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Christmas Clapback, The (2022)

Posted: 12/17/23 20:08
by bunniefuu
Excuse me, everyone.

Friends, family,
new friends, as always,

it is a pleasure to
welcome you into our home

for the Annual
Christmas Cookoff

pre-competition kickoff.


Yeah, some applause,
some applause.

Now, most of you know
that I'm Kira Miles,

and these are my little
sisters, Tisha and Jasmine.

And Jasmine just
came back from LA,

so we got the band
back together.


I think I can speak
for Tisha and everyone

when I say we are so
happy to have you home.

I mean, it's just not
the same without you.

all: Aww.

Yeah. It's good to be back.

And what would make
this perfect is--

- Our mother.
- Yeah.

That's what would
make it perfect.

Um, our mama passed away this
year, as you guys all know,

and you guys
are all our community now.

And our mama was
poppin' in her day.

Y'all know she was.

- Okay, Tisha.
- What?

Okay, so this is the reason
why we don't let her speak.


I keep it real, okay?

Um, our mama was so
amazing and so beautiful.

And she used to
lead the community.

And, uh, she used to
have everyone together.

And gosh,
the Christmas Cookoff,

it was just--it was her love
and her passion every year.

Yeah, yeah.
We miss you, Mama.


And, uh, we are going
to do our very best

to continue your reign

and win this year's
Christmas Cookoff.

Yes. That's right, yes.

Okay, uh, let's go over
the rules one last time, yeah?


Three dishes
judged over three days

leading up to Christmas.

Now, the cookoff
begins tomorrow,

so if you haven't
signed up yet,

this is your last chance, okay?

Ooh, why don't you
go get those coupons?


All right.

Now, our first dish
is the appetizer.

Let's see
if anybody can compete

with Jasmine's
cornbread fritters.

Any takers?

All right, Sabrina, I see you.

I see you, girl.
All right, there it is.

Okay, now, we have
not left out you bakers.

So for the next meal,
we're just gonna go ahead

and slip in
that dessert, right?

- Yeah, okay.
- Slip in the dessert.

- So anybody? Anybody?
- Any takers? Yes.

Perfect, perfect.


And of course, we celebrate
the birth of the baby Jesus

with our best and final dish
on Christmas Day.

- Mm.
- Yes.

Can I get a amen?
all: Amen!

That's right.

All right,
who we got for that?

Right here, right here.

There it is.
Get it, Tabitha.

I see you.


Oh, but I should say that,

well, our family has
been the reigning champs...

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

Year after year after year.

The fresh.

Y'all, I'm sorry.
She likes to brag about it.

She ain't lying,
but she got to stop.

I'm just stating facts, okay?


Well, listen, the point is
is that you guys are all here,

you're community for us, and
our mama had the best dishes.

But with her not being here,

it's kinda time for
someone else to step in there

and see what dish
they can give, you know?

Are you guys ready for that?

Are you guys ready to step up?

Well, good luck.
Good luck to everybody.

And may the best dish win!

Love it. Oh, gosh.

Why you have to set
these folks up to fail?

Girl, I did no such thing.

You and your sisters
are still the best cooks

at the cookoff.

I might as well
declare the winners now

if this spread
is any indication.

I know. It is kind of
intimidating, isn't it?

Just a bit.

Um, everyone, everyone,
let's not forget

that this is all
for a very good cause.

No one should go hungry
or be alone for Christmas.

Oh, and I will, um,
just be fairly quick

in reminding you
all of one particular rule.

No CBD oil can be used

over the course
of this three-day tournament.

All right, all right.

this food is the itis.

All right, all right.

But alcohol is okay. Toast.

Ooh, I knew it was you,

- Oh, well.
- Always.

Ooh, ooh, the prizes.

Okay, so last year,
our three winners

got a hotel and
restaurant package in Miami.

And we raised $7,000
in that store.

We're gonna b*at that
this year.

all: Amen.

Now, unfortunately,

our sponsors had
to back out this year.

But just know that
our committee and judges

are working hard
on the phone lines

to try to rectify that.

Good luck, everybody.

Cheers, everybody!

- Yes!
- Cheers! Yeah!

Hey, Jaz, do you
mind going to get that?


both: Ooh.


- Um--
- So, uh, you know, it's true.

You're home.

Uh, news travels fast.

Yeah. You--you look amazing.

- You sound surprised.
- No, no.

It's just, um--

- What?
- Nothing.

Um, then can I
help you with something?

Yeah. You gonna invite me in?

- We have guests.
- I know.

It's for the cookoff.

I-I thought all, you welcome.

Yeah, all who are cooking.

Are you cooking?

- No.
- Okay, then?

Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm--I'm confused.

Your sister said that
you would love to see me,

that you were being
your stubborn self,

but that I should come over.

I assumed that meant
you were ready to apologize.

For what?

Are you serious?

Ja--Jasmine, the last
time I saw you,

I thought
we were moving in together.

I thought we were happy.

I got a voicemail from you

saying that
you're moving out west.

After all we'd been through,
you basically ghosted me.

I'm not gonna apologize
for choosing myself.

I moved on,
and I suggest you do the same.


Never mind.

You know, actually, yeah.

The truth is I was moving on,
but it hurt not knowing,

not having any closure.

But this, God,
this helps a lot.

So yeah, now I can move on.

No regrets.

Yo, how could y'all do that?

- Do what?
- Damon.


you come back here and don't
tell us why or what happened?

Was this--
was this Kira's idea?

Uh-uh, don't you blame her.

Look, I already had one mother.

I don't need another.

We can tell
that you're hurting.

Let us in.
We're just trying to help.

I know.

The three of us are
just so different.

I'm just trying to do
things my way, not yours.

It's--it's not like
any of us have been

ourselves since Mama d*ed.

And you're sure we can
live under the same roof

Mama left us?

We've managed
most of our lives.

f*ck, we'd love
having you around.

But the question is are
you gonna stick around?

We are worried about
you out there in LA

- Seriously?
- Yes.

So I am grown enough
to admit I need my sisters.

I missed you a lot.

And Kira even.

Speaking of.

Better grab two more bottles.

These people are thirsty
for the bubbly.

Oh, well, glad
we got some more in stock.

Okay, thanks.

Stop actin' like
a little sissy.

Stop being in my business.

I'm not doing--
I'm not in your business.

Don't invite
him to the house.

Are you crazy?
You know what?

- Well, we'll see, we'll see.
- We will. Okay, okay.

You don't want Brandy?


Flawless, as usual.

Well, we do have Mama's
tradition to uphold, so.

Amen to that.

All right, girl.
Good night.

- Good night.
- Mm-hmm.

- Get home safe, okay?
- Yes.

Talk to you tomorrow.

And you know I had to
bring in Santa's movers

to help me with all
of my new chef's toys.

Thank you, boys.

Because we are
cooking for Christmas,

all homemade, all from scratch,
all the time.

Can I hear it, Santa's movers?

all: Ho, ho, ho.

How fun is that?

What in the world?

A big thank you
to my sponsors.

But more importantly,
thank you,

my loyal fans, my Peaches,
for always being there for me.

You guys are the best

Hey, hey!

Oh, I gotta go meet
my new neighborhood.

See you then!

Oh, she's--oh, she's coming.


I'll come to you,
I'll come to you.


Okay, let me guess.

You are a Leo.

How did you know that?

Girl, don't play shy with me.

Those heels, those legs,
that Fenty lip gloss?

Girl, I see you,
and you love to be seen.

I can tell,
I can tell.

You know what?

The camera would
absolutely love you.

Ooh, and I know someone
else who would too!

Well, thank you.

- I'm Kira Miles.
- Oh, Aaliyah Hardwick.

Hey, guys, you guys can
all head inside now.

Take a little break.

I want to get to know
my new best friend.

What? Uh, that's me?

Tha--that's me.

Okay, well, you know, actually,

I should probably go check
in on my sisters.

They won't like me leaving
them to clean up the house

after this party we just had.

But it was really
nice to meet you.

Eh, I'll just come with.

Yeah, seriously, it is.


- What happened?
- Come on.

- What?
- Do you see?

Who's she talking to?

I don't know,
but she is beautiful.

Ooh, they comin'.

Hurry up, hurry up!

Hey, you guys.
Come on in.


Aaliyah just moved in
next door.

meet Tisha and Jasmine.

These are my sisters.

both: Hi.

Oh, and Jasmine just
moved back from LA.

Oh, I love LA.
It is a foodie's paradise.

I mean, you wake up to
palm trees and everything,

bagels in the morning,
before moving poolside

and having vegetable tempura,
crispy rice.

And on cheat days,
you have Randy's.

Oh, Randy's.
I miss Randy's.

I do miss Randy's.

How come we ain't
never met Randy?

- Girl, they're donuts.
- Oh.

And if you were lucky,
sometimes you'd get both.

You nasty.

as beautiful as this one.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, it's very beautiful.

So you're in that house
all by yourself,

or you have a roommate?

You back here for good?

Uh, still figuring
some things out.


Well, you have to tell
the Peaches all about it.

Wait, the who?

Uh, Aaliyah has quite
the online following.

And they call
themselves the Peaches

because of her cobbler.

Oh, yeah.
I-I'm sure that's why.

Wait, what does that mean?

Nah, don't worry about it,


Oh, is it a baking thing?

Because, you know, Tisha
is the baker in our family.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, is that right?

Do you like
a little competition?

That depends.

Are you the competition?

Oh, anyone with a sweet tooth

knows that
I am thecompetition.


Okay, how about we go taste
some of Tisha's treats?

- Yes.
- Yes, let's go.

Oh, my God!

Honestly, we do
not know this girl.

- God.
- Oh, wow!

Well, ladies,
I-I-I am just blown away.

This house is so gorgeous.

And the smells, the delicious
smell--what did I miss?

We had our party

for our church's
Annual Christmas Cookoff

that starts tomorrow.

- A cookoff?
- Mm-hmm.

You know, I'm really trying
to get my holiday hustle on

for my social media.

all the content that I need.

Oh, okay.
Yes, all right.

And, you know,
Christmas for us

is all about family,
friends, and drinks.

So there's no point
in you spending it alone.

You should join us.

Yes. Our mama was the
reigning champ for decades.

Yeah, though she passed away
a year after our dad d*ed.

We all thought it was
of a broken heart.

Yeah, it was a
lot back-to-back.

Well, I am so
sorry to hear that.

And I-I definitely
know how that feels.

My mom passed when I was young.

But, you know,
she was the one

who inspired me
to get into cooking.


You know, I remember the
first thing Mama taught me

how to cook: pigs in a blanket.

And, you know, it got
a little harder after that,

but she just really
grabbed my imagination.

So we have her crown to uphold.
That's right.

And we cannot let Mama down,
not in the first year.

Yeah, we have to win
the cookoff for her.

Well, you have
to promote this thing.

Let me help. I can definitely
get the word out.

Oh, well, our church
just lost a sponsor,

so if you know of anyone.

Pfft, easy. I can definitely
help in that department.

Now, if I do compete,
can I film everything?

Can I--sorry.
Can I compete?

Of course.

Yes, the more, the merrier.

You know,
we'll get you signed up.

It's just that
I would hate for you to lose

and piss off your Peaches.

Oh, don't even
worry about it.

I'll just win.
all: Oh.

Okay, Miss Aaliyah, it's on.

Well, then a cheers
to the Christmas Cookoff.

May the best cook win.

- Okay.
- Oh, cheers.

Oh, come in.

Hey, excuse the interruption.

I just wanna let
you know we got

everything all squared away.

You're kidding.

I-I can't believe you
packed me up that quick.

No, it's the
busiest time of year.

Time is money.

All right, you guys, this is
my dear friend, Curtis Walter.

And this, Curtis, is Kira.

It's, uh,
wonderful to meet you.


- Hey.
- Mm-hmm.

That older sister thing,
she always does that.

And honestly, if I was your
age, I'd stop reminding us.

Okay, you know what?
Curtis, just ignore them.

Curtis moved here
a few years ago.

He told me I had to come
and get a little slice

of hometown, and so here I am.

You can blame the move on him.

- Thank you.
- Yeah, my pleasure.

Uh, the truck's
all packed up.

All right. Well, I guess
we should probably

head out and let
you get acquainted

with your new friends.

You know, actually, we have
a few plates of leftovers.

I'd hate to see
them go to waste.

You know, maybe--maybe
your movers would like some.


from, uh, lifting all day.

You sure? That's incredibly
generous of you.

Oh, she's real generous.

Here, put this in my truck.

Hey, that was,
uh, really kind of you.

You gotta let me do
something to pay you back.

- Oh, no, come on.
- No?

That's not necessarily.
No, I insist.

Let me take you to dinner
or coffee sometime.

like, borderline too handsome.

And I-I'm just not looking
for that right now.

Well, what is a,
uh, beautiful woman like you

looking for,
if I may be so bold?

Something else.


Well, my loss, I guess.

It's a pleasure
meeting you anyway.

Congratulations again.

And hey, let me know if you
need anything, all right?

Of course.

Nice to meet you, guys.

- Yes, nice to meet you.
- Bye. Nice to meet you too.

Damn! You mean you couldn't
just get any ol' movers?

You had to get
hot Santa movers?

Why did you not
get his number?

He's literally
seven feet away.

I can grab him.

Okay, look, I wanted
to acknowledge his beauty

and his body, but it's
just not what I need right now.

both: Yes, it is!

Okay, ladies,
let's just keep it pushing.

Ah, my baby is home!

Mom, what's going on outside?

Oh, don't even
worry about it.

I know you must be tired,
so I have your room set up.

Go and get some rest.
You don't mind?

I mean, I can help clean up.

No, get some rest.


Aren't you Aaliyah Hardwick?

- The one and only.
- Yo!

What are you doing in my house?


Yo, your videos
are super hot,

but you even hotter in person.

I raised you
better than that.

What? I'm just expressing
my heartfelt admiration

for your talent and beauty.

You got a much more chill vibe
than you do on camera.

Well, the person that
you see on my feed is,

you know, Jerry-Jane persona.

Now, I'm just
being all Aaliyah.

So your Beyoncé turns
into Sasha Fierce?

I would not compare
myself to the Queen,

but yes, something like that.

And you just--you can't always
be on for the cameras,

even if the camera's always on.

Still, Jerry-Jane/Aaliyah,
I mean,

what are the odds
of you moving into Pine Cliff?

I mean, that's just wow!

You know, you should take her
downtown sometime, you know,

and show our favorite
dessert spot.

Beans & Grind has the
best hot cocoa in town.

Ooh, I do love hot cocoa.

But I will have to pass
on this round.

You know, all the
unpacking I have to do.

But some other time?

- Better sh**t your sh*t, Mom.
- Relax.

both: Hi.

Oh, hi, Matthew.

like chopped liver over here.

Yeah, exactly.

I am gonna let you guys get
reacquainted and everything.

But come over to
my place tomorrow

for some cookies and carols.

Oh, we can carry
a Christmas tune.

- ♪ Fa-la-la-la
- ♪ La-la

♪ La-la

We can.

I will see you out,
if you want.


I mean, I don't want you
to go, but you have to.

And this boy's getting testy.


Trey, you over here tryna
embarrass your mama?

I'm sorry.
I can't help myself.


Holla at your girl.

I need your help.

but I'm gonna need
some help here.

I need you all
to send me the best,

most b*mb-ass recipes
for appetizers,

or as they say in français,

Amuse me, b*tches. Send me
all of your secret ingredients.

I need to go. Hook me up.

Thank you.

Uh, you know we're in
the same house, right?

Well, I don't feel like
walking over to your room.

I'm freaking out a little bit.

What's wrong?

And then her Peaches,
they flooded my page.

It's like we're being
trolled in a nice way

I think she's doing a
psych ops/reverse psychology

Are you serious?

It's an online att*ck
to get under my skin.

Why do you sound so paranoid?

Because I have reason to be.

We have a spotlight on us now.

And she's getting really
good recipe suggestions, Kira.

Well, sounds like
we got ourselves

a real clapback then.

She's coming for us, sis.

Well, let her.
We'll be ready.

You think so?

It might be fun

to actually
break a sweat this time, right?

You know, you're laughing now,

but what if we
tarnish Mama's legacy?

Oh, Jasmine.

Lucky for you, you got me.

Stay off IG.

This girl.



You picked up.

Yeah, of course, I did.

What's going on with you, Jaz?

If I'm--
if I'm being honest,

I just know that

I feel lost and...


You are not alone.

You scare me sometimes.
You know that?

For some reason,
I'm still here, though.

what are you doing tomorrow?

Uh, nothing anymore.


Well, um, you should
come to the cookoff.

I thought I wasn't
invited to the cookoff.

Yeah, I suppose I did.

Yeah, okay.

I'll see you tomorrow then.

All right.

Okay, bye.


So how many judges are there?

Brandy called and Aaliyah
came through with a sponsor,

so we have a total of four.

Wait, don't we
need a tiebreaker?

Girl, it never
gets that close.

Come on.
Ooh, uh, but what if?

Mm, you see what you started?

A'ight, sh--she's
always like that.

So this is my cornbread.
I think it is so good.


So what's the problem?

You know, Mama always put
something in it special.

That's what made
them so magical.

Everything was
fresh in the moment.


Okay, so we add
a pinch of salt here,

some cumin there,
and you got this.

I mean, this is just
a dry run anyway.

So if you wanna change
in the next batch, you can.


And plus, look,
it looks homemade

and it presents really well.

Yeah, it does.

All right,
taste testing time.

- Team Miles.
- Yes.

Three, two, one.

Uh, is the cornmeal
too rough, too grainy?

Now, this, this is the
best thing I've had all year.

You don't count.

You've been eating
dorm food all year.

- Mmm.
- You not wrong about that.

It is delicious, as always.

Come on, you're never nervous
about your dishes like this.

Mm-mm, you aren't.
What's going on?

Is this about Aaliyah
or something else?

I'm fine.

I'm fine.
You're right.

We got this.

all: We got this.

This is good, sis.

- We got this.
- So good, yo.

We gon' win.

Hello, Peaches and cream.

Today is the first day
of the Christmas Cookoff.

And I have chosen a doozy
of an appetizer recipe:

crispy okra salad.


Thank you so much to my amazing
follower, Butter and Okra Cup.

Okra originated from Ethiopia

and was brought here
by our ancestors.

Rich in history and as
delicious as Christmas.

Here you have it.

Beautiful presentation
for an appetizer, am I right?

I'm gonna
have a bite of this

because it has just
been smelling too good.


Mmm, my God!

And we'll do a compilation
of all of the foodgasms

you've given yourself.

Oh, my God, I love that idea.
Good work.

Okay, let's do that.

So good!

Mwah, chef's kiss.

Take a look.

Can you get more of the sign?


Chef Aaliyah.

I'm Brandy Nofal,
one of the judges.

Thank you so much for helping
us get our new sponsor.

We'll have you up to
make that announcement

in just a few minutes.

Of course.

No, it's been
absolutely amazing.

We've gotten so much content.

Oh, um, well--

Well, um, and, uh...



I was gonna mention,
um, did the, um,

reigning champs feel like
they didn't need to show up?

- Uh, you mean team Miles?
- Mm-hmm.

Um, excuse me for a moment.


- All right, we made it.
- Okay.

- We're here.
- Ma, what's wrong?

I think I'ma go home.

Absolutely not!

Says the girl who's
always running away.

Rude. You know,
you're mad when I'm here,

and you're mad when I'm gone.

This is really not the time--
Can you guys just shut up?

This is not about
you right now.

I'm sorry.

I apologize.

Okay, talk to us.
What's going on?

It's just a lot harder than
I thought it was gonna be.

If your cornbread
reminds me of her,

how am I gonna make it through
this event without her?

Well, we're all here now.

Okay, let's--

both: Promise.

- Let's go.
- Yes, yes.

- Smile.
- Okay, okay, okay, smile.

- You good?
- Okay.

- I think it's this way.
- No, it's the other side.

- Oh, yep.
- All right, that's it.

I think we are in good shape.

I thought I was going
to have to disqualify you.

Now, you know we were
not going down that easy.

Well, you're just in time.

There's still a few more
minutes for all the judges

to get their tasting round in.

Oh, oh, let me introduce
you to our newest judge.

Mr. Walter.

Well, Curtis is the friend
that Aaliyah called on

to sponsor our event.

He made a $10,000 donation.

Every doggie bag is going
to have his card in it.

We want everyone in town
to know about your business.

Your business?

Because you didn't mention that
you own the moving company.

Yeah, well,
the best way to keep

your employees' morale high
is to get on the ground,

work alongside 'em.

Plus, it's better workout than
going to the gym every day.

Oh, uh, I'm sorry, Kira.

We've got to stick to some
semblance of the schedule.

So let me steal him
for a few minutes

so that we can get this
tasting round done.

Okay, girl.
Oh, my God.

"Oh, my God, Curtis,

I didn't know you owned
the business. Oh, my God."

Okay, you, but whose
side are you on right now?

Ooh, girl.
Uh, what's wrong?

You will never believe
who's stepping in

as the sponsor for the event.

- Who?
- The mover.

The one from the other night?

Yes, he's gonna
be the fourth judge.

- The one who asked you out?
- Uh-huh.

- The one who you sh*t down?
- Yes.

The one who you told--

"I'm looking
for something else"?

Well, when I first saw him,
he wasn't wearing a shirt.

And then I come here,
and he saves the day.

And he owns the company.

Uh, okay.

Let me stop you before
you say something crazy.

Sis, for one,
you can be very judgmental.

And for two,
even in kindergarten,

people would tell you to not
judge a book by its cover.

You judged that man
by his cover.

And he just might be your
"something else."


I'ma go catch Aaliyah's thing.

Um, I'm glad you could make it.

Yeah, I wouldn't miss it.

I'm surprised
you didn't bring somebody else.

Thank you.

all you have to do is ask.

Are you?

I am not.

I came here to see you.

Besides, you're the one
who called me last night.


Yeah, well,
I didn't wanna presume.

And you're right.

I--it's hard to think about
you just as a friend

after all the years
we spent together.

We should catch up some time.

I mean,
if it's not so busy,

maybe we can talk after
if you want.

Yeah, I'd like that.


And I'm glad you dropped by,
so thanks.


I, uh, I'm gonna
try one of these.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.


- Yes.
- Aw, thank you.

It's, like, magazine-worthy.

I thought it was
fun for an appetizer.

That's what I said.
It's pretty.


If you don't grab it now,
it'll be gone.

Oh, no, there's
still one left for you.

It's got your name
written all over it.

Oh, I already had a couple.
They were fire, Aaliyah.


You know,
I actually made, like,

a nice one specially for you.

Oh, you didn't have to.

Tisha, are you turning down
my romantic gestures?

Oh, never.

Mom's gonna go for this,

Oh, yeah, I'm sure she will.

Thank God.

I mean, how long has it been

since she been
in a relationship?


But, you know, she can
wait a few more days

until after the
cookoff is over.


Hey, Aaliyah,
is this your recipe?

Uh, no, a Peach's.

You should have heard her
this morning.

She was so excited.

Oh, I actually have her here.

Oh. Yeah, that's excitement.

My Peaches inspire me
so much.

So what do you think?

I'm not mad at it.


I just cannot believe
you're live, like, in person.

My friends are flippin' out
that I met you.

- Be right back.
- Of course.

How does it taste?

I think we're in trouble.


So do you guys really like--

How do you make
an okra taste so good?

You know,
it's her damn Peaches.

to the 21st Annual
Christmas Cookoff.

So exciting to be here again.

I definitely want to extend
a heartfelt thanks

to our newest featured sponsor,

Curtis Walter
of Walter's Moving Company.

He saved us, y'all.
He saved us.

Our votes have been tallied.

We have a winner
of the first round

of the Christmas Cookoff.

We love the texture
and homemade quality

of the cornbread
shrimp fritters,

but the audience favorite
was the okra salad.

This year's winner
for the first round is...

Aaliyah Hardwick.

Come on up, Aaliyah!
I won!


Thank you, thank you,
thank you!

Oh, God. Don't be silly.

I can still see those Peaches
filling up my screen, yo.

The stress got to me.

Kira's gonna
think I'm conspiring

with the competition.

You are looking at your
Christmas Cookoff champion

right here!

You are not ready for it.
We have one down, two to go.

Let's go.

You and Aaliyah
seem really close.

Nah, she like
a little sister to me.

We grew up together.

Can you be objective,
you know, as a judge,

considering your
close relationship?

Who's to say
where my bias is?

I mean, I can have
integrity as a judge.

It's all a matter
of taste, right?

That's what judges always say.

Well, hello, beautiful.

You know, dessert is up next.
Oh, yes, honey.

Of course I know.
Are you ready?

You already know
that I'm ready, right?

Because I already told you
baking is what I do best.

Baking is what we do best.

But, you know, you're not gonna
be celebrating for long

'cause after
the next challenge,

oh, we're coming for you.

- Sounds good to me.
- Okay.

I just--I love
this little town.

I love cookoffs.

And I just think that now,

I've gotten a little taste
of my first competition,

my first big win.

You already know
it will not be my last!

And thank you so
much for the prizes.

High-fives, come on!


Let me have it! Thank you!

Okay, so she's gotten
a taste of winning.

Yeah, okay.
Um, that's not a bad thing.

But we just gotta remind
her to keep it friendly.

Right, right.

Uh, yeah.

I mean, we're--we're neighbors.
I mean...

We are.

We do have to see her every
day, so we're not just--

Yeah, but is it friendly
between the two of you?

Because I'm just seeing
sparks everywhere.


Okay, all right.

Um, do you want some help
for your dry run for tomorrow?

No, I've got it.

Let me--let me handle this,
me and me alone.

But you helped
me with my dish.

It's only fair.

Sis, I got this.

She's got this.

I voted for you.



- Is now a good time to talk?
- Yeah.

You got my coat.
Thank you.

- Yeah, I did.
- Thanks.

Bye, sister.
both: Bye. Bye, Damon.

What was that?
What--I-I can't--

- I don't know.
- No, I can't believe that.

I lost to an influencer.

Yeah, Tisha's kicking
herself about it.

I know.
She shouldn't.

You know, this is all on me.

I-I need to get my
life together, Damon.

This morning, something
was off with my cornbread.

And instead of throwing the
batch away and starting over,

I took the easy way out.

You know, I-I have
to stop doing that.

I-I have to take

It seems like you're putting
a lot on your cornbread, huh?

Wait, what?

You know, I used
to think that I would

spend the rest
of my life with you,

and you didn't even call me.

Yeah, 'cause you
told me not to.

So what, that's it?

What do you mean, that's it?

I respected what
you asked me to do.

So I'm not worth
fighting for?

I didn't say that, a'ight?

And you're acting like
I did this, like I hurt you.

Jasmine, you left me.

Yeah, I--you're right. I--

okay, here's the truth.

I lost my dad,
and that was hard enough.

And then Mama left me, and--
and that broke my heart.

so I-I left you

and I left my sisters
because I--

being close to that much love
and knowing that at any minute,

that I could lose it all,

it was too much.

That's the truth. That's--

I'm actually relieved
to hear it,

if it makes you
feel any better.

Look, Jaz,
I didn't fight for you

because the truth is
I've always believed in us.

I knew you'd come back
to me because we work.

Look, I make you happy.

And you sure as hell
make me happy.

I've always known that.

And I knew that
when you were ready,

you'd figure it out too.

And people, this whole time,

they've been telling me
to move on.

I tried.

But when you know, you know.

And you, Jasmine Miles,
are my soulmate.

Ever since we were kids,
I've known that.

Well, my--my fear kept
me away for too long.

And I'm sorry.

Well, you're back now.

- I am.
- Yeah.

So, you know,
just to reiterate,

I'm not seeing anyone.

Well, I'm relieved
to hear that.

But I need to work on myself.

I-I went out west to work
at the best nonprofits.

And I learned how to raise
money, a lot of money,

but it was for the wrong folks.

And now that I'm back,
I wanna figure out

how I can put my skills to use.

I just don't know how.

- Hmm.
- What?

I think I have an idea.


I owe you an apology.

For what?

And I never even imagined
that you could own the company

that you were working for.

You don't owe me anything.

I hear that.

But the truth is, Curtis,
I judged you pretty hard.


- In what way?
- Okay.

Um, in that this hot guy

probably only cares
about his eight pack

and has nothing going on
inside that head of his

kind of way.

Look, I--

when I left college,

I knew I wanted
to start my own business.

So I bought a truck and
pulled some guys together.

And before you know it,
I had so many jobs,

I had to get a whole fleet
of moving vans

and three whole crews.

And no, they don't
all have to have

college degrees like I do,
but I...

Wanted to give them a chance.

Yeah, yeah.

I really admire that.

Can we--can we start
over from the beginning,

just clean slate?

- I'd like that.
- Yeah?

- Yes.
- Okay.

So now that I know
how you started,

how's it going?

My company takes up
way too much of my time.

And I'm still trying
to figure out how to delegate

and hire enough people
to cover the shifts.

And plus, now,
I'm trying to get

into the self-storage space
with some warehouses.

So it's a--

So basically,
success all the way around.

- Yeah, you could say that.
- Mm-hmm.

But you know, I really
wanted to invest more

in my community, you know,

share some of that success
with people I care about.

Uh, well, uh, I find it hard

to make time for myself
as well.

And it--it might be easier
for me to show you

rather than tell you
what's been

taking up a lot of my time.

Okay, show me.

Ooh! I don't know.
I just love the red brick.

And it's got, like,
this nostalgic, rustic vibe.

It's just--
You know what?

What do you think?

I think once you get it all
cleaned up, it's--

it's gonna look pretty amazing.

Yeah, I was thinking
the same thing too.

So, uh, what are you thinking
about converting it into?

A restaurant space.

Yeah, I've been wanting
to open my own forever.

But of course, someone
else is putting in a bid.

Yeah, yeah, I should, um,

I should be upfront with you
about something.

I'm your competition
for this building.


Yeah, I didn't realize
it till we pulled up.

- Your self-storage business?
- Yeah.


Yeah, I should have expected

that somebody else
would jump on it.

You know what?

How 'bout you
call your realtor?

I'll call mine
and I'll cancel my bid.

You found this place first.

Doesn't mean the same thing
to me as it does to you.

Take the plunge.

- Yeah?
- Yeah?

- Uh, okay.
- Yeah?

We're here for the tour.

Well, welcome to my home.

Come on in.


Ah, one of the many
reasons I love the house.

I can see why.
This is beautiful, Aaliyah.

Yeah, this is
something serious, Aaliyah.

So this is not just
for a time for you.

Your set is your home.
This is 24/7.

Well, yeah,
I don't really mind

mixing business with pleasure.

You know, I've got a
great crew and an editor

who's Usain Bolt-class.

You need an editor
for something

you sh**t on an iPhone?

Okay, boomer.

Wait, boy, watch it.

Maybe I can get you as a
speaker at the student union.

I mean, we can learn
a lot about what

it takes to build a brand.


to my résumé,
but only if you

promise to invite your family.

I don't wanna embarrass him.

Having your mama on campus?

Although it is a nice campus.

Mom, it's big enough
for the both of us.


You're not gonna
support a friend?

Well, we do need
actual bodies in those seats.

Hey, I don't think
you'll have any problem

finding an audience.

Uh, okay.

Please forgive her.

Uh, Tisha and Kira are
not on social media.

They have no idea
what a Insta story is,

let alone what it means
to be instafamous.

Yeah, that level
of unplugged actually

makes me very nervous.


No, there's nothing like
connecting to the real world

as a real people.

Hmm, prove it.

When's you're next off day?

Uh, not for a while.

Actually, Christmas is one
of my busiest times for views,

because the sponsors

wanna make sure
that I'm being seen,

therefore, they're being seen
so that you remember

what you need to get
for Christmas.

So yeah, I just
have to pump out

a few more stories than usual.

But I am creating a community
for foodies and fashionistas.


Well, you're busy,
but don't forget your me time.

It's healthy for you.

Yeah, I think you're right.

You know what?
Let's have some fun then.

Christmas karaoke, anyone?

- Yes!
- Oh.

Oh, God.

Don't do the same song,
son, please.

- My bad.
- No.

I mean,
there are coincidences

and then there are
coincidences, right?

Well, you know, these
great minds think alike.

That's exactly right.

Well, I am glad
we got that out of the way.

Me too.

And you will be
the first to hear

when the deal goes through.

Oh, the first?

Okay, maybe not the first.

Well, I will be keeping
my eye out for that call.

Can I see you again?


I'd like that.

Me too.

I-I don't know.

- Hmm.
- Shall we?

We shall.

♪ Ah

♪ I got you for Christmas

♪ My wish came true

♪ I got you for Christmas

♪ Alone

♪ Just to have you home

♪ You're the gift
that keeps on giving ♪

♪ I got you for Christmas

♪ I got you for Christmas

♪ I got you

♪ I got you for Christmas

♪ I got you

♪ He's so delicious

Don't come any closer!

My cake is in the oven,
and I can't have any noise.

It's gonna make it fall.

Are you all right?

Uh, I'm a-a little worked,
but, uh, I'm okay.


So you don't need to
talk about anything?

Mm, my arm's 'bout to
fall off, but, um, I'm okay.


Well, not that you need it,
but good luck tomorrow, Tisha.

Sis, I need it.

Trust me.

Trust me.
You got this.



"To Tisha.


"It is with great pleasure
that I offer you admission

to the Starling University!"

Oh, my God!


Hey, Peaches.

- Hey.
- Hey you.

Are you trying to distract me
from my award-winning focus?

Mm, yes. Yes, I am.

It's time I had an
official day off.

Let's go play
hooky from cooking.


All right, let's go.


- Ooh.
- Looks delicious, right?

- They really do.
- Yes.

Wow, this is really nice.


I definitely get
what you were saying about,

you know,
not always being on my phone.

Ugh, it's so good kinda just,
like, to detach and unwind

and just kinda have a
moment to yourself, right?

I don't really see
my business as work.

I love what I do.
That's good.

Mm. What do you--
what do you wanna do?

Ugh, what do I wanna do?

Oh, wow.

Well, I had to
drop out of school

to have Trey my first semester.

And thankfully,
my parents and, you know,

our family was
really supportive.

It was easy.
His dad was there.

And the funny thing
is we tried dating,

like, right after we had Trey.

And it just didn't feel right.

I didn't really feel
like it made sense.

But for my 30th birthday, like,

I went to this girls club

And it's like I fit right in.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

And I was dancing.

I was dancing and--

not fit in as well as you did.

My pop and lock is not
quite what it used to be.

It's not?
It's okay.

I'll show you some moves,
I'll show you some moves.

So what's your dream?

My dream is to go back
to school and maybe find love.

You know?

Is that so much to ask?

I don't think it's--
I don't think so.

I don't think it's a ton,

It shouldn't be.

But it's just been
really nice and awesome.

Oh, look who's here.


both: Hey.

You know,
I was just on my way home

and thought that maybe
you could use a cup of coffee

because you've been
working so hard

prepping for your dessert.

I'm gonna give you two
a minute.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

All right. It'll be quick.

Are you really
so easily played?

Come on. I mean,
are you really that desperate?

You call me desperate?

She is playing you.

No, she's not.

Yes, she is.

You said you wanted to bake,
so get to baking.

I'll see you at home.
You know--

Can we go?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, thanks.

How's it going, man?

Is, um, is Kira here?

Who's asking?

I'm Curtis.

Look, please don't hurt her,

because these days, I'm the man
of the house around here.

And if you mess her up,
I'ma have to come for you.

Something tells me...

I'll probably end up dead.


Thank you.

Aunt Kira, your man is here!



Oh, please.

Uh, what are you doing here?

I just, uh, dropped
off something to Aaliyah.

And I realized that
I didn't get your number.

And, uh, I couldn't wait.

I wanted to let you know
if you'd, uh,

heard anything from your--
your realtor.

Oh, uh, yeah.

I'm just waiting for her
to send over the paperwork

for me to sign.

Yeah, I bet.

So you guys, uh,
all live here together?

Yeah. Our mom left
the house to the three of us.

And the money I'd be saving up
for my own place,

I've been able to put
into the building.

Sounds like you
got a guardian angel

looking out for you.

I do.

You know,
this past year has been

such a wake-up call to figure
out what I need to do for me.

Um, yeah,
I'd--I'd--I'd like that.

Yeah, I have to go,

I just booked a last-minute
job with the guys,

and I gotta get the
crew ready for tomorrow.


So are we exchanging numbers?

Oh, are you asking me
for my number?

- Yeah.
- This is it?

- Yeah.
- Okay, mm-hmm.

Do not make me regret this.

Look at you, taking a leap
of faith twice in one day.

Well, maybe
I'm full of surprises too.

Will do.

- All right.
- Okay.

I'll talk to you soon.

But as long as we have
some out here for everybody,

that'll be perfect.


This is my mother's recipe
for red velvet cake.

- Mmm, classic dessert?
- Exactly.

But the difference here
is it's vegan and organic.

- Yum.
- Enjoy.

It actually
looks pretty good.

Isn't that cute?

Okay. It look good, right?

Okay, I-I spent
all night making this.

Seriously, it's, like--
yeah, exactly.


What you got here?

Okay, so everyone here
is familiar with this recipe

because my mom made it
for her first cookoff.

Yeah, so, uh--

You got the real homemade
carrot cake right here.


You mixed chucky
with the walnuts?


I haven't seen something like
this since I was a kid.

Oh, all right.

Okay, I promise it tastes
just as good as it looks.

Oh, you like it?

- Mmm.
- It's like that?

Yes. You do the same.

You gotta smell it first.

- Take it in, all right.
- Mmm.

Okay, I'll be back, y'all.

Hey, how are you?

If you can get the
vlog up tonight,

I would really appreciate it.

I talked to the editor.

And then just some more spruce
whenever you get a chance.

so I just wanna make sure
we're good.

Of course.
A little rivalry never hurt.

- Mm-hmm.
- May the best cake win.


Ladies and gentlemen, may I
have your attention, please?

We have a winner.

To the dessert round...


Yeah, that works too.

- Thank you.
- Congratulations.

Aw. Yes!



Don't ever accuse me
not being on Team Miles.

Well, I'm not the one
eating with the enemy.

What about you and Curtis?

Well, I knew Curtis was
biased towards Aaliyah

from the beginning.

We can't lose this competition
to some new kid on the block.

Sis, you seem to forget

what Mama wanted
this cookoff to be.

She wanted to bring
the community together

through her love of food.

I don't wanna let her down.

But I guess I did lose sight

of why this
was important to her.

You know why it
was important to her?

Because it brought us together.

Team Miles?

Team Miles.

Team Miles always.

Merry Christmas Eve.


What's this for?

So simple.

Basically, one lives
right next door to the other.

Get to baking.

I just don't understand.

The collard greens were fire,

but the mac and cheese
just didn't taste the same.


definitely missing.

And if the fixings are off,

it doesn't matter
how dry or juicy the turkey is

because the mac and cheese
will t*nk the whole thing.

So let's go through
Mama's recipe.

What did we miss?

What do you mean?

Her recipes.
Where'd she keep them?

Up here.
She never wrote anything down.

I mean,
all the dishes she made,

she created from muscle memory.

No way.

See, that's why I'm a baker,

'cause bakers,
we write everything down.

We're the meticulous ones,

- And the forgiving one, right?
- Oh.

because I accused you

of fraternizing with the enemy,
and I was wrong.

And I should have
never doubted you.

It's okay.

No, it isn't

because you
are an incredible sister

and an incredible mother and
the best baker that we know.

- Sure are.
- Ooh.

I love you.

I love you too.


♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a merry Christmas
and a happy new year ♪

A little pepper
and a little paprika

makes everything taste better.



Okay, are you sure?

Because that sounds--
Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm.

it sounds perfect.

It sounds perfect.

You should trust
your instincts.

Yep, that's it.
I feel it, I feel it.

I know it.
This is it.

This is it.

Okay, all right.

Let me know, let me know,
let me know, let me know.

- Let's do this.
- All right, let's see.

- Mm-hmm?
- Okay.


- Mmm!
- Whoo!

Oh, my gosh!
This is fire!

- Yeah!
- Yes!

Oh, thank you, Mom.
You did that.

- Yup.
- Did it!

My gosh, seriously?

Ladies, it's after midnight.

It's Christmas.

Can we please
go open some presents?


Mama always did open
presents after midnight.

- Yes, she did.
- We're doing it.

- One more bite, let's go.
- Trey, you gotta try this.

Okay, all right, all right.

It's good.
It's good, right?

- It's good.
- Ah!

Did it!


let's open some presents.

- This one's for you.
- It's mine?

- Yeah.
- No way.


Let me tell you,
climbing up your balcony

felt way easier and way more
romantic when were teenagers.


You gonna let me in?

You wanna come in?

Yeah, I think so.
I'm gonna come in.

Oh, my God.
What's happening?

What are you doing?

I was just thinking about
how when we were kids,

you were the most
beautiful girl.

Everybody knew that,
but you were also brave.

You played every sport
and you climbed every fence

And you weren't afraid
of gettin' any bruises.

I was young and stupid.

No. No, you were not.

That's why I fell
in love with you,

'cause that girl,
that girl and I,

we were gonna take on
the whole world together.

Well, I'm sorry
that I changed.

I know you've been going
through a lot of pain

these past few years.

I'm here to remind you

you got me always.

And you have your sisters
and Trey, you know?

Um, 'fore she passed,

your mother
gave us her blessing.

Now, you don't--
you don't have to answer now.

But I am still
in love with you.

Do you love me too?


Will you marry me?


- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

- Don't need that anymore.
- Oh, my God!

Get it outta here.

It took you long enough.

- Oh, you've been waiting?
- Yeah.

It took you long enough.

Oh, I missed you so much.

Yeah, I missed you too.


So we're gonna get there nice
and early so we can set up.

Okay, um, guys.

- Yes, hey.
- Hey.

- Hey.
- Hi.


- Yeah!
- Oh!

Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!

Oh, Sis,
you're getting married?

- Really?
- I did all right?

- Oh, that is gorgeous!
- Yes!

Did you?

No, no, no,
we're all getting married.

I know.
I'm surprised.

I can't believe it.
Oh, oh, you know what?

We need some bubbly.

Trey, baby, go downstairs and
grab a bottle from the cellar.

- Yeah.
- Yes.

- It's a'ight.
- Yeah.

We need that.
That was--

Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my--do--do--don't stop.

I expect you to fly, Trey.

They want
the good stuff tonight.

- Oh, my God.
- Crazy.

- Yes.
- I know.

This is crazy amazing.

Yes, I love it.


it's addressed to you three.

This is Mama's handwriting.

Wait, where did you
find this?

In the wine cellar.

Uh, did Mama hide it
in there from us?

I guess she wanted
to give it to you

but never got a chance to.

You should be
the one to open it, Kira.

She wrote down
all of her recipes,

all homemade, all from scratch,
all the time.

Uh, go to the mac
and cheese page.

We need that.
Oh, yes, yes.

- Yes.
- Yeah, okay.


We did all of this!
All of it.

I mean, the ingredients
are all right.

Even the measurements
are perfect.

Every bit.

We got a big day tomorrow.

And I'm not gonna let her
or any of us down.

We got this.
We got this.

We got this.

We got this!

- Yes!
- Oh, my gosh.


Oh, my God.

And of course,
on Christmas Eve.

Of course.
Oh, my God.

We sure have been standing
at Aaliyah's table

for a mighty long time.

Yeah, I just wish I knew
what they were thinking.

You're the one with
the inside track.

Okay, that is not fair.

Okay, I gotta be honest.

And I'm not sure if it
was her snacks genuinely,

but I definitely voted
for Aaliyah,

and I feel so guilty,

so please
still love me, please.

Boy, I knew
we couldn't trust you.

We still love you.

But if that's where your heart
and your stomach lies,

then I guess we understand.

Mm, okay, y'all know
it wasn't either

of those things that he voted.

Yeah, mm-hmm.

Okay, Tisha, I see you.


What Mom do now?

Well, why don't you tell
your son about your good news?

- Mm-hmm.
- Wait.

Okay, since, uh,
your petty auntie

and your pushy auntie
is pushing me

to tell you something, uh,
I wanted to let you know

that I was accepted
into Stirling.

Wait, you--you did what?

And me and Aaliyah
are dating.

Though, duh, Mom.

I hope so.
That's a good thing.

But what about this
acceptance into Stirling?

You guys know I always
wanted to go back to school.

So I got accepted, and then
I didn't know what to do

because this is about you.
This is your moment.

Mom, come on, okay?

It'll be cool
to see you on campus.

Besides, you can help me with
my homework, just like always.

I'm so proud of you.

Come on.
Aww, thank you, baby.


Thank you.

Gotta go.

all: Oh.
Well, bye.

- Well, okay.
- Hey, okay.

Well, um, I want to come clean
about what finally

lit a fire under my ass.

I lost my nonprofit gig in L.A.

I was having a hard time
adjusting, and I missed home.

Well, we missed you too.

And we are glad
that you're back.

I'm glad to be back.

And I'm glad that I can serve
a need in this community.

Wait, what do you mean?

Well, I've been working
on a website for my nonprofit.

It's just a landing page
to gather emails.

And then if we announce and we
have enough of a following--

both: Wow.

- Okay, I see you.
- Thank you.

Okay, well, I guess
since we are confessing things,

um, bartender,
could I have three glasses

of the good stuff?

- Of course.
- Wait, wait, wait.

The good stuff?

We haven't even won
the cookoff yet.

Well, I bought
a building yesterday.

And you are looking
at the official owner

of Tina's Place.

Wow, hold up.
Hold up.

This is serious.

Are you--
you didn't even tell us.

What do you--
That's what she does.

She doesn't tell us things,
and it hurts our feelings

and hurts mine, and it's just--
well, that's amazing,

but, girl, you gotta keep me
in the loop with the things.

Yeah, you didn't tell us.

All right, Tisha,
you know what?

You are so dramatic.
I am.

- She is.
- But you are right.

- She is?
- Wait, what?

She i--I am?
She is.

Yes, of course, she is.

We just never thought that
you would admit that out loud.

Wait, you would
never say that.

Okay, all right,
let's just--

can we get a hear, hear

for the Miles sisters
and doing it?

- Yes!
- Yes.

To the Miles sisters doing it.

- And I'm engaged.
- Oh, you are.

- Oh, and you are engaged.
- You are engaged.

That's right.
So which one is yours?

Mmm, the maple smoked turkey,
um, the mac and cheese,

and the grilled greens.
Ah, okay.

All right,
now, this is gonna be

a tough decision, all right?

So nothing personal, all right?
All right.

- Huh.
- Uh-hoh.

all: We shouldn't
have grilled those greens.

That was your idea!

All right,
everybody, we have a winner.

All right, now,
the winner of this round

gets $5,000, first prize

and bragging rights
for the year.

Now, the voting was so close
that the other judges

are making the new guy
announce the results.

So don't sh**t the messenger,
all right?

And we have our winners...

Aaliyah Hardwick

and the Miles sisters!

For the first time
in cookoff history,

we have ourselves a tie!

- Oh, my God!
- That's amazing!

Wait, what?

Oh, my goodness, thank you.
Oh, my goodness.

- Come here.
- Oh, my God, yeah, let me see.

Let me see here.

The Tina Miles
Christmas Cookoff.

Yeah, um, well,
I presented the committee

with a proposal
they couldn't refuse,

to change the name
in honor of our mom.


I heard you have
some plans for this money.

Yes, this is the seed money
we need to jumpstart

the foundation we're starting
in honor of our mom.

We'll give scholarships
to those

who wanna pursue
their dreams and uphold

the values of the Miles.

Hear, hear.
Hear, hear.

To church, community,

and taking a chance
on yourself.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Beautiful.
- See?

We have some moments that we
need to capture forever.

Oh, here we go.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.

- Oh, right, right.
- Trey.

- Trey, you ready?
- One more.


So I wanted
to say congratulations

on the restaurant.

Thank you.

May I get a Christmas kiss?

I thought
you would never ask.

Everyone, um, I just wanna say
what a year it's been, right?

Yeah, but we have thrived
and survived.

And on this Thanksgiving Day,
I just wanna give

all praise and thanks to God...

- Yup.
- Mm-hmm.

That's right.

For making sure
that Tina's Place

has been booked
every single day.

- Right, right.
- Yeah.


And of course,
for the time I get

to spend with my man, Curtis.


And yes, we are

- Yeah.
- Oh!

- Hey.
- Okay, okay.

I mean, I got everything
that I wanted and more.

Mm, I'm very grateful.

I'm so happy for my sister.

Um, I am so grateful that I
got to take my finals early.

Ooh, Lord, it was bothering me,
but I got to take 'em early.

And I cannot wait to see
how my baby boy does

on his finals 'cause
it's always a competition

with me and this one.

And I'm also grateful
because I get to spend

the holiday with Aaliyah.

And hopefully, we'll get
to spend the rest of December

together too.
There you go.

Yeah, I'm planning on it.

You know, thanks
to my 5 million followers,

I am, you know, able to take
a vacation and finally unplug,

relax with you.
Aw, yes.

Aw, thank you, babe.

And, um, well, I'm, um,
I'm living my dream,

waking up next to my fiancé,
the love of my life,

every single day
and going into the office,

where I get to help
a young person

reach their potential.

Tina Miles Foundation
is exceeding

all of our fundraising
goals and some.

- Yes.
- Whoo.

And I just thank our mama
every day

for bringing me back home,
where I belong.

- Hey.
- Yes.

- Hey.
- Whoo!

all: Cheers.

- Yes.
- Mmm.

Are we digging in?

- Yeah.
- Yes.

- Can we start with the pie?
- What? No.
