Murders in the Zoo (1933)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Murders in the Zoo (1933)

Post by bunniefuu »

A Mongolian prince
taught me this, Taylor.

An ingenious device
for the right occasion.

You'll never lie
to a friend again.

And you'll never kiss
another man's wife.

Where is Bob Taylor?

- He went on his own there.
- Alone?

Well, after what happened last night I
met him, he tell he shouldn't stay with us.

- What did he say?
- He didn't say anything.

It's Taylor's.

I can't find white man.
I guess it's eaten.

Evelyn, you got to forget the Orient.

I know it was horrible,
you can't go on like this.

Eric, I never want to
see that country again.

Now, why don't you
take a stroll around the deck.

I'll catch up with you.

I'm getting a wilds of Dr. Evans zoo.

What are you laughing about?

Just what I wanted to find out.

- What?
- She can smile.

Roger, I'm seriously worry about you,
please don't let him see us together again.

He'll be out any minute.

He's making a racket of you Evelyn,
because you're all tied and knotted.

Something peculiar about your husband.
Something I can quiet make out.

Oh, let's not talk of him.

We mustn't talk about anything.

Evelyn, don't go, Evelyn.

We got to talk, Evelyn.
Tomorrow we will enter the harbor.

- We're docking tomorrow.
- I told you it's hopeless.

But you can go on living with Gorman.

You can break your life
because you made one mistake.

Eric would never let me go.

Please Roger, he'll be coming any minute.

- I'm going to have with him.
- But you can't.

I know him, I know what his doing.

On the exhibition a man
named Taylor tried to kiss me.

My husband saw it.

The next night he was found
in the jungle dead.

The tigers had been there,
there no way of probing an...

It's the most interesting group
my husband has ever brought back.

Everyone is talking about.

- The ship hold as a regular menagerie.
- Good evening, Mr. Hewitt.

Good evening.

My wife has been
telling you about my animals?

Yes, she has.

I've no idea you were
interested in animals.

Perhaps you'd like to come
along with me and see them?

- It's rather late, isn't it?
- Maybe your right.

They'll be at the public zoo up tomorrow.

I would like to have you see them.

- I'll enjoy it.
- Splendid.

It would be a great pleasure
to introduce you to the zoo.

- I have a message for Professor Evans.
- Follow that path to the right.

- You'll find him at the office.
- Thank you.

- Well, I need back to work.
- Oh, don't go yet, Jack.

That one keep flirting with you
and I'm getting jealous.

You'll have to choose between us.

You have a message for somebody?

- I am looking all over for Prof. Evans.
- They are nice, aren't they?

He's over there, in the laboratory building.

Thank you.

Thank you.

This is Evans, of the zoo.

I have a man in my outside
office named Peter Yates.

Applying for the job of press agent.

Gave your name for reference.

- He seems quiet bright.
- Yates, he's Ok, he's a fair guy.

I hate to disturb you
Dennison, but what about him?

- He drinks a little now and then.
- Ha, you layoff him easy.

Oh, is my last chance.
He brush in top on every job in this town.

Mr. Evans, Mr. Dennison out
is a gross falsehood.

Well, I admire your nerve.

Yeah, I had a hunch you would.

- Come in.
- Yeah, right behind you.

Young man, your
recommendations are satisfactory.

We do need a press agent.

The zoo is in desperate financial
stress and we want every bit

of public interest
and support we can get, but...

Well, then you can go wrong with
old man Yates's boy pick.

Why, I put more business
on the blink scary a map,

than anyone two men since Mason
and Dickson foot left their famous line.

Who the hell would've heard of Niagara
Falls until old Pete came along.

Look, I got a picture somewhere here.

There your are, there it is.
See, there am I standing on the bridge.

You can't miss in the fall, can you?

- No, no.
- Well, that's efficiency.

And if you turn to page 48 you will see
why I made Bimsons combinations

button hook and can opener
a household world.

And that's just a small idea of my ideas.

And besides, I need the job, am I in?

Well, I must admit Mr. Yates,
I'm favorably impressed.

But, do you know anything about animals?

They been my constant
companions many of nights.

- I mean...
- That's bring me the point.

About your drinking.

Oh Mr. Evans, I will be frank with you.

There was a time in my life through sorrow

and financial reverses,
but I have sworn off.

Do you believe me when I tell you
I haven't tasted a single drop for...

Well, I considerable time, a long time.

Two days and three weeks, to be exact.

Well, I give you a chance.


Consider the zoo as a success.

There here is your first assignment.

Mr. Gorman gets off the boat
from India this morning.

Hey, you're able to start with a
good story, wouldn't you?

Oh, it's a natural to have in the
front page of every paper.

Good, you come with me
I'll introduce you to Dr.Woodford.

Yeah, be glad to.

Oh, oh excuse me.

Maybe someone else wants to see this.

Woodford is my associate.

He is a very clever
young biochemist and toxicologist

Jack, I want you to meet Peter Yates.

This is Dr. Woodford.

- How are you?
- Yeah, I'm Ok.

I just hire Mr. Yates to
head of our publicity.

- Good, we needed.
- Yeah, that's what I think.

Hand me the bottle of
Bethane disulfonic acid.

Ii did it?

No, don't mind, I'll get it.

Oh I'm sorry, I'm strange here, you know.

- I think you better go out to the boat.
- Yeah, good idea.

- Hello, Dad.
- Hello, dear.

This is my daughter Jerry.
Mr. Yates is our new press agent.

- How do you do?
- Well, I'm feeling much better.

Well, well, this is a
swell place you have here.

- You think so?
- Yes, sure.

- Oh, my. Stuffed?
- Yes.

There nice that way.

Oh, look it. Hey, you got to
have this place screened.

Oh, not locust Mr. Yates, rattlesnake.

- She don't like your book of clipping.
- Oh my God.

Here's the time to meet the boat and I find
myself waiting worthy hours with snakes.

Well, goodbye all.

- Oh, you forget your book.
- Let them read it.

Oh, for goodness sake.

I just saw Pete Yates, looking for Gorman.

- What do you suppose he want?
- Probably a drink.

No, he's on the wagon,
he's working for the zoo.

Come in.

OH, how do you do?
I'm Pete Yates, Mr. Gorman.

In Publicity Department for the animals.

This is Mr. Hewitt, Mr. Yates.

Oh, my goodness, did you get in the
wrong, did I get in the wrong cabin again?

- How are you?
- I'm Mrs. Gorman.

Oh, I beg your pardon again.
Where can I find Mr. Gorman?

He's down in the hall, getting
ready to unload the animals.

Animals? Yes, thanks.
I rush right down there.

I beg your pardon, but would be asking
to much if I inquire what kind of animals?

Oh, all kinds. Tigers, wild
boars, panthers, rhinoceros...

- Did you say rhinoceros?
- Yes.

Yes, of course, rhino, rhinoceros.
Well, goodbye now.


When he knocked, I thought it was Eric.
Oh, please, don't stay here longer, Roger.

- Promise you get in touch with me tomorrow?
- I promise it.

You better go.

Yes, I promise you stop being afraid.

If I only could.

Let me handle your afraid problem.
It will be lots of fun.

- Where can I find Mr. Gorman?
- Over there.

I'm afraid she has a cold.
You want to see me?

Yes, I'm, I'm Peter Yates
from Municipal Zoo.

- Oh, yes.
- Publicity Department for animals.

I came to hear the story from
you about, about these things.

Fine, fine.

- A cute little thing, isn't it?
- Yes, shake hands.

Oh no, no. I never met the gentleman.

It is a lady.

R3eally, Mr. Gorman I...

Mr. Yates, shouldn't
be afraid of wild animals.

Let them alone and
they will leave you along.

That must you can say about humans.

You don't meant say you
really like these beasts.

I love them.

Their honesty, their simplicity,
their primitive emotions.

They love, they hate, they k*ll.

- I'm speaking of tigers.
- No, no, I, I didn't say a word.

Mr. Gorman, I...

Mr. Gorman...

I have some reporters on deck and...

some photographers who are very
anxious to take some pictures of you.

I'd like to have you pose with
Mrs. Gorman, she is very attractive.

- You met her?
- Yes, I hope I didn't offended her.


Well you see, I thought the gentleman
in the stateroom with her was you.

Tell, was Mr. Hubert or Herbert or whatever?

- Hewitt...
- Hewitt yes, was he part of the expedition?

No, no, just a very good friend.

You know Eric, the size of your
new collection worries me.

Whether If we haven't room for
them all we'll built some new cages.

Yes, yes, with thicker bars.

That doesn't seem to be exactly
the problem, it's the expenses of it.

You know Eric, since you've been
gone, you don't seem to realize

our budget it's been cut four times.

Good heavens, man.
Why didn't you cable me?

I know what I'll do.

I'll get to some of the most
influential men in town.

And we make up the differences
by private subscriptions.

- Oh, that would be wonderful.
- But how?

I, I beg your pardon, Mr. Gorman.
I have a grand idea.

Why not give a dinner here?

Spread on a long table among
all these magnificent animals.

Think of it. Photographs in every paper.
Ha, I can see the front-page now.

Lovely ladies languishing
among lions and lamas.

Multimillionaires medicating amid
monkeys and mongooses.

Yeah, monguises.

Enthusiasm, novelty,
contributions pouring in.


How would you like to eat
with lions and tigers?

Well, if we had the dinner late,
then they will be all sleepy.

I wonder...

I do think the thing has
values, it's clamorous.

Let us do it.
I'll attend to the arrangements.

- You, you mean to say you like the idea?
- Immensely.

Oh, for good a sake.

Well, that's just the
small idea of my ideas.

- Mr. Evans, consider the banquet a success.
- Just a moment.

Woodford, this is something
you should interested particularly.

- What's this?
- A snake.

A green mamba.
A new variety I pick up in India.

It kills hundreds of natives every year and

no antitoxin has ever
been developed for her.

I thought you might want to work on it.

That's great, I'll start this afternoon.

It won't be easy, it's a
swift active poison there is.

We'll see what we can do,
how about it Jerry?

All right, Jerry.


Right after lunch, we'll see what we can
do to make the world safe from mambas.

You have to find an antitoxin
after all Mr. Gorman it's done.

You know, I'd break a
leg for the dear old zoo.

That Gorman bird is said
of the animals friend, but...

I know what you were going to say.

- You were going to say that's he's...
- He's what?

Oh, isn't not nice to dislike
him after he's be so kind.

You realize what the success
of his plans would mean to us?

I can go on with my laboratory work.

And you'll have to quit
stalling about marrying me.

- Mr. Roger Hewitt?
- Apartment 8B.

- Shall I announce you, sir?
- Isn't necessary.

He expects me.

- But Roger...
- Do not argue with me.

You sail for Paris Friday.

I warn you.

When we are married,
I'm going to run this family.

Here your ticket.

Don't be worry darling, you will be
guarded in Paris night and day.

I look after that.


I got to but those
buts out of your system.

You bring your passport?

In the moment I get my divorced,

You'll come over in next boat.

No, on the boat just
ahead of your divorce.

Everything seems so
simple when I'm with you.

- I wouldn't marry this girl.
- I don't blame you.

- You cable me every day.
- No.

- What?
- I'm calling you.

- Darling.
- Come in.

Mr. Gorman to see you.

Go in that room.

Ask him in.

- Hello, Hewitt.
- Gorman, how are you?


I've pup in to have a little chat.

- Fine. Cigarette?
- Thank you.

You know...

I was rather surprised
to find that a man like you

just take an interest
in something which is...

shall we say, outside of his province.

I mean, on the
boat you and I seemed to have...

- a mutual interest.
- I'm afraid I don't quite understand.

I was referring to my animals.


I'm giving a little dinner
at the zoo on Thursday night.

I'd like to have you there.

I'll be delighted to come.

We try to raise some money.

I know you're one the few fortunate
who still have a little left.

I thought perhaps you might
have to give a notable contribution.

- Well, certainly, can count on me.
- That's final then.

- I hope I hadn't disturb you.
- Oh, not at all.


- Until Thursday then.
- I'll be there.

I can promise you a
really unusual evening.

Ah, ladies, ladies, you don't realize

how fascinating these
wonderful animals really are.


Stop the man.

Stop, stop the man. Stop that man.

Take your hand of there.
Don't pull it, don't pull anything.

Is all right ladies, be calm,
everything will be all right.

- What's the matter?
- Matter, matter...

That's for when they
want to clean the cages,

that's for if they have a fire,
they pull that thing and wind go

outcome every lion, every bear,
every tiger into new cages.

But the little cages aren't there.

And if you pull that thing,
Oh me, Oh my, Oh mercy.

OH, put it back on the hook.

Here's the story:

Photographer almost releases avalanche
of animals on zoo banquet yesterday.

No, not boys.

Boys listen. Listen, no,
that's not the right attitude.

I'd tell you, we got to make this thing
lovable, pleasant and beautiful.

See, and, and, and beautiful.

He loves me.

Now look...

When I'm at the pinned table
and I make my speech and I dos this.

See, that's your signal for take
the flash lights, you got it?

- Ok, we got it.
- Don't forget now.

Hello Doc.

- Say, do we eat?
- Oh, sure.

That's just the small idea of my ideas.

Oh, miss it.

Ladies and gentlemen...

if you all gather around and find your
respective places we'll put on the feed...

Will party it of the
refreshments you'll find

we have all on the menu, from soup to...


- Roger?
- Someone is been very thoughtly.

I think,..

Ladies and gentlemen.



it is with keening heart and
warm fraternal hand...

that I welcome you to the zoo.

This is the zoo of zoos.

You may search up the entire world and never
would you find another zoo such as this zoo.

This is...

This is a zoo, beyond
any question of a doubt

that you can go,
you may look, you may search

as I said before, you may go from India
to Newark and never would you...

- find...
- Come on boys, there is the signal.

Let's take some pictures before
Yates close his ear off.

Your attention, please. Photo, still.
Don't anybody move.

Thank you.

Thank you, boys.

It is however, with the posting love
and gratitude in my throat, that

that I wish to thank Mr. Eric Gorman,

for not only sponsoring this
delicious and splendid banquet,

but for bringing back from India with him...

some of the worst, some of the best most
interesting animals in this wild universe

to entertain and intrigue you.

Keep your places everyone,
Mr. Hewitt is fainted.

Dr. Woodford will take care of him.

- Get him out of here, doc.
- Yes, bring him this way.

Right this way.

Please stay here and help
keep the others calm.

Put it on the table.

He was holding his leg.

It's swelling.

It looks like a snakebite.

Do we have any snakes
with fangs such as wild as that?

- Maybe is a mamba bite.
- See if that mamba is on it's cage.

If it's a mamba, the chance is no good.
I see a dozen cases like that in India.

He was dead within five minutes.

You mean the snake was
in there among all those people?

Gorman, get everybody away from that table.

I'll do what I can.

There's no antitoxin, it's
nothing you can do for him.

The mamba is gone, it's cage is open.
I'll try to keep everyone quiet.

Get out of here, everybody,
is a poisonous snake loose...

Get away from that table,
there's a poisonous snake under.

It's a mess all,
Fred, grab some pictures.

Where's their telephone?
Come on, Freddy, let's go.

Where's a telephone Miss Evans?

Where's the phone,
I'm of the Morning Records.

Please, don't you see that is for
everything is skate-out, everything.

Skate-out? Going to be a sensation.

Oh yeah, just as soon
not be suppose to it.

Come on, let's find it.

- Where is Evelyn?
- I don't know.

This is horrible, unforgivable.

Well Woodford, it's been a rush of such
chances of bring me outside help.

I know it, I can understand
how that snake got out.

Loose carelessness on your part and it
might be six people as well as of one.

Mr. Gorman, it wasn't
his fault and I know it.

I saw him put the snake in the cage and
closed it, I've been with him minute.

Come Evelyn, I want
to get you out of here, dear.

You are trembling.
Let me get you some brandy.

You k*lled Roger Hewitt.

No my dear, you're not yourself.

Drink some of this.

That's why you sat oppose him.


you don't think I sat there all evening with
a eight foot mamba in my pocket, do you?

Why, It would be an injustice to my tailor.

I don't know how it happened.

But why would he stroke and no one else?

Why aren't you more
concern with my narrow escape?

- I sat within two feet of the snake...
- Oh, don't touch me.

- I've never saw you looked more beautiful.
- Yes Eric, I know.

- Now you're going to make love to me.
- I never wanted you more than now.

- Oh, you're not human.
- I'm not going to kiss you...

- You're going to kiss me.
- Kiss you? I hate you.

Hear, Roger and I loved each other.
I was going to leave you for him.

Now will you let me go.

My dearest...

why didn't you come and tell me?

You know I have to giving
affection to ever stand in your way.

What do you...

- What is it that makes me love you so?
- I hate you.

Open up, open the door, Evelyn.

I'm coming back in five minutes
and I expect to find this door open.


- Is Dr. Woodford here?
- He is at the house.

- I'm Mrs. Gorman, I got to see him.
- Certainly, Mrs. Gorman.

My dear you don't know
what you're doing.

- Give that, give it to me.
- Let me alone.

- Hear now, you're all up are excited.
- You k*lled him with it.

You m*rder Roger
just as you m*rder Taylor.

Anything I've done,
I've done because I love you.

If I like to come to k*ll you...

I couldn't expect
to you go on loving me.

Put your off hands away, don't touch me.
I hate you. I hate you.

Come along...

Les, let's go home.

You expect me to go home
and forget you're not human?

You think you'll never be find out?
Your wrong.

- I going to tell everyone.
- Just about enough.

You can't fright me anymore,
I'm going to tell them all...

That you are a m*rder*r,
that you have no right to live.

I'll make sure they hang you,
I don't care what they do to you.

Please let us in mister,
we can not see step out..

Sorry, we can't let anyone
in until we find the snake.

We are no afraid of no snakes.

Fred and Jim sneak in there,
I've seen them do it.

They have no business to.
Sam, get those boys out.

It's dangerous.

You kids ought to
be glad you're not in there.

But out here we sure don't have any fun.

Look what I got in the stick.

Looks like somebody got ate.

Maybe we'll find a package
with some money in.

Hey you kids, you got to get out of here.

Nobody is allow in the zoo.

Oh, we won't hurt nothing, mister,
we've been here hundreds of times.

I'm sorry boys, but you got to go.
No one is allowed.

What you got there?

That's just part of a lady's dress.
We fished out of the pond.

You boys get out of here in a hurry.

Some children sneaked in here
fished out the alligator pond.

There some other pieces
floating around in the water.

- Who was at the main gate last night?
- Perry.

- Where is he now?
- Down the quarts.

Is Perry there? I want to speak to him.

Perry, anyone come in
the gate last night?

Mrs. Gorman came in here
last night, wanted to see you.


No, she isn't here, Woodford.

She hadn't been here the whole night.
I'm very worried about.

I called all her friends.
I can't understand.

Wish you hurry over right away,

I'm afraid something dreadful is happened.

I'll come right over.

What is it Evans?
Something about Evelyn?

For heaven's sake, tell me then.

We are not sure. Can you identify this?

Why yes. I.

I believe is part of a dress that...

belong to Eve.

Is she dead?

For some reason that I don't know...

Mrs. Gorman came to the zoo
last night to see me.

She never reach the house.

This morning Baker found that...

in the alligator pit.

But, why did she come here?

- Why did she come here, Woodford?
- I tell you, I don't know.

You'll never know Eric,
Woodford is telling the truth.

This is a frightful thing, if there's
anything on earth that we con do.

There's nothing you can do.

You were responsible for
the Hewitt death.

Your carelessness and stupidity,
and now my wife has d*ed here.

d*ed, horrible again
because a carelessness.

I'm done with this zoo, Evans,

It's a public menace.

I going to see the city close before
anymore of these cases happens.

And for you, Woodford...

I'm going to have you prosecute
for complete negligence.

And the charge ought to be manslaughter.

What? No, this is the zoo.
The zoo. ZOO.

Yeah, what? Oh, what you said?

Hey Lion, cut up, will you?
I'm shaving.

I know you boys have families.

Hate to let you go but
there's nothing else I can do.

- So long Mike and get luck.
- Thank you.

- Well, so long, Johnny.
- So long, Johnny.

- I'll be seeing you.
- Bye.

- Oh, do you want to see me?
- Oh, yes Mr. Yates.

Father is going to San Francisco
to try to sell the animals.

- I know you're press agent.
- Yeah, Publicity Department for the animals.

That's what I mean.

I hate to ask you, but...

if we don't know you can stay and
help us with them must are going to starve.

Yeah, good.

- What?
- No, no, no. I'm, I...

Oh why, of course,
I'll be very glad to help.

Baker, Mr. Yates is going to help us out.

- That's fine.
- Sure, any little thing that I...

Yeah, follow me.

Oh, for Golly's sake.

- Anything I can do something for you, Peter?
- I could use some perfume.

Now look, I'll only be
here for a little while longer

if it there's something else you can look at.

Oh, Help, help, help.

- What's wrong, Peter?
- It's the ma, ma, ma, ma, mamba.

I'll get a stake, hold it.

Oh, you don't think
I let her go, do you? Help.

There it go, Peter.

This is one decent press story you'll
be able to get to the papers, Peter.

Peter, Peter, speak to me,
say something.

Is there a good laundry in this town?

- I won't be off to dinner.
- Know I bring you something on the tray.

Sometimes when I
see you working so late at night

I wonder if you're going
to make a very good husband.

I only have a few
more days left in this laboratory...

- and I've lots of work to finish.
- Oh, you don't have to explain, dear.

Yes, what is it, Woodford?

If I were you
I hurry up here right away.

I just make a discovery that would interest you.

I'm not interested in
anything you have to say.

- It could come down in court.
- Fits me perfectly.

On second thought, I'm going to hold back
what I have found out until we get to court.

- What you mean?
- I don't care to discuss it over the phone.

Alright, I'll come over.

Come in.

Good evening.

Sit down, Gorman.

Yes, well, what is it?

Why didn't you tell me about the
other mamba you brought back?

Other mamba?

I don't know what you talking about.

The mamba that k*lled Hewitt.

The mamba you k*lled Hewitt with.

Why, my friend you are mad.

Hewitt was like one of the family.

And that's the motive
you brought me here for?

Why, it isn't even funny.

Trying to cloak your own
negligence by accusing me.

Look at this, Gorman.

We found the mamba today,
I measured the fangs.

The spread is entirely different
from that on the wound in Hewitt leg.

A brilliant discovery.

And you intermediately judged the
conclusion that I have another.

There's no other conclusion possible.

Here's the measurement of
the fangs of this mamba.

And here's the measurement of
the bite on Hewitt's leg.

A difference of 8 millimeters.

No Gorman, this mamba never
k*lled Hewitt. Another one did.

And by your own admission no one
but you in the country could have one.

A large and vicious snake...

That I carry under to a banquet
and trained to bite my friend

but not my wife who
was sitting next to him.

Your wife was coming here to tell me of the
other snake on the night she was k*lled.

I think I know how she met her death.

Very ingenious, not you, Woodford?

I told the truth, Woodford.
There was only one mamba.

Ah, Woodford, Oh, Woodford...

- Hello.
- Hello.

You happens to
know where Dr. Woodford is?

He called me and asked me to come over.

He was in the laboratory.

We found the mamba this afternoon
and he probably ought to show to you.

Oh, Jack...


- Why look...
- What is it?

The mamba.

- Jack.
- She must have escaped.

He's been able to k*ll
her before he felt.

He's alive, I'll get the antitoxin.

- What?
- Antitoxin, we finished it today.


- Can I help?
- No thanks, I got it.

Call a doctor.

Hello Hello...

All right, all right, sweetie
I'll hold your head on.

Peter Yates, Publicity Department
of the animals, speaking.

Gorman? What? He k*lled?

Police? Did he sh**t it? Did what?

Police, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Hello, hello, Dan, Dan.

Yes, sound the alarm right away.

No, no, never mind asking why. Sounded,
sounded, go on. I'll tell you later.

This is Whiff, there's a trouble at the zoo.


It's got him.

Dr. I like to congratulate on your antitoxin.
It's a splendid piece of work.

So far has worked on three guinea
pigs, two rabbits and one Woodford.

Say, where can I find Peter Yates?

Well, just go outside and yell you're
from a newspaper, he'll turn up.
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