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05x10 - The Decision Tree

Posted: 12/03/13 21:15
by bunniefuu
♪ Angels we have heard on high ♪
♪ Sweetly singing o'er the plains ♪
♪ And the mountains in reply ♪
♪ Echoing their joyful strains ♪
♪ Gloria ♪
♪ In excelsis Deo ♪

(Tires screeching)

♪ Gloria ♪

(Truck horn blares)

♪ In excelsis De... ♪

(Music stops)

(Car alarm chirps)

(Phone ringing)

Hi. What's going on?

I'm following Damian.

Good. You found something?

Not with the Gerraghty family.

I don't think he's still working for them.


He just pulled up outside Florrick-Agos.

DIANE: To their building?


What do you think, he's jumping ship?

I have no idea.

Okay, keep vetting him.

Call me when you find out more.

New York is really coming together.

I'm glad.

You know where your boy Damian is?

My boy?

You mean our newest partner?

He's at Florrick-Agos.


I've no idea.

But I guess you don't, either.

DAMIAN: Hello.


Thanks, I'll try later.


We have a meeting.

Damian Boyle.

No. I have a meeting with David Lee.

Yeah, David wanted me to take it.

He said, um, he'd rather negotiate with the Devil.

Me, I don't care who I negotiate with, so...

Do you have my check?

I do.


Your capital contribution refunded.

Nice furniture.

May I see the check?


Right after you sign the exit contract from Lockhart-Gardner.



My pleasure.

So, you're the Governor's wife, yeah?


Your husband's the fella that slept with all those prostitutes?


Hey, I'm all for forgiveness.

You know, confession...

Best thing God ever invented.

Actually, I was talking to me ma last night...

Do you want me to read this?

Yeah. Sorry.


Here. Something to play with.

(Indistinct chatter)

What's the problem?

The holiday party.


Mr. Hayden, could you do me a favor?

Just look this over.

It's my exit deal from Lockhart-Gardner.

Just see if there are any hidden land mines.


Thank you.

Let's bring Alicia into this.

We have sent out 800 invitations for Friday night, and we've gotten 30 yeses back.

For the holiday party? 30 yeses?

Yeah, we're trying to figure out what to do.

We didn't want to ask you this, but... we need you to invite your husband.

Oh, come on, guys, we can't keep going back to that well.

If the governor comes, there will be a jump in the RSVPs.

Maybe people are just late RSVPing.

Let's just wait another day.

No, the problem is another firm decided to throw a party that night.



They're still trying to starve us.


I'll make a call, but I'm not promising anything.

Okay, thank you.

Who's... Matthew Ashbaugh?


Who's Matthew Ashbaugh?

A... A client. Why?

Special pains are being made to segregate your interests from his.

(Classical music playing)

You can't get rid of me, Alicia.

I'm always here.

He's dead.

Are his cases dead?

I don't know.

Uh, some might be.

Well, this contract attempts to exclude you from any benefits.

WOMAN: Hello?

ALICIA: Hello, Mrs. Ashbaugh, this is Alicia Florrick...

I don't know if you remember me.

I used to represent your husband.


What do you want?

Uh, is this a bad time?

What do you want?

Um, well, there are some cases, y-your husband's cases, still unresolved, and I've since left Lockhart-Gardner, and I was wondering if they were settled to your satisfaction.

You're not getting his money.

I'm n... I'm not...

Um, what do you mean?

There already is a will, and if you make a big deal of this, I swear I'll sue you for everything you have.

(Line clicks)

ASHBAUGH: You're not getting paid enough, Alicia.

Tell your friend Will that.

My friend?



I thought you meant my will.

Your... What?

My last will and testament.

You're a bit slow today, aren't you?

Mm. I think it's the music.

Can we please turn it down a little?

And give the NSA a respite? No.

If it's driving you crazy, just think what it's doing to them.

CLARKE: Did you find out?

About Matthew Ashbaugh.

Oh, uh, not yet.

I think it might have something to do with his estate.

That makes sense.

SONDRA: Mrs. Florrick, your husband's on the line.


Do me a favor.

You see that man over there?

Ask him if you can record the negotiations.

Tell him that you made a mistake and you were supposed to do it from the beginning and I'm mad at you.


Peter, hi.

Is everything all right?

No. Why did you wait till today to invite me to your party on Friday?

ALICIA: It's a mistake.

We've had some arguments around here about imposing on you.

Who called you?

Nobody called me.

It was an e-mail invite.

By the way, it wasn't an imposition.

Although I do have to go to dinner with my mother on Friday.

Oh, okay, Peter, it's fine.

No, listen, I really want to go.

Mind if I bring Mother along?

I think she'd love it.


Yeah. Can you call her?

She doesn't think you like her.




Uh, I got to go.

I'll see you on Friday.

You can't agree to a party without seeing the guest list.

Oh, yes, I can. I just did.

No, Alicia represents some clients you do not want to end up in a photo with.

It'll look bad.

Eli, you do what you do.

Okay? But I'm going to my wife's holiday party.

DAMIAN: So, are we...

Are we signing this, or what?

Just a few questions.

If I sign this, I get my capital contribution?


And this contract will have no impact on any profit participation earned during my employment at Lockhart-Gardner?

Uh, this contract has nothing to do with profit participation.

So, it will have no impact...

That would follow.

It would follow that this contract will have no impact... of any profit participation during my time at Lockhart-Gardner.


Nice try.

That's yours, this is mine.

What's wrong?

Nothing's wrong.

Very nice talking to you, Robyn... and Alicia. Bye-bye.

(Whistles "Angels We Have Heard on High")

That might be all we need.

Play it back.


I had it on SmackTalk.

DAMIAN: (High-pitched)

So, are we signing this, or what?

ALICIA: Just a few questions.

If I sign this, I get my capital contribution?


Uh, my nephews, they were playing with it.

ALICIA: (High-pitched)

...will have no impact on any profit participation earned...

(Loud farting noises)

So it will have no impact?

It does that when you push the farting button.

And you pushed the farting button?

Not on purpose.

...profit participation during...

Mrs. Florrick?


This is... a bit of a surprise.

Uh, you haven't signed the exit contract?

No, not yet. Why?

I called an old acquaintance in probate court about Mr. Ashbaugh's estate.

A contending will has been discovered.


There were two beneficiaries.

The Smile Train, a charity.

It's been bequeathed $12 million.

And you have been bequeathed the rest.

How much is the rest?

$12 million.

♪ Echoing their joyful strains ♪

Holy s...

♪ Gloria ♪
♪ In excelsis Deo ♪
♪ Joy to the world ♪
♪ The Lord is come ♪

(Phone ringing)

♪ Let Earth receive her king... ♪


(Ringing continues)

♪ Let every heart ♪
♪ Prepare him room ♪
♪ And heaven and nature sing ♪
♪ And heaven and nature sing... ♪


(Laughing): Oh, hello, Alicia, hello.

I-I'm sorry, I have a phone now.

It's very confusing.

How are the kids?

Great. Jackie, actually...

I wanted to invite you to a party.

A party? Really?


Um, this Friday.

For my law firm.

It's a holiday party.

Oh, well, I'm honored, Alicia, but Peter and I have dinner plans.

I invited Peter, too.

I would love it if you both could come.

How wonderful!

Thank you, Alicia.

Holiday decorations, Jackie.

Not Christmas, not Jesus.


I have a Hanukkah, too.


You're following me.


Will was worried why I was at Florrick-Agos.

I explained to him that I was there negotiating Alicia Florrick's exit package.

Good to know.

Maybe I can help you.

What do you need to know?

How involved you are with your old clients.

I'm not involved.

They're criminals, and I'm a lawyer.

Of course.



ELI: Check out the highlighted name.

What's this?

This is the guest list for Alicia Florrick's party.

The one Peter is attending.

MARILYN: "Colin Sweeney..."




The wife-k*ller.

The white O.J.

One of Alicia's clients.

Well, you should tell Peter.

I did. He's still going.

Oh, that's unfortunate.

Marilyn, you need to tell him it's an ethics issue.

It's not an ethics issue, it's a publicity issue.

That's not my business.

But it's your business that...

(Classical music playing softly)

What is that?

It's a pregnancy sound system.

It soothes the baby.

The baby has to listen to that all day?

Eli, there are no ethical issues here.

Wait. When Peter was state's attorney, he offered Sweeney a deal...

Early release in return for wearing a wire.

That's an ethics violation.

Okay, but it's too late to change Peter's mind.

Once he says "no," he doesn't reverse himself.

Then what?


DUNAWAY: Okay, this seems to be a matter of two wills.

WILL: Yes, Your Honor.

Our client, Lila Ashbaugh, is the true beneficiary of her husband's estate...

Not after a second will was discovered in a safety deposit box, Your Honor.

A will, we believe, is invalid, and we ask for emergency relief.

CARY: This second will was drawn up one year later, and 16 months before Mr. Ashbaugh died.

Yes, but it was drawn up in Magic Marker.

It could be drawn up in crayon.

It's still valid...

You should know that.

It's still valid, Mr. Gardner.

Ladies, gentlemen, yes, I know.

I know. Other judges let their lawyers run free and wild, but in my court, my probate court, where I have been assigned, you will bridle yourselves.

Now, one will bequeaths the $24 million in personal property to Mrs. Ashbaugh.

And the other will...

The later will.

The other will, uh, bequeaths the assets to the Smile Train charity and...

Alicia Florrick.

Well, hello, Ms. Florrick.

Your Honor.

It seems to be your lucky day.

The wife of a governor and a $12 million inheritance.

Well, it's an odd day anyway.

Now, it seems to be our duty to decide which will is valid, is that correct?

Yes, Your Honor, and to that end, we have a witness.

Paula Gidfar.

I was the witness to Matty's will.

DAMIAN: Matty?

As in Matthew Ashbaugh?

Yes, Matthew.

Hmm. And this is your signature on the will with a little happy face over the "I"?

Written in Magic Marker?


It's all that we had.

Um, just before Matthew left, we couldn't find a pen.

Do you work as a notary, Miss Gidfar?

(Laughing): Do I?


Are you in the legal profession?


The reason I ask is, Mr. Ashbaugh seemed to trust you with the witnessing of such an important document.

CARY: Your Honor, we would concede that Miss Gidfar works in the sex trade as an escort.

Oh, no.

He's ruined my presentation.

And we would also agree that her profession doesn't matter, because it's still...

DAMIAN: Blah, blah, blah.

Do you mind...?

(Loud, overlapping chatter)

(Gavel bangs)

It's an associate of mine.


What kind of associate?

Why, are you jealous?


Paula's a very close associate, very talented.

And she reviews all your... contracts?

DAMIAN: And how much did Matty pay you for the night in question, Miss Gidfar?

GIDFAR: $5,000.

And what does $5,000 buy?

Do we really need to go there, Counselor?

There is a point, Your Honor.

Miss Gidfar?


It buys you the 9:00 to 9:00...

9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., anything you want.

Anything meaning sexually, but not just sexually?

Yes. Uh, some men want to cry all night and be held.

Some want dinner dates, some breakfast, you know.

Matty wanted a signature.

Well, that and an enema.

Yes, thank you.

Your Honor, a paid witness is an invalid witness, and Miss Gidfar was obviously paid.

For sex.

No, no, for everything.

She just said $5,000 covers everything, including the witnessing of this will.

Ergo she was paid.

Ergo-ergo this will is invalid.

Thank you.

You cross.


You handle the cross.

Oh, uh...

Counselors, anything, or should we move on?

Good, Counselor.

We're ready for you.

(Breathes heavily)


Yes. I...

This, uh, all-service contract with Mr. Ashbaugh...

Could you speak up, Counselor?

(Loudly): This all-service contract...

Too loud.

(Clears throat)

CLARKE: Have you usually contracted in this manner with Mr. Ashbaugh?

In what manner?

You mean, the all-nighter?




Oh, good. "Yes."

And have you witnessed other contracts for Mr. Ashbaugh?

Have I?

Oh, a few, yes.

I see.

Uh, did you, uh, witness the Lockhart-Gardner retainer agreement?

Come on, Your Honor.

This isn't about our retainer agreement.

This is about a will.

Is that an objection?

Yeah, it is. Objection.

Uh, Counselor, do you have a counterargument?

Yes, I do. I very much do, Your Honor.

It is, uh, an argument about... many things.

(Both whispering)

Oh. Specifically, if-if this will is invalid, then the identically witnessed Lockhart-Gardner retainer agreement is invalid, too.

I think that's probably true, but you're still left with an invalid will.

Anything further, Counselor?

Actually, Your Honor, uh, just one brief thought.

If you'll indulge me.

I will.

Miss... (Chuckles)

Sorry, I forgot your name.



You testified earlier that you... just before Mr. Ashbaugh left, he had trouble finding a pen?


And what time did he leave?

9:30. He had to get to work.

And he had contracted you for a "9:00-to-9:00," you said?

GIDFAR: Yeah. $5,000.

CLARKE: So your service to him was over at 9:00 a.m.?

Oh, yes.

Oh, I see where you're going.

What time did you witness the contract?

After 9:00.

So you were not being paid under his all-service contract at that point?

That's right, I wasn't.

And so I wasn't being paid to witness his will.

Thank you, ma'am.

Oh. Uh, nothing further, Your Honor.

(Engine starts)

(Car alarm chirps)

(Rock version of "Hark!

The Herald Angels Sing" playing)

♪ Christ by highest heaven adored ♪

(Tires screeching)

♪ Christ the everlasting Lord ♪
♪ Late in time behold him come ♪
♪ Offspring of a virgin's womb ♪
♪ Veiled in flesh the Godhead see ♪
♪ Hail the incarnate deity ♪

(Horns blaring)

♪ Pleased as man with man to dwell ♪
♪ Jesus, our Emmanuel ♪
♪ Hark! The herald angels sing ♪
♪ Glory to the newborn king ♪



Having fun?

I thought you were gonna go fast.


Want to try the highway?

It's up to you.

I'm just your tail.

When I lose you, just, you know, give me a call, and I'll slow down, all right?

(Tires screeching)

(Phone ringing)

DAMIAN: Kalinda, you need to go out with me.

Sure. When?

No, I'm serious.

Just the two of us.

Me mom loves the Indians.

What makes you think I'm Indian?

(Laughs) Okay, the highway's just ahead of you. Ready?

(Horns blaring)

(Siren wailing)

Oh, no, Kalinda...

You're driving too fast, love.

(Siren whoops, stops)

Going a little fast there, aren't you, Speed Racer?

Detective, I'm a licensed private investigator in pursuit of a suspect.

Really? What suspect?

Hi-ya, Jenna, how's it going?

Damian, you were right, she was following you.


But don't go too hard on her.

She meant well.
♪ Hail the incarnate deity... ♪

Ma'am, please step out of the car.

Come on.

What? 90 miles in a 45 zone?

It's reckless driving, aggravated fleeing of a peace officer.

It's a felony. Get out of the car.

You're under arrest.

Hello, I'm here for my daughter, Alicia Florrick.

Hi. Uh, she's at court right now, but she should be back in about an hour.

(Phone ringing)

Oh. Excuse me.


Oh, Veronica, how are you?

It's Jackie.

Oh, yes. Jackie.

How are you?

Oh, I'm very well, thank you.

I'm at Peter's governor's offices, and they're very impressive.

I'm glad.

What do you need, Jackie?

Well, I was just wondering when you'll be at Alicia's party.

I was hoping to meet up with you there.

You know, the holiday party on Friday at Alicia's new firm.


DIANE: According to its date, this will was drawn up 16 months prior to your husband's death.

Could you comment on your husband's mental state at that time?


Improper expert opinion.


DIANE: Was your husband having difficulty at Baugh Tech, the company he formed?

He was.

The New York board was attempting to have him removed for cause.

And what was that cause?

Mental incapacity.

My husband was being deposed by the board for acting erratically.

ALICIA: That's why we need to prep you for your deposition tomorrow.

It's power.

What is power, sir?


So you're saying your eccentricity is a put-on?


Throwing off the equilibrium of your opponent.

I have a saying over my desk...

"Play the fox. Play the fox."

DIANE: And your husband never expressed any interest in drafting a new will?

LILA: That is correct.

DIANE: Nothing further, Your Honor.

CLARKE: Just a few questions.

Mr. Hayden, one thing.

What do they have?

Something from the weekend we were out there with Ashbaugh.

CLARKE: What did your husband have written over his desk?


Your husband had a motto written over his desk.

Do you recall what this motto said?

And if so, did your husband...

ASHBAUGH: It's power.

So you're saying your eccentricity is a put-on?

Yes. Throwing off your opponent's equilibrium.

I have a saying over my desk...

LILA: "Always play the fox.

"They'll never know you're the sanest man in the room."

CLARKE: Did your husband often pretend to be crazy to throw off his opponents?

LILA: Not back then, no.

Not when he was writing up this stupid will.

CLARKE: And did your husband's board of directors rule that your husband was of unsound mind?


CLARKE: Nothing further, Your Honor.

DUNAWAY: Okay, I am ready to rule.

We lost.

Given that we have conflicting testimony regarding Mr. Ashbaugh's sanity... lack of testamentary capacity is a well-recognized basis for invalidate...

...therefore I have no choice but to consider both wills valid, given the laws of Illinois...

Your Honor, um... before you rule, we have another witness we'd like to call.

I have ruled that Mr. Ashbaugh was of sound mind.

Yes, and we accept your ruling, but there is the matter of undue influence.

Undue influence on the deceased?

Yes, we contend he was encouraged to draw up a new will by his lawyer, Alicia Florrick.

Your Honor, this is offensive.

We ask for a leave of the court to question Mrs. Florrick.

You have already ruled, Your Honor!

DIANE: Your Honor, this is for emergency relief.

This is ridiculous...

DUNAWAY: That's enough!

(Gavel bangs)

It's almost 5:00 now.

We will take this up tomorrow morning with your new witness.

What does he got?

A whole lot of anger.

Mr. Gardner will argue you seduced Mr. Ashbaugh.


Are you ready for it?

I will be.

ROBYN: Oh, thank God you're here.

What now?

We got some more RSVPs.

Good. How many?


I'm sorry, did you just say...?

Yeah, 835 people said yes.

We can't fit 835 people in our offices.

I know.

ALICIA: You sent out a press release about Peter?

No, we-we sent out an e-mail alert to our invitees, that's all.


When did we stop acting together?

We are acting together.

As soon as I agree to call Peter, you're sending him an e-mail.

As soon as I...

The party's tomorrow night.

Then come to me.

What did I do to you?

Did I hurt you in some way?

Mom, what are you talking about?

You invited Jackie?

Not me, your own mother?

Mom, it's not a real party.

It's a business party.

Jackie calls me out of the blue and lords it over me.

And I'm just standing there like an idiot.

"What party?"

Alicia, do you have a minute?

Mom, it was an oversight.

I meant to ask you tonight to come.

You were? You're sure?

You're not just saying that?

I am not just saying that.

Would you come to the party tomorrow night?

Can I bring someone?


That would be great.

Oh, well!

I know exactly what I'm gonna wear.

I bought it last week.

Okay, Mom, I'm gonna get back to work now.

MARILYN: Alicia.

(Clears throat)

We have a small issue.

Of course.

Is it about the holiday party?

Yes. How did you know?

ELI: Alicia, we can't let Peter be in the same room as Colin Sweeney.

It's not just that Mr. Sweeney has an unseemly past.

It's an ethical question.

It might seem like a quid pro quo for his plea bargain.

(Classical music playing quietly)

ELI: What?

Do you hear that?

It's my pregnancy sound system.

It soothes the baby.

He doesn't like Chopin very much...

Alicia, will you speak to Sweeney?


You won't? Why not?

Because I won't disinvite a client.

Alicia, this is not a small issue.

I know.

You should tell Peter.

And my guess is you already told Peter and he's coming anyway.

But I'm not disinviting a guest.

(Siren whoops)

So, uh, what's the plan?

(Indistinct radio chatter)

My plan?


For how long?

See that bus back there?

Takes arrestees to court for their bond hearings.

And you're waiting till it leaves?


So I'm gonna be stuck in holding overnight?


Because Damian asked you to?



Because I owe him.

What do you owe him?

Wow. You can't turn it off, can you?

Just stop being an investigator for, like, ten minutes.

Will that help me?



Charm me.


You want out of your cuffs?

Turn on the charm.

I don't do charm.

Okay, then sit tight.

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?


A stick.

Mrs. Florrick, how long have you been Mr. Ashbaugh's attorney?

Around two years.

Right up until his death.

And in all that time, did Mr. Ashbaugh ever thr*aten to fire you as his attorney?

No, not to my knowledge.


Are you certain of that?


I'm not certain of anything.


But if Mr. Gardner has something more specific he'd like to ask.

And in all that time, did Mr. Ashbaugh ever thr*aten to fire you as his attorney?

No, I mean...

Are you talking about the thing two years ago?

Yes, the "thing" two years ago.

Tell me about this...



Did Mr. Ashbaugh express worries about your representation in a meeting in his New York apartment on September 23, 2011?

They're out to get me.

Matthew, if you say that in this deposition, it will sound crazy.

If I don't say in this deposition, then they'll get away with it.

I have enemies.

Yes, and your enemies will cheer if you say this.

Trust me, Matthew, please.

Stop saying my name like that.

I'm not 12 years old.

Yes, sir, I...


Listen to me.

You're a smart man whose words are easily twisted.

People don't see as deeply as you do.

And they'll use the surface of your words...

Stop it, Alicia.

Are you married or aren't you?

Are you married, Alicia?

And after he asked you that, did he thr*aten to fire you?


And why did he thr*aten that?

I don't know.

But later that night, didn't you say that Mr. Ashbaugh was in love with you?

Do you want me to repeat the question?


I was joking when I said that.

You were joking that Mr. Ashbaugh was in love with you and would do anything you asked?

You're saying that was a joke?

Don't worry, I can get him to change his mind.


He cares about me.

You've got him wrapped around your finger, is that it?


I have my ways.

WILL: This is crazy romantic.


(Church bell tolling in distance)

This is the happiest I've ever been.

Mrs. Florrick, you knew he was in love with you, and you used it to get your way?

May I remind you that you are under oath?

I didn't intentionally use him.

Not intentionally? I see.

So it's just the way you are with men?


I cared for him. I liked him.

And so it was all right to use him?

You make things sound so simple.

I'm married.

You always use that, don't you?


You're conveniently married when you want to be.

That's not fair.

I loved you.

You made me believe that so that you could steal my clients.



Stop it!

I don't like it when you're weak.

Come back to bed.

You're working too hard.

And I have a tough witness tomorrow.

Let it go.

I'm here now.


Good news.

Donna Brazile wants to meet.


Why do you think?


(Chuckles) No.


Peter, it's not just the presidency they're looking for.

It's the vice presidency.

Biden won't be Hillary's.

Hillary won't be Biden's.

They're looking for new talent.

Or a stalking horse.

So? The horse goes lame.

The stalking horse becomes the horse.

Who's the horse?

I don't know, whatever you meant.

The point is, she wants to meet.

Great. When?

That's the problem.

She's in town this Friday.

During Alicia's party.

Eli, you know that I want...

I know.

I know.

But she'll understand.

Alicia will understand.

This is about your future, Peter.

You're not trying to pull something over on me, are you?

Yes, I'm arranging a meeting with Donna Brazile to keep you from going to Alicia's party.

That makes sense.



You want me to call Alicia and cancel?

No, I'll do it.

TV ANNOUNCER: ...and the fans are on fire, because they've just witnessed history.


Used to be a beat cop?

Uh, yeah.

For five years.

Still got the holster scars?

Both hips.

You like your Bersa?

My BP9?

Yeah. It's light.

It's like a kid's toy.

You should try the Smith & Wesson M&P.

Same size.

Mmm, I never liked the grip.

(TV announcer continues indistinctly)

You want to find out about Damian, don't you?

That's why you're here.


It's too bad I like Damian more than I like you.

Well, wait till you get to know me better.

♪ Silent night ♪

No, no.

Alicia, I'm very excited to come to your holiday party.

ALICIA: Jackie, I'm heading into court right now.

What can I help you with?

Well, I was talking to your mother, and she said she was bringing a guest, and I would love to bring a friend.

Let me take it.

No, I'm-I'm good.

Good morning, Mrs. Florrick.

Good morning to you.

How long have you been Mr. Ashbaugh's attorney?

Oh, about two years.

And did Mr. Ashbaugh ever thr*aten to fire you as his attorney over those two years?


And when was this?

September 23, 2011.

Could you explain the circumstances?


You and I were at his apartment in New York City prepping him for his testimony.

And was there anything about that night...

Actually, I wasn't finished.

Do you want me to finish?


ALICIA: He was being removed from the board of one of the companies he had created.

Mr. Ashbaugh thought that he should be allowed to testify to some of the concerns he had over the board members.

We argued that was not essential to the facts.

And did you change his mind?

Yes, I did.

And did you claim that Mr. Ashbaugh was in love with you?

Mrs. Florrick?

I did claim that.

And did you suggest that you... could use his love to... manipulate him?

I said it was a possibility.

And did you manipulate him into signing off on his will?


CARY: Your Honor.

May I have a minute to consult with my client?

No, Counselor.

I think she's doing fine.


WILL: And this manipulation, in your opinion, did it constitute undue influence?

Unfortunately, I think it did.

WILL: And was there anyone else involved with this manipulation?


There was?


David Lee.

David Lee was involved with this will?


The other one.

Thank you, Mrs. Florrick.

Whoa, wait a minute.

I don't think Mrs. Florrick was finished.

No, I don't think she was, either.

What-what do you mean by "the other one"?

Do you mean the other will?

Yes. David Lee is Lockhart-Gardner's lawyer in family law.

He asked me to use my influence with Mr. Ashbaugh to get him to sign this will.

DUNAWAY: You mean the will benefiting Mrs. Ashbaugh.

ALICIA: Yes. Mr. Ashbaugh was delaying.

Mr. Lee asked me to...

"prime the pump," I believe were his words.


Anything further, Counselor?

Not for the moment.

It's good to see you again, Donna.

You know, Eli thinks that this is about 2016.

Is he right?

Well, he's partially right.

We're gonna see who's suiting up and who's sitting on the sidelines.

ELI: Well, we're...

W-Would you like us to be suiting up?

BRAZILE: Well, it depends.

Would you consider?

(Phone ringing)


Excuse me.

Go ahead, take it.


It's my mom.

Well, now you have to take it.

No. No, he really doesn't.

Come on.

It's his mom, Eli.

Thanks, Donna.

Hi, Mom.

Uh... No, I'm sorry, I can't make it.

I'm in a meeting.

Sorry. Yeah.

All right. Good-bye.

Do you have to be someplace?

No. No, we're just...

PETER: Actually, yes.

My wife's party.

But I've occupied your time.


Do you want to go to a party?

Those are magical words.

(Peter and Donna laughing)

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪


ALICIA: I can't hear you. Hello?

ELI: Yes, Alicia.

Alicia, we're...

We're coming now.

To your party.


Yes. We are coming to your party.

Peter and... Donna Brazile.

Did... Did you just say Donna Brazile is coming to my party?

Yes. Yes, I know.

We have lost all shreds of sanity.

(Conversing indistinctly)

But I just wanted to know... please, God... is Colin Sweeney there?

Be of good cheer, Eli.

Colin Sweeney couldn't make it.

His flight got delayed in San Francisco.

Oh, thank God!

Thank your Christian Jesus God.

Merry Christmas, Eli.

♪ Jingle bells... ♪

So, are we millionaires yet?

Only in the love we have for each other.

Can we buy anything with that?

Well, you can always...



Eli's not gonna be happy.

GRACE: Why? Who is it?

ALICIA: An old client.

Lemond Bishop.

The top drug dealer in Chicago.

Sometimes I think of you as Mom, and other times just as this interesting person who lives at our house.

Be right back.

Excuse me.


What's Lemond Bishop doing here?

Oh, he came?

That's great. Where?

You invited him?

ROBYN: No, I did.

I thought you wanted him as a client.

Oh, God.

Because we don't actually have a national religion in America, Jackie.

That should have no impact on office decorations.

Out of sensitivity.

Veronica, I don't want to offend you, but you really should think about drinking less.

Oh, really? Why is that?

'Cause you're raising your voice.

Well, maybe you should drink a little more, and that might k*ll that bug up your ass.

Could you deal with that?


(Phone ringing)

Florrick-Agos & Associates.

Oh. I expected to get Cary.

I'll have him call you back.

No, that's all right.

Uh, there's been a...

Something's happened.

We discovered another safety-deposit box belonging to Mr. Ashbaugh.


There were four more wills in it, leaving all his money to four other women.

This seems to be something Ashbaugh does.


So it looks like all five will be found invalid.

Anything else?


Well, thanks for calling.

You're welcome.

Happy holidays.

(Guests applauding)

I usually vote Republican, but I couldn't resist voting for you.

Yeah, uh, here, let's find Alicia. Donna...

I-I would love some time to talk to you, sir.

About some charity ideas.

Sounds good.

Hey, Cary, congratulations.

Is that who I think it was?

Yeah, just keep moving.

Donna, I'd like you to meet Alicia.

Lemond Friggin' Bishop?

It was news to me, too, Eli.

Hey. This is terrific.

Thank you for coming.

Donna, I'd like you to meet my wife Alicia.

Pleasure to meet you.


Thank you so much for coming.

Something strong.

Is that music coming from your stomach?


It's my music system for the baby.

Oh, how clever.

How many months?

MARILYN: Three and a half.

VERONICA: And do you know the sex yet?

MARILYN: I do. It's a boy.

Oh, a boy.

How sweet. I love boys.

Do you have a name yet?

I do.
