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01x08 - Birthright

Posted: 12/29/23 13:15
by bunniefuu
- [KEIKO] Stop.

You're just mad because
he takes after me.

Of course I am. It's not fair.

Oh, look, he's obviously
got your brains.

Yeah, obviously.

And he'll be blessed with my
gravity-defying breaking curveball.

Oh, my God.

- Not the curveball again.
- Yes, the curveball.

I mean, look, your brains, my arm.
It's the best of both worlds.

- Kid's gonna be a god.


I just miss him.

This is hard.

Yeah, I know.

I miss him too.

Do you think we'll be home
before Hiroshi's birthday?



[DUVALL] Colonel.


Yeah, what?

Point of no return.

We having second thoughts?

Not at all. But what I'm saying
is, there are other targets.


More easily accessible.

No, Michelle.

This is the target today.

This is the one.

There's gonna be a turn
up here, a little bit ahead.

[SIGHS] I have to confess.

This is more than I could
have possibly imagined.

Thank you. [CHUCKLES]

We've recently had some
very promising results

with our gamma ray
simulation techniques.

It would appear so.

My hat's off to you, Captain.

We aim to please.

You've managed to take
a pile of blurry photos,

campfire stories, unreliable witnesses

and so much scientific gibberish

- it might as well be Chinese algebra...
- Hey, hold on...

... and used it to siphon off resources

that ought to be used
to safeguard this great nation.

We are trying to safeguard the world.

We don't wear these uniforms
to protect the world.

So you think that Godzilla
respects national boundaries?

Our nuclear superiority proved
more than a match for Godzilla

and I'm confident it will again,
should the need arise.

Which, in the two years
since Castle Bravo,

you have provided not a shred of
evidence to suggest that possibility.

I have one question.


Where are all these monsters?

You have shoveled Uncle Sam's money

into a self-perpetuating
bureaucratic sinkhole

while ignoring the clear and
present threat to this country:

infiltration and subversion
by hostile foreign agents.

That's not exactly our department.

[HATCH] Well, maybe it should be.

I see one of your breakthroughs

is based on technology developed

by a former officer
in the Imperial Japanese Navy.

- "Former".
- And how Doctor Miura here ever qualified

for top secret clearance is beyond me.

Hey, you're out of line, Hatch.

Especially given the juicy tidbits

the FBI turned up in
her background check.

You son of a bitch. [GROANS]


Welcome to Monarch.




This is what our grandparents built?

- Ah... [SIGHS] ... well, yeah.

They keep saying we're gonna
move into a bigger space but,

uh, I'll believe it when I see it.

Come on, we're late.

I don't see any Randas up here.

I thought we were Monarch royalty.

[TIM] Uh, well, your family has
kind of a complicated legacy here.

After your grandmother died,
your grandfather became obsessed.

Started pushing all these theories

about teleportation and wormholes.

Real tinfoil hat type of stuff.

Is that why we're here,
to get fitted for our tinfoil hats?

Let your freak flag fly, bro.

[MAY] Oh.

This is your legacy.

This is more like it.

[TIM] Monarch has
outposts all over the world.

Right now, they are picking
up gamma ray bursts

just like we saw before G-Day.

Alaska, North Africa,

places we know your father has been.

So what? Is he causing it?
Is that what you're saying?

No, I'm not.

But these are all points on
the map that you saw in his office.

Is he predicting them
or is he following them?

Good questions.

We do questions really well around here.

But what we need right
now are some answers.

Shaw and his people just
detonated a large expl*si*n

near the site we picked
you up at in Alaska.

The gamma ray emissions coming
from that area dropped to zero.

Well, that sounds good.

But then immediately
increased at a dozen other sites.

That sounds bad.

Right now, they're hovering at levels

just below what we saw on G-Day.

We don't know exactly what
Shaw is trying to accomplish here.

But if he sets off another blast,
it could push it over the line.

So that means another G-Day?

I'd rather not find out.
That's why you're here.

What can we do?

[TIM] We know that Colonel Shaw
wanted your father's map

because he's following some
pattern that Hiroshi laid out.

We need to know where
Shaw's heading to next

so we can stop him before it's too late.

Sorry. He dumped us in the desert,

stole the map and took
off with your partner.

I'm not sure how much we can help.

You saw Hiroshi's map.

It led you to Africa.

It led you to Godzilla.

Tim seems to think that your bloodline

gives you some unique insight
into this situation.

Like, I don't see how, but I
am running out of options.

So I need you to think
about your father,

about this map that he made
and about where it's leading Shaw.

Well, I love what
they've done to the place.


They don't want anyone getting in.

No, I think this is their feeble attempt

to prevent anything from getting out.

What exactly do you think
we'll find in there?


- Reach! Kei!

It won't be for the faint of heart.
I can tell you that.

I founded this place

and that fascist tin-pot thinks
he can bury me in the basement.

Well, it was everything I could do

to keep you from getting thrown
out onto the street. So...

And I can't believe that
crap he said about you.

Juicy tidbits?

What a load of r*cist
horseshit. [GROANS]


- [CHUCKLES] How's your hand feel?
- [BILLY] Not great.

Well... [SCOFFS] ... you did me a favor.

If I'd gone at him like that, I'd
be in the stockade right now.

You're welcome.

He's gonna write a report that
makes us look like con artists.

Yeah. Yeah.

You know General Puckett.
Can't you do something?

Well, he wants to know
where the monsters are.

So the obvious solution
is to find him one.

Easier said than done.

- Godzilla saved our asses last time...
- No.

If we tell them that the biggest H-b*mb

we've ever tested didn't k*ll it...

- They'll build a bigger one.
- Which they're gonna do anyway, Kei.

Didn't you hear Hatch? I mean,
the Reds are the problem now.

- We made a pact.

We only share what they need to know.

You don't think this qualifies?




I need you guys to start making a map.

A map?

He wants to know where
the Titans are hiding,

let's draw him a g*dd*mn map.

Build me a case for Monarch.

All those field notes and the journals

and the diaries that
you've been keeping.

You know, everything that
you've scribbled down

since the Lawton sank out
from underneath you.

What we know about the Titans.
Where they... Where they sleep.

What they eat. Spawn. Mate.

The whole sh**ting match.

Right. Uh, we don't actually
know any of that.

[SCOFFS] How can I convince
Puckett this place should exist

if we don't know why it should?

You have three days
before the budgetary meeting.

You have three days.

Take your life's work and
string something together.

[SIGHS] Whew.

Going a little stir-crazy in here or...

I inherited that from
someone with a temper.

I keep filling out a
maintenance request.

But welcome to government work.


What is the point of this?

Travel vouchers, requisition
for office supplies...

Uh, here's an invoice
for an exterminator.

Did you ever throw anything away?

[TIM] No. And thank God I didn't.

There is a connection here.

A direct line from the foundation
that your grandparents laid

through your father's map straight

to the readings that we're getting now.

Ju... Just... [SIGHS]
We just got to find it.

"July 7th, 2008".

Does that mean anything?

It was my 18th birthday.

And my dad was here
doing the software update

on the Geosynchronous
Titan Anomaly Sensing System.

G-TASS. Yeah, that was tough.
That was a busy day.


I'm sorry that Hiroshi
was not Dad of the Year,

but this is not the time for that.

Verdugo and her team, they
are up there collecting data

and crunching numbers with
every source that we have.

... he's old school.

- The oldest of schools.
- [TIM] Exactly.

He would not let this go.
This was his mission.

It was... [STAMMERS] It was his life.

We're not gonna find him with
some multi-spectrum satellite sweep.


- Did you find something?

"Operative lost during field assignment
in performance of duties.

Missing presumed k*lled.

Randa, Keiko".


So Monarch cost us our father
and both our grandparents.

[TIM] Huh.

"I request her death benefits be
issued to her surviving spouse,

Randa, William.

Signed, Leland L. Shaw,
Major, United States Army".

Where did she die?


It was on Hiroshi's map.

[STAMMERS] It is one of the places we're

seeing a spike in gamma ray emissions.

- Yes, one of.
- It's where he lost her.

Does Shaw seem like the
sentimental type to you?

Yes, he does.

I mean, when we were in the desert,

the way he talked about our grandmother,

I thought he was gonna tell me
he was our grandfather.

Shaw is trying to rewrite the past.

To do that, he needs to go back to

the place where everything
went to hell for him.

We're not allowed to
operate inside those borders.

- It'll have to be a small team.

- We'll go.
- [SCOFFS] We will?

I am not sending a bunch of
untrained amateurs after Lee Shaw.

You sent a bunch of trained
professionals last time.

How did that work out for you?

Shaw practically begged
us to go with him.

He wanted us to finish this together.

I'll go with them.


Sure. Why not?

I always thought Goonies
deserved a sequel.

I didn't mean to volunteer
you back there.

You did.

Sorry, but we have to do something.

[SIGHS] Why do we have to do something?

Our father worked for these
people. He made that map.

And we took it to Shaw.

If it hadn't been for us,

Uncle Lee would still be
in his old folks' home

playing boccie with Stan.

- Look, I get what you mean.

I mean, that was me, right?
Screw Dad. He screwed us.

I understand if you need to leave.

I'm not leaving.

- But I'm not cleaning up his mess.

I'm not doing this for him.

[MAY] Should we hold it?



Coming. [PANTING]

Hatch almost busted me
but I managed to get all the f...

Oh, good.

Files. What the...

It's not the best work light but
the place needed something.

- It did. I like it.
- Good.


What's this?

So... [GRUNTS] ... I was going
through your field notes

and there's too much
unsubstantiated data.

There is second, third,
fourth hand accounts

- with no corroborating evidence.
- You sound like Hatch.

Would you like to lose the other hand?

- No. Okay.
- Mmm.

So, Lee said that we need to draw a map

that clearly charts our mission
for Hatch and Puckett, right?

- Yeah, so? That's what I did.
- No.

This is more like a blueprint

of a house that's designed by
a hundred different architects.

- Ninety-nine of whom might be insane.

- You got stairways going nowhere,

rooms with no doors, and
you end up with a house

that's bigger on the inside,
but on the outside...

[SCOFFS] And can you please
clean up after yourself?


[STAMMERS] How did you manage to
get ants four stories underground?

We can't just exclude anything

that seems crazy when the
whole damn thing is crazy.

- Hmm.
- Remember...

- Beyond logic lies the truth.
- Lies the truth.

Yes, it's catchy.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

But Hatch and Puckett
can't see the possibilities

in the impossible the way you do.

The way we do.



Billy, I'm... [SIGHS]

Thank you...

for what you did up there, defending me.

- It was stupid.

- But thank you.

[SIGHS] Look, the nerve of
that guy coming at you like that.

Yeah. But what Hatch said, it wasn't...

The truth is, there are
things in my life,

in my past, that I haven't
shared with you.

I... I don't care. I don't care. [SIGHS]

From the day that I met you,

when you wouldn't leave me on
the wreck of the Lawton, I knew.

[CLICKS TONGUE] I knew that I...

I knew I, uh...

That I...

could trust you...

no matter what.


So, um, I guess the job here is

to make it simple enough to understand

so that even a Neanderthal
could understand it.

- Right.

So we eliminate what we
don't have direct evidence of.

- Right.
- Hmm.

So we know that Godzilla was in Bikini

and Hateruma.

- Yeah.
- Confirmed sightings.

Right. And then the... the Lawton
dragon is here off Hawaii.

- And here in the Philippines.
- Yeah.

And, uh... [SIGHS] ... we can
eliminate the Siberian reports.

Excuse me? I had three
independent sources.

Two drunk, one blind.

- Next.

Okay. Uh, Yucatán.

Blurry photos.

But photos.

Okay. Mark them possible
but unconfirmed.

That is...

- This is how it's done.
- ... not okay.

- No.
- It's science.

- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.

- Wow, color coded and everything.
- [KEIKO] Mm-hmm.

So we can take it out later
if we need to, you know?

[BILLY] Yeah. I don't know. Um...


My team will go in first,
assess the situation.

We'll bring you in once
we feel the area is secure.

[MAY] Body armor?

This isn't gonna work.

This needs to go by the numbers.

We don't know what
we're gonna find in there.

We're gonna find Shaw, okay?

And if the first thing he sees
is your team pointing g*ns at him,

this isn't gonna turn out
the way we want.

You said you weren't the bad guys.

That you're just a bunch of monster
nerds trying to save the world.

I don't think I ever used
the words "monster nerds".

[CHUCKLES] I definitely did.

Shaw escalated this.

Yeah, and he's gonna do
it again if he sees you.

He'll at least talk to us.

What makes you think he'll listen?

[KENTARO] Because he wants us here.

He wants someone to take
over the family business

and he thinks we're the
only family he has left.

He's not gonna sh**t us.

Okay, well, I'm not gonna
be the only one.

[TIM] Looks like you were right.

[PANTS] He's already here.

[KENTARO] Over there.

[KONATÉ] Looks like
they blasted their way in.



Y'all sure you want to do this?

Guess so.

[TIM] What kind of exposure
are we looking at?

- About two-tenths of a millisievert.

Is that bad?

[TIM] Bad a-adjacent.

It's not much more than
a chest X-ray, per hour.

After the meltdown, this place

was supposed to be
uninhabitable for a thousand years.

Something's absorbing the radiation.


Yeah. Well...

You know.


- What the...
- [GROANS] Don't move.

- What is it? What is it?

[GRUNTS] I'm not moving.
Just tell me what it...


no, that's... It's a shell.

- What?
- [SIGHS] Yeah, it's empty.

- You're fine. [SIGHS]
- What?

[KENTARO] They all are.

It's an exoskeleton.

Like when an insect molts.

- Oh, my God.

God. Jesus.


You are the Monarch guy, right?

Shut up.

You do know why some
animals molt, right?

Yeah, they grew out of their skin.

- Fantastic.

This should lead to the reactor,
or what's left of it.

[KONATÉ] We're at six millisieverts now.

This is where they lost Keiko.

Then this is where he'll be.

[KONATÉ] Fan out. Stay alert.

- [KENTARO] Holy...



You think they had a meltdown?

It's a portal.

It's an entry point.

[MAY] To where?

Tinfoil hat land.

Is Shaw's plan really that crazy?

To try and close it?


Charges. Set all around the perimeter.

Looks like enough to bring this
whole place down on top of us.

[TIM] Can you defuse them?

I can try.

Looks like they're rigged
to a radio detonator.

- Step away from that.

Hey! W-Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

And put your g*n down.


Shouldn't be here, Tim.
You're not cut out for fieldwork.

You sure about that? Maybe I
learned a thing or two from you.

Look around, sweetie pie.
Clearly not enough.

- I said g*n down.
- Okay, okay, okay.

Hey, just...

Okay. Okay.


Are you gonna sh**t me, Michelle?

I don't want to, Timothy,
so don't make me.

We can't let you stop this.

Everyone stop.

No one is sh**ting anyone.

Where is Shaw?

Well, you finally made it.

I assume this means you wanna talk.

Let's talk.

Cate. Just you.

Stairs to nowhere.

Rooms without doors.

What the hell are we missing?


Bigger on the inside.



Hey, Keiko, you in there?

I'm coming around back.


- Keiko!

Oh. It's the ants. [CHUCKLES]

- What are you doing here?
- The ants. I'm sorry.

- I know how you are about your privacy.
- You can't be here.

- Yeah. Okay. Ooh.

- I tried to call but, uh, it was busy.

[STAMMERS, SIGHS] Keep your voice down.

- [SIGHS] Can you keep your...

- [WHISPERING] keep your voice down.
- So...

- I had it off the hook.
- Why?

- Well, just...
- It doesn't matter.

[BREATHES DEEPLY] The ants showed
me it's bigger on the inside.

What are you talking about?

What if they live underground?

The Titans.

If that's how they move around
the world without being seen.

- Like ants.
- Yes. Sort of.

Uh, what if their underground
isn't just underground?

What if it's another realm,
not just beneath the earth, but...

Inside of it.

Yes. Inside, but also... also alongside,

existing together.

Bigger on the inside.


That sounds...

[SIGHS] Crazy.


- Oh.
- But brilliant.

- Yeah?

- Okay. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah.

[CHILD] Mama.





[IN ENGLISH] This is my son Hiroshi.


- Hi.



[IN ENGLISH] So, it's why I applied

to do my postgraduate work at Berkeley.

After the w*r I... [SIGHS]

I wanted Hiroshi to have
other opportunities.

And then I couldn't bring
him in the beginning,

so my mother's been looking after him.

I just didn't realize how long it was
gonna take for me to bring him.

[INHALES SHARPLY] I was finally
able to save up enough money,

thanks to the job at Monarch.


And their visas came through
about six months ago.

So, he's what Hatch was talking about?

Your juicy tidbit?

- What did you think it was? [CHUCKLING]
- Nothing.


I wanted to tell you and Lee.

- I... I really did.
- No. No, it's... Don't.

And I almost did so many times.

But, uh, you see how I'm treated.

A woman. A Japanese.

[STAMMERS] It's hard enough
to get an ounce of respect. [SIGHS]

What do you think they'd do
if they found out I was a widow

trying to raise a child alone? [SIGHS]

Then don't do it alone.

You know, um, I-I got your back.

We, Monarch, we got your back.

Why just me?

You know why.

You looked into his eyes.

He's not just a mindless,
destructive force.

He knows what he's doing.

And what's that?


There's a world down there, Cate.

And it's not ours.

There's a world down there?

Oh, yeah. I know
because I've been to it.

It exists, Cate.

Billy and Keiko were right.


Please believe me.

I want to believe you.

[CHUCKLES] Well, that puts
you one up on Monarch.

And your dad, too, by the way. At first.



What did you see?

what they couldn't believe.


I'm afraid that's just
simply incomprehensible.

But what I learned from it

was why Keiko was trying
to tell everybody at Bikini Atoll

why they were wrong
to try to destroy Godzilla.

He... He's not here to hurt us.

He's just keeping his kind
in their world and us in ours.

So that's why you wanna
seal off their world.

I am sealing off their world.

Every portal.

But what if you're making things worse?

We went to Monarch, and we
saw the gamma ray readings.

The same type they were
getting right before G-Day.

Come on, Cate.

Monarch can cherry-pick
any piece of data they want

to justify continually
sitting on their hands,

which is what they do.

They study their data and
then they study it again.

What makes you so sure

that your data, whatever
that might be, is so right?

It's not about the data, Cate.

It's all about belief.

And to some small degree atonement.

A nun and a priest are walking along.

Now, they get into a sandstorm.


- General.
- No idea...

A moment of your time, sir?

Well, you had your moment,
son. It passed you by.

I'm due before the vice president
in about two minutes and sadly...

[STAMMERS] Give us a minute.

Sadly, there's nothing
in Lieutenant Hatch's illuminating report

to justify the continued funding
of Project Monarch.

I am disappointed in you, Leland.

I understand, sir.

That's why I wanted to give you this

as a token of my appreciation
for all that you've done for me.

And what's this?

It's a map, sir.

A map?

A comprehensive projection
of all the potential Titan threats

currently under assessment
by Project Monarch.

Jesus Christ, you do not give up.

Well, thank you for your generous offer,

but Lieutenant Hatch has given me
all the information that I need.

Sir, I believe that you'll find
Lieutenant Hatch's report

has omitted certain facts
to justify shifting funding

from Monarch to his own priorities.

Facts? Such as?

Such as Godzilla, sir.

Well, it's highly classified.

Why would he have that in his file?

We didn't k*ll it.

What did you say?

It was sighted during the operation
at Hateruma Island, sir.

This is confirmed?

Sighted by me, sir.

It's all in here.

You playing games with me?

No. No, sir.

I just feel compelled to point out that

this was not provided
by Lieutenant Hatch,

but through the sole dedication,

diligence and loyalty of
doctors Miura and Randa.



I do hope that doctors Miura
and Randa's position

as sole authority over Project
Monarch's scientific operations

will remain unchallenged.

Why wouldn't they?


[CLEARS THROAT] He is ready
for you, General.

Good luck, sir.

You too.

[TIM] He's lost it, Michelle.

Shaw. He doesn't know what he's doing.

[DUVALL] He knows
exactly what he's doing.

And at least he's not
sitting around, Tim,

waiting to see what happens next.

Whose city will be destroyed?

- Whose family will die?
- This could destroy everything.

This could destroy the whole world.

Or it could save us.

Do you think this is what
she would have wanted?


the first one to jump in,

against my better judgment.

My mission was to protect her.

My job.

I know this is where you lost her.

I read the file.

Sounds like she was a force of nature.

And then some.

Talk all you want about stopping
monsters and saving the world.

This is to make up
for losing her, isn't it?

Well, of course it is.

But that's not really
possible now, is it?

But I can still honor the work

that Billy and Keiko were trying to do.

- I understand what you're saying, but...
- No time for indecision, Cate.

Especially when you've already seen
what indecision can cost you.

- Clear the space.
- [OPERATIVE] Copy that.

Let's go.


Come on.


- The hell was that?
- Something's coming.

- Oh, shit.

- Get out! Everybody out!
- Cate!

- May, get back!
- Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!


[TIM] May!


- [TIM] No, no, no!

- [KENTARO] May!






I got you!

Don't let go of me!

- [KENTARO] Cate!