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01x16 - Responsibilities and Rules Of The Road

Posted: 12/09/23 16:06
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Coming up next on Betsy's

Kindergarten Adventures.

-We'll talk more about responsibilities

when you get home from school, OK?


-Betsy, responsibility means chores.




-We could all use a lesson on school bus safety.

THEME SONG: A, B, C and , , it's Kindergarten time for you

and me.

So climb aboard and take a seat for Kindergarten fun

with Betsy.

We'll meet new friends along the way

and have adventures every day with Betsy's

kindergarten adventures.

-Come on, Betsy.

It's almost time for school.


Oh my goodness.


-I can't find Super Fun Sandy's Fairy Princess Crown any place.

And it's Super Fun Sandy Fairy Princess day!

-Betsy, just look at this room.

-I guess it got a little messed up.




-Is this it?

-You found it!

You're the best mom in the whole world.

-I thought Super Fun Sandy was a veterinarian.

-She is.

And a fairy princess and an astronaut

and an Olympic gymnast.

Oh, and a ballerina.

She has a lot of jobs.


Sounds like she has a lot of responsibilities.

-What are responsibilities?


It means people depend on her to do her job.

-Like the way the elves in Super Fun Fairyland

depend on Fairy Princess Super Fun Sandy

to keep the mud pixies from taking over?

-Something like that.

We'll talk more about responsibilities

when you get home from school, OK?


-Come on, Kevin.

Let's walk Betsy-- Oh, no!



Get back here with Kevin's clothes!

-Good morrow, Milady.

-(laughing) What does that mean, Bus Driver Bob?

-Section three, paragraph seven of the bus drivers

handbook, and I quote, "When any female passenger boards

a bus wearing a tiara, she has to be greeted as Milady.

-That's the way people greeted princesses in olden days.

-That's right.

And it's my responsibility to greet every member of royalty

who rides on my bus with the proper respect.

-In that case, good morrow Milady to you too.


Uh, uh thanks.

-I just love Fairy Princess day.

-Me too.

-It's OK, I guess.

But I prefer Super Fun Sandy All Star sports day.

-Ah, good morrow, Milady.

-She is not a milady, Bus Driver Bob.

She is a Fairy Queen.


Heh, well, heh.

Forgive me, your Majesty.

-Well, all right.

Good morning, plain princesses.

ALL: Hey, Molly.


Nice hat.

-This is not a hat.

It is a crown.

You guys have fairy princesses.

I have a fairy queen.

So, from now on, you all have to call her your majesty.

-What makes a fairy queen different from a fairy

princess, Molly?

-A better crown, for one thing, and queens

have more responsibilities than princesses.

-What are responsibilities?

-I'm not sure.

But they must be valuable because my father says

he has a lot of them at his office.

-My mom said she wants to talk to me about responsibilities

after school today.


-Wow, your mom wants to talk to you about responsibilities?



What's wrong with responsibilities?

-Betsy, responsibilities means chores.


-Here you go, Sydney.

Some nice pill bugs, beetles, earthworms,

and a couple of small millipedes.

-That's quite a feast you prepared for Sydney.

But why aren't you feeding him any meal worms?

-Well I noticed Sydney hadn't been

eating his meal worms lately.



So I looked up salamanders on my computer

and found out that salamanders like

to have different kinds of things to eat.


I had no idea.


I mean, meal worms every day?

That would be like eating Bologna sandwiches

for breakfast, lunch, and a dinner for a whole year.

-Sounds good to me!

I love Bologna sandwiches.


-You certainly are taking good care of Sydney.

-Taking care of Sydney this week is my responsibility.

So I want to do my best.

-I'm sure Sydney appreciates it.

-Hello, Betsy.

Oh my, is something wrong?

You look worried.

-Are responsibilities good things or bad things?

-What a very interesting question.

I think that's something we should

talk about in morning circle today.

OK, everyone.

It's morning circle time.

Good morning everyone.

ALL: Good morning Mrs. O'Connor.

-Today I want to talk a little bit about responsibilities.


-Excuse me, Principal Warner.

Would you and Bus Driver Bob step in here for a moment,


Does anyone here know what responsibilities are?

I'm sure you two know, I was asking the children.



-Responsibilities means work.

-Yes, but there's more responsibility than just work.

-Do teachers have responsibilities?

-We certainly do.

A teacher's responsibility is to teach the students what they

need to know so that they can move on to the next grade.

-So I was right.

Responsibilities means work.

-Yes, but responsibility means other things too.

It also means doing what's right and following rules.

Principal Warner, would you please tell us

what your responsibilities are?


Well, I guess you could say it's my responsibility to watch over

everything that goes on at Lakeshore school.

-So you just watch stuff?

You don't do anything?



Uh, sorry, sir.

-As principal, it is my responsibility

to hire the teachers at Lakeshore school

and help them improve their skills.

I do this by watching how the teachers teach

and talking with them about how they

plan to teach their students.

-That's a big responsibility.

PRINCIPAL WARNER: It is, but I'm very proud of the work I do.

And I'm proud of all of our fine teachers.

-I'm sure now we all have a much greater understanding

of the work you do at Lakeshore school.

-Oh, well, thank you.

-And what about you Bus Driver Bob?

What are your responsibilities?


I guess you could say my responsibility is

to make sure everyone gets to school and home again on time

and safe and sound.

-That's a very big responsibility.

Because to be a safe bus driver, Bus Driver Bob as many rules

that he has to follow.

And that's a big responsibility a responsibility.

-So responsibility means not only doing your job

but following rules too?


-So responsibilities are good things.

-They certainly are.


Oh, my.

There's the recess bell.

-Yes, which means it's now your responsibility

to all go outside and play.


-Oh, Billy.

I was wondering if you would like

to have a special classroom responsibility today.




I want you to be responsible for making sure everyone in class

gets one of these papers today.

-Well, uh, I would but--

-Thank you, Billy.

Now don't forget.

It's a big responsibility.

I'll leave them on your desk and you

can pass them out after recess.

-(muttering) responsibilities.

-It sure sounds like everybody has responsibilities.


My responsibility this week is to make

sure all the blocks in the classroom

are put away neatly so none of the pieces get lost.

-And my responsibilities this week is to care of Sydney.

-Yes, but those are school responsibilities.

-Well, if I'm in a play, it's my responsibility

to learn all my lines and makes that I'm wonderful.

-And I guess it's my responsibility

to follow all Ms. Vandemere's rules and instructions.

-Who's Mrs. Vandemere?

-My piano teacher.

She's very exclusive.

-You can have responsibilities at home too.

-You can?


My responsibility at home is to help my big brother mow

the lawn and to take out the garbage.

-I help my mom set the table.


I do that too.

-My responsibility at home is to feed Shakespeare.

He's my pet goldfish!

Oh, and keep my room neat.


What everyone said really made me think.

Maybe I should have some responsibilities.

My dad's responsibility is to fly his jet all over the world,

making sure his passengers all arrive safe.

And my mom has a lot of responsibilities too.

She takes care of Kevin and me.

And she does all the shopping and cooking and cleaning.

Maybe I could have some responsibilities at home

and help her.

-You see?

Work, work, work.

Responsibilities mean chores.

-Do you have any responsibilities, Billy?

-Well I do now!

Mrs. O'Connor just gave me a classroom responsibility.

I have to pass out papers to everyone after recesses.


That sounds important.


But maybe if I forgot to pass out the papers,

Mrs. O'Connor wouldn't give me any more responsibilities.

-I don't think that's a good idea, Billy.

When someone gives you a responsibility,

you should always do your very best.

-Before we get started, I've given Billy

some papers to pass out to you.

They're permission slips that must be signed

by a grown up and returned tomorrow for a field

trip to the Lakeshore Ice Cream Factory.


-Here you go!

Don't forget to bring it home!

Be sure your mom or dad signs it.

Remember it's your responsibility.

Don't forget!


I'm finished, Mrs. O'Connor.

Everyone got one.

In fact, some of them got two.

-(laughing) It sure looks like I picked

the right person for this job.

-Well, Mrs. O'Connor, it's like I always say,

when someone gives you a responsibility,

you should always do your very best.


-It looks like Billy really changed

his mind about responsibilities.




-Why Betsy.

This room looks beautiful.

It's so neat.

-I know.

-What happened?


I thought maybe I should help you more.

-What a wonderful idea.

You sure are growing up.

-Yeah, I know.



How did you get out your crib?

Oh, no!

-Gracie strikes again.

-Why does that silly little dog feel

she has to bury Kevin's clothes?

-Maybe Gracie thinks that's her responsibility.


BETSY (VOICEOVER): One of the things I really

like about kindergarten is that you

never know what to expect each day.

Weekends are fun, but I like school better.



Vrooom, vroom, vroom!

DAPHNE: Not now, kitty.

I'll feed your after Betsy leaves for school.

What do you want, you silly cat?

Oh no!

Oh, well.

At least I should be grateful you've

managed to keep your sneakers on.




Why are you making so much noise?

-I'm announcing that I'm ready for school.


-Maybe you should keep that horn at home.

-I can't.

I need it for show and tell.

-All right.

But let's not make so much noise, OK?

It's almost time for the bus.


And please, let's not blow that horn in the house.



-OK, that's enough noise.

-But Kevin really likes it.

Don't you, Kevin?


-I'm sure he does, but that horn is very loud

and I don't want you disturbing our neighbors.

Oh, and I certainly don't want you

blowing it on the school bus.

-Oh, OK.

-Good morning, ladies.

Say, do you know why cows can't be bus drivers?

-I don't know, why?

-Because their horns don't work.



What did I say about blowing that horn?

-I was just showing Bus Driver Bob.

-I'm glad you showed it to me now

and not while I was driving.

-Bye, Mom.

Bye, Kevin.

-Have a good day.


-Grown ups sure get tired of loud noises quickly.

I wonder if I could blow it softly.

No, I better not.

Mom said she didn't want me blowing the horn on the bus.

-Hello, Billy.

Uh, what's in the jar?

-Millipedes Bus Driver Bob.


Want to see 'em?

-Uh, no thanks.

-Hi, Betsy.

Want to see my millipedes?


No thanks.

-Good morning, everybody!

ALL: Hi, Bus Driver Bob!

-What's in the bag, Netwon?

-A remote controlled blimp.

ALL: Cool.

-Hello, Molly.

Hello, Scott.

My goodness, Molly.

Don't you look lovely?

-Oh, yes, I know.

This is my costume from my dance recital last week.

-Oh, it must have been very elegant.

-Yes, and it was by invitation only.

-Hi, Billy.

What's in the jar?

- millipedes.

-Um why don't you have any holes in the top of your jar?

-Why would I need holes?

-So your bugs can breathe.


-Oh, no!

Breathe, breathe!

I think they're going to be OK.

They're squirming.

-I've told you about my Uncle Bonkers.

He's a real circus clown.

Last night he gave me this silly flower.

Come closer and smell my beautiful flower.



-What's going on back there?

-Oh no!



There's a bug!

-Molly, look out!


My eye!



-Don't hurt my millipedes!

-Calm down, everyone.


-Everybody pay attention.

Bus Driver Bob is talking.


Be quiet.


-Look out for my millipedes

-You better put that squirting flower away.

-Molly, look out!

-My eye!

Oh, my eye!

My eye!


-Sorry, Molly.

-What's going on back there?

-Everybody, listen to Bus Driver Bob!

-Are you saying this is my fault?


-I thought it was Billy's fault.

-My fault?


Everybody be quiet.


Oh, my.

Is everyone all right?

ALL: Yes, Bus Driver Bob!

-Oh, thank goodness!


-You're minutes late, Bus Driver Bob.

-Oh, yes, sir.

I know.

We ran into trouble on the road.

-Well, nevertheless.

You know how I like to keep things on schedule.

-Yes, Principal Warner.

-Just remember, Bob.

Time is of the essence.

There's no time like the present because time and tide

wait for no one.

Is that clear?


Yes, sir.

I want you all to know I'm very disappointed in your behavior


ALL: We're sorry Bus Driver Bob.


-Well, you better get on to your classroom.

Mrs. O'Connor will be waiting for you.

-OK, everyone.

It's morning circle time.

Let's all come together.

My goodness, what a bunch of sad faces.

Is anything the matter?

ALL: No, Mrs. O'Connor.

MRS. O'CONNER: Yes, Molly?

-There is something the matter, Mrs. O'Connor.



I don't want to ride the sick old bus ever again.


-You don't mean that, do you, Molly?

-I certainly do!

I have been covered with bugs, poked

in the eye with a giant rubber finger,

and att*cked by a blimp!

-A blimp?

Good heavens.

-I just can't take anymore.

-It sounds like we could all use a lesson on school bus safety.

And I know it just the person to teach us.

Come along, every one.

Let's get into a nice orderly line.

Hold hands.

-Come on, Molly.

I'll be your line partner.

-Oh, OK.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Whatever Mrs. O'Connor was planning,

I sure hoped it would make Molly feel better.

-Good morning, Bus Driver Bob.


Good morning, Mrs. O'Connor.

What can I do for you?

-I understand you had a very unhappy ride to school today.

I thought a lesson on school bus safety

might help make sure that never happens again.

-I think that is a wonderful idea.

-Well I don't!

I don't want to ride on the school bus ever again.

-Please, Molly?

We'd all miss you if you weren't on the buss.

-OK, Molly.

But I'd like you to stand over here with me.


-Oh, OK.

-I think we should start with my top important rules

for school bus safety.

Now rule number , be on time.

Rule number , grab the handrail when getting on the bus.

Rule number , sit down and stay seated.

And always keep your seat belt buckled.

Rule , talk quietly.

Don't yell or shout.

Rule , keep the aisles clear.

Rule , don't put your head or arms or anything else

out the school bus windows.

Rule , wait for the school bus to stop before standing up.

Rule , use good manners when getting off the bus.

Don't push or shove.

Rule , never crawl under a school bus.

If you drop something near the bus,

just ask the driver to get it for you.

And finally, rule , if you have to cross the street,

wait for the driver to signal you that it's safe to cross.

-Those were all good rules, Bus Driver Bob.


-They are indeed.

Can anybody think of any other rules

to make riding the school bus safer?

Yes, Betsy.

-Always obey the bus driver.

-That's a very good rule.

How about you, Molly?

Can you think of any rules for school bus safety?



I thought after what you'd been through today,

you might have some ideas.

-Well if you bring icky bugs on a bus,

put air holes in the top of your jar

so you don't have to take off the lid.

-That makes good sense, Molly.

-Heh, heh, heh.


-Oh I'm just getting warmed up.

-What else?

-Remote controlled blimps, water squirting flowers, giant rubber

fingers, or any other things that can distract the bus

drive should be kept in bags and not

taken out until you reach school!


Those are great rules.


-That also includes loud plastic horns.


-Well, I'm going to have add your ideas

to my list of bus safety rules, Molly.



-They were all very good ideas.


It's too bad you won't be riding the bus anymore.


What do you mean?

-Well, if you're not on the bus to remind us,

we might not remember any of your safety tips.

-Bet she's right, Molly.

-You are very good at reminding people of stuff.

-That's for sure.

-Hm, well, I mean-- I don't know.

ALL: Please.

-Oh, all right.

But only because you all seem to need me so much.

ALL: Yay!

-It looked like Molly was going to keep riding the bus after.

Best of all, we a learned a lot about school bus safety.

NARRATOR: Visit the Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures website

and see how Betsy's getting ready for school.

Play games, color pictures, and meet all of Betsy's friends


BETSY (VOICEOVER): My friends and I love to read.

You can find all kinds of fun and interesting books

to read at your local library.

Visit the library in your town today to have your adventures,

just like me.


-Did you brush your teeth?

-I sure did.

Because brushing your teeth helps

keep them healthy and strong.

-That's right.


-Blub, blub, blub, blub.

PBS kids!