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05x05 - Red Dawn

Posted: 10/30/12 17:00
by bunniefuu
(Bell dings)

(Gate scrapes, clicks)

(Gate scrapes, clicks)

Hey. Can I help you?


Rigsby: He says his name's Patrick Jane.

Patrick Jane? Really?

Red John, right?

Wife and daughter?

About a year ago?

Yeah, he's been off the radar.

Sac PD lost track of him six months ago.

I've never met him.

Did he say why he came in?

Just that he wants to talk to you.

Boss, Nevada county sheriff's office called.

They got a body. Country road near Malakoff Diggins.

You and Cho check it out. I'll catch up.

Mr. Jane. I'm Agent Teresa Lisbon.

You wanted to talk to me?

(Lowered voice)




Detective Elliott said that you're in charge of the... the Red John investigation?

That's right.

We took the case over from Sac PD in May.

What's happening with the investigation?

That's a big question, Mr. Jane, and we're a little busy right now.

Another case has come in.

Could you come back another time?

Yeah, well, I can wait. I-I-I'll wait.

That's not really practical.

We don't have a waiting area for guests.

I could just sit right there.

I'm sorry. It's policy.



Call. Make an appointment. We'll talk as soon as possible.

I'm afraid I have to go.

Yeah, no problem.

I-I'm just gonna wait outside, and, uh...

Mr. Jane...

No, it's okay. It's a nice day. I'll take a walk.

And, um, if I come back in three hours, will that be okay?


Thank you.

Hey, Steve?


Would you help Mr. Jane find his way out of the building?




(Clicks button)


You—you work on the Red John case?

That's none of your business, sir.

Have any suspects?

Like I said.

Ah. I...

It's my—my wife and daughter.


Red John k*lled my wife and daughter.

Oh, well, uh...

I'm very sorry for your loss.

But we don't discuss cases with the relatives of victims.

Yeah, no. I-I understand.

Listen, no offense, but I seen a hundred guys just like you.

You wanna find this son of a bitch and k*ll him, right?


Well, what happens, it'll drive you crazy.

My advice? You move away.

Far away somewhere.

Forget it. Start another family.

I know that's tough, but it's the best way.

(Inhales, exhales)

I just asked if there were any suspects.

One more time. Let it go.


What went wrong with you?

Say what?

Clearly, you're older and more experienced than Agent Lisbon.

You must have done something pretty bad for them to promote a woman 20 years your junior over you.

Who told you that?

It's a temperament issue.

As well as character.

That's why they gave you to Lisbon, isn't it?

Because she was new, and no one else would work with you.


What the hell are you doing, Hannigan? !


I told you to take him downstairs, not b*at him up!

Sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I-I lost it.

No, no. It—it's fine. It's fine.

My fault. My fault entirely.

I provoked you. I'm sorry.

God, Hannigan, get him some ice.

(Elevator bell dings)

I'm okay. I'm okay.

Seriously, it—it's not his fault.

I-I deserved it, okay?

He is supposed to act like a professional law officer...


At all times.

Let's get you some ice. Come on.

Come on.


Come on.

Teresa Lisbon.

That's a... That's a nice name.

♪ The Mentalist 5x05 ♪
Red Dawn
Original Air Date on October 28, 2012

Minelli: How did it happen?

Hannigan says he was provoked. Mr. Jane agrees.

He says it's all his fault.

Decent of him.

A cop with a history att*cks a m*rder victim's grieving spouse.


I'm sorry, boss.

I hope we can find a way to make this right without being too harsh on Hannigan.

He's a good guy, he's just a little too old school.


Mr. Jane says he won't press charges.

Let's hope Mr. Jane remains so amiable when he wakes up in the morning with a pounding headache and time to think.

We must find a way to make him happy.

Mr. Jane?

Director Virgil Minelli.

No, no, no, no. Sit.

I'm, uh, I'm terribly sorry about all of this.

I understand that, um, Agent Hannigan has apologized?

Uh, yes, he did. Mm-hmm.

I hope that's been of some help.



I-I came here to, uh, find out about Red John.

Yes. Agent Lisbon told me.

Uh, I understand your concern.

Red John is one of the most difficult cases we've faced.

How many victims, Lisbon?


So far.


Catching him is our top priority.

How many interviews has your team done?

Over a hundred.

We're also re-analyzing all of the physical evidence that Sac PD gathered.

We're sharing some of that with the FBI.

We're pursuing a lot of different leads.

We haven't had a break yet, but as soon as we get one, we'll let you know.

What are the leads?

Where are they leading?

You—you have any... Suspects?

We can't give out details of the investigation.

You don't have any suspects.

It is a complicated investigation, and, yes, slow.

But everything that can be done is being done.

I'll tell you what, Mr. Jane.

My people have to get back to work now.

Long drive ahead of them.

But if you don't mind waiting here, when, uh, Agent Lisbon returns, I'm sure she'll be very happy to, uh, show you the files and explain the case to you.

Is it in the country?

The long drive ahead, is it—is it in the country?

Would you like to go along?

Even better. Ride along with Lisbon.

She can answer any questions you may have on the way.

I'd like that.


(Birds chirping, people speaking indistinctly)

(Police radio chatter)

Cho: Hey, boss.

What's he doing here?

(Lowered voice)

Long story.

Patrick Jane. Hi.


Just pretend I'm not here.

Okay. Victim's name is Winston Dellinger.

sh*t three times. That's his car.

Road crew came across his body around 6:00 this morning.

Coroner estimates he was sh*t around midnight.

There's some damage on the front end.

He must have hit something, so could be a road rage type thing?

Cho: I doubt it. There's no debris nearby.

Lisbon: Widen the search.

(Cell phone rings) See if you can find out where it did happen.


This is Lisbon.

(Breathing heavily)

(Police radio chatter)

What do you do now?

Well, techs have done their job, took all the photos.

We get up close.

Well, you see, it looks like he was sh*t right here.

Note the natural posture of the body.

And there's no drag marks.


Now this guy— this guy's pretty clean. Pretty fresh.

Sometimes we get to them, there's so many maggots, it looks like a stewpot boiling.

Just poppin' and bubblin'.

And the smell—oh!

Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry.


You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I just, uh...

Oh, I'm just a little lightheaded.

I told the coroner they could take the body.

We need to piece together where Dellinger was before he got here.

Work his cell phone, credit card bills.

Retrace his steps.

Okey doke.

Find the lady.

What lady?

The lady he was on a date with.

Wow. So you are some kind of... psychic.

How do you figure that, Kreskin?

There's no such thing as psychics.

He has a bachelor's car, peacock clothes.

He smells of alcohol and breath mints and too much cologne.


Okay. Well, thank you for your input.

Cho, you got anything?

Uniforms found a credit card receipt in his car.

He had dinner last night at a restaurant called Cafe Tuscany.

Go there. See what they can tell you about him.

The victim's father was an appellate court judge.

I need to go and talk to him.

Roger that.

I'm headed back to Sacramento.

You want me to drop you off somewhere on the way?

I'll go with you.

Uh, so how does this work?

I go in. Ask the people questions.

They're probably pretty upset.

May not be able to tell me much.

It doesn't help to have other people around.

You—you want me to stay here?

I would prefer that.

Sure. No—no problem.

I don't—I don't want to intrude.

Agent Lisbon, do you mind if we talk out here?

My wife's extremely distraught.

I'd rather she didn't hear us.

This is, um, Patrick Jane.

Pleasure. This way, please.

Had you and your wife heard from your son recently?

We spoke on the phone last week.

Was he in some sort of trouble?

Agent, I have the sickening feeling that this had nothing to do with Winston.

What do you mean by that?

I've put a lot of desperate individuals into prison over the years.

Any one of them might be behind this.

Why would they go after him?

Why not you?

You want to hurt a man?

Don't k*ll him.

k*ll his family.

We'll certainly look into that.


Terrible thing.

Winston was drinking again?

We won't know until after we get the lab reports back.


You're simply casting aspersions?

No. I—I just...

I assumed from your manner...

From what manner, sir?

Your disappointment in him.

With regard to my son, Mr. Jane, it's myself I'm disappointed in.

He's my failure.

Do you have a child, Mr. Jane?


Well, then you wouldn't understand.

If there's nothing else, Agent Lisbon?

No, sir.

Lisbon: Dellinger chairs the Fifth Circuit Appeals Court.

Do you know how much trouble I could get in if he's pissed off?

No. How much?

A lot. What you have to understand—

(cell phone rings)


Hang on, Cho.

Excuse me.

Go on.

Just talked to the maitre d' at Cafe Tuscany.

Said Dellinger came in last night with a woman.

Said she seemed a little low-rent.

Dellinger got so drunk, the woman left before dinner arrived.


Also talked to the cab company that picked up Dellinger's date.

Her name's Kelly Burbage.

She's coming in tomorrow.


(Phone snaps shut)

You were right.

The victim was on a date.

Good call.

Cold reading.

Cold reading?

You, for instance.

You... cared for a dysfunctional parent.

Father, probably.

That's why you put up with Hannigan.

I don't put up with Hannigan.

His unhappiness reminds you of your father's unhappiness.

We're done for the day.

Is there somewhere I could drop you off?

What about the Red John files?

Mr. Jane, I truly sympathize.

I understand how you're feeling.

I would probably feel the same way.

But nothing good will come from chasing this man.

It's the kind of obsession that destroys people.

Go someplace else.

Try to get on with your life.

That's just what Hannigan said.

Come to the office in the morning.

But clean yourself up.

You're a mess.

(Engine starts)

(Dashboard alert dinging)

Get in. Now.



It's Kimball Cho, isn't it?

Is that after the Kipling character?

No. Why are you still here?

Agent Lisbon told me to come by.

To read the Red John files.



Lisbon told him to come by. Read the Red John files.


All right. Hi.

Oh, pretend I'm not here.

Uh, okay.

Kelly Burbage. Girl who had dinner with the victim.

Interview three.

All right. Thanks.

You can take the desk over there.

No one's using that.

Uh, yeah.

Miss Burbage, how do you know Winston Dellinger?

I work tending bar at the Thirsty Pup in Hagginwood?

Winston's a regular.

He has a drinking problem.

It's a bar.

What happened at dinner?

What I should have known.

He climbed through two bottles of house red before I even got my pasta pomodoro.

I told him he was too drunk to drive me home.

He got mad, I got a cab.

Look, if this is because Winston did something last night, it's just because he was smashed.

He wouldn't hurt a fly.

He's dead. He was k*lled last night.


Somebody sh*t him.

Not two hours after he left the restaurant.

Any idea who might have done that?

Oh, my God.

That sounds like "yes."

There's—there's this guy... we used to date, but I broke it off because he was this gigantic ball of negativity.


He called me last night after I got home.

Totally messed up.

He said he'd followed me on the date.

He kept talking about what a loser Winston was, and how he didn't deserve me.

What's his name?


Emmett Cox.

Hey, boss.

Cox has two arrests for as*ault and a g*n charge pending.


Is this address still current?

Burbage thinks so.

You and Hannigan see if you can locate him, bring him in.

Seems like a real charmer. Full SWAT protocol.

He said you said he was allowed to be here.

Yes, I did.

I didn't think he'd actually show up.

Go get Cox.

Yes, boss.

Mr. Jane!

Mr. Jane.

You—you can call me Patrick.

Patrick, have a seat.

Thank you.

(Clears throat and sighs)

You were hoping I wouldn't come back?


Frankly, I don't think you should look at the files.

Your boss said I could.

You're right.

I should probably just start a new life.

I can't.

I will have the files sent up. There's a lot of them.

Meanwhile, you stay in here.

I don't mind waiting out there. I don't want to be a burden.

You're kind of a distraction to the office.

No offense, but you have a bit of a homeless vibe about you.

I cleaned up, like you, uh, told me to.

It's a process, huh?

You know.

Man: Come on.

Have a seat. Go on. Scoot up.

(Filtered voice)

There you go. That's it.

Okay, Emmett, cut the crap and tell us what happened.

Bite me. I done nothing wrong.

Well, if you done nothing wrong, then there's no reason not to tell us what happened.


I followed Kel and that dude to the restaurant.

Kel came out and got in a cab.

A few minutes later, that dude came out.

By "that dude" you mean Winston Dellinger?

If that's his name.

He got in his car, so I followed him.

Now why'd you do that?

Honesty, I was thinking I'd follow him home.

Mess him up a little. Take his money and whatnot.

But no harm, no foul, right?

(Snickers) Well...

Winston Dellinger's dead.

That's not on me.

The dude was driving too fast and I couldn't keep up, so I went home.

Well, you know what I think? I think when the dude pulled over to relieve himself, you drove up behind him, and you thought, "hey, cool. Why not Jack him right here? Save time, save trouble". that's what I think.

(Filtered voice)

You can think what you like.

All I'm saying is if you will let me go at him again, Cox will open up.

I don't know. I think he's telling the truth.
Where are we?

Rigsby: I went through the threats made against Judge Dellinger.

Doesn't look like any of these guys have the kind of pull to reach out of prison and k*ll Winston.

What are you doing?

Uh, just stretching my legs.

Anything else?

Yeah. Ballistics came back.

b*ll*ts in the body match the b*ll*ts from a g*n used in an armed robbery in Oakland 12 years ago.

Those guys are in prison. g*n was never recovered.

Someone else must have gotten it.

I got something.

Nine months ago, Winston was charged with vehicular manslaughter.

DA said he hit and k*lled a woman named Mia Dos Santos while driving drunk.

Well, what happened?

The manslaughter charge was dropped before it went to trial.

He pleaded to a DUI, no jail time.

Well, how does that happen?

Got me. Dos Santos' husband was mad when the charge got dropped. He made some threats.

Who handled the case?

Sac PD detective named Nathaniel Kim.

Talk to him. I'll talk to the husband.

Where are the Red John files?

They were supposed to be here by now.

Yeah, they're on their way.

The office remodel's got the records department backed up.

Great. Wonderful. Tell them to get their butts in gear.

Hey. You. You're coming with me.

Cho: I'm looking for Detective Nathaniel Kim.

You got him.

I work here on my off days.

Sac PD's great, but alimony and child support are a bitch.

This about Winston Dellinger?

That's right.

Yeah, well, Dellinger knocked poor Mia Dos Santos right out of her shoes. She had three kids.

That's tough.

Why did the manslaughter charge get dropped?

We only had circumstantial evidence putting Winston at the scene.

Nobody actually saw him hit her.

But we did have blood on his car.

Seemed like a dunk.

Lab results come back, blood doesn't belong to Mia Dos Santos.

No dunk. No case.

We were lucky to get the DUI.

Did you double-check the lab results?

Sure. Came back the same.

Winston's father's a judge.

He knows people all through the system.

Yes, he is, and, yes, he does.

You ever consider the possibility he reached out, made sure his son didn't go to prison?

Sure, I thought it.

Wouldn't say it.

Why not?

Guy's a frickin' Tyrannosaurus rex.

I'm gonna accuse him of obstruction of justice on a hunch?

You do it.

What can I get you?

Have you heard anything about Winston Dellinger recently?

I heard he was k*lled.

Is that right?

Where did you hear that, Mr. Dos Santos?

Not sure.

Our lawyers, I think.

You know, were were preparing a, uh, wrongful death lawsuit against Dellinger.

It's not gonna happen now.

And have you been in contact with Mr. Dellinger since your wife's death?

No. Not recently.

After the charges were dropped, didn't you seek him out, thr*aten him several times?


I was really angry.

And I said some angry things.

I shouldn't have done that.


No. No, it wasn't.

That man k*lled my daughter.

And he left her babies without their mother.

And nothing happens to him?

You should have done more.

You should have hurt him!

You should have hurt him the way that he hurt us!

(Indistinct conversations)


What have we got?

Rigsby: Ran Christian Dos Santos.

No arrests, but he's had trouble at work since his wife d*ed. Issues with customers.

He's taking an anger management course.

And what about the judge?

Checked his bank accounts.

No significant money transfers when the m*rder charge was withdrawn.

If he paid someone off, there's no sign of it.

Still no sign of where Winston Dellinger's car had an accident the night he was k*lled.

There's some uniforms out there looking for debris.

That's it?

Well, it's a hard case, boss.

Let's start from the top.

Bring in everybody involved in the case.

We'll hear their stories again.

Maybe something will shake loose.

Will do.

First batch of Red John.

Where do you want 'em?

Uh, you can just leave it there.

Eager beaver, huh?

Mr. Jane, before you get into that, I wanted to ask a favor.

I need your help.

Lisbon: Okay. Everybody involved in the Dellinger m*rder is in that room.

One of them is very likely lying.

One of them is very likely the m*rder*r.


What I'd like you to do is go in there, take a look at all of them, and tell me if you can spot the liar.


You seem to have a gift.

I told you, I'm not a psychic.

I'm a charlatan. You hear me?

I-I-I'm a fraud.

I believe you.

But whatever it is, it's a gift.

I figure, why not use it?

Patrick: I can't.

We're kind of at a standstill here.

Come on.

Hello, everybody.

Um, this is Patrick Jane.

He's a consultant with the CBI.

Before we start the interviews, he's gonna... we'll see what he's gonna do.

Mr. Jane?

Hi, folks.

Quick question—which one of you k*lled Winston Dellinger?

Oh, come on. This is ridiculous.

What? !

I'm not gonna sit here and listen to this.

Is he serious?

Everybody just calm down, please.

That was worth a try.

Uh, Agents Cho and Rigsby will proceed with the interviews.

Thank you very much.

Cho: Judge, if you'll come with me.

(Lowered voice)

Uh, wait a minute.

I think I know who did it.

You sure?

Pretty sure.

If everybody could just please sit back down.

My apologies. Please.

You are absolutely sure?

Uh, 70%.

You have tarot cards?

Tarot cards?


Uh, ladies and gentlemen, um, I-I'm sorry for, uh, for wasting your time. If, uh...

I've had more than enough of this.

Agent Lisbon, really?

This is outrageous.

Tell him, Judge.

Just one moment more.

There's something I wanna show you.

Something you might find amazing.

I used to be a psychic.

I used to read minds, talk to dead people. Only I didn't.

Of course I didn't, 'cause there's no such thing as psychics or mediums, or at least I've never met one.

Psychic powers are just tricks.

They're mind games. It's observation.

But it works.

There's a k*ller in this room, and I'm gonna use pseudo-psychic powers to persuade that k*ller to confess.

This is bull.

Shortcut method—the first person to leave did it.

Now like I say, there's no such thing as psychics.

Let's be clear about that.

But the human mind is amazingly powerful.

It can do things for real that sometimes feel like magic.

And I wanna show you.

Now, normally, I would use Tarot cards for this.

But, uh, in this case, these will have to do, as long as you're all willing to use a little imagination.

(Pen scratching)

Bear with me.

Agent Lisbon, if you could, uh, mix those cards up thoroughly, please.

Thank you for your patience.

Take 'em.

Thank you.


I would like you, without looking, to choose a card, face-down, but first— and this is very important— before you take the card, I'd like you to close your eyes and I'd like you to think about the last scary dream you had.


Remember the last time you woke up shivering with fear.

Got it? Good.

Thank you. Open your eyes.

Take a card.

Keep it face-down.

Keep your hand on top of it.

Thank you.

Now here's the thing— you think you just made a random pick.

Where, in fact, your subconscious mind made a very meaningful choice.

And this is how the k*ller will be revealed.

Mrs. Recinos, you dreamt that your daughter was falling into a very dark place, and you couldn't stop her.

You called out that you loved her, but she couldn't hear you.


And that's why you chose the lovers.

(Gasps and speaks Spanish)

Judge Dellinger, you dreamt of death.

And you chose death.

Kelly, you can't shake the idea that you'll never find true love.

And you picked the fool.


How do you do that?

Mr. Kim.

You have a lot of scary dreams.

But you can't remember them.

However, you're a cop.

So you think the rules don't apply to you.

And you chose the magician.

Neat trick.

Yes, just a trick.

Mr. Dos Santos, you dream of being trapped.

Caged like an animal.

And you dream of a terrible, violent escape.

You picked the devil.

None of that's true.

And, Mr. Cox.

You constantly dream of all the people you've hurt coming back to seek revenge.

And guess what?

They have the same dream.

You chose the hanged man.

Uh, actually that's not... right.

Uh, Mr. Kim had that card.

(Sets card on table)

Patrick: Ah.


What's that supposed to mean?

It means you k*lled Winston Dellinger.

Yeah, right. Give me a break.

No. No break. You did it.

The subconscious mind never lies.

Your guilt is written on that card... and written all over your face.

No. No, I-I didn't. Come on. It's a card trick.

Yes, it was, but when I said I could use your choice of card to reveal the k*ller, you looked a little worried.

For a split second. Just you.

And then you looked relieved when I couldn't read your dream.

And then when you saw the hanged man, the blood drained from your face.

No. No, this is ridiculous.

Everyone can see your guilt.

But what I can't see is your motive.

Why, Nathaniel?

Why did you k*ll him?

Look at me.

Why, Nathaniel?

You seem like a good person.

You come from good people.

Why'd you k*ll him?

Well, I'll be damned.

That's your man, Agent Lisbon.

That's your man.

You had the evidence against Winston Dellinger.

I went to the lab.

I swapped the blood sample from his fender for another sample.

Why'd you do it?

I'm a silent partner in the bar.

Everything I got is in that place.

Last year, we got sued.

Guy got b*at up in a fight.

And the bar lost the suit?

I was gonna lose every penny I had.

But when I caught the Dellinger case, I found out his father would hear the appeal of the lawsuit.

The judge must have been scared about his son going to prison?

Yeah. Terrified.

I mean, he was sure the kid would be k*lled, 'cause of all the guys he put away.

So I went to the judge and made a deal.

He'd rule in the bar's favor, I'd hide the evidence against Winston.

How did that get Winston k*lled?

That night, I'm in bed, asleep.

And Winston calls me in a drunken panic.

He says he was driving and hit somebody... again.

I said he should man up and call the cops.

He says if I don't help him, he'll tell about the deal I made with his father.

I mean, he was going to destroy my career.

So I go out to the place to meet him.

Look, I hit him right there.

Oh, my car.

Look, he must have crawled off the road or some— well, don't just stand there, help me!

You owe me! My dad saved your ass!

Now do something!

He's freaking out. I mean, he can't find the body.

He thinks maybe whoever he hit is still alive and crawled away.

I mean... he was out of control.

It's gotta be here somewhere.

And that's when I knew.

It's gotta be here.

If I don't do something about this fool, right now...


He's gonna dog me the rest of my life.


You, uh, you ever find the guy he hit?

Must be still out there somewhere.


But uniforms found a deer that had been hit by a car a little ways off the road.

Must have been too drunk to know the difference.

A deer?


(Door opens)

He hit a... a deer?

(Door closes)

(Scoffs) That's perfect.

(Bell dings)

(Gate scrapes, clicks)

So Minelli really hired this Jane guy?

Well, he exposed a corrupt cop, dethroned a judge.

Those are all major points for us.

As far as Minelli's concerned, he's a hero.

And, uh... does Hannigan know about this?

Yeah. He doesn't want to work with Jane, so he's transferring to another unit.

Any idea who's gonna replace Hannigan?

Don't know yet.

There's a new class of trainees coming up.

Maybe we'll get one of them.

Files are right there if you wanna take a look.

Like this one.

She's cute.

One last time— are you sure you wanna do this?

Yes, I am.

Okay. I tried.

You did.

Thank you.

Shall we go?

(Clicks switch)

Here you go.

I'm going home.

If you need me to explain anything, give me a call.

(Phone rings)


Woman: Virgil Minelli?

Yes. Who's this?

Alexa Shultz, FBI.

We met at the forensics conference in Roanoke.

Director Shultz. What a pleasure to hear from you.

I understand the CBI has hired a new consultant, a man named Patrick Jane?


I'm surprised you know.

I didn't realize you followed our hiring that closely.

Mr. Jane is connected to a case we're interested in.

The serial k*ller known as Red John.

I'm, um, calling to ask a favor.

What's that?

I would appreciate updates on the Red John case.

That way, when my boss asks me what's going on, I have something to tell him.

To put it bluntly, Alexa, why would I do that?

What's in it for me?

It's useful to have a friend in the FBI, isn't it?

And I'm a good friend.

Well, I'm a great believer in inter-agency cooperation.

I don't see why we couldn't engage in some.

I look forward to it, Virgil.

Oh, by the way, one thing you might want to know about Patrick Jane— you know how he's been out of sight in the past year?

You know where he's been?


An insane asylum.

Good luck.


Thank you.

Man: Good morning.

Hey, boss.


(Lowered voice)

We caught one. Fresno.

(Lowered voice) Get Rigsby. Let's leave before traffic.


Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.