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01x18 - Police Department and Visit From The Doctor

Posted: 12/10/23 06:59
by bunniefuu
Coming up next on Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures,

-Kevin's teddy bear is the fourth thing

to disappear this week.

BETSY: I needed to find some evidence if I was going

to solve the mystery of the missing teddy bear.

MRS. O'CONNOR: Today we'll be talking

about the importance of good health.

BETSY: Why can't a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting

and sprinkles be a fruit or a vegetable.


[THEME SONG] A B C and it's

kindergarten time for you and me.

So climb aboard and take a seat for kindergarten fun

with Betsy.

We'll meet new friends along the way,

and have adventures every day.

Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures.








-Boy, Kevin sounds upset.

-He sure does, but your mom is doing

her best to calm him down.

-Kevin's teddy bear is the this many things

to disappear this week.


Keven's teddy bear is the fourth thing to disappear this week.

-Yeah, fourth.

First it was mom's fuzzy slippers.

-That's one, then my new cashmere sweater.

-That's two.

Then my velvet dress.

-That's three.

-And now Kevin's teddy bear.

That's four.


I wonder who's taking these things.




-I just can't find Kevin's teddy bear any place.

-Maybe Kevin left it in another room of the house.


He had with him when he went to bed last night.

Someone must've taken it.

And I think I know who that someone is.

And until I find that teddy bear,

Gracie will have to stay outside in her doghouse.

-That doesn't seem fair.


-Well, let's face it, Betsy.

It does sound like the sort of thing Gracie would do.

-I don't know.

Something about this doesn't seem right.



-Easy there, Kevin.

Calm down.

-Co-pilot to pilot, I think Gracie's

being punished for something she didn't do.


-Pilot to co-pilot, doesn't Gracie always

bury Kevin's things in the backyard.


-Only his clothes.

This time it was a lot of other stuff.

-Maybe, but it sure sounds like Gracie to me.

-I guess.

Will you be here when I get home from school today?

-No, sweetie.

I'm flying to Chicago today.

But I'll be home tomorrow night.

Have a great day at school today, Betsy.

OK, bye.

Bye, Kevin.


-My mom and dad may think Gracie took Kevin's teddy bear,

but I didn't see it that way.

Gracie only buries the clothes Kevin takes off.

She never just takes things.

And she's never taken anything of mine.

Something strange was going on at my house,

but I couldn't quite figure out what.

My dad called it a mystery, so I figure if this was a mystery,

it was up to me to solve it.

-All right, everyone.

Let's all gather around for morning circle time.

Good morning, everyone.

-Good morning, Mrs. O'Connor.

-We have a very special visitor coming to talk to you today.

-Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Mrs. O'Connor?

-Yes, Sarah.

-Is it a professional basketball player?

-No, Sarah.

It isn't a professional basketball player.

-Oh, oh.

Is it a football player?

-No, Sarah, not even a football player.

Our special visitor is a police officer

with the Officer Friendly Program.



-A policeman, a real policeman.

Maybe he can help me solve the mystery

of Kevin's missing teddy bear.


-Good morning, Officer Cruz.

Welcome to Lakeshore School.

-Thank you, Mrs. O'Connor.

Good morning, children.

I am Officer Ramon Cruz, but you can call me Officer Friendly.

-Hi, Officer Friendly.

-Does anybody know what a police officer does?

-You catch bad guys.


-Yes, we catch the bad guys, but we also do a whole lot more.

Our job is to keep everyone safe.

And to do that, we have to make sure everyone

follows the rules.

MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): Traffic officers

make sure drivers follow the rules of the road.

-That's right.

But drivers aren't the only ones that have to follow rules.

People walking on the sidewalks have rules to follow too.

MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): If you're walking near traffic,

you must always make sure to use the sidewalks

whenever they are available.

-And at crosswalks where there isn't a traffic signal

or a police officer, it's important to always look

both ways before you cross the street.

MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): Look left, then right, then

left again to make sure no cars are

coming or turning into the crosswalk.

-You'll also find police officers

downtown and in the parks.


police officers on horseback are able to get around

much easier than in a patrol car.

MRS. O'CONNOR: But not all police officers

are men and women, are they, Officer Friendly?

-That's right, Mrs. O'Connor.

We also have our canine unit.

MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): The canine unit

is for highly trained police dogs.

OFFICER FRIENDLY (VOICEOVER): If a bad guy hides so we can't see

him, our police dogs are trained to help us find him.

And to keep you safe on the water, we have a police boat,

and to watch over the city from the sky, a police helicopter.



-All these things are to help us keep you

and your families safe.

MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): That's right.

The police officer is a very special friend whose job

is to protect us and make sure that all the rules

and laws of our town are obeyed.

-That's very true.

So do any of you have any questions?

What would you like to know about?

My uniform?

My police car?

-No, sir.

My question is about police business.


This sounds important.

-It is.

How does a police officer solve a mystery?

-Well, police officers aren't the ones

who are called in to solve mysteries.

That's the job of a police detective.

-A police detective?

What do they do?

-At the scene of a mystery, police detectives

are called in to find evidence.

-What's evidence?


is things detectives find that help them solve a mystery

and to find out who the bad guy is.

Sometimes it's a footprint, or sometimes it's

even something as small as a fingerprint, or a button,

or even a hair.


MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): Back at the police station,

there's a special police laboratory where

police scientists examine all these clues to help

the detectives find the answers.

-Does that answer your question?

-Sure does.


-You're welcome.

-I think we should all thank Officer Friendly for coming

by today and telling us all about the police department.

-Thank you, Officer Friendly.

-You're very welcome.

-Office Friendly gave me an idea.

I needed to find some evidence if I was going to solve

the mystery of the missing teddy bear,

and I knew just who to ask for help.


-Easy, sweetheart.

Everything is fine.

-Hi, Mom.

Hi, Kevin.

Mom, you remember Kenji and Scott.

-Of course I do.

Hello, boys.


-Hi there.

-Betsy, I didn't know you had a play date scheduled for today.

-This isn't a play date.

-No, ma'am.

We're here to look for clues.

-And solve a mystery.

-A mystery?


This way, men.

The first thing that disappeared were my mom's fuzzy slippers.


-Thank you.

Something seems to have tickled my nose.

-Over here was where we last saw my dad's new cashmere sweater.

That was the second thing to go.

-Betsy, I think I found something.

-I wore my new velvet dress to my grandma's birthday party.

When I went to bed, it was right here.

The next morning, It was gone.

-Betsy, look here.

I found another one.


-Boy, you sure are having the sneezes today.

-Yes, I know.

It's funny, but something seems to have tickled my nose in here


-This is Kevin's crib.

He had his teddy bear in here when

he went to sleep last night, and then this morning it was gone.


Let's go over all the clues.

Number one, how would you describe

all the things that were taken?

-Describe them?

Well, they were all different, Mom's fuzzy slippers, my dad's

new sweater, my velvet dress, and Kevin's teddy bear.

All these things are different.


But is there any way that these things are the same?


I can't think of anything.

Wait a second.

All of these things were soft.

-I think I found something.

-I think we've solved the mystery.



-Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom!

Scott, Kenji, and I have solved the mystery.

-Hold on a second.

What mystery?

-The mystery of who took Kevin's teddy bear.

-Oh, Betsy.

We already know who took Kevin's teddy bear.

Gracie did.


Thanks to Scott and Kenji, we have

evidence that will clear Gracie's name.


-Stop being silly.

-These are white cat whiskers.

We found them in each room where something was taken.

-So, that's why I was sneezing.

I'm allergic to cats.

-Betsy, you can find Kitty's whiskers

in every room of the house.

-But what about this?

-Well, this does look like the bell I put on Kitty's collar

to warn the birds when Kitty was coming.


-Oh, but wait.

There's more.

-Much, much, much more.



Help us move the sofa.



-My slippers!

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Dad's sweater.

KENJI (VOICEOVER): Betsy's velvet dress.

SCOTT (VOICEOVER): And this must be Kevin's missing teddy bear.



-Oh, dear.

It looks like I owe Gracie an apology.

-Thanks, Scott.

Thanks, Kenji.

-My pleasure.

-My pleasure.

-It looks like this mystery is finally solved.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): One of the things I really

like about kindergarten is that you

never know what to expect each day.



BETSY (VOICEOVER): Weekends are fun, but I like school better.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): Today was Kevin's checkup

at Doctor Anderson's office.

Doctor Anderson is a pediatrician.

That means she's a doctor for little kids.

-The doctor's ready to see Kevin now.

-Thank you.

-Is anything wrong with Kevin, Doctor Anderson?


-Not at all, Betsy.

He's fine.

-But regular checkups are very important.

If anything was wrong with Kevin,

the doctor is here to help.

-That's right.

For instance, if Kevin was sick, it

would be my job to find a way to make him well.

-Or if you were hurt or injured, it's

the doctor who would take care of you in the hospital.

-It's my job to make sure that children like you

and your little brother grow up healthy and strong.

DAPHNE (VOICEOVER): And that's what

makes the doctor a very special friend.

-Heartbeat is strong.

All right, all that's left to do now is to weigh him.

DOCTOR ANDERSON (VOICEOVER): Everything looks fine.

You've got a very healthy young man here.


DAPHNE (VOICEOVER): That's good to hear, doctor.

-Doctor Anderson, what's that?

-That's my handy food guide, Betsy.

It's an outline of what you should be eating each day.

You might say it's a guide to help you choose healthy foods.


shows sweets, oils, and fats.

These are things we shouldn't eat too much of.

Over here, we have the milk and cheese group.

And here is the fish, meat, and chicken group.

-You should be getting between two

and three servings of these every day.

DOCTOR ANDERSON (VOICEOVER): This is the vegetable group.

-You should have between three and five servings of these.


shows the fruit group.

-You should have between two and four servings of these foods

to keep healthy.

-What's that?

-This shows the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group.

You should be getting between six and

servings from this group every day.

That's why it's important to listen to what your parents say

about what you should be eating.

And, of course, you should make sure you

always get plenty of exercise.

-That's funny.

I was sure I put Kevin's clothes down over here.


Oh, no!




-Oh, dear.

-Does he always do that?

-Not always.

Sometimes he has help.

-My goodness, Betsy.

You're certainly quiet this morning.

-Being at the doctor's office made me think.

Good health isn't just something that happens.

You really have to work at.

-That's very true.

To be healthy, you need to get plenty of rest,

and exercise, and see your doctor regularly.

Above all, you need to make sure you eat healthy foods

for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

-Yeah, because-- oh, my goodness.

My lunch.

I forgot my lunch box.

-You mean this lunch box?

-Oh, wow.


You're the best mom in the world.

-A sandwich, a bag of carrot sticks, and for dessert.

-A chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting and sprinkles,


-No, a box of raisins.


-Remember the food guide Doctor Anderson said to follow?

We need to get more fruits and vegetables.


-Oh, yeah.

I forgot.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Why can't the chocolate cupcake with vanilla

frosting and sprinkles be a fruit or vegetable?


MRS. O'CONNOR: All right, everyone.

Let's all gather around for morning circle time.

Good morning, everyone.

-Good morning, Mrs. O'Connor.

-How's everyone feeling today?


-Oh, my.

Did I surprise you?

I guess I don't normally ask you that question, do I?

Well, how you feel is what we'll be talking about today,

because today we'll be talking about the importance

of good health.

Can anyone think of some ways to keep healthy?



-Uh, exercise.

Exercise is a good way to help healthy.

MRS. O'CONNOR: Exercise is an excellent way to keep healthy.

Good answer.



-Eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.


-My dad and I try to eat five different kinds

of fruits and vegetables every day.

MRS. O'CONNOR: Another good answer.



NEWTON (VOICEOVER): Making sure you've got plenty of rest.


-That's true.



MARIA (VOICEOVER): Following safety rules.

-Following safety rules will keep you from getting hurt,

so I'd say that's another good way to keep healthy.


BETSY: Visiting the doctor.

MRS. O'CONNOR: Visiting the doctor is another good answer.

In fact, we're going to have Doctor Anderson visit us

at school today to weigh and measure everyone.



-It looks like we have some free time before lunch,

so if everyone would like to play inside a little bit,

we'll leave for lunch when the second bell rings.

-Do you think they're done?

-Oh, I don't know.

I'll check.

They are, and they're perfect.

You're just in time, Betsy.

Care for a cupcake?



-Thank you.


I think I will have one too.

-They do look good.

I guess I'll have one too.

-Oh, Miley.

You positively outdo yourself.

-Yes, I think so too.


-Mmm, yummy.

Thank you very much for the cupcake.

I'll see you later.

-Bye, bye.

Oh, do come again.

Don't be a stranger.

-Do you care for another?

-Ooh, don't mind if I do.

-Metal rod.

-Metal rod.





-Another bolt.

-Another bolt.

-One more bolt.

-One more bolt.

-That's it.

It's finished.

-Oh, that is cool, very, very cool.

-Whoa, that's really awesome, yeah.

-Golly, what's that?

-It's a skeleton.

Pretty cool, huh?

-A skeleton.

-Yeah, Betsy.

Inside we all have bones.

Bones allow us to stand up and walk.

-Show her, Scott.

-Yes, make him stand up.

-OK Stand back, everybody.



-That wasn't supposed to happen.



-Maybe we should rebuild him.


-Make that maybe we should rebuild him after lunch.


-Good idea.

-One peanut butter sandwich, one bag of carrot

sticks, and for dessert, one box of raisins.


-Why couldn't you've been a chocolate cupcake

with vanilla frosting and sprinkles?

-Did you say something, Betsy?


Oh, nothing.

Billy, what are you eating?

-Celery sticks with peanut butter.

My dad says they're a real healthy snack.

They're crunchy too.

You want one?

-Uh, OK.


-Wow, this is good and crunchy.

Want some carrot sticks?


-Sarah, is that a candy bar?


No way.

This is an energy bar.

It has oatmeal, carob, honey, and raisins.

Here, try some.


-Sarah, this is delicious.

-Yeah, I know.

It's all natural and it's good for you too.





I never knew that stuff that was good

for you could taste good too.

MRS. O'CONNOR: Betsy, Sarah, if you're

finished with your lunch, walk over

to where Doctor Anderson is and get measured.

-OK, Mrs. O'Connor.

-Thank you, Molly.

-Oh, you are very welcome.

-OK, who's next?

Here now, what's this?

Scott, no standing on your toes.

You have to stand flat-footed.

-Oh, all right.

-That's more like it.

-Doctor Anderson?


-Which bones help up stand up and walk around?

-All our bones are very important.

That's why you need lots of calcium from dairy products

to help them grow and keep strong.

But it's the muscles that are connected to our bones that

help us stand up and walk around.

-Muscles, of course.

-Exercise and nutrition are all very important

for the development of healthy bones and muscles.

-Thanks, Doctor Anderson.

-You're very welcome.

Hello, Betsy.

It's good to see you again.

-Hello, Doctor Anderson.

Even though I didn't get a cupcake,

it was still a pretty good day after all.

For one thing, I learned that there are foods that

not only taste good but that are good for you too.


-Rubber band.

-Rubber band.

-Another rubber band.

-Another rubber band.

-One more rubber band.

-One more rubber band.

-OK, just one more rubber band.

-One last rubber band.

-That's it.

It's finished.


That is so neat!

-That's awesome!

-So very nice.

-OK stand back, everybody.


-And Scott and the boys discovered

that takes a lot more than just strong bones to keep us going.

We need strong muscles too.

But most of all, I discovered that if you want

to stay healthy and stand straight and tall like Scott's

metal man, you need to have plenty of milk

for strong bones and lots of fruits and vegetables.

You also need exercise to keep your muscles strong.

-I see you finished all your vegetables.


-Well, I hope you saved a little room for dessert.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): At first, I was going to ask my mom

to let me have an apple instead.

Then I thought, you can still be healthy

and, every once in a while, have a chocolate cupcake

with vanilla frosting and sprinkles.


MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): -Visit the Betsy's Kindergarten

Adventures website and see how Betsy's

getting ready for school, play games, color pictures,

and meet all of Betsy's friends at

BETSY (VOICEOVER): My friends and I love to read.

You can find all kinds of fun and interesting books

to read at your local library.

Visit the library in your town today

to have your own adventures just like me.


MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): Of course, garbage

will have to be taken out by somebody strong.

-When someone gives you a responsibility,

you should always do your very best.

MRS. O'CONNOR (VOICEOVER): How about Billy.

-All right!

I get to take out the garbage.