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Account Rendered (1957)

Posted: 12/11/23 19:53
by bunniefuu



live I've told you not to telephone me
here I'm sorry I I took some luminol
after lunch and fell asleep I'll come

tomorrow I promise
I knew weeks ago you wouldn't understand

me I told you I fell asleep
Aglaia I'll come tomorrow about 5

o'clock I'm dying I must go now


you see you Sahara
come in darling this is ghastly is

everybody arriving no not yet
listen you're looking lovely all set for

the witches Sabbath I can't man in case
you've needed some help

why on earth should I need help apart
from the fact that I'm rather short of
money as usual I haven't a care in the

world yes now I mean my darling husband
is robbing me Oh

considering he practically owns a bear
well there doesn't mean you can just dip
into the till when everybody feels poor

darling how angry you look my dear Sarah
it doesn't matter how extravagant you

are as long as your husband never finds
out hmm that's one of the first lessons

you'll learn when you marry anyway I
always manage to raise the money somehow

tonight I'm gonna be it by this Roberts
wife you're charming just a little

elusive you see oh do be careful
exposing you should find her

Robert we're ready darling darling you
look lovely thank you come on Sarah how
about one of my bulge especially

Gilbert's in the drawing room darling

Robin sending room

how are you gather a moderately
flourishing I mean moderately good

heavens don't tell me the bank's going
but specifically couldn't bear you know

it always surprises me that after ten
years as a bankers wife you seem to

imagine the bankers on sort of private
mint Oh money is for spending not for

locking away who else is coming Robert
who else is coming

oh I'm sorry Sarah just the Lampoon's
mr. and mrs. length forgive me if I

cling to my bit of a minute slice
throughout the Kylie dock we had to come

bad bus much as I adore my Vidal husband
he just doesn't seem to be the kind of

man who can ever get a taxi there wasn't

well the pit stop for you never John's
always got shows of tractors whenever I

V with him really that's the medon
I have him John a lure I Love You mr.

Salem thank you
voted off the peg ginger darling yes it
was quite a fine wasn't it oh I wish I

knew a pig like that what's his name
just young people hardly I'm always

telling Miller but a woman doesn't have
to wear a model dress to catch the art

he doesn't have to wear anything to
catch yours hi there handsome son of

yours enjoying himself up at Oxford
his latest plan has become a fashionable

barrister specializing in divorce why he
could have much more exciting time at

the criminal bar defending murderers
perhaps he doesn't want to defend

perhaps he'd rather see them hang I

can't say that I approve of divorce
hey Don I showed her whatever Gilbert

you might think differently if you were
still married well I prefer m*rder do it

and him so tame and negative as divorce
John we have run faithful to me I
wouldn't divorce him I'd simply cr*ck

his head open
thanks for the warning my lot

how about you Robert would you rather
k*ll Lucy or divorce her hope I shall

never have to make a choice so do I
really no no gets worse and worse

just so amusing Wow she's never anything
but aggressive and malicious if John

wasn't a business friend of yours I
wouldn't have her in the house I just
don't understand her Robert what is the

you've been absent-minded all evening
I'd rather buying day at the bank a lot

of things seem to go wrong all at once
Oh John darling I'm terribly sorry it's

getting late
better get some sleep Robert what is it

there is something different about you
you're trying to avoid me what's the

whole world revolve in tiny around you
your world must I do love you darling

you know that don't you

hello Sara
you see you said I must see oh I think

I'm probably gonna need your help
I'll come out tomorrow about 6:00 I

can't talk about what's wrong is Robert
yes but he's had some letter tonight I'm

sure it's about me sorry I disturbed you
I just don't need to see her with her

cut off oh never mind her leave it



your Labour's Hot Fuss fine
I'm terribly sorry I just couldn't you

just hexie anywhere I've run they live
all the way why did you cut across the
line it saves you half an hour

oh yeah I better just see myself
dodging across the railway lines in my

heeled shoes

I'm so excited about the portrait let me
see it in a minute no no please the

lights fading and doesn't show the best

try huh I knew you'd say that but not as
isopentyl he sees not another body but

the soul I haven't got a soul like that
it's cruel and humiliating what made you

do it for months now I hope to support
you it paid your bill did you work

without worry what's that gonna do with
this you believed in my talent you

enjoyed having a tame Protege to worship
at your feet I no idea you hated me so

much I hate you because you're the most
tantalizing most provocative most

adorable woman had ever met

that's what I try to interpret look at
the eyes
the aloofness the mystery at the eyes of

a woman with many secrets to hide my
anniversary present of Robert the
surprise hated no you went to the will

in intrigued him you want to talk to me
about it

it'll be amusing cry because I should
tell him that in spite of older of

bowels of love and affection you're
really quite heartless that in fact

you've already discarded your ones
beloved climb for but I haven't looked
I've always told you I didn't want us to

get too involved I've never loved you
I've always told you that love isn't

there anything that draws people
together no apparent or not you've

always accused me of being cold you even
painted me that way but I haven't

changed darling it's all in your
imagination okay let's go now I'm

meeting someone
John Leopard please stay darling please

you'll have to get used to it
just as I have

oh you're hurting me
my brooch we'll take it off okay tore my

dress I didn't want Robert I'll think of
the poor kid have to bring you drive to

the house on Friday would you die I'll
give you the money then it was 200 we

said anything
yeah please go back darling

see you soon








good evening sir I miss some whiskey and
prickly pretty good sir

society's hi man new sir she ordered
dinner for eight o'clock shall I serve

dinner sir no I'll wait just
investigator pretty inspector - scuse

who is mr. Hainsworth
I Detective Inspector Marshall this is

sergeant Barry I favor got some bad news
for you sir there's been an accident and

a lady's been k*lled letters and papers
in a handbag we believe she's your wife

bump my head getting into my car this
evening naturally we all want you to

come down with us and identify the lady
but why are you here

I detect him what madaky's report hasn't
come through yet sir but the cause of

death appears to be strangulation
strangled there see well should we go

yes yes

dan was walking across the heath with
his dog it started about he went to

investigate found her goodbye
why would she be on the heath unless she

was k*lled somewhere else and carried
that no sir she was on the heath

mr. Marshall has a handbag sir but apart
from a letter and a couple of receipts

the rest of the contents are missing
then it must have been robbery they left

a diamond wrist watch and a diamond
bracelet that could you give us a list
of the contents of your wife's handbag

no but I daresay I made one now thank
you sir
there is one other thing there was a

slight turn address of the neck here
would you know if by any chance your
wife was wearing a bridge brooch yes

cameo brooch
I noticed it at TIA a large cameo she

often when she was very fond of it thank
you sir

this way of you come in mr. Ainsworth
sir sit down okay I have to ask you a

few questions
I can't believe it I just can't believe

it I know I'm I'm sorry when did you
last see your wife alive um mr.

Ainsworth I'm asking you when did you
last see your wife alive I know it's

sudden but we must have your help in
tracing her movements today yes yes I'm

trying to think it was about teatime we
had tea together
she was then going round to see a friend

of Miss Heywood about five o'clock so
she's had she left the house about

quarter to 4:00 hind I didn't see her
again until so now why do you say or so
she said had you reason to suspect she

was lying
then he'd certainly not but in few of

what happened I'm wondering we can see
miss Hayward later

can you think of anyone who might want a
Harley away and of course not she was

very friendly with everyone can you
think of any reason why she should have

been on the heath after dark
had she friends in that neighborhood I

can't think of any you live on the other
side of the heath when you say the other

side to which side you refer but I
naturally don't know in which direction

my wife was walking but I think I'm safe
in saying that we have many friends who

live close to the heath on any sign what
were you doing between teatime and 9
o'clock mr. Ainsworth after my wife when

Dada where to my study till 6 o'clock
and I got out my car and went round to

see my business manager I'd go but
Morgan I arrived about 6:15 and stayed
until just before 9 o'clock we had

business to discuss
when you got home we were surprised to

find your wife was still Oh naturally
but you were an hour late yourself so

your Butler said yes yes sir I had a
great talk about mr. Morgan I mean

rather forgot the time I suppose my wife
forgot it too your wife was dead mr.
Ainsworth owned every orphan ah

sergeant Mary will take a detail
statement family in the morning

meanwhile we'll take some transport for
you I'll get you home

do you know why she was k*lled
we have no time to find a motive yet

we'd better make a thorough examination
of the Heath at first light in the

morning don't leave the house without
letting us know where we can get you

with her I know good night good night

hello Gilman Robert here and the police
been a senior please know why I can't
get round here as soon as you can it's

desperately urgent yeah well right well
I'll get a texting come right away

I'll be with you in about ten minutes no
no walk here come in by the garden I'll

leave the door I'll be my study right

goodbye I could see them in the distance
the two of them my first impulse was to

b*at man's brains out and I started
often then I start to got hold of myself

I thought perhaps he isn't her lover
perhaps there's some other explanation I

decided to wait till she got home and
Challenger I see what she had to say I

got back into the car I meant go
straight home but I couldn't I drove out
along a bit North Road held forever then

I stopped after a bit i cooled off and
turn around and I drove home I didn't

k*ll her Gilbert I know that Robert was
a grateful thing well it's it's

unbelievable Carolyn I told the police I
was at your flat from quarter past six

to nine o'clock with you I was taking a
chance on your being there but why

didn't you tell him the truth what you
told me how could I

I was there when it happened they would
have arrested me on suspicion please

back me up I know it's a lot to ask
no it isn't that after all you've done

for me in the last 15 years it's not
that it is I I don't think it's wise

Robert I can't go back to the inspector
now and tell him I was lying no I see

that fortunately I was at home all
evening so it is a possible alibi
all right I agree yes I'll do it but our

stories must agree

well any prints the man may have made
the rains washed out yeah there's

nothing much to show up in this rough
grass anyway

only the imprints of a heeled seems to
come up from the road to the pond then

caught it on the way back mm-hmm it's
hard the way she was talking about

wasn't it
then she got lost in the dark I will

find out I want this area combed
thoroughly and I want that pond dragged

well for the contents of a handbag then
think of his robbery dude no I was
obliged comes he wanted that he's after

anything was probably a letter or diary
something would incriminate him he took

a lot to cover up


surgeons reports come through sir
asphyxia due to manual strangulation

there was salt or anything like that
estimated time of death sim vm7 checks

in her book and watch a prince and a
handbag so except around the lab says

the m*rder*r was wearing gloves they're
sitting on some fragments material

caught in one of her broken fingernails
good week music - I got a fairy
godfather here sir

oh there's a camera bridge yes sir
another nice girl with no men friend

manager quit the police and get a job
with the news of the world I got a list

of the contents of a bag sir from a maid
holy usual things I severed all gold all
valuable turns worse collapse sir

no as doc wood may be near him for a
statement that's with the shock as a

verse a fright


have you any news inspector later mr.
Ainsworth isn't allowed to see anyone

doctor's orders we shan't disturb him

carry on

I don't think we've met my name is Gerry
Haywood I'm a great friend of beans oh

what is that room missus Ainsworth's

private sitting room sir should have
been sealed who loved the door

the officer who came last night said he
only sealed metals bedroom suite you
good huh take a look at the bedroom

suite and then get statements from the
servants okay mrs. Ames with Naya well I

mean were very old friends there was a
photograph of us taken last year Ken

that's all I was looking for mr.
Ainsworth gave me permission to take try
again was given well the keys always

kept in their little silver box did she
keep a diary no she was much too careful

careful and secretive mm-hmm
she was a very contradictory person so

spontaneous in some ways and so discrete
in others it was a letter you were

looking for wasn't it miss Hayward Oh
from I was afraid she might have kept

something I didn't want mr. Ainsworth to
see my you wanna protect him who was the

man I didn't know there were so many but
if you think Robert found out m*rder did

because mr. Ainsworth has an alibi miss
Hayward I don't question it should I

mrs. Ainsworth had an appointment with
you at 5 o'clock yesterday it was the

six not five all right six did she turn

no but that's nothing unusual she was
apt to change her plans without telling
people though actually in this case I

was rather surprised because because
well she rang me late on Friday night

she sounded frightened she said you must
see me it was urgent and then she hung
up as if she'd been interrupted oh by

her husband was it him she was afraid of
no of course who else would interrupt

her antenna hmm I don't know two hundred
Lucy you'll never have any money she was

so extravagant she was always in there

that's a receipt didn't have been
extravagant doesn't feel Devine in debt

ask me again later miss hey when I might
be able to tell you shall we go morning

detective unmarried carrying a torch mr.

Ainsworth I got that impression has been
known for a woman to strangle when does

she stop enough

thank you
well mr. Ainsworth called on you at your

flat about the time of the m*rder did
you notice anything unusual about his

appearance or manner no accepted he
appear to be a little valiant possibly

about the business nettles he called to
discuss weight was me if it's not a

change secret oh no we were on the point
of making a very sizable loan to a small

European young indeed we'd gone through
files to commit ourselves then argument

stopped it on advice from the Foreign
Office did notice the bruise on his

forehead bruise come mr. Morgan you
couldn't fail to see that mr. Ainsworth

had no bruise when he called my dad I
understand he did he just had later on

leaving oh no in his car it's very easy
to do if you're preoccupied over it you

mustn't waste your time mr. Ainsworth
he's not the type of man to commit a

crime like this you admire him yes I do
very much indeed mrs. Ainsworth

you can rely on my discussion mr. Morgan
I don't admire her in the manner which

we imply since she's dead I prefer to
speak no I love her more than that I'm

not prepared to say she have a bank
account here yeah we don't handle

private accounts well merchant bankers
who know we make rather large loans to

businesses and governments and so forth
a lot of money she had a very generous
husband yes very generous considering

the money that seems to pass through her
hands I know nothing of mrs. Ames less

private affairs I just got you and mr.
Morgan right oh this

she's new business here of course but

she refuses to stay at home see if I see
another secret she does but she's unable
to repeat them inspector


we would have gone my friends always
seemed in the same Oh dress went with

Cinnabon the afternoon and got home
about 6:00 my husband then put his feet

up while I cook the dinner I'm a good
cook I have today we have no made dinner

at 7:00 then we watch television who
listen close for the night not a moment
too soon it's mister boxing my husband

loves man this bull oh now mrs.
Ainsworth do you think she might have

gone to the heath to meet a man a man

what else what you've got to meet a


would you comment mr. barring please
yeah taxi driver

good morning one busy thank you perhaps
you can help us recognize this woman

yes I'll pick this lady up in priory
cruising on the corner at about 6

o'clock on Saturday night and I dropped
her at the top of Plex Lane

great sure that's the one of course I'm
sure little blonde piece but she

frightened or scared not sense to notice
but there was this car coming along

behind us flowing us light all the way
from Priory Crescent big black saloon

what make I didn't see that it kept too
far back

what happened when you got the bet slain
he stopped and he parked a bit up the

road I didn't attach nothing today all
right well thank you we'll be in touch
with you we got your number haven't well

that's one lead now what about this
material we've got the thing on that

thread found under a fingernail yeah yes
I've got it here they haven't been able

to trace material back to manufacturers
yet but it's a heavy dark gray material

with a rough surface rather Mike Harris
tweed good your boys still dragging that

pond I finished that ones those starts
on the next I keep married is about six

more very good get rid of this lot will
you finish him off anyway oh it ain't
with scar lagonda sir

black saloon hmm do back soon what I
have it a good private credit hmm I must

find out who mrs. Ainsworth saw here is
very urgent well now it could have been

mr. Franklin he's always got women up
artists supposed to be knows what goes

on but my poor old names yeah you better
go out from sea shut the top

yeah asking about my rent for you it's a
month I would you know

come in mr. Franklin well the perfect
example of a prosperous city magnet come

in and shut the door it's cold enough in
here as it is the other seals husband

pants it's a terrible thing I'm sorry
I'd offer you some coffee but it's cold

why did my wife come here she
commissioned it boy oh it's a present

for your wedding anniversary I used to
take her to your house on Friday you

liked it no why did you go up to the
heath I don't know she said she was

meeting somebody how did you know she
was here that's my business

could you follow her and I stood down
well you lovers no I don't have anybody

ever really possessed her made it so
fascinating so unobtainable you've taken

away all our natural dignity and charm
you made it look like a cheap trollop I

understood her rubbish well what are you
gonna do with it you're gonna have it

Missy doesn't paid for it the price is
300 pounds 300 for that it's worth more

now Danes worth oh no it won't



Lucille's brooch the one she was wearing
when she was k*lled

I'll dig that help a sick man you seem
to be doing all right he's the man

inspector he k*lled my wife I never
m*rder*d a woman in my life

except on canvas besides you owe me 200
pounds for the portrait you might wanted

to k*ll her I'd have waited until I got
the money if you didn't k*ll her how'd

you get the brooch do you mind if I ask
the questions mr. danger at all I know -
I know I know I know but I think it'd

better handle it
let me play the wait really I know thank

if you insist I do all right

well where did you get this bridge yeah
just like that I pulled it off it is in

my way what isn't that explicit enough
when about 5:30 on Saturday I didn't

k*ll him I know the brooch looks
suspicious but she really did leave it

here in fact I tried to flog it after
she'd gone

Oh - Oh Billy as a coffee store round
the corner that's there till 6:15 I'm

surprised he didn't tell you I was sure
he would we can always ask him mr. coach

you were wearing on Saturday the only
one I've got

mmm nice piece of cloth if you left the
coffee store at 6:15

Wade you go from there Hampstead Heath
sheer coincidence I went to the

Spaniards it's quite a distance from
where she was k*lled you know I got

there at 8 o clock
somebody can probably vouch for that I'm
well-known there how did you go I walked

up West Hill ran by Hampstead Lane I
mean it sort of half circle hurry don't

know if you'da made you half circle to
the south instead into the norm past

near not too busy st. reticular yeah but
not in time I couldn't have got from the

coffee stall to that particular spot in
time to k*ll her

try it and see don't worry we shall
anyway it seems someone mattered and

Kilda my successor I presume did I name
yes John Langford said why he should

want to k*ll her
yes I can he's me anyone quiet I'm glad

she's dead

she obsessed with that I couldn't live
without her she had everything and

she looked passionate she was sexist she
had the face of truth she didn't know

the meaning of the word
she was an illusion nothing one day I

start to miss him your face he's alright
I know whom Lucilla saw on Saturday a
man called Frank King an artist we've

been in contact
unfortunately the inspector turned up in

the middle of it you knew she was seen
this man didn't John I didn't know who

it was but I knew there was someone so
did I but this can sh*t for me I got it

on Friday just before that dreadful
dinner party my wife is leading a double

she's associating with a married man if

this does not stop the writer will take
further steps which will cause trouble

and unhappiness for all concerned
have you shown it in the inspector how

can I gives me a motive but it gives the
rider a motive - Robert you must tell
him the truth I can't but you can't

suspect you anyway you're with Gilbert
Morgan I wasn't what and why

Robert you must tell me the truth what
Evers happened I want to help you but

don't lie to me I won't blame you Robert
I know how she provoked you how cruel

she was to you you must be out of your

I followed her seal I followed her to
Franklin's and then to the heath she was

there with a man but I came away left
her I didn't k*ll her then tell the

inspector he can't prove you k*lled her
if you didn't why not he's out for

promotion or justice I don't believe
that at least he's honest and he's no

fool no that's my one hope that he'll
catch the real m*rder*r before he

catches me Thank You Sara
you're a good friend yes a good friend

don't you know how much I love you did
you hate you too seal now I know you
didn't k*ll you suspect me I'm I'm

beyond making sense out of anything
anymore you must help me stop it


who you detective inspector Marshall
but in the middle of disturbing the

peace as usual
I want to talk to you about mrs.

Ainsworth go right ahead
they were just talking about her went

with John your daughter especially Joe
no telling how he was to take her out

how she was to let you hold her head all
right so I did sometimes she was a

wicked little thing but I had daughter
followed every man in this heart married

or not they even had to cheat each other
go on John tell him how you k*lled
Lucille tell him you won't be able to

keep it a secret much longer Clark he
found out what she was like they all did

every man she I was at home with you all
evening you came up at midnight your

pains of death and drunker than out
nobody needs me but can I ask you maybe

be mad evening mr. v*olence would you
two look at him
there was nothing new she's jealous

that's all she adores making sing where
you are Saturday night huh where were

you you better come with me
it's yours I'll take that too
no not really gonna take you mean big

hey any minute you said enough is it

thankful let's go


no wait we can't leave it like that


nelle I really did believe I k*lled his
seal I've been out with Lucille once or

twice just to get away from Miller
trouble was never really loved me that's

what made her so insanely jealous she'd
even written in the normos editor Robert

that's we were crawling about a new
around but it was true what she said you

weren't home on Saturday night yes where
were you then yeah I went to a club to

have a few drinks we were there from
about half-past six until 10 o'clock I

asked the barman he'll remember us us I
was there with a friend

what ship fans named Judy Maddox she's
an actress of sorts we went back to a

flat that's why I couldn't tell nella
where I'd been but you were also in love

with mrs. Ainsworth I've never been a
one-woman man inspector Ellis nagged me
about the liver since the day we were

married I'm even a hitter occasionally
but she did ask for it you must have

seen that she'd get quite hysterical and
I swear she'd do herself in did you ever

give mrs. Ames with any money money I
haven't got any money

oh but she meant by money what was the
name of the club you went to with this

this other girl I don't know florabelle
club I think when you got home on

Saturday night with your wife in she was
in all evening how do you know if you

weren't there but surely you don't think
that nella k*lled she did we'll have a

hell of a job proving it now what we

well frankly I'm worried nurse wasn't
going to leave us alone he must know

we're lying he nearly caught me out
about that bruise of yours I'm

desperately sorry girl but getting you
into this mess you can get us both now
as accessories after the fact

come what about the bank this is going
to ruin us if only we can hang on for

now sir what I thought of that
now how would it be if I slipped over to

our Paris office for a few days I ought
to go you know in any case if I'm in

Paris I can't be questioned the
inspectors hardly likely to follow me

there it might be safer if I might oh no
he'd smell a rat if you went after all

your suspect I think I'll go at once
I'll get him now and take a bag yes look

at this a rest find anybody well your
time you at the Frontenac

you might let the inspector
it'll really show him Oh will you take
care of Sasha for me

yes of course thank you girl but I won't
forget this good luck robbers why'd you

go there this is the result of a little
fishing expedition upon the heath you

meet the florabelle yet yes thankful to
zero right the b*mb about remain the

secretary and I saw that little Julie
bit nothing there what's all this

contents of mrs. Ainsworth handbag sir
how'd you know I led them to a maid she

identified him we found them in their
pond up by the spendings it was the

fifth one we dragged I thought they'd
turn up they won't be any good to

herself I know think of prints on him
dispose of the robbery motive anyways

that I never believed that anyway
osya here's a sample that Grieco cloth
from the manufacturers they distributed

half a million yards of the stuff in the
last six months that's a lot of kurtsyn

what about the Franklin alibi have you
checked that yes the storekeeper
confirms he was there at about 6:15

complete with brooch I covered the whole
distance twice myself he couldn't have
got the heath in time to k*ll her

that's fine everyone accounted for
except melon - Sarah Heywood know she

was at Bradley's cocktail do she's okay
everyone accounted for so they say
somebody lying I think is Ainsworth wait

a minute
when did mrs. Ainsworth get her money

those receipts in the discs were worth
about three thousand pounds all things

for herself jewelry clothing beauty
treatments all paid for in cash

surely a banker's wife would pay by
check found a gold mine sir who is he

I'm gonna do some prospecting


come on Casanova good afternoon I'm
Colonel Chavez the secretary I don't

think I know you gentlemen Detective
Inspector Marshall

sergeant Bay its mrs. Ames if they want
to talk to you about I mean she came

here pretty often no I wouldn't say that
when did I got five receipts here signed

by you for mrs. Ainsworth's bridge and
poka debts just about 600 party in the

last few weeks naturally but only too
anxious to cooperate inspector but our

members expect their affairs to be
treated in the strictest confidence they

shouldn't get themselves mad at you then
she pay my check about cash cash always

anyone ever ever odd people huh
not to my knowledge let's dock the
apartment I'm sure he can't tell you any

more than I can just the same let's stop

it's good an afternoon up news you knew
mrs. Ainge with engine yes sir
where'd she get her money well sir

plenty of men ready to finance her sir
she could he can choose they need deep

pockets mr. Koopman he'd fit the bill
good man Benny Goodman the bookie I saw

him hammer so much money me
he's too mean to breathe course he had

to lay a bit out on mrs. Ainsworth coz
he was doing some shop in there was he

being in today he hasn't been in since
she was m*rder*d

I'm telling a lie that's him now

the counter mr. Vanek oven ice queen
look let me save your breath I wasn't in

London on Saturday Friday Saturday and
Sunday I was in Birmingham for the races

I'm a racing man I only got back today
yep hotel bills theater tickets a menu

look I can account for every minute the
might son go and check it tricky go and
check the lot I do remember please I'm a

very busy man
what's this we suspect the m*rder*r was
wearing a coat similar to this Telly's

well he bought it this morning that deal
did anyone say it was new I got it from

a client of mine humble fella reporter
he owed me a father he came to my office

this morning he says to me mr. Goodman I
owe you a fiver Ivan got a father will
you take the coat instead I'm soft in it

so on topic oh right let's have a look
at it the tailor's names been taken out
didn't that make you suspicious

mister I'm 57 years old everything makes
me suspicious

I'm just the crazy mixed-up old man I
took the coat mrs. angel was a heavy

spender did you finance her Oh a few
drinks had a couple of dinners that sold
and no more than that mister I don't

give I buy is she she had that too come
and get it look but when you came she

rung up no sale she ever tried to get
any money out of you by other means like

what other means like blackmail freezes
I'd have broken her neck you don't
defend her mister she was no good look

do I look like the kind of man would
entertain these woman friends on

Hampstead Heath
I've got rheumatism good blood pressure

I've got a week all right all right you
can show your operation tomorrow now

tell us where we can find a photo who
gave you the code

but Gilbert Morgan lives here this is

the address Goodman gave come on let's
go see this Porter why didn't you come

forward and tell me he gave it this coat
well the papers never said nothing about

an overcoat just some threads or
something called underneath the

fingernails did you think it artie
should suddenly hand it on a coat like

this one no i didn't mr. morgan was
always handing me down his clothes when

he'd had enough of them for the
Salvation Army

give me a suit as well as that gold and
some socks and shoes I sent him up this
morning except the other cup ride you up

into Bernhard Goodman why him
because I owed him money like I told you

all of luck charlie had bets with
Goodman he's got an office over in Baker

Street well it's a very fair man if I am
you don't be take something off you lock

that other cut
he's got off my furniture up and he's

office wait a minute wait a minute take
it up to mr. Morgan sweat it's no good

you going up there he's gone gone where
I don't know

took off in his car about 20 minutes ago
took all his luggage with him too mr.


why did you k*ll her I didn't k*ll her
you were on the heath mr. Morgan we

tested your overcoat we found dust and
goss pollen Hou did I live up there I

often walk on the heath and so do a lot
of other people too

why were you trying to lead the country
I'm trying to help Robert preserve his
alibi which is false isn't it but you

weren't going for a few days mr. Morgan
you were going for good and you were

taking half the bank we get you're a
thief of nothing worse if you weren't

blind about the code why did you try to
get rid of it because I knew who you

were looking for a dark grey overcoat
how how did you know I read in the paper
some threads were found in Lucille's

needle threads yes but how do you know
they came from the coat like that only

the police knew that and the m*rder*r
you met her on the 8th engine

yes I did but I didn't k*ll her I just
met her I was only with her for a few

minutes what's she blackmailing you
yes you see I well some years ago I

embezzled money from the bank I meant to
pay it back indeed I could have done so

but Lewis Hill discovered this and
threatened to expose me if I didn't
settle her debts for him she ruined my

life for her constant demands and
threats for money why did you tell her
to keep it quiet

I didn't k*ll her I met her on the heath
yes I met her to give her the money I

suddenly decided that I wouldn't give it
to her I told her I haven't got it she'd

wait she'd have to wait she was
absolutely furious

she again threatened to expose me to
Robert but I am I said I didn't care a

damn what she did
I got beyond caring so I went away and I

left her all I wanted to do is to get
out of the country before she had time

to give me away it was a struggle mr.
Morgan she told your coat her nails were

broken I know she didn't want me to
leave her I pushed her off with my hand

a cat didn't scratch her hand she
scratch it into you no I scratched my

hand on the pin of a brooch she wasn't
wearing abrupt but she was wearing it I

painten headed Robert tell me that but I

couldn't tell you that she was wearing
it could I without revealing where I was

with her there is a stain on it but that
doesn't prove a thing

Franklin must have give me back to her
he must have he went back gave her back

the brooch then he hung around waiting
to see who she was meeting anyway later

on the way to the road Ronald river and
strangled her but why did he take the

brooch back again hmm because he'd been
seen with a brooch earlier at the coffee

store if the birch was found on her body
it proved he'd seen her again how did he

get there in time


if you took a shortcut across that sorry
where you come on look it is it's him we

got to the Haiti doctor truck that's our
man come on




thank goodness none of the others were

I thought the inspector was quite
capable of it wasn't a bad writer well I

better be going
I don't want to be in America not long

after orgies on business and it's best
to go away for time anywhere well

goodbye sir thank you again very much he
will come back Robert yes I coming
