given you quite a blow.

It was Gabriel!


He locked you in the tower room.

I had to go and find another key to let you out.

He's, he's gone again?


What happened, Julia?

He completely fooled me.

I took his, his food up to him,

and I told him what the family's decision was,

that he had to stay in the tower room

for a while longer.

He took it very calmly.

Morgan, he seemed so normal, so,

so somehow in control.

Yes, a bit too much so.

He asked me, he asked me to stay and

talk to him while he ate.

Though there was a sadness in his voice.

I, I began to feel very sorry for him.

He did that just to catch you off guard.

Yes, yes I turned my back on him just once

and that's the last thing I remember.

Morgan, the way he is now, oh!

He's more dangerous than he ever was.

We've got to get him.

We've got to lock him up forever!

Quentin and the servants are out looking for him now.

I'm, I'm going to go and join them.

Are you going to be all right here?

My head aches, but yes, I'll be all right.



Morgan, we must find him.

We must find him before he finds one of us

and commits m*rder.

[slow paced music]

Bramwell, you've got to take me away from here.

- Be happy. - Daphne!


Oh, Bramwell, you're still here.

I'm not going to leave you, darling.

I was having a dream about the two of us.

We were going to go away together and start a new life.

We will.

We'll go away soon as you're better.

No, but it was only a dream.

That's all it was, it was just a dream.

Don't talk this way, Daphne.

We'll make it work, we'll make it happen,

I swear we will!

Bramwell, I know how much you mean that, but,

but it's too late, can't you see that?


No, tomorrow morning the doctor will be here from Boston.

Bramwell, I think I've lived most of my life on dreams.

I'm not like Catherine.

I'm not strong.

I'm not able to face things that she is.

And so instead of facing things, I, I dreamed.

Only the things that I dreamed were always

just a little beyond my reach.

And so I never saw life as it really is.

Daphne, what are you trying to say?

Bramwell, I'm trying to say something

that I should've realized and said a long time ago.

You see life as Catherine does.

You're so much alike, and that's the reason

why you belong together.

Daphne, you mustn't say these things.

Bramwell, I've got to say them

because I've never meant anything more in my life.

You could never be completely happy

with anyone but Catherine.

I should have realized that long ago.

How can you blame yourself when I'm the one who's guilty?

I, I can not let you do this.

If I hadn't been so blind and, and selfish,

this would never have happened.

No, you mustn't feel that way.

It's not your fault.

You've got to think about the future.

Daphne, there's no future without you.

Oh, yes there will be, Bramwell.

- There will be. - No.

No because,

well, because I, I'll never be able to

forgive myself for this.

Bramwell, you've got nothing to forgive yourself for.

You've only got a responsibility to yourself

to make the best possible life you can.

Not without you, my darling.

Not without you.


I can't tell you how much

I want you and Catherine to find happiness.

[ominous music]

Have you heard about Gabriel?

No, I'm going to go join in the search.

Are you going out?

Yes, I'm going to the Old House.

What, does that disturb you?

It surprises me a bit.


Well, I can't understand why you'd want to

be with Bramwell after what he's done.

[dramatic music]

What has Bramwell done?

He has destroyed Daphne.

Morgan, I don't see how you can say anything so shocking.

Bramwell's going to be there, of course.

Why of course he is, he's her husband!

In name only!

I refuse to discuss this with you any further.

My sister is dying.

I don't see how you could possibly think

that I would have anything or anyone on my mind except her.

[suspenseful music]

[loud knocking]

How is she?

She's getting weaker by the moment.

I just left her.

I tried to tell her that there's still hope but,

she refuses to believe it.

And do you believe it?

There has to be a chance, there just has to be!

If she can cling to life through the night,

the specialist will be here from Boston in the morning

and he'll be able to save her.

But she has to have the will to live.

Without it, there's nothing any of us can do for her.

Well, perhaps you can make her understand.

I couldn't.

I tried.

I spent all day in my room thinking.

About her.

About us.

About how different everything would've been

if only one of us

had behaved unselfishly.

But admitting it to ourselves doesn't do any good, does it?

Whatever happens,

however long both of us may live,

we'll always look back on this time in our lives

with a sense of shame.

Catherine, please listen to me,

because it's very important.

Now, I've already said it to Bramwell,

and you must hear it, too,

because I love you both so.

And I know that you still love each other.

I can't bear to hear you talk like this, please don't.

But I've got to, Catherine.

Because I know how right it would've been

for the two of you.

Catherine, you said you've been happy,

but you haven't been.

Not really and you never will be without Bramwell.

Catherine you were always so much,

more prepared for life than I was.

More than I ever could be.


Daphne, what is it?

Catherine, bring Bramwell to me, please.


Bramwell, come upstairs!

Your fever's higher.

I'll send for the doctor right away.

No, I want Bramwell,

Catherine, is he coming?

CATHERINE: Yes, he'll be here any minute.

What's happened?

Bramwell, sit down beside me.

Catherine, leave us alone just for a moment.

Daphne, you're in pain.

No, it won't last long.

No, of course it won't.

The doctor will be here soon.

Bramwell I wanted to be alone with you

because we've hardly had a chance to be alone.


I don't want you to ever feel guilty about me


if one lives a life without love,

see then life has had no meaning.

But if one has had love,

his life's been filled with meaning,

as mine has because I've loved you.

So very much.

Bramwell, I've loved you.


[Daphne pants heavily]

[ominous music]




Daphne, speak to me!


Get Dr. Fletcher and get him immediately!

Bramwell, please tell me that she's still alive.

She's in a coma.

Dr. Fletcher said there's very little sign of life.

Oh, no! No!

He says there's nothing more that he can do.

No chance at all?

No, he doesn't believe there is.

What have we done, Bramwell?

What have we done?

We have the rest of our lives to think about that, though.

[ominous music]

Any news?


Gabriel has done another vanishing act.

Do you think we should notify the police this time?

No, Quentin and the servants are out looking for him.

If Quentin finds him, he's going to k*ll him.

Did Quentin tell you that?


It seems that Gabriel made him promise he would do it.

But I don't understand.

Before Gabriel went into that room,

he promised Quentin that if he came out mad,

that he would k*ll him.

He said he'd prefer that than

turn out the way father did.

Until this point, Gabriel,

Quentin hasn't been able to bring himself to do it.

But now even Quentin thinks it's the best thing to do.

I'm afraid I have to agree.


Catherine, what's the matter?

Daphne's in a coma.

She may never come out of it.

Bramwell is responsible for this!

He should have to pay!

I'll never forgive myself for not k*lling him

when I had the chance!

Morgan, don't think about Bramwell now.

Your place is with Catherine.

Now go up and try to comfort her.

[whistling winds]

Is something wrong?

I want to talk to you.

Oh, it can wait a while,

- I want to finish my-- - No, now!

My tone shocks you, doesn't it?

Little Melanie isn't supposed to have any backbone, is she?

What's happened?

Just before you interrupted Carrie and me last night,

Carrie was about to tell me who my real mother is.

Melanie, I don't want to discuss this anymore.

We're going to discuss it again right now.

Last night, you went to the Stokes cottage.

You found out that Carrie did see my mother in that vision.

You threatened her into lying to me.

You did it because Carrie knows who my mother is,

and so do you, Julia!

[dramatic music]

You, you've made a rather serious accusation.

I, I hope you're able to prove it.

Do you deny knowing who my mother is?


Julia, why do you insist upon lying to me?

What is there about the truth

that would be so damaging for me?

For the last time, Melanie,

I don't know who your parents are.

Now please, stop asking me.

And you still insist that the story

you've been telling me all these years is true.

That both of my parents were dead

when Justin Collins adopted me.


And yet Carrie says my mother is alive!

Carrie saw it in a vision.

Do you have faith in visions?

I have absolute faith in Carrie.

But, but perhaps I don't need you

to find out who and where my mother is.

JULIA: What are you going to do?

If I could find out who these belong to,

I would know, wouldn't I, Julia?

Where, where did you find this?

In the desk in Papa's study.

You know you're not allowed in that room, Melanie.

Julia, you know who they belong to, don't you?

- No, no I don't! - Yes, you do!

I can see it in your face!

Melanie, Melanie you are not allowed in Justin's room.

You must never go there again, do you understand that?

No, I do not understand it!

And I will never understand it

and I'm through listening to you, Julia!

I will find out what I have to know,

but I'll do it on my own

because I've discovered the only thing

I can trust you to tell me is lies!

[slow paced music]

Good morning, Julia.

Good morning, Morgan.

How's Catherine?

She was up most of the night.

She's sleeping now.

What's the matter, Julia?

You seem to be troubled.

We've managed to get through another, another night.

I was just sitting here wondering

how many nights there will be

before we'll have to deal with the curse again.

Yes, I've thought about that, too.

Morgan, we'll have to hold the lottery again,

and I feel more certain than I ever have before

that this time I will be chosen.

I will have to go into the room.

If I were you, Julia, I wouldn't try and think

about that right now.

Can you tell me anything more of,

of what actually happened

when you were in that room?

You know, I think it would be a much better idea

if we actually went to the room.

Come with me.

You mean, you mean go in, into the room?

Well, it's, it's at night that it's dangerous,

and we'd be perfectly safe in the daylight.

- Come on. - [ominous music]


What's the matter? Why don't you open it?

Julia, what's inside is

not very pleasant.

Are you sure you want to go in there?

Well, we've come this far, Morgan.

We should go on.

Very well.


Oh, no!


[dramatic music]