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Bountiful Summer (1951)

Posted: 12/20/23 18:44
by bunniefuu
Kiev Film Studios, 1950


Screenplay: E. Pomeshchikov,
N. Dalyoky

Direction: B. BARNET

Cinematography: A. MISHURIN

Set Design: O. STEPANENKO,

Song lyrics: A. MALYSHKO


Nazar Protsenko:

Vera Goroshko:

Pyotr Sereda:

Oksana Podpruzhenko:

Teslyuk: K. SOROKIN

Kolodochka: E. MAXIMOV


Podpruzhenko: M. VYSOTSKY
Zoologist: A. KAZANSKAYA

Ekaterina Matveevna:

Musyy Antonovich:


- Oksana!
- Father!

One moment!

Dear Oksana Sviridovna!

The Stakhanovite railway workers

salute the heroine
of socialist work!

Dear Oksana Sviridovna...

Comrade Podpruzhenko!

On behalf of the railway workers
and myself, I congratulate you.

Dear Oksana Sviridovna...

I repeat.

Salutations to the leader of
the workers, the kolkhoz heroine!

Me, I share the opinion of
the previous speaker.


Why does the accordion sing?
Why does it sing?

Don't touch the heart
of a young girl.

Why, proud one, do you laugh
Instead of answering me?

Nice young girl,
You must tell me "yes" or "no".

Why am I so indulgent
To the accordion player?

It's that this music,
This is love for me.

Why, proud one, do you laugh
Instead of answering me?

Nice young girl,
You must tell me "yes" or "no".

The accordion, over the shoulder,
What will you answer me?

You'll welcome the boy,
the month of May reigns in your heart.

Well, brave ones.

Give us a response right away.

Kind ones, brave ones!
Do you love us or not?

Two paths crossed
Allowing for our encounter

If you love me, if you believe me,
marry me without delay.

- What do we have here? Marriage?
- We're welcoming the heroine.

- What heroine?
- Why, a beautiful girl, right here!


- An acquaintance?
- A comrade!


Stop! Go back!

Hello, Oksana!
My regards to the young girls!

Oksana, I congratulate you!
Pretty as a picture! A beauty!

- And the bull?
- We can forget about it.

Olshanka's people are looking
for money. We can pay with cash.

An exploiter, seeing
his liquidation, is selling

this bull which has received
a medal from the expo!

- Then, let's buy it, absolutely!
- It's necessary to pay in cash.

Now, this is a financial offence.

- Has the veterinarian seen the bull?
- Yes. It's as strong as a Turk!

We mustn't let it pass us by.
We'll answer together.

Many flowers grow here

In the valley of my heart.

I languished, I sighed,

But I didn't love anyone.

My heart, be still,
He will surely come.

The nightingale always sings to me,
My beautiful friend...

I know a lad,

He is happy to speak to me.

Now, me, I don't respond to his words,

All the more to his look.

My heart, be still,
He will certainly come.

The nightingale always sings to me,
My beautiful friend...

The nightingale always sings to me,

My beautiful friend...

How did you fall?
Did you stumble?

- I saved you.
- Me?

- On the contrary, right?
- Well, yes. It was I who saved you.

It's nothing. It happens to people
all the time.

Put it on or you'll get cold.

Oh, it's our Oksana!

I know you,
you're Petro Sereda.

Exactly. I was born here.

- You were descended from
Protsenko? - Yes.

You know that Nazar Protsenko
is our president.

Oksana, she is the heroine.

So she's the only one who exists?

Only her, for now.

Well, put something on.

- And your family name?
- Goroshko.

- Ivan Spiridonovich?
- Yes.

But he had a...


Oh, how you've grown, and me,
how I've aged!

What are you saying?
You've hardly aged at all.

So, Vera Ivanovna!

Hello! Yes, it's me.

Katerina Matveevna
doesn't have authority over me.

I have a power plant
that suffices, for the moment.

If you need a power plant,
build it.

I have other fish to fry,
at the moment.

Nothing doing...
That's it with our cooperation...

- Do you use this tone, boy,
to speak to people? - Mama...

I subject myself to you, regarding
the house. But as for business...

- You're a character!
- The character of an angel.

An angel!


Mother, see who's paying us a visit!

Hello, Natalia Yukhimovna!

She didn't recognize me!

Petro has come back!

You, accordion, play softly.

Remember our youth,
Our younger years.

The golden springs
flew far away,

as on the wings of cranes in flight.

What once was, will no longer be.
But we regret nothing.

Oh, our friendship,
forged on the front-line.

Rekindles our hearts on the road.

The road that takes us far away.

The road that takes us far away.

My friend, never forget

How your mother equipped you
for battle,

Bidding you farewell
before your distant journey.

Far away, on the Elbe,
on the Danube.

What once was, will no longer be.
But we regret nothing.

Oh, our friendship,
forged on the front-line.

Rekindles our hearts on the road.

The road that takes us far away.

The road that takes us far away.

Are we going to stay like this
for much longer?

Well, Petro, let's go.

This is how we live.
We had good and bad too.

After the w*r, we had to remake
our lives anew.

And how well you did it:
a house, new furnishings.

Why is it all new with you?
Looking to get married?

That's part of the plan.

- Who is she?
- It's a big secret.

It's her! I hear her voice.

Hey girls!
What brings you by the house?

Well, come in! Enter!

Hello! Enter!


- Hello, Oksana.
- Hello, Petro.

- You've returned! Unbelievable!
- Yes, I'm here.

Congratulations. I wish you...
Words fail me... let me kiss you!

I invite you to take
a place at the table.

The strawberry ripens

On a slope of a hill.

Why aren't you sleeping?

I can't sleep.

Listen, Nazar...

When are you getting married?

In the fall, I think.

Hello, Vera.

I brought you your jacket.
Good morning.

Thank you, and for the flowers too.
Or are they not for me?

They're not for you.

- Vera! - I've no time to waste.
There's work to be done.

Team of Oksana Podpruzhenko:
3,000 kg to the hectare

Silence, comrades.
The general is coming.

Team of Prokopchuk:
2,600 kg to the hectare

You love to joke,
but as for work...

I know how to do both!
Are you having a bad day?

Did you see the sign
in front of Oksana's field?

And ours?
The other sign is better.

- Speak clearly. What's bugging you?
- Ours, it's a disgrace.

Crookedly placed,
and washed out by the rain.

As for doing our best, I don't
know how to do it, with you.

A fine group you are:
sloppy, hair a mess.

Tomorrow, our sign
will be just like Oksana's!

It's Nazar who had
it made in the city...

We're no poorer than Oksana.

- But she's a heroine!
- And us, can't we even dream?

Do you see Oksana's wheat?
Ours is no worse.

I'll ask the boss
to increase our figures.

Then, we'll see...

She's really sick.

Are we any worse? Lazy people
who don't know how to work, are we?

Perhaps we're
better than our neighbours.

- Are you on bad terms with Oksana?
- No.

We won't work more than we have done.

And it's to be seen
who works better here!

You talk about a heroine! Does
she have different soil than we do?

Verochka, as far as I'm concerned,
I'm ready for anything.

Are we really so lazy?
let us reflect, comrades!

Well, have you seen it?
This is the office of the agronomist.

This is my office and this is
your accounting department.

Hello, financiers!

I present to you Pyotr Sereda,
new head accountant.

Galya Kolesnik,
trainee accountant.

- Kolodochka, accountant.
- Head accountant for the interim.

Everyone has higher education.

Well, you manage there,
and me, I'll return later.

An academic!

Hello, comrades.
Is this for me?

Yes, this is the office
of the head accountant.

- Hello, Nazar.
- Hello, Oksana.

Why have you come?

To look at you.
Is that so unimportant?

And have you looked?

Go, you're preventing us
from working.

- You're harsh today.
- As always.

If it's as always,
then it's not serious.

And to think I believed
that something had changed.

- What could change?
- Anything can happen.

Thinking of something in particular?

Nothing special.

He's full of energy,
our Petro!

He's very good.

Some quickly forget
the good one did for them...

- Now, he's returned.
- Yes, returned.

But if things remain the same,
it won't be easy for him.

Do you think so?

You girls are sly.
And you don't even falter.

What are you talking about,
you, connoisseur of women?

Enough of pretence.

I'm not accusing you of anything.

Nazar, my dove...

You must know my character.

So that there's no misunderstanding,
tell me what you think,

but don't exaggerate.

Must you frighten me?

If it's like that, I can keep quiet.

Like what?

Nice talking.
Take care.

No. Wait, Nazar.

You're hiding something from me,
and your thoughts are bad.

My thoughts will stay with me
since you don't confide yours.

What do we do
with these work days?

In my opinion,
there's no such work.

- What do you make of it?
- What do we do?

He suddenly turned up

and descended on Karpenko.

Well, sort of like for maintenance.

These work days
are without foundation.

Maybe so,
but Nazar's approval is there.

I see.

You understand, the president
can also be mistaken.

But our task is to correct him.

The president?

Petro, my dear,
hello to you! Welcome!

Bravo, nothing to say.
An intellectual.

But you offended me
by not passing by my place.

Here's the bull who received
a medal at the expo.

Bought by order of the president.
I await your stamp.

Well, leave it here.

A monthly report for the work days.

- Are you managing the farm?
- I am.

Don't be in such a hurry.
Let's see here...

Milk maids, hog handlers,
milking machines... Maria Stasyuk, 25.

Nothing of work days.

And what about
a remuneration supplement?

Would the farms be weak?

No, they aren't.

Insufficiencies exist,
but one strives to make a go of it.

- Are you fulfilling this plan?
- It's the norm.

We'll see what
your striving consists of.

I'll also show you
how to make a report.

You're not doing everything correctly.

There's my decision.

The decision is there, but
Accounts doesn't agree with it.

- What Accounts?
- Our new head accountant.

- Did he see my decision?
- He saw it.

And then?

He said the president
can be mistaken,

but that our task is to correct him.

And you, what do you think?

It's our task...

The new head accountant
is my former friend,

that's why he corrects me.

He's a good man, full of energy.

I ask you to put and end to it!

What's the president got wrong now?

He stuck his nose in
and found something.

You have a low income,
and he's no help at all.

- Who is he? A zoologist?
- Our new head accountant!

That man who's speaking
with Oksana.

Talk to him, Nazar.

He's scarcely arrived and already
everything displeases him.

He is coming here.

Well, Nazar, it's beautiful!

Test tubes, a microscope,
and the "professor" in person.

- An academy, no more, no less!
- A sub-branch.

Petro, we mustn't hurt
our breeders.

You know they need
serious assistance.

I saw that they need it.

But I'm not of the same opinion
as Filipp Fedorovich.

- Again, the same thing!
- And how could it be otherwise?

Good care of the cattle
means a good income.

For unprofitable farms,
stimulation is necessary.

The cow on the one hand
and the work days on the other?

Exactly: yours, mine, his,
and the president's.

See to this business without me
while I go to the fields.

So it's like that!

Since we're alone,
let's go back to the office.

- And he ripped up his decision.
- He did well.

That is very bad
for the kolkhoz "Vperyod."

- Their president is Protsenko?
- Yes. And it's going very badly.

Look at this latest report.

The farms are in disorder.
The feeding team exists only on paper.

The president doesn't allow
the mowing of green wheat...

The cattle are malnourished,
the yield diminishes continually.

The manager of the farm
is a man of little culture,

and he has primitive ideas
about the farm.

- Who is he?
- Teslyuk.

Nothing interests him:
not lectures, not pamphlets...

In my position as a zoologist,
I ask you to intervene.

A good kolkhoz, with vast
possibilities. This is offensive!

Thank you very much.
I'll certainly take care of it.


Kolkhoz "Vperyod."


I've brought you some more,

Well, show me.

Not bad. But this photo
should be in the middle.

Anton Vasilyevich,
May I ask your opinion?

- Why aren't you sleeping?
- I have too much work to do.

In fact, the kolkhoz is vast.

Here's what's the matter.

Every day, several people
come to see me,

they speak, demand, worry...

The kolkhoz "Vperyod" can be
at the first rank and what's more,

not only for the wheat...

Today, I saw an old man.

- According to him, there aren't enough
dreams, boldness, or income. - Kirill.

He described an apiary
that he wanted to set up.

Speaking, he looked even younger!
But he's a guard in the garage.

And Uncle Kirill isn't alone.

For example, I'm a breeder,
but I work in the fields.

- You know our president!
- Don't speak against him.

Remember how it was before him.
He's a brave man.

Here are the calculations
I'd like to submit,

but I fear he'll drive me out
with att*cks.

I'm new here, he is impetuous,
and the kolkhoz is vast.

I'd like to know your opinion

on farms, electrification,
mechanization, etc.

I'll give you figures,
which will only seem annoying.

In the past year, the income
of the kolkhoz constituted

954,000 roubles.

Let's dream a little.

Let's suppose that we made progress
on the farm

and that our farms
became model farms.

We'd estimate the yield of
one cow from 3 to 3,500 per year.

Income will constitute 200
and even 300,000 roubles.

Four or five kg of sheep's wool
will make 80,000 roubles...

Is the power station good?
No electricity for the farm...

You electrified threshing
and you yourself take things easy?

This is mystification,
not electrification.

This is what we want to build.

Kolkhozes stand together
and these are falling apart.

What are you waiting for?
You've seen a forest of wheat.

Are you a man or a calculator?

I'm trying, nevertheless,
to tell you that I agree with you.

Him, he can agree,
and me, no.

I'm going to eat now.

- We agree on nothing?
- On nothing.

We have a beautiful harvest there.
You're behind the times!

Ours is no less beautiful.

If you need a power plant,
construct it.

While we'll manage our own.

- Is this your final word?
- Yes.

The final word will be spoken
to the Party Committee.

- Let's go. Don't let us waste time.
- Have a safe trip.

- Goodbye, Pyotr Andreevich.
- Good luck.

You're wrong. It's necessary
to cooperate with our neighbours.

Let them construct it themselves:
the river's big one!

I will not divide mine with them.
That's it!

- The power plant or the glory?
- This is the glory!

For the need to expand ourselves
next year.

That's it, your method

You'll be a year later
than your contemporaries.

And you, when will you have a visa
for the bull?

I need all the papers.
It's not cleared up yet.

The bull was bought by my order.

Maybe I'm not making this
clear enough for you?

- What are you saying, Nazar?
- It's me who's asking you.


All sorts of rumours are being voiced:

not enough audacity, not enough
dreaming, not enough income.

I've not given each
the price of a bike...

And all that, behind my back.
You only have to say it straight!

That's good. That's what I want.
Sit down.

Sit down, Oksana. We'll see
what we'll tell this scholar.

First, the farm.
Where is your audacity?

Nadezhda Mikhailovna!

I would ask for your opinion,
as a zoologist.

I want to go to the farm.
Can you help me?

With pleasure. That's why
we're here. Let's talk about it

My friend, understand
that I don't say it out of spite.

Me, I'm new here,
and I see more.

In our kolkhoz,
not everything is taken into account.

Stopping by the farm, I saw
that it's going rather badly.

You're right, Petro.

Thus, all is not well
but especially the president.

Maybe you're right.

You know, Nazar, the one
who's offended by a friendly critic...

Are you really a friendly critic?

You told me your truth.
Now, you must hear mine.

Is something, or someone,
standing between us?

More clearly, please.
Come out and say it.

- Oksana, wouldn't she be between us?
- You cannot continue.

Petro, I've always loved you,
and I do love you, like a friend.

This is to make things clear.

And you, I don't want to see you
anymore for your dumb suspicions.

This is also to make things clear.

Nazar, why have we offended you
so much?

You... and did you only
think about me?

Do you believe me or
do you believe me not?

Stop acting like such a saint!

Do you like the land?

And who doesn't like it?
You, maybe?

I want to work on the farm.
Let me leave.

- How is that?
- The farm needs breeders.

What? You prepared the soil,
your wheat is without equal and you...

- You'll receive the title of heroine.
- The farm has needs too.

- Everything in its time.
- Why lose more time?

Yesterday, our head accountant

that if someone got attached to
this task...

Are you serious?

I won't let you leave.
And him, he won't bully people.

I'm the one who made this decision.
Not him. And it will stand.

It will not stand.
Let the better specialist leave?

Think it over, Vera.
You'll lose the heroine's star.

- The kolkhoz won't lose it.
- I won't let you leave.

- And the bull?
- What with the bull?

The new head accountant
is waiting for your response...


We paid for it in cash, and now,
it's me who has to respond.

- I told you: everything will work out.
- Good.


The committee phoned:
Ruban will be at our meeting.

- Salutations to the "king"
of kok saghyz! - Hello!

We gave you a car "Pobeda".

And us, we've come by

He tries to save money
on everything.

Always the same refrain:
we need a treatment clinic.

The waters discovered here
drive them crazy.

A treatment clinic,
that's a good idea.

A good idea? And my ideas,
to me, are for the kok saghyz.

Goodbye, Dariya Kirillovna.

Greet the secretary of the party
on my behalf

and tell him that I haven't seen
the committee for a long time.

And tell him to think about
a treatment clinic.

So you also vote in favour
of a treatment clinic?

Me, I vote for whatever
the people want.

- I said you'll build it.
- Never!

Come on, nag!

That's all on the livestock.
Now other business.

Bee-keeping, Kirill Petrovich,

could give us at least
15 to 17,000 roubles.

Fish farming, Nikolai Ivanovich,
from 15 to 18,000 roubles.


the income of the kolkhoz
could constitute

close to 2,600,000 roubles.

And if we put in a big effort,

this plan will no longer be a dream,
but, well, a reality.

The plan, it's us
who must fulfil it.

Can I speak?

Allow us to leave
the agricultural teams

and pass to working on the farm.

And our task, the komsomols
will undertake and carry it out.

Anton Vasilyevich,
our team leader, agrees.

We ask you, you and
the directors of the kolkhoz,

for we no longer want to work
except in top gear.

Dariya, explain to everyone
how we've decided,

with a reduced team,
to accomplish our task.

It's easy to say: explain.
I don't agree at all.

How can we agree
if Vera and the others have left?

What about years of working together,
and you want me to agree?

But don't especially think
that I fear difficulties.

We'll arrive at achieving our goal
despite them.

But think about the enormous work
they've put in

for our wheat, our sugar beet,
our corn.

They leave the team and we'll
attribute their work to ourselves,

to say nothing of the eventual
rewards... I disagree with that.

For the rest, it's fine.
Allow me a glass of water.

- Who wants to intervene?
- Allow me.

Now the floor goes to
committee secretary, Ruban.

The report was well done.

I think that after such a report,

as well as the interventions
of the co-investigators,

you should review the five-year plan
of the kolkhoz.

For the power plant, you must
team up with your neighbours.

Life will oblige you, Nazar,
to accept the idea of association.

May I enter,
Marina Mikhailovna?

Hello, Anton Vasilyevich.

I don't come alone...

- Hello. Is Oksana in?
- Yes.

- Oh, how many you are!
- We're here on business.

Sit down,
Anton Vasilyevich.

Let's hear it.

We came to rewrite
our contracts.

Your figure is 28? And mine, 30.

- Equalize them.
- No.

- Your figure is...?
- 32.

- What did you say?
- 32.

Are you crazy?

- And what did the team leader say?
- The same thing.

He's authorized the same figure
for the whole team.

We got you, Oksana!

Mother, pass me my agreement.

Instead of 28, 32.

- Nazar Trofimovich!
- Who's this?

- Ah, it's comrade Goroshko!
Are you leaving? - I leave tomorrow.

- Everything is in order, then?
- No, not everything. Another list.

- That's it?
- The other side.

- Have you considered
all possibilities? - Yes.

- You'll be asking for bird milk next.
- If we need it, I'll see.

You can take a running jump!

If I go away,
you'll accomplish nothing!

Don't speak so quickly!

Petro, it'll be necessary to
satisfy this request. Then, we'll see...

Nazar Trofimovich,
don't forget the veterinarian!

The discussion is over.

Why are you laughing?
There's nothing to laugh about.

For my part, I'll try
to assure you of that.

Thank you.

Goodbye. I leave
in the pastures of summer.

- I'll be missing you.
- Do you want me to believe you?

Hello, comrade Teslyuk.

Your greeting is very expressive.

Just like the cows.
You go "Aah" and they "Moo!"

- Don't quibble about words.
- These "Aahs" are words?

What kind of word is "Aah"?

Should I welcome you
with fireworks?

Enough quarreling!

Vera Goroshko
won't just be your assistant,

she'll also take care of
the cows with weak yield.

Designate four bad cows for her.

She'll assure their feeding and,
then, pass up to 4 milkings a day.

Which cows will you choose?

Zorka, Dushka, Zvyozdochka,
and Krasunya.

And we'll have rivers of milk...

- Don't laugh.
- Don't laugh!

I'm not laughing,
I'm crying.

As for these cows,
I find them inflexible.

- So what!
- And me, I say yes!

You're not only against us,
you're against science.

If it's a matter of science,
comrade Teslyuk says pass.

Take your cows
and do what the hell you want!

Breed your own stock,
me, I wash my hands of it!

You see this
unfortunate disciple of Morgan!

Comrade assistant,
I beg you to stop offending me.

What a lunatic!

Comrade assistant, when will you
mow the sanfoin. It's time.

We'll begin tomorrow.



This is Krasunya's milk!

Two and a half litres.

Comrade Teslyuk. You promised
yesterday to mow the sanfoin.

We'll mow tomorrow.

If you have nothing against it,
you'll decant the milk.

Krasunya's milk.

How much?

- Five litres.
- Thank you.

Comrades! Come on,
I'm bringing Him!

He's beautiful! A real as*ault t*nk,
not a bull!

- Tomorrow, we'll mow.
- It's done. It's time to plough.

Tomorrow, we'll begin ploughing.

Diagram of
the growth of the cows' yield

Do you think I'm going
to do all the ox's work?

Oksana, my friend, this isn't for me,
but for the president.

- I can't go there.
- Well, I'm no substitute.

It's Nazar who decides.

I'm an accountant who executes
the decisions of the president.

Good accountant, maybe,
I'm Iousy as the president.

- You're fine.
- In any case, I won't do it.

- Eh, well, thanks anyway.
- It's nothing.

Petro, why aren't you going
to the pastures?

- And why should I go there?
- We get bored there without you.

The debit and the credit...
and the reports suffer.

You're a human calculator!

I'll go... without fail.

I'll come... "Hello"

It's necessary to mechanize
the supply of fodder before winter.

And talking about the water supply,
there are still no pipes.

It seems you're not listening to me.

Yes, I'm listening to you.

Sit down then.
We'll take notes.

800 metres of pipes

that we need.

Two engines.


How many?


Boards... 8,000.

Sorry, not 8,000,
8 cubic metres.

- Is that all?
- Yes.

The farm must be equipped
in a manner to astonish the cows.


Do you remember
the dives we made here?

I remember.

And it's just as well
if I don't return.

- You've become completely different,
Vera. - How so?

Before, you seemed
more straightforward with me.

I'm surprised that you've noticed.

My understanding was that
you said you wanted to leave.

They're proposing a post for me
at district level.

Should I agree or not?

I don't know.

Don't know.

Well, think about it.


Receive the guests.

Let's gather close to the fire.

Bravo, my girls!
And where is your employer?

Comrade Teslyuk!

He's sleeping, probably.
Well, everyone together!


I have to speak to you.

I wanted to say...

So do your report.

The farm recently made
considerable progress.

Huge progress!

Why are you laughing?
There's nothing to laugh about!

It's comrade Goroshko
who should present it and not you.

Forgive me, comrades.

I have nothing to say:
you're up to date on everything.

If it's like that, then it's up to me
to make a report.

I brought 800m of water pipes
and two engines.

- How many bricks do you want?
- 20,000.

I brought 50,000.

The supply of fodder will be
mechanized before winter.

Here's the maternity project,
modest, but independent.

- What do you say, diva?
- Thank you, Nazar Trofimovich.

Are there questions?


We obtain a lamp for
ultraviolet rays for the cows...

Listen, you stand in front of
that lamp, you'll end up a skeleton!

And why not an X-ray lamp?

The meeting is closed. Goodnight.

Nonetheless, think about
the ultraviolet rays.

Filipp, pass by my place tomorrow.
I must speak to you.

As to the order of the day,
the following questions remain:

the preparation of the kolkhoz
for the harvest,

participation in the regional
agricultural expo,

the modernization of the nursery
and kindergarten, etc.

Why did you send for me?

The directors of the kolkhoz
have decided to name

Vera Goroshko manager of the farm,
and you, her assistant.

- I don't want to be assistant.
- That's your business. Understand?

- What's next?
- And then this:

if you continue to work poorly,

they'll make you a night watchman.

- Then I'll wage a complaint.
- Do it.

Let's carry on.
The preparation for the harvest.

Word is given to
Anton Vasilyevich.

Good luck! First to sowing,
first to the harvest.

I will be, comrade Ruban.

I have a question to ask of you.

Please do.

The political report
gives a good impression of you.

Here's my question.

Tell me your opinion,
comrade secretary:

is jealousy
a throwback to capitalism?

- Yes, quite a question...
- Don't answer right away.

Inform yourself,
prepare before answering me.

I don't need to.
Of course it's a throwback.

Does it follow that love is, too?

If we love,
don't we have the right to worry?

If we love, we must believe.

I understand that.

But, sometimes, it's hard to believe.

- Hello, Nazar.
- Hello.

I didn't come
to discuss our reports.

- I won't let you leave.
- And I have no intention of doing so.

You know that,
apart from you and your mother,

I have nobody.

This is what I need,
the counsel of a friend,

a blessing and all that follows.

I met a young girl...

in a word, Vera Goroshko.

You did well by coming to see me.

Forgive me. I cruelly hurt you
and Oksana.

- She won't forgive me.
- She loves you, we'll see!

She will never forgive me.


It's important
to organize the harvest.

To make the angels in the sky
sweat from the heat.

We'll do it!


- Well, father, let's go!
- Alright.






340 and a half!


380. That's all!

It's not all, Svirid Demyanovich!

Another 23 kg.

Altogether, 408 tons, 870 kg,
on an area of 126 hectares.

And to the hectare...

How much?

One moment!

Well, how much,
don't hold back, Petro.

3,245 kg.

3,245 kg!

Anton Vasilyevich!

Come now, come now!

Dariya Tarasovna.

And now, let's bow.

This is the wheat of
Oksana Podpruzhenko!


Receive the wheat,
Nazar Trofimovich.

The regional agricultural expo
opens its doors today.

The best kolkhozes of the region
will be presented there:

"Zavety Ilicha," "Chapaev,"

"Pobeda Kommunizma"...

In our assembled kolkhoz,

800 hectares will be devoted to
the orchards and vines.

Here we'll construct a stadium,
a creamery,

farms for breeding.

The whole kolkhoz will be
completely electrified.

This building will shelter a house
of agriculture and a club.

We will construct this perfectly
beautiful structure, comrades,

for we feel within ourselves
Herculean forces.

Three kolkhozes are associated!

Their forces are thus
multiplied by three.

Nazar Trofimovich,
what if you

Musyy Antonovich
and Ekaterina Matveevna...

- What, come together?
- You're in agreement?


Put it here, Nazar.

Me, I've researched, I've read...

This is a throwback, surely,
especially between you and her.

We will give to our kolkhoz

the name of our father,
comrade Stalin!