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1217 - February 23, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 21:21
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR:Collinwood, in parallel time.

A night of tension and anxiety for those in the great house.

Gabriel Collins has run away after hiring a stranger

to take his place in the locked room.

This has brought new trouble to the embattled family.

They have learned they must have the lottery again,

for a Collins must spend the night in the room.

So, frantic, they search for Gabriel,

knowing that he spent enough time in the room

to give them a clue to the curse.

And while they hunt him, Kendrick Young,

unaware that any of this has happened,

waits in the drawing room, for Melanie.

[door creaks]

So you're back, are ya?

More of your questions.

Well you know what's going to happen to you?

Same thing that happened to your sister.

[ominous music]

[eerie music]

You k*lled my sister.

One death isn't enough, Mr. Young.

There have to be more, indeed.

There's so much death in this house

and there has to be death!

KENDRICK: You're insane.

I know, you're right, I've been insane for years!

I just became sane, just a short time ago!

No you don't!

[Kn*fe clatters]

I'll get you!

I'll cut you to pieces!

I've been given the right, to k*ll!

I've been given the right!

MORGAN: Gabriel!

KENDRICK: Mr. Collins!

Mr. Collins!

Mr. Collins!

[banging on door]

He can't get in.

He can't get in, Mr. Young.

For once, Morgan can't do a thing.

Don't come closer.

Don't, don't!


You won't get away, you won't get away!

MORGAN: Catherine!

Where did he go?

It's only a flesh wound, we'll take care of it.

KENDRICK: Just like you did, my sister.


Morgan, what happened here!

Catherine, it's Gabriel.

He's gone mad!

Take one of the servants and go get a doctor.

CATHERINE: Daphne's upstairs, she'll know what to do!

I've got to go look for Gabriel!

CATHERINE: Morgan, be careful!


We'll help you.

We'll help you, we really will.

I thought, I thought you, you'll start.

I didn't believe, you were acting strange.

CATHERINE: Daphne! Daphne!

[eerie music]


[door creaks]

Brutus, Collins.

I swear, you're here.

You're in another part of the house, but you're here.

Brutus Collins, he's the one responsible for,

for the locked room and the library.

Look at those eyes, that face.

You may have d*ed once, Brutus,

but you're going to die, again!

And again!

And again!

This is not enough.

It's not enough punishment, for Brutus Collins.

[maniacal laughing]

Ah, Brutus.

Brutus, you're going to k*ll them all.

You're going to k*ll every one of them.

You won't let any of them see the thing in that room!

[maniacal laughing]

[door lock clicks]

Is Mr. Young going to be all right?

DAPHNE: I think so.

It looks like it's only a flesh wound,

the doctor will be here soon.

I'm so glad you were here,

and you've got to stay until the doctor gets here.

No, Catherine, I don't think I can.

CATHERINE: Why, where are you going?

Back to the old house.

I don't want you going through the woods, alone,

not with Gabriel, loose.

DAPHNE: I don't understand why

Gabriel att*cked Mr. Young, he's gone mad.

CATHERINE: I know, but how?

He's strange, but he's, he spent the night in that room.

DAPHNE: I know that.

CATHERINE: He didn't have to stay there the whole night.

However I think, somehow, it influenced him.

Catherine, you're really beginning to believe

about that room, aren't you?

I don't want to talk about it.

DAPHNE: We used to, always talk about everything.

You're right, I know.

Well, if I'm reluctant to,

it's because I don't know what I think.

The thought of Morgan in there, looking for Gabriel,

I can't give in to nerves!

I've got to remember,

that Morgan has always been able to control Gabriel.

And the best thing for you and me to do

is just stay here and wait.

Julia didn't seem frightened at all,

when you told her, about Gabriel.

I don't think anything frightens Julia.

Except love, perhaps.

Except love.

Catherine, I've really got to be

getting back to the old house,

Bramwell's waiting for me

and I've got to change his bandage.

CATHERINE: I told you that I don't want you there

with him, taking care of him.

Catherine, he needs me. He does not!

He's well enough to come to Collinwood.

You didn't know, that he came here to visit?

Didn't he tell you?


CATHERINE: Well he did.

And were you glad to see him?

Well I was glad to see that he was alive.

I don't want anyone k*lled, no one.

Did you tell him,

that you disapprove of my going, to the old house?

Of course, I did.

Catherine, why did you do that?

It makes me sound like some sort of a child,

who's sneaking around,

doing things she shouldn't do and I'm not a child!

You're too young for Bramwell!

Well Catherine, I didn't know it was one of your rules

that I could only see people my own age.

Daphne, we never used to argue like this.


It's just because I'm so worried about Morgan and Gabriel.

[scoffs] Are you sure that's all it is?


Daphne, are you really serious, about Bramwell?

Would you mind, if I were?

It's nothing to do with me, it's you.

DAPHNE: And do you know what that life is?

It's not, living in the old house, with him!

It's not living in the old house, with him!

With his bitterness, fuming over the rich collins is.

And that bitterness, day by day, will destroy you.

That bitterness, is all he's got to offer you.

That's all he's got to offer anyone.

Catherine, you sound like you really hate him!

If I do, he's made me hate him.

By making demands on me, interfering with my life.

I never thought I'd ever speak this way about him.

I loved him so.

I just have no choice anymore. [cries]

- Catherine-- - Oh Daphne, please,

stay away from him!

Stay away from him!

[dramatic music]


Don't scream, Daphne, I can throw this.

I'm very good at it, you know.


You know I'm going to k*ll you, don't you?

DAPHNE: No, Gabriel!

I've already, k*lled one man.

No, you haven't, no, no, Mr. Young's all right.

He's gonna be all right, Gabriel.

Another two and maybe Morgan.

Maybe soon, we'll smell smoke!

What are you talking about?

Stop it!


GABRIEL: I told you not to yell!

I don't want to k*ll you, you're too pretty.

But I have to.

I have to, you know I'm here.

Now there's so much trouble and sickness in this house,

and death is the only cure for it.

Gabriel, you don't want to k*ll me,

I haven't done anything to you!

Gabriel, we'll help you, we'll help you!

Please don't make it so we can't help you!

No one can help me, ever.

- Gabriel! - Bramwell!


Are you all right?

CATHERINE: What happened?

Take care of her.

It was Gabriel, Gabriel was here.

He ran away, when Bramwell came.

CATHERINE: Morgan, where's Morgan?

DAPHNE: He said something about smoke, about fires,

I, no!

We've got to find him!

The secret panel, you stay there.

[suspenseful music]

DAPHNE: Mr. Young.

You shouldn't be up, the doctor hasn't come yet.

I'll find him, in town.

No, but it's dangerous outside.

Gabriel was here, he's escaped.

I'm just waiting for my chance to meet him again.

DAPHNE: You're in no condition--

The sooner I leave this house, the better.

I'm beginning to believe

the only sane person in this house is Melanie.

There are many sane people in this house, Mr. Young,

they've just lived through experiences

you can't even imagine.

You can tell them all for me, that when I find Gabriel,

they'll have one less Collins to worry about.

[leaves rustling]

[footsteps thudding]

What am I doing?

What am I doing?

We shouldn't have let Daphne go.

Darling, send a servant

to take Daphne back to the old house.

He'll stay with her, until she comes back.

Then he'll take her home.

We've done everything we can for her!

I'm sorry, darling.

I keep wishing this night were over.

But tomorrow, will be no better

because tomorrow, we must hold that lottery, again!


And tomorrow night, another Collins

will be in that locked room.

Don't think about it.

What else can I think about, Gabriel, Bramwell?

Bramwell, if he finds Gabriel, he'll take him to the police.

And he should.

You know that Gabriel was ready

to burn this house down and k*ll us all?

Only because of what happened, in that locked room.

You Collinses always have a very good alibi, don't you?

Whenever any of you does anything wrong,

you always blame it on the locked room!

MORGAN: You know that!

Maybe it was, this time.

What was Bramwell doing here, tonight?

CATHERINE: It's a good thing he came!

I don't want to be grateful to him, for anything!

He saved my sister's life!

I will never forget that, and neither will you.

[wind howling]

You didn't find him?

I'm glad.

He might have k*lled you.

Thank you, Bramwell.

For walking in when I did?

It's strange, I had no intention

of going to Collinwood tonight.

I know how my visits are welcome there, but I had to.

You know, I don't believe in premonitions.

Perhaps you wanted to see Catherine.


Do you believe me?

If you say it, I do.

Do you believe anything I say?

Shouldn't I?

Well, as a rule, most people don't.

But I'm not just anyone.

No you're not, are you?

- Tell me one thing - Anything.

Are you in love with me?

You can think what you like

about Bramwell, but I know him!

He's going to try and use this incident, somehow,

for his own good!

Haven't we talked enough about him?

Yes, you're right.

I've got more important things to worry about now.

How am I gonna tell Mother about Gabriel?

Well, haven't you?

I didn't want to upset her,

after the things she's been through now.

Morgan you must tell her, now.

Shall I come with you?

No, no, no.

I've got to do this, Catherine.

Catherine, why don't you go to bed?

CATHERINE: Oh I'll never be able to sleep.

Well I don't want you down here alone.

CATHERINE: I'll be all right Morgan, I will.

Well I'm going to have

one of the servants patrol the house.

CATHERINE: That's a very good idea.

- Will you be in our bedroom? - Yes.

[clock chiming]


- Who's there? - It's Daphne.

CATHERINE: Daphne, you shouldn't be out!

Well I know, but, I thought you'd understand.


I told you it was dangerous to be out there!

I'm not talking about that.

I came to tell you about something that I'm going to do.


Catherine, I'm going to marry Bramwell.

[dramatic music]


[door snapping closed]

Of course you came.

I knew you would.

But tell me this, you know,

you're not going to stop this marriage

any more than I stopped yours.

[eerie music]