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06x09 - My Blue Heaven

Posted: 12/03/13 19:50
by bunniefuu


(Breathing heavily)

It's over. It's done.

I just want you to know I'm okay.

And I'm gonna Miss you.

Lisbon: And that's what police do.

We help people that are in trouble, and we stop people from making trouble.

It's a hard job sometimes, but I think it's the best job there is.

What about you?

Does anybody want to be a police officer when they grow up?

Well, there's time to think about it.

Any questions?

Ooh, ooh, ooh! Ooh! Ooh, ooh!

Did you ever sh**t somebody?

Well, actually, yes.

(Gasps) Did they die?

Point is, there are bad people in the world.

Not all, but some.

And sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do to make sure worse things don't happen.

Was there lots of blood?

(Teacher) I'm afraid that's all the time we have.

What do we say?

(Students) Thank you, Chief Lisbon!

(Opens drawer, sets g*n down)

(Opens and closes drawer)

(Knock on door)

Hey, Henry, what's up?

There's a man here wants to speak with you.

(Lowered voice)

An Agent Abbott, uh, with the F.B.I.


That's what he said.

Send him in.


(Phone buzzes)

(Clicks button)


Do you want me to send him in now?


(Line disconnects)

Hi, Lisbon.


Well, you... have a nice place.


You've been here, what, 18 months?

(Sets Jacket down)


Have you heard from Jane?


Nothing? No e-mail, no phone call?



What about Rigsby or Van Pelt?

Have they heard anything?

I'm having dinner with them soon.

Why don't you join us?

You could ask them yourself.

Mm-hmm. And Cho?

Haven't heard from him in ages.

I don't know where Jane is, and frankly, I don't care.


You two were so close.

It was a long time ago.


When are you guys gonna give up chasing him?

Oh, we're the F.B.I. we don't give up.


That is a nice shell.

It's a cowrie.


May I?


(Clicks tongue and inhales)

You know, they say a shell always carries around the sound of the ocean with it.


(Waves crashing)

♪ The Mentalist 6x09 ♪
My Blue Heaven
Original Air Date on December 1, 2013

(birds chirping)

(Rooster caws)

(Children shouting playfully in distance)

(Tea kettle whistling)

(Whistling fades)

(Rooster caws)

(Sets cup down)


(Patrick) Dear Lisbon, I hope this finds you well.

All's well here.

I have my routines.

Weather's finally turned.


It's a little cooler, far from cold.

But the ocean's still warm.

And with the warm ocean currents comes an abundance of sea life.


Just yesterday I watched a pod of dolphins play so close to shore

(Horn honks, chickens clucking)

I could almost touch it. They're the kind of things I think you'd enjoy.

(Horns honk)

(Indistinct conversations)

(Horns honking)

(Speaking Spanish)

(Speaking inaudibly)


(Repeats in Spanish)



Cheaper than yesterday, but more expensive than last week.

(Coins rattle)

Patrick! Patrick!

Oh, really, guys?


Very persistent, I must say. Very persistent.

Huh? What have we got here?


(Flips coin)

(Slaps hands)

(Boys gasp and murmur in Spanish)

¿Donde esta?

(Boys gasping)

(Cheering and laughing)





What are you looking at?


(Sewing machines whirring and clattering)

Patrick: Buenas dias, Victor.

Ah, señor Jane. Buenas dias.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

Cha... charre— charreteras?


Charreteras. Charreteras. Charreteras. Sí.

Come estas. Sí?

Ah. Epaulettes.

Epaulettes. Charreteras.

Sí, sí.



(Spanish music playing) (Waves crashing)

(Dog barks)

Hey, Hugo.


How you doing?





(Woman speaks Spanish)



From the U.S.?

You weren't fooled by my impeccable Spanish?

No. Anyway...

You're reading. Sorry.

Thing is, uh, I Miss speaking English.

Roger's the only other English speaker, and he's—well, he's not a great talker.

Turns out being understood is an underrated pleasure.

I can imagine. Mm.

I'll leave you alone.

No problem.

Looks like you're nearly finished.

Do you want it when I'm finished?

I wouldn't mind it.

It's not easy to get books in English around here.


Is it any good?

You like m*rder mysteries?

Not really.

Then you probably won't like it.

Well, I'll take it anyway.

Beggars can't be choosers, can they?

No, they can't.


Do you want to join me?

(Inhales) Sure.


Kim. Hi.

So you're from the, uh, southeast?


Good ear. Yeah.


Well, I-I lived all over. Right now I live here.

I was on the other side of the island, but people told me the beaches on this side were better.

That's true. You here with your wife?

No, just me.

Oh, yeah, no. My wife, uh...

Uh... not married anymore.


Me? No.


I mean, it's great if you... If you like not being married— being single.

I do. Great.

Ah, muchas gracias. Sí. De nada.

(Indistinct conversations)

I came here to get away, think about things.

What are you thinking about?

I've been offered a promotion at work, but I'm not sure I want it.

Why is that?

Oh... it's more work.

It's more hassle.

Eh, more money, but is it worth it?

Well, sounds like you're asking yourself the right questions.

Must be strange to live here.

It's so beautiful. I...

I think if I were here full-time, I'd feel like I was living in some kind of dream world, you know?

Ah, sometimes it's like that.

There's nothing wrong with dream worlds, right?

You're here to stay.


Man of mystery.


I don't mean to be mysterious.

My wife died.

Some things happened, I did some things, and...

I don't really know how to talk about it yet.

I guess that's why I still wear the ring.

I'm just... not ready.

I think I understand.

Anyway, that's why I'm here.

It's not a bad place to be.

Right? It's beautiful.

It's paradise.



(Spanish music playing) (Indistinct conversations)

Hi. Hi.

Do you speak English?

Yes, sir. I speak very good, sir.

Ah. Good. What's your name?

Morales. Franklin Morales, sir.

Morales, huh?


Have you seen this guy?

No, sir.

Okay then.

If you see him... Mm-hmm.

You'll tell me, yes?

Yes, sir.

All right. Mm-hmm.

Muchas gracias. Mm-hmm.

(Inhales and exhales deeply)

All right, fellas, let's get settled, then we'll go get something to eat.

(Spanish music playing) Hey, Roger, what's up?

Gracias. Mm-hmm.

Roger, Kim. Kim, Roger. Hi.

My eyes were... fluid cobras.

Yeah. Good to see you.

(Phone rings) How long has he been here?

(Alfredo speaking indistinctly)

Uh, not sure. Long time.

You can tell.

Un momento.


Oh. Uh, excuse me.


(Lowered voice) It's Franklin. Hey, Franklin. What's up?

Three big American police checked in.

Looking for you.

Hmm. They're there now?


Okay, well, see what else you can find out.

I'll be in touch, okay?

Yes, of course.


Is everything all right?

Uh, yeah. Fine. Uh, just some— some people who want to meet with me.

Listen, I have to head back up to town.

Do you want to come with me?


See you around.

I'm sure I will. Bye.

(Sewing machines whirring and clattering)

(Speaks Spanish)

That's a nice shirt. Thanks.

Well, this was nice.

I know you have people to see.

Yes, uh, unfortunately, I do, yeah.

No problem. Hey, um, but I was wondering— do you, uh, know a good place around here for dinner?

Are you asking me out for dinner?


I figure you'll know a good place where the locals go.

Yeah, uh, I do. Um...

Yes, I do... know...

(Chuckles) Well, why don't we meet here at, uh...

Oh, I don't know... 8:00?

Deal. Okay.


See ya then.

The man who asks about you is Abbott.

That is the name on the register.

Hmm. Where is he now?

Eating. The other two men are with him, but they leave. Ahh. Thank you.

Mm-hmm. Thank you.

Who's that guy?

Danny Otero.

(Speaking indistinctly)

Sells dr*gs.

Comes here to buy heroin from Vietnamese.

Bad business.

How you say? Um... lousy tipper.

Lousy tipper.

Yeah. Yeah. (Laughs)

Lousy tipper.

(Both laughing)

(Lounge music playing)


How the heck are you?


And here we thought we were gonna have to turn over every rock on this island to find you.

I heard you were here.

Well, it's only polite to stop by and say hi.


Oh, how was the flight?


Pretty confident of you to front up like this.

The extradition laws are on my side.

I know you can't touch me.

Who said I wanted to touch you?

I'm here to make you an offer. Oh.

The powers-that-be decided that you could be valuable to the F.B.I.

The Bureau is willing to drop all the charges against you if you come and work for us.

For the F.B.I.?

That's right.

(Papers rustling)

There are the terms.

You know, I want to be very clear.

I don't like this deal.

If it were up to me, you would be headed home in a cargo plane with a sack over your head.

But, hey, I'm just the messenger.

Interesting proposition. I'm not buying it.


Whatever my feelings are about it...

(Taps paper)

This is a good deal, Jane. You really need to consider it.

(Pushes paper away)

I am done with that life. I did what I had to do, and I've moved on.

That life was a job that you were very good at. If you come back, you can help a lot of people. You have a gift.

It's not a gift.

Whatever it is, it'll get you off this island, and you can start your life again.

I have. Thank you.

(Chuckles softly)


(Clears throat)

We'll be here for another day if you change your mind.

How'd you find me?

The letters to your girlfriend Lisbon.

You know, it was pretty smart to send them to your carny friends and have them sneak them over to her.

Just not quite smart enough.

Van Pelt: So I finally managed to hack through the firewall, and it turns out the cyber mastermind stealing credit card numbers is an 11-year-old from Minneapolis.

(Rigsby laughs)


(Laughs) Yeah. He was selling them to his friends so they could buy limited-edition sneakers.

Did he get arrested?

I don't know.

We turned the information over to the Minneapolis P.D.

Actually, they did. I checked.

And he's gonna be tried as a juvenile.

Oh, well, there you go.

(Vehicles passing in distance)

(Indistinct conversations in Spanish)

So the digital surveillance company is going well, huh?

Yeah. We've been up and running now for, uh, 15 months, and... (Clicks tongue)

Already turning a tidy profit, believe it or not.

Yeah. Nice.

How are things here?

Same. You know, it's mostly D.U.I.s, stolen bikes...

(Cell phone vibrating)

But I like it that way.

It's nice and quiet.

It's the babysitter. Excuse me. Hello?

(Lowered voice)

Maddy's got a slight fever.


Grace worries. I try and tell her it's nothing, but first baby, you know?


(Chuckles softly)

Can I ask you something, Wayne?


Do you ever Miss the CBI?


(Normal voice)

Sure. Sometimes.

I mean, Grace and I are so busy, I don't really have much time to think about it.

Things are so hectic. Hmm.

I used to Miss it, but not anymore.

Yeah. Everything here's good.

You know, it's just— it's good.

That's great, boss.

I am not your boss anymore.

(Chuckles) She says her fever's up to 102.7.

Oh. I'm sorry. We're out of here.

Van Pelt: I'm so sorry. No, it's fine.

But I'll walk you to your car.

(Spanish music playing)

So... those people that wanted to meet with you, did you meet with them?


How'd it go?

Uh, it was interesting.

They made me a job offer.


Basically, if I go and work for them, then I can go back to the U.S.

Sounds good.

(Clicks tongue)

Not really.

I've kind of moved on.

It would be going backwards.

And I don't think that's healthy.

What is it that you... do, anyway?

What do I do?

(Chuckles) Yeah.


I, uh... I look for people.

Sounds intriguing.

It is. Was it was fun.

Still, you get to go home.

Aren't there things that you miss?

Sure, of course.

Thank you for this.

I needed the company.

I didn't think I did, but, uh...

Ah, it turns out that... I ..

Who doesn't?

You want to go dancing?


(Fireplace crackling)

It's a beautiful night.

It is.

(Bottles clinking)

I feel like somebody's following us.

I'll just go and talk to them. No!

Patrick, come on. No, it's okay. It's fine.

I speak the lingo. It's... (Sighs)

Excuse me. Uh, hey—

I don't want trouble—


Oh, my God.


Mind your business!


(Labored breathing)


That feels good.

You smell nice.

You should see a doctor.

No... no.

You could have a concussion.

Nah, I just... just need to rest.


(Birds chirping)


(Groans softly)


(Clattering continues)

(Rooster caws)


I was very, uh, drunk last night.


What happened?

You got beat up. Here.

Thank you.



Oh, that is so good.

How are you feeling?

Better now, after this.

You make good tea.

Thank you.

I got a text this morning.

My work. I have to go back today.

I have a midday flight, and I have to pack, and...

Yeah, I understand. You got to go back.

Yeah. Sorry.

Oh, no, it's— it's fine.

Thanks for everything.


I really had a wonderful time with you, Patrick.



(Door opens and closes)

(Spanish music playing) (Waves crashing)



(Whistles and taps)


What happened?

(Breathes unevenly)


(Resumes shoveling)



I was hoping I'd find you here.

I wanted to give you something.

Oh, thank you.

No, thank you— for dinner and everything.

I... (Inhales)

You're right.

Being understood is an underrated pleasure.

Let me give you my home phone number...

In case you ever (Takes off pen cap) make it back to the states.

You never know.

You might wanna give me a call.

I might.


Good-bye, Patrick.

Good luck with your decision.

You know, one thing— going back doesn't have to mean going backwards.

It can mean moving on.

(Waves continue crashing)

(Cell phone rings)

Abbott. (Sighs)

Hey, g-man.

I'm ready to come home.

Wow. That is good news.

But on my terms. Is that clear?

And when we get back to the U.S., I want a meeting with whatever powers-that-be to make clear that those are the terms.

I'm sure we can work out something like that.

And I want Lisbon there. Why?

Lisbon's there, or I don't do it.

And if you say she's gonna be there and she's not, I will make it clear to your bosses that I will work with any F.B.I. agent except you.

You'll have done all the work to get me, and get nothing for it.

Do we have an understanding?

What time do you want us to pick you up?

I'll let you know.

I got something I got to do first.

(Indistinct conversations in distance)


(Lowered voice) Patrick? How are you?

Good. I'm very good. Uh, I need your help.

You said that Danny Otero was buying some heroin from some Vietnamese dealers.

You should have nothing to do with Danny Otero.

Me? No, of course not. I'm not going anywhere near him.

Do you know if he's already made the buy?

No. No, Vietnamese guests only check in this morning.

Excellent. I need you to find out three things for me.

(Exhales) I can find out anything.

First, when will the deal happen?

Second, what room will they be in?

What else?

Uh, yes.

Uh, when the Vietnamese will be eating.

No problem. They never eat. Always in the bar.

Excellent, Franklin. You're very good.

Very, very good.

Thank you.

(Hangs up phone)

(Vehicles passing in distance)

(Children shouting in Spanish)

No, just...


Good afternoon. Sorry for the interruption.

Uh, I assume one of you speaks English.

I do.

Patrick Jane. Pleased to meet you.

What's this about?

I know you're drug dealers. I don't judge.

I'm wanted for homicide myself in the U.S.

What I want to discuss is a mutual acquaintance—

Danny Otero.

(Clicks tongue)

What about him?

Well, I thought I should warn you. He's flipped.

He's working as an informer to the police.

He's teamed up with an F.B.I. agent named Abbott.

How do you know this?

Well, I'm working with Abbott myself on a different deal.

That's how Otero's name came up.

If you have any business with Danny Otero, word to the wise— you might want to be careful.

See ya.

(Phone rings)


I'll be in room 1443 in 15 minutes.

Here in the hotel?

I'm having a little good-bye drink with some friends.

Just identify yourself at the door, and they'll come get me.

(Hangs up phone)

(Knock on door)


Abbott. F.B.I.

Excuse me?

Abbott, F.B.I.

Didn't Patrick Jane tell you I was coming?

One moment.

(Sighs and speaks vietnamese)

(Speaks Vietnamese)

(Speaks vietnamese)

Did you sell us to the police?


(Speaks Vietnamese)

Did you sell us to the police?

No, no, no—

(Shouting in vietnamese)

The feds are right outside.

(Shouting in Vietnamese)

You think you can get away with this? (Shouting continues)

The hell with this. All right...

I'm telling you, I'm not— F.B.I.! Don't move! Don't move!

Put your hands on your head.

Put the g*n down.


Dejo esa. Ahora.

Good job. All right, now everybody get down on the ground.

Down on the ground.

Al suelo.

En El estómago.



Ah, that's nice.

Very nice.

The only question is... where's Patrick Jane?

(Handcuffs clicking, indistinct conversations)

(Cap clicks)

(Clears throat)

Abbott, what happened?


You set this up.

You're the one who knocked on the door.

My terms.

I need you to read them and sign it.

We can work with this.

Excellent. Sign it, please.

(Taps on back)

All right.

Five more copies.

Sign those, too, please.

They're for you.


I keep the original.

All right. Let's go. Ah, one second.

(Indistinct conversations)

Now we can go.


(Engine idling)

Mr. Jane!

(Speaking inaudibly)

(Door closes)




You never cease to amaze me.

I got him from here, guys.

So you joined the F.B.I., huh?


Finished training at Quantico five months ago.

Wow. Look at you.




It's this way.


(Inhales and exhales)

Where are your socks?

Uh... I don't know.

Did they put a chip in your neck?

Not that I know of. Why do you ask?

Ah, you just don't seem too happy to see me.

I am happy to see you.

I just wish it was under different circumstances.

Why is that?

I don't think you and the F.B.I. are gonna get along very well.

I don't think they really understand how you operate.

Ah. They'll loosen up once they get to know me.


Second door on the left.

(Indistinct conversations in distance)

(Chuckles softly)


Hello. (Chuckles)

Nice beard.

Thank you.

Thank you for the letters.

Oh, I missed you.

I missed you, too.

(Both exhale)

What's going on, huh?

Why am I here?

You'll see. It's gonna be great. What?

Trust me.

(Chair clatters)

(Door opens)

Abbott: All right, let's get this started.

(Door closes)

(File clatters on desk)

Jane... these are the charges pending against you— homicide, obstruction of justice, aggravated as*ault, grand theft auto, etcetera.

You're looking at 20 to life.

But all of that can go away if you agree to serve as a consultant for the F.B.I. for at least five years.

You will be under my supervision, on federal parole, which may be revoked at any time at my discretion.

You screw up, run away, do anything that I don't like, and you'll be in the jailhouse.

Sign, and we have a deal.



As you're aware, you have already agreed to some terms.

I didn't agree to those.

I signed indicating that I read them.

Same difference. No, it's not, believe me.

Firstly, no parole. I'm a free man.

And secondly, Lisbon has to work with me.

Hey, hello?

Well, you won't need Lisbon.

I've already assembled a team to work with you.

Oh, that's not negotiable. I have a job, okay?

I'm not gonna drop everything just because you suddenly decided to come back.

W-we'll talk. There are some other stipulations— easy stuff. I'm sure we can figure them out.

But none of this applies. This—

I don't think you're hearing me, Jane.

You are on U.S. soil now, I am the federal government, and I am telling you that that is a napkin.

This... is the deal.

Take it... or leave it.

I'll leave it.

Oh, that's too bad.

You made a mistake, but, hey...

(Door opens)


Agent Fischer.


Agent Fischer.

Agent Fischer.

(Abbott sighs)

Mr. Jane will be going to a detention suite.

I'm sorry to hear that. I'll make the arrangements.

Oh, yeah, I'm not fussy.

If you have one with a view, I'll take it.

If not, uh, whatever, as long as I can make some tea.

Who is she, and what is a detention suite?

Don't worry, Lisbon. It's all under control.