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02x01 - Stinky Goblin Cheese

Posted: 12/08/23 17:07
by bunniefuu
♪ Keep your eyes on the western sky ♪

♪ In Applecross Wood a dragon tries to fly ♪


♪ It's Digby Dragon, there's magic with a twist ♪

♪ With Fizzy, Cheeky Chips and Grumpy Goblin in the mix ♪

♪ Join the fun with Digby ♪

♪ Digby tries to breathe fire Learns to fly higher ♪

♪ Digby Dragon always aims for the sky ♪♪

[Albert humming]

Toad Wart. Hmm.

Dream Root.

Giant's... something or other.

Oh, dear, where did I put it?

Is that it?

Ahh! Troll Moss.

Ah, yes, here it is.Thanks, Albert.

Come on, Digby, let's get potion making.

[chuckling] Now and again, I just seem to lose things.

But it happens when you get a little older.

[chuckling] Ay, Spellbook?

Ha! A little older!

Speak for yourself, Albert.

[indignantly] Oh, ho-ho!

How dare he.




Oh, no.

[inhales] It can't be.

Not that day already.Afraid so.

Grumpy Stinking Goblin Cheese has arrived!


Well, deliver it as fast as you can, Archie.

It's making my eyes water.

On my way, Albert!

[gagging] Ah, uh, eh!

[sniffing, sighs]


Whoa, what was that smell?!

[horn honks] Delivery's coming through!

Ooh! That smells worse than a gargoyle's underpants!

Oh, sorry, you know, it's Grumpy's cheese.

Why, it takes me weeks to get the stink off my bike.

I wish I could deliver it

without having to actually touch it.

Well, Archie, I could always show Fizzy how to magic

a delivery spell for you. You could?

You could?! Oh, easily.

This is it.


"Do as I say.

Magically move and make your way."

Oh, wow.

Come on, Fizzy, finish the spell.

Um... I-- I can't!

The next page is missing.


Don't be silly.

You're not looking properly.

I am looking properly. The page is gone!

Oh, uh, oh! It can't be!


Oh, no, the cheese!

Your page must've fallen out.

Impossible! My bindings are as good as the day I was printed.


Ah, there you are, Archie.


I can smell my delicious Stinking Goblin Cheese.

Ah, nothing like settling down with some crispy crackers

and the creamy, delicious tangy taste of--

It rolled off.

Rolled off?

It was kind of, um... a magic thing.

Where did it go?

[groans] Typical.

Don't worry, I've got this.

Fizzy, you help Spellbook find the missing page,

and I'll find the cheese.

I can't wait for this magic nonsense.

Come on, Archie, let's get that cheese.


[sniffs] Hmm...

[sniffs] Oh! Ew!



Oh! Ah, ah...

Ah, ah!


Wait! Come back!


[loud grunt]

[panting] Oh, ah...

Watch out, Digby!Ooh! Whoa!




Get off! I want my cheese!

Uh, I can't see where I'm going.Look out!


[all screaming]

[loud grunts]

Ohh... [moans]

You're gonna be fixing that later.

Oh, gotcha.

Ooh, huh, oh!


Hey! Slow down!

Oi, bring back my cheese.


Ooh, ohh! Whoa!

Ah! Ooh... Slow down!


[Spellbook sighs]

My pages are not loose.

But if you don't have it, where could it be?

Maybe you disappeared it!

Yes! That's exactly what happened.

You can be so easily distracted.

Excuse me?

All you have to do is make everything

you've ever made disappear, appear again.


Okay, I'll try.

"Now my wand does brightly burn.

To Applecross Wood, please return."


That's not it. Try again.


Please return.


Please return.

No... Please return!


Please return!

[loud clanking and clattering]




[Digby] Aww!



[Digby] Ooh...


[Digby] Ooh! Ohh...

[Digby continues]


Oh! Mungo!

[Digby] Whoa...



Oh! No!

No, that's not it.

[sighs] Spellbook, that really is everything

I've ever disappeared. It's not here!

Look out!

Ooh! Whoa...

[loud crash]


Oh, oh, no!


Spellbook! Your pages! Wha!

That was- That was Digby's fault.


[stammering] Well, I, I, I suppose it's possible, um...

[clears throat]

My pages might have become a little loose.

Don't worry, Spellbook.

We need to find your missing page.

Let's start at Albert's.

[Deep sniff]

Hmm... That's better.

Oh, no, you don't want more

of that cheese, do you, Grumpy?

More of it? I'd like [span]some[/span]of it.


Spellbook has lost a page and we wondered if it fell out here.

Uh! It only [span]might[/span] have fallen out.




Here it is!Great!

Now we just need the cheese.


Ew... whoo.

No, my page!

Ach.Ew. Ooh, no.

The smell is getting worse.

Now what we going to do?

[coughing] Ew!

Oh, yes, the sweet aroma[retching]

of a Stinking Goblin Cheese.[coughs]

Ach, you're never gonna get that cheese back.

And this smell will never disappear.

Aw... [coughs]

Disappear! That's it!

Fizzy, Spellbook, follow me.

Your spells are about to save the day.

Wait for me.


Oh, I think I can hear it.[cheese approaching]

I can definitely smell it.


Fizzy, get ready to make me disappear when I tell you to!


Make me disappear, and I'll see you at Grumpy's!

[grunts] Whoa!

Now, Fizzy!

"Near about we see you here.

But now it's time to disappear!"


Wait all day for my cheese just to watch it disappear.

Quickly, we need to get to your caravan!

Go on, Fizzy, time for the reappearing spell.

"Now my wand does brightly burn.

To Applecross Wood, please return."


Ahh! Quick, Fizzy!

Grab the page!




Ah! Got you!


"Delivery, do as I say.

"Magically move and make your way.

"Hurry along to our good friend.

You will get there in the end."


Huh, finally.

There you go, Grumpy.

One Stinking Goblin Cheese delivered.



You know, I don't think I fancy it anymore.


Fizzy, can you do

that disappearing spell again?





Hello, Nora, how lovely to see you.


Mungo, will you stop talking to those disgusting bugs!

But, Grizel, they're my friends.

Oh, hello, Basil.

How are you this morning?

Ooh, hello, Digby. You're in a hurry.

Uh, hi, Mungo.

Yeah, I'm off to play Splashdown.

I'm so late!

Whoo-hoo... Splashdown?

Um, Digby? Take him with you!

Uh, well, I mean, if you'd like to, Mungo.

Why don't you go

and all your buggy friends go and play, too.

Whoo... Yes, please. [giggling]

But we'll have to be quick.

They've probably started already.


Mungo, are you coming?!

Ooh, yes, coming.


Ah! Oh.


Mungo, please hurry!

We're going to miss the entire game.

I never noticed this stone before.

It's a big stone, isn't it?

Aw, we can look at stones later, Mungo.

Right now, we need to get to the game.

Ooh, yes, the game.

Bye-bye, stone.

See you later.

Aw, no!

Everyone's gone.

We're too late!

[Mungo humming]

Oh! Whoops!

Hello, Digby.

Mungo, if only you didn't get so easily distracted,

you'd be able to do so much more.

You'd have loads of fun.

Would I?

Well, I thought I already had loads of fun.

But not real fun like me.

I think I've got an idea.

[Fizzy] Turn you pink!


Hey, Fizzy, what are you up to?

Oh, hi, Digby.

I'm trying to turn Nigel pink, but the spell's really hard.

Anyway, what can I do for you?

Do you have something that

would help someone concentrate?

Um... I might have. Let me have a look.

Whoo-hoo-hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo.


Here you are. This should do the trick.


Here you go, Mungo.

Pretty colors.

Why are you giving it to Mungo?

So he doesn't get so distracted

and he can be more like me!

Well, that doesn't sound like a good idea.

Mungo's just right as he is.

[sniffing] It even smells purple.

Whoo, hoo-hoo!

Whoo... Whoo-hoo. Hmm...

Hm, hm...

I see.

Are you okay, Mungo?

That potion was refreshing on the palate,

but with a curious aftertaste. Now!

Regarding the spell.

I think your potion worked.

It's all in the wrist.

"As fast as you think, I'll turn you pink."

[Fizzy gasps]


That was great! Let me try.

Of course, the more challenging spell would be...

[excitedly] Polka dots.


And, oh, tartan.


dogstooth, perhaps paisley.

[Fizzy] Aww...

I can't do any of those spells.

Maybe I should just give up.

Oh! There you are.

I'm thirsty. I need you to make me a milkshake.

I want chocolate with sprinkles.

Actually, no, strawberry.

Oh, hello, Grizel.

Might I suggest you make your own milkshake?

Thus, it would be more fully aligned

with your specific requirements.

Sorry, Grizel, must get on.

Lots to do.What? Uh, uh...


Grizel didn't seem too happy.

I was merely drawing attention to the illogical nature

of [span]my[/span]making the milkshake.

Did somebody say milkshake?

Grizel proposed I assemble her a milkshake.

I simply espoused the illogical nature

of her request. Huh?

Who are you, and what have you done with Mungo?

It is Mungo.

I gave him a potion.

It's made his brain super quick and focused

and now he's brilliant!

Ah! Corylus cornuta.

Crumbly does what now?

Your nut is from the beaked hazel.

Celebrated for its yummyness.

It is totally yummy!

Oh, but I can't remember where I found it.

The species prefers a cool climate.

I'd surmise it would be found

on the south side of Beechy Hill.

Mungo, that's amazing!

He's good, isn't he?

Oh, goodness, why are you eating that?

Uh, because it's so tasty.

Oh, no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no.

Hey, yes-yes-yes-yes, yes-yes-yes-yes-yes!

You're being illogical.

Long term plan is to plant these nuts

and cultivate real trees.

Nuts is for eating, not cultivating.

Hm, hm.

I find this most perplexing.

Mungo! I demand you come

back home with me now and make my milkshake!

I am still of the opinion that your particular requirements

are best served by yourself.

What does that even mean?

[distant clattering]

Ow! Ugh!

Now, you must excuse me, Grizel.

Duty calls!

Duty?! What about me?!

I'll show him!

[Grumpy] No, no, that's not it.

Grumpy, is your traction engine

causing you concern?

Yeah, but I can't work out what.


Hm... if I may.

Oh, yes, I see the problem.

The drain plug and steering rod were out of alignment.

Of course, the drain plug.

But how could Mungo possibly know that?

I gave him a magic potion, and now he's totally focused.


[Grumpy] What are you doing?


Mungo's really smart. I am?

He'll make Scottie even better.

I will?

Scottie was better before. Go away!

This is gonna take me weeks to put back together.

Oh, Mungo, I'm sorry.

I thought you'd have more fun like this.

All my good intentions seem to have upset everyone.

I feel the situation would only improve if I went home.

When that silly old owl sees I'm gone,

then he'll be sorry.

Who needs Mungo anyway?! I don't.

Oh! Oh, stupid oar!

Oh! Oh, no.


Rescue me!

[sighs] You were right, Fizzy.

I should've realized Mungo was happy as he was.

I should never have tried to change him.

Ooh, uh, Grizel is gone!

She's neglected to mention where!

It'll take... forever to find her.


Ah! The bugs.

They're all your friends. They can help us look.

Oh, yes, of course.

Um, excuse me, my entomological friend.

If I could have your attention one moment... ooh.

That bug didn't seem to like smart Mungo.

But I think I know someone it would.

[Fizzy] You sure you want the antidote, Mungo?

Oh, yes, indubitably.



Oh, hello, Cedric.

We don't see you around here very often.

Yes. It worked.

Mungo, you need to ask your bug friends to help find Grizel.

Oh, yes, Grizel!

Um, everybody, I need you to help me to find Grizel.

Fly! My little friends, fly!


[Grizel sobbing]


I wish you were here with your irritating questions

and your silly voice and... Oh!

Annoying bug friends.

[sobbing] Maybe not the bug friends.


Well, tell me if you see her, won't you, Steven?Grizel!

Simon, back already?

Hmm? What?

What? She's floating out at sea?

And she's lost both of her oars?

Well, I've got to help her!

Let me come, too.

This is my fault, after all.

[sobbing] Ohh...

[Digby and Mungo] Grizel!


[Digby laughs]

Going up!Whoo-hoo!




Oh, Grizel.Mungo! You came!


You featherbrained, hopeless, wonderful, wonderful owl!

Ooh! Go away!

I think they like you.

[all laughing]

Let's get everyone home.

[Grizel] Did you miss me, Mungo? Did you?

Now don't ever do that again!

[Mungo laughs]
