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06x05 - The Red Tattoo

Posted: 10/29/13 18:30
by bunniefuu
Author: bunniefuu [ 10/29/13 23:30 ]
Updated 25th July 2022 by MaggieMay19
06x05 - The Red Tattoo

VO: Previously on "The Mentalist"...

LISBON: Jane has worked out that Red John is one of seven men. But Red John also knows the seven names on Jane's list. I'm gonna give you the seven names, and I need you to put a G.P.S. bug on each of their cell phones.

VAN PELT: The wires are up.

LISBON: Okay. We watch them like hawks. We log everywhere they go 24/7.

WOMAN (VO on phone): We have an anonymous tip directed to your unit. A person or persons in distress at West Huron.

LISBON: Brett Partridge is there.

[at the address, LISBON finds PARTRIDGE bound and injured]

LISBON: Partridge!

PARTRIDGE: Tiger... T-tiger.

[at the wedding venue]

JANE: Just that hammer— you see that up there? Is that bl*od on the hitting side?

MCALLISTER: Could be. I'll call forensics.

LISBON: Did you see that? He did not want to go up that ladder. Didn't the psychiatrist's office say that Red John was afraid of heights?

[on the roof, to MCALLISTER]

JANE: Wh-where did you come from? (Exhales)

[on a park bench]

KIRKLAND: While investigating Red John, Homeland Security began to suspect the existence of a powerful secret organization within California law enforcement. We're looking for partners within the F.B.I. Lower level guys that we're sure we can trust.

SMITH: That's me.

[in a multi-storey car park]

KIRKLAND: We should talk some more. Get in the car.

JANE: Do I have a choice?


[JANE is tied up in KIRKLAND's remote barn]

JANE: I was wrong about you. You're not Red John. You're hunting him, same as me.

KIRKLAND: We both want our revenge, and only one of us is going to get it. Please tell me who the suspects are.


KIRKLAND: You understand I'm gonna have to t*rture you.

[LISBON and HIGHTOWER break into the barn]

LISBON: Put your hands in the air! Jane, you all right?

[after KIRKLAND is arrested]

KIRKLAND: Are you gonna finish this thing?

JANE: Yes. (Engine starts)

[the prison transfer vehicle is stopped on a lonely road during KIRKLAND's transfer]

SMITH: There is a powerful organization within law enforcement. It's a lot bigger than you thought. It's not just the big boys, either. They even let lower level guys like me in.

[SMITH sh**ts KIRKLAND multiple times after making him run from the vehicle]

SMITH: Agent Kirkland tried to escape. You had no choice but to use deadly force. Do you understand?

DRIVER: Tiger tiger.

SMITH: Tiger tiger.


[Caption: San Francisco, CA. Radcliffe Hotel. PARKMAN, holding a paper bag and a handkerchief, walks through the lobby to the elevators. He seems anxious, mopping his brow and repeatedly stabbing at the elevator buttons.]

TOURIST: Hold the elevator.

SON: So, dad, can we ride on the cable car?

[Elevator bell dings as doors close]

TOURIST: Yeah, you bet.

SON: Then lunch in Chinatown?


SON: I like those noodles, and the dumplings.

TOURIST: (Chuckles) Well...

[PARKMAN is rolling his eyes at the ceiling, muttering. As soon as the elevator doors open he pushes past the child to exit the elevator]

TOURIST: Whoa! What the heck? Hey, who do you think you are? You can't shove my kid. Don't run away from me! Hey! Hey! [Pounds on door] You open this door! I'm complaining to the management! You hear me? [to son] You all right, buddy? He get ya? Huh?

HOTEL SECURITY [Knocking on door]: Mr. Parkman? Sir, this is hotel security. [Knocks again] Mr. Parkman, I'm gonna have to ask you to open the door, please.

[Sounds come from the hotel room - a man cries out, something heavy falls, something shatters]

HOTEL SECURITY: Mr. Parkman? Sir? I'm coming in.

[The door is chained but HOTEL SECURITY has bolt cutters. He opens the door. Inside PARKMAN is clutching a wound in his chest]


[PARKMAN falls to his knees]

He stabbed me.

[The TOURIST enters the doorway as PARKMAN collapses to the floor]

HOTEL SECURITY: Who stabbed you? Mr. Parkman? Oh, jeez. Mr. Parkman? [to TOURIST] G-get some help. [into a walkie-talkie] Uh, call 9-1-1! Room 8-1-5. Deceased white male.

[Interior: hotel hallway.]

RIGSBY: And you say the v*ctim appeared worried?

TOURIST: Yeah, he was looking over his shoulder when he got in the elevator, like he was being chased.

SON: Yeah. He had something in a paper bag.

RIGSBY: And what sort of time was this?

[Interior: PARKMAN's room]

TOURIST (VO): 10:55.

HOTEL SECURITY: I entered the room at 10:58 p.m. The v*ctim, Chad Parkman, was on the floor in some distress. He stated he had been stabbed by another individual.

JANE: Hmmm.

HOTEL SECURITY: Although he appeared to be alone in the room.

JANE: Lisbon. Uh, this is the head of hotel security. A fount of information. Agent Lisbon from the CBI. She'll be happy to listen to you.

[JANE starts looking around]

LISBON: Do we have a m*rder w*apon?

HOTEL SECURITY: Uh, no, ma'am, nor have I been able to establish any means of egress used by the k*ller.

LISBON: Uh, what about a paper bag? The kid outside mentioned a paper bag.

CBI KARL: Uh, just scraps on the toilet. Must have been shredded and flushed.

LISBON: Any idea what was in it?

CBI KARL: No idea.

HOTEL SECURITY: Maybe the perp who k*lled him took it.

RIGSBY: Hey, boss. Just got a call on the radio. Another homicide nearby. Attempted carjacking, looks like.

LISBON: Related?

RIGSBY: Probably not. Thought I'd check it out.

LISBON: All right. Come back as quick as you can.


HOTEL SECURITY: When I was outside the room, I heard them struggling, then heard the v*ctim cry out when he was stabbed. But then I got the door open... He was all alone.

LISBON: Window's open.

JANE: It's a long way down, and a long way up to the roof. I don't think he went that way.

HOTEL SECURITY: So, what? Magic?

JANE: Nope. Just a trick.

HAFFNER [Walking into the hotel room]: And we all know how good you are at those, don't we? Tricks, I mean. Hey, Teresa.

LISBON: Ray. What are you doing here? You don't work at the CBI anymore.

HAFFNER: I'm with a client.

JANE: He works for Visualize.

COOPER: He does, and this is a Visualize matter.

HOTEL SECURITY: Who are they?

JANE: Uh, this is Jason Cooper, errand boy for cult leader Bret Stiles, and Ray Haffner, who is a member of the cult.

COOPER: Visualize is not a cult, and it is exactly bigotry like that that leads to m*rder like this.

LISBON: What are you talking about?

COOPER: Chad Parkman was a prominent member of the Visualize community. We view his m*rder as a hate crime. Mr. Haffner is to be included in your investigation.

HAFFNER: Purely as a v*ctim's advocate, but I do like the idea of working with you again, Teresa.

LISBON: I appreciate your concern, Mr. Cooper, but we never let civilians in our investigations—ever.

HAFFNER [Points at JANE]: Never ever?

LISBON: Well, he's— he's different.

JANE: I'm different.

COOPER: I have a letter here signed by the Lieutenant Governor inviting Mr. Haffner to join the investigation.

HAFFNER: To observe. That's all.

COOPER: Read the letter, Agent Lisbon. I am confident you'll want to grant the Lieutenant Governor's request.

[JANE hums as he leaves to go to the elevator. HAFFNER follows]

HAFFNER: So... any ideas on the case yet?

JANE: Just questions.

HAFFNER: It's a stumper, isn't it? Speaking of which, how's your Red John investigation going?

JANE: In the bag.

[Elevator arrives, they enter]

HAFFNER: You know, we study you in Visualize now.


HAFFNER: Yeah. Your blind struggle against fate. So heroic. So fruitless. Bret says there's a lot to be learned from watching Patrick Jane, so... we all do.

JANE: So much anger. It's not good for you.

HAFFNER: (Scoffs) Anger? I'm not angry.

JANE: Annihilating rage. About what, I have no idea.

HAFFNER: You don't know anything about me. (Bell dings)

JANE: Just what's written on your face.

HAFFNER: You're so much smarter than everybody else, right? But it isn't helping you catch Red John, is it? [they enter lobby] Here's a switch for you. I'm gonna predict your future. There's a comeuppance headed your way.

JANE [Chuckles]: You're a worse psychic than you were a cop.

♪ The Mentalist 6x05 ♪
The Red Tattoo
Original Air Date on October 27, 2013


[Interior: CBI offices]

VAN PELT: Hey. So our v*ctim— Chad Parkman— was a successful olympic gymnastics coach. He had a facility out in Marin.

LISBON: What was he doing at he hotel?

VAN PELT: Sports health conference. He was the keynote speaker.

LISBON: Hmm. What about the Visualize angle? Did you find anything there?

VAN PELT: Nothing him as a member. You think Cooper's lying?

LISBON I don't know.

LISBON: Uh, if Bret Stiles sends his second-in-command and private security, it's important to Visualize somehow. Let's play nice. I'll go make up with Cooper. I want you to go through the security tapes with Haffner. He likes you. Just be helpful and accommodating. Get him talking. Pump him for every bit of information that you can.

VAN PELT: Sure, boss. I know what to do.

LISBON: But be careful. You know.


LISBON: Hey. You wanna come with me to talk to Cooper?

JANE: Nope. We don't want to spook him. I'll take Cho to Parkman's gym. He can talk reps and curls, and I'll take a little look around.

LISBON: All right. I'll call you if I find anything out.

[Caption: PARKMAN's Gym, Marin, CA. It is busy with gymnasts training. JANE approaches a man filming a gymnast]

GYMNASTICS DAD: Nice... nice... Okay, now... All right, now... Stick the landing, Kimmy. Good... Gah! That's right! Nice. Wow.

JANE: She's impressive.

GYMNASTICS DAD: You know, Rio 2016— that's the goal.

JANE: And, uh, Parkman was your first choice as coach?

GYMNASTICS DAD: You bet. Uh... Parkman offering to coach your kid? [JANE makes a non-committal motion with his head] Ah, you know, he's probably too busy to take your kid on, but, uh, he's the best.

JANE: Yeah?

GYMNASTICS DAD: Oh, yeah. He got Kimmy to bear down in ways I never could. She's always texting with friends, wanting to go for pizzas on a Friday night with boys. You know? No more of that.

JANE: Mm. Thank goodness.

GYMNASTICS DAD: And I never feel I had to worry about her being alone with him.

JANE: Well, that would be important, wouldn't it?

GYMNASTICS DAD: Yeah. [to Kimmy] All right, let's go.

JANE: Thanks.

CHO: Did Mr. Parkman ever talk about his personal life?

GYMNASTICS MOM: No, never. I would ask questions sometimes just to be polite, you know, and he would just be very vague.

CHO: Thank you.


[WOMAN approaches]

WOMAN : Uh, excuse me—ooh! [she trips]

CHO: Whoa, careful. [She laughs as CHO helps her up] You all right?

WOMAN: Yeah. Guess I shouldn't have worn heels. (Laughs) Um, my little sister's interested in gymnastics. Could you help explain this pricing to me?

CHO: Uh, I don't work here.


MYLAR: Excuse me. You're the guy from CBI?

CHO: That's right. Agent Kimball Cho.

MYLAR: I'm Bill Mylar, co-owner. We talked on the phone.

CHO: Right.

WOMAN: Oh, wait. You're here investigating something?

CHO: A m*rder.

MYLAR: I thought you were gonna come directly to my office.

JANE: Uh, we decided to talk to some of your clientele. You don't mind, do you?

MYLAR: Anything that helps, but the truth is, everybody here at the gym loved Chad.

JANE: Mm. People always say that about the dead. Seldom is it true. Is there someplace private we can talk?

[MYLAR leads the way]

WOMAN: (Sighs) So... you're a policeman. Duh! (Chuckles) I'm so sorry. I'm embarrassed. (Giggles) Somebody died?

CHO: Yes.

WOMAN: Oh, my gosh, a m*rder?

CHO: Did you know Chad Parkman?

WOMAN: The gym owner? No. What happened?

CHO: There's a staff member right over there. They can tell you about the pricing.

WOMAN: Tough guy, huh? (Chuckling) Thanks. Excuse me. Could you help me with this pricing...?

[Exterior: LISBON and COOPER are sitting at a table outside a restaurant]

LISBON: I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Now I want you to know that I am completely committed to finding whoever k*lled Mr. Parkman.

COOPER: Our interests are the same.

LISBON: In light of that, I-I was wondering if you could give me a little history as to Mr. Parkman's role in Visualize. I haven't been able to find any evidence linking him to your organization.

COOPER: Chad's eyes were opened to the truth only recently. But he was deeply committed. We had big plans for him.

LISBON: What kind of plans?

COOPER: Chad Parkman had very positive name recognition across all quadrants. The most commonly used word to describe him was "trustworthy".

LISBON: So you were gonna use him for public outreach?

COOPER: Something like that, yes.

LISBON: Do you think that's why someone k*lled him?

COOPER: It's a strong possibility.

LISBON: Uh, what was Mr. Parkman's relationship with Bret Stiles?

COOPER: Bret Stiles was a guide and a beacon for Chad, as he is for all of us.

LISBON: And where is Mr. Stiles?

COOPER: I can't be certain.

LISBON: Really? You have no idea where he is?

COOPER: It is not necessary for me to know where he is in physical space. If he needs me, he will find me.

[LISBON's cell phone rings]

LISBON: Would you excuse me? [she leaves the table] Hey, Rigs.

RIGSBY: Hey. I've been investigating the carjacking scene. So the v*ctim here got sh*t. On the seat next to him, we have a bloody kn*fe.

LISBON: Do you think it's the same kn*fe that was used to k*ll Parkman?

RIGSBY: Yeah, it could be. You can see the hotel from here.

LISBON: Get that kn*fe to the lab.

RIGSBY: Will do, boss.

LISBON: I'm on my way back to the CBI.


[Interior: a viewing area in PARKMAN's Gym]

MYLAR: Parkman was the face of the business. I do the business.

JANE: And how is business?

MYLAR: Phenomenal. We're planning on expanding to the southeast, northeast, every place. Now I don't know what we're gonna do.

JANE: Well, there are upsides to Parkman's death, let's be honest.

MYLAR: What are you talking about? You know, that's a very sick thing to say.

JANE: Well, think about all the sympathetic press coverage. That's free publicity right there. Plus the whole Visualize mess goes away.

MYLAR: What are you talking about?

JANE: Well, you've heard of Visualize, right?

MYLAR: Of course I have. It's that wacko cult. What does that have to do with anything?

JANE: Yeah, well, Parkman was a member of Visualize. You didn't know that?


JANE [looks through the window down into the busy gym]: You sure?

MYLAR: Yes, I'm sure.

[JANE runs out and down to the gym floor]


JANE [to the same dad he spoke with earlier]: Tell me, did Chad talk about Visualize a lot?

GYMNASTICS DAD: Yeah, sure. Uh... he was a member. Some kind of weird self-help group. It's not my thing, but if it helped him coach, all power to him.

JANE: Mm. And, uh, Mr. Mylar— how did he feel about Visualize?

GYMNASTICS DAD: Oh, Mylar hated that stuff. You'd see them arguing about it all the time.

JANE: Oh, really? Hated it, did he? Hmm.

MYLAR: Oh. You got me. A foolish lie. The truth—I was mad as hell about Visualize. I'm trying to expand our business, he joins some moonbat cult? We fought about it a lot, so now I feel guilty that we ended on bad terms. But I didn't k*ll him.

JANE: You didn't, did you?

CHO [On phone]: Boss wants us back.

JANE [Taking phone]: Lisbon, you find something?

LISBON: The kn*fe that k*lled Parkman at the site of Rigsby's carjacking.

JANE: Uh, what was the carjacking v*ctim's name?

LISBON: Frost. Devin Frost.

JANE: Tell me about Devin Frost.

MYLAR: Devin? He used to work here. He's a good kid.

JANE: Interesting news. The plot thickens. [into phone] Plot thickens. Lisbon? She's gone.


[Exterior: alley. CBI Ron picks up a g*n with black tape on the barrel. he shows it to CBI KARL]

CBI KARL [on phone] We're in an alley about a block from the hotel. We found a g*n.

VAN PELT [On phone in the CBI offices]: Is this the g*n used to k*ll Frost?

CBI KARL: Yeah, looks like it. And there's duct tape on the barrel from the sil*ncer.

VAN PELT: Well, get it to ballistics. Make sure it's a match. See if we can get any fingerprints.

CBI KARL: Will do. Bye.

VAN PELT [entering bullpen]: Looks like we've got the g*n.


VAN PELT: It's on its way to forensics now, but it's a pretty sure bet.

LISBON: Well, as soon as Haffner gets here, we'll get started.

RIGSBY: I don't like it, boss. Uh... Haffner shouldn't even be in our offices. He's one of Jane's Red John suspects.

CHO: And he's a member of Visualize.

RIGSBY: Which is run by another Red John suspect. We should be investigating him, not letting him join our investigation.

LISBON: We don't really have a choice. Might as well make the most of it. Haffner!

HAFFNER: Teresa. Lovely as always. Guys. So what have we got so far?

LISBON: Well, let's see. Parkman entered the hotel at 10:48. He was anxious, and witnesses got the impression that he was being pursued. He has an altercation in the elevator, and Parkman flees to his room at approximately 10:51.

VAN PELT: And at 10:58, hotel security opened Parkman's room to find him dying on the floor with a s*ab wound. At 12 past 11:00, police and E.M.T.s arrive, but they pronounce Parkman dead at the scene. Nobody could have entered or left the room during that time period without being seen.


RIGSBY: Here's the park. The hotel's on the one side, and this is where Devin Frost was m*rdered— on the other side of the park. Now, in Frost's car, there's a kn*fe with Parkman's bl*od on the blade and Frost's fingerprints on the handle. We also found a homemade sil*ncer in the car. And we found the g*n that belongs to the sil*ncer here in the alley, which, given the timeline, seems to be a physical impossibility.

HAFFNER: So... Frost stabbed Parkman and somehow left the hotel without being seen, and then an unknown assailant k*lled Frost?

CHO: It would look that way. The sil*ncer didn't work too well. We have three witnesses who heard a g*nshot around 10:57.

HAFFNER: What, so Frost got sh*t in his car at almost the exact same time that he was supposedly in the hotel stabbing Parkman?

VAN PELT: Which is impossible.

LISBON: Correct.

HAFFNER: So, you're looking for an unknown suspect who is a magician or quite possibly a wizard of some kind. Well. Great work, guys.

LISBON: Uh, we've brought in Mylar, the owner of the gym. We're hoping he can shed some light on this, or at least give us a plausible motive.

HAFFNER: Okay then. Well, I'm so glad we got the "A" team working this case. I'm gonna go back to the hotel and look things over again. Ciao, kids.

[LISBON's office]

LISBON: Jane said not to lean on Mylar too hard. Just ask him about Parkman and Frost and see how he reacts.

CHO: You got it.

RIGSBY: (Knocks on door) Hey, sorry to interrupt. Weird report just came over my desk. It's about Bob Kirkland.

CHO: What, the psychotic Homeland Security agent we arrested?

RIGSBY: Yeah. He's dead.

LISBON: Dead? How'd he die?

RIGSBY: The report says he was k*lled attempting to escape from prison.

LISBON: Seriously?

RIGSBY: Doesn't sound right, does it?

CHO: No, it doesn't.

RIGSBY: I should check it out, right?

LISBON: Find out what happened and why.

RIGSBY: Will do, boss.

LISBON: And see what we can get from Mylar.

CHO: You got it.

[Interior: interrogation room]

CHO: How long had Devin Frost worked for you at the gym?

MYLAR: Couple years.

CHO: What was his relationship with Chad Parkman?

MYLAR: Parkman had coached him and brought him on as an assistant.

CHO: Was Frost a member of Visualize?

MYLAR: Him? I don't think so. One thing about those Visualize nuts— they got a work ethic.

CHO: And Frost not so much? Is that why you fired him?

MYLAR: I didn't. He quit.

CHO: Really? When?

MYLAR: About a month ago. Parkman went to a gymnastics tournament in Europe. In the past, Frost went with him. This time, he didn't. Instead he walked in, told me he was quitting, walked out. Last time I saw him.

CHO: He and Parkman get into a fight?

MYLAR: No, uh... I just figured he got a better offer somewhere else and was taking advantage of Parkman not being around to quit to me.

CHO: Why would he do that?

MYLAR: Like I said, Parkman had been Frost's mentor since he was a teenager. I don't think he has the courage to quit to Parkman's face.

[LISBON and JANE are watching the interrogation from behind the one-way window]

LISBON: You think Mylar is our k*ller?


LISBON: Me, neither.

JANE: Cooper was awfully cagey with you about Stiles' whereabouts, wasn't he?

LISBON: Mm-hmm. After I spoke to Cooper, I did some digging. Stiles is missing. Nobody knows where he is.

JANE: Really? When?

LISBON: Around the same time Red John sent you the Lorelei Martins tape.

VAN PELT: Boss? I just got Frost's phone records. Look at this. That's Ray Haffner's cell phone. Frost called it three times the week before he stabbed Parkman.

JANE: Well, let's go see what Brother Ray has to say about that.

LISBON: He's not here. He went to the hotel. He said he had to check on something.

JANE: Then we'll go there.

LISBON: No, you stay here. Grace and I will go.

JANE: Don't be ridiculous.

LISBON: We'll be fine. He's more likely to let something slip to us than he would to you.

JANE: All right. But what am I supposed to do, just sit around?

LISBON: Well, we still haven't figured out how Frost got out of the hotel room after he stabbed Parkman.

JANE: Except Frost couldn't have been there in the first place, could he?

LISBON: You said it was a trick. Figure it out.

[Exterior: CHO and RIGSBY are walking to a food cart in a park]

RIGSBY: I got the name of the SAC P.D. detective who investigated Kirkland's sh**ting. He's gonna come by CBI.

CHO: Good work.

RIGSBY: Hey, man. Usual, please. You want anything?

CHO: Yeah, coffee. Black.

RIGSBY: It's a fruit stand, Cho. They sell fruit.

CHO: Okay. No.

RIGSBY: Give me another one with everything—lime, chili. Thank you. That's great. Keep the change. Ahh... I'm starving. Mmm. I guess you burn a lot of calories, being a newlywed.

CHO: (Sighs) We're not having this conversation.

RIGSBY: It's amazing. You'd think that marriage would just cool things off, but for us, it's just the opposite.

CHO: Please stop talking.

RIGSBY: You know, I think I'm the happiest I've ever been. Every morning when I wake up next to her, and every night when we go to bed together, I just think, "wow, I'm the luckiest man in the world", you know?

CHO: I just lost my appetite.

RIGSBY: So I wanna say thank you. 'Cause you were the one that made me take the risk.

CHO: And I'm starting to regret it.

RIGSBY: No. You're a good friend, and I owe you. I'm gonna find you somebody to love.

CHO: No. You're not.

RIGSBY: Yes, I am. Trust me, there is no point in going through life alone. (Chewing) Are you really not gonna eat that? Hmm.

[Interior: PARKMAN's hotel room. The CSIs are leaving with evidence bags as LISBON and VAN PELT arrive]

LISBON: Thanks.

HAFFNER: Oh. Hello. Teresa. Agent Van Pelt. What brings you two here?

LISBON: Why didn't you tell us you called Frost the week before he k*lled Parkman?

HAFFNER: Look, there's nothing suspicious about it. I was hired by Visualize to protect Parkman from Frost.

VAN PELT: Bang-up job.

HAFFNER: Frost was threatening a wrongful termination suit. I figured he was just looking for a payout.

LISBON: What'd you say to him?

HAFFNER: Well, I told him that Visualize's lawyers were behind Parkman, and they'd keep it in the courts until Frost had spent his last penny.

LISBON: What's wrong, Ray? These questions making you uncomfortable?

HAFFNER: Do you see that? It's that. It's a spider. I hate spiders.

VAN PELT: Better now?

HAFFNER Look. It... (Chuckles) It never occurred to me that Frost was planning anything like a m*rder. He didn't really strike me as the violent type. Live and learn, I guess.


HAFFNER: Sometimes you get it wrong. Next time you do better. I've been trying to figure out how Frost got away. You know, the trick that Jane can't figure out.


HAFFNER: Well, we know there was a third man.

LISBON: Yeah, the one who k*lled Frost.

HAFFNER: There had to be a fourth as well. An inside man.

LISBON: An inside man?

HAFFNER: Or woman. A maid, a cook, a bellboy, whatever. Somebody who could help Frost get in and out of the hotel without being seen.

VAN PELT: There's no evidence Frost had contact with any of the hotel's employees. We did interviews.

HAFFNER: So? Somebody lied to you.

VAN PELT: The k*ller could have already been gone by the time hotel security got to the room.

HAFFNER: All the witnesses said they heard a struggle going on inside the room.

LISBON: : Uh, there is a difference between hearing and seeing.

HAFFNER: Autopsy report just came out. Parkman wasn't immediately k*lled from the kn*fe wound. He died from a struggle sometime after being stabbed. He had an aortal hemorrhage. So... You're welcome. [He exits room. LISBON and VAN PELT follow to the elevator]

LISBON: (Huffs) How did you get the autopsy before us?

HAFFNER: I still have friends in CBI, Teresa. They help when I need it. Speaking of... helping friends, a word of advice for both of you.

LISBON: Yeah? What's that?

HAFFNER: Jane. He's made a mess of things. He doesn't know when to leave well enough alone. You know what I mean?

LISBON: No, I don't.

HAFFNER: There's a lot of powerful people that Jane's pissed off, not just Red John. You should get out of the way, both of you, before something happens. I really—I'd hate to see you get hurt.

LISBON: It's funny you should say that, Ray, because, actually, we're putting your name on a list of suspects for Parkman's m*rder.

HAFFNER: What? That's crazy.

VAN PELT: The third man could have k*lled both Frost and Parkman.

[Elevator arrives]

HAFFNER: Frost k*lled Parkman.

VAN PELT: Maybe the third man just wanted it to look that way.

LISBON: Maybe it's you, Ray. Maybe you're the third man. You have motive.

[The elevator doors were closing but HAFFNER puts a hand out to stop them]

HAFFNER: I just hope you remember this. That I tried to help. Okay?

[He lets the doors close]

LISBON: I want to see that autopsy report.

[Interior: CBI offices]

RIGSBY: Thanks for coming in, Detective Cordero. I really appreciate it.

CORDERO: Yeah. Call me Oscar. Wow. Nice digs you got here. No expense spared for you CBI folks, huh?

RIGSBY: Yeah. Can I get you something? Coffee?

CORDERO: Nah, I'm fine. Here's the file on the Kirkland sh**ting. It's got the prison report plus my investigation.

RIGSBY: Anything that stuck out? (File rustling)

CORDERO: Nah. Only a sick puppy who couldn't hack doing his time, looking for any way out... in my opinion.

RIGSBY: And you spoke to the correctional officer who sh*t him?

CORDERO: Oh, yeah. He was just a kid. Says your guy Kirkland paid no attention to three verbal warnings, just kept going, didn't even turn around. Kid had to sh**t. You hate to see something like that, you know? Some piece of crap making a cop do what he ain't got the stones to do himself. It ain't right. And I'll tell you somethin'. Messed the kid up really bad. P.T.S.D... or something. It's a damn shame.

RIGSBY: Hmm. Can I make a copy of this?

CORDERO: Don't need to. Brought that one for you. Thought you might want it.

RIGSBY: Thanks.

CORDERO: Hey, no problem. Maybe one day you'll do a favor for me, right?

CHO [Entering the room]: He clear things up?

RIGSBY: Not really. I mean, he says it was clean. Kirkland was trying to escape, nobody wanted to sh**t him, but they were forced to— reluctantly.

CHO: You don't buy it.

RIGSBY: Well, it says in here he was sh*t six times in the back.

CHO: Six doesn't sound so reluctant.

RIGSBY: No, it doesn't. That's the story we're gonna get.

CHO: Okay. I'll tell the boss.

[In the CBI bullpen the woman from the gym enters]

WOMAN: Hi. Uh, where can I find Kimball Cho?

VAN PELT: That's his desk, but he stepped out for a moment. Can I help you?

WOMAN: Maybe. I met him this morning at the gym. I thought I'd come by and see if he wants to let me buy him a cup of coffee. (Chuckles) Plan seemed normal when I was driving over here, but now it's feeling a little stalker-ish. Does it seem stalker-ish to you?

VAN PELT: Mm, a little. Yeah.

WOMAN: Okay, I should go.

CHO: Hey.

WOMAN: Oh. Remember me?

CHO: From the gym, yeah.

WOMAN: Yeah. (Sighs)

CHO: Come here. Sit down for a second.

WOMAN: Okay. Thanks.

CHO: What are you doing here?

WOMAN: (Sighs and giggles) My name's Kira. Kira Tinsley. I was gonna buy you a coffee, but it was a bad idea. I'm gonna go.

CHO: No, I can drink a cup of coffee. Give me a second.

[LISBON's office]

LISBON: Uh, when Parkman was stabbed, the kn*fe glanced over the rib and barely nicked the aorta. Haffner wasn't lying. There coroner says that there was a struggle after the stabbing that caused the nick to tear, and that's what started the hemorrhaging that k*lled Parkman.


[JANE notices CHO leaving with TINSLEY]

LISBON: And if Frost and Parkman were really struggling and that's what caused the hemorrhage, how is it that Frost didn't get Parkman's bl*od all over him? And how did he avoid tracking bloody footprints out of the room?

[JANE chuckles]

LISBON: Huh. Jane?

JANE: I just solved the case.

LISBON: Really? How?

JANE: Yeah. But one thing first, Lisbon. [He leaves LISBON's office and enters the bullpen]


JANE: Grace? Who was that woman Cho just met with?

VAN PELT: Someone named Kira Tinsley.

JANE: Oh, the woman he met at the gym?

VAN PELT: That's right.

[While they are talking, JANE searches around CHO's desk, finds something stuck underneath it and pockets it]

JANE: Attractive, right?

VAN PELT: She was okay, if you like that type.

JANE: You, uh, you ever go to the gym, Grace?


JANE: You ever try to pick up a guy there?

VAN PELT: Ugh. No.

JANE: Uh, did they happen to say where they were going?

VAN PELT: Coffee.

LISBON: Now you just walk out in the middle of a conversation?

JANE: Lisbon, can I ask a favor?


JANE: Can you go get one of those elastic exercise bands, the kind to help you stretch with?

LISBON: What do you need one of those for?

JANE: Bring it to Parkman's hotel room. I'll meet you there.


[Exterior: a table near a coffee stand]

TINSLEY: What do I do? Oh... client relations. Boring stuff. Tell me more about the CBI.

CHO: It's a job. Uh, we try to help people, try to stop the bad guys.

TINSLEY: You don't talk much, do you?

CHO: No.

TINSLEY: (Laughs) It's all right. I like that in a man.

CHO: Good.

JANE: Hey, Cho. Hey. Kira Tinsley, right?


JANE: Is that yours? That looks good. May I? [JANE takes a bite from her cake]

TINSLEY: What? Oh.

JANE: (Mouth full) Mmm. Nice muffin. I think this is yours.

TINSLEY: What is that? I've never seen one of those.

CHO: It's a bug. A listening device.

JANE: Really? Because I found that under Kimball's desk and I was certain that it belonged to you.

TINSLEY: Why would you say that?

JANE: Because it goes with, uh... [JANE picks up her purse and looks through it] This. Here. And here's your wallet, and that identifies you as a private investigator, doesn't it?

TINSLEY: Yeah. All right. Okay. That's why I don't take jobs like this, but... The client paid cash up front, so... I'll take this.

JANE: No, you can't— you can't have those.


JANE :You can't— [It drops into the cup of coffee]

JANE: Oops.

TINSLEY: That cost me 300 bucks.

JANE: Yeah, I'm sorry. [TINSLEY leaves]

CHO: Excuse me a minute. Hey! Wait a minute.

TINSLEY: (Sighs) Look, it was just business. Nothing personal, okay?

CHO: Your client—who was it?

TINSLEY: You know I can't reveal that.

CHO: All right, I'm arresting you under section 632. That's worth a year in jail.

TINSLEY: Hey, wait a second! No, whoa, whoa, whoa! We can work something out here, right? Jeez. What do you want to know?

CHO: What were you hired to do?

TINSLEY: Bug your office, get close to you. Client wanted to know everything you and your team knew.

CHO: And who was your client? Was it Visualize?

TINSLEY: Yeah. So are we good?

CHO: Are you Visualize?

TINSLEY: No. I just work for whoever hires me. Are we done?

CHO: Yeah, we're done.

TINSLEY: Look, you seem like a nice guy. Uh... no hard feelings? [CHO doesn't answer, instead returning to JANE, who is finishing the muffin]

CHO: Looks like she was hired by Visualize. I'm gonna put a tail on her.

JANE: (Mouth full) No need. I put the bug in her bag. We can listen to her whenever we like.

[CHO pours out the coffee to find a penny, not the bug]

JANE: Let's go solve that double m*rder, shall we?

CHO: Right.

[PARKMAN's hotel room. HAFFNER and COOPER are sitting on the couch when LISBON arrives]

HAFFNER: Teresa. (Door closes) Any idea why we're here?

COOPER: Your Mr. Jane asked us to come.

HAFFNER: Oh—are you gonna teach us aerobics?

LISBON: Jane will be here any minute.

[Exterior: alley]

JANE: So the g*n was found somewhere here, right?

RIGSBY: Mm-hmm.

JANE: And the hotel is... That way, yes?

RIGSBY: Right. You can't see it, but it's just the other side of that wall.

JANE: I'm right.

CHO: About what?

JANE: Uh, you stay here with Rigsby, and keep very alert. I don't want anyone getting hurt.

[Interior: PARKMAN's hotel room]

COOPER: Oh. Finally. We've been waiting here long enough.

JANE: All good things come to those who wait. Thank you.

HAFFNER: You gonna solve the case now with a stretchy band?

JANE: Yes, among other things. The first thing that's important to note is that Parkman and Frost were lovers.

HAFFNER: Gay? No, they weren't.

JANE: Yes, they were.

COOPER: We never heard anything about that.

LISBON: No. Because the relationship started when Parkman was Frost's coach.

JANE: When Frost was still a minor.

[Flashback to JANE at the gym]

GYMNASTICS DAD: And I never felt I had to worry about him being alone with her.

MYLAR: Like I said, Parkman was Frost's mentor since he was a teenager.

[Back to present day]

COOPER: And continued to the present day?

LISBON: Yes. Then the relationship started going badly. When Parkman went to Europe, that was the final straw.

JANE: Mylar thought Frost was sneaking away when Parkman wasn't looking.


MYLAR: Parkman went to a gymnastics tournament in Europe. In the past, Frost went with him. This time, he didn't.

LISBON: He had it backwards. Parkman hadn't invited Frost.

JANE: So he assumed that he was being replaced with a younger lover... (Inhales) And decided to seek revenge.

LISBON: So he tried filing a wrongful termination suit, but he found himself being intimidated by Visualize.

JANE: So he tried the hard touch, when Parkman came to the hotel for the conference. Now their relationship had always been a consensual one, but that wouldn't matter in the eyes of the public or the law. It was in Frost's power to transform Parkman from a—an olympic coach to a child molester with just a few words. He demanded that Parkman bring a large sum of money across the park in a brown paper bag.

LISBON: Or Frost would ruin Parkman's life forever.

JANE: And Frost was right in his estimation of what Parkman stood to lose. What he didn't realize was how Parkman would react.

[Flashback to PARKMAN sh**ting Frost with the silenced g*n]

JANE: The soda bottle sil*ncer worked perfectly. Even if it did blow off, no one heard a thing. But, uh, Parkman hadn't expected that Frost would have a kn*fe.

LISBON: The wound looked to be minor, so Parkman put his g*n back in his bag and he left Frost.

JANE: Already Parkman was starting to panic. What happened in the car hadn't gone to plan. Nothing was going to plan.

[Flashback to PARKMAN in the elevator pushing past the kid]

TOURIST: Whoa! What the heck!

[Present day]

JANE: And when you arrived, Parkman was trying to figure out what to do with the g*n.

LISBON:.The window was his only chance. He couldn't just throw it out there, though.

JANE: No. It would end up right down there in the street. But... if he could just get it... a little... further. Just that little... bit... further.

[While speaking Jane fixes the elastic to each side of the window then uses it to catapult the hotel's TV remote control. A flashback shows PARKMAN doing exactly the same thing with the g*n]

[Exterior: in the alley the remote control smashes a window behind RIGSBY and CHO then clatters to the ground.]

RIGSBY: What the hell?

[CHO searches for whatever broke the window]

LISBON (VO]: When the g*n landed on the ground in the alley, it went off. That was the g*nshot that witnesses heard.

CHO: TV remote.

[interior: hotel room. JANE picks an apple out of a fruit basket and also catapults it during his dialogue]

JANE: Very likely we'll find a b*llet hole somewhere in the alley.

HOTEL SECURITY: But who k*lled Parkman? Where'd all the bl*od come from?

LISBON: Uh, when Parkman pulled on the elastic... his aorta—it ruptured.

[Flashback shows PARKMAN collapsing and knocking a lamp over after catapulting the g*n]

JANE: Fore! [Catapults apple]

[Exterior: the apple splats on the alley wall.]

RIGSBY: What the hell?


PARKMAN: Help. He stabbed me.

HOTEL SECURITY: So you're telling me that nobody came in or out of the room. It was just Mr. Parkman the whole time?

JANE: Yeah. The trick was that there was no trick. Et voilà.


[Interior: CBI offices]

COOPER: Good-bye, Agent Lisbon, Mr. Jane. I hope you won't be insulted when I say that I hope I won't be seeing you again.

JANE: Oh, we won't be.

COOPER: I'm sure Mr. Haffner would say thank you if he were here.

LISBON: Where is he? It's not like him to leave without one last barbed compliment.

COOPER: Oh, he had some business to attend to. I am not his only client. I was hoping your office could be discreet. You know what I mean.


[COOPER enters elevator, JANE follows and holds the door]

JANE: Speaking... of discreet, it was stupid of you to try and bug the CBI.

COOPER: What are you talking about?

JANE: Hiring someone outside Visualize might have made you feel safe, but she admitted that you hired her. Agent Cho told me.

COOPER: (Sighs) I don't know what you're talking about. But all I can say is that if someone did bug you, it wasn't me. Good-bye, Agent Lisbon.

[As the elevator doors close on COOPER we see JANE is deep in thought]

LISBON: Jane? Are you okay?

JANE: Grace needs to trace this immediately.

LISBON: Why? What's going on?

JANE: Cooper wasn't lying. He didn't bug the CBI.

LISBON: Well, who did?

JANE: Red John. We need to find Kira Tinsley. She either works for Red John, or she's about to become his next v*ctim.

[Exterior: a car is driving through the city. Scene cuts between the car, the CBI office and TINSLEY at home: JANE and LISBON keep in touch via police radio with the rest of the team as they drive]

RIGSBY (VO ): She's in the north section of the city, boss. Van Pelt's working on the address.

CHO: No answer on her cell, and the landline's busy.

RIGSBY: Yeah, we know.

TINSLEY [on phone, the team listen in via VAN PELT's computer]: Yeah, you say 9:00 to 6:00, and then you never even show up.

VAN PELT: Almost got it.

TINSLEY: No. I paid my cleaning lady to stay here all day to let the guy in, and then he never came.


RIGSBY: 1065 Oak Terrace.

LISBON: We're on Douglas, headed toward Folsom.

TINSLEY: Yeah. No, I want my cable fixed now, tonight, or I'm gonna—

[Doorbell rings]

TINSLEY: Uh. Yeah, hold on a second. Somebody's here.

CHO [On a different phone]: I need SAC P.D. to 1065 Oak Terrace fast as they can.

[Doorbell rings twice]

TINSLEY: Okay, I'm coming!

TINSLEY: Oh, hi.

RIGSBY: Okay, you're about ten minutes away. We'll direct you.

JANE: Could you drive faster?

[TINSLEY gasps in pain over computer speaker]

[LISBON switches on the flashing lights and siren on her car]

RIGSBY: Boss, you're gonna want to take the next left... And then a right on El Camino.

[TINSLEY struggles unsuccessfully against an unseen assailant as LISBON races to her home. (Tires screeching) (Screaming over radio) (Pained gasps)]

CHO: Got a patrol car six blocks away.

[The patrol car is also racing to the scene. We see TINSLEY, mouth bl*ody, trying to fight off her attacker. The patrol car arrives first and a uniformed officer enters TINSLEY's house as CHO hangs up the phone]

CHO: SAC P.D.'s on scene.

[TINSLEY is alone on the floor, gasping for breath, clutching her bl*eding abdomen]

UNIFORMED OFFICER: Come on. Oh, come on, stay with me. Stay with me. You're gonna be okay. Come on, stay with me.

RIGSBY: Right on El Camino, boss.

LISBON: Damn it.

JANE: Just drive, Lisbon.

UNIFORMED OFFICER [on police radio]: I need E.M.T.s. I need medical assistance immediately.

[LISBON finally pulls up. JANE is out of the car and running to the house even before it stops]

UNIFORMED OFFICER: Now look at me. You're gonna be fine, okay? They're on their way. Wait— where are the E.M.T.s? We need E.M.T.s!

[His last words are to JANE, who is crouching to talk to TINSLEY]

JANE: I'm CBI. Who did this to you?

[TINSLEY gasps and coughs]

JANE: Tell me.

[JANE has to lean his ear next to TINSLEY's mouth to hear her. As she speaks, she paints three dots in her own bl**d on her upper arm]

TINSLEY [Faintly]: Tattoo... Tattoo on his left arm.

[It is the last thing TINSLEY ever does. JANE, in a casual gesture, smears the dots of bl**d. LISBON arrives in the room to see JANE kneeling beside her body]

[Scene: outside TINSLEY's home, JANE is wiping her bl**d from his hand. LISBON approaches from the house]

LISBON: What did she say?

JANE: She told me Red John has a tattoo on his left shoulder. Three dots. That's my leverage. I got him.