Strollers, The (1950)

The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.

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The older Classic's that just won't die. Everything from before 1960's.
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Strollers, The (1950)

Post by bunniefuu »

You get good money for them
from the labs, don't you?

- Poor beasts.
- Poor beasts? They're snakes!

Sneaking snakes!
- They never hurt people.

Just like us, with our warrants.
Crooks may not hurt people either --

-- but got to lock them up anyhow,
that's life.

- Guess so. There's my bus.
- Are you taking it or standing a round?

I'll pay a round,
but I've got to run.

White wine for me.

- Thanks, Jean-Louis!
- See you tomorrow, guys.

Standing at the notions counter
all day -- what a life!

- Where's your Jean-Louis?
- He must have missed his bus.

- See you tomorrow.
- See you.

Did you see that?

- Just a poor slob.
- Still trouble if I run him over.

And one less customer!

See that?
Almost ran me over.

Gisèle's boyfriend.
Nice car, isn't it?

- Car salesman?
- Rackets: gold and American cigarettes.

Oh, right, a businessman.

What's the plan, honey?
- A movie?

Yeah, I guess ...

- Or we could do the usual.
- Yeah! Let's do that.

A nice dinner at your place,
then to sleep.

Ooh, I'm so sleepy.

You're not going to keep that
in the room all night.

- They don't make any noise.
- Gisèle is snake enough for me.

I thought she was your friend.

Hey, you!
What do you think the crosswalk's for?

Think that's funny?
I'll show you!

I say use the crosswalk
and you laugh!

Who do you think I am?
- A cop.

- What? You mind your mouth!
- If you're a cop, you're a cop!

Oh yes?
Give me your name and address.

Your smart mouth will cost you, pal.
- Not if I have no money.

If you refuse to identify yourself,
I'll take you in.

- Please, officer --
- He's sick -- look how pale he is!

His liver must be out of order.
No shame in that, pal!

- Attacking a police officer --
- Oh, come on, a joke's a joke.

- Come on, honey --
- Resisting arrest!

- What's going on?
- A guy won't get on the bus.

- He won't go where?
- Police HQ!

- Please officer, we've done nothing!
- We'll see about that at the station.

- Will you come along, yes or no?
- Why should I? I don't have the time!

Ridiculous! And the St. Charles
bank robbers are still at large!

They're the St. Charles bank robbers!

The girl just admitted it!

Look at the crook's mug on him!

That's him, I recognize him!

What's in the box?


Don't touch it.

Go on, funny boy.

Well, hardheads end badly.

They get cracked --
or guillotined!

What's that?!

Listen, old boy, this rattlesnake story
is your affair.

I just want to know whether these people
were in on the St. Charles job.

They seemed to be.

Not surprising they managed
to get away from us!

- Me with my roast burning!
- We can't risk going home!

Mr. Vincent, I won't leave
until every snake is gone!

Make yourself at home, ladies.
Shall I wrap it?

This excluder works on drafts
and snakes!

They can't get under your door.
- Give me three meters.

I also have special powders ...

- For snakes?
- Absolutely!

It works on fleas, moths, ants, lice --
a snake's no tougher!

It's true -- "Your money or your life,"
he said. I'm just an old woman, I ran!

But so did the police! They won't catch
the St. Charles gangsters any time soon!

But no one pays attention
to crosswalks!

If you get run over on the crosswalk,
you're in the right, but you're dead!

- Hello, Mlle. Lami -- how's it going?
- Could be better.

I forgot the wine! Take my key.
I'll run and get it.

If you have no head,
you'd better have legs!

Then she said -- like I see you there --
"We're the St. Charles gangsters!"

I heard, perfectly clearly ...

... the woman accompanying
the offender ...

... declare ...

... that they had participated in
yesterday's robbery ...

... of the St. Charles Bank.

Have you got that?
- Yes, Inspector.

Inspector, the firemen picked up
17 snakes -- they think that's all.

No injuries reported.
- Is that it?

No -- a salesgirl at Uniprix
knows the concubine.

- What concubine?
- The concubine of the offender.

The witness, Gisèle Pourqueux,
identified her co-worker, Simone Lami.

The offender is a certain
Jean-Louis Cavalade.

A bit too easy! We pick them up,
they have nothing to do with the case --

-- despite this old loon's story --
and we'll have wasted our time.

Still, snakes shouldn't be left out
on the street! Thank you, Madam.

- What do you say, Officer Typist?
- I don't like talkative witnesses.

My fingers can't follow them.
- Sit down, please.

So you recognized the man
with the snakes?

Was he one of the bank robbers?
- Yes, sir.

He was wearing that leather jacket.
I knew him at once -- I'm sharp-eyed!

I was an a*tillery observer in 1914.
Those were the days!

At last something definite!
Hear that?

- Very interesting.
- We'll take your statement.

Hey, are we in a beauty salon?

- I think crosswalks are stupid.
- They're to keep order, honey.

If you ask me,
they should be underground.

People under, cars over.
- Snakes crossways!

Don't joke -- if they sting anyone,
I'm in trouble.

- Don't exaggerate.
- I'm not.

They already wanted to arrest me
for nothing -- so just think!

When I was a kid, my dad used to say --
- You'll end up on the gallows!

- Who told you that?
- My dad!

That's parents for you!
- I guess.

Anyway, I don't understand any of it.
And that's the truth.

I just like my home.
If you'd come with me, I'd never go out!

- Like animals in their den.
- Why not? Do you hear them complaining?

People are always unhappy --
why be people?

- Say, Jean-Louis --
- What?

Wouldn't it be better to think about us?
And by us, I mean me.

- I always think about you.
- Then everything's perfect.

I smell the woods on you.

Kiss me.

Police! Open up!

Let's see the register.

- What are you doing?
- Not waiting for them here.

- But you're guilty of nothing!
- I don't even know any more.

- Where are you going?
- Paris. I've got a friend there.

- Open up, police!
- Coming!

- Where is he? - Who?
- The guy who came upstairs with you.

I was alone.

- What do you say to that?
- All the same! Born liars!

- So -- where's Jean-Louis Cavalade?
- Who's he?

- What's that?
- I had dinner -- is that a crime, too?

No, but if you have two dinners a night,
you won't keep your figure long.

Get dressed now.
- Why, are you arresting me?

That's our job, didn't you know?

What did they teach you at school?

What's the point of taking me in?

If you tell us what became of him,
we'll let you sleep in peace, all alone.

No. I'd have nightmares.

Read back the last part
of her statement.

"I met Jean-Louis Cavalade
at the store's annual dance.

I liked his kindness and honesty,
and I went to bed with him --"

No. Put "and I gave myself to him,"
it's more official. Go on.

"and I gave myself to him a week later,
on Bastille Day."

"We got along well.
He came to see me once or twice a week."

"Hives-B-Gone" ...

Well, that's perfect.

How many girls have thrown their bonnets
over windmills on Bastille Day ...

They celebrate freedom by making love.
- Do you mind?

Not I! What with my hives and all.

What I mind
is your close-mouthedness.

Where is he? - Dunno.
- Let's say that's so.

But you must know his usual address.
- I forget.

Listen, you stubborn little fool.
You love this boy, don't you?

- Why would I sleep with him if I didn't?
- For fun.

I hate you!

- Shall I take that down?
- Take down that you piss off, you.

And get out,
I don't need you any more.

You may hate me -- that's nothing new.
We at HQ are not very popular.

But you love your Jean-Louis Thingummy
and you're doing him wrong. Yes, you!

I doubt you two have anything to do
with the St. Charles robbery.

If your fellow just talked back to a cop
and charmed snakes, who cares?

But I've got to be sure.
- I'm telling you!

He's got to tell me himself,
for his own good. Understand?

Go on. Talk.


Where did he go?

Ah, Inspector! Glad to see you!

How are your hives?
- They're in good health.

- Did you try that homeopathic cure?
- I try everything and keep scratching.

Meet my wife --
the paper's Miss Lonelyhearts.

Any tips for us inkstained wretches?
- Do tell me you've got love troubles!

If you think I have the time!
And everyone knows a cop has no heart.

Nothing for your column!

- Anything on the St. Charles job?
- Nothing.

Well, there is an idiotic story --
- Our readers love idiotic stories!

- So stupid you could weep --
- Let's weep! What'll you drink?

A coffee ... no, a Vittel,
that's safer.

A Vittel.

What a great story!

Juicy stuff!
- Think so? You're easily pleased.

A poor slob, fingered by
a crazy old lady ...

And the snakes? What do you make
of the snakes? - Nothing.

But from that nothing
I'll get a sensational article!

Venom on the front page!
That's journalism!

Is it? Good Lord, nine o'clock already.
I've got to run.

- How much was that beer?
- Twenty francs.

Well, that was fun.
Now I'm itching.

Time to get our train, no?
- What train?

We'll get a later one.
Now we're on a snake hunt. - Oh, no!

When it comes to weekends, I prefer them
five star and expensed to the paper.

And I'll manage it, with the help
of these two creatures.

- You stole that photo?
- That's talent, darling!

Some nerve ...

Over to you.

Hello? Hello? Paris-Eclair?
Long distance operator ...

Hello? You have your Paris connection.

Hello? Crioux here.

Prisunic ...

Eight columns on the front page.

Yes, he's been identified.

His name's Jean-Louis Cavalade.

Cavalade, just like it sounds.

Yes ...

Yes, I'm working with the police ...
I'm following the investigation ...

I'm ahead of it, even!

You know me, I'm fearless!

And as to expenses --
I can do what's necessary, of course!

Anything necessary!

I have big plans ... Okay!

I'll call in three hours
to dictate my article.

Get a photo of a snake from the archives.
Something that'll grab them!

Great! He got it right away --
real front-page stuff!

What's wrong?
What's that look?

It's that guy there ...
- Where?

He got fresh?
- No, there was something about him ...

He scared me.
- A man scare you? That's a first!

Do you know him?
- No, but I feel I've seen him before ...

Your column's going to your head.

Come on, we've got places to go!

You wait for me, nice and quiet, while
I interview the bride of Frankenstein.

What kind of weekend is this?
All I do is run after you.

- "Whither thou goest ..."
- Then let me come too!

No, stay here.

- You pig!
- Were you addressing me, miss?

Sir, I wouldn't dream of it.

I don't know you well enough.

- Do you know a Simone Lami?
- Over there, by the register.

- How much is it?
- 200 francs, no-snag knit!

- I wonder if it's really my size.
- It's hard to tell with clothes on.

May I help you, sir?

- Are you Simone Lami?
- No.

- Pity!
- What do you want of her now?

- I'm a journalist --
- She lost her job already, okay?

Simone, this is for you.
- Take care of my customer.

- Jacques Crioux, Paris-Eclair.
- I have nothing to say to you.

Jean-Louis is innocent.
- Of course! Explain it all to me.

- I don't have the time.
- Again, Mlle. Lami?

This is too much!
Pick up your pay and go at once!

- Funny old penguin.
- Think so?

Now you have time to lunch with me.
Tell me about Jean-Louis --

-- we'll prove his innocence!
- Truly?

It's as good as in print now.
Don't worry -- it's in the bag!

- Do you see that man there?
- Which, madam?

The one with the little blonde.
Give him this.

Pig! How long am I supposed
to wait around?

So he hunted snakes for laboratories?

Did he like that?
- Lots.

He was free in the forest.
He loved walking there alone.

He's like a forest animal himself.
- I met him in a sleazy dancehall.

He's a wild beast.

Were you afraid of him?

- Afraid of Jean-Louis? Why?
- I don't know -- did he seem odd to you?

All that solitude -- a bit abnormal!
- But he also liked solitude with me.

To be indiscreet: was he ... normal?

He was in love.
You need a drawing?

A sadistic monster.

In short, a very nice boy.

- Keep cool, it's working!
- Maybe so, but I'm fed up.

- Where's the phone?
- First door to your right.

Check, Madam?
- Yes, give it to that gentleman.

That's it. In bold:
"While the population," open paren,

"terrified," close paren,
"fled before these vipers" --

"Jean-Louis," open paren,
"the stone-faced monster," close paren,

"disappeared into the night."
New graph.

You had three brandies?
- I'll say!

Got that, Paulette?

No, forget the brandies ...
Here we go:

Listening ... "Men and women
ran wildly ..."

"... pursued by a roiling tide" --
of what? "... of snakes"!

All right, "of snakes.
An apocalyptic vision."

"But Inspector Corbes soon identified
the mystery man," ellipsis ...

"Jean-Louis Cavalade was a member
of the St. Charles Bank g*ng."

- Garbage!
- What? It's lively.

- Maybe so, but it's trashy.
- It's street smart!

Subhead: "Lunch with
the Bride of Frankenstein."

"At the name of Paris-Eclair,
her favorite newspaper" --

"the mysterious Simone agrees to meet."
- In a smoky dive!

- Why?
- Atmosphere! Pep! Sex it up!

Okay. "... in a smoky dive."

Listen, clowns, are we doing anything
about the Aga Khan?

- No, the morning papers used that up.
- And the Rosière woman cut in pieces?

No, no punch in that.

We've got something better --
the Viper Man!

- Look at that front page!
- Holding up banks with snakes!

- Worse than Chicago!
- Paris makes Chicago look sick!

Seen this, boss?

"The beast roars!"
- Great publicity for you.

Does that make you laugh?
It's not funny, it's sad.

It's never the people who could use
a kick in the ass who get it.

- Help you?
- I'm looking for Victor.

- Victor who?
- Dumas. He's my friend, he lives here.

I don't think so.
Mean anything to you?

See? No Victor here.
- Pardon.

- I visited him here two years ago.
- Two years? You expect to find him now?

Customers come and go here.

And they're not often remembered.

- How can I find him, then?
- Put an ad in the paper.

If you see him again --
Victor's a tall blond --

- What do I tell him?
- Tell him -- no. Just say I was here.

There you are, my beauty.
I was beginning to worry.

I was just sleeping.

And as soon as you woke,
you put on your lovely shoes.

How sweet of you.
- When it comes to making you happy ...

They're one of a kind, you know.

You inspired me.

- Shame to walk the streets in them.
- If they wear out, I'll make new ones.

You're this Cinderella's
fairy godmother.

Gustave! A stiff pastis.
To wash my troubles away.

- What troubles?
- Just the dreams I had last night.

- I never have dreams.
- Of course not, you're blind as a bat.

That has nothing to do with it.
I may be short-sighted, but I see enough.

You're an old mole.

Gustave! Give me a token.

A game of pinball will do me good.

Hey, you again?

Still no Victor?

You can never find a friend
when you need one.

You can never find anyone.

Hey, I just made 4000!
Are you bringing me luck?

- I doubt it.
- This young man's splendid physique ...

... is rivalled only by his modesty.

Don't mind him, he's my friend.

Yes, and the friends of our friends
are our friends.

- What's this soft soap?
- No soft soap!

I'm just trying to be pleasant.

You've got your work cut out for you.

Pay no attention --
she will have her little joke.

Mado, you must understand,
I'm lonely.

- So's he.
- Exactly! Why not invite him to dine?

- There's no need --
- Oh, reason not the need!

And since you bring her luck ...

- It's very nice of you, but --
- Coax him, Mado.

Oh, come on.

You'll be doing me a favor,
if I'm not alone with him.

It's been ages
since we've done anything.

Isn't she droll.
Come along, it'll be a lovely evening.

- You a friend of Victor's?
- You knew him? - Why not.

I've known so many
who never told me their names.

You coming?

Let him pay, he's used to it.
I owe Gustave for the token.

Oh, and fifteen from yesterday.

- I have a postcard ...
- Allow me. - Bye!

- Mr. Zance specializes.
- Yes, only the fair sex interests me!

I can underestand that,
I have a girlfriend myself.

For me, a woman ends
where her shoe does -- at the ankle.

Sometimes at the calf.
- You're kidding.

But life doesn't always
grant our wishes.

Take me -- if my eyesight allowed,
I would be a man of action.

A chap like you.
- Why like me?

I'm nothing special.
Why do you say that?

What are you driving at?
- Nothing -- he's too brainy!

He reads so many crime stories,
he thinks he's Peter Cheney!

We can't all be Tarzan!

- How about dinner?
- All fixed, I'll just heat it up.

Mado, lay the table
while you chat with our friend.

- I don't like that guy.
- Think I do?

- Didn't you say he was your friend?
- I didn't say I was a whore either.

- That doesn't make sense.
- No, it doesn't.

Zance is a snake.

Don't say that -- snakes are nice.

The only difference is, if you crush
Zance with your heel, he likes it.

If you read the paper on the sly,
dinner will never be ready. Let me do it.

I'm so happy you're here.
- It's no big deal!

You bring a breath of fresh air
into my humble abode.

- Maybe because I'm outdoors a lot.
- Of course!

And if you ever find yourself in need
of a little peace and quiet ...

... call on your old friend Zance.

He's a man of resource!

Come and see.

Few have seen this --
except for Mado, of course.

- This isn't a shop, it's a shoe museum!
- Ah, but what shoes!

A Louis XV heel --
the essence of an era!

This slipper clung
to the arch of Pavlova!

And these patent leather pumps
were worn by Marlene!

These anonymous boots ...
they might take you seven leagues!

But I chatter on and don't tell you
the most important thing:

I want you to consider this place
a second home.

- I'd be bored stiff.
- You might need a hiding place ...

A hiding place? Why?

I'm short-sighted,
but sensitive ...

... terribly sensitive!

I offer you hospitality
and asylum!

Don't speak --
I understand everything.

But I'm silent as the grave!
- Piss off.

When you're done yakking,
you can come in to dinner.

Don't sulk --
I'll try not to spoil your appetite.

- Goodnight, Zance.
- Goodnight.

You got any plans?

I'm going back to my hotel.

So, see you around?


Charming boy.

Most tactful.

Tact is a rare quality nowadays.
Goodnight, Mado!

- Turning in already, Miss Mado?
- Not yet.

Ah, faking him out!
I thought it was early for a busy girl.

Busy or not, tonight I feel
like a holiday. Get me?

- No.
- Me neither.

Anyone there?

- What is it?
- I want a room.

- Just you?
- Yes.

The whole night, then.
Fill out the police form.

No luggage?
300 francs.

Okay ... I'll just get my suitcase.

Yeah, you do that.

What the hell are you doing there?

- Looking at the stars.
- You're too much.

Hard to believe,
but they're the same as over my forest.

I know them all.
- You'll still catch your death out here.

And you might get picked up.

- By the police?
- It's called vagrancy.

Come along.
You can sleep at my hotel.

No one will ask questions.
Not even me.

Don't get up,
it's just Mado.

Well, now --
isn't this better than under a bridge?

Of course.

Thank you.
- So polite! Zance would love you.

- Don't talk about that guy.
- Why not?

There he is, what can we do about it?

Relax -- make yourself
at home -- my home.

And you can call me "tu" --
it might make talking easier.

Would you hand me my bag?

Did you hear? ...
It's on the little table by the door.

Just a minute.

By the way --
what's your name?


Mine's Mado. Used to be Madeleine --
I'd almost forgotten.

Funny living in a world
without last names. Like an orphanage.

Liliane, Daisy, Carmen, Lulu ...

What a zoo!

I bet you're writing to your girl.
- Drop that!

- Not much for talk, how do you write?
- Drop it!

- So long since I had a love letter!
- It's not for you!

- Just change the address.
- I don't love you!

I'm not asking you to.

- Can I help you?
- I'm meeting Mr. Chotard.

- Mr. Chotard, someone for you!
- What is it?

- I was expecting you, Inspector!
- Hello.

- Always a pleasure to see you!
- Oh, come on, Chotard.

- Good take last night!
- Not bad.

So, Inspector, what can I do for you?
You know I'm your friend.

I ask for favors, not affection.
That would be awkward for everyone.

- White wine?
- No thanks, water for me.

Speaking of favors:
I sent a telegram signed with your name.

As long as it wasn't a check.

I hired a girl for your club.

That's nice.
I bet she's a dog.

I don't think so.
Maybe we don't have the same tastes.

Yes we do!
She your girlfriend?

I have no girlfriend,
only hives.

If I had a girlfriend,
I wouldn't turn her over to you.

She could do worse.

Her boyfriend's Jean-Louis Cavalade,
the Viper Man.

I read about him in Paris-Eclair.
Say, he's a hard guy!

- Do you believe what you read in that rag?
- I believe the girl's your bait for him.

Got a problem with that?

- I don't want trouble in here.
- I promise he'll be no trouble.

I just want to set things right with him.
- If you'll be responsible ...

But how will he know
his girl's working here?

Paris-Eclair will take care of that.

Mme. Chotard will be happy --
she loves free publicity.

Maybe Simone should dance with a snake?
- Not a bad idea.

Going already?

Yes, it's late.

You shouldn't. You deserve to sleep in,
after last night.

Looking for something?

- Oh, no.
- There's a mailbox on the corner.

Don't worry.
I hope you'll be back.

And if you need money,
don't forget what I said.

Thank you, Mado.
You're a nice girl.

That's my job.

My luck's rotten today.

You've lost your rabbit's foot --
young Jean-Louis.

- You know his name?
- Didn't he tell you last night?

We didn't waste time talking.
And conversation's not his strong point.

And yet, in a way,
he's a celebrity!

- What do you mean?
- Oh, no, Mado, give back my glasses!

- Since you know everything!
- Give them back, I can't see.

- Tell me!
- I don't like pranks with my glasses.

- You're not going to turn him in!
- Oh, no -- I'd have done it already.

- And there isn't even a reward.
- Oh, money isn't what drives me.

It's more ... curiosity.

So, you're still interested
in this Jean-Louis ...

... Cavalade?
- Why not?

- Bizarre tastes.
- They're yours.

You wanted to meet some bad boys.
There you go.

- I don't sleep with him.
- No, but you invite him to dinner.

That way he has bed -- and board.

Hush, it's him.

So? Did you find work?

I did.
But it's over already.

Then give us the pleasure
of lunching with us.

First I've got to fix myself a little.
Come up with me.

- Allow me.
- No.

You know the way!

No point telling me stories.

You need money.
- I don't.

I'm doing well, for once.
Here, I'm putting it in your pocket.

- Listen, Mado --
- No, don't say anything!

Not even thank you.

Hurry up, we'll be downstairs.
- Coming.

- What a time he's taking!
- Our friend must have dirty hands.

- Are you coming?
- Right away.

- Jean-Louis didn't k*ll anyone.
- In your eyes, he wouldn't hurt a fly!

There you are, my friend!
We were speaking of a restaurant ...

No, thank you. No.
Excuse me, but I have an errand ...

It's urgent.

Mado, are you coming or not?

Is that all you know how to do?

I'm a good swimmer.
I made semi-finals in diving.

Our little goldfish
don't need water.

- I always wanted to be on stage!
- You're not the only one.

You asked me to come ---
you must have seen something in me.

Naturally, Mademoiselle --
you're going to make a big hit!

- Can you walk?
- I should think so.

Don't laugh -- it's essential.
Go on.

Stroll around as though
you were on stage.

Right, just as I thought.
Head up!

And your hips --
what are you doing with them?

You've got to use them
like a gearbox!

Go on -- first gear!

Second gear!


Mme. Chotard is an artist!
But our crowd just wants an eyeful!

- Simone -- don't I see some cellulite?
- What are you talking about?

- Thanks -- very good.
- My little trick works every time!

Women are easy marks!

If it's that urgent, I'll call his house.
Hang on.

Hello? Yes?

No, it's impossible.
He's not free tonight.

But, sir, it can't be done --
my husband's going to a première.

Well, then, after the show.

Call back around midnight.
JASmin 2020.

327 avenue de Versailles.

Thank you, Madame.

- The play of the year, devil take it!
- What's wrong? We enjoyed it.

- I need to critique it, not enjoy it.
- Do you need a flop to shine?

- I must brandish the lash of my satire!
- You sound like a muleteer!

- Do you think I enjoy another's success?
- Just say it's immoral.

And give it more publicity?
No thanks!

Straighten the bed,
I'm b*at.

You never want to do anything
but sleep!

What do you want at this time of night?

Oh, darling ...
there's more to life than food.

To think that a year ago my mother
advised me against marrying you.

She thought you were a satyr.

You are very naughty this evening ...

- What a bore!
- Who can that be?

- Does Jacques Crioux live here?
- Yes.

- Where is he?
- I'm he.

- You're he, you filthy sh*t!
- Are you mad?

I'm Jean-Louis Cavalade.
Are you scared?

Scared already?
You must believe what you write.

- My duty as a writer --
- Don't tell me. I'm not a bad guy.

That's what I came to tell you.
Why did you write that?

You look like a decent guy.
Dressed like that, even a gentleman.

- I won't permit you --
- Did I permit you to call me monster?

Don't call the police!

- I don't turn people in.
- Not yet, but you might.

- What do you want?
- I came to tell you what happened.

All right. Sit down.

Look: I didn't do anything at all.

I was crossing the street
and a cop told me off.

I thought he was joking
or even drunk.

It's not my fault
that idiot opened the box.

- So much for the snakes -- but the bank?
- I had nothing to do with it!

You cooked that up.
- But you were seen!

I couldn't have been --
I wasn't there!

Inspector Corbes thinks you're innocent.

I don't know the Inspector,
but I like him.

Of course, if you're really innocent
that's good too!

I tell you,
I didn't do anything!

Paris-Eclair will help you!
We'll fly to your aid!

Judicial error sells a lot of papers!
Do you smoke?

Hang on --
let me get us something to drink.

Say -- you're not worried any more
that I'll phone the police?

Oh no, not now.

Since you know the truth!

Oh, you were listening, were you?
Did you hear that?

Jean-Louis Cavalade!
- The vampire! He's dishy.

And you have him in nights?
This may end badly.

Shut up! He's just a poor guy
in over his head.

- And you put him there.
- I just wrote my article ...

I forgot I was writing about
a human being.

Listen -- to be honest,
I've written another article.

Even worse than the first.
- But why?

I didn't do anything to you.
- That proves my objectivity!

But don't worry --
I'll phone the paper to k*ll it.

- Thank you!
- The least I could do!

I'll dictate a brand new article
to come out tomorrow.

"Paris-Eclair Proves the Innocence
of Jean-Louis Cavalade"!

Don't forget to say that
I did so use the crosswalk!

Don't worry! Then we'll go to the police
and everything will be straightened out.

I'll be counting on you --
tomorrow morning's paper!

- Of course. Goodnight!
- Goodnight, sir.

Is that it, darling?
All finished?

What are you doing?
- Calling the paper.

The guy's innocent as a lamb.
I'm k*lling my article and doing another.

- At this hour?
- Duty knows no hour!

- The line's busy.
- I'm not. Seize the moment.

- Wait, wait. I'll call them back.
- No, no! Do it later!

You've got your whole life
to call them back.

- Is he back?
- No.

It's nearly two.
Are you sure that clock's right?

This one's not like the others --
you care for him.

I'm going to look for him.

- There you are! I'd begun to worry.
- Why?

I knew you wouldn't leave
without telling me, so ...

No, don't worry!
Everything will be all right now.

Why? Has something changed?

It'll all be all right,
you'll see.

No need to tell me.
You're here, that's enough for me.


- Disgusting!
- What is, darling?

- Me! And you!
- News to me.

Have a croissant.
- To hell with your croissant!

Imagine the poor guy when he sees that!
Your fault!

- I can't help having temperament.
- Well, last night was not the time!

I can't have temperament on schedule!
Where are you going?

To try to repair matters.

Good luck, darling!

After the morning news, we will hear
Professor Rousseau tell us ...

... all about the silk worm ...

- The silk worm ...
- Oh, enough.

- Is he here?
- Who? - Crioux.

- Is he here or not?
- No, he just left.

I'll wait for him.
He won't get around me this time.

Did you see this?
Did you read it?

- It's a mistake.
- Mistakes like that could k*ll me.

- It's not Jacques' fault.
- It's mine -- the monster!

- No, no --
- Then why did he write this?

Why didn't he change it, like he said?
- Because of me.

- What?
- Yesterday, after you left ...

- Do you understand?
- No.

Well, I asked him to ...
pay attention to me.

Pay attention to you?

So it was because you wanted ...

And afterwards ... it was too late.

That's too much.
Because you wanted to make love ...

Wait for me --
I just need to get my briefcase.

It's me!
I forgot my briefcase!

Jacques! Jacques, help!

What is it?

- It's me.
- Come in.

Don't look,
this is my beauty treatment.

Talkative as ever!
It wasn't your smooth line that got me!

Mado ... you're the only one
who's been nice to me.

You can talk, after all!

So I didn't want to go away
without saying goodbye.

You're going away?

Right away.

I can't stay here.
It'll end badly.

I don't know what's happening to me.
I don't know, but it disgusts me.

Aren't you sweet.

I didn't mean you!

If you want to go, let's go together.
Take me with you.

- To do what?
- To be together. To be with you.

I know you don't love me, you told me.
But suppose I love you?

Ever think of that?

- It's impossible, Mado.
- Because of your girl?

But that night ...
it wasn't your girl who was with you.

You didn't need her.
Maybe you saw what you were missing.

- Shut up -- it's not the same thing.
- Not for me either.

What's that?
Did your girl scratch you?

- No!
- You stink of perfume!

You went back to her!
- No!

You went to her with my money,
straight from my bed!

How you two must have laughed!
- Shut up!

What do you women want from me?

Why did you come back?
For more money?

You're out of luck, Jean-Louis Cavalade!
Yes, I know your name!

Now you're scared, Jean-Louis Cavalade!
I'll shout it from the rooftops!

- Jean-Louis Cavalade!
- Shut up!

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to push you so hard.

Won't you get up now?

- What is it?
- The maid! I'll come back later.

Couldn't you knock?

Or is it against your principles?
- Already playing the star!

Poor little thing.
- Stop putting that photo everywhere!

Coals to Newcastle,
since we have the genuine article here!

Genuine thighs!
Genuine neck!

- What would Jean-Louis think?
- He'd think it was swell publicity --

-- free publicity,
as Mme. Chotard says!

Mme. Chotard doesn't seem to like you.
- What of it?

But I like you. A man doesn't always
share his wife's opinions!

Careful, Eugene,
where's your usual finesse?

Show your face downstairs.

A customer wants 20% off;
he was in the 1940 exodus with you!

Yes -- a fond memory!


You don't know how to make yourself up.
Let me.

- I'm doing all I can.
- Exactly. Do less.

And take that off.

As soon as Cavalade shows up,
the police won't need you any more.

- The police?
- Then you can put your clothes back on.

So you hired me to bring him in --
to trap him.

Did you think it was for your talent?

- I want to get out of here!
- That's not up to you or to me.

- See anything you like, sir?
- Hello! Got anything for hives?

- No pharmacy here -- try Place Blanche.
- Thanks. Now piss off.

- Water as usual, Inspector?
- Yes, as usual.

I met you at a bal musette ...

And when you said,
"Shall we dance?" ...

I didn't speak,
I lowered my head ...

I realized my life was about to change.

We danced very slowly ...

And you smelled sweetly
of the forest ...

You became my lover.

It was too beautiful to last ...

One April morning,
with lilacs blooming ...

They came to arrest you --
our affair was over!

My romance ended then.

You gave me everything I love ...

You gave me pure joy ...

I paid for it with sorrow ...

... forever in my heart.

You gave me the most beautiful dream ...

Fleeing with the dawn ...

- Hurry up, you're on next!
- Coming!

Ginette! Move it!

Life's greatest moments ...

Are borne away
like a flowing stream ...

Where's Betty Bell's costume?

It should be here --
I'll check.

You gave me joy in living ...

And intoxicating desire ...

I paid dearly,
as well you know ...

So I beg you,
come back to me.

You gave me joy in living ...

And intoxicating desire ...

I paid dearly,
as well you know ...

So I beg you,
come back to me.

Good evening, Inspector.

- Aren't you ashamed?
- Yes, that you saw me.

- In front of everyone.
- It's not my fault.

It just happened. I lost my old job.
They pay well here.

I thought it might help us --
you might need money.

You, too.

The boss's wife told me
the police are watching for you.

- The police?
- Yes. They thought you'd come here.

You see? I laid my traps in the forest.
Now it's my turn to be trapped.

Listen --
don't you think it would be better --

Hello, kids.
Are you Jean-Louis Cavalade?

You're hard to get ahold of!
- He's done nothing wrong, you know it.

Just being innocent
is no reason not to talk.

I have nothing to say now.
Don't bother.

Don't be a sorehead.
The snake incident is closed.

No, it's too late, I tell you.
It's too late now.

The St. Charles Bank business ...
let's get that straightened out.

Just tell me where you were
the afternoon of April 28.

No, it's over.
I'm done for.

- But Jean-Louis --
- You can't understand.

- Understand what?
- What they've made me!

Leave me alone, you two!
Can't you do that?

What I can't do is follow your logic.
It worries me.

Tell me, now ...

Have you done anything foolish?

Tomorrow, 7:00, at the bus stop.
You'll be there?

What is it?

It's me. ...

Believe it or not, my friend,
I was hoping you'd come.

- I'm sorry, I must have woken you up.
- I wasn't sleeping, I was just relaxing.

I was lost.
I didn't know where to go, so ...

Mado isn't in?

Maybe she couldn't invite you in --
a client, no doubt.

Life is so expensive nowadays!
And death, too.

Death is quite unaffordable.

Why do you say that?

Why? Just by way of conversation!

Would you like a drink?

- I'd like a glass of water.
- Good idea!

A nice, cool glass of water.
I'll get it for you.

Are you hurt?
That looks nasty!

It's nothing.
Don't worry about it.

In mere humanity ...

- You needed that.
- Yes.

You know, Zance,
what you just said isn't true.

Death isn't expensive.
You can have it for nothing.

You can give it without meaning to.
- You're feverish. Lie down.

There you go.
Just relax.

That must hurt.
- No, no. Just an accident.

Children can be accidents --
but when they're there, who blames them?

Calm yourself, now.
Rest quietly and calmly.

I'll fix a bandage for you.
Just don't move!

I'm calling from Cinderella's Slipper.

Ladies' shoemaker.

Zance. Z for Zoya ...

... A for Adolf, N for Napoleon,
C for Charles, E for Edouard.

Just a moment ... please hold.

... Hôtel du Port de Grenelle ...

... Place Fernand-Forest ...

The body is in the wardrobe ...

No, but I've always been interested
in criminology ...

I didn't call right away
so as not to alert the m*rder*r ...

I was sure he'd come back ...

He's here,
I'm holding him for you ...

It's Cavalade.
Jean-Louis Cavalade.

- Bastard.
- Calm down!

What did I ever do to you?

I asked for nothing. I lived my life.
Was I hurting you?

You could have left me alone.

But here I am.
Happy now?

Here I am.
A m*rder*r.

Funny thing, being a m*rder*r.

But with you ...
with you, Zance, it'll be on purpose.

Back or I'll sh**t!

You'll pay for all the others.

You should see yourself.

You already look like a dead man.
One who d*ed afraid.

- You wouldn't k*ll me!
- You've got to go. - You're mad!

Stood up?

Not worth crying over.

For a pretty girl like you,
there's more where he came from.

You know what I need?
A moped.

Why not a Rolls?

The PO isn't fully up to date.

I'll tell you what's fully up to date --
the tax system!

I'll end up paying for your Rolls.
- Catch you paying your taxes!

Look there!

Yes, it's me.
I'm back.

Not a good idea.

- I won't stay long.
- Good!

Listen ... you know me.

You know --
- I know you k*lled two people.

It wasn't my fault.

I'm thirsty.
- What do you want around here?

I don't know. I thought, before I go --
- Go? Where?

I don't know.
Wherever they take me.

Give yourself up.
That's the only thing to do.

Yes, but ... there's my home ...

The woods ...
I must go there.

It's stronger than me -- I must go.
- To think we knew you as a boy!

Aren't you ashamed to have k*lled?
Our countryside has blood on its hands!

It's not the countryside's fault.
It's no one's fault -- not even mine.

You can't explain these things,
no one could understand.

I don't have much time now.

Hands up!

- Are you crazy, Léonard? It's me.
- Hands up!

Look, I can't raise my hands --
I'm hurt.

Gaspard, handcuffs.
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