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01x16 - Dirty Birdy is the Wordy/Diary of a Blimpy Kid

Posted: 12/07/23 19:30
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously onthe Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle...

Our favorite musical mammals attempted to save the Frostbite Falls bird bath

with a benefit concert.

However, their concert left the birdbath in ruins.

And everybody was all like...


So, Rocky and Bullwinkle went on a "Save The Birdbath" World Tour.

And, little did they know,

their backup band was really...

Boris and Natasha in disguise.

But the tour was a giant "check" success.

Until our good guys and our bad spies

were captured by a mysterious blimp.

And we were all like, "Oh, no!"

And now, we find our heroes and not-so-heroes,

high in the sky, above some sort of

incredibly magical, slash theme-park, slash mansion place.

Where are we?

And who is bringing us here?

And how come we never take fun blimp rides like this?

I, too, have a question about the frequency of our blimp travels.

That place looks like so much fun,

I wish we could go down there.

The big scary clamps!

My wish came true!


That was fun!

That was not fun.

Being captured on blimp is not fun.

Being brought to this place is not fun.

No fun!

Uh, it was little-bit fun.


Hokey smokes!

See? Not fun.

♪ It's time to rock and roll

♪ Why don't you come along

♪ Get ready for adventure

♪ After this opening song

♪ We are the bad guys, We walk the bad walk

♪ And we're gonna beat Moose and Squirrel

♪ And finally gonna Take over the world!

♪ We're gonna get famous We gotta go, come on

♪ Now it's time to end This totally awesome

♪ New opening Title sequence song

♪ Jam-a-lam ♪

NARRATOR:And we're back.

And just in time to find Rocky, Bullwinkle, Boris, and Natasha,

staring down their mysteriously enormous captor.

Puffy Platypus?

From Puffy Platypus's Pizza?

BOTH: The most funnest, pizza-est place on earth?



ROCKY: Puffy Platypus Pizza Band.

That place is no fun.

Is little-bit fun.


I can't believe it. You're here.

You're here!

We're here! Where's here? Who's you?

I'm Francis. And this is my family's mansion.

And I'm your biggest fan!

And I went to all your concerts!

And I have all your posters!

And I have all your action figures.

Uh, we don't have any action figures.

I'm rich! I had them made.

Hey, check it out. I'm adorable.

Hey. Who wants to jam-a-lam and have some fun?

Not fun.

Wow, you're rich and you have your own Puffy Platypus?

Well, yeah of course.

My mom and dad are the founders of Puffy's Pizza.

And, now that you're here,

we can go play and be friends,

'cause my house is the ultimate Puffy Pizza party-palooza!

Rocky, I am never leaving this place.

But, Bullwinkle,

we've gotta get this giant check back to Frostbite Falls,

and fix that bird bath.

Oh, right. Sorry, biggest fan of ours.

But we've gotta get going.

[WHINING] But it's my birthday.

Can't you just stay for a little while and have some cake?

And pizza? And an endless supply of tokens?

Come on, Rock, what do you say?

It's his birthday.

He does seem pretty desperate.

And he did go to all that trouble kidnapping us.

Let's do it.

Let's not, and leave.

Da, we're big important and guys,

who are not spies who need to report back

to their Fearless Leader before he starts yelling...

"Where are you Boris and Natasha..."

Yeah, we have to go.

Ah, well you can take

the Puffy Train back to the blimp.

Ah, look at that awesome tiny train.

Looks pretty big to me.

Okay, tiny train might actually be fun.

Hop on, baby!

BOTH: Choo! Choo!

NARRATOR: While Rocky and Bullwinkle

rode horsies and toasted pizza

at their number one fan's private party-palooza,

Fearless Leader was having a pity party pa-loser.

FEARLESS LEADER: No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No...

NARRATOR: Because his last two musical "take over the world" plots,

were thoroughly thwarted.

No! No! No! No!

No! No! No! No!

What're you watching?

[ON TV] Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet...


NARRATOR: You're right, Evil Chicken,

it is big news.

Allow me to translate, I minored in Bird.

The destruction of the Frostbite Falls bird bath

has left hundreds of thousands of migrating birds

without a place to bathe.

And, recent studies have shown

that a dirty bird is more susceptible

to crankiness, aggressive pecking,

and becoming evil!

That's it!

I'm going to harness

the power of these filthy fowl,

and create a squawking,

pecking, evil, flying bird force to take over the world!

Oh, you don't think I can get a bunch of bird-brained,

dirt-birds to obey me?

Well, you just keep watching that bird news,

because their next big story

will be about the new leader of the dirty birds!

And that would be me!

NARRATOR: So, Fearless Leader left for Frostbite Falls

convinced that nothing could stop him.

Nothing can stop me.

NARRATOR:But there was something that could stop him.

This giant check,

which could fix the bird bath

and put an end to Fearless Leader's dirty-bird plot.

Well, biggest fan of ours, we've had a blast.

But now, we really have to get back

to Frostbite Falls and fix our bird bath.

But you're gonna miss my special birthday concert.

Who's playing?

You are!

But we don't have our instruments.

Or a backup band to play with us.

You do now.

No way!

BOTH: The Puffy Platypus Pizza band?

Who wants to platy-party?

♪ Happy happy birthday

♪ Happy happy birthday

♪ Happy birthday to you, to you

♪ Happy happy birthday... ♪

Recorder solo!


Come on, man, it's his birthday.

Recorders are cool.

Yay! Best birthday ever!

Well, Francis, on behalf of Rocky, Puffy,

the rest of the g*ng, and myself,

a very happy birthday to you.

But now, we really do have to get back to Frostbite Falls.

Goodnight, everybody.

But, you said you'd play songs for my birthday.

Yeah. We just did that,

and we were awesome, if you'll recall.

No, I mean, you have to play for my birthday tomorrow.

Uh, we thought your birthday was today.

Well, it is. And tomorrow's my birthday.

And the day after that,

and the day after that!

Every day is his birthday.


Who wants more pizza?


I'll have some.


It just keeps going.

It's so much fun!

All right, enough tiny train, tiny brains.

Yo, koala! Here comes our stop.

Next stop, wholesome family fun.

Yo, fuzz-bot, you missed our stop.

Next stop.

[IN MONSTROUS VOICE] wholesome family fun.


NARRATOR: I'm getting the feeling this puffy play-land

is turning out to be a pizza prison.

Meanwhile, Fearless Leader finally arrived in Frostbite Falls.

To accelerate his dastardly dirty, dirty bird scheme.

Worst flight ever.

And they lost my luggage.

Oh, there it is.

Oh, and there they are.

Get away, dirty birds!

You gotta pay for that!

That's not enough!

Hey, leave the Mayor alone!

They're pickety-peckin' at me, don't you know?

Now, if I'm going to get the dirty birds to follow me,

I'll first have to earn their respect,


Dirty Bird Leader Man!

Come to me, my bird brethren.

Come to me, and we will rule the...

Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet...

NARRATOR: You're right, Evil Chicken,

Fearless Leader should have listened to you.

Meanwhile, back at Pizza Mansion,

Rocky and Bullwinkle were still surrounded by...

Wait, where are they?

Oh, we beat it out of there, like, so long ago.

Worst party ever!

Who wants pizza?


Mmm... Yum.

And duck again.

The front door. We're gonna make it.

The giant check won't fit.

Just turn it sideways.

Still won't fit.

Who wants more pizza?


Stand back.

Now turn it sideways, like this.



Goodie. You decided to stay for my birthday.


Will Rocky and Bullwinkle be able to escape

the never-ending birthday party?

Will Boris and Natasha escape the tiny train of terror?

And will Fearless Leader be able to take control of the dirty birds?

Does this answer your question?


NARRATOR:Yeah, pretty much.

Find out after this breaking Bird News, news break.





Mario Lopez.

Thank you, Anchor Bird.

Mario Lopez here, with Entertainment Bird News.

The number one bird movie this weekend

for the seventh week in a row was...

Bwak Bwak Tweet Bwak Two, Guess Who's Bwak?

And now, back to you, Narrator.

NARRATOR:Thanks, Mario Lopez. And now, back to the show.

You're not gonna get away with this, Francis.

We're world-famous rock stars,

and people are gonna wonder where we are.

Yeah, right now, our loyal band mates

are out there telling everyone where we...


Great. The band's all here.

Now, let's get back to my birthday party.

Listen kid, we're not really part of band.

We're dangerous super spies.

The super spies. I knew it.

-No, you didn't. -I know.

And we're not afraid

of some kid's cheesy birthday party.


Let me show you how cheesy I can be.

Cheese 'em!

There! Now you'll always be up on stage

ready for my next birthday party.

Which, I hear is a surprise.

So, I guess I'll leave, so somebody can hide.

So, when I come back, "Surprise!"

I gotta hide.


Great, now we're cheesed to floor at kidnap kid party.

How could this get any worse?

♪ We're cheesed to the floor,

♪ Got cheese for shoes

♪ Where's that kid's parents? Oh, yeah

♪ We got the animatronic

♪ Singing robot birthday party blues ♪

Hey. Why'd you do that?

Because that thing, so not cool, bro.

Okay, you know what?

I don't care if this recorder isn't cool.

But you know what is cool?


This recorder was the first instrument

I learned how to play.

And don't tell me,

as we're all cheese stuck to this floor,

that you don't have something in your lives

that's just as special.

Hmm. I guess, I love my grappling hook.

No, I do love you, grappling hook.

Aw, crud!

And I love Tiny Boris.

And I love big Boris.

And I love pizza.

Even feet pizza.

And just thinking about feet pizza

makes me wanna eat pizza.

Whoa, look at him go.

NARRATOR: And so, Bullwinkle used his magnificent moose molars

to munch and Moose munched everyone loose.

Oh sorry, I didn't save any feet pizza for you guys.

Uh, it's fine.

Now, we've got to get out of here

before pizza punk's surprise party.

Time to team up,

with Bullwinkle's moose munchers,

my squirrel-flying,

your grappling hook...

And my Tiny Boris.


We'll be able to escape this crazy place together.

BOTH: Team!

Team up with you two?

We're evil spies.

We're perfectly capable of getting out of here on our own.

Yeah. Last thing we need is moose and squirrel help.

Cheese mine.


Okay, fine. Let's talk team up.

BOTH: Team!

NARRATOR: So, as Bullwinkle got ready to de-cheese them free,

back in Frostbite Falls...

the dirty birds had Fearless Leader

perilously perched at the precipice of Frostbite Peak.


I'm your Bird Leader.

follow me and we'll rule the world,

you goofy birds!

I'm telling you, I'm your leader...

I told you,

I'm your leader.

Evil Chicken, how are you doing that?

Chickens can't fly.

Who approved the budget for an Evil Chicken jet pack?

We'll talk about this later.


Fall in line, my dirty-bird army.

Even dressed in this awesome costume,

I can't control these birds.


My dirty-bird army!

First we conquer Frostbite Falls,

then the world!

I can't believe it, Evil Chicken. I did it!

I tamed the dirty-birds.

And you thought it couldn't be done.

But I did. And it's done.

I'm the bird leader.


Frostbite Falls is in for a dirty-birdy surprise.

And speaking of surprises...

ALL: Surprise!

Where are they?

Looks like it's time to play a little hide-and-seek.

All right team,

we just have to get out of the mansion and back to the blimp.

Team style.

We are not team.

This is uneasy alliance at best.

-Oh, no! -ALL: Sideways!

Now let's get to that blimp

before that creepy pizza boy finds us.


He just did.

And I'm afraid you're about to miss the blimp.

ALL: No, no, no, no, no, no! The blimp!

Looks like we're going to have to make a run for it.

Good idea, Tiny Boris.

Bad idea.

We're trapped.

No, we're a team.

Everybody, pile on Rocky.


Fly squirrel.

It's too much weight.

I can't carry all of you.

Time to party.

It's my birthday.

Now, get down here and play at my party.

Higher, Rock.

It's too much weight.

We have to lose somebody.

But we're a team.

I'll go.

Tiny Boris. No, I won't let you.

We're a team.

Sometimes, being part of a team

means knowing when to say goodbye.


That did it.



We made it.

And we did it together, as a team.


My recorder, it's gone.

I must've dropped it somewhere back at the mansion.

I gotta go get it.

But, Rock, you'd be going back into that insanely dangerous,

pizza party play-land of doom.

You know how much that recorder means to me.

And that's why I'm coming with you.

And we're going back to get Tiny Boris.

No Tiny Boris and no team.

We're getting back to Fearless Leader, now.

Until we meet again, Moose and Squirrel.

Let's go get that recorder.

Oh, rough landing.

But look, Rocky. There's your recorder.

In the hands of that pizza party pooper.

You may have chewed through my cheese before,

so now, I'm gonna cheese you

with my new experimental cheese blend.

It's made from mozzarella,


and cement.

You're gonna be playing my birthday parties, forever.

Well, thanks for coming back for the recorder,

even though it totally doomed us.

And I'd do it again, because no matter what,

we're always a...

BOTH: Team!

My recorder.

Go ahead, Rock. Make that recorder sing.

And that's enough.


Foiled by my own cheese blend.

I knew we were teammates.

We told you, we're not teammates.

Yeah, we just came back for Tiny Boris.

I'm back, baby.

And besides,

the only one that ever gets to destroy you, is us.

Now, hop on.


MOM: What's all this shouting and roof crashing noise?

Uh, nothing.

Francis? Did you kidnap someone and have another birthday?


That's it. No more birthdays.

For one week.

Aw, man!

Still too many of us to fly out on squirrel.

And nothing for grappling hook to grapple onto.

But we've gotta get this giant, huge, enormous check,

back to Frostbite Falls

to fix the bird bath.

Wait a minute.

ALL: Team!

NARRATOR:And so, our heroes happily flew

on their amazing, giant check paper airplane

back to Frostbite Falls.

Wait, did I say Frostbite Falls?

Because that sign says...

BOTH: "Fearless Falls?"

What's with all the dirty birds?

NARRATOR:You mean, the dirty birds that are surrounding our heroes?

Find out in our next exciting episode...

Bird World Leader.

Or Bwak Bwak Tweet Bwak Three: The Squawkening.