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05x19 - Red Letter Day

Posted: 04/16/13 22:02
by bunniefuu
(Footsteps approaching)

Hey, Cho.

Okay, how'd you do that?

Well, you tread a little heavier than Lisbon, and Rigby's car isn't in the lot.

We've got a case and Lisbon's busy. So you and I are riding out.

Excellent. I'll meet you downstairs.


(Pen clicks)

(Door rumbles)

(Lock rattles)


(Birds chirping)

(Car door closes)


Cho: Yeah.

I'm Kimball Cho. This is Patrick Jane.

County coroner. Deb Granger. Pleased to meet you.

We don't get to work a lot of murders around here.

You got a little, uh, something on your—


Brain matter. Good catch.

Mm. Victim's name is Hollis Percy. 61 years of age.

His wife found him this morning.

And he owned the town of Percy.

The whole town?

Yeah. Schools, roads, bakery— been in his family since the gold rush.

Not exactly booming by the looks of it.

They still get a little tourism off the highway.


Smells of juniper.

(Continues sniffing)


Uh, I don't— no. More like...

(Sniffs) Cheap gin— drunken out of necessity, not pleasure.

So, he drank alone. He let the k*ller in.

He knew him or her. They argued— how'd you know they argued?

Well, he is dead.

What did they argue about?

Well, I don't know.

What do people argue about?

Money, power, love, jealousy—

Revenge... sorry, I shouldn't do that.

Oh, no. Jump right in. This is a m*rder. It's exciting.

What's your guess on time of death?

Rigor stiffness suggests 12 hours or more.

Probably that's your m*rder w*apon.

It's an antique. Colt 1851 Navy. .36 caliber.

Probably hasn't been fired in a century.

Right. So, instead, your guy... or gal—

Whack. Whack.

Penetrating trauma to the back of the skull was introduced by the butt of the g*n.

Once I pop the calvarium, I'll know if that's our official cause of death.

That's great. Let's pop the calvarium.


You two hold here.

What is...

(g*nshots continue)

We're gonna hold here. They've got this covered.


Man: Like I said, folks, anything can happen here in rough 'n' tumble Percy, California.

Let'suh, a big round of applause for our modern-day gunslingers here, yeah.

What the hell are you doing?

This is a crime scene.

Don't you know there's a dead body in there?

These people paid 25 bucks each in advance.

They're entitled to a show. Well, they got one.

Now shut this down and clear the area right now.


♪ The Mentalist 5x19 ♪
Red Letter Day
Original Air Date on April 14, 2013

(indistinct conversations)

I think that's why I liked San Francisco.

I never saw myself living in the place I grew up.

You know?

Yeah. I know.

(Cup clatters)

What about you?

Where did you grow up?

Oh, we moved around— for dad's work, and then for mom's work...

I like to say I grew up in America.

Yeah. Yeah.


I hate to do this, but I have to run.

We have a fresh case.

Please. I'm glad we were able to do this— sit down like this.

This is nice.

You're really easy to talk to, Teresa.

Thanks, Bob.

(Chair scrapes floor)

Are there any new lines of inquiry on Red John?

We've had some leads, but...

I hate to admit it— we're kind of stuck.

Nothing. No.

What about Jane?

I don't think he has anything. (Cell phone ringing)

But he'd tell you if he did.

Yeah. Yeah, he would.

(Cell phone continues ringing)

Okay. Well, I'm sure we'll talk.

Homeland Security beckons.


Is it cold in here?

Yeah. A/C's on the fritz— it's stuck on cold. They got someone coming in.

So I'm not crazy, okay.


Percy, California. Incorporated by J.D. Percy as a trading post in 1870.

Trade dried up, but the Percy family stayed.

They tried to make it work.


It's basically been a tourist town for the past 30 years.

But that hasn't been going too great.

Sorry. It was a "welcome back" gift.

Very thoughtful, Wayne.

Well, how did you know it was from me?

I'm a homicide detective.

(Telephone ringing in distance)

Now, Hollis Percy owned every building.

People pay him rent, and he was the bank.

That property belongs to his wife—

Joanna— for a few weeks, anyway.

Well, why only a few weeks?

He ran out of money.

The wild west show was a last-ditch chance to drum up some cash, but now the whole place is up for sale.

They started selling property this year.

Houses, stores— people rented for generations and now becoming owners.

A lot of money changing hands.

There could be motive there.

Go through all the real estate transactions— see if anything shakes loose.

Any usable prints on the g*n?

Doesn't look that way.

Okay. I'm going to go talk to the family.

Make sure they take care of this A/C today.

That was it?

That's all Kirkland said.

He was just fishing.

Don't you think it's odd—

Homeland Security's fascination with a California serial k*ller?

Everything about Bob Kirkland is odd.

Well, yes. Just add that to the list.

Hello there.

Emmett Cook, chief of police.

Sorry I couldn't be at the crime scene.

Yeah, why couldn't you be there?

Something a little more pressing than a m*rder?

I'm agent Lisbon, and this is Patrick Jane.



Um, actually, I couldn't be there 'cause I was dealing with a fire.

Quite a mess, uh, third one this year.

These, uh, meth labs guys are setting up in empty cabins, uh, the things go...

(Blows air) Kablooey.

(Blows air) Kablooey, indeed. So you've been busy, Chief?

Do you think the drug trade had something to do with Hollis Percy's m*rder?

I don't see the connection. No.

I mean, there could be, but that would be...

Uh, messy?

Yes... You could say that. I did.

Well, I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I am available if CBI needs my help.

Thank you, b-but that's kind of a conflict of interest.

You aiding in the investigation of the m*rder of the man who pays your salary.

Well, plus you've got some meth dealers to track down.

Yes. Yes, I do.

Well, if you need anything, just, um... shout.

We'll holler.

Very odd little country welcome.

No. There's been no trouble.

The last m*rder in Percy was a long time ago.

It's safe here. We have good schools.

We and Hollis maintained it all beautifully.

Dad loved this town.

But you don't... Ian?

Of course he does. Yeah I mean, you know?

Well, it's not a trick question.

No, of course.

I just moved back to help with the transition.

I was in San Francisco working venture capital.

It was time to come home.

Was Hollis meeting someone in his office last night?

We think the attack took place around 8:00.

Well, it's possible.

He kept a lot of late hours the past few years.

Yeah, he tried everything— talking to investors, developers, but, you know, towns like this are just dying out.


Still, he was a futile lord ruling over a town of downtrodden serfs.

He must have had someone that hated him.

He was respected. Ask anyone.

What about the sale of the town?

Was there any friction there?

So he had a few critics.

Could you do me a favor?

Just grab a piece of paper there— and a pen— and write down the name that you just thought of— just now.

Write it down. Don't show it to each other.

(Paper rips)

Joanna: Why?




(Pen clicks)

(Pen clicks, paper crinkles)

Francisco Navarro.

And you had the same thought.

Who is Francisco Navarro?

He runs a wild west show.

He's an old friend of the family... and he didn't think we should sell.

Hollis did what he had to do.

A bunch of amateurs playing cowboys and Indians weren't going to save us no matter what Francisco believed.

He's pretty dedicated to this place.

You think he was angry enough to act on it?

Like I said... He's dedicated.

Cho: That's a nice Jacket, Mr. Navarro.

What would you call that... a duster?

I'm the medicine man in the show.

I'm going right there from here.

Just answer the question.

Yes. It's a duster.

(Flips folder open)

Are you writing that down?

Tell me about the wild west show.

Our program is a fully immersive step back in the 19th century. I oversee 20 performers.

We run six days a week. Wednesdays and Fridays, we stage a medicine man show.

Cho: And you're in charge?

(Paper rustles)

Which makes this piece on your blog... kind of odd.

"k*lling Percy."

Well, I meant the town of Percy, not Hollis Percy, obviously. Yeah. That's some bad timing.

Yes, it is.

It is also the inalienable right of every citizen in the state of California to freely speak, write, and publish his sentiments on all subjects. I overreacted— online.

I would never do harm to my friend.

But he wasn't your friend.

No, he was. But... when he started selling property last year, (sighs) See, that's just giving up on something worth fighting for. He was weak.

And he couldn't afford to run the town?

Which meant your show was gonna get shut down.

Yeah, and what thanks do I get?

I built our program to save Percy.

Tourists came— just not enough.

And then with these cabins exploding up there in the woods, it's getting ugly.

Where were you last night at 8:00 p.m.?

I was in the bar with some of my actors.

If you're so dialed into the town, who else had a beef with your friend?

I have no idea. Look, I gotta go.

I have a show to put on.

Cho: His alibi relies on the account of a bunch of drunks.

Real drunks or old-timey pioneer drunks that are getting paid by the hour?

Well, either way, he could have left the bar at any point, walked 30 yards to Hollis' office, and walked out.

Oh, we're heading to the bar now.

All right. We're gonna go meet the police chief.

And then Rigsby wants to go check out those cabins.

The meth lab fires? Might be worth looking into, I guess.

Follow close as my magical and mysterious friend... (Nugget clanks)

Mr. Golden Nugget— travels a trail of deception (Cup clanks) before your very eyes. Young man...

Under which of these humble chalices does the golden nugget reside?

That one. Hmm?

(Clicks teeth and sighs)

A brave choice, but sadly, it's the wrong one.

Hey! Care to wager again?

A buck buys three guesses, but pays 5 if you guess right.

I-I believe I-I saw your move.

Oh, what have we here...

(Claps hand)

A skeptic? Please sir, step right up. (Chuckles)

Test my skills.

See if you remain unconvinced.

Don't mind if I do. Okay...

All right. So the nugget goes in the cup like this. (Nugget clanks) And then we move them around like this until...

I can't tell which one it's in.

Then you continue doing that, but then to do this, don't you need to have a gold nugget?


I believe I saw your move there, friend.

You did, did you?

Mm-hmm. You won't mind?

Not at all. Not one little bit.

Uh, now, come on.


You know I felt that.

Felt what?

My wallet, please.

I beg your pardon?


(Scoffs) I-I mean, this?

Oh, this. Is this it?


I've never seen that in my life.

So you're schooled in the craft?

Yeah, I used to be.

I'm a little rusty. Mm...

Mm-hmm. But you know what? Worth a shot.

(Cups clanking)

Wait a minute!


Where's my gold?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Bro, that thing is real.

All right, sir. We will get you your gold back.

Jane. I don't have your gold.

Maybe the kid can enlighten you.

The ki—

(sighs and whispers)

I'm sorry.


Here we go, Lisbon...

(Whispers) Gossip.

Two sarsaparillas, please.

Sure I can' Irish those up for ya?

Oh, would that I could, but we're on the job.

Oh. Are you guys here about the m*rder?

I mean, not that you stand out in your suits or anything, but—

We're with the CBI.

(Mug thuds)

Yes. Um, can I ask you...

Do they let you use your real name in this shop?

I guess. Um, I'm Lily...

Mm-hmm. Soto.

You looked a little spooked just then.

Did you know Hollis?


I grew up in Jasper— in the valley.

He interviewed me for this job like a year ago.

Did his employees like him?

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, he tips us out at Christmas.

He's generous— too much, probably. Mm.

Well, I imagine that some people bad-mouth him once the booze starts to flow.

Oh. I mean, you know, people talk.

Some people weren't happy with the way he was running the town.

He kept this place going.

Yeah, but it's—it's been getting bad for a while.

Rumor is there's a mall moving in.

Like, wow, right? But...

People are freaking out about these meth labs.

Some friends were gonna buy the bar, but everybody's moving away.

Francisco Navarro—was he here last night at 8:00 p.m.?


Yeah. I mean, he's pretty much here every night.

You would be, too, if you drank for free.


Is that on?


Probably not since disco.

Hollis Percy overpaid his workers.

He hired three bartenders when two would suffice.

And yet he's dead.

So, do you think his generosity got him k*lled?

I just think it's odd that such a swell guy felt compelled to pay for loyalty.

(Birds chirping)

So the police have no surveillance footage on Main Street. Nope.

And we follow up by driving out to the woods. Why?


An expl*si*n the night before a m*rder— doesn't that seem suspicious to you?

Not really. They're meth labs. They explode.

Well, let me ask you this.

Doesn't something look off here?

Yeah, everything's burned.

Yeah, but this is not completely torched.

Feel that. I'm good.

It feels like a flame-retardant gel.

That's why some of this stuff here survived.

Before this place burned down, someone— someone sprayed it down— so that the flames wouldn't spread into a forest fire.

So this wasn't an accident?


Okay. Then, what was it?

So you think it was arson?

Well, maybe it was a rival g*ng trying to make a point— like a territorial thing?

Yeah, but what kind of drug dealer sprays the place down for safety?

I don't know.

There might be a connection to Hollis' m*rder here.

It's weird. It's almost as if someone mocked these places up to make them look like meth labs.

Okay, you and Cho look into it.

(Engine turns off)

(Tools rattling)

(Toolbox thuds)

We're at the door. 30 seconds till we're in.

(Lock clicks)

(Door thuds)

(Toolbox latches click)

(Toolbox latch clicks)

(Door rumbles)

Go ahead. Say it.

Then you're supposed to say, "say what? "

And then I say, "You think I'm an idiot... for buying Van Pelt that orchid."

You know what?

I'm glad I did.

'Cause now the ball's in her court.

I'm gonna be so Zen about this.

Yep, the next move's hers.

I'm just gonna be the reed that bends in the breeze.

You're still in love with her.

But instead of telling her, you bought her a plant.

Yeah, that's pretty Zen, though. Right?

Howdy, fellas.

How long are you boys going to be fiddling with those newfangled contraptions there?

CBI arson unit, sir. We'll be done shortly.


Look, Mr. Navarro's kicking my butt— trying to get the show back up here.

We've been shut down all day.

Hi. I'm Ian Percy. I'm in charge here.

Are you gentlemen with the CBI?

Yes, Mr. Percy. I'm Agent Cho. This is Agent Rigsby.

CBI arson unit. Arson unit?

We're driving up to check out those cabin fires.

Hitting it bright and early tomorrow morning.

Oh, it's arson, you think?

Isn't that— wasn't it supposed to be some crystal meth mishap?

Well, fortunately it didn't all burn down.

Once we get the chemical signature of the burn, we can tell if someone torched it.

We'll find our bad guy pretty quick after that.

Let me know if you need anything from me.

In the meantime, I'll let you get back to it.

(Trunk slams shut)

(Crickets chirping)


(Gasoline splashing)

Hello, Chief.

Chief: You got no case.

You're wasting your time.

So, you saw me carrying a gas can. Big deal.

Besides, you didn't even take your fancy equipment out of the truck.

Cho: Yeah, there was no fancy equipment.

Just your guilty conscience.

Want something to drink?

It's a long drive back to Sacramento.

You look cozy there, Chief.

He knows how this goes.

He's a cop.

And you're a crook, too, right?

That's why you built these phony meth labs— burned 'em down?

And you were trying to scare people away.

Drive down prices and buy property on the cheap.

(Sighs) Look... even if I did set a couple cabins on fire...

So what?

Maybe I like fires.

Listen, Emmett... this isn't hypothetical.

Right now you're our prime suspect in this m*rder case. You know what to do.

You don't want to be wrapped up in a m*rder investigation.

Help yourself out.

All right, look, um, the thing is in about three to four years, a new outlet mall is going to open here— uh, next to Percy.

So I figure I could hold onto the land till then.

Then... dump it?

But Hollis figured it out?

And he confronted you?

No. Hollis was clueless. So what did happen?

My colleague here thinks you k*lled him.

So far I can't tell if you have the stones.


No, guys... (Chuckles)

Guys, I'm—

Hollis didn't suspect a thing, I'm telling you.

He was just some rich... weirdo.

They both are. They? Who's they? The son?

Joanna—his wife.

Uh, two weeks ago, I get a call to the house— the neighbor heard some screaming.

He was drunk.

And she was out of control— shrieking.

Shrieking... about what?


Jane made a lot of Red John connections here.

It looks like he's building his own time line.

It's all on the drive.

We printed out some greatest hits.

This is good. We could log it into the system.

Not necessary.

So you'll just... Take it from here?

I will.

(Door closes, flash drive clicks)

He was sober for 20 years. A month ago, he fell off the wagon, and he could be a mean drunk.

Did he hit you?



Okay. What could have caused him to start drinking again?

Well, he had his triggers.

But his father's been dead a long time.

Were there romantic problems?

You're sweet.

You mean, was Hollis sleeping around?

Or maybe you found out. Maybe you argued, and he was drunk, and things got out of control.

Hollis used to run around. He was fun— too much fun. But he grew to be faithful. He was terrified of change. A wife knows.

If you were married, you'd understand what I was talking about.

Are you married, Agent Van Pelt?

Not yet. Sounds like fun.

Mm. I like the police chief for the m*rder. He's a weasel.

Real estate records show that Cook and some poorly rigged holding company bought properties in town. He had a lot to lose if Hollis exposed his scam.

Patrick: Juicy stuff. You have him pegged right as a weasel, but I don't think he's a k*ller.

I think Joanna hides it well, but Hollis may have been abusive. You're thinking self defense.

There is one vexing detail still missing. Something in Hollis' life changed... a month ago.

You mean, to get him drinking again.

Yeah, exactly. Something. We have to figure out what it was.

Okay. How?

Well, Joanna has no idea or she has no inclination to tell us. Nor does anyone else.

Maybe something in his past re-emerged.

That's thin.

Yeah. That is thin. But you have to start somewhere.

Hmm. Beautiful orchid, Grace. Well chosen, Rigsby.
(Door hinges creak)

(Ring thuds)

Lily: Hey.

Set you up with another sarsaparilla— on the house?

Ah. Who'd say no to that?

I'm gonna get going. Agent Jane.

(Beer tap bubbling)

See you around.

Sure thing, Mr. Percy. Mr. Percy? Very formal.

Uh, well, you know, (Mug thuds) it pays to kiss the ring.

So, you cracked your case yet?


Cracked, uh, mm... not likely. No.

Uh, when does Francisco usually show up here?

He should be here soon.

I heard you clowned Kevin pretty good.

Kevin—the magician.

Oh, him. Yes. Wouldn't call him a magician.

Normally has to be magic involved.

(Chuckles) Yeah.

I hear you got real powers.

No, I—just a little (Mug thuds) mind reading and predictions...

That's all. Show me.



How about I tell you what you're gonna have for breakfast tomorrow morning?


I'm gonna need a pen, paper, and an envelope.


(Mug thuds)

Tasty. Voila.

Thank you.

(Envelope slides)

Close your eyes.

I want you to imagine being in your kitchen tomorrow morning.

This is what I like about tending bar— you meet all kinds.

Visualize yourself...

Looking into the cupboard...

Looking at all the items, thinking about what you're gonna eat.

And then you choose which one you want.

You got it?


You sure?



(Envelope crinkles)


Put it somewhere safe. We'll open it tomorrow. No peeking.

Oh, I wouldn't dream of it.


Francisco: Barmaid!

Shot of whiskey and a beer back.

(Indistinct conversations)

What do you need?


I don't like it when you say you need backup and nothing's happened yet.

Nothing to worry about. We're just here to talk.

(Indistinct conversations continue)

Uh, do you mind?

Oh, she didn't have to go anywhere. (Mug thuds)

I already said my piece, but go ahead.

Well, we're interested in ancient history— which seems to be your department— so it's obvious that we start with you.

We want to know about Hollis Percy's drinking.

Well, he used to drink and then he stopped.

Then he started again. You have any idea why?

Well, who knows what drives any other man?

Mr. Navarro, answer the question.

Let's try this another way.

Y-you and Hollis used to knock around together— you're lifelong buddies, huh?

Yeah, we used to have some fun.

Well, it seems there was nothing in his current life that would drive him to drink, so I am guessing it was something from his old life that came out out of the woodwork.

Or someone. Tell me— how far off am I?

No idea what you're talking about.



You know what I find sad?

The way you're so tucked in the Percy family pocket.

Tucked in their pocket?

Yeah. Like a soiled hankie.

(Chair slides)

Man: You got a problem here, boss?

No. No problem.

(Chair slides)

No we're—we're fine.

Okay? We're good?

You are hiding information from the police, though, which is a crime. Why would I do that?

Well, possibly to protect yourself by protecting Hollis Percy. I'm not sure.

What's he talking about?

He doesn't know.

Yes, but you do.

You talk a big game about fighting for this town— fighting for the staff. But the truth is you sold out to Hollis a long time ago.

So long ago, you probably thought he was your friend— which is not sad— that's just stupid.

You son of a bitch!

(Punch lands)

Maybe we got a problem.


(Man grunts)


Is this part of the show?



All right, come on, guys. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Cho: Come on!

(Grunting continues)

He could have asked nicely, that's all I was saying.

I was there. You want more coffee?

No, I'm good.

And Jane thinks you know who came after Hollis Percy.

(Chuckles) Based on what, precisely?

Well, we don't need to be precise. You do.


Yeah, we got into some trouble when we were kids.

Hollis got involved with this one crazy girl— townie from a few miles up the road— she was pretty.

This was right after he married Joanna.

He do that a lot?

Slumming it with the local girls?

Yeah, he did.

But this girl got pregnant.

And Hollis paid her to— to deal with it.

Her brother found out— uh, her brother was bad news.

He roughed up Hollis pretty thoroughly.

And the brother held a grudge this whole time.

Yeah, he might have.

He was in prison for 12 years. He got out a month ago.

I thought maybe he came looking for a handout from Hollis.

The rich guy he had dirt on.

Something like that. What happened to the girl?

Well, we heard she went back home.

This was 30 years ago.

Hollis was a mess.

His dad found out— almost disowned him.

Poor guy.

Yes, we had a falling out, but...

Hollis was always my friend.

And Ian—he had no idea. He's a good kid.

And you may have given your friend's k*ller a 2-day head start.

I need to know the guy's name— the brother.

Flores. Dominic Flores.

(Mouse clicks)

(Liquid pouring, cup clanks)

(Ice rattles)


(Glass thuds)

(Paper rustles)

(Footsteps approaching)

Cho: You gonna touch all of them?

Haven't touched that one.

I'm looking for poppy. Lisbon took it.

If you want poppy, grab the everything bagel.

Yeah, but it has all that other stuff on it.

Like those onion scraps, I mean, what are the point of those?

All you see are problems. All I see are bagels.

Just make a choice.

(Rustles bagels)


(Plate clacks)

(Whispers) Great.

(Telephone rings in distance)

Where are we with the brother—

Hollis' old buddy?

Oh, you mean Dominic Flores?

He's fresh out of Folsom serving 12 years and 7 weeks for robbing— what did it say?

16 jewelry stores and a pet shop.

Yeah. He stole a boa constrictor.

Of course he did.

He was released a month ago.

His parole officer says he's been diligent.

But the night of the m*rder he was at a job fair in Sacramento.

The coroner puts the attack at 8:00 p.m.

He couldn't have been both places. I don't think so.

I spoke to a guy who had a booth at the job fair— a solar panel company.

He said Dominic signed in for an interview at 7:45.

(Cell phone vibrates) Okay. What about the sister, Juliana?

Still looking. She bounced around for a bit, then fell out of touch with the family.

So it's possible Dominic got out and paid Hollis an awkward visit.

That might explain his drinking, but it doesn't explain his m*rder.

We should ask Joanna if she knew about the pregnancy after the show. What do you mean?

Jane says we need to go to the "Medicine Man" show, obviously... Rigsby, you want to drive?

As long as I'm not called up to volunteer— sure.

(Camera shutter clicks)

(Indistinct conversations)

(Clears throat)

Ah, Kevin. You again.

You know, I-I'm afraid we got off on the wrong foot, and you need my help, I need your help.

Maybe we can come to some kind of agreement.

Why do I need your help?

Your magic sucks eggs.

I can help you with that, and you can help me in return by giving me a couple of minutes of your stage time.

Sucks eggs, huh?

Pick a card. I won't look. All right.

Pick what card?

You took my cards.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Give me back my cards. Hey, hey, hey, Kevin—

Kevin, let's modulate the attitude.

What's the problem?

This guy is trying to get in my head.

He's trying to ruin my act. He stole my cards.

Kevin, that's not true. I-I think you should cool down before you go anywhere near an audience.

Stop playing with me.

Mr. Jane, maybe you'd be better off taking your seat.

I can handle this. Sure, I'd appreciate that.

He's a little scary.

Oh, you're gonna handle it, Francisco?

Handle this. I quit.

(Hat thuds)

Here you go.

Candy-ass pickpocket tryin' to bust my chops.

Patrick: I beg your pardon.

Nobody handles me. What did you do?

Who's he calling a candy-ass?

Well, now I have no magic show. Thank you.

That's great— I know magic.


Yes. What's your favorite number?

Uh, 23.

(Chuckles) Really?

Check that pocket, there.

How'd you do that?

Do I get the gig?

(Laughs) Hell, yeah!

(Both laugh)

So what is it that Jane's gonna do?

No idea. Really?

Sometimes it's best just to be relaxed about this stuff.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, and cowboys, too.

Now, you all are in for a frontier treat that will mesmerize and amaze.

I'm proud to present to you the daring work of magician and mental mystic, Patrick Jane!

Let's hear it for him!


Thank you, Doc Navarro. Very impressive introduction.

I hope I don't disappoint.

Some people say I have special powers.

It's not true. Everyone can read minds.

I can just do it marginally better than most— that's all. I'm gonna need... Some volunteers for my first effect. I-I don't call them tricks because I think tricks are mean, and what we're here to do is to have some fun.

What about you two lovebirds over there?

You here on your honeymoon?

Uh, no.

We're just—just passing through. We got an R.V.

Oh, great. Don't tell me where you're from.

But here, we're gonna start real simple.

I'm gonna tell you the town that you folks left from and the town that you folks are headed to.

Just write it down there on that there piece of paper.

And as you do it, imagine them.

Imagine yourself pulling out of the driveway.

Lily Soto. You look like you should be up here being my assistant. Ladies and gentlemen, Lily Soto.


Okay, now I said that I would discover the town that you folks are from, and the town that you folks are headed to.

I believe you started out in Albuquerque...

And you are headed to— to Seattle, Washington.

Patrick: How'd I do, Lily?


"Albuquerque and Seattle."

Thank you very much for your help.

You can take a seat. Lily...

I'm not done with you yet.

You have to stay up here and help me.

I wrote down a prediction yesterday, and I gave it to you, yes?

You did. Yes.

Did you peek at it?

No, I didn't peek at it. Are you sure?

I am positive. No little peeky peeks?

No peeks.

And what did I say I'd predict?

Uh, what I had for breakfast this morning.

Okay. That is impossible.

Uh, and I have to admit... I told a little white lie.

That is not what I wrote down.

In fact, what I wrote down...

Was the name of Hollis Percy's k*ller.

That's right. Yes.

I have an envelope, too.

And inside this envelope...

I wrote down the reason for this brutal m*rder— the motive, if you will.

Now, Lily, if you would please open your envelope and read out that name.

I—do I have to?

I'm afraid you do.

Ian Percy.

Okay, Mr. Jane, that's quite enough.

All right, this is insane. Did you put him up to this?

Why would I do that?

Why, indeed?

Be-because he wants to get rid of me? I don't know.

He's trying to frame me.

Well, Ithen...

You wouldn't object to Lily opening up this envelope and reading what's inside.

Francisco, shut this travesty down.

Uh, can't do that. This is a CBI matter— right, Lisbon?

Yes. I am afraid so.

Ian, either Lily reads out aloud the reason you k*lled your father for everyone to hear, or you come with us... right now... and confess.

The choice is yours.

What's happening?

I don't know.

And it's not true. I think you do know.

And the clock is ticking.

Are you ready, Lily?

Ian, when Lily reads what's inside, I can't control what happens next.

Okay, I'll read it myself.

No. No. Not—not now. Not... not here.

I'm sorry, folks.

I'll come with you, all right?

Please, look, whatever you want.

Wise choice.

Ian Percy, you're under arrest for m*rder.

(Handcuffs clacks)

It's—it's okay, Mom.

It's gonna be okay.

(Indistinct conversations)

Patrick: You were dating Lily, right— on the downlow?

I thought dad wouldn't approve.

He thought the Percy name was something special.

And she wasn't like us.

How'd you know?

That you two are in love?

Oh, that was easy.

Then there were little things— little things that said that there was something, uh... off.

You know, everybody thought my dad was some good guy.

And that he kept the town going, you know?

(Voice breaking)

But they didn't know...

How he terrorized us, that...

He wasn't fit— not to raise a family.

We need to know how it happened.

Start a month ago?

Oh, it started before that.


When I first moved back from San Francisco, it was like a few months ago.

Meeting Lily was...

It was like a dream.

And I figured he— he knew something when he started drinking again.

He was too ashamed to come to me, so...

I went to him.

And he was drunk.

I didn't know about his affair.

I mean, how could I have even guessed?

I'm trying to tell you...

Lily is your sister.

(Chuckles) No. No, that is absurd.

No. No, she can't— no! I know my own daughter.

We didn't think you were coming back.

You abandoned us.

Mom knows?

No, of course not.

Lily's mother and me are kind of a— a fling! You know, we were young... (Panting)

30 years ago.

(Slaps hips)

How could you do this to me?

Do this to you?


(Glass thuds)

You spoiled brat.

What the hell did I ever do to you?

I betrayed your mother— not you— and that's my business.

(Chuckles) Lily and you...

That's on you. You should have been able to tell.

So it's my fault, huh?

It's not mine. Either way... It doesn't matter. (Continues panting)

So, son, you gotta suck it up and move on! (Grunts)

Lily is not for you.

She's the only girl I have ever loved!


I want to marry her!


For the first time in your life, son, face the facts that are staring you in the face and stop whining!


(p*stol whips)


(Body thuds)

(p*stol whipping)


What do I even say to her?

"Dad had an affair." Um, "I'm your brother."

It's not gonna be easy.

But you are gonna have to tell her the truth at some point.

I finally got through to him, you know?

It felt good... for a second— that the old bastard finally understood.

When he was dying, he... finally understood what he had done to all of us.



You fooled a guy with a mobile made-up arson lab?

Neat trick.

He didn't seem to think so, but thanks.

So... good week then?

Yeah. Yeah.

Great, yeah. Just moving with the wind.


No, I'm sorry. That was a lie.

Uh, today is not a good day.

We have to talk.

Okay. About what?

About you and me.

(Phone rings in distance)

Great. Because there's something I really have been meaning to tell you, um... (Elevator bell dings)


Excuse me.

Oh, hi! (Chuckles)

I'm sorry I'm late. Traffic was just—

It's fine.

Oh, uh, uh, Duncan, this is Wayne. Wayne, Duncan.

Wayne Rigsby. I—it's good to meet you.


Wayne and I met in Los Angeles at the White Hat program.

Actually that's—that's where we met.

What did I say?

Y-you said, "Wayne."

(Chuckles) Oh, s— I'm sorry.

Weird... (Sighs)

Oh! I just remembered I left something at my desk.

Duncan, it's great to meet you.

(Claps hands)

(Elevator bell dings)


(Lock rattles)

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.