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05x09 - Black Cherry

Posted: 11/27/12 05:23
by bunniefuu
Lisbon: You've had your nose in that book for the last 10 miles.

Patrick: What was the name of that redheaded security guard at the, uh, bioresearch lab?



Harken. Harken. Yes, that's it.

(Seatbelt clicks)



Thank you.

(Indistinct conversations continue, door closes)

(Police radio chatter)

I hate to be a buzzkill, Jane, but even if you could remember everybody you've ever met, what if Lorelei Martins is lying?

What if you've never actually met Red John?

I haven't just met him. I've shaken hands with him.

And she wasn't lying.

She didn't realize what she told me.

Am I in that book?

N— she said it's a wonder Red John and I didn't become friends.

Now what we have, I consider a friendship.

So, my friend, you are free and clear.

That's a relief.

Hey. Are you in charge here?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Listen, I've been here for several hours now. I'm a busy man. When can I leave?

Uh, I don't know.

Who are you?

Chip McGavin. I found the body.

I told the officers what I saw.

They said I had to stay here and say it all over again to you guys before I could leave.


Is that so?

Yes, that's so, Chip.

(Scoffs) This is ridiculous.

Let me tell you something, Chip. I'll give you a heads-up.

You're our number one suspect right now, so I'd play it cool if I were you.

We'll be with you in a moment.


What have we got?

You know what? Quit it.

Well, according to his I.D., victim's name's Lemuel McVie.

M.E.'s putting time of death between 10 and 12 hours ago.

Looks like he was hit multiple times with some kind of blunt object.

Not dressed for golf. How did he end up in there?

Well, we found tire tracks by the water's edge, so— which means he was m*rder*d elsewhere and dumped here.

We need to find the initial m*rder site.

His life had just begun.

Lisbon: He's not that young.

No, his new life.

This is a new wallet, and his driver's license and credit card were established only two years ago.

But look at his hands.

It's evident that this man has been in a scrap or two.

From his old life. Rigsby.

Yeah. I'm running his license now. (Sighs)

I do like that cufflink.

Lisbon: Mm.

Very crafty.

Perhaps the other one was lost in the scuffle.

Why dump him on a golf course?

Ah, this place goes on for acres and acres.

Multiple points of entry.

I don't think there's any cameras around here.

Seems like the perfect place.

Well, he was busted for marijuana possession four years ago.

And apparently our victim is associated with a street g*ng called the 10th Street Ghouls.

Mm! That puts a different spin on it.

Yo, Chip. Front and center.

I'm starting to resent you.

Good. You a member of a street g*ng?

No, of course not.


Did you k*ll this man?

No, I did not.

Liar. I can see it in your eyes.

Arrest him, Lisbon.

Wait a minute. You can't do that.

Yeah, I'm just kidding.

But next time you come across a dead body, Chip, show a little respect.

Thank you.

I'm sorry. Uh, Rigsby, would interview Mr. McGavin?

Thank you.

All right, Mr. McGavin...

You know what? You can write my name down in that book.

Oh, come on! Put me in it. I want to be in it.

No, no. Come on. Really?

♪ The Mentalist 5x09 ♪
Black Cherry
Original Air Date on November 25, 2012

Juliana, we're very sorry about Lemuel.

My brother's name was Lem. Nobody called him Lemuel.

Uh, excuse me. Do you have any tea?


I'll just take a look in the kitchen.


(Shouting and g*nf*re on headphones)

Excuse me?

Uh, could—could you show me where the tea is in the kitchen, please?

Thank you.

(Sighs) So how'd they do it? Who do you think did it?

I don't know.

How did they do it?

He was beaten to death.

Son of a bitch. (Gasps)

Do you think the 10th Street Ghouls had anything to do with this?

No, he's been done with them almost three years now.

Is that when Lem got his driver's license and established those credit cards?


You're sure he was out?

I'm positive.

He jumped out as soon as they tried to recruit Noah.

He wanted to set a better example.

So he got a good job, and he even helped me pay for nursing school.

Lem stepped up. He did right by us.


Not a single tea drinker in the family.

That's interesting.

But you do have cocoa.

You want a cup of hot cocoa?

I'm pretty handy with a kettle. You should trust me.


Where was he working?

(Sighs) Wintergrove Realty.

He was a salesman there.

What about yesterday?

Was there anything that he said or did that jumps out at you?


Just that he didn't come home last night.

Your parents are gone, aren't they?

You have custody of Noah?

I know what it's like to be the one to keep the family together. It's a tough job.

Don't make it tougher.

If you know who did this, tell me.

I don't know who did this.

It's tough when you lose somebody.

But you still carry them with you.

I mean, your memories and...

Choices you make in life.

You made him those cool cufflinks, didn't you?

At school in crafts.

I gave them to Lem for being promoted.

He said a man should always dress like the man he wants to be.

Sounds like a good brother.

Noah: Yeah.

That's a sweet ride you two have there.

Cherry on cherry.

Lem let me choose the stripes.


It's got a 4-barrel carburetor, dual exhaust, and Nanobrock intakes.

Get out of here.

Nanobrock intakes.

(Door opens)

You ready to go?


Yeah. Noah was just telling me about Lem's car.

Was he driving that yesterday?


You mind if I take a picture?



(Sighs) Let's go.

Keep your chin up.

Here's the picture of the victim's missing car.

'68 Olds. Nice.

I put a BOLO out to surrounding agencies.

I'm also checking impound lots to see if anything came through.

Was there any sign of the car at the golf course?

He was dumped from a different car.

The tracks we found by the water were from a car with a smaller wheelbase.

Lem McVie's car was pretty distinctive.

Maybe he was carJacked.

They would have just left him in the middle of the street.

This feels more planned.

Dumping the body out in the open like that feels like a g*ng hit.

His sister was adamant that he was done with that life.

Maybe that life wasn't done with him.

Go upstairs, talk to somebody in gangs.

See if they can shine any light on this.

Rigsby, keep checking his cell phone and his credit card information.

Van Pelt, stay on the car.

No problem.

Jane and I are gonna go to the real estate agency he worked at.


Agent Wade.

Come on in.

So, what do you have on Lemuel McVie and the Ghouls?


Looks like your guy's dad helped start the Ghouls.

Got stabbed while serving a life sentence in Lompoc.

Lem had some clout.

He was selling dr*gs from at least a 10-block radius at one point.

Well, you don't get to that kind of position unless you know how to hustle.

We heard he jumped out.

Seems like it.

He hasn't come up in any of our sweeps for at least a couple years now.

What about gangs that have a beef with the Ghouls?

Anybody looking to make a statement?

No. Nobody.

The Ghouls cleared everyone out years ago.


Corner shot.

I didn't realize g*ng division had those kinds of resources.

It's for the new rapid response team we're creating.

CBI personnel, SWAT tactics.

That's a good idea.

You mind? I haven't seen one in years.

Go for it.

(Clicking continues)

You a vet?

1st Group, Special Forces. You?


Better put that thing down before you sh**t someone, doggie.

Thank you.


Mr. Dilmer's waiting for you in his office.

Any interest in doing a tour of the model homes after your business is done?

Are you serious?

Well, interest rates couldn't be lower.

It's a great time to buy.


I'd like to take a look.

You can count me in, Tiffany.


Mr. Dilmer?

This is Agent Lisbon from the CBI.

And this is Mr. Jane.

Oh, of course. Nathan Dilmer.

Thanks, Tiffany.

See you later, Mr. Jane. Mm.

Uh, before you go, did either of you see Lem leave last night?

I did. I was heading out for a mixer, and I saw him leave at the end of the day.

It, uh, was about 6:30.

In his car?


Yeah, because when I left around a little after 7:00, his car was gone.

Well, thank you, Tiffany.


What a tragedy.

I worry about how everyone's coping.

Oh, they're just anxious about who's gonna get Lem's leads.

That's not how I run my office.

I've worked hard to foster a cohesive and dynamic community here.

We just got back from our annual office retreat, in fact.

Lem was family.


Put another one on the board for me, Dil.

Oh, yeah. Victor, uh, this is Agent Lisbon from the CBI.

This is her associate Mr. Jane.

Victor Phipps, my top man.

Uh, poor Lem.

Tragedy. Tragedy. Mm.

That champagne must have a bitter taste to it.

(Sighs) Nolo contendere, Detective.


But it's just a sales prop. Show must go on.

Victor was Lem's supervisor.

They made an outstanding team.

He was a good kid. Good salesman.

You saw something in Lem that you recognized.


Uh, because you both had a different kind of life before real estate, different kind of jobs?

That's right.

You're a... disbarred lawyer.

You reading my mail?


No. (Chuckles) But you just said "nolo contendere."


And you wouldn't be working here if you weren't disbarred.

No offense. Uh...

Corporate litigation. 14 years.

Partner the last six. I took the rap for a client.

(Clicks tongue) What we were is not who we are.

That's my motto.

We're big on giving people second chances around here.

So you knew about Lem's g*ng situation then?

Well, he came to us through a program for ex-g*ng youth.

An office full of second chancers.

And you're the head of the office.

So are you a Saint or another reformed sinner?

Aren't we here to talk about Lem?

Well, you strike me as the consensus-building type, so I'm gonna guess that your crime was fraud.

Ponzi scheme, perhaps.

I paid back society for the errors in my judgment.

My mistakes do not define me moving forward.

Another one.

Can either of you think of anybody that Lem may have had a problem with, like a coworker, client?

Actually, he did come to work, uh, a bit banged up... about a month ago?

I'm sorry. "Banged up"?

Uh, black eye. Uh, tried to cover it up.

I asked him if he needed any help.

He said that he could handle it.

What do you got?

I got back the preliminary autopsy report.

Lem was struck with several different objects.

But the X-rays showed some older fractures.

One to his ribs couldn't have been more than a month old.

His boss said he came into work pretty banged up around a month ago.

Based on that, I did some digging.

Lem visited the emergency room three times in the last year for various injuries— all listed as accidents.

It says here his sister Juliana signed him out.

She signed him out every time.

Why didn't she tell us that?

Lisbon: You don't know where Juliana is, and you haven't heard from her?

She's just out.


You don't have anything else you want to tell us?


You know, the way you're clenching your fists suggests that you do have something you want to tell us.

We can't talk to you.

Y'all can't do anything.

I know Lem would never want you to be afraid to look another man in the eye, right?

He told me to stay strong, no matter what happens.

You are being strong, but, you know, your sister needs help.

Where'd she go?

(Indistinct conversations)

(Breathing nervously)

(Speaking indistinctly)

Hey! Where's Shade?

(Hip-hop music playing)

(Laughs loudly)

Man: Man...

Where is he? !

Is she serious? Yo, yo, you better get up out of here with all that, little girl. You see where you at, right?

Go home, man.

Let's go, guys.

(g*n cocks)

I said, where is Shade?

(Sirens approaching)


You think it's funny?

(Two g*nshots, b*ll*ts ricochet)


(Siren wailing)


(Siren stops, tires screech)

Police! Drop the w*apon! Everybody, hands in the air!

Juliana, put the g*n down.


They were hanging out laughing.

They just k*lled my brother!

Like it was nothing!

Put it down so we don't have to use ours.



Put it down and let's talk.

Get away.

Up against the fence. Go!

(Handcuffs clicking)

Where's Noah? He's never been alone all night.

(Sighs) Sit down. Noah's fine.

He spent the night with your neighbor Yasmin and we brought him here this morning.

Where did you get the g*n?

Lem had it hidden for protection.

You think the Ghouls are behind Lem's m*rder.

Anyone in particular?

Yeah, this dude named Shade.

Lem used to work corners for him back in the day.

Is that who fractured Lem's rib earlier this year?

Shade was hella pissed when Lem quit.

But he had to take it.

Lem jumped out.

Then he just started going in hard on Lem this year.

Why now?

Well, Shade wasn't making enough money selling dr*gs as he was with Lem, so he felt like Lem owed him.

And Lem just let him do it?

Yeah, Lem said eventually Shade would move on.

And I thought he was right.

And then Shade came back?

(Exhales) Yeah.

The night Lem died.

Shade came to the house banging on the door like 8:30, mouthing off about how Lem was gonna get his.

And I called Lem, but he never answered his phone.

Juliana, you should have called the police.

And told them what?

That a Ghoul was looking for an ex-Ghoul?

They could have helped you.

Lady, my mother was shot in broad daylight.

Three years later, they still don't know who did it.


Please. Y'all just show up to collect the bodies.

Are we done? I need to get my brother home.

Juliana, you discharged an unregistered firearm.

You're gonna be arrested.


Well, what about Noah?

You're not gonna put him in foster care, are you?

If there's no immediate family that can take custody, that's what happens.

I'm sorry.

(Exhales) You...

You can't do this!

Hey, boss.

Shade's real name— Jeron Slaughter.

(Exhales) Receiving stolen goods, armed robbery, and attempted m*rder.

He's a real charmer.

Well, he's in charge of enforcing discipline within the Ghouls.

Beats down crew members when they step out of line.

Do we have a location on Shade?


He hangs at one of their stash houses several times a week.

All right, go and pick him up.

Well, the stash house is fortified— barred windows, steel doors.

Maybe we could use the new rapid response team.

Coordinate it. I need to call Child Services.

You got it.


Nobody's telling me what's going on.

Do you know where my sister is?

Yeah. She's—she's just down the hall. She's okay.

How are you doing?

I'm okay.

Hi, Noah.

Listen. We have a situation— you know, Lisbon, I-I have a great idea.

A brilliant idea. Excuse me. One second. Come here.

What brilliant idea?


Well, um...

There isn't one.

I just don't want you to send that kid to a foster home.

I don't have a choice.

Well, there's always choices.

Okay, like what?

Let 'em go home.

You don't have to charge his sister yet, do you?

Justjust think about it for a while.

She broke the law.

I already called the D.A. and Child Services.

Just let 'em go home.

Got Lem's phone records.

He had two calls from a disposable phone, one at 8:15 p.m. and one at 9:00 p.m.

The call at 9:00 is within our m*rder window.

Well, that must be our k*ller.

Try and track down where the cell phone was sold.

Hey, Rigsby, did they ever find that other cufflink at the country club?

No. They went through the water hazard with a vacuum and a sifter— came back with nothing.


Where you goin'?

Back to Wintergrove.

I have an appointment to take a look at a model home.

Do you want to come with, or are you gonna stick around and do the right thing?


I trust you'll make the right choice, Lisbon.

Damn you, Jane.

Tell Juliana McVie she's free to go for now.

Tell her we'll be in touch about the charges against her.

Really? But we—

I know, I know. Just do it, huh?

I gotta go call off Child Services and the D.A.


Patrick: Wintergrove in the Woods.

Is this a... company retreat?

Did you—did you go?

Up in Carrington? No.

That's strictly for the top salesmen.


I see Lem was there.

Yeah. He was always running behind the big dogs.

"Big dogs"?

The top salesmen in our company—

Dilmer, Phipps, and Bosh.

Are you ready for the tour?

Can't wait.

Tiffany, we, uh... we doing a tour?

Yes. I was just about to take Mr. Jane to see the models.

Ah. She's got pluck, this one.

Honey, I'll take it from here.

Why don't you input the day's contracts?
(Key rattles)

(Sighs softly)

Of course, Mr. Bosh.

Mr. Jane. Quinton Bosh.

Bosh. Ah, you're one of the big dogs.

(Chuckles) Well, that's what they tell me.

So, Mr. Jane, what are you looking for in a home?

(Breathes deeply) Wh-what's that place over there?

Oh, the Catalina.

Yeah. That looks interesting.

Well— I need, uh, large square footage.

4-bedroom, 3 1/2 bathrooms, slab granite countertops in your gourmet kitchen.

Shade's been in there about 40 minutes, so he's nice and tucked in.

(Man on radio)

Alpha to Wade.

Three just entered the side of the house.


More at the party.

Because of the fortification, I'm thinking the front door is the best point of entry.

Cho, you take the two side. Once we do our thing, we'll hand him to you. Copy that.

(Door opens)

Okay, ladies, time to move.

(Door closes)

(Video game playing on TV)

(Man scoffs)

Bosh: Nickel.

(Bottle clatters on table)

(g*nf*re on video game)



CBI! Hands in the air!

Cho, we got a runner. He's headed your way.



Give me your arm.

(Handcuffs click)

Get up.

(Groaning and panting)


You found our victim's car. Well done.

Now, the living room is the centerpiece of the Catalina's 4, 000-square-foot living area.

And over here we have slab granite countertops in your gourmet kitchen.

(Shuffling feet)

(Tapping on floor)

(Stomps twice)

Nice flooring. Very solid.

Yeah. Nothing but upscale to the max in a Wintergrove home. Mm.

(Breathes deeply)

Not really feeling it.

You know, I gotta— I gotta... feel it.

Let's go take a gander at the other model, shall we?

The Catalina II?


Well, it's the exact same layout except for the extra bedroom and decor theme.

Sounds good.

Right. (Sighs)

(Door closes)

Uh... (Laughs)

Wh— so this is Catalina II.

It's a whopping 4, 300 square feet of living space.

Um, Mr. Jane. Can I help you?

Uh, Mr. Jane is with me, Phippsy. I got it.

Sure, Bosh.

Um, let me show you the garage.

Ample space for three cars.

(Sighs) Well, as I said, living room is exactly the same.

Well, not exactly. I like it.

Good. Good. Let's take a look at the extra bedroom.

No. No need.

I'm really feeling it here.


I think I need to be alone with the house for a moment.

You know, just to check out its aura.



Well, I'm not gonna buy a house unless we have compatible auras.

Of course.

Ten minutes.

Good. I'll, uh... I'll be right outside.


Thank you. (Exhales)


(Cell phone rings)


What are you doing?

Following a hunch.


Uh, you've been following it for several hours now.

Yeah, well, some take longer than others.

Playtime's over.

We found Lem's missing car.

Ah. That's excellent.

(Breathing heavily)

Because I just found the room where he was m*rder*d.


Tell me how you ended up with a dead man's car.

To settle a debt.

A debt?

Well, he cost me a lot of money when he jumped out.

I mean, I was cool.

But he started flexin with a very nice ride this year.

See he obviously forgot that I made him.

So I'm like, "yo, I'm-a need a little more return on my investment."

Now is this when you bruised his sternum, or are you talking about when you fractured his ribs?

(Scoffs, filtered voice)

You're funny.

Let's just say he agreed with me.

(Cho, filtered voice)

Up until two nights ago.

Look, I just called to tell him that I need a little extra.

See, these corners ain't doing what they should in this economy.

(Normal voice)

At 8:15 and 9:00 p.m.

On a disposable phone?

(Normal voice) Hey, it's cheaper than a plan, man.

Anyway, he tells me go to hell.

He ain't coming off no more cheddar.

And we know you went to his house to find him.

He wasn't there. Where'd you go?

(Sighs) His job.

You found him at work?

No, his car was parked out in front of them fake houses, so I took it.

And we found evidence that he was k*lled in one of those model homes around the same time you stole his car.

Now why should I believe you didn't k*ll him?

Because that wouldn't be necessary.

See, once I got the car, I was paid in full.

(Sighs) So Shade stole Lem's car, but why does my gut say he's not the k*ller?

Well, you have a very smart gut.

And the one thing that Shade's story does confirm is that Lem was over at the model homes after 8:00 p.m.

Long after his coworkers said he'd left.

Trouble is, anyone can get into those model homes.

But what's the motive?

Still remains to be seen.

I'll put in a request for CSI at Catalina II.

Hey, boss. I finished going through Lem's computer.

He recently set up news alerts for the Carrington Gazette.


Yeah, it's a little town where they have their company retreat.

According to the browser history, he recently read alerts about burglaries, a missing hunter, and a house fire?

Hmm. That's interesting.

Uh, why set up a filter for a podunk newspaper?

I need Lem's car. Hold off on that CSI team.

Let's keep the m*rder site under wraps for now.

What? Why?

This is his car, right?

Tiffany: Definitely.

Phipps: How'd it get here?

Should I call the police?


And you better call Dilmer.

(Elevator bell dings)

Hey, Sarah.


How's life as an A.D.A.?

Ah, I'm enjoying it.

Look, I tried to reach you before you came down.

We'd like to hold off on charging Juliana McVie.

Just a beat.

Why? It sounds like a dunk.

Ah, this case is still developing, and, you know, we're hoping to use her against some bigger fish.

I'd like to have the leverage.

Okay. But I've read the file.

Don't give her a pass because she's sympathetic.

She broke the law. You have statutory duties.

I hear you. How's Ben?

Oh. (Giggles)

He's so wonderful.

Hey, keep me apprised on McVie.

(Elevator bell dings, door opens)

Dilmer: It was parked here when we opened the office.

Note was already on the windshield.

"Bring $50, 000 to the place where you k*lled Lemuel McVie at 10:30 tonight or I go to the police at 11:00."

It doesn't make any sense.

This car was stolen by the k*ller, wasn't it?

That's our supposition.

So what does this mean?

I don't know, Mr. Dilmer.

Someone's playing games, I guess.

Or someone here knows more than they're telling.

You guys don't have a clue.

I mean, have you even figured out where Lem was m*rder*d yet?

Thank you for your assistance, ladies and gentlemen.

You can head on back to work now.

Like I thought. You don't know anything.

Okay. The hook has been baited.

So now we're breaking and entering?

Uh, no, 'cause, uh...

(Whispers) I have the key. Come on.

It was locked this morning.

(Lisbon whispers indistinctly)

(Lock clicks)

No, it's just theft and illegal entry.

(Normal voice)

Ladies first.

(Normal voice) What makes you so certain that the k*ller works at Wintergrove Realty?

Imagine, Lisbon— for a mere 20% down, all this could be yours.

Fully furnished, lavishly equipped.

Lacking only one thing.


Well, isn't it obvious that there should be a lovely, decorative rug right here, pulling the whole room together?

The other model had a rug right here.

So that's what the k*ller used to soak up the blood and get the body out of here?


We should wait in here.

Oh, here. Do you want a drink?


That still doesn't prove that the k*ller is a Wintergrove employee.

Well, if it wasn't, why wouldn't they just leave the body here?

Uh, what's the motive?

Something happened at the company retreat, something that...


Well, we will ask whoever comes through that front door.



Come on.


(Lowered voice) Hi.

(Lowered voice) Hi.


(Whispering) It's okay. You were talking in your sleep.

I was?

And drooling a little.

W-well, what did I say?

(Vehicle door opens)

Well—someone's coming.

(Vehicle door closes)

(Lock clicking)

(Door opens)

(Clicks switch)

(Whispering) Bosh.

(Whispering) What?

That doesn't make sense.


He's lazy.

(Door closes)

(Inhales and exhales)


He and Bosh hate each other.

(Door opens)

(Sets bag down and sighs)

Dilmer? (Gasps)

The consensus builder.

I don't like this. I got a bad feeling about this.

Stop your whimpering.

You got a better idea?

Screw you!

Hey, knock it off. Screw you, I— knock it off! Both of you.

We gotta stick together here. No more squabbling. (Sighs)

Evening, gentlemen.

(Switch clicks)

What are you doing here?

Catching K*llers.

But the letter...

He wrote the letter, you idiot!

Ah, you're a quick study there, Phipps.

Quick enough to know there isn't a law in the land that's gonna convict us of m*rder based off of our compliance with a vague letter.

That is not entirely true.

We have motive.

How do you figure?

You know Lem started reading the Carrington Gazette when he came back from the retreat?

He was particularly interested in a story about a missing hunter.

But the hunter wasn't just missing, was he?

He was dead.

We don't know anything about a hunter.


Yeah. Thanks, Bosh.

You can go. We'll be in touch.


Thank you for your assistance. We can handle this.

Wait. Wait a minute. You cut a deal?

No, no, no, of course— I don't know—

I have no idea what they're talking about.

Then tell me why you get to go!

You really think Bosh is the kind of guy that's gonna sit around and take the rap when you two dopes are available?

Tell me you didn't sell us out.

No, no, he's messing with you!

Then what did you say? ! What did you say? !

He's messing with you, Jackass!


(Chuckles) I was just messing with you.

Lisbon, arrest these clowns.

Put your hands on your heads now!

(Sighs, clicks pen)

The wheelbase and tire pattern of your S.U.V. match the tracks at the golf course.

(Clicks tongue)


Tell me what happened.

It was an accident.

We were up in Carrington for the retreat.

Dilmer, Phippsy, Lem, and I were out in the—the woods.

You know, drinking a little, sh**ting a little, blowing off steam.

Did Lem go sh**ting with you?

No. Said he used enough g*ns.

He drank up more than his share of beers, though.



Um... then Bosh...

Sees this tree branch move about 50 yards away.

Thinks it's a deer.

And he starts sh**ting.

(Speaking indistinctly)

Hey, shh, shh!

I know!


Get down!

Dilmer: And we all start sh**ting.

(g*ns cocking and sh**ting)



Yeah, baby! Whoo!

All right! It's mine! (Laughing)

I got me a deer!

I hit it! Whoo-hoo!

Bosh: We go to see what we got.

It was a man.

Everyone started freaking out, you know?

Lem wanted to go to the police.

It was an accident, he reasoned.

But I know that wasn't a real option.

I'm a lawyer. I know what happens.

We'd be in for years of legal hell, millions in lawyers' fees.

So Lem agreed to hide the body.

We all agreed. As a team.

As a family.

It was the best thing for all of us.

But when we got back, Lem pulls me aside.

He says he can't go through with it, and he tries to convince me that we can salvage this thing if we all just come clean.

He was gonna confess to the cops.

So I agreed with him.

Told him I needed a little bit of time to get some things in order.

But instead, you planned how you were gonna get rid of Lem.

Yes. That night.

Dilmer: I asked him to open Catalina II to meet with some late arriving clients.

It was scud duty for the junior salesmen, so he didn't think anything of it.

Bosh: We did it together.

(Loud thud)

So that we'd all be equally guilty.

(Blows landing)

We were gonna dump him and the car, but when we got back out of the house, the car w— it was gone.

That's what screwed us.

I still don't understand what happened.

Who took the car?

(Hip-hop music playing)

Bosh: His car was parked out in front of them fake houses, so I took it.

Where'd you guys get it?

You can read about it in the paper.

(Door opens)


Nice digs down here in Major Crimes.

Agent Wade.

Hey, this is my partner Wayne Rigsby.

Rigsby, this is Tamsin Wade.

She's heading the new rapid response team for CBI.

Oh, nice. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Likewise. That's actually why I came to see you, Cho.

What's up?

I haven't selected an agent from Major Crimes for the team.

It wouldn't interfere with your daily duties, and I cleared it with Agent Lisbon.

So if you're interested, we'd love to have you on board.



Oh, and, uh, end of shift, a few of us are hitting the range if you want to come join us, say hi to the team.

I'll see you out there.

Agent Rigsby.


Lem's k*ller has led the police up in Carrington to the body of the hunter they k*lled.

Poor guy.

Teresa, hey.

Hey, Sarah. Thanks for coming by.

I wanted you to meet Miss McVie before we made a decision about the charges against her.

This is Juliana and her brother Noah.



Sarah works at the D.A.'s office.

She just had a baby boy last year.

Yes, I did.

Lisbon, do you want to—

And I was gonna tell them that their brother died because he was going to do the right thing.

He's kind of a hero.

Well, yeah, I guess you could say that.

And I was gonna say that given the extenuating circumstances, that maybe the CBI and the D.A.'s office would consider dropping the charges against Juliana.

Because it's the right thing to do.


Okay. (Clears throat)

Nicely played, Teresa.

You owe me one.

Good to meet you, Juliana, Noah.

Charges dropped.

I see what you did there.

Thank you. I-I really appreciate it.

No problem.

Oh. Wait.

(Keys rattle)

These are yours now.

(Exhales) Thank you.

Thank you.

(Pats back)

You're welcome.

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.