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04x24 - The Crimson Hat

Posted: 05/20/12 12:05
by bunniefuu
(Man) Previously on "The Mentalist"...

You know what Red John's trying to do, don't you?

He asked me if I'm ready to quit.

How does Jane seem to you?

I think he's in trouble.

You tortured the guy, for Christ sakes.

I gave an evil psychopath justice.

I'm not gonna apologize.

You're fired. Get outta here right now.

Don't do anything rash. We can work this out.

We'll fix it.

(Elevator bell dings)

I doubt that.

Let me help you.

(Indistinct conversations)

Thank you.

(Glass clatters)

(Exhales sharply)

Magic, huh?


Tough business.

Yeah. No, uh, I'm I'm not a magician, no.



You do coin tricks and you have the look.

What is the look?

Like you're hiding stuff.

I've seen you around, served you drinks a couple times.

Yeah, I remember. Uh, Lorelei, right?

How you doing?

I'm—I'm Patrick.

Hey, Patrick. So you're not a magician?

No. No, I'm a con man. I steal from people.

(Gasps) Wow.

You just come right out and say it—

"I steal from people"— like, "I sell shoes, " like it's not a big deal.

Well, it's not a big deal.

If you know what you're doing, it's very easy.

It's a big deal because it's wrong to steal from people.

No such thing as wrong.

There's, uh... happy or sad, rich or poor, alive or dead, but there's no wrong or right.

Stuff just happens, that's all. One damn thing after another.

Of course there's wrong or right. You know that.

I k*lled a man last year.

Turns out he wasn't a man I wanted to k*ll. Wrong guy.

Anyway... now when I recall sh**ting him dead... still feels good.

It's a happy little memory to cherish, like Christmas.

Now you're just trying to shock me, aren't you?



You seem like a happy soul, Lorelei. You happy?

Yes. I am.

Well, that's nice.


What's your secret?


Oh, yes.

Yes, I've heard that.



This is nice.

Been looking for you.

How you doing? Everything okay?

Well, how you doing, Oscar?

I'm good. How you doing?

Good. This is, um, Lorelei.

Lorelei. What are you guys drinking?

Uh, same again for my friends here. Cognac for me.

This is an amazing man right here.


This man can reach beyond the veil of death.

Did you know that?

Uh, no. No, we— we just met, really.

You ever lose someone?

I lost my mother when I was 5.

(Clears throat)

But this man... he let me talk to her, and I truly felt her presence.

She said she loves me. She's always watching over me.

(Pats back)


Well, it's both a gift and a curse.

Yeah, well...

(Slurps, smacks lips)

I told my father all about you... about, uh, what an awesome spiritual experience it was...


Best 10 grand I ever spent.

My father—he's a tight bastard. He says, "10 grand? ! Screw that bitch. Go get your money back"


Turns out my mother's not dead.

She ran off with her aerobics instructor.

She lives in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Owns a nail salon.

That explains why she was so easy to contact, I guess.



That's good you can smile about this.

Here's the thing— I'm gonna be forgiving.

Give me my money back, and, uh, Mervin here is gonna tune you up a little, that's all.

You, uh... (Sighs) you mind if I, um...

Give me my money back.

Yeah, um, can I—pass a light.

Um, I don't have it. I spent it all.


Well, Mervin's gonna break your arms and the legs... And then when you're walking again, you'll owe me 50 grand.


(Oscar) I got it, I got it, I got it. Go get him.

(Tires screech, car horn honks)

(Car horn honks)

(Siren wailing)


(Siren whoops)

(Police radio chatter)

Man: Break it up, you two!

Hands up!

You all right?

(Both grunt)


♪ The Mentalist 4x24 ♪
The Crimson Hat
Original Air Date on May 17, 2012

(Whistle blows)

So Benjamin does this thing now where he kinda scoots forward on his butt like a penguin.

It's so cute, it's insane.


Oh, wait. I got a clip on my phone. Let me find it for you.

Hey, T.

(Chuckles) Hey, Pat. How ya doin'? Guys.



Oh, God. What did that?

Shotgun from about 6 inches away.

John Doe all the way.

No wallet, no tattoos, no jewelry, no face.

There's a lot of blood.

He must've been k*lled right here.


Well, there's no foot traffic.

Nothing but offices around here. It's dead at night.

Well, he must've arrived here in some kind of vehicle.

There's an interstate ramp a block away from here.

Our friend could've come from Oregon.

Give us 20 minutes with him, and you can bag him.

No hurry. Hey.

Sorry about Jane, by the way. That's too bad.

Too bad about what?

That he got arrested.

I heard it from some guys in vice.

He got busted for as*ault, fraud, narcotics, and resisting arrest in Vegas.

That's terrible.

We should do something.

Like what?

I don't know.

Try and talk to him, I guess, see if he needs help.

It's been six months since he left.

Van Pelt: Maybe he's changed.



I offered him all the help in the world, and he turned me down many times.

He has to want to change.

He has to hit bottom and know it.

That's recovery 101, right?

I guess.

Well, maybe this is bottom.

It's pretty low, boss.

When he wants help, he'll ask us.

He knows where we are.

Hey, Pat. Good seeing ya.

Get our John Doe here on ice quick.

I think he's gonna be around for a while.

(Keys jangle, people speaking indistinctly)

Sign that. (Sighs)


Uh, wh-why am I being released?

I didn't raise bail.

Somebody raised it for you.

Who was that?

I don't have that information.

Teresa Lisbon is my guess.

Huh? Lisbon?

I don't have that information.

Okay. You don't have that information.

You can keep that.

Thank you.



(Horn honks)


(Hydraulics hiss)


(Clears throat and sighs)

(Exhales deeply)


(Blinds rattle)

Boss? Good news, bad news.


Bad news— our John Doe's prints didn't get a match, so we still have no I.D.

Of course.

Good news— SAC P.D. caught a homicide on Pacoima and Third last night.

Suspect got away, but they have an eyewitness, and they recovered the m*rder w*apon— a sawed-off shotgun.

Ejected cartridge was the same make as ours, and Pacoima and Third is only ten blocks from our m*rder scene.

That's news.

Good news would be better than that.

It's a lead. (Sighs)

You're right. SAC P.D., you said?

Uh, who's the detective on that?

Not sure. Somebody on Captain Rupert's night shift.

You're right. It's a good lead, and I need to get out of here.

Let's go down in person and see what they have.


(Knock on door)

(Inhales deeply)


Mm. (Sighs)





Lorrie, right?


Sorry. This was a mistake.

No, no, no, no, no. Lorelei.

I'm very happy to see you.

Just, uh, been a little slow today.

It's—it's been a rough week. (Chuckles)

Yeah, I can imagine.

I brought you some chicken soup.

For me?


Come in.

Excuse the mess.

How did you know my address?

The bail bondsman gave it to me.

How did you know who the bail bondsman was?

(Chuckles) Oh.

What are you, Columbo here with the third degree? (Chuckles)

I'm sorry. Just a little curious.

I knew who he was because I was the one that put up the money for your bail.

That's a lot of money.

I'll—I'll pay you back as soon as I can.

Figured you were good for it.

Why'd you do that for me?

(Inhales deeply)

You seemed like a good man who lost his way.

I could help, so I did... and at this point, a straight up "thank you" would be okay.

Thank you.

There's, uh, a lot of good men out there...

(Opens lid)

(Lid clatters) who have lost their way.

Wow. You're gonna make me say it out loud?


I felt like we got along pretty good.

I felt like there was some kind of... weird connection there between us.

I trusted my feelings.

Damn it. Was I wrong?


You weren't wrong.

Okay then.

I have to warn you, Lorelei, um, I'm not the great catch you might think I am from... first impressions.

That's okay. Neither am I.

Bean, tell these people what you saw.

I'm collecting cans on Third, right next to the park where they sell their dr*gs.

There's a g*nsh*t. Boom!

Then a tall, young, Latin gentleman come running out of the park holding a sawed-off shotgun.

He trips and falls over.


Drops the g*n. Then he gets up and runs away, leaves the g*n, and that's what I saw.

The tall, young, Latin gentleman— did you get a good look at him?

Come right by me.

Got a scar on his face right here, little chin beard...


Big gold earring like a pirate, black T-shirt, jeans... (Scoffs) White shoes.

Anything on the T-shirt?

Logo? Numbers?

Don't think so.

Thanks, Bean.

Wait. Close your eyes and picture him.

Now imagine him coming toward you.


There's a little dog right here on his shirt.

Not a cute dog. Like, you know... (Deep voice) a snarling dog.

Like a bulldog or a wolf?


Grape Street Lobos wear black shirts with a wolf on 'em.

Thank you, Miss Bean. Mm-hmm.

Yeah, so it's kind of thin, but my guys'll check out the Lobos, and we'll let you know.

Well, we can check 'em out for you, if you'd like.

CBI g*ng unit has a really good database.

That's okay, girls.

Thanks, but we don't even know if it's the same g*n as yours.

It probably isn't.

Yeah, okay, Rupe. It was good seeing ya.


Talk to the g*ng unit.

See what they know about the Lobos.


I'm gonna take some personal time.

You take the car. I'm gonna walk.


(Elevator bell dings)

I mean... okay.

See ya tomorrow.



(Man) The zebra's kick saves its life.


(Chuckles) She got away.


A neck bite finally subdues her prey.


The yearly wildebeest migration... Mm.

You okay?

Brings several months' supply of regular meals.

(Inhales deeply)


(Bottle clatters)

Good morning.


Good morning, sleepy lover.



You must have slept 12 hours.

Yeah, I think I was tired.


I gotta go to work. I made some eggs.

How did you know I love eggs?

(Smacks lips and sniffles)


This is delicious. Thank you.

We had fun, huh?


Perhaps we can see each other again.

That's not up to me.

Oh, you have no say in it?

None at all.

(Cup clatters)

It's very restful.

I don't follow you.

I do what Red John tells me to do.

(Lowered voice) What?

Your freedom, our night together— that was a gift from him.

You can hurt me, if you'd like.

No, I don't want to hurt you.

I've given up. He knows that.

What does he want from me?

He doesn't want anything from you.

After all these years, he's come to see you as an old comrade rather than an enemy.

He hopes you'll come to feel the same way.

A comrade.

Patrick... look at yourself.

You need a new life.

He can give that to you.

You have to leave.

He's offering the hand of friendship.

If you refuse him, he'll be upset.

Anyone would be.

Get out.


You know where to find me.

(Breathing heavily)

(Indistinct conversations)

Hey, Grace, you seen Lisbon?

She had to take some personal time.

Where'd she go?

Didn't say.

We have a lead.

I just got this from the g*ng unit.

Kevin Cintron, A.K.A. Purple, affiliated with the Grape Street Lobos.

Matches the witness description exactly.

Did you show the witness the photo?

I do that, and we have to go through SAC P.D. homicide, and they'll want to take the bust, and we need the bust.

Must be a thousand bad guys with gold earrings, beards, and scars.

I got an address from his P.O.

Well, after k*lling two people, that's probably not where he's at.

It's a good place to start, though, and I'm going.

You want me to get you some doughnuts while I'm out?

(Bell tolling)

(Inhales deeply and sighs)

(Nasal voice) This is God.


What is it now? (Laughing)

You scared the life out of me. (Sighs)

(Normal voice) I crawled all the way on my hands and knees from that door, but it was worth it.

What are you doing here?

It's good to see you. How have you been?

(Lowered voice)

Worried sick is how I've been, and then you pop in here like some sort of a lunatic, playing games, asking me how I've been.


Shame on you.

Stay calm, okay?

It's important that no one sees us together.


Why not?

I'm faking my breakdown. It's a ruse to trap Red John.

You son of a bitch. You son of a bitch.

Okay, we are in a church.

Uh, wait, so how does faking a breakdown— if that's what you're really doing, because it looks pretty real to me, how does that trap Red John?

What does Red John want from me? What did he send that little girl to ask me? Do you give up?

Exactly, and I do give up. I quit. I burn the Red John files. I freak out at the boss. I admit defeat, and I sink into a terrible depression.

Brilliant. You did that part great. Now what?

And why doesn't he just k*ll me? Because it's too easy. He wants to turn me. He wants to make me his disciple. So I admit defeat, and then he reaches out to start a conversation.

(Sighs) Well, that's all supposition.

He's not gonna—

He already has reached out. He sent me a message. I need to start a new life, and he can help me.

Help you? He wants to help you?


What are you gonna do?

Well, I'm gonna take him up on the offer. I'm in a lot of real trouble. (Sighs) I do need a new life.

Yes, you do.

That's what makes the gag work.

Then what?

Well, I don't know. I let him lead. That's the beauty of it. He thinks I'm the fish and he's the fisherman.

Unless he sees the truth.

I am giving him his heart's desire. He will see what he wants to see.

Or not.

Fooled you. I can fool him.

Yeah, you fooled me all right. Well done.
Yeah. Well...

I'm sorry.

I tried calling. I tried calling you hundreds of times, begging you to talk to me, begging you to get help. (Voice breaks) Not a reply. Not a word. Not a text.


You know what?

I have not been sleeping. I've been— forget it. Never mind. Y-you know, you're a jerk.

And your plan? It's stupid. It's not even a plan.

But you will help me?

What am I supposed to say, no?

God, you're despicable.


Take this. It's clean.

I'll call you on it when the time comes.

In the meantime, do not contact me.

Do not let anyone from CBI contact me, and don't tell anyone the truth.

Not a soul.

I cannot believe you didn't tell me you were doing this, that you couldn't trust me with a secret like that.

We're supposed to be partners.

God knows, I am happy you're back.

It is a huge relief, but what you did, frankly, was a betrayal.

God, I hate you, Jane.

I hate you!

We have your prints on the shotgun, Kevin.

We have an eyewitness who saw you sh**t Dashawn Willits with that shotgun.

I'm showing them the g*n because I'm trying to sell it to 'em.

Fool tried to take the g*n from me.

I had no other choice.

But the first sh**ting, though, the white John Doe on Lincoln Avenue, did that guy try to steal your g*n, too?

I didn't touch that man, all right? He k*lled himself.

I swear to God. Me and my boy Manfredo, we cruisin' down the alleyway.

We lookin' for open windows, to be honest with you, see this guy sittin' up against the wall, got a bicycle next to him and a sawed-off shotgun.

Just as we start to get close... (Chuckles)

Damn if he don't blow off his head.

Hara-kiri. No messing around.

How do we know you're telling the truth?

You don't. You just know what is.

(Chuckles) Come on, man, you guys ask Manfredo, he gonna tell you the same thing.

Yeah. Man just shot himself.

Boom! Freaked me out.

I wanted the g*n, but Kevin took it.

I got the bike. Sweet fixie.

Where's the bike, Manfredo?

Got stolen.


I know. Ironic, right?

Did you take anything else from him?

We looked. He had nothing on him.

I think he's telling the truth.

Cintron admitted to the second k*lling, no problem.

Why would he lie about this one?

Looks like we'll never know who he was. Poor soul.


(Door opens)

Lisbon, a word?


Uh, is that the John Doe case you're working on?

Yes, sir. It looks to be a su1c1de. (Sighs)

Oh, good. Excellent. Get that off the books, eh?


(Snaps fingers)

I wanted to talk to you about Jane.

It's been six months since he's gone.

I think it's time for a little outreach.


Well, it's the humane thing to do.

He was a big part of the CBI family, after all.

I suppose, but I—

I just—I-I just want to give him a call, see if, you know, I can't persuade him into rehab or a psychiatry program or some such.

You know, it could make a big difference in his sentencing.

He could get community service.

He could come back and work for us eventually.

God knows, we need him, closure rates being what they are right now— low.

Yes, sir, and we will do our best to fix that, but I don't think we can help Jane.

Besides, y— he's made his bed.

I don't think I could work with him again.

I need someone I can rely on.

I'm surprised.

I thought you would want to help him.

Well, I do.

It's not how it looks.

I just have a feeling Jane's better off left alone right now.

Okay. It was just a thought.

(Exhales deeply) Mm.

I've been, um, I've been thinking about what you said about your friend.


You said that he could help me start a new life.


What does that mean exactly?

A new identity. Money.

A place to live. A job, if you want one.

And I-I do what in exchange?

Accept his friendship.

It's that easy?


Uh, he'll want to speak to you first, make sure you're on the level, if that's all right.


And you'll need to bring him a gift to show your respect for him.

What kind of gift?

Well, Teresa Lisbon's dead body would be the perfect thing.


That's absurd.

What did you tell me?

There is no right or wrong.

There's just stuff that happens.

No, no. There there has to be something else.


I can't think of anything else that would please him.

I can't do that.

I understand you're not there yet, but look at it from his point of view.

How else will he know you've truly had a change of heart?

(Elevator bell dings)


Not now.

Uh, I'm glad to see that...

Van Pelt: Jane.


Well, it's good to see you all.

How are you?

Uh, we're good. How are you?

Never better. Never better.


There you are.


Good luck, Teresa.

(Cocks g*n)

Love you.


(Panting) What happened?

Patrick Jane.

He took Lisbon.

Is he—ohh.

(Whispers) Ohh.

(Voice breaks) Wh-who— who is th—who is that?

(Panting) It's Rigsby.

It's Wayne Rigsby.

(Police radio chatter)


(Indistinct conversations)

Turn it up.

(Tray clatters) a macabre twist, after k*lling Agent Rigsby, 34-year-old father of a baby boy, the suspect, Patrick Jane, took Agent Teresa Lisbon, presumed dead, away with him when he escaped.

Authorities will not speculate as to why he wants her dead body.

Ohh. I'm hungry. I'm going to the store for nachos.

You guys want anything?

They got pizza, hot dogs.

I'm good.

Me, too. Uh, Rigsby—

Yeah, I know, I know. Don't call Sarah. I know.

It's k*lling me, though. (Sighs)

She must be freaking out.

Well, look at the bright side.

Think of how happy she's gonna be when you come back to life.

Huh. (Sighs)

(Latches click)

So where'd you find this place?

The owner owes me poker money he'll never pay back.


So that thing you said before you shot me— uh, what did you mean?

What did I say?

I was kinda hyped up.

Oh, boy. Me, too.

I thought at any moment we were gonna get found out.


(Cell phone rings)

It's her.


Spoke to my friend. He wants to meet with you.

2369 Foxglove Parkway, southwest Las Vegas.

Go there at 3:00 today and wait for instructions.

2369 Foxglove Parkway at 3:00.

Don't forget the gift.

I have it right here.

Don't bring the whole thing. Just the head.


(Inhales deeply)

(Snaps shut)

(Taps phone)

So you want the good news or the bad news first?

You lost two fine agents. I'm sorry.

Thank you.

I knew Jane was wrong somehow, but I certainly never expected this.

Well, nobody did.

We received no evaluation that indicated danger of this sort.

CBI is in no way liable.


Well, the question remains, why did Jane do this?

Orders from Red John?

If so, why now? Why Lisbon?

I was talking with Lisbon.

I suggested we reach out to try and help Jane because he was in trouble, and she said "no" very firmly.

She said, "it's not how it looks."

Meaning what?

I don't know. I don't know what to think.

Van Pelt: Pretty much the whole neighborhood is in foreclosure.

There's hardly anyone there. It's like a ghost town.

Smart move by Red John.

Tough to set up any kind of surveillance in advance.

Any movement's gonna be conspicuous.

He must be suspicious.

No, he's just cautious.

And he's hooked. He believes.

How can you be sure?

Because he wants to believe.

We're doing this thing, so let's just do it.

Is everybody clear on the plan?

We're gonna move soon.

Rigsby: Yeah.

Hey, you guys, listen, I want to apologize for deceiving you...

(Scoffs) Whatever.

And thank you for helping me now.

We're helping the boss.

Yeah. She's helping you. We're helping her.

Guys, cut him some slack.

Oh. Yay, team.

A 12. Rigsby, W.

(Drawer rattles)

No face.


Could be anybody.

Well, it says "Rigsby" here. No mistake.

Do you have a tape measure?


Bill, I need you to find out A.S.A.P. where Kimball Cho and Grace Van Pelt are located.

Yeah, right now. Hold on one second.

Put that at the top of his head.


This isn't Wayne Rigsby.

Yeah. Find out where they are.

Thanks. And, Bill?

I want arrest warrants prepped for every single member of that CBI team, dead or alive.

(Turns off engine)


The game begins.

Patrick: Hey, Lisbon.

Must have been a while since you rode on the handlebars of a man's bike.

Ha ha.

It's kind of romantic.

Wind in your hair.

You're a sick man.


5-0-6-5. 5-0-6-5...

Uh, there is no 5-0-7-1.

(Gravel scrapes)

There's nothing. It's just desert.

There's no one here.

Hang on.

Long black limousine.

We're moving in. We'll be on the scene in three minutes.

Stay healthy till then.


Let's just be sure.

(Brakes squeal)

Large man with a g*n...

Red John's girl. This is it.

All right, we're moving in.

(Starts engine, shifts gears)

(Tires peal)

(Tires screech)

FBI. Turn off the car and show me your hands.

FBI! Nobody move!

CBI! Don't sh**t! We're CBI agents!

You're making a terrible mistake.

Get out. We're in the middle of an operation.


Man: FBI! Turn off the car and show me your hands!



That the gift?

Red John in there?


He's looking forward to speaking with you.

You know, Patrick, there's a childish hopefulness about you that is really quite adorable.

Put it on the hood.

So what is it, a football?

A cabbage?

Melon. Honeydew.



Frisk him, then beat him... a little.



Well, well, well.

Agent, this is a mistake. Agent Darcy, you don't understand.

Please, listen to me. No, I don't understand.

You're supposed to be dead, as are you.

This is very strange.

Susan, I am begging you.

Please listen to what I'm saying.

Our fake deaths were a ruse to trap Red John, and it worked.

Jane is with him right now, and his life is in grave danger.

He's at 5071 Keston Drive.


(Grunts) That's enough. We haven't got much time.

Put him in the passenger seat.


(Continues grunting)

(Breathing heavily)

(Red John) Hello, Patrick.


How you doing?

Debonair at all costs, huh?

When did you know?

Oh, you strung me along for a good long while.

Well done.

Luckily, I have a good friend in the FBI, so I found out when the FBI found out.

Cat got your tongue?

I have nothing to say.

Really? Nothing?

"Go to hell" goes without saying, so, yes, nothing.

As you well know, Patrick, there is no hell.

When I die, I won't be punished.

What if you really did have a change of heart?

What if you and I were friends?

Imagine the life we could lead.

It's a higher path, Patrick.

A nobler existence.

Like I said, go to hell.

Oh, well, as you wish.

Lorelei, cut off two of his fingers.

You choose which. Then we should go.



I'm sorry.

Aah! Aah!

(Siren whoops)


(Siren wailing)

(Tires screech)

FBI! Turn off the vehicle!

Let me see your hands!

Get your hands up!

(Error tone chimes)

(Female automated voice) This call has been disconnected.

Please hang up and try your call again.

(Mouths word)

(Car doors close)

You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Never better.

(Siren wailing in distance)

I'm very happy to meet you, Lorelei.

We rarely get the chance to talk to someone who knows Red John so well.

Good to meet you, too.

Heard so much about you.

We were lovers, him and me.

Did he tell you that?


Why not, lover?

Are you ashamed of me?

Did we do something bad?

I know it's hard to believe now, but you're gonna talk to us.

You're gonna break down, and you're gonna tell us everything you know about Red John.

You're gonna sing like a bird.

No, lover.

I won't.

Yes, you will.



Yes, you will.

(Door closes)

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.