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01x05 - The Spy Who Taught Me and Show & Tell

Posted: 12/09/23 15:56
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Coming up next on "Betsy's

Kindergarten Adventures"--

-Whose that man in the red car?

-I know what she does when she's not in school.

She's a spy.


-Oh Betsy, tomorrow it's your turn for show and tell.


THEME SONG: A, B, C, and one, two, three.

It's kindergarten time for you and me.

So climb aboard and take a seat for kindergarten fun

with Betsy.

SCOTT: We'll meet new friends along the way,

and have adventures every day.

Betsy's kindergarten adventures.





It's going to get us!



Come on, Betsy.

Sydney was no foot T-Rex.

-Well, OK.

Maybe he was only a five inch garden lizard.

-And we didn't scream and run for our lives

easier when we found him.


So he probably was just a little more scared of us

than we were of him.

But still, it was a really big adventure

rescuing the cute little guy.

-Actually, Sydney is not a guy lizard.

He's a girl lizard.

Or to be exact, a horn-nosed amphibian.

Amphibian means he lives in and out of water.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): It was art class,

and Mrs. O'Connor's assignment was to dig deep

into our creative centers to find the masterpiece within us.

OK, maybe not a masterpiece, but something

cool that had happened to us in our first week of kindergarten.

-All right my little artists.

Who else wants to show their work?

-It's when I got spinaches stuck between my teeth.

-That must've been quite an adventure, Molly.

-Oh yes, flossing always is.

-Me, Mrs. O'Connor.

What about me?

It's my stage play.

It's called, "Rainey Day At Recess."

I wrote it myself.

-Hey Maria.

-(SPANISH ACCENT): Sure looks stormy today.

-Yeah, Sarah.

You think it might rain?

Just might, Maria.

-Excellent Maria.

Anyone else?


-I call it "Squish Lunch."

It's what happens when my lunch box came open,

and everyone stepped all over my peanut-butter-tuna-avocado-banana


-That's totally gross.

-Thank you.

-Miss O'Connor, what on earth?

-You know, I must say Principle Warner.

You do look very nice in green.

It matches your tie.

-It does?

Hmm, well, thank you.

I do pride myself in being color coordinated.

-All right, I guess that ends our class on a colorful note.

Now, who wants to hear a riddle?


BETSY (VOICEOVER): Mrs. O is such a cool teacher.

She made the first week of school so much fun.

-What is big enough to hold rivers, mountains, cities,

and forests, but small enough to fit in your pocket?

-A map?

-That's right, Scottie.

Maps make it easy to find places,

otherwise people would get lost.

-That would be awful.

I don't want to miss a single day of Mrs. O'Connor's class.

-And for your home assignment, I want

you each to draw a map of your house or street,

so that someone else could follow

it and get where they want to go.


-I can't believe the day is over.

I can't wait to come back tomorrow.

-We're not coming back tomorrow.

-What do you mean, Molly?

-It's the weekend, silly. [LAUGHING]

There's no school on Saturday and Sunday.

-No school?

--[GASPS] I think I'm going to faint.

-Whose that man in the red car?

-And what does he want with our teacher?

-I'll check it out.

You guys stay here.

-You're taking me to the opera?


-Something about an opera.

-He's taking her to Arabia.


That's a hot place with snakes called cobras.

-No, it sounded more like "opera."


[GASPS] That's a play where people sing.


-He's taking her to Arabia to sing

in the opera with the cobras?

-I thought she lived at school.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Did you ever wonder

where the sun goes at night?

Or what happens to the moon when the sun comes out?

Where does the wind go when it stops blowing?

And where does your teacher go when she's not in school?

Some questions are even more important

than what's for dinner.

-You don't really think Mrs. O would dance with cobras,

do you?

-I don't know.

I wouldn't.

Or maybe she was spirited away by cobra man

to wander the desert sands forever!


Cobra man to the rescue!




-We've just lost our favorite teacher,

and all you can think about is scaley superheroes!

-What's new guys?


-I can't believe it.

-Was it something I said?

-You didn't do anything, Scottie.

It's just that everyone is so worried about Mrs. O'Connor.

It's all we can think about.

-I'm fine now.

-Well, maybe we should think about

something else for a while.

-I know.

Why don't we make a map of a park?

-Hey, that's a great idea.

And I can start by measuring how big the park is.

Here, hold this.

feet, feet, feet, feet, oh.

I think I just ran out of tape.


-Er, the soccer field is over that way.

And over there is the creek.

-Ugh, I wish we could make a map that

would lead us to Mrs. O'Connor.

-And over there is-- [GASPS].

The man in the red car.

Whoa, there's Mrs. O'Connor!

-Let me see.

She's painting her lips.

Now she's putting something on her nose.

-It's a disguise.

I know what she does when she's not in school.

She's a spy!



-What's a spy?

-That's someone who dresses up in fancy disguises

and sneaks up on other people to find out

stuff they're not supposed to know.

-Oh, you mean like Molly?


-Was it something I said?

-A spy, cool.

-And I bet her lipstick is really a spy camera.

-I don't believe it.

Miss O'Connor would never spy on anyone.

-Maybe we should just go ask her.

-Oh no, Mrs. O'Connor can't tell anyone

about her secret identity, or the bad spies

might find out who she is and capture her.

-It's him.

The bad spy.

BETSY: Are you sure?

Maybe he's just a guy wearing sunglasses and a hat.

-That's what he wants you to think.

--[GASPS] Look, he's grabbing Mrs. O'Connor.

He's taking her away.

-I don't know.

Maybe it's really none of our business.

-Of course it's our business.

We can't let cobra man take her to Arabia.

BETSY: Imagination can be a good thing

if you don't let it get the better of you.

OK, let's go get him.

-Double bubble.

chews, and it's still going strong.

Here they come!

Double-O Billy, the kindergarten spies.

Target in sight.

MOLLY (ON RADIO): Ready Maria?

-To tree, or not to tree?

That is the question.

-Maria, trees don't talk.

-Well, OK.

Want to hear my weeping willow?

-No thanks.

Just stick to the script.

Sarah, you ready?

-Ready, steady, go.



-Snatch-up all set, Billy.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): I had a bad feeling

about this spy business.

I thought about calling it off.

But once the cat is out of the bag,

it's hard to put it back I wasn't sure what to do.

It was a great time to ask for advice.

I would've asked Mrs. O, but I didn't want to blow her cover.

-OK Maria, you're on.

-It's working.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Sometimes I get these feelings.

Right now, I was feeling like everything

was about to go wrong.

I was right.

Sometimes I hate being right.

-Target in my sights.

It's goal time.

-Sarah, wait!





Whoo-- whoa!

-Oh, that's not right.

Uh, uh-oh.


-What happened to the spy?

-He got away.

It was all Maria's fault.


It's your fault for coming up with such an outrageous plan.

-It wasn't my idea.

It was--

-My idea.

What was I thinking?

-We lost Mrs. O'Connor.

And now, we're lost.

-[HUFFING] Lost?

Did you say the word lost?

Oh, no!

What are we going to do?

-Children, what are you doing here?

-We came to rescue you from cobra man master spy.

-Yeah, before he could take you to Arabia,

and make you dance with cobras.

-Oh, you mean Carl, my husband.

Yes, he's taking me to the opera.


Does that mean you're not a spy Mrs. O'Connor?

-[LAUGHING] Heavens, no.

-I could've told you that.


-We're really sorry, Mrs. O'Connor.

I guess we let our imaginations run away with us.

We thought cobra-- I mean Carl-- was

taking you away from us for good.

We just wanted you to ourselves every day of the week.

-That's so sweet, children.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Well, our first weekend turned out

to be just as exciting as my first week at school.

I learned that sometimes, people you love

can't always be with you.

Everybody needs to have time to themselves

to do the things they really like to do.

Even Mrs. O'Connor.

I'm just glad the spying isn't one of them.

-You don't think she's really--

-Hmm, nah.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): One of the things I really

like about kindergarten is that you

never know what to expect each day.

Weekends are fun, but I like school better.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): We were way into an awesome fairytale

game I've made up.

We played every chance we got.

-Princess Maria, did you get to ride

our beautiful pet pony, yet?

-Yes Princess Molly, I did.

We went to the movies.

He took up four seats.

-I crowned all of us princesses so no one would feel left out.

It was going great until--

-Oh, come on Princess Molly.

You've had that castle thing up forever.

Can't we knock the blocks down already?

-I felt sorry for the boys.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Building stuff

and then wrecking it is their whole life.

But Molly didn't feel sorry.


-Oh, but look what it's doing to Kenji.

-Children, playtime ended three minutes ago.

You must be having a lot of fun.


-Well clean up, and hurry over to the story circle.

We're doing something new today.

Hopefully you'll enjoy it just as much.

-What's in the bag, Mrs. O'Connor?

-You'll see.

I wasn't always a grown up, you know.

Once upon a time, I was your age.

This is me when I was in kindergarten.



I never knew Mrs. O'Connor was once a kid.

I thought she'd always been a teacher

and lived at the school.

MRS. O'CONNOR: I'm glad you find this so interesting.

Because this week, I'd like us all

to share something about ourselves with the class.

Each of you has a marvelous story inside of you

that only you can tell.

So use your imagination.

Bring in something special.

Then you'll each take turns talking about it.

-Mrs. O'Connor, my older sister did this in her class.

-She did?

Do you know what it's called?

-It's called show-and-tell.

-Thank you, Maria.

-You're welcome, Mrs. O'Connor.

-I didn't care what it was called.

I was too busy wondering if I'd be any good at it.

-So, what do you think?

BETSY: And yes, I do look splendiferous.

Thank you, Pauly.

Pauly Penguin is one of my best friends.

No one else can see him though.

Oh wait, Sandy can, but no one else.

Pauly, can I please have a piece of fruit?

He's talented too.

I had no idea where fruit came from.

But Pauly made up that it grew on some kind of magic tree.

I need your help.

We're having show and tell at school.

I don't know if I've got anything special enough for it.

What's that?

You'd bring her if you went to penguin school?

That's Pauly for you.

He's very smart.

We all agreed super-fun Sandy'd be

the hit of show and tell until--

-This is Cindy, and this is her golden play mansion.

-Oh, that is so beautiful.

-Thank you, Molly.

That certainly is some dollhouse.

-Kenji, what are you doing?

-I want to live here.

Such great design.

-Don't you want to see Molly's dollouse, Betsy?


-Mrs. O'Connor?

What if someone thought that something special for show

and tell, but it turns out it's not

as special as someone else's something special?

-I tell her it doesn't matter what she brings in.

What's really going to be special

is what it means to her.

-How did Mrs. O'Connor know I meant me?

I was gladder than ever she was my teacher.


You're sitting on Pauly.

-[GASPS] I'm sorry, Pauly.

Are you still trying to come up with something for show

and tell?

-I've been thinking about it all day.

But I still can't think of a thing.

-Maybe you're trying too hard.

Sometimes the best things are right in front of your nose.

-A firefly?

That's great.

Do you think he'll be OK in There


You can set him free after you show him to your class.



MOTHER: [LAUGHING] Bathtime, young man.

-I didn't see how I could lose with this little guy until--

-Hit the lights, Scott.




-Meet my pet fireflies.

Want to know how they light their tail lights?


-They have what's called a chemical that

mixes with oxygen which is like air.

Then, ka-bling!

They light up.

-Oh no!

-That's remarkable, Billy.

-I trained them myself.

I taped a flashlight to my head, and now

they think I'm their king.

-Billy looks so happy.

I couldn't be mad at him.

I just didn't know what to do.

CLASSROOM: Goodbye, Mrs. O'Connor.

See you tomorrow.


-Oh Betsy, tomorrow it's your turn for show and tell.


Tomorrow, huh?

I'll be ready.

--[SNIFFING] Mmm, I love that fresh-off-the-farm smell.

-What's a farm?

-It's a place where they grow fruits

and vegetables just like these.

Fruits and vegetables are plants, just

like the trees and flowers at our house.

-They are?

MOTHER: Yes, and they grow.

You know, I could show and tell you more about them

if you'd like.

-Yes please.

-All plants are alive, like us.

They begin their life as seeds.

-Hey Betsy, we can't play make pretend princesses without you.

This game's no fun the way Molly plays it.

-I can't right now.

I've got to get ready for--


Are you ready for show and tell?

--[GULPS] My turn had finally arrived.

There was no going back.

I brought my best friend Pauly for show and tell.

He's a penguin.

-I don't see anything.

-That's because he's invisible.

I painted his picture so you could see him.


-Settle down, class.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): When Pauly isn't playing with me,

he lives on a farm.

All the fruit we get in our lunchboxes,

and all the veggies we eat at [INAUDIBLE] are plants.

Some grow on st*lks and [INAUDIBLE].

And some grow on trees.

But they all start out the same way, as seeds.

-I see him.

I see Pauly!

-Hey, me too.

-Later, Mrs. O'Connor said I made

Pauly come to life for everybody.

And my friends told me I gave the best show and tell ever.

And you know what?

It turns out all my friends had make pretend friends too.

Even Scott.

He said his was an accountant like his dad.

All, except Molly.

-There's no such thing as imaginary friends

is there, Mrs. O'Connor?

-There is such a thing as imagination, Molly.

It's just as important as real life.



Kenji couldn't dream up buildings.

Maria couldn't make up a dance, or Sarah, a soccer play.

Imagination helps us create all kinds of wonderful things.

And I want to thank you for using yours

to deliver such a splendiferous show and tell.


Pauly's favorite word.

I had a feeling Mrs. O'Connor knew more about my penguin than

and she led on.

NARRATOR: Visit the Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures

website, and see how Betsy's getting ready for school.

Play games, color pictures, and meet all of Betsy's friends


BETSY (VOICEOVER): My friends and I love to read.

You can find all kinds of fun and interesting books

to read at your local library.

Visit the library in your town today

to have your own adventures just like me.


-Did you brush your teeth?

-I sure did, because brushing your teeth

helps keep them healthy and strong.

-That's right.