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Snowmance (2017)

Posted: 12/16/23 20:56
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

♪ A Christmas city is
big and beautiful ♪

♪ Bright lights everywhere ♪

♪ A place where you
can meet Saint Nick ♪

♪ So join our journey there ♪

♪ A Christmas city is a magical sight ♪

♪ No other place compares ♪

♪ The smell of pine trees
the crackling fires ♪

♪ Christmas is in the air ♪

♪ Gifts for all the reindeers racing ♪

♪ Snowmen come to life ♪

♪ Christmas trees are twice the size ♪

♪ The snowball fights arrive ♪

♪ Elves are laughing packing presents ♪

♪ To gift to one and all ♪

♪ Santa's sleigh is fit to burst ♪

♪ We're gonna have a ball ♪

[Sarah] It was love at first sight.

Anyone could see that.

And it was obvious that
this would be nothing short

of a whirlwind romance.

Nothing was going to keep us apart.

Dean Papadopoulos, I love you.

And I think you feel
the same way about me.

Don't you?

[instrumental music]

I can't believe this
is finally happening.

[Dean] What are you doing?

[Sarah] Dean!

Is that my hat?

Did you make me into
your snow boyfriend?

No. I was just practicing.

Come on, let's go, you guys. Ha...


[instrumental music]

[footsteps approaching]


Katie Lou Dex told me what happened.

I'm sorry, Sarah.

Dean's a jerk.

[Sarah] Thanks, Nick.

Come on.

[Nick] Come on!

What are you doing?

Just help me.



Forget about Dean.

- Oh.
- You can have anyone you want.

He can be short...

- Uh...
- Or tall.

If that's what you like.

I like tall... and smart.

Great. Bigger brain.

[Nick] What else?

Somebody brave.

Oh, and romantic.

Someone who can sweep me off my feet.

And nice, and can make me laugh.



[Nick] Well, there you go.

Everything you want is right there.

Thanks, Nick. You're a
really good friend.

[Sarah] Let's do this every year.

And one day, when I finally
meet my dream boyfriend

we won't have to build him anymore.

Now, all he needs is a name.

[Nick] What about Cole?


I like Cole.

We better take a picture.

You don't wanna forget the day you found

the guy of your dreams.

[shutter clicks]

Now, all we have to do is wait.

Who knows? Maybe we won't
have to build him next year.

[upbeat music]


[laughing] Oh, no, no.

He's so gorgeous.

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year ♪

Come on.


- What are you doing?
- This.


♪ Now bring us some figgy pudding ♪

♪ Now bring us some figgy pudding ♪

♪ Now bring us some figgy pudding ♪

♪ And a cup of good cheer ♪

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas... ♪

That looks better on you.

[Nick] Hi.

[door slams]

- Morning, Dad.
- Hey, kid.

- This looks great.
- Yeah.

I'm using that stain you got me

for Father's Day.

It's fantastic.

And you shouldn't have done it.

You need to be spending
your money on yourself.

- It was practically free.
- Yeah, from Italy.

Need any help?

No. Herb and I have it covered.

Herb, can I get a clean rag?


- Herb?
- [Herb groans]

Are you sure you don't want my help?

Well, Herb likes to stay useful.

This table's gonna be
ready in a few days.

Do you think you can put it
online over the weekend?

[Sarah] Of course.

[Alan] Heading into the office early?

No, I'm heading to Nick's.

Thought we'd catch up and have coffee.

I know what that means.

You broke up with Brian.


Can't say I'm surprised.

Though you did just start dating.

[Sarah] It's been three weeks.
There's no spark.

Figured I'd let him down gently

before it gets too close to Christmas

and I chicken out.

[chuckles] I don't wanna
settle for someone

just to have someone to
kiss on New Year's Eve.

[Alan] I don't want you
to just settle either.

Uh, [stammering] I'm worried

that you're too focused on the spark.

You know, sometimes, love
is just a slow burn.

I know.

But I've been waiting my whole life

for someone to sweep me off my feet.

Not giving up now.

You and mom set the bar too high.

I just want what you guys had.

[Nick] Well, as far as break-ups go

you've definitely had worse.

Except for the part where the waiter

spilled the soup all over the guy. Uh...

- Ew.
- Yeah, that wasn't great.


Uh, yeah. All right, I
think I'm finished.


[Sarah] Sadly, that's pretty accurate.


Yeah, another for the hall of fame.

You know, you keep burning
through boyfriends like this

I'm gonna have to get another hard drive

to store all of those.

Ah, if you weren't my best friend

I'd actually be offended.

I hate to break it to you, but I'm just

way too cool to be your best friend.

- Mm. Too cool?
- Yeah, okay.

I always forget how good you are.

Yeah, you and everyone else.

I take it all isn't well in
the world of cartooning.

Oh, well, I sent out a comic
strip to a few publications.

- Got a couple of responses.
- Yeah? What'd they say?

If I printed them off, I'd
have enough rejection letters

to wallpaper this entire place.


Try this one.

[Nick] You serious?

I showed my boss some of your work

and she wants to meet with you

about doing some art for the magazine.

[chuckles] You did this?

You did. You're awesome.

I just made sure she found out.

Maybe we'll get to work
on something together.

Yeah, I'd like that.


I mean, this is good and all

but I definitely prefer your other work.

[Nick laughs]


You good though?

Yeah. It was...

It was my decision, but still...

- Break-ups are the worst.
- Hm. Hmm.

Here's to another
Christmas being single.

[Nick chuckles]


Tsk, you know, I gotta say,
you really ran this one

down to the wire.

- It's December 12th. Hello.
- Wow!

- Mm-hm.
- I almost forgot.

Looks like it's another

Christmas building my snow beau.


I should get to work.



- Thanks for listening.
- Mm.

You're a great friend, Nick.

See you tonight.

Great friend.

[elevator dings]

Good morning.

Good morning, Isabel.

Oh. Good morning, Sarah.

You want some elk jerky?

Hundred percent home-made.

Fired up the smoker this weekend.

No, I'm good. Thanks though.

Okay. Let me know if you
change your mind though.

Because I got like... like
90 pounds of it at home.


Elks are huge.

So, I did it.

I ended things with Brian.

Oh, really? I'm sorry. You okay?

Yeah. It was for the best.

It's not like he was
the one or anything.

I'm not crazy, am I?

For wanting that bolt of lightning.

Well, I've been struck
by lightning before.

Citrus fruit tastes like pennies now.

Am I giving guys enough of a chance?

Does that spark need time to
flare up into a raging fire?

Yeah, I've been... caught
in a forest fire too.

It was like right after
the lightning strike.

That was not a good day.

I want excitement. I want adventure.

[Sarah] Is that too much to ask?

[Isabel] Well, here, this jerky will
take you on a flavor adventure.

[intercom buzzes]

[Amanda] Sarah, can I see you

in my office, please?

You know how much I love your work.

You're one of the best
writers we've got.

Frankly, Twin Cities Life

wouldn't be the same without ya.

Thank you.

Wait, you're not cheerfully
f*ring me, are you?

Ooh! My gosh. No, no. I'm so sorry.

That's not what I meant at all.

What I wanted to talk to you about

was the email you sent me

regarding your request for
more diverse assignments.

The travel section?

Well, I think it would make

a great addition to the magazine.

Give our readers a taste
of all the things

to explore in the world.

And honestly, I would jump at the chance

to pursue travel writing.

This is Twin Cities Life.

I mean, I think a travel section

is just a teensy bit

outside of the magazine's scope.


Oh, and your leisure articles

are so great.

It's like, you know, the Twin Cities

inside and out.

That's what happens
when you never leave.


I mean,

who better to write about

all the amazing things to do

in St. Paul and Minneapolis

than somebody who's never
been outside the city limits?


Uh, I hear you.

I'll stick to what I know.

I knew you'd understand.

You're so great, Sarah, you know that.



- [Sarah] Dad?
- I'm in here!

Here, let me, let me help
you with that, Herb.

Rough day?

Yeah, you could say that.

Well, uh, broke up with Brian

got shut down by my boss

and later tonight, I'll
be building a snowman.

Which will serve as a
life-long reminder that

I've never had anything
close to resembling

a romantic long-term relationship.

That's one way of looking at it.

Or... you dumped your boyfriend

because you weren't
right for each other.

From what you told me on the phone,

your boss is very
pleased with your work.

And later tonight, you're
going to see your best friend

and partake in a Christmas tradition

that dates back almost 20 years.

You're not supposed to
poke holes in my whining.

It's your fault I'm
so wistful, you know.

[chuckles] This should be good.

Well, you and mom met in Paris.

You spent your first year
together traveling Europe.

How am I supposed to
be content with Brian?

In St. Paul, Minnesota.


Do you ever think about leaving?

Doesn't it make you sad

staying here, sleeping in the same bed?

It's been almost ten years.

You know, there's still
not a day that goes by

that I don't miss your mother.

But leaving behind the life we built?

That's not gonna make
me miss her any less.

When you first saw her,

you knew, didn't you?

All I want is to feel the same thing.

Do you really think I'm gonna
find that if I stay here?

It's not about where you are, sweetie.

It's about who you're with.

Oh, Dad.

Come on. I wanna show you something.

I never told you this,

but the night before I met your mother

I made a wish.

You did?

It was Christmas Eve.

I was alone in Paris.

The city of love.

So, I wished that I'd
find the love of my life,

and the next day, I saw her.

And she was wearing this.

That's the first thing
I noticed about her.

This bright red scarf in a
sea of blacks and grays

in the streets of Paris.

If it hadn't been for this I
might never have seen her.


You have your mother's heart. Who knows?

Maybe this will work its magic on you

like it did with her.

Thanks, Dad.

[cell phone buzzing] - Oh.


Oh, it's Nick. He's outside.

See? It's working already.

[chuckles] Dad. [sniffles] It's Nick.

I tried that once, didn't work.

Sure, in high school, but you were kids.

And no offense, but you were both

kind of obnoxious back then.


Go on.

Don't keep him waiting.


Let's go! Hurry up.

It's freezing.

Hey, nice scarf.

Those the goods?

Yeah, straight from my closet.

Anything you could possibly need

to build the man of your dreams.

Let's get to work.

Okay. He's a blank canvas.

Well, we gotta lot of options.

Hit me.

He's gotta be adventurous.

Not afraid to go off the beaten path.

- [Nick] Okay.
- Maybe his job lets him travel.

See the world.

Well, nothing says
adventure like flannel.

[chuckles] - What's next?

Well, this goes without saying.

He's got to be gorgeous.

- [Nick] Mm-hm.
- Charming.

A perfect gentleman.

Are you drawing abs on our snowman?

- Don't judge me.
- [chuckles] Okay.

He's gotta be smart, but not arrogant.

Sweet, down-to-earth

and he's gotta make me laugh.


Well, now he's perfect.

[both chuckling]

I want him to be incredibly romantic.

- Someone who will...
- Sweep you off your feet.

I know. You've been
saying this for 20 years.


Anything else?

I want excitement.

I want my heart to be set on fire.

When I look in his eyes, I wanna know.

Uh, yeah, I...

I don't have anything for that.

There we go.

[Sarah] Yeah.

Come on.



Hey, smile. Come on.

[shutter clicks]


Most of all, I wish that
this is finally the year

that I meet the man of my dreams.

That, come Christmas,

I'll be in love.

You good?

Yeah. I guess so.

Just tired. [clears throat]

I think I'm gonna call it a night.


Talk to you tomorrow?


Good night, Nick.

[Nick] Good night.


[exhales sharply]

[clock ticking]





[distance dog barking]

[eggs cracking]

- Hey, morning, kid.
- Morning, Dad.

- This smells good.
- You're awfully chipper.

Here, I was worried about you
after we talked last night.

I'll admit, I was a bit morose,

but that's just the
symptom of December 12th

that I've dealt with for the
better part of my life.

Well, I'm glad you're
feeling better, but...

It's a zit. I woke up with it.

But, yeah, I mean, who cares

if I don't fall in love by Christmas?

I have you. St. Paul is fine.

And if I need a change of scenery,

I can go to Minneapolis.

- Uh...
- Over there?


And if I get lonely over the holidays,

I can just get a turtle.

I'll be a turtle lady.

Clearly, you're not fine.

I'm better than fine.

Well, I guess that explains the snowman.

Yeah, it does.

Wait, what are you talking about?

I was surprised, you know,
this is the first time

in 20 years, I haven't seen him

in our front yard on December 13th.

Didn't you and Nick make one last night?

If someone tore down our snowman...

I'm sure there's an explanation.

Probably Dean Papadopoulos Jr.

who's an even bigger bag of rocks

than his dad was at his age.

When I find him, I'm gonna
claw out his... eyes.



I just happened to be passing
by when I spotted this.

My scarf.


Suits you. It's beautiful.

[chuckles] Oh. Uh...

[chuckles] Sorry, I...

I probably look like I just
rolled out of bed. Um...

Oh, no.

- Yeah.
- Uh...

- Yeah. You look wonderful.
- Thanks. Uh...


I don't know how to thank you.



And you are?



It's a pleasure to meet you, Sarah.

Your hands are freezing.

Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot my gloves.

Practically have icicles for fingers.


As for thanking me, I...

How 'bout lunch?

- You wanna go to lunch?
- Yes. I do. With you.

Wow, uh... Okay.

Um... I just work downtown

at Twin Cities Life, so...

- Around noon?
- Yeah, that's great.

- I'll-I'll pick you up at noon.
- Great. Good.

Sound... Sounds good.

Great. Thank you.


[Nick] Sarah. Sarah!

- [Sarah] Nick! Good morning.
- [Nick laughs]

No, scratch that. Great morning.

What's got you in such a good mood?

- It finally happened.
- What are you talking about?

That bolt of lightning.

- It struck.
- What bolt of lightning?

That feeling that I've been waiting for

since I was 11 years old.

I'd given up on it, and then I met him.

- Who? What, him?
- Cole.

Wait, Cole... Cole,
like our snowman, Cole?

Crazy, right?

It's like it's a sign from
the universe or something.

Yeah, or it's a sign that
he's a social media stalker

with highly questionable motives.

Oh, he's not a stalker, he's gorgeous.

And kind, and thoughtful...

He brought back my mom's scarf.

Wait, your mom's scarf?

- Someone toppled over...
- What?

our snowman and I guess he found it

in the street or something.

Your hat's gone forever.

Okay. But what happened to our snowman?

Nick, who cares about the snowman?

For the first time in my
life, I feel that flame.

He's taking me to lunch
and I don't even know

anything about him.

He's so exciting, and mysterious, and...

Potentially deadly.

I promise to tell you all
about it after work.

Wait, are you going inside?

Yeah. I've got a meeting.

- Oh, right!
- Your boss. Yeah, you set it up.

That's great. Okay then. Let's go.

Well, tall, handsome, flannel...

Oh, sign me up.


Uh, so, when-when does he get here?

Well, he said lunch, so... soon.

Okay, then I am gonna eat at my desk

so that I don't miss a thing.

Do you want an elk
sandwich to tide you over?

Hi, ladies.

I hate to intrude, but, Sarah,

could I steal you for a sec?

Of course.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Sarah, Nick, thank you for being here.

[Sarah] Yeah! Yeah, of course.

Um, did we have a meeting in the books?

No, I was just talking to Nick, and...

I just love his work.

I was thinking we could use his
talents in the Christmas issue.

[Amanda] And since you two are
such good friends, I figured

who better to team him up with?

Congratulations, Sarah.

You are going to be
writing the feature story

for the Christmas issue
of Twin Cities Life.

That's, that's amazing. Thank you.

And, Nick, you're going to
be illustrating all of it.


[Amanda] Now, you're gonna have to cr*ck

the angle of it, but...

I trust ya.

Yeah, we'll start on hashin'
that out right away.

Now, let me remind you

how important the Christmas issue is.

[Amanda] Our subscription
renewals happen

at the end of the year, so,

the feature story is the crown jewel.

Are you feelin' up to it?


Oh, yeah, we won't let you down.

I'll let you two get at it.

Let's talk story ideas

first thing tomorrow morning?

That's, that's not a lot of time.

Like, at all.

I knew I could count on you.

Wow. Uh, congratulations.

- Congratulations?
- Hey, a feature story.

- That's great.
- Look at you getting published.

Thanks to you.

Okay, well, let's get started, I guess.

Oh, I can't. Um, it's almost noon.

Right, your hot date.

And I have to work on a story
for the rest of the day,

but let's start brainstorming tonight.

I can come over, and we
can have dinner, 7:00?

Sure. That sounds good.

I'm really glad we're doing this.

It's gonna be fun.

Oh, my God. Sarah?

You have to come outside and see this.

Hey, Nick. Seriously, come on.


Good afternoon, Sarah.

- Hi.
- Are you ready for lunch?

- [Sarah] Yeah.
- He picked up her in a carriage?

Yeah, he did.

- Got this for you.
- Thank you.

Okay, this is ridiculous.

[sighs] Where are we going?

On an adventure.

Check out that deer.

I paid that deer to walk through
right there so you could see it.

[laughing] - Is it a reindeer?

[Sarah laughing]

I-I ordered the Sun for today

I hope you're good with the temperature.

Yeah, it's actually, it's nice.

Yeah, with this, with this fur, yeah.

I got this for you.

Did you study that, like, in
the Boy Scouts or something?

It's an ancient recipe.

- You made this?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Oh, wow, okay.

Yeah, it's good.

Oh, thank you.

[Sarah] It was a beautiful carriage

you showed up in.

The hot chocolate was a nice touch too.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

I'm glad that you liked it.

Thank you.

[gasp] Whoa.

What's wrong?

Nothing, nothing.

I, uh...

Do you find it warm in here?

- No.
- Must just be me then.

I'm probably just a little nervous.

[Sarah chuckles] Okay, so...

Now that you've heard
the ups and downs of

writing for the online
lifestyle magazine...

- Uh-huh.
- Now it's your turn.

What do you do for a living?


I, uh...

Have you ever heard of extreme tourism?

Yeah, it's basically traveling
to dangerous places

and doing dangerous things.

Well, you pretty much hit
the nail on the head.

- Yes.
- Okay.

Uh, I work for an agency

that coordinates extreme tourism trips.

So, my job is to basically go in,

find the most treacherous and
remote areas in the world,

and lead expeditions to them.

And through them.

- That sounds crazy.
- Yeah.

I know, and I love it.

- So where have you been?
- All over the world.

Uh, okay, my particular
niche is polar exploration.

So if it's dangerously cold,

chances are I've probably been there.

I mean, you name it, Russia,

Alaska, Winnipeg, Antarctica.

Pretty much have ice in my veins.

So, what brings you here?

Oh, I come home every Christmas.

You're from St. Paul?

- Yeah, I was born here.
- [Sarah] What?

Yeah, I, I know.

I mean, truth be told...

I traveled a lot growing up,

so it doesn't really feel like home

when I'm here, although
I was shaped here.

But... still kind of feel
like a tourist, I guess.

Well, if you're looking for
someone to show you the sights.

I think I'm uniquely qualified.

I might just take you up on that.

- You should.
- [chuckles]

I've been here my entire life.

I'd love to travel

and see the world

but, you know, sometimes...

I feel like I'm just stuck

standing still.

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

So why don't you leave?

I've tried.

But everything I know is here.

I've got so many memories, and
people anchoring me here.

Maybe you just need the
right gust of wind.


Yeah. Maybe you're right.

[instrumental music]

[Sarah laughing]

Well, I had a wonderful time.

Uh, me too.

I should get back to work.

Yes, of course.

- Oh!
- Whoa.


You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

So, uh, when do I get to see you again?

- I don't know.
- How 'bout tonight?


No, I, I can't do tonight.

I have a project I have to work on.

Well, how 'bout dinner beforehand?

I promise you'll still
have time to work.

I just can't wait to see you again.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

- Okay?
- I can do that.

Well, I'll see you tonight.

See you later.

["O Christmas Tree" playing over stereo]

[knock on door]

I know, I know. I'm sorry. I know.

I kind of...

went out with Cole again.

- You what?
- I know, and I'm the worst.

You've been sitting here
waiting, that's why I...

brought you back dessert.

What is it?

Seven-layer cake.

♪ O Christmas tree... ♪

Oh, you're lucky.

[Nick] Get the forks.

♪ Shine so brightly... ♪

You got anything?

[Sarah] You?


I don't see how that's helpful.

Well, hey, it's a
super-intricate process.

So, I take it the date with
what's-his-name went well.

You know his name.

And, yes, it went great.

- [Nick] Great?
- Really great.

Really great.

What, and you don't find it
just a little bit strange

that this seemingly perfect
guy with the same name

as your fake dream boyfriend just...

to breeze into your life
and melt your heart?

What are you asking?

[stammers] I don't know, I just...

I think it's just weird, that's all.

You don't even know him. Okay, fine.

- It is a little coincidental.
- Thank you.

But obviously that's what
it is, a coincidence.

What other explanation is there?

Okay, fine.

Let's say it's a coincidence.

I guess it's possible that at some point

in your life, you'd run
into a guy named Cole.

- Thank you.
- But isn't it also possible...

that you're letting that cull
your judgment just a little?

What is that supposed to mean?

I don't know. Maybe Cole isn't
the man of your dreams.

Maybe he's just some

really good-looking dude.

But because you built this
image up in your mind,

you're falling for the idea of the guy

that might not even be real.

Okay, first of all, we've
been on two dates.

Second of all, they went great.

You should be happy for me.

Why are we even talking about this?

I, I just don't wanna see you
set yourself up to get hurt.

Okay? I've seen you in
this position before.

- This is different, Nick.
- [Nick] Oh.

It feels right, and I
wanna see where it goes.

And as my best friend,

you are bound by blood
and friendship bracelets

to support me no matter what.

Even if I'm making a mistake.

Okay, fine. I'm sorry.

I'm just...

frustrated, I guess.

Of course you are.

We've been at this for
hours and gotten nowhere.

Look, I'm glad you had a nice date.

- Thank you.
- I'm sure it was... magical.

- It was.
- Mm.

You know, you have to send me a picture

of that doodle, by the way.

Oh, yeah, sending now.

[ringtone chimes]

Uh... whoops.


Yeah, I thought I was
replying to an email thread

with just the two of us

but I may have sent it

to Amanda by mistake.

So, what you're saying is
instead of sending a list

of story ideas for tomorrow's meeting

you sent my boss a doodle of
me calling a man a stallion?

No, I mean...

Yeah. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

- Nick!
- I'm sure it's fine.

Okay, you know Amanda,
she'll probably love it.

- I love it.
- [Sarah] You do?

[Amanda] Oh, yeah, it's perfect.

[chuckles] Okay, so what
exactly is perfect about it?

Young love, the carriage ride

a staple of downtown St. Paul...

I mean, that is your story idea, right?

Exploring the traditional fun,

romantic things young couples can do

in the Twin Cities at Christmas time.

I mean, obviously, that's
what we were going for.

W-wait, was it?

[chuckles] You two, you're too much.

I knew I was right about this pairing.

Okay, wait, so the idea is that Sarah

and her new boyfriend

go on romantic escapades around the city

and I just tag along to...

illustrate them?

Yeah! Uh...

That's what we were...

talking about, right, Nick?

Nick, I know what you're thinking.

Doesn't that make me the third wheel?

How's this for a thought?
Take Isabel with you.

That way, Nick can be the fourth wheel.

Four wheels are great. It's a whole car.

It's a whole car, Nick.

Yeah, I think that's a...
Sounds like a great idea.

It'd be a good story.

Okay, so, romantic carriage
rides is taken care of.

What's next?

[instrumental music]

[Cole] Wow.

It's beautiful out here.

I can't believe you grew up here

and you've never skated the ponds.

You must not have gotten out much, huh?

Well, no, I wouldn't say that.

I just didn't spend
much of my time here.

You know, but I'm glad that I
get to spend it with you now.

[Nick] Sarah and I used to come
here every Christmas growing up.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yup.

And somehow, we're still
terrible skaters.

[chuckles] Yeah, speak for yourself.

Oh, okay. Is that how it is?

Here, you should wear this.

- Oh, thank you.
- Yeah. I want you to stay warm.

Left mine at Nick's, I think.

Uh, you should give that back to her.

[Sarah] Aren't you cold? You're
not even wearing a coat.

No, not at all, no.

I was born in the snow.


Come on.

Watch your step, dear. It's slippery.

[chuckles] Aren't they cute?


So, where was the most amazing
place you've ever skated?

Ooh, that's a tough question.


Zermatt at Switzerland is incredible.

Uh, don't even get me started
on the Red Square in Moscow.

Oh, we won't.

[Cole] But the best place, honestly?

Oh, man, the best place is this lake

that I literally stumbled upon.

It's 5000 feet up in
the Canadian Rockies.

It's only accessible via helicopter.

And the views are breathtaking.

Sounds amazing.

And convenient.

Well, maybe I'll take you sometime.

[chuckles] That'd be fun.


You ready?

Yeah. You guys coming?

Uh, no, you know, I'm
gonna get a jump-start

on all those wintery splendor.

- In a bit. Yeah.
- Uh...

Yeah, you, you guys go ahead.
I'll keep him company.

- Okay, see you out there.
- All right.

All right.


[Cole] Oh, you're a natural.

Thanks for letting Nick
and Isabel tag along.

I know you wanted a date, but...

No, it's for work, I totally understand.

Well, not just for work.

Isabel's my friend and...

Nick's one of my favorite
people in the world.

Well, hey, just as long as
I get to skate with you.


That Cole's, uh, really something, huh?

Uh, yeah, he's something, all right.

So, how long you been in love with her?

Oh, yeah. Don't deny it.
Yeah, it's real obvious.


[Nick] Well, I met her
in the first grade

so, pretty much my whole life.

Does she know?

I don't know.

I tried telling her a few
times over the years,

but she's either always had a boyfriend

or she's just fantasizing
about some dream guy

and it doesn't really inspire
a lot of confidence.

Yeah, I get that.

We did date for a week
in high school, though.

That was until the, uh...


The Christmas pageant? [laughs]

What? You know about that?

Oh, yeah, man, everybody

knows about that.

I mean, it has all the
components of, like,

the most classic break-up, right?

It's got a public setting.

Epic misunderstanding.

Hilarious pratfalls.

Yeah, okay, that's great.
Yeah, it's, this is...

Yeah, you know, I heard, I heard

that the gym, in the school

still has, like, a huge
dent, from the impact

from when you fell off of the stage.


Ironically, it's heart-shaped.

You know, and I know I
should give up on it.

I just can't.

Even when it's clear
what she really wants.

I probably should have traveled more.

Yeah, probably more of that.

You know what always
makes me feel better?

Fresh elk jerky.

[chuckling] - No, I'm serious.

Have some, I have so much

it's like, not even funny, come on.



Got real sick, so, I'm just like
kinda done with it, you know?

- Yeah, right.
- Yeah.



My lady.

- Wow. Such a gentleman.
- [Cole laughs]

- Thank you.
- Watch your step here.

Thanks for driving, Isabel.

[Sarah] Thanks.

Oh. I can take these.


I always wondered what this place
looked like on the inside.

What do you mean?

Oh, I hung out in the neighborhood a lot

but I've always loved this house.


I wonder if we ever
played together as kids.

I'm sure we did.

- Hey, you're home!
- Dad!

So you must be this Cole

that Sarah's been talking about.

I'm Alan. Nice to meet you.

Pleasure to meet you, sir.

Well, thank you for today.

- Yeah.
- I should probably get going.


Don't forget about our
plans for tomorrow.

Oh, never.

As soon as the sun comes up,

I'll be right here.

Okay. I'll make coffee.



[Nick] What? A whole year, in Europe?

Yeah. Isn't that the best story?

- It is.
- Man, I wish I could do that.

Look, I know that your
whole life's here, but...

[sighs] You know it's not
goin' anywhere, right?

Look, all I'm saying is,
I don't want you to wait

to fulfill your dreams.

You know, if you wait
in one spot too long,

you can get stuck.

Trust me.

Hey, I didn't know that you
and your dad sold furniture.

Yeah. Well, my dad
does most of the work.

My mom used to help him, so,
I just pitch in where I can.

The only reason he still does it

is to feel closer to her, you know?


I think he's ready to retire,

but I don't know what
I'll do once he does.

The house is technically mine now,

which is great, um...

But it just feels like this big...


You ever thought of selling?

I don't know if I could ever do that.

It's the only home I've ever had.

I understand.

But... a ship can't set sail

until you raise its anchor.

[chuckles lightly]

[Sarah] It's too bad it isn't January.

In a month, this place is gonna be

crammed with people for
the Winter Carnival.

Winter Carnival? What's that?

[Nick] What, you grew up
here and you don't know

what the Winter Carnival is?

No, I'm usually gone by Christmas.

It's this amazing outdoor affair

with ice sculpting

and food trucks and music.

It's one of my favorite
things about this city.

Plus, there's, like,
deep-fried everything.

Like, it's magical.

Hey, do you remember when we were eight

and Katie Lou Dex threw up
that deep-fried Twinkie

all over the ice palace?

I forgot about that.

And then Ryan Schneider
slipped and fell in it.

- [laughs] Yeah.
- [laughs]

Hey, we've been, uh, we've
been going to this thing

for like 20 years now together.

- We have.
- [Nick chuckles]

It's a lot of good memories.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, lotta good memories.


So, what's on the agenda?

Only one of the best free activities

available to everyone in the Twin Cities

during winter.

[Sarah and Isabel] Snow sculpting.

No way.

Yes. Yes!

I'm so excited right now.

Yeah, we're just basically
building snowmen.

Yeah, I love snowmen.

Hey, dibs on that pile.
Right there. Okay?


- Oh. Ha-ha.
- Okay.

Hey, what do you say we team up

and we show Cole how this is done?

[Cole] This is incredible,
Sarah, you gotta

come check this out, come here.

I... I better go over there
before he hurts himself.

[Cole] No, I'm not gonna hurt myself.
Come here.

Yeah, that'd be terrible.

- Real bad.
- [grunts]


All right! Here, you take this.

We're gonna make a big pile.
Like this big.

- [Nick] Okay? Come on.
- [Sarah] Okay.

Yeah, pile it up. Stack it up.

Hey, why don't I be your co-pilot?

Hm. What? No. What's the point?

[Isabel] Well, I mean

you can b*at Cole at somethin'

and rub it in his big, beautiful face.

I mean, you're an artist, and this is

clearly his first time.

There we go.

What do you say?

- Oh, they don't stand a chance.
- Right?

Oh, yeah.

[instrumental music]

And you've never done this before?

No. Never.

I just get snow.


Do you guys see this?

- Hm, yeah.
- Yeah.

- I mean...
- Huh.

- I mean, it's good.
- Yeah.

But, you know, I... Get a load of ours.


[Nick] Right? I mean...

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

No, I, I like how it is. You
got this slug thing goin' on.

What? No, no, it's a...

Come on, it's a shark. Obviously.

Like, come on.

See? You get it?

[stammers] It's got a little Santa hat.


Yeah, it's Santa Jaws. Right?

- Oh.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I know, I see it.

It's great.

I'm gonna be honest, I
don't see it, but hey,

I love the effort, little guy.

Here, come in here. Let's get a picture.

Oh, yeah.


We can, uh, get one with us.

Come on.

[shutter clicks]

Ooh. Ice cream store.

Hey, you want ice cream?

- It's 15 degrees outside.
- Yeah, I love 15 degrees.

I love ice cream. Love winter.

[chuckles] - Yeah?

- Okay.
- Jump the slug. We'll go.

It's a shark.

[shutter clicks]

Okay, so, if we start with ice skating

what about a full page next to it...

with this?


[Sarah] That's amazing.

I love how you captured the moment.

It's really wonderful.

Yeah, we have to use that.

Yeah. Thanks.

We should also think about, um,

a picture for the front page.

She hasn't asked yet,
but knowing Amanda,

she's gonna want, you
know, this perfect image

that encapsulates the feature story.

- Yeah.
- Any ideas?

Uh, I can-I can mock up
a few drawings here.

Um, it would have to be
something meaningful,

something important.


Hey, what about, um...


What about something like this?

- Cole?
- [Cole] Hi.

Hi. What are you doing here?

[Cole] Oh, I know, I'm sorry.
I don't want to interrupt.

I just thought that maybe you
could use some brain fuel.

- Uh, we have...
- [Sarah] That's so thoughtful.

Thank you.

[Cole] I hope you like
traditional Nordic cuisine.

I found this great
Norwegian restaurant...

and apparently, they have
the best lutefisk in town.

- Lutefisk.
- Yeah. That's what people eat.

I mean, the locals, you know, it's fish.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, no, I'm pretty
sure that's pudding.

[Cole] Hah! You're funny.

Get another fork on it. There you go.

Ladies first. Here you are.

And don't think I forgot
about you, little guy, huh?

No, I... Oh, great, yeah.

[Nick] That's, uh...

Eat up.

Yeah, eat up, Sarah.

[nervous chuckle]

Yeah. Okay, yeah!

Do you know what?

I like trying new things, so...

this is...

- Mm!
- [Cole chuckles]

See, I knew she'd like it.


- Mm.
- You okay?

I'm just, uh, not really
used to the consistency.

I'm sorry, I totally shoulda asked you

what your favorite take-out was.

[Nick and Sarah] Burritos.

- Bur-what?
- Um, sorry.

I think the lutefisk is about
to swim to the surface.

Swim... What? No, Sarah, are you...

What, what happened? What did I do?



Hey, uh, is she okay?

Well... she's in bed

with a bucket beside her
so she's been better,

but nothing to worry about.

It's Katie Lou Dex all over again.


It's my fault.

Relax, dude. She ate some bad fish.

It's not the end of the world.

I wanna make her feel better,

I don't want her to Katie Lou Dex

into a bucket.

Okay, well, I'm, uh, I'm
gonna leave you guys to it.

I'm gonna go back and check on her.

Yeah, please.

- Thanks, Alan.
- Yeah, thank you, sir.



Hey, can I ask you a serious question?


What brought you here?

See, Sarah thinks it's, uh, fate

or a Christmas miracle or
something, I don't know.

I just...

I don't buy it.

You don't believe in fate?

Only when it feels right.

Did you plan all this?

Did you look her up
online, learn some things

about her to win her over?


I just showed up.

Look, Nick, I know what this is about.

You're Sarah's best friend.

You wanna make sure that she
ends up with a good guy.

I get that.

I promise you...

making sure that Sarah's
happy is the only thing

that I care about.

Do you know that she made a wish
to fall in love by Christmas?

And how do you know about that?

- She told me.
- Hm.

[Cole] I don't want there
to be any bad blood

between us, okay?

So if you need to ask me anything

to make sure that my intentions
are true with Sarah... ask.

Okay, little guy?


[instrumental music]

Okay, so where'd you go to college?

Uh, I didn't.

I've been traveling for as long

as I can remember.

You know, I got a better education

living in igloos than I
would've in a classroom.

Yeah, okay, that's, that's great, but

[clears throat] what's the name

of the adventure tourism company

that you work for?

Adventure Tourism Company.

I don't know, I mean, it's
kinda weird not having

a permanent address, right?

Well, I never stay put
long enough to have one.

I don't see what the big deal is.

So, you don't know where they are?

Uh, never really met my parents.


That must've been really hard.

[Cole] How you doin'
over there, little guy?

[Nick] So, what about this year?

You, uh, planning on sticking
around for Christmas?

[exhales] You know what,

I mean, I have some deadlines at work

but, you know, it just depends

where I'm at with those.

Say, are you warm? Is it warm out here?

I find it really warm, like...
I just, I gotta cool down.

[breathing heavily]






It's done.

Like all of it?

Take a look.

I'm still tinkering with the title

but... other than that

it's ready to send to Amanda.

Do you hate it?


No. No, I like it.

It's very accurate.

- Yeah?
- Mm.

That means a lot to me.

[instrumental music]

[cell phone vibrating]

It's, uh, Cole.

He's asking

when I'll be back at the house.

He has a surprise for me. Yeah.


Well, come on, then.

Better get you back.


[Sarah] Hey.

- Hey.
- Hey, hi.

You ready for your surprise?


[instrumental music]

Dean Papadopoulos?

Hey, Sarah.

Wait, is this your house?

What're you doing here?

Oh, uh... I asked him to come.

Hey, you were right, Cole,
this place is sick.

That's a real estate term.

What is he talking about?

You know what? I think you'll
be pleasantly surprised.

- You listed the house?
- No, of course not.

I informally pitched the idea
around town, that's all.

Why? That is none of your business!

I know, I thought it
would be a good idea

to talk through all the options.

Talk, you wanna talk to

Dean Papadopoulos?

Nothing is officially listed,

nothing is happening.


I did this for you.

How is this for me?

You said this place was an anchor.

Okay, perhaps it's too big
for you and your dad.

Okay, you also said that your dad

wanted to retire, right?

[Sara] So what, that doesn't

give you the right to intervene.

Cole, we just started dating.

[inhales] Is this their first fight?

[Nick] Yep.

I guess Sarah's dream
man's human after all.


Try not to act so cavalier.

My daughter's upset.

Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.


You know I have always rooted for you,

ever since you and Sarah were kids.

Now, I have never mentioned it to Sarah.

You know how she is. She wants
to do things her own way.

Oh, yeah.

But you can't just wait around.

How many more snowmen are
you planning on building?

I'm sorry. Okay?

I should've talked to you first.

Sometimes, I just feel like
my head's full of snow

but honestly...

I just want you to be happy.


You know what?

I have something that might
help you make up your mind.

- What...
- I know, Christmas...

It's a few days off still, but I,

I just couldn't wait.

What is this?

I'm leaving Christmas Eve.

You're leaving?


Boss says he wants me back on the road.

What about us?

Open it.

[instrumental music]

[scoffs] A plane ticket.

I want you to come to Paris with me.

To Paris?

- I can't fly to Paris.
- Why not? It's Christmas.

You can take a week off, or
more, if you wanna stay longer.

- Stay longer?
- Yeah.

I can't stay longer.

Why not?

I have a job.

- The house, my dad...
- You can quit your job.

I mean, you already know
you could sell this place.

Your dad could come with us if you want.

- Quit my job?
- Yeah.

I can't just drop everything

to go to Paris with you.


Okay, yeah, I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna tell Sarah how I feel.

- Right now?
- Yeah.

Right here, right now.

See, if there's a chance
that I'm gonna lose her

then... I'm not gonna
wait another second.

I just want you to come to Paris
with me and spend the holidays.

All this other stuff, it can wait.

Who knows?

Well, maybe we'll have
an amazing Christmas.

Might even be the Christmas you deserve.


Might even have a little adventure.


Isn't that something
you've always wanted?

[chuckles] Yeah.

Well... let's adventure then.


- Sound good?
- Yeah.

Let's go.


You'll never guess what happened.

Cole and I are spending
Christmas in Paris.


Just two seconds.



Nick, what's going on?

You're going to Paris with him?

We're going for a week.
What's the big deal?

Look, I just... I know
that if you leave,

it'll probably be too late.

What are you talking about?

I can't keep doing this, Sarah.

[Sarah] Doing what?


I'm watching you fall in and out of love

and then having to help
you pick up the pieces

when the illusion gets shattered.


Okay, I'm taking myself off the article.

- I'm calling Amanda tonight.
- Nick, don't do that.

I can't keep drawing you two together.

Okay? It's too hard.

I'm happy for you. I really am.

I just can't keep pretending
that it's making me happy.

Have fun in Europe. Send me a postcard.

[melancholic music]


Okay, this isn't healthy.

You have a good view right
out here, all right?

Take that in.

Okay? You know what?
Here, you take this.

You stay warm.

Nick, don't do anything stupid.

Let me see.

Yeah, you're looking good.

Looking good, Hank.


Looking good.

- Nick.
- We need to talk.

Yeah, sure thing, what's, uh,
what's on your mind, little guy?

Okay, enough with the
"Little guy." Okay?


- I don't like you.
- Oh.

And I don't believe that you
just happen to be named Cole

or that you, coincidentally,
have every quality

that Sarah's looking for in a man.

Or how you knew exactly
what buttons to press

to get her to fall in love with you.

- I like buttons.
- Look...

I know I should be happy for her.

And I know I should've backed off,

but I just can't let
her fly out of my life

without knowing exactly
what you're after.

I want her to find true love, Nick.

And I think if she comes
to Paris with me,

she'll have that, just like her parents.

So, what, you're gonna trick her
into falling in love with you?

No. I'm helping her to find
what she's always wanted.

And if she doesn't fall in
love by Christmas, then...

I don't know what's gonna happen.

I do.

She's gonna come to her senses
and she's gonna find love

in the right person.

Well, I can't take that chance, Nick.

So, why don't you just
step aside, and...

let Sarah have the life
that she's always wanted?

Okay, little guy?

Okay, you... with the little guy.

Whoa, hey! Hey, you leave
Hank out of this, all right?

What, you don't like when
I mess with your snowman?

No, no, no. Don't.

Whoa! Seriously. I
said don't touch that.

Don't you touch him, okay? Seriously!

Seriously. You know what?

No, no, no! No, no, no, no! No!

Oh! Hank! Buddy!

You hang in there, man!

I'm gonna fix this, get some fresh ice.

Little buddy, we got this, okay?

Keep the pressure on!
Keep the pressure on!

Oh, man.


[instrumental music]


Whoa, whoa. Hey, what is wrong with you?

- Hey.
- Yeah!

[grunting] Do not... mess with Hank!

- No.
- Yeah!

[grunting] Hoo! Yeah. Come on.

Come on.

[indistinct chatter]

- Slug!
- It's a shark.

- It's clearly not a shark!
- Look at it.

- Have you seen a shark before?
- Amateur!

[policeman blows whistle] Stop!

Hank had nothing to do with it.

Yeah, we were having a
talk, but, you know...

He's never been in a fight, ever before.

I-I promise, he's really
not an aggressive person.

This, this is just really
out of character for him.


[sighs] I'm, I'm gonna go talk to him.

So... care to explain

why my best friend and my boyfriend

were fighting in a park?

Well, technically, a snowball fight

is completely... different.


Look, I don't know what happened. Okay?

We were talking about you,
and then he started talking

about the trip, and... I just lost it.

Nick, you have to let this go.

I can't. Okay?

He's not right for you, Sarah.

Don't let him trick you into

going to Paris with him.

- Trick me?
- Yes.


You're unbelievable.

Sarah, I...


Sarah, wait.

Why are you doing this?

[inhales] Come on, you know why.

No, I don't. So explain it to me.

Why are you trying to ruin
my relationship with Cole?

'Cause I've been in love with
you since the fifth grade.

Ever since we built that
first snowman together.

It was a crush at first,
but after that, I knew...

- Nick...
- No, Sarah, I've always known.

Okay? And I think, deep down,
you've always known, too.

We grew up together.

If you really felt this
way, don't you think

you would've said something before?

Believe me, I've tried.

I have.

But you've been so obsessed with finding

this crazy, unrealistic
version of love...

It's not crazy, okay? I
have that with Cole.

That's not real! It's a fantasy.

You're not thinking straight,
because he promised

to whisk you away on
some romantic adventure.

Okay? And what happens
when the vacation's over?


What, are you gonna live
happily ever after with him?

- I don't know.
- Well, I do.

See, when the adrenaline wears off,

you're gonna be disappointed once again.

Because you're terrified
to accept anything else

than what you've been waiting for.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

Yes, I do.

See, you think it's giving up.

You think it's settling.

But it's not, Sarah.

True love's not about the butterflies

or giving up your mundane life.

It's knowing somebody and
being there for them

no matter what.

Okay, and that's what we have.

So, this is your idea
of being there for me?

Ruining my chance at love?

Oh, come... You're not in love with him.

Are you in love with him?


You're not the only one waiting
for a wish to come true.

Because every single Christmas,

I fall more in love with you.

And every single Christmas,

I wish that you'd finally see it.

I guess this year's no different, yeah.


[melancholic music]

[knock on door]

Okay if I come in?


Seems like you had quite the day.

Yeah, it was...


[sniffles] I had a fight with Nick.

I heard.

Look, I-I know this is
none of my business.

You're a grown woman,
you know what you want,

and I admire that.

Nick's a good kid.

Try not to hold it against him.

Love makes you do stupid things.

He must really be in love to
do something that stupid.

Maybe he is.

[stammering] And even if
he's acting like an idiot,

try to remember it's because
he cares about you.

It's a rare thing to have
someone who you know

will always be there for you.

Especially when it hurts.

I just hope Cole shows you

as much support and devotion.

[instrumental music]


Two days before Christmas, and
you're still goin' at it.

I just wanna make sure
Amanda has everything

before the issue posts.

I don't know what she's gonna do
without Nick's illustrations...

- Mm.
- Why're you still here?

Oh, family's doing some
huntin' over the holidays.

Ah! Yeah.


You know, I can get
you a Christmas goose

if you want.

No, thanks, no, I, uh,

I'm more of a store-bought kinda girl.

Why was that there?

Where do you keep your crossbow?


[sighs] So,

tomorrow's the big day, huh?

- Still goin'?
- Yeah.

Bags are all packed. We leave
first thing in the morning.

Wow. Christmas in Paris.

You know, I have to say,
it's not really for me.

Like, but I'm sure it's
gonna be very romantic.


I'm sure, uh, Nick's not gonna be

too happy about that.

No, he's not.

I don't know what the big deal is.
It's just a week.


Yeah, but, you know, what if it's not?

I mean, I'm sure he's worried
you're gonna go over there

and get like, swept up in the
whole whirlwind of it all

and, like, never come back.

Or, you know, come back

with a honkin' ring on your finger.


Well, I should get to the cabin.

But you have a great
time on your trip, okay?

Thanks. Merry Christmas.

Oh, right back at ya.

Uh... Sarah, you...

You should probably call
Nick and say goodbye

before you go.

I mean, he is your best friend.

Okay. Take care.

[knock on door]


Literally my favorite
person in the entire world.

Yeah, I just, um, wanted to make sure

you didn't need anything
before I head out.

Oh, you're so thoughtful.

No. I think everything's set.

[Sarah] Good.

I also wanted to apologize...

for Nick and the artwork.

I know it's a last-minute curveball.
It's my fault.

Curveball? I thought they were great.

He... gave them to you?

Oh, yeah. I'm not gonna lie.

I was a little worried
after his phone call.

But he sent 'em in this morning.

Oh. Uh, well, that's great.

I, I just didn't get a
chance to see them.

Well, then you better make
sure you read the article

when it posts tomorrow.

You're gonna love them.

And seriously, Sarah...

the feature you wrote for this issue...

it's perfect.


Now, go get out of here and
take a well-deserved week off.

And when you get back...
as our new head writer,

we're gonna have to sit
down and talk about

the magazine's new travel column.

- Really?
- Mm-hm.

Amanda, thank you so much.

- Thank you.
- Now, go have some fun.


Oh, and Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

[instrumental music]

[Alan] Merry Christmas Eve.

I'm not gonna lie, a
part of me was hoping

that you'd changed your mind.

Oh. You didn't get more gifts, did you?

No, well...

those are for Herb.

Should I put them under the tree, or...

Uh, who's that from?

Well, I, uh,

I found that on the porch this morning.

On the porch.


Do you really think
he's in love with me?

Of course he is.

I mean, anyone can see that.

And I've seen you two
together since you were kids.

Now, are you really gonna
try and convince me

that you don't have
any feelings for him?

I don't know.

It's Nick.

When I first met your mother,

it felt like someone
set my heart on fire.

See? That's what I want.

That feeling didn't last forever.

Really? Even with mom?

My first year with her was great.

We were head over heels with each other.

[sighs] But frankly, that
didn't hold a candle

to what we felt when we moved back here.

She became my, my best friend.

My partner.

She knew me better than anyone else

in the world.

When we first met,

all we had was romance.

Wasn't until I got to know her

that I knew I was in love.

And then when you came along...

Well, that just grew.


Loving your mother was
the greatest adventure

I'll ever have.

And more than anything,

I want you to experience that.


if you think you can
find that with Cole...

then you should chase after him.

Even if it means missing Christmas

with your old man.

But if you want my honest opinion,

love shouldn't require you to leave

your entire life behind.

You can always try and find
a happy middle ground.

I just want you to be sure

that what you're feeling
is more than romance.

And other than that,

I will support you no matter what.

Thanks, Dad.

[horn honking]

He's here.

I'll help you with your bags.



You ready?

- Think so.
- Yeah?

Oh, Alan, hey, thank you.
Let me grab that.

Have fun.

Go have yourself a,

a romantic Christmas whirlwind.

Thanks, Dad.

- You almost forgot this.
- Dad.

Just take it. He's your best friend.

The least you can do is
open his Christmas gift.

You keep an eye on her.

Will do, sir.

Hey, you okay?


Hey, I'm just gonna talk to
your dad for a minute, okay?

[instrumental music]







Ready when you are, garcon.


- Hey, is everything okay?
- Yeah. Yeah.

It's just a Christmas present from Nick.

Oh, that's nice.

I like that little guy.


Yeah. I do too.

- Can we stop?
- Yeah, absolutely.

What's wrong?

Uh, I think I'm making a mistake.

I got caught up in the whirlwind.

And I'm afraid that once
the excitement dies off...

I'll regret what I left behind.


[laughs] You're great, Cole.

You really are.

And these past few weeks
have been incredible.

And the thought of being
whisked away to Europe,

like how my parents met, is a dream.

But maybe it really
is a dream, you know.

Maybe... I already have something real

here waiting for me.

Sarah, I...

can't make you come with me, but...

I do need to leave.

I'm sorry.

I guess I don't just want adventure.

I want true love.

And I think I found
that a long time ago.

I just didn't see it.

As long as you're happy.


[Nick] Sarah!

[instrumental music]




I was afraid I missed you.

You're wearing my mom's scarf.


Didn't want you to go
to Paris without it.

Look, I wanted to apologize.

I'm really sorry for how things ended.

I don't want to stand between
you and romance, so...

if that's what you want, then you can...

I don't want romance.

I want love.

And it wasn't until now that I realized

the way I feel about you,

the way I've always felt about you...

it's what love really feels like.


[Sarah] Seriously, Nick,
these are really good.

Right? I know.

Finally, the world's gonna
recognize my genius.

It took them long enough.

Hey, what's happening
with your travel writing?

Uh, it'd be exciting,

but I don't think I wanna leave

my whole life behind anymore.

Who knows, maybe Amanda will sponsor

a fully-illustrated travel issue

and we can stay here

and still see the world.

That sounds like a happy middle ground.


Well, all I know is
that whatever happens,

it'll be an adventure.

And I'm glad I'll get
to go on it with you.

[Nick chuckles]

I love you, Sarah.

I love you, too.

Looks like I got my
Christmas wish after all.

Hm, I guess I did too. Mm.

You know, I think we're gonna
need a new Christmas tradition.

Since, you know, we don't need
to build a snowman anymore.

- No more Coles, please.
- [chuckles]

Please, no more Coles.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[music continues]