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01x23 - Making Instruments and Dinosaur Dynasty

Posted: 12/10/23 07:04
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Coming up next on "Betsy's

Kindergarten Adventures."

-I want everybody to make their very own musical instrument

for our next class together.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): Was he kidding?

Make a musical instrument in only one week?

-Mrs. O'Connor, are you all set to go to the Dinosaur Museum?

-We're going to the museum?

MRS. MURPHY: The Dinosaur Digging Pit.


I'm coming!

-Me, too!

THEME SONG: A, B, C, and , , !

It's kindergarten time for you and me.

So climb aboard and take a seat for kindergarten fun

with Betsy.

We'll meet new friends along the way

and have adventures every day!

It's "Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures."


BETSY (VOICEOVER): Sometimes, when I'm trying to figure out

something, I find the best time to think about it is

early in the morning before anybody is awake

and while the house is real quiet.


Well, for the most part, it's quiet.

But I had a real problem.

And didn't know how I was going to figure it out.

It all started last week in our music class.

Mr. Warner, Principal Warner's third brother--

he's our music teacher-- was just

about to say goodbye to us when he

suddenly remembered something.

-Oh, one last thing, little guys.

I got an amazing homework assignment for you.

I want everybody to make their very own musical instrument

for our next class together, OK?


BETSY (VOICEOVER): Was he kidding?

Make a musical instrument in only one week?

I mean, this is a really hard assignment.

What's the worst that would happen

if I just can't come up with anything?

But maybe I'm worrying too much.

WARNER: Yes, Betsy?

-What if I just can't think of anything?

-I'm sorry, Betsy.

But if you can't think of anything,

then you'll just have to sit there until you do.

-But what if it takes years?

-Then, it'll just have to take years.


It's been years now, Betsy.

Have you come up with anything?

-Nn-- nope.

Ss-- sorry.

-See you all next week.


-Eh, peek-a-boo!



And peek-a-boo!




-Breakfast is almost ready.

Would you please get the syrup?

-Sure thing, honey.


-[YAWNS] Good morning.

-Good morning, sweetheart.

-Hi there, sleepyhead.

-[SQUEALS] Peeky boo.

Peeky boo.

Bzz, zz.


-Pancakes are ready.


-And I found the syrup!

-Now, if you'll please put Kevin in his high chair,

I'll serve the pancakes.

-Will do.

-[LAUGHS] Peeky boo.


-Peek-a-- whoa!

Where did your clothes go?

-Peeky boo!


BETSY (VOICEOVER): Today, I was going

to have a special day out with my dad.

Usually, I'm very happy about this.

But this homework assignment was making it hard

for me to think about anything that will be fun.

If only I could come up with an idea for a musical instrument.

-This is your pilot speaking.

Thank you for flying "Father and Daughter Day" Airlines.

We will be driving at street level today.

The sky is clear.

And traffic seems pretty light.

So I think we should arrive at the Lake Shore Zoo pretty soon.


DADDY: Uh-oh, pilot to co-pilot.

Somebody has a bad case of the gloomies.

And it's not me.


-Co-pilot to pilot.

I roger that.


Co-pilot Gloomy reporting for duty.

-What's the matter, pumpkin?

-I've got a homework assignment.

And I don't know if I can do it.

-I'm sure we can solve your homework

problem if we work together.

-You do?

DADDY: I do.

Now, I want you to tell Co-pilot Gloomy to take the day off

because the only co-pilot I want is you.

-Aye, aye, sir.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): I was starting to feel a lot better.

I have a feeling that with my dad's help,

we could come up with a great musical instrument.

-So your assignment is to make your

very own musical instrument?


Pretty impossible, huh?

-Not really.

We just have to keep our eyes open.

Maybe something we see at the zoo will give us an idea.


Betsy, look at that lion's tail and the way

it strums against the bars.

Maybe we could get a stick and some metal bars of some kind


-Maria already did that.


-Maria has an uncle who's a circus clown.

And he plays a thing called a washboard in the clown band.


After he taught Maria how to play it,

she brought it to school.

-That's your musical instrument?


My Uncle Bonkers is a circus clown.

He taught me how to play it.

-How do you play it, Maria?

-Yeah, it looks really strange.

-It's easy.

I'll show you.

First, I have to put all these thimbles on my fingers.

And then I move my fingers up and down on the washboard.

-Aah, it's really cool!





DADDY: OK, well, maybe we can think of something else.


Betsy, did you see that lion's big tongue?


-Well, that reminded me how scratchy Kitty's tongue is.

What if we were to get some sandpaper and a block--





BETSY (VOICEOVER): Newton used sandpaper on his instrument.

Newton wrapped two pieces of wood in very rough sandpaper.

Then he glued in empty sewing thread spool to the top

of each block to be the handles.

When he rubs the sandpaper blocks together,

he gets a neat scratchy sound.


I guess we'll just have to keep thinking.


Molly is using bells as her instrument.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Her mom took some old jingle bells.

And her mom sewed them on two old wristbands.



-The noise they made when those two birds hit their beaks

together reminded me a lot of Kenji's instrument.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): Kenji took these two

wooden sticks and painted them.


DADDY: Sounds like a good idea.

-Musical and pretty.


-Hey, look, Betsy.

Duck eggs.

-That reminds me of Sarah's musical instrument.

DADDY: Sarah has a musical duck?


BETSY (VOICEOVER): But she did take two old plastic Easter

eggs and put some bird feed in them and then glued them shot.


DADDY: I've got to admit, you sure

have some pretty clever friends.

Look at the seals.

You see, that reminds me of the time when I was just

a little boy and Grandad took me to the circus.

-And you saw a seal play a bunch of different sized bicycle


-Uh, yeah.

Did I tell you that story already?


But I think Billy must have gone to the same circus.

Just the other day, Billy brought

in his musical instrument.

--[CHUCKLES] What a funny-looking instrument.


-Can you play it for us, Billy?


Listen to this.




-But Scott's was the most spectacular of them all.

-What are you making, Scott?

-A kazoo.


-I didn't sneeze, silly.

A kazoo is a musical instrument.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): First, he cut a square piece of wax paper

that was about twice as big as the opening

at the end of the bathroom tissue tube.

Then he taped one corner of it down on the side of the tube.

Then he taped the corner of the wax paper

and placed it on the other side of the tube.

So two corners were taped and two weren't.

Then he put the open end of the tube up to his mouth

and hummed into it.



-You know, looking at that elephant just give me an idea.

-For an instrument?

-No, for lunch.

I'm hungry.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): We decided to eat outside

because it was such a nice day.

-[GIGGLES] What's that?

BETSY (VOICEOVER): It was the silliest thing I've ever seen.

He had a washboard like Maria, bells like Molly, a sandpaper

block and shaker like Newton and Sarah.

He had several bicycle horns like Billy

and a kazoo like Scott.

And he played them all at once.


-That's called a one-man band.


It sounds to me like you found your musical instrument.



-I got to say, I'm totally jazzed over all

the interesting musical instruments

you children have come up.

So let's get ready for an old-fashioned kindergarten jam



BETSY (VOICEOVER): One of the things I really

like about kindergarten is that you

never know what to expect each day.

Weekends are fun, but I like school better.


OK, Super Fun Sandy, your new house is almost set.

Oh, no, Sandy!




A dinosaur is coming!


It's OK, Kevin.

I'll get it back.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.


-My goodness!

What's the matter?

-Gracie strikes again.

-Oh, there, there, Kevin.

It's OK.



That was a close one, Sandy.

Gracie, no!

-Why, hello!

Hello, everyone.

-Good morning, Bus Driver Bob.

-Oh, boy.

That is one unhappy baby.

What seems to be the trouble?

-Gracie's the trouble.

She stole Kevin's favorite toy dinosaur.

-Ah, you're a fan of dinosaurs, eh, Kevin?


I remember when I was in school, I

couldn't get enough of learning about dinosaurs.

My mom took me to the Dinosaur Museum two,

sometimes even three times a month.

Yessiree, those were the days.

In fact, I even went through this phase

when I was a little kid where I thought I was a dinosaur.


Yup, I walked around the house roaring, showing my teeth

and stomping my feet for three whole weeks.


Oh, the things kids do.


-Did I say something wrong?

-Good morning, everyone.

I have something exciting to show you.


-What's that?

-It's a giant footprint!

-That's right, Billy.

Does anyone have any guesses as to what animal a footprint

this large would come from?

-An elephant?

-A hippo?

-A monster?


-Don't worry, girls.

It's not a monster.

Good guesses, everybody.

But this size footprint belonged to a dinosaur.


-It's huge!

-This size footprint would have come

from a dinosaur named Brachiosaurus.

-Mrs. O'Connor, are you all set to go to the Dinosaur Museum?

The bus is out front and ready to go.

-We're going to the museum?

-All right!

Yeah, let's go!

-Yeah, that's cool!

-Dinosaurs here we come!

-You bet.

Come on, let's go!


-I haven't gotten around to telling

them yet that we're going.

-Oops, sorry.

OK, everyone, I'd like you to line up and follow single file

behind myself into the museum-- quickly and quietly.


-Yeah, come on, everybody.

Hurry up!




-He's just excited, Principal Warner.

You see, when he was a kid--

-He thought he was a dinosaur.

I know.

I know.

-Hello, everyone.

You must be the kindergarten class

from Lake Shore Elementary.

I'm Mrs. Murphy.

And I work here at the Lake Shore Town Dinosaur Museum.

And I am a paleontologist.


Does anyone know what that is?


A paleontologist is someone who digs up, uh, dinosaur bones.

-Very good, young man.

A paleontologist is someone who studies ancient life on earth

by finding and looking at fossils.

Now, fossils are what's left from plants

or animals that lived long ago.

-Um, excuse me, Mrs. Murphy.

I happen to know a thing or two about dinosaurs myself.

Actually, ahem, I don't mean to brag,

but when I was in first grade, my teacher

said she had never seen a boy so into dinosaurs.

So if you need any help today--

-I'll be sure to ask you.

Thank you.

Now, follow me, everyone.

First stop is our Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton

we have here at the museum named Bob.


Hm, interesting.

With his long fingernails, I would

have thought Bob was a girl.

--[CHUCKLES] He certainly does have long claws.

Now, the name "Tyrannosaurus Rex" means "lizard king."

-Ooh, the king.

He's my favorite.

-Me, too.

MRS. MURPHY: This guy is a carnivore,

which means he only ate meat.

-Probably why he needs these pointy teeth.

-Exactly, Sarah!

-They sure are pointy, and they're so many.



-Oh, sorry, Mrs. O'Connor.

-OK, OK, everyone.

Moving right along here.

To your left, you will see the skeleton of a Brachiosaurus.

-Oh, we learned about him this morning.


Brachiosaurus's name should mean "big foot."

-Brachiosaurus was one of the largest

and heaviest dinosaurs that ever lived.

Can anyone guess what this dinosaur would have eaten?

-He's so huge, he could eat my house!

-Oh, oh, he must have eaten lots of other dinosaurs.

-Actually, if you don't mind, I'll

take this one, Mrs. Murphy.

-[SIGHS] Be my guest.


Even though the Brachiosaurus is so huge, children,

it ate only plants and leaves.

-You mean, lots of plants and leaves.


-And a dinosaur that only eats plants is called a herbivore.

-What's all this?

-This says, "Pretend that these two

dinosaurs were still alive today.

What would you feed them?

Make them a meal.

They're sure hungry."


-OK, so Brachiosaurus was an herbivore.

So let's feed him plants and stuff.

-Here's some celery.

-And here is the most delicious carrot for you, big guy.

-And some nice, green lettuce leaves.

-(GRUFFLY) Feed me!

I'm hungry, too!

-T-- T. Rex, is that really you?

-(GRUFFLY) Yes, Maria!

Feed me!

I'm a big eater!

None of those carrots for me!


-[LAUGHS] Sorry, Maria.

-OK, king of the dinosaurs, here's

a nice, juicy burger for you.


And a hot dog.

-And chicken.

-Well, what good little dinosaurs chefs I have in here.

Looks like if we ever had a real dinosaur come to Lake Shore,

I know who could make lunch.


-OK, everyone, let's all meet at the last station here--

the Dinosaur Digging Pit.


I'm coming!

-Me, too.

-Now, I'd like to give you all a chance

to see what I do at my job.

Like I said before, a paleontologist

is someone who digs for fossils and studies ancient life.

So first, I'd like to show you some of the tools I

use to dig for the dinosaur bones.

SCOTT: I know what this is-- a magnifying glass!

MRS. MURPHY: That's right, Scott.

A magnifying glass is used to see

very smart fossils, like teeth and scales.

NEWTON: And you use this thing to see

how big the dinosaur bones are.

MRS. MURPHY: That's right.

This is a tape measure.

I measure the size of the fossils I find in the ground.

And next, we have--



Um, Mrs. Murphy, yes, um, this is a camera.

I definitely know how to use one of these.

MRS. MURPHY: Yes, thank you, Molly.

I use this to take pictures of each step

as I take the fossils out of the ground.

MARIA (VOICEOVER): This look like paint brushes.

-Yes, Maria.

These are several different brushes

I use to clean up the fossils and take

off all the sand and dirt.


Mrs. Murphy is so cool.

She knows everything about dinosaurs.

And she even let us use all her tools.

Maybe it would be fun if I could be a paleontologist someday.

-Well, Mrs. Murphy, you sure were a hit.

Thank you so much for a lovely tour.

-Oh, it was my pleasure, Mrs. O'Connor.

You have a very bright class.

I think we might have a group of young little paleontologists

on our hands here.

PRINCIPAL: And one big one, too.


-OK, everybody.

Back on the bus.

We need to get you all home.

KIDS: Aww!

-Yeah, aww!

Do we have to?

-Yes, Bob.

We have to.

So, children, I need you all to line up here.


-All right.

Climb aboard, little dinosaurs.




What's this?


I can't believe it.

It's a bone.

-A bone?

A bone from what?

-Wait a second here.

Let me see that.

I know what this is.

This is a dinosaur bone.


No way.

It can't be.

-Billy, are you sure?

-Sure, I'm sure.

Don't you think I know a dinosaur bone when I see one?


You could be right.

A real dinosaur bone!

-If that really is a dinosaur bone,

there must be more around here.

-Yeah, lots more!

Start digging, everybody!


We could put together a dinosaur, like Mrs. Murphy.


-There, there, Kevin.

Here's your bottle.

What on earth are you doing?

-Well, Billy found this dinosaur bone,

so we thought there must be more where that came from.

-But we haven't found anything else.

-Dinosaur bone?

Let me see that.

Kids, this is a chicken bone.

Gracie must have got it off the counter this morning when

I was making my chicken noodle soup.

-A chicken bone?

-Are you sure?

-Yes, I'm sure.

-Hey, over here!

I found something!

-Oh, my goodness!

-Well, Betsy, sorry to say there's

no dinosaur buried back here.

Just the treasures from one very busy dog.

-Kevin, look!

Your toy!



Well, kids, I guess you were right.

There was a dinosaur buried in our backyard after all.


MOMMY (VOICEOVER): Visit the "Betsy's Kindergarten

Adventures" website and see how Betsy's getting ready

for school.

Play games, color pictures, and meet all of Betsy's friends


BETSY (VOICEOVER): My friends and I love to read.

You can find all kinds of fun and interesting books

to read at your local library.

Visit the library in your town today

to have your own adventures, just like me.


-Of course, garbage will have to be

taken out by somebody strong.

BILLY (VOICEOVER): When someone gives you a responsibility,

you should always do your very best.

MRS. O'CONNOR: How about Billy?

-All right!

I get to take out the garbage!