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1174 & 1175 - December 24, 1970

Posted: 12/29/23 12:59
by bunniefuu
[eerie organ music]

NARRATOR: A night of intrigue

on the great estate of Collinwood.

For Gerard now knows that Samantha has written the notes

to Daphne and Quentin that seemed to be coming from

the ghost of Joanna Mills.

He sets in operation a plan

to convince the judges that Quentin,

on trial for witchcraft, is trafficking with the dead.

And so Gerard sends Samantha,

dressed in Joanna's cape,

to the oak tree,

and takes Trask there to see

what he will think is the ghost of Joanna Mills

bringing a message for Quentin.

Now, Gerard congratulates Samantha on a job well done.

[laughing] Oh, it was beautiful, beautiful.

If you only could have seen Lamar Trask's face.

"Oh, she moves like the wind."

What are you talking about, Gerard?

Your performance with the letter, my dear.

Gerard, I--

Oh, brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

Gerard, I was--

Now, now, now, you mustn't be so modest.

Listen to me.

I wasn't the one you saw.

I went to the oak tree, yes, but there was no letter there.

How could I write an answer?

I looked everywhere for you.

I didn't know what to do.

But a figure came, in a cloak.

I wasn't the one.

GERARD: Then it must have been...

Joanna Mills has come back.

[dramatic orchestral chords]

["Dark Shadows Theme"]

What if she's here, in this house?

She is here, I can feel her presence.


Now stop being so hysterical.

But if she's here, she'll come after me.

She'll k*ll me!

Samantha, try to get ahold of yourself.

Now we don't even know if it is Joanna.

And besides, why would she want to k*ll you?



Joanna Mills was Quentin's mistress.

When he asked for a divorce, I refused, you know that.

Wouldn't you be frightened?

In leaving those letters, I pretended to be her.

She's gonna come after me.


Who could that be at this hour?

GERARD: Ghosts don't knock, dear.

Good evening, Gerard.

GERARD: Good evening.

Mrs. Collins, I am afraid that I am not here

under very pleasant circumstances.

I have a court order here

that gives me powers to search your husband's laboratory.

I'll go with you.

I don't know what good it will do you, though.

Well, I'm working on a new

and very interesting aspect of the case.

Your husband's papers interest me very much.

Well, come along.

[suspenseful violin music]

That man, Dawson.

He's got death in his eyes.

GERARD: Leticia, what are you doing here so late?

When I walked in and saw him,

I wanted to go back to Rose Cottage.

But I couldn't.

Not till we talked.

I've been thinking about Barnabas Collins.

He's been missing for two days.

Yes, I know.

LETICIA: And you know where he is, don't you, Gerard?

Are you asking or telling me?

Asking you, really.

Do you know, love?

Julia and Valerie are so--


We were both at Rose Cottage the night Barnabas disappeared.

He left, alone.

And I stayed along with you, remember?

I'm getting rather tired of people

always accusing me of everything.

You always come running to me.

Why do you think I'm so guilty in your eyes?

You've changed, love.

We used to know each other so well.

If you do know where Barnabas Collins is, tell me.

If I do.

Well, I don't care where he is.

Really, Leticia, your second sight is beginning

to get the best of you.

No, I'm going only on my intuition now.

If you know where Barnabas Collins is, you must tell me.

Maybe you don't know where he is,

but you do know something about Barnabas' disappearance

that you're not saying.

That you're not willing to say.

All right, Gerard.

[door bangs]

[eerie chiming music]

Well, I trust that you found everything you needed.

I did, and Mrs. Collins saw me find them.

She will be a most willing witness if I should need her.

It's quite an interesting discovery.

Of course, I placed it there earlier.

I don't think it's wise for us

to talk too much in this house.

Daphne is in the bedroom.

And Samantha knows that we are working closely together.


Oh yes.

A new change of events, Charles.

Samantha and I are back together again.

But that's neither here nor there.

Tell me, did Trask give you the letter that proves

that Quentin was consorting with the dead?

Yes, he wanted to testify tomorrow.

And are you going to let him?

Oh, I think not.

I have something more important to introduce tomorrow,

as you know.

Something most important.

GERARD: As we both know.

I'll be leaving, I have much studying to do.

Oh, Charles?

Little Leticia Faye.


She is becoming a sore point in my side.

Well, we'll have to do something about Leticia.

And quickly.

[ominous organ tone]

[eerie orchestral music]


I just answered the door, and a constable handed me this.

You're to appear in court today as a witness.

A witness for the prosecution.

Why did they call me?

They must think you know something

that can hurt Quentin's case.

What could it be?

Oh no.

No, no, it couldn't be that, they have no way of knowing.

About what, love?

Judah Zachary.

Oh, no, I would never tell them about that.

Eight policemen couldn't force me to do it,

I swear it, Desmond.

But what would they want to ask me about?

I don't know, your second sight, perhaps.

They may try to link it with Quentin somehow.

Well, I won't let them do that.

It's got nothing to do with him.

Leticia, if they bring it up,

tell them it was all an act,

that you never really had second sight.

That it was just a performance, that's all.

Do you understand?

Yes, love.

I wouldn't want them to think you a witch.

You wouldn't?

No, I wouldn't want that at all.

Well, this will be an incredible day in court.

But most regrettable for your husband.

It's a pity we can't see it.

The judges asked the courts be closed

because of the disruption in testimony.



Let's leave this house, please, let's go away somewhere.

Boston, New York.

Leave now, just when it's turning out to be some fun.


Joanna Mills has come back from the grave, to k*ll me.

Now we're gonna hear that all over again?

I don't see how you can be so cruel.

You're the one who saw her

putting a letter in the oak tree for Quentin.

Yes, yes, and that is all I saw.

Now, Samantha, believe me,

when this trial is over, you and I will go away.

We will get married.

There, I've said it.

But you don't believe it, do you?

What has shaken your little mind now

that makes you not believe me?


When this trial is over, we will go away together.

Just the two of us.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Good morning.

They're planning something special today.

I don't know what to expect.

Quentin, I have bad news for you.

Daphne brought the letter you wrote

to the spirit of Joanna Mills to the oak tree.

I know that.

DESMOND: Trask was there, he took the letter from her.

Just how did he know to be there?

Do you think that they'll start accusing Daphne

of consorting with the dead?

No, they've given no indication of that.

She's not subpoenaed for today.

But they're up to something, and I don't know what.

Be prepared for anything.

[gavel bangs]

The case of the state of Maine versus Quentin Collins,

accused of witchcraft.

The court is now in session.

[suspenseful organ music]

Do you swear that the testimony

you're about to give this court shall be the truth,

the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Oh, I never lie, Your Honor, everybody knows that.

You will answer "I do," Miss Faye.

Oh, I do.

Your witness, sir.

Miss Faye.

You've been a resident of Collinsport for how long?

About eight months, I would say.

And you met Quentin Collins when he returned from sea?

Oh yes, and I liked him.


I liked him very much.

You will confine your answers to the question, Miss Faye.

And Quentin Collins was interested in you

because you had been an entertainer in a music hall,

I believe.

Would you describe your act to the judges, please?

LETICIA: I was a mentalist.

Oh, then you have second sight.

Oh, no, it was a game.

Just entertainment.

I see.

Did you, at any time, have conversation

with Quentin Collins about the occult?

Objection, Your Honor.

I fail to see where this line of questioning is leading to.

You will see soon enough, counselor.

JUDGE: Overruled.

Proceed, counselor.

Did you talk with Quentin Collins about the occult?

I don't remember.

Do you remember this?

Do you recognize this book, Miss Faye?


Well, perhaps the title will help your memory.

The Journal of Judah Zachary.

Objection, Your Honor.

I fail to see what this journal has to do

with the case against my client.

CHARLES: We will prove that this journal

has a very vital part in the case, Your Honor.

Objection overruled, you may continue, counselor.

Do you know the name Judah Zachary, Miss Faye?

You are under oath to tell the truth, Miss Faye.

LETICIA: I've heard the name, yes.

CHARLES: And what have you heard about Judah Zachary?

He was a warlock who lived, well, I don't know when, love.


Something like that.

There was a trial, for witchcraft.

Like this one.

He was beheaded.

And you know many other things about Judah Zachary,

don't you, Miss Faye?

Objection, Your Honor.

This witness can give no further information

about a legendary warlock

that has nothing to do with this case.

Judah Zachary has been dead for over years.

Ah, but you are wrong, counselor.

The head of Judah was removed from

the public square at Bedford,

and it is rumored that Judah still lives

through the powers of the head.

Is this court to rely on rumors, Your Honor?

This court is supposed to rely on facts!

And you shall have them.

Here, this is the journal of Judah Zachary, Your Honor.

The first entry is July th, ,

four years before he was beheaded.

And the last entry is dated November the th, .

Your Honor, objection, there is no proof

that Judah Zachary ever wrote that in that book.

CHARLES: I intend to prove that he did, counselor.

How can you possibly--

Order in the court.

Your objections are overruled, Counselor Collins.

May I read from the journal, Your Honor?

An entry dated one month ago, October , .

"Leticia is the logical one to help me.

"I must will her to me."

Now, Miss Faye, since your arrival at Rose Cottage,

did you or did you not have in your possession

the legendary head of Judah Zachary?

I don't want to answer that question Your Honor,

I swear I don't.

It's got nothing to do with Quentin.

I can't tell you about that head, I just can't!

Leticia, you've got to!

I'll have order in the court.

You will not speak to the witness, Mr. Collins.

I first saw the head

at Rose Cottage.

It scared me.

There was something about it.

I got so that I could hear its voice in my mind.

You were, in fact, possessed, weren't you, Miss Faye?

Possessed by the head of Judah Zachary.

Yes, yes.

I was possessed.

His eyes would open.

I could not turn away, I was possessed.

As was anyone who came near it.


Who brought the head to Rose Cottage, Miss Faye?

In the first place?

Answer me.

LETICIA: Desmond Collins.

And why did he bring it from Asia to Collinsport?

As a present for Quentin Collins.

I'm sorry, Quentin, I'm sorry.

[gavel bangs]

[Leticia sobs]

Your Honor, I should like at this time

to dismiss the witness for the time being.

And I should like to call to the stand Mr. Desmond Collins.

JUDGE: That's an unusual procedure, counselor.

And this is an unusual set of circumstances, Your Honor.

For I intend to try to prove that Quentin Collins

is possessed by the spirit of Judah Zachary.

That's impossible.

[gavel bangs] Order in the court!

Miss Faye, you are dismissed for the time being.

Court would like to call Mr. Desmond Collins

to the stand as a witness for the state.

[ominous orchestral music]

Do you admit bringing the head of Judah Zachary

to Collinsport, Mr. Collins?

I do.

Why did you bring it here?

As a gift for Quentin Collins.

A gift at his request, yes or no?

He merely asked me to find it for him

as a curio, that's all.

Did he believe in the head's legendary powers?

I don't know.

Would you have if you had just heard of them?

But you discovered that the head had powers,

did you not, Mr. Collins?

JUDGE: You must answer, Mr. Collins.


And did Judah's eyes open for you, Mr. Collins?

Did you hear his voice in your mind?


CHARLES: And did his voice tell you

where to find this journal begun in ?


And did you write in this journal?


In a hand that was not your own,

but was, in fact, the hand of Judah Zachary?


Tell the court your experiences with the head.

I fought it.

I thought I was losing my mind, I refused to look at it.

I don't know what would have happened.

Then it disappeared.

Miss Faye took it?

Yes, I found out later that she had.

Did you see the head at any time after Miss Faye took it?

No, I did not.

Where is the head today, Mr. Collins?

DESMOND: It was destroyed in an expl*si*n.

Do you know where that expl*si*n took place?

Yes, in the old cemetery in an abandoned tomb

somewhere between here and Rockport.

Your Honor, this man, Desmond Collins,

is so intricately involved in witchcraft

that I would ask the court to disqualify him

as counsel for the defendant Quentin Collins.

No! [gavel bangs]

JUDGE: Order in the court.

I further request that this court

charge Desmond Collins with the crime of witchcraft

and see that he is arrested and brought to trial

in such time that the court may pay him its justice.

I will confer with my colleagues.

Mr. Collins, you may leave the stand.

QUENTIN: They won't do it.

They can't.

Mr. Collins, you will rise.

By the power vested in me in this special court,

I disqualify you from acting as attorney

for Quentin Collins.

And furthermore, I order you arrested

and remanded to the local prison

where you will await trial on charges of witchcraft!

LETICIA: No, no [sobbing]!

["Dark Shadows Theme"]