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02x07 - Fern Frenzy

Posted: 12/08/23 17:13
by bunniefuu
♪ Keep your eyes on the western sky ♪

♪ In Applecross Wood a dragon tries to fly ♪


♪ It's Digby Dragon, there's magic with a twist ♪

♪ With Fizzy, Cheeky Chips, and Grumpy Goblin in the mix ♪

♪ Join the fun with Digby ♪

♪ Digby tries to breathe fire, learns to fly higher ♪

♪ Digby Dragon always aims for the sky ♪♪

[birds chirping]

Hun! Huh! Whoa!

Oh, Digby! Thank goodness!

Oh, Fizzy!

I've got to go and rescue Great Aunt Effie.

She's off to water the veggie patch

and got herself stuck in the mud again.

Oh, poor Aunt Effie.

Send her my love. Gotta go!

I'm off to play coneball with Chips.

Oh! Um, I need someone to look after Florence.

Florence? Florence the Fern.

She's a project for my fairy exams.

She's very special. Huh.

You can leave it-- I mean her--

with me if you like.

Oh, thanks, Digby!

Heh! Better be going. See ya!

Now, I've written down all the instructions. Oh!

It's really, really, really important that you follow them.

Yeah, okay, no problem.

I'll be back in the morning. Be good, Florence!

"One, keep her well-watered.

"Two, she must be sung to regularly.

"Three, she likes to have her leaves stroked.

Four, she loves a good story."

It's just a plant. What's Fizzy so worried about?

Heh! There.

Now, coneball! [chuckles]

[suspenseful music]

[breathing heavily] Hoo, yeah!

Another game, another...




[rustling]Wha-- Huh?!

Who's there?


Hmm, ohh!


Aah! Ohh!



Hyah! Oh! Wait!

Come back! You're Fizzy's homework!

Florence? Where are you?

[Chips] Unh! Get off, you creepy cabbage!

Oh, no!

[Chippy grunting]

Ooh, that pinches! Ouch!

[grunting continues]

Oi, you loopy lettuce! Get off my nuts!

[Chippy grunting]

Chips!Oh, Digby, help!

This bonkers broccoli won't leave me alone!

It's not broccoli! It's a fern!

She's called Florence!

Who names a plant?!

Hey, let go of Cuddlenut!

Chips, stop fooling around! We've got to catch her.

Okay, if I lead her down,

you grab her, Digby-- Oh!

Uh, Okay! No problem!

Ah, that might do it.

Right, I'm coming!

[Chippy grutning]

Ha! Digby?! Aah!

[Florence squeaking]

Looks, Chips!

We can catch Florence in this barrel!

Digby! Oh! What are you doing down here?

What happened to Florence?

Um, let me think!

Oh, yeah, she ran away while you wandered off looking for barrels

when we already had a perfectly good plan!

We did? Well, which way did she go?

That way into the bushes.

Maybe she's looking for you.

She really seems to like you.

Well, what can I say, Diggly-Bigby?

The plant has taste.

Oh, come on! I need your help!

[mysterious music]

[whooshing and hooting]

Chips! What are you doing?

I'm making plant noises to attract Florence.



[gurgling and whooshing]

No, no, like this!

[gargling and snorting]

Aah! Oi!

Watch where you're stepping.

Oh, hello, Grumpy.

What are you doing down there?

I'm trying to find out

what's making these strange noises.

Oh, that was us. We're making plant noises.


Plants don't make noises.

We're looking for Florence, Fizzy's fern.

I supposed to be looking after her, but she escaped.

Escaped? What does she look like?

She's wild and ferocious

with great big leaves like this!


Sounds like you need a trap.

A trap!

Grumpy, that's a brilliant idea.

You'll need something to attract her.

Something the fern likes!

Oh, I know something she likes.


I don't like where this is going.

Ohh! Promise me I won't end up as plant food!

Aw, you'll be fine, Chips.

As long as everyone follows the instructions,

nothing can go wrong.

Right, Digby, as soon as the plant gets close to Chips,

you drop the cage and we'll trap it.

Okay, no problem.

[suspenseful music]

Where is she?

We've just got to wait.

Oh, there she is!


[Florence squeaking]Aah!

I can get her!

Wait, what are you do-- Aah!


Wait!Whoa! Unh!

Is this part of the plan?

No, it isn't.

[horn honking] Oh! Eh!

[Chips screaming]Chips!

Chips, no!Help!

What just happened?

You messed up the whole plan, that's what happened!

Why couldn't you just follow the instructions?

Because I-- Ohh. You're right.

Just like I didn't listen to Chips's instructions.

Or Fizzy's.

Oh! Fizzy's instructions!

I didn't follow them.

That's why Florence is out of control!

There were instructions?

I left them at my cave.Well, go and get them!

[Chips] Ohh! Put that down!

Please? Ohh! Oh, no!

[breathing hard]Oh, Grumpy's gonna be cross!

I've got the instructions!

Just in time.

Chips and that plant are wrecking my caravan!

[Chips] Not the teapot! Put it down!

Ahh! Ahh! Please put that down.

Aah! That's a collector's item!

Oh, we've got to stop Florence!

Uh, okay, "One, keep her well-watered."

[Chips] Grumpy's gonna be cross!Ahh!

[Chips whimpering]Hyah!

Huh! Ahh!


[Florence squeaking]

Oh! Aah!

Ugh! About time.

What took you so long?

[Digby yelping]

Grumpy, next instruction quick!

"Two, sing her a song."

♪ Rock-a-bye, Florence, so special to Fizzy ♪

♪ Uh, let's all go home so she won't get in a tizzy ♪

♪ Uh, la la la, la la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la, you've got lovely leaves ♪

Oh, it's working.

What's next?

"Three, stroke her leaves."

[Digby humming]

Ahh, there we go, Florence.

"Four, she loves a good story."


Once upon a time,

there was a dragon called Digby.

And Digby didn't like to follow instructions.

Or sticking to a plan.

But... he was a quick learner,

and soon everything was sorted out.

The end.

[Grumpy and Chips sigh]


Happily back where she belongs.

[Fizzy] Yoo-hoo!

Oh, Florence, you look lovely!

Have they been looking after you?

She had our full attention.

Yeah, all night.

Oh, real?

Um, I was a bit worried that you wouldn't follow the instructions.

Well, actually--

[chuckles] As if!

Come on, Florence. Let's get you home.

So, who wants a cup of tea?

Oh, yeah, but remember to warm the pot.

Oh, put the milk in first!

Only stir three times, clockwise.

[Digby] Okay, I get it! Follow the instructions.



Whoa! Oof!


Oh, Grumpy, I can do it myself.

No, Archie, you won't do it properly.

Hmph!Hey, Grumpy.

So I kind of crumpled my kite.

And you need me to fix it.

Oh, it's okay, Grumpy. I can fix it.

I just need to borrow some sticky tape.

No, Digby. You won't do it right.

Put it over there. I'll fix it later.


Grumpy, I need your help.

I sort of magic-ed my front door really big.

I would magic it small again,

but the book with the "make small" spell is stuck inside.

Ugh! Typical.

Don't worry, Grumpy. I can help, Fizzy.

We just need to borrow a screwdriver

or hammer or something.

Uh-uh, I can't trust you to use my tools!

I'll fix it.

Ugh! So much to do.

When am I going to get it all done?

And I was hoping for an early night.

Oh, you don't have to fix all this stuff yourself.

We can help.

You wouldn't do it right.

I need help that I can trust.

Someone who knows how to do things properly.

Ah! That's it!

What's it?

Sorry, everyone. The fixing will have to wait.

Okay, um...

we'll come back later then.

[tool tapping]

[tools whirring and electricity buzzing]



[banging and buzzing]

Are you okay?


Uh, Grumpy? Is that you?

[bell dings]

[metal clanging]

[gears whirring]


[laughing] Hello, Digby!

Meet Grumpier.

[robotic voice] What needs fixing?

Oh! You built a robot?

I built him to think just like me.

At last, someone I can trust to help me with all my jobs.

Grumpier, fix Digby's kite, please.

[gears whirring]

Here you go. [bell dings]

Oh! Hmm!

Just how I would've done it, hmm!

The kite could be improved.


[bell dings]

Oh, wow! Thanks!

Not bad. Hmm!

Let's go see what else needs fixing.

[chuckling] Right, let's try you out!



You won't open it that way. Aah!

Nothing to be scared of.

[chuckles] This is my new robot assistant.

Grumpier, please fix Fizzy's door.

[tools tapping, bell dings]

Wow! Thanks, Grumpier.

Huh! Typical.

[objects clattering]Hey, wait!

[vacuum cleaner whirring]

Oh, he's tidying!

[water running, dishes clanking]

Ooh, he's washing up.

I never wash up.

Your robot is amazing.

Well, of course.

And he does things my way.

The proper way. Hmph!

[Chips grunting]

Nut pulley, just work!

Oh! Waah!

You are not doing that properly.

Aah! Ohh!

[gear whirring, bell dings]

Now it will work.

Huh?Chips, meet Grumpier.

I think you'll find he just fixed your nut pulley.


Ohh! Ooh!


Whee! Ho-ho!

Typical. These nuts are disorganized.

Huh?I will order them by size.

No, wait!

They're ordered in ripeness and color and smell

and number and name and sound and personality!

Ahh!You have to admit, Chips.

Your categorization system isn't very logical.

But it's the way I like it.

Leave them along, bucket man!

Please? Ahh!

I will order them by size!




Um, I'm not sure about this.

Hey, Grumpy, the improved kite is awesome!

What's Grumpier up to?

[Grumpy] Improving the shop display.

[Archie] Yeah, Albert is not gonna like it.

I've never been a fan of those wooden crates.

But everyone else is.

Archie's right, Grumpy.

Just because you like things a certain way

doesn't meant it's the right way.

Oh, okay, okay.

Grumpier, please stop fixing those crates.

The job must be done properly.

I-- I agree it would be nice, but--

The job must be done properly!


Uh, Grumpy...

You do know how to stop him, don't you?

Well, when you say "stop"... [chuckles nervously]

There. The display has been improved.

[bell dings]Time for bed.

Huh? Bedtime?

But it's nowhere near bedtime.

You need an early night.

Whoa, okay, okay! I'm going to bed already!

Whoa, night, everyone!

Time for bed.

Uh, Grumpy?

Oh, no!

Grumpier's doing things the way I would,

and I wanted an early night.

Come on now, Grumpier.

Time for bed.


Ohh, there must be a way to stop him.

Oh, no.

I programmed him to be just like me.

He does everything his own way.

Won't listen to anyone else and won't ask for help.

Hmm, just like you, eh?

Well, when I say it like that

it does sound a bit stubborn and silly.

It's time for bed!

Oh! Digby!

You need to work out how to stop him!

Stop talking!

I need your help!

Help. That's it.

Grumpier won't ask for help.


Bedtime must be done properly.


Huh? Hmm.

All clear, Digby.

Does everyone know what to do?

Let's go.


Grumpier! My kite needs fixing... again.


Hey, Grumpier, my brakes need tweaking.

I will fix them. You will not do it properly.

[Chips] Oh, Grumpier!

I've got some nuts for you to organize.

I will organize your nuts the right way.

[Fizz] Grumpier!

I've spilled all my potions!


Grumpier, my... toolbox needs sorting?

That's it, Grumpy!

And my cogs need polishing

and my teabags need organizing.

Toolbox, cogs, teabags.

So much to do, so much to do!

Uh, Grumpier, the wheel of my nut-skate is loose.


Grumpier, my helmet strap is too night!

Grumpier, there's a hole in my bucket!


[Chips] My nut oven needs cleaning!

Typical! [Digby] My comic is torn!

[voice warping] Ty--Typic--Typical!

Ripical! Typical typical typical!

Typical typical! Typical typical!

[bell dings, expl*si*n]

[bell dings off-key]

Grumpy, are you okay?

We're sorry about Grumpier.

I-I think it's maybe for the best.

Thank you for helping me.

We are here whenever you need us.

And you don't have to do everything yourself, you know?

Well, you'll need to use my tools to get me out of here.

You're gonna let us use your tools?

Yes. I've learned my lesson.

[gasping] Ooh! Oh, yes!

[Grumpy] Chips, you take the hammer.

[Chips] Ooh-hoo-hoo!No, that's a screwdriver.

Oh, silly me![Archie] Can I have a go?

I wanna bash something.[Digby] What's this one for?

[Chips] Oh, that's a hammer!

[Fizzy] I think you're holding that

the wrong way round.

[Grumpy] Ugh! This could take a while.


♪ Hey, ahh ♪

♪ Ahh, ahh, ahh... ♪



♪ Ahh, ahh, ahh, hey ♪



♪ Hey ♪♪
